AHRMA MAG September-October 2021, Vol. No. 3, Issue No. 8

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American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association



• 500 Premier Class • AHRMA Classic MotoFest™ - Laguna Seca • Dirt Track Rider of the Month

Race Reports

• Waco • GingerMan - RR • Ward Creek - MX • Northeast/Mid-Atlantic - MX / XC • SoCal Dirt Track september/october 2021, Vol. No.3, Issue No.8










welcome to AHRMA Mag


ell, here I sit, discouraged over missing another roadrace (Little Tally). Personal schedules and commitments can rain on your race parade. On the good news side, I’m finally going to Diamond Don’s and can’t wait to get dirty. I won’t be riding but I’m ready for the smells and sounds of vintage dirt bikes and meeting new folks. This adventure will also reawaken my dormant urge to race motocross and cross country again after a 27-year layoff (hence the photo from 1979). While on the subject of racing off-road motorcycles, we have an important AHRMA MAG staff request, and it could affect your ‘notoriety.’ I would like to encourage all off-road riders to take a hard look at the number plates on your bike. Of all the various efforts that go into filling the AHRMA MAG pages, event action photo selection (more on that later) is one of the toughest tasks we encounter. We peruse thousands of event photos each month, looking for the best shots to color our pages. Each rider must be identified by the number on the plate. We always strive to name the rider and/or caption each photo. We try as hard as we can to feature different riders every month, but don’t always have the best quality image or we can’t clearly determine the number on the bike. Sometimes the numbers are covered in mud, so it gets even more difficult. Make sure your numbers (and the small letters) are legible. You should also ensure the number on your bike matches the number in your MotorsportReg profile. We see quite a few discrepancies there. There may be a few readers who are curious which photos make the cut for an issue. As I mentioned, we review thousands of photos from a variety of photographers each month. Thank you, photo contributors! We must determine which shots provide the best page layout: different angles, right or left turn, background, speed blur, action, multiple bikes in a frame, focus, depth of field, color, contrast, lighting… The list could go on, but you can now understand the challenges we face. We also try to pick photos that relate to the race recap whenever possible. And then there’s the “When will I ever see my picture in the mag?” It’s somewhat of a crapshoot with all those darned aforementioned prerequisites. But we do our best to go back several issues, make a list of who’s already been featured and keep fresh faces in every issue. Now that the rule proposals have been finalized, we will be hard at work in an attempt to get the AHRMA Handbook out before the holiday season. We are also on course to get the AHRMA MAG on a more normal magazine mailing schedule, so don’t be surprised to find the November issue in your mailbox much sooner than expected. Looking forward to the Barber Vintage Festival and some much-needed AHRMA family time.

JOE W. KOURY - Editor ahrmamag@ahrma.org 4


Somewhere in S. Texas in ‘79. Remember ‘Claw Action’ tires? PUBLISHER The American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association EDITOR Joe W. Koury joe.koury@ahrma.org

PAGE LAYOUT DESIGNER Stephanie Vetterly stephanie.vetterly@ahrma.org

EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Joe W. Koury, David Stark, Tony Paul, Debbie Poole, Kevin McIntosh, Joshua Schucker, Albert Newmann, Kate Jorgenson, Richard Brodock PHOTOGRAPHY CONTRIBUTORS ETECHPHOTO.COM, Kevin McIntosh, Chata Segich Photography, Michael Fleck, Bobby Hedge, Joe W. Koury, Kate Jorgenson, Karen E. Ott, Dragan Harbov ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES Jim Doyle jim.doyle@ahrma.org .......................................

AHRMA MAG 945 Wesley Ridge Dr. Spicewood, TX 78669 512-850-7283 ahrmamag@ahrma.org www.ahrma.org Cover Photos: •

Trials rider Grant Menghini Modern Classic Expert on top of his game (photo credit: Kevin McIntosh)

Comin’ through the Corkscrew: Craig Grantham (68R), Ladja Sucik (102), John Deuser (189), Ervin Kollek (4X) and Matthew Cannava (975) (photo credit: etechphoto)

Harold Harris (x3) Vintage Open Age Expert disturbing a little dirt (photo credit: Kevin McIntosh)

AHRMA MAG is published ten times a year by the American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association, Ltd. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American copyright conventions. Reproduction of this work in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher is strictly prohibited. AHRMA MAG is printed in the United States of America. The articles contained in this magazine are works of journalism and do not represent the opinions or ideas of AHRMA MAG. AHRMA MAG and the publisher assume no responsibility for the content of advertisements. While we welcome submissions, the magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. Please do not send originals.




Curt Comer, Executive Director 49 Ferguson Lane Elora, TN 37328 Phone: 931. 308. 0338 Email: curt.comer@ahrma.org MEMBERSHIP Jennifer and Dan Thornton 433 Caroline St Janesville, WI 53545 Phone: 608.322.3374 Email: membership@ahrma.org

DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS Cindy McLean, Executive Administrator Phone: 904.477.6987 Email: cindy.mclean@ahrma.org


ROADRACE DIRECTOR - TBA OFF-ROAD DIRECTOR Tony Paul: Phone: 256.665.1279 Email: offroad.director@ahrma.org DIRT TRACK DIRECTOR (INTERIM) Richard Brodock Phone: 615.945.9326 Email: richard.brodock@ahrma.org CROSS COUNTRY COORDINATOR Becky Hayes Phone: 217.553.1849 Email: becky77m@yahoo.com NATIONAL TRIALS COORDINATOR Debbie Poole Phone: 415.889.5246 Email: pooleschl1@hotmail.com


Arthur Kowitz, Chairman: 386.547.9504 dbsuperbiker@gmail.com Kelly Shane, Secretary: 775.772.2857 fax 530.587.7597 kelly.ahrma@gmail.com Brian Larrabure, Treasurer: 818.421.3440 brianl.ahrma@gmail.com Kevin Burns: 614.519.6188 68.kburns@gmail.com Fred Guidi: 724.462.1854 fredguidi@gmail.com Jason Colon: 347.621.8841 jasoncolonahrma.gmail.com Luke Sayer: 562.841.3476 sayerlu@gmail.com James Korn: 407.494.8204 jim.korn@ahrma.org Rob Poole: After 6pm 415. 990. 9003 voicemail: 415.435.0768 robpoole57@hotmail.com Beno Rodi: 770.867.1676 beno@rodi.net Albert Newman 214.288.1135 newmann.albert@gmail.com Tim Terrell 336.260.1615 tim.terrell@ahrma.org SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021




IN This Issue Chairman’s Column................................. 7 Communications Director..................... 8 Dirt Track Column.................................... 9 Off-Road Director.................................... 9 AHRMA Lifetime Members.................10 500 Premier Class..................................12 AHRMA Classic MotoFest™ Laguna Seca......................................20 GingerMan RR .......................................30 Ward Creek MX.......................................38

Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Regional - MX / XC..........................40 Waco Eagles Off-Road..........................44 AHRMA Dirt Track - SoCal....................48 Dirt Track Rider of the Month.............50 2021 National Series Schedules ...... 52 Race Previews.........................................54 2021 Regional Schedules................... 56 Marketplace / Swap Meet .................. 66

Thanks to everyone who subscribes and looks forward to each issue. We at AHRMA MAG want to hear from our readership. We’d like to know how we’re doing.

Send us feedback and comments about your favorite stories and columns, likes and dislikes and what you’d enjoy seeing in future issues. Keep it under 250 words and we’ll try and include your comments in the next issue. a h rma ma g @a h rma .org

Blast from the past MOTO ART FROM JOE LONDON, MID ‘70S WORDS BY JOE W KOURY Texas was an exciting place to be during the ‘70s as the sport of motocross was growing just as fast as the suspension travel on new race bikes. There were some great tracks, Rio Bravo, Lake Whitney and Mosier Valley to name a few of many. The Lone Star state was also a fertile time period spawning some notable Texas talent including Steve Wise, Steve Stackable, Danny Doss, Jody Foust, Tim Riddle, Bobby Pickard, Jack Hicks, Steve Hackney, Wyman Priddy and Kent Howerton (borrowed this list from the Motocross Action archives because my memory of the ‘70s disappeared long ago). Some of you might remember the “We don’t care how the hell they do it in California, Cycle News East” stickers and t-shirts from that same era. I know I was eaten up with it, racing my CR250M at the time. Bobby Pickard posted this on social media recently. Some fine throwback art worthy of mention and on par with the best music venue poster artist creations from that era for legendary places like The Armadillo World Headquarters, Soap Creek Saloon and Fillmore East and West. But my take on it immediately reminded me of all the fabulous vintage motorcycles our members build and race in our off-road events. Thank you members, and thank you Bobby Pickard.





10/31/2021 midnight, central time

Every little bit helps... It pleases me to report that your Board of Trustees has completed the annual rules change proposal process. In years past this endeavor took months longer and dominated two of our three annual AHRMA board meetings. It used to take one eight-hour meeting for preliminary decisions and another for final determinations. Since there are only three scheduled meetings, it’s easy to see how tough it was to discuss other business as a board. A few years ago, my wife (an AHRMA associate member) and I spent a week actively working at two banquet tables in our living room, collating and organizing one hundred-plus proposals, hard to decipher committee recommendations, and a mixed array of member comments. Proposals submitted every which-a-way, out of context member comments submitted on scratch paper, duplicates from the same submitter, proposals and recommendations that were worded oddly, and all kinds of wild goose chases made for a crazy time. This process had to be improved. Trustee Kevin Burns stepped up, along with AHRMA’s tech-whiz Cindy McLean, volunteering to develop a fair and efficient way to make this happen. It was not easy, nor quick. Over the next three years, changes were methodically tested and implemented, resulting in the much-improved process we currently employ.

made two months earlier than before, allowing bike builders more time to be ready for the following season. In the past, the publication of AHRMA’s Handbook was delayed until early the following season while waiting for rules decisions. Not anymore. The quantity of proposals has gone down 20% or so due in part to minimizing duplications and increasing accountability. You and your trustees now benefit from having the rationale of the submitter and the rationale of advisory committees making for better rules decisions. Make no mistake, this has been a team effort. Kevin, Cindy, Rules and Eligibility Committee members, individual trustees, the board as whole, and our participating members all had a hand in this long overdue improvement, and I thank you all. Now, let’s go racing. ARTHUR KOWITZ Chairman of the Board

Today’s Board of Trustees has all three annual board meetings to discuss the important business of racing classic motorcycles, uninterrupted by the also important but timeconsuming subject of our club’s rules. The rules decisions are SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021




Cindy and Alex at Talledega Grand Prix photo credit: Kevin McIntosh

Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin... into the future... While it is only September 2nd, it feels like the racing season is almost over. And for Roadracing, it almost is, with Little Tally this weekend, and the Barber Vintage Festival a little over a month from now. For Off-road, we continue a little longer, into November and the race season finale at Henryetta, OK, with T&S Racing. In my column in the October-November 2019 issue of the AHRMA MAG, I wrote about how when I first joined AHRMA in 2018 I mistakenly thought that off-season would bring a lull to AHRMA but learned fairly quickly how wrong I was. Life at AHRMA, whether staff, trustee, worker or volunteer, doesn’t include lulls! But the off-season is a little different, as our time is spent preparing for the start of the next race season. These preparations typically consist of updating the AHRMA Handbook with approved rule change proposals to send to the printer, soliciting sponsors, finalizing race schedules, gathering trustee candidate statements for the trustee election, configuring the online voting service for the election, and the list goes on and on. But I digress. Here’s a summary, and it pretty much tracks (no pun intended) with my 2019 column:

2022 TRUSTEE ELECTION - ONLINE VOTING In preparation for the online election, please make sure that the email associated with your MotorsportReg account is still a good one. Anyone who does not have an email will be receiving a printed ballot, and if you have an email, unless you specifically request one, you will not receive a printed ballot. Those of you who will be receiving printed ballots,should make sure your mailing address is accurate. If you have been receiving your AHRMA MAG, you are probably in good shape. Remember, only FULL members are eligible to vote in our trustee elections. I’ll provide more on the procedures and the voting schedule in the November issue of the AHRMA MAG.

RACE SCHEDULES Our race planning committees have been working tirelessly to secure dates for the 2022 season. You may have even seen the press release announcing AHRMA’s return to Daytona with AHRMA Classic MotoFest™ January 7-9! I have been told that race schedules are shaping up and they will be announced probably before Barber Vintage Days.

2022 RULE CHANGE PROPOSALS: The rule change proposal process was completed midAugust and final votes are published on the AHRMA Website on the “News” page. Work will soon begin on preparing the 2022 AHRMA Handbook for publication. Jim Doyle and Amy Jacques will be working to secure our 2022 sponsorships in order to properly promote them in the AHRMA Handbook. Look for it in your mailbox before Christmas!

2022 TRUSTEE ELECTION - CALL FOR CANDIDATES Those of you who choose to throw your helmet (hat?) in the ring as a trustee candidate, please make sure you do your homework. You will find a link to the General Duties, Responsibilities and Expectations of AHRMA Trustees on the Candidate Statement Form page. Candidate statement submissions MUST BE MADE via the form available for that purpose at https://www.ahrma.org/candidate-statement-form. Statements must be between 200 and 750 words and must be submitted before midnight, October 31, 2021. 8


I want to fly like an eagle To the sea Fly like an eagle Let my spirit carry me I want to fly like an eagle Till I’m free Fly through the revolution Thanks! CINDY MCLEAN AHRMA Communications





Through the Corner

elcome to my new monthly column intended to share and discuss what’s going on and what changes are coming in the AHRMA Dirt Track program. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Richard Brodock, and I am currently the National Interim Dirt Track Coordinator. Originally from Battle Creek, Michigan, I currently reside in Nashville, Tennessee. I have been riding motorcycles for twenty-one years and racing for five years. I started my racing career with AHRMA Roadracing in 2016 in the then “Transatlantic Challenge” today called the Thruxton Cup Challenge. The following year, after suffering a crash on my CB160 and a lengthy recovery, I tried my hand at flat track racing with AHRMA late 2017. Like a fish to water, I couldn’t get enough and even switched my Thruxton over to race in the Hooligan dirt track class. Today I race a Yamaha 175 two-stroke in several AHRMA classes including Sportsman 250 and Seventies Two-stroke. Next year I plan to join several strong competitors in the Sportsman 750 class onboard a Triumph 750 built with help of Triumph master engine builder, Tom Sharp. You can find more about me in the AHRMA MAG, May 2020, Vol. No. 2, Issue No. 4, page18. This year, the dirt track program has undergone many changes including David Aldana stepping down as the Dirt Track Coordinator into an ambassador position that would allow him more time to race while continuing to promote AHRMA Dirt Track. There were also many rule proposals submitted this year by Arthur Kowitz and myself that included cutting the number of total classes and restructuring other classes. After the Final Decision vote on August 16, 2021, all rule proposals were passed for the 2022 season. This is where we will start. I ask everyone to first go to the AHRMA website and find the 2022 rule proposals and read through the new class rules. While we did cut several, I guarantee we still have a class for every bike. The purpose of cutting classes was three-fold. First was to cut duplicate classes to create bigger grids in individual races.

Second was to eliminate the multiple classes a rider signed up for being combined into fewer races. Third was to be able to put together a consistent practice and race order that will be run the same way at every race. While there is a concern of losing our “historic” value by restructuring classes to allow more bikes, I ask that you be patient as we use this new format to increase rider and entry numbers and work toward the next chapter in AHRMA Dirt Track. As participation increases, we will continue to adapt the program towards representing historic dirt track to the best of our ability. I am excited and look forward to what possibilities the future holds for AHRMA Dirt Track and working together with everyone to build a thriving program. RICHARD BRODOCK Interim Dirt Track Director

Off-Road Racing at its Finest AHRMA members, we have been racing at some pretty impressive venues. Thanks for all your support for making these events happen. We saw the amazing scenery of Laguna Seca’s iconic track up on the hills overlooking Monterey Bay and witnessed some great racing on a well-prepared scrambles track loved by all who were in attendance. And then we moved to a man-made motocross course, the legendary “REEEEED BUUUUDDDD,” by far the nicest motocross racing facility in the United States, and, Pavilion MX in Pavilion, NY, one of the coolest modern MX track layouts I have personally seen in a long time. Again, thanks for all the support from our members, staff and promoters for all these great memories we get to share with our Moto Family. TONY PAUL Off-Road Director SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021

Tony at Circle Bar Ranch photo credit: Chata Segich Photography AMERICAN HISTORIC RACING MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION



The AHRMA MAG salutes our Lifetime Members! Are You 60+? You Can Become a Lifetime Member Today! At AHRMA, we value our incredible collection of motorcycling members and many of you qualify for a little-known discount. Did you know that AHRMA offers a lifetime membership for only $650? This is a small investment with a big return for everyone! If you are at least 60 years old, you are eligible for this great opportunity! You will continue to receive all the benefits of a Full Membership without the annual membership fee. Not only that, but no more annual renewal process! Help yourself AND help AHRMA by purchasing a Lifetime Membership. Just go to ahrma.motorsportreg.com and click AHRMA Lifetime Membership.





CURRENT AHRMA LIFETIME MEMBERS Member #1 - Jeff Smith - Wisconsin Member #4 - Will Harding - Florida Member #51 - Steven Churchill - California Member #94 - Rusty Lowry - Maryland Member #110 - Rick Newman - Wisconsin Member #147 - Lloyd Patterson - Rhode Island Member #149 - Jon Schultz - Indiana Member #155 - David Rogers - California Member #160 - John Gregory - Wisconsin Member #189 - Bill Samstag - California Member #190 - Fred Mork - California Member #238 - Rodney Henninger - California Member #240 - Clyde Williams - California Member #251 - Arthur Delor - Florida Member #285 - Edward Sensenig - Pennsylvania Member #288 - Alberto Fernandez Sr. - Nuevo León, Mexico Member #392 - John Huegel - California Member #402 - Norman Nelson - Florida Member #441 - Don Dotson - California Member #467 - John McCoy - California Member #468 - John Gallagher - Vermont Member #516 - Peter Rodriguez - New York Member #525 - Philip Hanford - Michigan Member #541 - Bob Smith - California Member #613 - Jean Ramsay - Illinois Member #707 - Robert Poole - California Member #722 - David Pierce - New Mexico Member #835 - Robert Stickler - Colorado Member #879 - Tim Nickelson - Ohio Member #897 - Craig Charles - Pennsylvania Member #928 - John Magyar - Illinois Member #1049 - William Burr - Colorado Member #1115 - Fred Socky - South Carolina Member #1143 - Bruce Carroll - Washington Member #1171 - Edward Frank - California Member #1226 - Michael Moore - California Member #1360 - Robert Blakely - Texas Member #1409 - George Akins - Iowa Member #1592 - Mark Dedes - California Member #1673 - Cyrus Hunter - Florida Member #1698 - Forest Stahl - Indiana Member #1736 - Andrew Cowell - North Carolina Member #1745 - John Hartvickson - California Member #1755 - Teddy Landers - Missouri Member #1865 - Darrel Kilgore - Washington Member #1875 - David Aldana - Georgia Member #1947 - Steve Tucker - Quebec, Canada Member #2018 - Scott Smiley - Texas Member #2289 - Dan Barrett - Oklahoma Member #2312 - Lanny Henderson - Oklahoma Member #2319 - Ron Melton - California Member #2371 - Tom Norton - California Member #2388 - Dan Johns - Minnesota Member #2390 - Bob Robbins - Pennsylvania Member #2466 - Bryan Lloyd - Virginia Member #3094 - Tim Van Stelle - Colorado Member #3130 - Richard Havenar - Ohio Member #3908 - Dennis Poneleit - Florida Member #3942 - Jose G. Rodriguez - Florida Member #4091 - Charles Stark - Arizona SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021

Member #4236 - Danny Messmore - North Dakota Member #4657 - Lee Frost - Washington Member #5191 - Gene Anderson - California Member #5446 - Garrett Geene - Virginia Member #5712 - James Gowdy - Texas Member #6130 - Tim Jackson - Idaho Member #6170 - Daniel Fish - New York Member #6202 - Andy James - Washington Member #6422 - Fred Willink - California Member #6613 - Scott Gordon - Michigan Member #6735 - Bob Guider - California Member #7475 - Thomas Brown - Kentucky Member #7789 - Erin Higinbotham - Ohio Member #8122 - David Kaufman - Georgia Member #8154 - Arthur Kowitz - Florida Member #8390 - Hans Mellberg - California Member #8475 - Wick Wilkinson - Tennessee Member #8779 - John Jewett - Tennessee Member #8991 - Luke Conner - Louisiana Member #9127 - David Wells - Washington Member #9153 - Mike Taylor - South Carolina Member #9443 - Shane Johnson - Washington Member #9773 - Doug Young - North Carolina Member #9934 - Jerry Atchison - Oklahoma Member #10006 - Glen Johnson - Illinois Member #10037 - Frank Schoenbeck - Georgia Member #10116 - Marvin Davis - California Member #10923 - Chris Todd - Kansas Member #11056 - Mark Andrews - Texas Member #11083 - Preston Palmer - South Carolina Member #11350 - Aldis Strazdins - Wisconsin Member #11368 - William Dokianos - Louisiana Member #12500 - Peter Essaff - Florida Member #13344 - Rob McDonough - Virginia Member #13384 - Richard Eric Cook - Maryland Member #14037 - Russell Burton - Pennsylvania Member #16065 - Ernest Csizsmar - New York Member #16170 - Thomas Hillard - Michigan Member #17338 - David R Mapes - Maryland Member #17687 - Bob Resar - Ohio Member #18033 - Carry Andrew - California Member #18072 - Jeff Whittemore - Illinois Member #18178 - Rickey Anderson - Montana Member #19710 - Kandy Snead - Florida Member #19714 - Mike Summit - California Member #1012389 - Jeff Burrows - California Member #1012441 - Stan Clayton - Oregon Member #1012585 - Rick Nabers - California Member #1012847 - John Snead - Florida Member #1013236 - James Wazuka - Virginia Member #1013448 - Ronald Perry - Georgia Member #1013744 - David Liebgold - New Jersey Member #1013853 - Boyd Bradfield - Florida Member #2010462 - Marrie Barker - Florida Member #2010498 - Ed Meagor - California Member #2010665 - Patrick Pulver - Illinois Member #2010780 - Scott Nicholas - Pennsylvania Member #2011726 - Thomas Butcher - California Member #2011866 - Gary Tokos - Washington




photo credit: Kevin McIntosh

500 Premier

An Inside Look at the 2021 AHRMA Featured Vintage Cup Series WORDS BY JOE W. KOURY // PHOTOS BY ETECHPHOTO AND KEVIN M CINTOSH


t’s important to consider the significance of ‘Historic’ when the acronym (AHRMA) is unraveled. The American Historic Motorcycle Racing Association is home to some special members and historic motorcycles. There is a difference between vintage and historic, and that’s why AHRMA’s annual Featured Vintage Cup was created, to celebrate some of the most iconic racing motorcycles ever built for roadrace competition. The inaugural Vintage Cup year was 2019 and featured the 350GP class, won by Alex McLean on a 1967 Harley-Davidson Aermacchi Drixton. This year, the 500 Premier class took its turn in the spotlight with over 23 riders competing on at least 15 different brands of motorcycles or variations of these brands. Motorcycles eligible for this class: 1968, and earlier, 500cc four-stroke overhead valve and overhead cam, or 750cc sidevalve machines. The majority are 500cc singles with a few 450cc twins and 350cc singles intermingled. Many consider this to be the Golden Era of roadracing when riders like Geoff Duke, John Surtees, Mike Hailwood and Giacomo Agostini ruled the world championships. It is important to acknowledge and thank the 2021 500 Premier Class Sponsors: Kandy and 12


John Snead; Kenny Cummings of NYC Norton (nycnorton.com); Roadracing World (roadracingworld. com). Featured Vintage Cup riders are sprinkled with special perks including enhanced trophies throughout the season, special awards for the series champion, Roadracing World Magazine articles, photos, digital and print coverage, early access to the paddock, racer spotlight features in the AHRMA MAG and the class champion gets their photo on the cover of the AHRMA MAG. Before the weekend at Talladega Gran Prix Raceway, the top four riders had a mathematical shot at the 500 Premier National Championship which is an indication of just how competitive the season has been up to this point. But the championship is not decided by total points. National Series awards are based on a rider’s best finishes in one-half the total number of up to 20 races. Andrew won both rounds at Little Tally with Tim the runner-up both days. Andrew now has a slim 171-point lead in the best of ten finishes for both riders heading into the big finale at Barber Motorsports Park. I smell a showdown. Here are the top five riders:



ANDREW MAUK Andrew Mauk is the current points leader. He has been racing for 30 years, half of those with AHRMA. He is 47 years old and calls Milwaukee, WI, home. Andrew rides a 1969 Honda CB450 twin for Team Moto-Scoot and Leighty Customs. He owns Moto-Scoot, a motorcycle shop in Milwaukee. He’s won six races including Streets of Willow, Willow Springs Raceway, Laguna Seca and Talladega Gran Prix Raceway. He also competes in the Next Gen Superbike Lightweight class on a 1984 Honda VF500. His Keith Leighty-prepared, high RPM Honda 450 is a noticeable contrast to the more popular big singles on the track. His favorite track is Barber. I asked him to pick a favorite race bike. He said answering the question was tough but prefers the Honda 450 he rides in 500 Premier.

Tim Joyce at Streets of Willow photo credit: etechphoto

TIM JOYCE Tim Joyce is currently second in total points. He had won four in a row before Little Tally riding to victories at Carolina Motorsports Park, Heartland Motorsports Park and Laguna Seca. He rode John Turner’s BMW R-50 one weekend and has competed on a (Maurice Candy-prepped) ’61 Norton Manx in the other races. Tim added, “Maurice’s son, Chris, decided his dad would love nothing more than to have his bike still out there, winning races. It’s been great to have these two top-notch bikes to choose from.” Tim is 57 years of age, is a self-employed carpenter and has been racing for 26 years overall and 26 with AHRMA. Bike and engine builder: Maurice Candy (Norton Manx) and Becks BMW Holland (BMW R-50). His favorite track is Calabogie Motorsports Park in Canada. He said, hands down, his favorite racebike is the Maurice Candy Norton Manx. Favorite competitors: John Ellis, Mark Morrow, Pat Mooney, Andrew Mauk, Tony Read and Wes Orloff. Sponsors: Maurice/Chris Candy, John Turner, Tim O’Brien, MAP Cycles, NYC Norton, REV’IT Leathers.

Tim Joyce at Heartland Motorsports Park photo credit: etechphoto

WES ORLOFF Wes Orloff is from Mukwonago, WI. His wife, Leah, also races with AHRMA in the 200GP Plus and CB160 classes. Wes rides a 1967 Honda CB450 in 500 Premier and a Buell XB9R Firebolt in Battle of the Twins 1. Wes is 53 years of age and works as an engineer for HarleyDavidson. He’s been racing for 36 years, 22 of those with AHRMA. Dale Coffman builds and tunes his 500 Premier engine. He is sponsored by R/J Performance and Cometic (the gasket company). He really enjoys competing with Andrew Mauk since they both ride Honda CB450s. Wes has had his ‘moments’ during the series. He straightened the chicane out twice at Heartland Park, surviving two trips across the damp turf. He kept the shiny side up and rejoined the group, collecting valuable points. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021

Wes Orloff at Heartland Motorsports Park photo credit: etechphoto




TONY READ Tony Read is sitting in fourth position. He’s from Charlotte, TN, and rides a BSA B50 (most of the time). He borrowed Andy Findling’s Gold Star for one race when the B50 refused to cooperate. Tony won both rounds at Roebling Road Raceway and can also be seen on the 200GP Plus grid riding a BSA B25. Tony is 44 years old and has been racing with AHRMA for 13 years. His bike builder is fellow racer, Andy Findling. Andy and Ed Valiket build the engines. Sponsors include Andy Findling and Patrick McGraw. Barber Motorsports Park is Tony’s favorite racetrack. Tony said he loves riding the B50 but his Triumph 750 ‘fits like a glove’ and gets the nod as his favorite racebike. When he’s not racing or riding off-road Tony works as a Lighting Director/ Production Electrician. Tony has experienced his share of hard luck in the series when he was taken out in turn one at Carolina Motorsports Park. But that’s racin’.

Tony Read at Gingerman Raceway photo credit: Kevin McIntosh

JERRY DUKE Last, but not least, is Jerry Duke. ‘Least’ actually applies here since Jerry rides a ’67 Ducati 350 Scrambler. Jerry is consistent, and that relatively diminutive Duc is fast. He also flogs it successfully in the 350 GP class. 62-year-old Jerry is from Florence, Alabama, and rides for Duke Racing. Longshore Cycle Center in Florence, Alabama, is a sponsor. I picked his brain a couple years ago at Little Tally, curious how he was getting that much go out of his 350 single. He didn’t elaborate but did say he knows the engines well including all the tricks to make them fast and durable.

Jerry Duke at Roebling Road Raceway photo credit: Stan Foxworthy

With the first twenty rounds of the 2021 Bridgestone Tires AHRMA National Historic Cup Roadracing Series in the books, here’s a list of all the riders and their motorcycles listed by national points standings in descending order (6th through 22nd): 6.

Brian Larrabure, ’68 Seely Matchless G50


Christian Jensen, ’61 Norton Manx


Helmut Niederer, Seely G50


Stuart Carter, ’67 AJS Matchless G50


Dave Roper, ’70 Harley-Davidson Aermacchi ERTT (350cc)


Patrick McGraw, ’67 Triumph T100R Daytona (Fiona)


Andy Findling, ’61 BSA Gold Star


Matthew Winiarski, ’68 Ducati 350 Mark 3


Jeff Elings, ’65 Matchless G50


Jamie Waters, ’61 Matchless McIntyre G50


Allen Siekman, ’66 Honda CB450


Ian Yater ’67 Harley-Davidson Aermacchi


David Rutherford, ’71 BSA B50


James Pooler, ’65 AJS G50


Ron Melton, ’62 Norton Manx


John Turner, ’62 BMW Becks R-50


Chuck Crocco, ’71 BSA B50

For the 2022 season, AHRMA has chosen the Vintage Superbike Heavyweight class as the Featured Vintage Cup. Eligible bikes for this class include a variety of machinery, up through the 1982 model year, based on showroom-stock bikes: Race-prepped four-cylinder Japanese bikes in the 900-1000cc range; Unlimited-displacement pushrod triples such as Triumph Trident and BSA Rocket 3; Unlimited-displacement twins including BMW, Moto Guzzi and Harley-Davidson. Even the Honda CBX competes in this class. Don’t miss out, get your machines ready. The off-season beckons you. 14








Corkscrewing Through the Fog

@ Laguna Seca

(131) Steve Metz, (042) Thomas Montano, (291) Jason Braun, (15A) Michael Essin, (111) Gary Orr photo credit: Kevin McIntosh

WORDS BY DAVID STARK // PHOTOS BY ETECHPHOTO AND KEVIN MCINTOSH The inaugural AHRMA Classic MotoFest™ of Monterey at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca brought historic bikes to an equally historic venue for rounds 13 and 14 of the 2021 Bridgestone Tires AHRMA National Historic Cup Roadracing Series. Packed grids in each of the 14 events put the diversity of the AHRMA roadracing program on display. While their bikes may have been different, many racers shared one thing in common: they were borderline awestruck at the opportunity to compete at such a famous venue and to experience the dramatic Monterey peninsula weather. “It’s absolutely incredible, elevation changes, the track, the climate,” said Tony Doukas from Punta Gorda, Florida, who crossed the continent to race a Honda CBR600RR-powered sidecar with his passenger, and wife, Lisa in the Modern TT class. “Who knew on the Fourth of July it would be 60 degrees?” Team Doukas took second behind the Essaf/Richards team on Saturday with the Janes/Zahn team taking third. Multiple eras of sidecar racing were represented at the MotoFest™ with 15 entrants spread over six classes. The technical nature of the track captivated racers on large and small bikes. “It’s a blast because that Corkscrew is the most insane thing you’ll ever ride in your life,” said Dan Waite, who traveled from Chicago to race his Honda CB175. “This is my second year here so I will absolutely come back. 16


It’s amazing how the weather changes from the morning to afternoon. It becomes the most beautiful place in the world.” Waite shared the CB160 Exhibition Race and 200GP Plus with more than 30 other competitors. Christopher Akaydin took the CB160 race victory on Saturday with Damian Doffo in second and Gabriel Droetti third. Dustin Johnson would win Saturday’s 200GP race with Doffo and Droetti second and third again. Droetti, from Temecula, California, said that racing was just one of many reasons to enjoy the event. “Great track, great people, we’ve been having a successful weekend, thank God, everything has been working out so far. The fog is a little bit of a problem in the morning, but the rest of the day gets a lot better. We get quick and there’s very good camaraderie between all the riders and it’s just a great atmosphere and a great place to be.” Corkscrew addiction hit the Midwest hard in 2020 and continued into 2021. “This is my second trip, I was fortunate enough to make it here last year as well, the facilities are great,

AMERICAN RACING MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION (44) Darrell Myers, photo HISTORIC credit: etechphoto


we got a garage this weekend, the track is awesome once the fog blows out it’s ready to go,” said Jim Eich, from New Lenox, Illinois. “There’s nothing like the Corkscrew here. I’m still working on it. If you can just come here and do the Corkscrew well, you do well all around the track.” Eich rode his BMW to second in Vintage Superbike Middleweight on Saturday behind Matthew Joy while Alexander Cook was third. Joy won Vintage Superbike Lightweight, as well, with Ed Milich second and Eich completing the podium. The quick-turning Motards were perfect for the Corkscrew’s series of mind-bending technical corners. “I think it’s an amazing track. I love the layout, how the bike feels on the track I also like the historical significance of riding on a track where all the greats have been,” said Motard racer Paul Elledge. A crash during the Vintage Superbike Middleweight race on Saturday while aboard one of Daniel May’s BMWs sidelined Elledge for the rest of the event. Undeterred, Elledge reported he even enjoyed being a spectator. One reason for the large turnout of racers from the Midwest and East Coast was Daniel May. For a second year in a row, May coordinated transportation for a number of race bikes. “Last year it started when we were trying to get bikes out here and we were looking at crating them and shipping them,” May said. “I talked to Kenny Cummings and said, ‘Well, I need to get bikes out,’ long story short, we found a hauler out of New Jersey who can haul 30 bikes. This year we brought 28 bikes and two sidecars. Fortunately, we have a great driver who is willing to get the bikes here, guaranteed, stay for the weekend and load us up on Sunday.”



May also was on the podium in each of his races. He took first place in BEARS abord his BMW, and third in Formula 750 behind Cummings and Brian Filo. May, and his passenger Craig Chawla, also won the SC2 sidecar class on Saturday and took second on Sunday behind winners Erik Green and Heather Yampolsky. The historic, technical and challenging road course was a perfect venue for the equally historic 500 Premier race bikes. AHRMA Trustee Brian Larrabure, from Calabasas, California, used the low-end grunt of his 500cc four-stroke single-cylinder 1968 Seeley G50 to win on Saturday. The rest of the podium was dominated by similar single-cylinder bikes: David Roper took second on a 1970 Harley-Davidson ERTT and Helmut Niederer, also on a 1968 Seeley G50, was third. Andrew Mauk, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, rode his higher-revving twincylinder 1969 Honda CB450 to victory on Sunday. Larrabure and Neiderer were second and third. Mechanical challenges didn’t stop some racers from enjoying the event. Brian Wells, from Tallahassee, Florida, raced his exotic Honda VFR400R in Next Generation Lightweight, and said his weekend was not as expected: “I’m having some horsepower problems, the bike’s handling fine but it’s not making the power it should make so it’s a bit frustrating. I’m still having fun because I like seeing all my friends and being around the racetrack is good.” 1.

(43) Dave Kaechele + Kaechele, D, (66D) Erik Green + Yampolsky, H, (93) Daniel May + Chawla, C (photo credit: etechphoto)


(88) Wade Boyd + Lindauer, E; (S69) Kelly Bell + Glover, J (photo credit: etechphoto)


Crossing the finish line (photo credit: Kevin McIntosh)


(03) Jesse Davis (photo credit: etechphoto) SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021







Enthusiasm for racing at a legendary venue caused too many competitors to take too many chances throughout the weekend. On-track incidents resulting in red-flags during race one, four and five marred Saturday’s program and resulted in fewer laps for the second half of the events. Red flags returned in race one and six on Sunday. The lure of Laguna Seca extended beyond AHRMA regulars and into the professional racing community. AMA Superbike champion Joshua Hayes and Canadian Superbike champion Jordan Szoke both competed in the Phillip Island Challenge on almost identical motorcycles. Saturday’s race was a nail-biter with Hayes taking the win over Szoke by less than a half-second. Szoke, from Hamilton, Canada, grew up around vintage racing and was already familiar with many AHRMA members who have competed north of the border. “I grew up racing Honda CB350s and 450s with my dad, so I’m familiar with a lot of this stuff.” Asked about the Yamaha FJ1300-powered customframed Phillip Island bike he raced, Szoke said, “People really underestimate these things. I think we opened a lot of eyes yesterday, Josh and I, just how good they are. They rip. They’ve got big power, but the chassis are really nice, the brakes, the tires, it’s similar to what I race my superbike on, everything in



that aspect is awesome. They really are a joy to ride. When you go to Phillip Island and there are five rows of these things it’s really awesome racing. One of the most enjoyable bikes to race, for sure.” Kevin Callaway, from Detroit, Michigan, took third on Saturday on one of David Crussell’s Phillip Island Challenge race bikes. “I came out here to race a Kramer and David gave me the opportunity to race this bike when we were chatting on Friday morning,” Callaway said. “It’s been an honor because I’ve been following his program since he started it and started building these bikes.” Callaway described his experience as, “A lot of work. The chassis is really good, it’s really solid but the bike is a little bit heavy. It makes a lot of power, but it also wants to be ridden hard so the harder you ride the bike, the better it gets. It’s hard to tame but it’s a lot of fun.” The growing popularity of newer, yet obsolete, grandprix motorcycles was demonstrated by more than 20 bikes on the grid for the Open Two-Stroke race. Mojo Yamaha added a special incentive by offering a cash prize to the best finishers on a 125cc, 250cc and big-bore machines. Szoke collected $500 on Saturday aboard Mike Studzinski’s M-Factory West Yamaha TZ250 by winning Open Two-stroke and being the first 250cc racer. David Crussell took second place on Saturday overall and earned $500 by beating

(16B) Ben Schmitt, photo credit: Kevin McIntosh WWW.AHRMA.ORG




the rest of the big two-strokes on his Yamaha TZ750. Vince Rolleri, aboard a TZ250 was third. Jon Schendel was fifth on Saturday and eighth on Sunday yet took home $500 each day with a third-place finish in Open Two-stroke and besting his fellow 125cc racers. Szoke repeated the win on Sunday with Ralph Staropoli, aboard a Honda RS250, second and Kyle Ferris, third.



AHRMA vintage motocross racers competed on a naturalterrain course just west of the paved track and observed trials sections were set up on the hillsides around the infield. A group of very special knobby-tired competition bikes did make it onto the road course right before racing started on Saturday. More than a dozen motorcycles, either raced or prepared by Dick Mann, completed a lap of honor for the legendary racer and fellow AHRMA member who passed away just weeks before the event. Motorcycle collectors and restorers, and autograph hunters all scored at the swap meet and autograph session in the exhibition area organized by Maurice Turgeau. Post-race activities on Saturday included live music and an informal “slow race.” Competitors paired off to determine who could reach the end of a 20-yard racecourse last without putting a foot down. AHRMA racer Greg Tomlinson coordinated the event that ended with a final showdown between AHRMA Executive Director, and former professional observed trials competitor, Curt Comer squaring off against Szoke.


Known for competing on fast motorcycles, Szoke also was uniquely qualified for the slow race. “I rode vintage trials bikes when I was younger and then moved over to modern stuff. I was going to ride David Crussell’s Kawasaki Z-1 in the slow race because it’s got those big motocross bars,” Szoke said. “I then said, ‘You can’t put me in there it’s cheating because I was the trials champion of Canada, but they talked me into it. I was riding a Triumph with the brake on the left side, so it was hard to balance at first. I did a couple runs with Dave on the back and the final was funny with the minis. It’s good to see the atmosphere is so laid-back here and everybody is just having fun riding the old bikes.” 5.

(71R) Ben Sloter + Pluta, J


(113) Andrew Gray, (618) Eric Lindauer, (45) Edwin Hazer, (71B) Unidentified, (736) Stephen Pettinger, (53) Mitsuhiro Kiyonaga


(76R) Marc Purslow


(5) Greg Tomlinson


(4) Joshua Hayes, (101) Jordan Szoke

10. (736) Stephen Pettinger 11. (57R) Peter Hokenstad, (2) Tsutomu Okada (photo credit for all: etechphoto) SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021




memorial lap

@ Laguna Seca


There were 18 Dick Mann-built bikes in the Richard (Dick) Mann Memorial Lap at Laguna Seca. Pretty incredible, and such a wide variety. Here’s the list: PROVIDED BY ROB AND DEBBIE POOLE: • • • • •

2x 500 Gold Star motocrossers B-40 350 motocrosser 500 Ariel trials bike B-40 350 trials bike BSA A-65 motocrosser

Norton motocrosser


500 BSA Gold Star trials bike



• • • • • •

BSA 250 C-15 motocrosser Norton 500 OHC Norton motocrosser BSA A-10 650 motocrosser 650 Tri-BSA motocrosser 500 Gold Star trials bike 500 Gold Star motocrosser




BSA 441 motocrosser


500 BSA B-50


500 BSA Gold Star motocrosser

350 Royal Enfield trials bike




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@ Laguna Seca

Motocross "motofest style"

WORDS BY TONY PAUL // PHOTOS BY KEVIN MCINTOSH The 2021 Redwood Engineering AHRMA National Vintage Motocross Series and Race Tech AHRMA National Post Vintage Motocross Series, along with the National Next Gen MX Series, moved to Laguna Seca to join the AHRMA Classic MotoFest™ July 17 and 18. Motocross racing was laid out on a beautiful landscape overlooking Monterey Bay. The track layout was great with sandy, fast flowing corners, off camber turns and tight one-line switch backs. A fast, downhill rubber band start made for some turn one excitement. The course was laid out by Trustees Kelly Shane and Rob Poole and many other AHRMA Volunteers. Racing started with the really fast Sportsman 500 Expert class with Greg Passmore taking the win on his Husqvarna over Anthony Paul on the BSA B50 and Brian Curtis on the CZ. 500 Intermediate was won by George Amaro on a Husqvarna, Jim Dempsey also on a Husqvarna and Bryan Bierwith on the Maico. AHRMA Executive Director Curtis Comer won the Sportsman Open Twins Expert and Len Anderson took the Sportsman Open Twins Intermediate class. Kelly Shane walked away from the field with ease in the second moto in the Premier 500 Expert on his Airel. Second place was Cliff Mee on the BSA and third 22


was Andrew McKeag. The Premier 500 Intermediate winner was Michael Miller. Race three was our Novice class Women won by Cheryl Long. Sportsman Novice was a stacked field with Luis Bryant taking the win over Steve Gesselman with Mike Gorrono in third. Race four included the Classic classes with Joe Klokkevold taking the win in the Classic Expert over Andrew Blackburn. Classic 500 Expert was an easy win by legendary Pat Brown making easy work of second place Rory Whitney and third Andrew McKeag. Classic 500 Intermediate was won by Pennsylvania native Jacob Ritorto over Douglas Brown and coming in third place, the wonderful Emy Poole. Al Anderberg won the Premier Open Twins Expert race. In race five, 60+ Novice group winner John Peterson took wins in both motos over Jim Mcaleer and third Mike Gorrono. In the Open Age Novice class, Andrew Cerini checked out from the field against Luis Bryant and Mark Pierson. Moto six was a mixed bag Classic 125 Intermediate with Wes Plunkett getting the win over Skip Quinn and Dan Ayala. It was Terry Dale over John Hart in Classic 250 Intermediate. In Premier 350 Intermediate, Debbie Poole, went one-one over Peter Jorgenson for the overall.



(31R) Mike Brumit, (61) Jim Dempsey, (x3) Harold Harris

(326) William Miller

The Premier Lightweight Race ten was our largest Expert winner was Jeff Mullins on class of the day, the Vintage 60+ his fabulous Maico. After the Premier Intermediate class, with 18 riders Lightweight Intermediate battle, it in attendance. It would be Wes was Michael Miller over Len Anderson Plunkett taking the win over Charles and Donald Duquette on his show quality Haines and Jerry Castillo, Jeff Bushey (86U) Bryan Wenzel Triumph. Vintage 100 Expert was Kenneth taking fourth and Mike Schaffer fifth. Conrad over Andrew Blackburn. Race seven by Mike Nadeker cruised to an easy win in the far was the fastest and most stacked race of the Premier Open Twins Intermediate class. day with the Vintage 50+ and Vintage 60+ Expert classes on the My favorite class AHRMA class may not be the fastest, it is course at the same time. Harold Harris took the win in the 50+ our 70+ Class, and the riders in this elite group of racers always Expert class over Mickey Sergeant and Mark Amaro. Vintage have many amazing stories to share. In the Vintage 70+ Expert 60+ Expert Pat Brown once again took the entire field to school class our winner was no surprise, Henry Gref, on his wonderfully followed by Robert Bellicitti and Mike Brumit. prepared CZ, followed by Charlie Higdon and Harry Bellicitti. It In moto eight, Michael Brumit took the win over Tanner Kane and Duane Flores in the Sportsman 250 Expert Class and Jerry Castillo won the Sportsman 250 Intermediate class over Joshua Sparks and Patrick Fetzer. Open Age Intermediate was a stacked field with the win going to George Amaro followed by Emy Poole and Morgan Proffitt. Vintage 100 Intermediate was dominated by Robert Loveless. In moto nine, Robert Bellicitti set sail to a convincing win over Andrew Blackburn and Mickey Sergeant. It was Sportsman 125 Expert winner JP Morgen over Jimmy Wright and Kenneth Conrad and Vintage 40+ Expert Harold Harris would win over Jeremy Mickles.

was Vintage 70+ Intermediate winner Doug Smith on a Penton followed by Eric Wachter and Steve Ortiz. The Vintage Women Expert winner was none other than Debbie Poole. Moto 12, another mixed bag of AHRMA Vintage classes and winners: ESS 250 Expert Mark Baer; ESS 250 Intermediate David Stanton; ESS 500 Expert Brian Curtis; ESS 500 Intermediate Tim Jackson; Sportsman 125 Intermediate Mike Schaffer; Vintage 40+ Intermediate Pauly Chambers; Vintage 50+ Intermediate Patrick Fetzer; Vintage Open Age Expert Michael Brumit.

(19W) Cliff Mee, (68K) Andrew Mckeag



(57Z) Robert Poole



(G56) Kelly Knight

(99V) Tim Jackson

(54L) Luis Bryant

We had 168 entries for our first ever Vintage MX race at Laguna Seca. The Sandy terrain took a beating and made for some great racing lines throughout the entire day.

In the Historic 500 Intermediate class, Cliff Fredericks traded moto wins with Pauly Chambers to take the overall win. Henry Gref again would take the win in the 70+ Expert class and Eric Wachter in the 70+ Intermediate class. In moto two, William Miller took the win over Cy Yee in the Historic Novice class. Cody Peltz took the win in Post Vintage Open Age Novice. The Post Vintage 40+ Intermediate winner was Pauly Chambers. Jim Buckalew grabbed the win in the Next Gen Pre-Modern Four-stroke class.

On Sunday, the program moved to some newer bikes with our AHMRA Post Vintage and Next Gen bikes getting their turn on the track. We had 22 total entries and four motos, so the day went quickly and motivated our PV/NG racers and volunteers to really dig deep to help build this program and make for a better showing in 2022.

Moto three was full of winners with Jim Buckalew in Current Two-stroke, Marty Burks in Grand Prix 500 Expert, Greg Passmore in Historic 500 Expert, Pauly Chambers in Next Gen 1 250 Intermediate, 60+ Expert Mike Brumit, Ultima 250 Expert Michael Brumit. The last moto of the day, Moto four, once again Jim Buckalew took the win in Next Gen 40+ Expert, Pauly Chambers the victor in the 40+ Intermediate class. The 60+ Intermediate winner was Jeff Naff and Cody Peltz would win the Ultima Novice class.

Our final moto of the day for the AHRMA VMX races were the Premier Novice and 40+ Novice classes. In the Premier Novice, on a beautiful BSA, it was Richard Bryant taking the win. For 40+, Army Veteran William Miller would take the win over Rory Buchenroth and Cheryl Long.

In moto one it was Grand Prix 500 Intermediate winner Kevin Peltz over Paul Griffin.

AHRMA and Laguna Seca would like to thank all the Volunteers who stepped up to make this event a success. The staff at Laguna Seca was extremely excited to see what we were able to do for our off-road participants and big plans are already happening for 2022. Anyone who missed this event surely missed, by far, one of my favorite events of 2021. (74Q) Tony Paul

(051) Rory Whitney










LAGUNA SECA TRIALS WORDS BY DEBBIE POOLE // PHOTOS BY KEVIN M CINTOSH When first exploring the limited area in which a trial would be permitted at the WeatherTech Raceway facility at Laguna Seca, first impressions were not particularly bright. The Ridgerunners motorcycle club, well-known to AHRMA trials enthusiasts for their decades of hosting the national trials at the Hollister event, were excited about a chance to find another “home” with AHRMA now that the long-running Hollister event is gone. While inspecting the designated trial area with Ridgerunners club members Mike VanLienden and John Moore, Northwest regional trials coordinator Rob Poole and I could see they had a challenge ahead of them. As it turned out, the acreage was transformed; club members cut, mowed, hacked and sawed their way to the creation of ten really interesting sections, in what appeared on the surface as a decidedly un-interesting and limited area for the 2021 Redwood Engineering AHRMA National Vintage Trials Series.

intermediate class no later than next season, won handily with only one point lost for the day. Dan Gawronski lost 15 points for second, just squeezing past third place Andrew Blackburn who lost 16 points. Charlie Higdon took fourth place with an 18-point day. Modern Classic Intermediate had nearly as many participants, numbering ten. Clay Dawley and Tom Kane tied for second place with 29 points, but Kane managed two more cleans than Dawley to break the tie, giving Dawley third. The class winner was a new face, Jeff Koskie, who lost 28 points. The Premier Lightweight classes were very well attended, with three experts, five intermediates and two novices. Bob Bellicitti was the top expert with an 11 points day. Larry Cerini was the secondspot intermediate with 28 points, bested by

Forty-seven riders participated in this first-time event, with the largest class of the day being Modern Classic Novice, numbering fourteen. This is always a good sign, because it often means there are newcomers entering our sport. Lee Cerini, who also showed very well at the Burrows ranch national and who most certainly will be moving himself up to the 26




Joe Klokkevold

Tom Kane

relative new- comer and AHRMA roadracer, Thad Wolff, who won with only a 9 point loss. The novice winner was Stuart Meislin who lost 29 points.

Matt Parsons

Premier Heavyweight class winners were Expert Matt Parsons (7 points), Intermediate Mike Stone (42 points) and Novice Mike Nadeker (23 points). Modern Classic Masters was an upset with Tanner Kane winning, ahead of Ralph Foster who literally never loses. Foster had an unfortunate incident of a branch jumping up and shooting into the spokes of his front wheel which stopped him dead in a section. Who knows what the outcome would have been had that not happened; it could have been close in any case since Kane had a total of 5 points, and Foster 6. Modern Classic Experts had only two competitors, Morgan Proffitt and Grant Menghini, with young Proffit taking the win with 30 points.

Jake Ritorto

If the Classic ranks, Expert Jeff Bushey prevailed over Joe Klokkevold, 38 points to 50. There were no Classic Intermediates, but the Novice class was won by Greg Houchin’s 12-point loss, just good enough to beat second place Clayton Benedetti’s 14-point loss. Beginner class rider Julie Parsons won over Cy Yee. Julie lost 25 points on what was a fairly challenging trial for Beginner class riders. Eleven-year-old Layla Paul was the only Youth rider, riding the 3 line; parents and grandparents, let’s get your kids out there so Layla isn’t lonely! Todd Stanley was the sole Modern Twin Shock class rider, losing 37 points on the Expert line, and Scott Stewart lost only 6 points on the 1 line in Air Cooled Mono Masters. The Ridgerunners trial debut at Laguna Seca was a great success, and we hope the beginning of a new long-run with AHRMA.

Charlie Higdon

Todd Stanley

Rob Poole





off the track @ Laguna seca Seca PHOTOS BY KEVIN MCINTOSH

Luci taking a well-deserved break Ridge Runners doing Course set-up L-R: Dan Giannattasio / Mike Van Leinden / Unidentified (Blue helmet/Yellow logo Jersey) / Don Malsbary / Clive Belvoir (Club President)

Kristina and Sam Van Derhoof enjoying some vintage trials action. They originally met at the Corkscrew 12 years ago. Sam gave Kristina a ride on his Ducati and the rest is history.

LEFT: Lorin Fernandez helping his dad Cy do some safety wiring ABOVE: Lorin on of a friends race bike, just getting the feel.

Jessica and long-time AHRMA racer Fuzzy Beeching enjoying a ride around the MotoFest grounds 28




Ty Wilson (above) and his swap meet setup (below) Ralph Staropoli grillin’

Daniel and Eliana enjoying some ice cream and vintage race bikes.

Alen Siekman #51x had a bit of misfortune in turn 4 on his CR450 Replica, but was able to walk away and still able to put on a smile about it after.

Traveling all the way from Pennsylvania, the Ritorto family (mom Ashley and daughter Reverie) watch from the sidelines as husband/father Jake (#44x) takes 1st place in the Classic 500 Intermediate class. This was Reverie’s first time watching her father race. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021




photo by Kevin McIntosh



WORDS AND PHOTOS BY KEVIN M CINTOSH AND ETECHPHOTO From the west coast (Classic MotoFest™ of Monterey) to the mid-coast, AHRMA’s roadracers arrived at the banks of Lake Michigan for some freshwater sunsets, perfect weather and like always, wonderful hospitality by our host, GingerMan Raceway. After checking off many a bucket list item (for some twice!) at Laguna Seca, GingerMan is like welcome comfort food: you know what you’re going to get, and you look forward to it; a well-maintained track with 11 unique and challenging turns. Navigating turn one from the start is always interesting and as close to rush-hour traffic as one will get on track, but after smoothing things out through turn two, you’re flying down Jill’s Hill into the very tight right-hand turn three. This is where many battles and even races will be decided. Then onto “Deep Demon” where linking turn five into turn six is one of the most challenging combinations to keep your flow and catch a few slower riders before turn seven. In turn eight and nine, a rider can



make up a lot of ground or separate themselves from the pack heading into Wiggly Field, if you wiggle it right that is. Braking into the off-camber turn ten is a moment of trust between a rider and their tires, both thrilling and nerve racking. Did I mention GingerMan as “comfort food?” Well, ten is definitely the spicy snack that keeps it interesting and leads you right into an uphill grade where the difference in motor comes into play. Lots of “see ya laters” and “bye-byes” happening here, through Phoenix Flat heading into turn eleven where you get some of the best side-by-side corning action on the track right before the finish line. Turnout for this event was strong, with over 400 entries, 40+ classes and nine AHRMA Academy of Roadracing students on Friday, including Kyle Smith taking himself and his Hagerty sponsored XR250R off the dirt and onto the roadrace tarmac for the first time ever. All part of a challenge to experience six different styles of racing on the same bike, within the same calendar year. Kyle’s updates can be found in the pages of AHRMA MAG and in his blog at www.hagerty.com/media/ author/kyle-smith/.


photo by Kevin McIntosh


RACE #1 Things got interesting right out of the gate with the first race of the weekend cut short due to a red flag after Mitchell Barnes #820 ran off track while battling John Scales #294 for second position in the CB160 (exhibition) class. Christopher Akaydin #784 took the hard-fought win with Scales in second and Jack Kainz #35L right on his heels 0.2 seconds behind. In Novice Historic Production Heavyweight, John Scheff #312 and his BMW toasted the field by 15+ seconds on Saturday. On Sunday, Mitch Skaggs #S7 pulled the plug on Scheff and took the win, with Travis Kestell #08 rounding out the top three spots both days. Colton Roberts #9 was on cruise control in Formula 125 on Saturday nursing a deteriorating gearbox and while James Pooler #787 was clearly making strides to catch him. The red flag ultimately secured Colton the win on lap five with Randy Knoop grabbing the third spot (brother Ken Knoop took seventh). On Sunday, Colton knew it was game on with Christopher Spargo in the race and while lap times dropped, Colton’s gearbox issues ultimately did him in and Spargo did what any good friend would do, passed him before the last turn with a dirty smile for the win. James Pooler #787 took home third with his father Neil Pooler #373 grabbing the fourth spot. Alex McLean #122 cleaned up in Pre-1940, ahead of Blake Wilson #73B and Ralph Wessell #1I both days.

RACE #2 Chris Haesemeyer #80H took the win both days in SOT 2, but it wasn’t due to a lack of effort by fellow racers like Gary Orr #111, who had blistering lap times on Saturday, but just seemed to get caught up in traffic and had to settle for third behind Brian Dobrowolski #41D on Saturday and second place Sunday, followed by Kevin Callaway #9x. In Motard, things didn’t really get exciting until Sunday where Steve Alexander #43A found another gear and gave Mike Harlow #X30 a photo finish ending with a difference of 0.030 of a second. Harlow still grabbed the win, Alexander in second and Andrew Berkley in third.

RACE #3 With the adrenaline still pumping from SOT 2, Chris Haesemeyer #80H and Brian Dobrowolski #41D went right back at it in Formula Thunder while Gary Orr #111 had a DNS and Paul Canale #553 slipped into the third podium spot. BOT 2 was true to its name; Tony Prust #15X and Clint Austin #1a traded the top spot of the weekend (Sunday by 0.029 seconds), with Bob Robbins #46 grabbing third both days. Next Gen Superbike Lightweight

saw Sven Bley (Z7) #83B and Philip Jerr pho to b y Du Chovnick #82 swap first y Ke ke v i n McI and second spots both days, while ntos h Andrew Mauk #X95 and Monty Stauffer #008 did the same between third and fifth place. Jonathan Hollingsworth #02 and Stauffer had a great battle for the third spot on Sunday.

RACE #4 F250’s top spot-on Saturday went to Colton Roberts #9, with Eric Cook #62 and Brian Woods #96 rounding out the top three. On Sunday, Cook ran into some trouble when his bike slipped into gear and died while on the grid. Forced to pull off and miss the start, it looked like his race was over. After a red flag on the first lap, the race was restarted, and Cook was back in business. Thinking that he had secured fourth place points at the finish, Cook was then informed of a one lap penalty due to missing the original start. Oh well, that’s racing! Colton would take first again, with Jarl Wathne #188 in second and Marc Brown #C27 grabbing the final podium spot. In Class C Footshift, David Tompkins #33Q piloting the 1948 Vincent Comet took top honors, then Alex McLean #122 on the 1937 Norton Manx in second and David Roper rounding out the class in third on a 1948 Vincent Gray Flash. 200GP+ had some tight battles throughout the grid, with Christopher Spargo #19 grabbing the win both days. Jack Kainz #35L and John Scales #294 split second on the weekend and Tony Read #176 found the third spot on Sunday. Stuart Sanders #215, Tim Terrell #220 and Bill Doran #6 would keep things interesting behind the leaders both days. Classic Sixties 650 was night and day between Saturday and Sunday, with John Rickard #864 taking home top honors on Saturday, followed by Mike Baker #1M and Bill Gould #59C rounding out the podium. Sunday found Wesley Goodpaster #80 ready to race and indeed he was, straight to the top of the podium. Gould had to fend off David Spanjar #391 to take second by a mere 0.559 of a second at the finish line.

(80R) Helmut Niederer photo by Kevin McIntosh SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021




RACE #5 With some of the fastest bikes in the paddock, this battle to reach the podium took its toll. Both day’s races were cut short by late race red flags. Turn 10 got the best of Frank Schoenbeck #25 on Saturday in Open Two-Stroke and then Nick Hargis #42N in SOT 3 on Sunday. In SOT 3, Anthony Bangma #18 and Christopher Blair #611 were both protested for running unapproved bikes (R7/FZ-07) and DQ’ed. Chris Haesemeyer #80H officially took the win both days, with Nick Hargis and Shane Quigg #762 splitting second and Josh Saxe #619 taking home third both days. David Crussell took home first in Open Two-stroke, with Greg Glevicky right on his tail Saturday and Sunday. Adrian Jasso and Dave Frick were perfectly matched to battle for third, splitting the weekend.

RACE #6 Sidecars! What can you really say here? Plenty! From Jacob Trosper following in his father’s footsteps with the help of his girlfriend Emily Mauser #41B as his passenger, to Jeremy Maddrill and Chloe Peterson #515 pretty much going off the deep end from two wheels to three together on a loaner rig by Joe Fink and the MaddRatz Racing team, it is exciting to see younger riders embracing sidecars and the veteran racers giving them the opportunity to experience and fall in love with it. The TT2 rigs could not have been more evenly matched, with Dale Lavender and his daughter Milan #S46 just ahead of their only class competition, Eric Essaff and Dustin Richards on Saturday by 0.538 seconds. On Sunday the results were flipped, and the time difference was shaved down to .331 of a second. Now that is some fun racing! Lost Era Sidecar (SC3) had a nice battle both days between young guns Jacob Trosper/Emily Mauser #41B and seasoned veterans Timothy O’Brien/ Adam Kramer #981, swapping wins on the weekend. Classic Big Wheel (exhibition) class is where the biggest fun is. These rigs aren’t too serious and a great entry point to sidecar racing. Bonus points if you sport a mullet like Jeremy Maddrill did while piloting the #515 with Chloe Peterson to first (14K) Ke n Knoop photo b y etechp hoto



place Saturday. Of course, Byron Hannah II and Adam Bower were not terribly thrilled about a second-place finish or Jeremy’s flowing mullet, so they turned things around and grabbed first on Sunday by 0.048 second. Sorry Jeremy, I fear the drag from your mullet was the difference that day. Claude Fink Jr. and Michelle Le Clear-Fisher #620 rounded out the top three both days in Classic Big Wheel, but I’ll bet they won the after party!

RACE #7 Gary Orr #111 grabbed top honors in BOT 900cc-Open class on both days. Dakota Wolter #65W tried his best to figure out a way past Orr Sunday, but just fell short. Brian Larrabure #14 was tested by Wes Orloff #74 but was able to fend him off by less than a second to take third on Saturday, repeating his efforts again the next day. The Thruxton Cup Challenge saw Clint Austin #1a taking the win, while Seroj Terian #33T consistently improving lap times both days securing second place over Paul Canale #553. The Phillip Island Challenge included three well matched riders, but what Warren Wilson #W13 and Russell Jordan #302 lacked, wasn’t engine or skill, but an equal or better mullet like the one Jeremy Maddrill #515 was sporting, the MADDhouse mullet!

RACE #8 Jesse Davis #03 and his 1982 Yamaha XV920RJ “Son of Lurch,” follow the bike’s nickname and “lurched” away with the win in Formula Vintage with David Crussell #117 second and Jeff Hargis #84 third on Saturday. Alan Perry #162 gave Crussell some competition on Sunday on his factory spec 1982 Suzuki Katana 1000s, but ultimately had to settle for the last podium spot. Sportsman 350 is always a fun, well matched class of riders. Clean racing, with David Miller #69M finding the top spot both days. Jack Mattlin #297 and Eric Cook #1P would share second place on the weekend, with John Waverka #647 grabbing third on Saturday.



RACE #9 Next Gen Superbike 2 had a great battle for first between Kurt Klein #714 and Scott Rothermel #29J, with Klein coming out on top both days while Jeff Nelson #030 grabbed third. Next Gen Superbike Middleweight was all Jonathan Hollingsworth #02 both days. While not the fastest in class, Hollingsworth was the most consistent lap to lap and that made the difference. Monty Stauffer #008 grabbed second on Saturday and Rick Patrolia #15G on Sunday. Some great racing in SOS 3, where everyone had the opportunity to battle for position, whether it was for first or 21st. Jordan Reid #17J and James Pooler #787 made it interesting down to the wire for first place, with Reid grabbing the win Saturday and repeating his efforts on Sunday against Edward Blount #55C. Adrian Jasso #112 kept pace just ahead of Frank Guadagnino #40 to secure third on Saturday, while Guadagnino would grab third on Sunday from Dave Frick #3Z by two seconds. Vintage Superbike Middleweight would find both #1 plates out early on Saturday’s race. And wouldn’t you know it, Jeremy Maddrill #515 and his Maddhouse Mullet slid right into the first place spot. Geez, that guy is everywhere! Alexander Cook #092 grabbed second after a great battle with Rich Richter #R3 and then again on Sunday while putting the Maddhouse Mullet in his place (Third that is). Kevin Rammer #1V sorted out his DNS Saturday and took top honors Sunday, lamb chops win the day (Kevin’s sideburns).


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RACE #10 F500 had Christopher Spargo #19 keeping himself busy by catching lapped traffic. Granted, he was also the carrot to catch for many of the 500 Premier riders, like Tim Joyce #309 who took first, Andrew Mauk #X95 second and Tony Read #176 third. Sunday, the F500 grid grew a bit, with Brian Woods #96 making a last-minute switch from three wheels to two and grabbing third place. Dan Sokolich #77Z also made it for Sunday’s race and grabbed a second. Tim Joyce continued to chase the carrot (Spargo) on Sunday to just a 0.002 second difference, bringing the rest of the 500 Premier Vintage Cup group with him. Once again Mauk and Read finished two and three. Sportsman 500, the middle child in the Sportsman classes, saw plenty of evenly matched action thanks to the always fast CB350 bumpups. Mark Esterline #117X did his best to represent the true displacement bikes in the class by putting his CB450 in second place both days, while almost finding a weak link in Eric Cook’s #1P armor on Sunday (2.232 second difference). Greg Potter #132 and Simon Brown #C85 split third on the weekend.

RACE #11 In Sound of Thunder 1, Brian Dobrowolski #41D gave Chris Haesemeyer #80H a constant reason to stay on the throttle until the end, with a difference of only 1.394 seconds. Clint Austin #1a was just a few seconds behind, hitting the checkered in third on Saturday. While Haesemeyer’s pace on Sunday improved, Dobrowolski’s slowed just enough to give Austin a fighting chance to grab second place, and that’s what he did. Vintage Superbike Heavyweight once again saw Jesse Davis #03 outpace the field, with David Crussell #117 (second) and Alan Perry #162 (third). Formula Lightning included our very own Executive Director, Curtis Comer #24I, Head of Roadracing officials, Bill Doran #6 and Richard Illman #73X who grabbed second place Saturday. Curtis would find Richard napping on lap one on Sunday; spots were switched behind Doran who once again found his way to the checked flag first. *all photos on this page credited to etechphoto


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CB160 Le Mans start, racers: (220) Tim Terrell, (35L) Jack Kainz, (022) Cindy McLean, (73x) Richard Illman, (049) Danny Habermel, (703) Michael Shumaker (photo credit: Kevin McIntosh)

RACE #13

RACE #12 In 350GP, Jason Roberts #54 was dialed in for the win on Saturday, with James Pooler #787 about six seconds behind and Alex McLean #122 fighting off David Roper for third. Jim Eich #51P brought the heat to Vintage Superbike Lightweight on Saturday, getting the best of John Rickard #864 by just 2.236 seconds. Lance Yeager #819 was 5.619 seconds back to take the third podium spot. Novice Historic Production Lightweight was led by Mitch Skaggs #7S both days, with solid battles behind him. Kristen Baustert #077 and Tom Rohe #06 finished in second and third position with only a 1.001 second margin at the finish. Corey Golla #G3 and Beasley Ayers had a hard-fought battle for fourth, with Golla coming out on top by only 0.580 seconds. On Sunday both Rohe and Ayers would find ways past their rivals from Saturday. Rohe taking second, Baustert third and Ayers in forth.

With the exception of sidecars, this race was probably the most anticipated and watched each day due to the head-to-head battle between Jeff Hargis #84 on his Yamaha XS650 and Matt Esterline #237 on his Honda 750-four in Sportsman 750. True to form, it was a battle both days. On Saturday, Jeff lost his brakes at the end and went off track, giving Matt the win. Michael Dixon #839 caught Stephen Pettinger #736 at the finish to put them two and three. Sunday’s race between Hargis and Esterline, though exciting, was clearly won by Hargis, crossing the line almost 11 second ahead. I’m sure he did plenty of mental fist pumps after the win, but to know this guy, you would know he is far to gracious a competitor to brag about a win and surely was quick to congratulate and thank Matt on another epic weekend of racing, because that is what it’s all about. Thank you to GingerMan Raceway, staff, volunteers, racers, supporting family and friends for making this a wonderful weekend at the track. The logistics of moving everyone and everything from Laguna Seca to GingerMan I’m sure was not easy for many. Just a taste of what it’s like to be on the MotoAmerica® or MotoGP® circuit. Now hurry up, Blackhawk is next weekend, grab some coffee and we will see you there!

(117x) Markus Esterline), (132) Greg Potter photo credit: Kevin McIntosh





off the track @ Gingerman gingerman PHOTOS BY KEVIN MCINTOSH

Eric Watts prepares to hit the track while his wife Colleen and Eileen Morrow ham it up in the background.

Jason Roberts (Colton’s Dad) taking his 1957 350GP prepped Harley-Davidson to the rider’s meeting. That’s quite the pit bike...lol!

Ted Robinson (#838 - 1974 Sportsman 750 - Triumph T140) and his daughter Katy (#837 - Sportsman 500 - 1971 Triumph) keeping the love of vintage racing alive and in the family on their respective Triumph race machines.

LEFT: Matt Esterline’s son Jackson holding the rear wheel stand for his father’s return. ABOVE: Matt returning the pits after racing. Jackson hooking up the rear wheel stand with the help of Matt’s friend George.



#781 Paul Hoyt Nelson from Grafton, OH, running a 2001 RS250 Honda. Paul Took nine years off, but is back and very much enjoying dicing it up in Open 2-Stroke and Sound of 2 (on a 1993 Honda RS250 NX5)SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 AMERICAN HISTORICThunder RACING MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION

Newly minted and approved racer Nick Mitchell from Valparaiso, IN, took part in the Road Race Academy Friday and was ready to get on with racing his 2014 Ducati 899 Panigale. Running in Sound of Thunder 1 and 2.

Warren Wilson’s niece Lieutenant Leah McMannis and her daughter Gwendolyn enjoying some shade and a great day of racing.

The gate keepers at many an AHRMA roadrace event, Dan and Jennifer Thornton. There are many couples who volunteer with AHRMA and some who race as well.

Jacob Trosper chatting with Emily Mauser while warming up his Sound of Singles 3 Honda RS125. Note: Jacob and Emily would also team up as first-time side car racers on a 1972 BMW Mach 7 SC Lost Era Sidecar SC3 Rig

Jesse Davis with his very special tribute build, a 1982 Yamaha XV920RJ. Jesse built this bike as a replica tribute to a bike his dad Vernon Davis built and Kevin Schwantz raced during an AMA Superbike event at Laguna Seca back in 1984. The bike was nicknamed “Lurch” due to how it jumped off the line. When Jesse finished the build, the first to ride it was his dad at a track day. That was a very special moment for dad and son. Vernon is also a cancer survivor, so the opportuntiy for Jesse to get his dad on the bike and enjoy a day of twisting the throttle on the replica build was extra special. Note: There is a full write-up on Jesse’s story with this bike at: bikebound.com/2021/07/16/lurch/ SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021




(648) Stephen Newell

(92R) Steve Gard





The inaugural Ward Creek National AHRMA motocross event in Raymond, Washington, happened on Sunday August 1, 2021, following the Pacific Northwest utilizing the track on the Saturday beforehand. Some riders used Saturday as a practice day and entered the Pacific Northwest Motocross group’s event and got to know the track. After Saturday’s event, the owner of the track, Bob, as many called him, went out on the bulldozer and smoothed out and graded the dirt for several hours (he was on the bulldozer until midnight). The dirt was watered Saturday evening as it was being bulldozed so there was hardly any dust as well. Many of the riders compared Ward Creek to Hollister because of the elevator shaft hills; riders had to go up and down eight steep hills to be exact and the 17 jumps counted by Tim Jackson (99V) in practice! Sunday was a great day for racing with ocean air and mist as well as overcast weather! It was a nice change of pace from the 90- to 100-degree weather at home for many Northwesterners. There were 31 pre-entries, 86 entries and one 38


new member, welcome Chris Bentley! There were 13 races and one Legends Challenge race. Bentley, who entered the Post Vintage on a 1984 RM Suzuki 250 with drum brakes said that “the event was well run and even though his competition and class size was small it was super fun riding with other racers on their 500s.” After the event he posted photos to his social media account and now his friend has purchased a vintage motorcycle. In the first race of the day with Vintage 100 Experts, ESS (Early Sportsman Stock) 500 Intermediates, Vintage Open Age Intermediates, Vintage Open Age Experts, and Vintage 50+ Intermediates Curt Snider (221) got the hole shot. In the ESS 500 Intermediate, Jackson (99V) earned first place. Mark Percy (8s) took first place in Vintage Open Age Intermediate. The largest class of the day was the 60+ Expert and 60+ Intermediate and they were in two separate races. In the 60+ Expert class, Chet Malito (38) took first place overall



winning both motos, Stephen Newell (648) earned second place, and Steve Gard (92R) placed third. In the 60+ Intermediate race, Percy (8s) took first place over Mike Schaffer (340) who earned second place, they each won a moto, but Percy won the second moto; Terry Dale (56) took third place. Some other vintage motocross finishes for the day included: Brian Curtis (5s) placed first in the ESS 500 Expert class over Marty Burks and Jeff Mullins. In the Vintage 40+ Novice Russell Muncy (77w) placed first. In the oldest class of the day, the 70+ Intermediate, Doug Smith (207) placed first over Butch Behm (16) second place, Chuck Singletary (153) third place, and Tad Dean (72k) fourth place.

17T Tim Taylor and Z21 Kenneth Conrad make a Mickey Sergeant sandwich in the Classic 125 Expert and Sportsman 125 Expert combined classes

Post Vintage and Next Gen motocross classes took to the track after the vintage classes. Dylan Evanger (33) took first place over Bentley (282) in the Ultima 250 Expert. Mike Heide (278) earned first over Donald Hildebrandt (020) in the Post Vintage 60+ Novice. In the Historic 500 Intermediate class, Ed Schandl (777) took first over Peter Steilberg (26e). David C. W (269) took first over Rick Eaton (41E) in the Post Vintage 60+ Intermediate.

During intermission of the motos, race 14 took place, an eight-lap moto with a cash prize going to the winner. According to the AHRMA website, the Legends Vintage Challenge was “open to all former professional riders as well as all current AHRMA Experts. All riders must be 40 and up and on a pre-1975 motorcycle conforming to AHRMA Vintage motorcycle rules.” The entry fee for this event was $50. Thank you to Malito for organizing a new kind of event. Thank you to the Legends Sponsors: Tom McAllister of Full Circle Racing and Dan Koolster of Accurate Striping. At the riders meeting AHRMA Off Road Coordinator Anthony Paul told the riders that if he saw any aggressive riding even in the Legends race that he would kindly ask you to pack up your things and go home. Photographers at the event were positioned around the course videotaping the race to put it all together for a promotional video. According to Malito, “Ward Creek and Rattlers Run will be where we test the waters of this type of race, if it goes well, it will be incorporated into next year’s nationals. The purpose is to bring back some of the legends from yesteryear and compete with the experts of today. The purse is $1000 per class. At Ward Creek we had 40+ and at Rattlers Run we will have two classes 49 and under and then 50+.” At Ward Creek there were nine entries for the Legends Challenge. Garhett Carter (738) on a CZ took first place, Lon Alexander (96) on a Suzuki placed second, and Malito (38) on a Kawasaki earned third place after he said, “I broke my kick starter on the line and in all the confusion I didn’t turn the choke off Garhett, Ryan, and I (we three practically shared SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021

the hole shot) were together at the first turn at the start and then I was dead last out of turn two. I worked my way up to third and caught Lon Alexander with one to go but I couldn’t get by.” The race order after that was fourth Tim Taylor (17t), fifth Clarence Gardner (140), sixth David Anderson (7), seventh S tephen Newell (648). According to Newell, “My rear axle nut came loose and allowed the rear wheel to move side to side and lost my rear brake.” But he still finished the race. Eighth DNF, Ryan Stevenson (260), broke a chain on lap three, ninth DNF was Dallas Nyblod (2Y). Thank you to all who participated in the first Legends Challenge! Thank you to our sponsors for the event: Hagerty Motorcycles, Race Tech, and Redwood Engineering. Thank you to Cycle Gear for the cool items given away in a drawing at the riders meeting for pre-entered riders! The event also could not have happened without the volunteers, both the flaggers which were part of the extended family of the track, the medic, and the AHRMA family too. Thank you to the lap checkers, Anthony Paul and his daughter Layla for announcing the race order and current races, Mark Baer for tech inspecting, Maggie Shane for the behind-the-scenes work, and Kelly Shane for being the race referee. Events like these are not possible without the VOLUNTEERS!


(6x) Randy McAllister



Father/Son duo Rick and Evan Klingensmith waiting for the NextGen start on their matching CRs



he sprawling and gorgeous Ashcraft family farm was once again host to a collaborative weekend spectacle of vintage off-road motorcycling. AHRMA’s Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regional operations worked together to present another wonderful event in their third visit to the foothills of the Bald Eagle Mountain range just northwest of State College, PA. Patriarch, Brian Ashcraft, along with his considerable extended family are the most gracious hosts throughout the weekend. Not only had they spent considerable time and energy creating top-notch racecourses leading up to the event, but also provide excellent and comprehensive support to the racers and series’ staff throughout the weekend as well as serving wonderful food. The Northeast region would serve as the facilitator for Saturday’s scheduled grass track motocross action. As in past events, the Ashcraft’s reserved the familiar pasture for its well-regarded grass-track. As always, the grass is high, and ribbons guide the way through a haven of natural terrain. An expanded starting area with a longer path to turn one was a welcome addition giving riders a bit more time to separate following the rubber band start. The first half of the course took a slightly different route through the off-camber western slope of the pasture before navigating the fan-lined straightaway along a high-tensile boundary fence where cheers welcome all racers. The second half of the course followed a similar path as years prior making sure to include the popular jump in the 40


center of the pasture followed closely by the downhill ski jump with a landing area that quickly turns 180 degrees as the course heads back uphill to the final few turns before the checkers. A standout motocross experience yet again.

MOTOCROSS RESULTS: Grant Reichart swapped moto wins with Adam Mavanik but Grant took the overall by virtue of a lower overall score on his Super Combat Wombat in Sportsman 125 Intermediate. Kelly (Ashcraft) Pearce made the local crowd proud with both moto wins over Laci Horvath and Emily Reichart in Post Vintage Women’s Expert action. Doug Reitz used consistency in taking the overall Vintage 60+ Expert win with two seconds after moto one winner Terry Herr was unable to get his Can-Am to the line resulting in a Paul Wawrynovic moto victory. Terry was far more successful in Post Vintage 60+ Expert with a pair of wins while Reitz settled for second. Dustin Loss rode his Suzuki to the moto two win and an overall while Geoff Kemp’s moto one win was enough to garner him runner-up. After winning moto one, Kevin Marshall was unable to hold back a charging Rik Smits in moto two. Smits would take the overall win in Post Vintage 50+ Intermediate on his Maico. Richard Light had his Kawasaki rolling with a pair of moto wins in Vintage 70+ Intermediate



Chris Miller’s Ossa (68C) being overtaken by the Can-Am of Brandon Rowe (11R)

(384) Vintage 70+ Novice winner Jim Reitz responding to the crowd’s cheers

(731) Grant Reichart’s ’86 CR250 carving the single track

while his daughter-in-law, Bean, was also locking up the Post Vintage Women’s victory with a perfect score over Carol Bailey. Dan Ambrosio held off challenges from the Yamahas of Mike Giambone and Marc Kalipolites each moto to put his Suzuki atop the Historic 125 Intermediate class. Cross-country racing took center stage on Sunday with the Mid-Atlantic regional team serving as the primary operators. With the region’s recent adoption of a three-race format, the Ashcraft’s took a new approach to course layout driven by the nature of the property and comments from the previous events at the farm. There are a plethora of available trails throughout the property covering the entire mountainside and the lower ground at the base. As the ground gains elevation up the southern slope of the mountain, the terrain gets challenging, particularly for limited ground clearance vintage bikes. Having a three-race format made it easier for the folks setting up the course to justify creating a separate course for vintage classes aimed at maximizing the experience on the older bikes while the other two races would build upon that with some tougher mountain single track. All indications from riders in all classes (07H) Terry Herr on the way to a moto win on his Can-Am

prove that the decision was a success. The morning’s vintage race saw forty-five riders hit some early single track right off the starting line that would eventually drop right into the grass-track course where riders were led around the first half of the MX track before making a hard left into some freshly cut single track right before the ski jump. A combination of fresh single track and existing two-track brought the pack from the far eastern part of the property to the fan-favorite quartet of sinkholes to the west. Another jaunt through some flowing foothill single track would complete a lap at just around four miles of fun. Fifty-six and thirty-two riders lined up for the Post Vintage and Disc Brake races later that day and were treated to a different experience. The afternoon course was supplementary to the vintage course as it followed the same path up to a certain point at which the trail pointed up the mountainside using a portion of high-quality, but challenging, single track that was used in last year’s event. The Ashcraft crew redirected some areas for a unique experience and added some fresh cut trail near the approximately 1800-foot summit of the mountain before descending for a jaunt through the sink holes where the course rejoined that of the morning’s action. At nearly seven miles in length, the course is the longest in the series and while challenging, it is truly a blast to ride. (711) Jay Parkins prepares to navigate the “sink holes”

CROSS COUNTRY RESULTS: John Ashcraft defended his home turf with the overall and AA class wins in the Post Vintage and Disc Brake races while another local, Brian Grove, claimed the same in the morning’s Vintage event. Rick Huth made a much-anticipated return to race action at Ashcraft Farm and nailed down the top spot in Vintage 70+ Intermediate despite a strong challenge from runner-up Jim Heasley. Jacob Ritorto wowed the crowd by man-handling his thumping BSA in unique style to a first-place finish in Classic Intermediate over second place Taylor Belling. Claudia McDowell is becoming a familiar face atop the Vintage Women’s Novice class as she collected another number one plaque for her efforts. Brock Kutskel ended the string of different winners in Post Vintage 200 Intermediate with his second consecutive win with another fast youngster, Sylas Merrell, lurking just behind. Josh Horvath controlled the Post Vintage Open Intermediate class for the last few rounds but couldn’t overcome the challenge from Jeremy Peace’s Honda and Tom Bank, as they claimed the top two spots respectively. Cameron Pennington and his CR250 made the move to the Expert class and wasted little time getting acclimated to the competition as he was the first to see checkers in Early Modern Expert action with Brian Schwein’s YZ second and Chris Haag in third on an XR. Josh Castaldo, Steve Winklebauer, and Wesley Heeman filled the Pre-2K Open Intermediate podium.

Atlantic families each year. The hard work and pride they take in this event is easy to see and everyone who makes the turn onto Ashcraft Lane that weekend is welcomed openly. These events rely upon the hard work of many volunteers such as Ed Roman and Merritt Brown of the Northeast region and the Marshalls, Zdybaks, Reitz, Reichart, Cole, Kutskel, et al, crew of the MidAtlantic. Thanks to you all and to the various weekend volunteers for keeping the wheels moving and providing the participants great venues and experiences. Please support the people who support the sport. Northeast series sponsors are Equinox Cycles, Hatch’s Hodaka, Jennings ATV & Cycle, Metro Racing, and Mr. Crankshaft, while the Mid-Atlantic region is sponsored by Potomac Vintage Riders, Preston Petty Products, Stainless Cycle, Vee Rubber, Grove Printing, KMI Printing, Horizon Homes, and Works Enduro Riders.

(C17) J Horvath of the p

The 2021 schedule and complete results from this event can be found at https://www.ahrma.org/ahrma-mid-atlanticregion and https://www.ahrma.org/ahrma-northeast-region.

Thanks to Brian and Lisa Ashcraft and their family for the generosity in opening their home to the Northeast and Mid-

Sam M hustli Cross Country group photo on Sunday morning





Joe Cole leads Josh h (277) and the rest pack into turn one John Brandt (861) and Brock Kutskel (5) flying in formation

(42R) Jacob Ritorto and his BSA…speed with style

Merrell catching his breath after ing with the Post Vintage 200 Intermediate pack

“Dover Vintage Riders” and their cohort of ITs – Eric Rupp, Shane Reichert, and Josh Stewart (L-R)


Host Brain Ashcraft powers off the start in the Disc Brake race on his way to the Pre-2k Open Expert win








JUNE 26-27, 2021

fter several weather delays and facility swap outs, the South Central Regional was able to kick off its first regional-only Motocross and Cross-Country event of 2021. The site was the Waco Eagles Motorcycle Club facility in the center of Texas near Waco. It’s been a while since vintageonly racing has occurred here which is a shame as it’s one of the oldest running racetracks in the south. The track is nearly two miles long with modern and non-modern sections which are easy to divide. We cut out the modern section and the Waco team started weeks in advance preparing a proper vintage- and post vintage-happy course for all of us. The terrain in central Texas differs than other parts as one might imagine. It’s a mix of some hard pack, some sand, some rock, and just regular old farm dirt in the area. The end result was an extremely well flowing track featuring primarily table-top type jumps, large berms, railers, flat turns, and plenty of variety of all of those mentioned. Throughout each day the dominating talk was how well the track flowed and how much fun it was. Now, it was late June and the temperature each day was nearing 97 degrees, so it was nice and hot. Day one racing featured our vintage program as well as Cross Country in the afternoon. The very first race of the day was the Vintage 60+ Plus Intermediates along with our Vintage 70+ Intermediates and Experts. John Matthewson beat out Roy Cole and William Fenner to win the 60+ Intermediates with some great racing between those three. Trey Blanchard, drove in from Louisiana to ride and he took home a first-place trophy





photo credit: Joe W. Koury

to the land of the mudbug with a 1-3 finish to edge out Mike Harlan who finished second. In the expert class today, it was Bobby Guilbeau taking first place on his 1974 Honda CR125. Great riding and close racing from our statesman group. Race two was our Novice gate with Richard Weber taking first place over Ben Paschal and Rhett Howell in the Sportsman Novice and Linda Dowell winning the Women’s Novice class on her little Honda four- stroke. Race three had Jon Anderson winning the Sportsman 250 Intermediate, Tyler Reed flying around the course to win the Sportsman 500 Expert, Greg Conn winning Open Age Intermediate, and Keith Klump looking amazingly fast on his CZ winning the Vintage 50+ Expert class. Other winners in vintage racing included Glenn Gallimore in Premier Lightweight, Steve Snedegar in 100cc Intermediate, Albert Newmann in Sportsman 125 Intermediate, Kaci Cross in the Women’s Intermediate class and Linda Dowell winning the Classic Novice. Great vintage motocross racing on this day! Cross Country was our afternoon feature. The loop was about four miles, and the feedback was good and vintage feeling for AHRMA racing. There were some upsets in Cross Country; an Intermediate took the overall as Dempsey Davenport flew by the Experts on his Honda XR200. Expert, Darrel Parsons, finished second overall though winning his class, the Historic 200 Expert, and Brent Mitchell aboard his Honda XR200 placed third overall and second in the Post Vintage 200 Intermediate Class. Local fast guy, Mark Andrews, was fourth overall and won the 60+ Expert class. There was a large turnout for Cross Country in this somewhat experimental afternoon race program. It was met with success; we were in the middle of summer and the course had plenty of sunlight.

the event. Race one was a 125 extravaganza showcasing Tim Wilkinson riding the Grand Prix 125 Expert and Darren Terry riding the Historic 125 Expert class. It was a clash between the two though not in the same class. They battled back and forth. We thought a lack of seat time would catch up to Wilkinson, but he was able to hang with the well prepped Terry. The number 797 of Wilkinson proved that the newer model bike had just enough speed to overtake the earlier model Suzuki of Terry’s. Respectively, Terry won the Historic 125 Expert and Wilkinson the Grand Prix 125 Expert class. The real show of the day was Brady Dickens borrowing his dad’s historic model Yamaha TT500 four-stroke. Brady lit up the track on this behemoth. It was a sight to see the old thumper ripping up the course and a much younger rider enjoying the ride along the way. Other first moto winners were Steve Sanders in the Ultima 125 Expert, Billy Murphy riding very well in the Ultima 125 Novice class, and Ben Pascahl winning the Historic 250 Novice. Race two featured some old rivalries. In the Grand Prix 500 Intermediate it was Ben Brown, Ray

Sunday’s Post Vintage Program was nice as the overall participant count was higher for the daytwo program of

(621) Ben Paschal with the holeshot SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021




McFarland, and Steven Sinclair battling together once again. Brown won with a 1-2 finish over McFarland’s 2-3 and Sinclair’s unfortunate DNF-1 finish. Sinclair’s been riding well this year so keep an eye on him in fall racing. Steve Sanders rolled in from West Texas to take the Post Vintage 40+ Expert class, and in a battle of two fast legends it was Ed Hays squeaking out a win over the fast and smooth Mark Andrews in the Post Vintage 60+ Expert class.

the course to win the Ultima Four-stroke Expert on that 1977 Yamaha TT500 he borrowed from dad! Many thanks to Ross Stovall, Jeff Gilbert, and about 15 other various volunteers who pulled this race off. Amazing group of people and always smiling along the way. Looking forward to returning in 2022 to this facility for more racing. Don’t miss this one… it is old-school and fun!

Race three showcased the Ultima Four-stroke Intermediate class which to no surprise was lined with Honda XR200s. Brent Mitchell destroyed the class going 1-1 for the win and Perry Cummings taking second with a great ride along with Albert Newmann third overall with a 3-2 finish. Trey Blanchard won the 70+ Intermediate class over Lawrence Lucia. Rhett Howell appears to be getting back to form and won the Ultima Novice class with Bobby Guilbeau winning the Post Vintage 70+ Expert, and again, Brady Dickens flew around

(913x) Linda Dowell

Tyler Reed

Rodney Reed


(21K) Keith Clump











The 4SR National Vintage Dirt Track Series rolled into Southern California for the first time in 11 years, kicking off the weekend at Perris Speedway on Friday July 23rd for the Round 11 TT race and Round 12 Short Track race. Despite a heat wave pushing temps well over 100 degrees, the SoCal dirt track scene did not disappoint. The pits were packed with both AHRMA members and future AHRMA members which led to some big grids and great racing. The classic classes, brakeless, were some of the best we’ve seen with several Triumphs and a couple Ossas. Greg Tomlinson, on his Triumph 650 was in the mix all day taking a win on the TT track and third on the short track while Lenny Rodriguez battled it out with James Broskey who took the short track win. The Husband and wife racing team of Joey Crabtree and Johnny Custom had a great showing taking home multiple podiums including wins in Four-stroke Super Singles and Super


Senior in both TT and short track for Johnny, and Joey taking home the win in Senior on her Yamaha 500. Brian Filo followed up his Laguna Seca six-podium performance with four more podiums including a first (ST) and second (TT) in Sportsman 600 on Gary Swan’s CB350 dirt tracker. The support classes were very popular with the 450 Open class drawing 12 riders including MotoAmerica Supersport racer, Alex Thermiotis. With so many riders the class was very competitive, and the racing was close. Thermiotis took the win in the TT with James Morris winning the short track with Adam Lesley on his heels grabbing a close second. The Sportsman 250 class and Seventies Two-stroke classes was shaping up to be a dog fight from green to checker between David Earhart and yours truly until David’s Kawasaki 250 suffered a mechanical failure in the TT main. I went on to pick up eight wins on the day in four classes in both the TT and ST rounds. After a great showing and even better racing at Perris Raceway, AHRMA dirt track headed to Lake Elsinore Motorsports Park the next day, Saturday July 24th, for day two of the 4SR National Vintage Dirt

(278) Richard Brodock, (12) Dave Earhart





(44) Brian Filo

(76U) Luke Sayer, (5) Greg Tomlinson

Track Series double header weekend. AHRMA had the privilege to be the first race on this recently built track. While the track is still coming into its own, it is shaping up to be a high quality track with help from track designer and builder, Kelly Inman.

of 700ccs or larger, these riders push the limits of 500 pounds of steel. After leading most of the race, Douglas Darrah ran wide in the last turn and was passed by Alex Darrah who took the win in a drag race to the line against Casey Brossard.

Again, the Classic 500/750 class did not disappoint. Lenny Rodriguez, Joe Pape, and Greg Tomlinson battled it out with Rodriguez taking the win and Tomlinson close behind in second. In the Sportsman 600 class Brian Filo took another victory. Gary Swan’s Honda CB350 sure can move!

When the last checkered flag waved, everyone was left with dirt in their teeth and a smile on their faces. To say AHRMA dirt track was openly welcomed back to the west coast would be an understatement. AHRMA looks to the future as we grow the dirt track program nationally with plans to make it back to California in 2022.

One of the closest races came in the new added hooligan support class. Aboard multiple cylinder street production bikes

(76U) Luke Sayer, (98) Rod Lake, (63) Johnny Custom, (206) Andrew Blackburn, (44) Brian Filo, (278) Richard Brodock AMERICAN HISTORIC RACING MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION WWW.AHRMA.ORG







In 1969, I saw my first flat track race on a beautiful half-mile horseracing track in Roanoke, VA. It was love at first sight! One of the coolest things I remember about that day was meeting Bobby Yarborough. Although he was only seven years old (I was eight), he was already racing on a half-mile track against grown men and winning! Bobby Yarborough and I became friends and raced together many times over the next eight years. My first race was at Charlotte Court House, VA, in 1972 on a Hodaka 100 Super Rat.

It’s hard to pick my favorite race. I’ve enjoyed every one of them since 1972. My favorite moment of a race from this century (2018) would be a come-from-behind win against David Aldana to win my first AHRMA National on the TT500 built by Tim Bolin.

TIM: My enthusiasm for flat track racing began as a teenager when working at Yamaha of Atlanta in the early ‘70s. While my racing involvement was short lived, the love for the sport stayed with me and was re-ignited when I reconnected with Ed Salley in the early 2000s when looking for vintage Yamaha parts

FAVORITE TRACKS? CHARLIE: I love cushion half-miles, so I would say that my favorite tracks are Harrington, DE, Lima, OH, and Frederick, MD. My favorite short tracks would be Aonia Pass, GA, Mid-Carolina Speedway, and Tar Heel Speedway (Tar Heel, NC).

WHAT CLASSES DO YOU RUN? Seventies Singles 50+ Four-stroke Super Singles.




Four-stroke Super Singles Champion in 2018 and 2020

Tim and I met in 2004 at Mid-Carolina Speedway through Ed Salley. Out of the blue, Ed Salley came up to me and said, “If you ever need someone to help you, I know a guy who lives in Mt. Pleasant that loves flat track racing.” I called Tim the next day (17 years ago), and we’ve been best friends ever since. Our race team is called Circle Burner Racing.

WHAT BIKE DO YOU CURRENTLY RACE? CHARLIE: Yamaha TT500 in a Knight frame, built and maintained by Tim Bolin


2022 SEASON PLANS? CHARLIE: Next year I’ll be racing in the Sportsman 750 class on a Yamaha 750 built by Tim Bolin and continue racing in Seventies Singles 50+ and Four-stroke Super Singles I want to publicly thank Tim Bolin for being my sole sponsor these past five years, for building a fast bike, and for building a safe bike. I would not have been able to go racing without his support. TIM: We have enjoyed many victories and even a couple of AHRMA Class Championships and those would not have happened had it not been for the influences of our late friends, Pop, Ed, and Pete. To every race we carry their memory!












2021 Hagerty AHRMA National Cross Country Series Date


3/6 3/13 3/14 3/20 4/16 4/17 5/1 5/2

Cahuilla Creek Motocross; Anza, CA White Lightning; Buffalo, SC White Lightning; Buffalo, SC Burrows Ranch; Chrome, CA Circle Bar Motorsports; Fluvanna, TX Circle Bar Motorsports; Fluvanna, TX Desoto Motorsports Park; Grand Cane, LA Desoto Motorsports Park; Grand Cane, LA ISDE Reunion Race - Mill Creek Motorsports Park; Combs, AR ISDE Reunion Race - Mill Creek Motorsports Park; Combs, AR Heartland Motorsports Park; Topeka, KS Heartland Motorsports Park; Topeka, KS (PVCC Exp/Int only) Heartland Motorsports Park; Topeka, KS (VCC/PV Nov and PV women only) Reynlow Park; Reynoldsville, PA Reynlow Park; Reynoldsville, PA Shady Acres; Friendsvile, MD Shady Acres; Friendsvile, MD Pavilion MX Park; Pavilion, NY Diamond Don Motorsports; Jefferson, TX Arkansas Dirt Riders; New Blaine, AR Arkansas Dirt Riders; New Blaine, AR Bushey Ranch; Canby, CA Barber Motorsports Park; Leeds, AL Barber Motorsports Park; Leeds, AL Nat'l Championship Finale - T&S Racing; Henryetta, OK Nat'l Championship Finale - T&S Racing; Henryetta, OK (PVCC Exp/Int only) Nat'l Championship Finale - T&S Racing; Henryetta, OK (VCC/PV Nov and PV women only)

5/15 5/16 5/28 5/29 5/30 6/12 6/13 7/10 7/11 8/20 9/10 9/25 9/26 10/2 10/8 10/10 11/5 11/6 11/7

2021 Bridgestone Tires AHRMA National Historic Roadrace Series

Mail-in/ Fax/Email Pre-entry Deadline 2/19 2/26 2/26 3/5 4/2 4/2 4/16 4/16

Online Pre-entry Deadline (midnight CST) 2/22 3/1 3/1 3/8 4/5 4/5 4/16 4/19











6/4 6/4 7/2 7/2 8/6 8/27 9/10 9/10 9/17 9/24 9/24

6/7 6/7 7/5 7/5 8/9 8/30 9/13 9/13 9/20 9/27 9/27









Roebling Road Raceway; Bloomingdale, GA (AHRMA Academy of Roadracing - Thursday AND Friday) Carolina Motorsports Park; Kershaw, SC (AHRMA Academy 3/19-21 of Roadracing) Streets of Willow; Rosamond, CA (AHRMA Academy of 4/16-18 Roadracing) Willow Springs Raceway; Rosamond, CA (AHRMA Academy 4/23-25 of Roadracing) Heartland Motorsports Park (AHRMA Classic MotoFest); 5/27-30 Topeka, KS (AHRMA Academy of Roadracing) New Jersey Motorsports Park; Milleville, NJ (AHRMA 6/18-20 Academy of Roadracing) Weathertech Laguna Seca (AHRMA Classic MotoFest); 7/16-18 Monterey, CA (AHRMA Academy of Roadracing) Gingerman Raceway; South Haven, MI (AHRMA Academy 7/30-8/1 of Roadracing) Blackhawk Farms Raceway; South Beloit, IL (AHRMA 8/6-8 Academy of Roadracing) Talladega Gran Prix; Munford, AL (AAR & SRS - Schools 9/3-5 DO NOT count towards Barber!) 10/7-10 Barber Motorsports Park; Birmingham, AL 2/18-21

2/12 3/12 4/9 4/16 5/21 6/11 7/9 7/23 7/30 8/27 TBD

2021 4SR AHRMA National Vintage Dirt Track Series Date


1/16 2/27 3/20 3/27 4/10 7/23 7/23

Celebration Arena; Priceville, AL Ocala, FL Ocala, FL Baton Rouge, LA Aonia Pass MX; Washington, GA Perris Flat Track; Perris, CA Perris Flat Track; Perris, CA Lake Elsinore Motorsports park; Lake Elsinore, CA Jackpine Gypsies MC; Sturgis, SD Jackpine Gypsies MC; Sturgis, SD Pine Lake Raceway; Ashtabula, OH Pine Lake Raceway; Ashtabula, OH Georgia Practice Facility (GPF); Cairo, GA Nat'l Championship Finale -T&S Racing; Henryetta, OK

7/24 8/10 8/12 9/18 9/18 10/16




Online Pre-entry Deadline (midnight CST)




Mail-in/ Online Fax/E- Pre-entry mail Deadline Pre-entry (midnight Deadline CST) 1/1 1/3 2/12 2/15 3/5 3/8 3/12 3/15 3/26 3/29 7/9 7/11 7/9 7/11





7/30 7/30 9/3 9/3 10/1

8/4 8/4 9/6 9/6 10/4





2021 Redwood Engineering AHRMA National Vintage Motocross Series Date


2/7 2/13 3/7 3/13 3/21 4/17 5/1 5/22 5/29 6/12 7/10

Arizona Cycle Park (ACP); Buckeye, AZ Monster Mountain MX GP; Tallassee, AL Cahuilla Creek Motocross; Anza, CA White Lightning; Buffalo, SC Burrows Ranch; Chrome, CA Circle Bar Motorsports; Fluvanna, TX Desoto Motosports Park; Grand Cane, LA Mill Creek Motorsports Park; Combs, AR Heartland Motorsports Park; Topeka, KS Reynlow Park; Reynoldsville, PA Aztec Family Raceway; Colorado Springs, CO Weathertech Raceway Laguna Seca; 7/17 Monterey, CA 8/1 Ward Creek MX; Raymond, WA 8/7 Red Bud MX; Buchanan, MI 8/21 Pavilion MX Park; Pavilion, NY 9/11 Diamond Don Motorsports; Jefferson, TX 9/19 Rattlers Run; Spokane, WA 9/25 Lincoln Trail Motorsports; Casey, IL 10/3 Bushey Ranch; Canby, CA 10/9 Barber Motorsports Park; Leeds, AL 10/16 Georgia Practice Facility (GPF); Cairo, GA 10/23 Texas Vintage GP; Donie, TX Nat'l Championship Finale - T&S Racing; 11/6 Henryetta, OK

Online Mail-in/ Pre-entry Fax/E-mail Deadline Pre-entry (midnight Deadline CST) 1/22 1/25 Cancelled due to weather 2/19 2/22 2/26 3/1 3/5 3/8 4/2 4/6 4/16 /19 5/7 5/10 5/14 5/17 6/4 6/7 6/25 6/28 7/2


7/16 7/23 8/6 8/27 9/3 9/10 9/17 9/24 10/1 10/8

7/19 7/26 8/9 8/30 9/6 9/13 9/20 9/27 10/4 10/11



2021 Race Tech AHRMA National Post Vintage Motocross Series Date


2/6 2/14 3/7 3/14 4/18 5/2 5/23 5/30 6/13

Arizona Cycle Park (ACP); Buckeye, AZ Monster Mountain MX GP; Tallassee, AL Cahuilla Creek Motocross; Anza, CA White Lightning; Buffalo, SC Circle Bar Motorsports; Fluvanna, TX Desoto Motosports Park; Grand Cane, LA Mill Creek Motorsports Park; Combs, AR Heartland Motorsports Park; Topeka, KS Reynlow Park; Reynoldsville, PA Aztec Family Raceway; Colorado Springs, CO Weathertech Raceway Laguna Seca; Monterey, CA Ward Creek MX; Raymond, WA Red Bud MX; Buchanan, MI Pavilion MX Park; Pavilion, NY Diamond Don Motorsports; Jefferson, TX Lincoln Trail Motorsports; Casey, IL Georgia Practice Facility (GPF); Cairo, GA Texas Vintage GP; Donie, TX Nat'l Championship Finale - T&S Racing; Henryetta, OK

7/11 7/18 8/1 8/8 8/22 9/12 9/26 10/17 10/24 11/7




Arizona Cycle Park (ACP); Buckeye, AZ


Monster Mountain MX GP; Tallassee, AL

3/7 3/14

Cahuilla Creek Motocross; Anza, CA White Lightning; Buffalo, SC


Circle Bar Motorsports; Fluvanna, TX

5/2 5/23 5/30 6/13 7/11

Desoto Motosports Park; Grand Cane, LA Mill Creek Motorsports Park; Combs, AR Heartland Motorsports Park; Topeka, KS Reynlow Park; Reynoldsville, PA Aztec Family Raceway; Colorado Springs, CO Weathertech Raceway Laguna Seca; Monterey, CA Ward Creek MX; Raymond, WA Red Bud MX; Buchanan, MI Pavilion MX Park; Pavilion, NY Lincoln Trail Motorsports; Casey, IL Georgia Practice Facility (GPF); Cairo, GA Texas Vintage GP; Donie, TX Nat'l Championship Finale - T&S Racing; Henryetta, OK

7/18 8/1 8/8 8/22 9/26 10/17 10/24 11/7




4/16 5/7 5/14 6/4 6/25

4/19 5/10 5/17 6/7 6/28



7/16 7/23 8/6 9/10 10/1 10/8

7/19 7/26 8/9 9/13 10/4 10/11







7/16 7/23 8/6 8/27 9/10 10/1 10/8

7/19 7/26 8/9 8/30 9/13 10/4 10/11



2021 Redwood Engineering AHRMA National Vintage Trials Series

2021 AHRMA NextGen Motocross Series Online Mail-in/ Pre-entry Fax/E-mail Deadline Pre-entry (midnight Deadline CST) 1/22 1/25 Cancelled due to weather 2/19 2/22 2/25 2/28

Online Pre-entry Deadline (midnight CST) 1/22 1/25 Cancelled due to weather 2/19 2/22 2/26 3/1 4/2 4/6 4/16 4/19 5/7 5/10 5/14 5/17 6/4 6/7 Mail-in/ Fax/E-mail Pre-entry Deadline



3/6 3/12 3/20 4/10 4/16 4/18 5/21 5/28 6/11 6/19

Cahuilla Creek Motocross; Anza, CA White Lightning; Buffalo, SC Burrows Ranch; Chrome, CA Aonia Pass MX; Washington, GA Circle Bar Motorsports; Fluvanna, TX Circle Bar Motorsports; Fluvanna, TX Mill Creek Motorsports Park; Combs, AR Heartland Motorsports Park; Topeka, KS Reynlow Park; Reynoldsville, PA LeMay Museum; Tacoma, WA Weathertech Raceway Laguna Seca; Monterey, CA Donner Summit; Donner, CA Donner Summit; Donner, CA Pavilion MX Park; Pavilion, NY Diamond Don Motorsports; Jefferson, TX Rattlers Run; Spokane, WA Bushey Ranch; Canby, CA Barber Motorsports Park; Leeds, AL Barber Motorsports Park; Leeds, AL Nat'l Championship Finale - T&S Racing; Henryetta, OK

7/18 7/24 7/25 8/20 9/10 9/18 10/2 10/8 10/10 11/5


2/19 2/26 3/5 3/26 4/2 4/2 5/7 5/14 6/4 6/4

Online Pre-entry Deadline (midnight CST) 2/22 3/1 3/8 3/29 4/5 4/5 5/10 5/17 6/7 6/7



Mail-in/ Fax/E-mail Pre-entry Deadline

Cancelled Cancelled 8/6 8/27 9/3 9/17 9/24 9/24 10/22 WWW.AHRMA.ORG

8/9 8/30 9/6 9/20 9/27 9/27 10/25 53


RR-Barber Motorsports Park Leeds, AL

----------------------------Bridgestone Tires AHRMA National Historic Roadracing Series

----------------------------THIS IS A PRE-ENTRY ONLY EVENT. PRE-ENTRY CLOSES SEPTEMBER 20 AT 11:59 PM CENTRAL TIME. This is a NO REFUND / NO CREDIT event. If you are unsure if you’re qualified to race Barber, please review the 2021 Barber Roadrace Eligibility Requirements prior to signing up to race as this is a NO REFUND / NO CREDIT event. DO NOT SIGN UP FOR BARBER IF YOUR WAIVER HASN’T BEEN GRANTED! Please read the following in it’s entirety as some things have changed for 2021: 1. If you have a question regarding AHRMA Racing at Barber, please do not reach out to Barber. Email questions to roadrace.director@ahrma.org 2. Paddock Space Assignments: In order to submit a Request for Paddock Parking you must first sign up to race with AHRMA via MSR. Your race confirmation email will include a link and a password to access to the Request for Paddock Parking page. We respectfully ask you not share this information with an unregistered member. An email notifying you of your parking assignment, and if you will be in power spot, will be sent prior to the event. Volunteers who are not racing will be provided the link and password to submit their request for parking. 3. AHRMA competitors may pre-purchase arm bands for family 54


Schedules and venues are subject to change, visit www.ahrma.org

and crew when registering to race. Arm bands will also be available for purchase on-site at credentialing. Do Not purchase tickets from Barber ticketing. Please note, waivers must be signed in person. You CAN NOT sign for someone else. 4. All vehicles allowed in the paddock will be issued a Paddock Parking Pass at credentials (See schedule below for credentialing times/locations). This parking pass must be displayed on the vehicle dashboard for the weekend in order to come and go from the facility as well as the paddock. Please note when coming and going from the facility that all people in the vehicle will be required to show your arm bands for re-entry into the park. 5. A limited AHRMA Barber 2021 Event T-Shirt (Ladies & Mens cuts) can be pre-purchased in MSR and will be available for pick up at credentialing. There will be a limited quantity of Event T-Shirts available for purchase on site. 6. If you plan to camp in the paddock, the cost is as follows: $25.00 per night ($100.00 for entire event). Power (if assigned a power spot) is $25.00 per night ($100.00 for entire event). Camping and Electric are separate charges. All power and camping will be paid on-site to the Barber credentialing person. CREDENTIAL HOURS / LOCATIONS: Wednesday: Barber Motorsports Park, Lot C. Staff & Sponsors Only 7:00 am - 10:00 pm, Riders/Crew/ Family: 8:00 am - 10:00 pm Thursday: Hampton Inn, Hours 6:30am - 9:00pm. Friday: Hampton Inn, Hours - 6:30am - 9:00pm Saturday: Hampton Inn, Hours 7:00am - 11:00am Sunday: Hampton Inn, Hours 7:00am - 9:00am.

Hampton Inn: 310 Rex Lake Road, Leeds, Alabama, 35094, between Bass Pro Shops and Barber Motorsports Parkway. Move out: Sunday 2 Hours after conclusion of racing. ALL must be out of the paddock. Tire Service: Yes, Stickboy Racing will be onsite with Bridgestone tires. Gas: Fuel is available at the track. GPS Coordinates: N33 31.983 W86 36.821 Track Address: 6040 Barber Motorsports Parkway, Birmingham, AL 35094 Concessions: Yes Website: https://barberracingevents.com/

OFF-ROAD Sept 25-26, 2021 Arkansas Dirt Riders, New Blaine, AR

----------------------------2021 AHRMA Hagerty Cross Country National Series


Event Contact: Bob Diffee - (501) 517-8878 Jim Holub (501) 416-1467 Directions: West of Dardanelle, AR on AR Hwy 22 approx 16 miles Turn left at station and follow the arrows. There will be banners and arrows. Camping allowed: primitive camping only (included in gate fee) Gate fee: $10.00 per person per day Gate Hours: Gate opens at noon on Friday, 6:00AM on Saturday and Sunday Event Schedule: Saturday 7am - sign-up 8:30am - siting lap 9am - Vintage start 11am - Post Vintage start Sunday 7am - sign-up 9am - Vintage start 11am - Post Vintage start



Website: http://arkansas-dirtriders.spruz.com/

Sept 25, 2021

Lincoln Trail Motorsports, Casey, IL


2021 AHRMA Redwood Engineering National Vintage Motocross Series

Cross Country schedule Saturday: 8:30-10:00am - sign-up 12n - riders meeting 12:30pm - race starts 5pm - awards presented after Trials awards


Vintage MX schedule Sunday: 7:00-8:30am - sign-up 8:30am - rider’s meeting 9am - practice 10am - racing begins

event schedule TBD


Event Contact: (217) 932-2041 lincolntrailmotosports@gmail.com Address: 649 County Road 2150E Casey, IL 62420

Oct 2-3, 2021

Bushey Ranch, Canby, CA

----------------------------2021 AHRMA Hagerty Cross Country National Series

----------------------------The Robert W. Bushey Memorial Vintage MX, Trial and Cross Country Rodeo is like having an event on the Ponderosa! The Bushey family goes all-out to make this weekend a great experience. For those who will need pre-jetting, the elevation at Canby is ~ 4300’. Contact: Rob Poole 415.990.9003 after 6pm weekdays, or anytime weekends. Email Rob at pooleschl1@hotmail.com; or Dick Mann at dickaymann@aol.com. Gate Fee: $10.00/day. Kids under 12, free Camping: Yes Concessions: Yes, there will be food available Saturday and Sunday. Proceeds will benefit the Alturas Lions Club. Track address: 303 County Road 84, Canby, CA 96015 Website information: www.ahrmanw.org Race Schedule Trials schedule Saturday: 8:30-10:00 - Sign-up 9:15am - checkers meeting 10:30am - riders meeting 11am - trial starts 5pm - awards SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021

Oct 16, 2021

Georgia Practice Facility, Cairo, GA


2021 AHRMA 4SR National Vintage Dirt Track Series

----------------------------Event Contact: Bud Fischer: 440-997-4166 Address: 891 Bold Springs Rd, Cairo, GA 39828 Gate Fee: Saturday Only $10.00 Sunday Only $10.00 Both Days $15.00 Kids under 10 free Kids over 65 Free Event Schedule Friday 8am - gates open 12n-5pm - practice (cost $20) 4-6pm - early sign-up

Saturday 7am - gates open 8:30am - riders meeting via FM Broadcast 9am - practice Racing starts immediately following practice Sunday 7am - gates open 8:30am - riders meeting via FM Broadcast 9am - practice Racing starts immediately following practice Saturday and Sunday Podium Interviews for moto winners only. All awards will be available for pick up as soon as final scoring is complete Podium will be available for photo Opportunity throughout event Special Events Vintage Bike Show - All Bikes Welcome no entry fee, winners to be announced via FM Broadcast and loud speakers at 1 pm Sunday Awards for: Best of Show VMX, PVMX, and Peoples Choice Hole in One Contest: Chipping contest, closest to hole, 50/50, 5 balls for $10, winner takes 50% of purse. All other proceeds go to Cash For Class Scholarship Race





2021 AHRMA

ahrmanw.org | ahrmasw.org | ahrmane.org ahrmama.org | ahrmase.org | ahrmasc.org ahrmagl.org | ahrmarm.org


2021 AHRMA Northwest Schedule Date

2021 AHRMA South Central Schedule Event


Jun 12

Skyline MX Park, Kuna, ID

*Regional VMX, PV

Jun 19

LeMay Motorcycle Days; Marymount Museum Tacoma, WA

Jul 17

WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca; Monteray, CA

National Trials

Jul 18

WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca; Monteray, CA

National V/PV MX

Aug 1

Ward Creek MX; Raymond, WA

National V/PV MX

Aug 22

MMX Racing; Marysville, CA

*Regional V/PV MX

Aug 28-29

Tea CupTrial; Point Arena, CA

*Regional Trials

Sep 18

Rattlers Run Ranch; Fairfield, WA

National Trials

Sep 19

Rattlers Run Ranch; Fairfield, WA

National VMX

Oct 2

Bushey Ranch; Canby, CA

Oct 3

Bushey Ranch; Canby, CA

Oct 23-24

Regional TBA

*Regional Trials

National Trials/CC National VMX *Regional Trials

*Denotes Regional Only Event **Denotes Special event, non-points paying event Schedule subject to change with additions/deletions.

2021 AHRMA Southwest Schedule Date

Event Glen Helen Raceway - Truck Track; San Jun 27 Bernardino, CA Weathertech Raceway Laguna Seca; Monterey, Jul 17 - 18 CA Jul 24 - 25 Donner Summit; Donner, CA Glen Helen Raceway - REM Track; San Aug 8 Bernardino, CA Glen Helen Raceway - Main Track; San Sep 5 Bernardino, CA Nov 14 Motoland; Casa Grande, AZ Glen Helen Raceway Day in the Dirt; San Nov 27 Bernardino, CA *Denotes Regional Only Event Schedule subject to change with additions/deletions.

Location *Regional V/PV/NG MX



Jun 12

Waco Eagles MC Club

Jun 13 Sep 10 Sep 11 Sep 12 Sep 25 Sep 26 Oct 23 Oct 24 Nov 5

Waco Eagles MC Club Diamond Don Riverport National; Jefferson, TX Diamond Don Riverport National; Jefferson, TX Diamond Don Riverport National; Jefferson, TX Arkansas Dirt Riders; New Blaine, AR Arkansas Dirt Riders; New Blaine, AR Texas Vintage Grand Prix ; Donie, TX Texas Vintage Grand Prix ; Donie, TX

Nov 6

National Championship Off Road; Henryetta, OK

Nov 7

National Championship Off Road; Henryetta, OK

National Championship Off Road; Henryetta, OK

Disciplines *Regional VMX / Regional CC *Regional PVMX / Next Gen National Trials / CC National VMX National PVMX National CC National CC National VMX / Regional CC National PVMX / Next Gen National Trials / CC National VMX / CC / Dirt Track National PVMX / Next Gen / CC

Nov 20 Nov 21

Desoto Motorsports Park; Grand Cane, LA *Regional VMX / CC Desoto Motorsports Park; Grand Cane, LA *Regional PVMX /Next Gen Oilman's Classic - Wild Wood MX; Park *Regional VMX (Both SC Dec 4 Kentwood, LA and SE Regional) *Regional PVMX / Next Oilman's Classic - Wild Wood MX; Park Gen(Both SC and SE Dec 5 Kentwood, LA Regional) *Denotes Regional Only Event Schedule subject to change with additions/deletions.

National V/PV/NG MX/Trials National Trials *Regional V/PV/NG MX *Regional V/PV/NG MX *Regional V/PV/NG MX *Regional Trials

DirtBikeRacing.net @dirtbikeracingimages 808-652-2392 56


2021 AHRMA Rocky Mountains Schedule Date Jun 13 Jun 27

Event Disciplines Honor Farm MX Park; Pueblo, CO *Regional V/PV/NG MX w/RMVMC Bull Hollow MX; Monticello, UT *Regional V/PV/NG MX w/AVDRA Rocky Mountain National - Aztec National V/PV/NG MX - Double Jul 10-11 Family Raceway , Coloroado Regional Points Springs, CO Aug 15 Jewell Motocross; Watkins, CO *Regional V/PV/NG MX w/RMVMC Sept 19 Thunder Valley MX; Morrison, CO *Regional V/PV/NG MX w/AVDRA Aztec Family Raceway , Coloroado *Regional V/PV/NG MX w/RMVMC Oct 17 Springs, CO *Denotes Regional Only Event Schedule subject to change with additions/deletions.

Schedules and venues are subject to change, Visit regional websites for up to date information



2021 AHRMA Northeast MX & CC Schedule

2021 AHRMA Southeast Schedule

Date Event Location TBA Swap Meet/MX Practice - Nesco; Hammonton, NJ Swap Meet & MX Practice V/PV/NG Reynlow Park - Reynlow Park; Reynoldsville, PA National V/PV/NG CC Trials, Regional Points Jun 11 Jun 12 Reynlow Park - Reynlow Park; Reynoldsville, PA National V MX, Regional Points Jun 13 Reynlow Park - Reynlow Park; Reynoldsville, PA National PV/NG MX, Regional Points Jun 26 Ashcraft Farm - Ashcraft Farm; Bellefonte, PA Regional V/PV/NG MX Jun 27 Ashcraft Farm - Ashcraft Farm; Bellefonte, PA Regional V/PV/NG CC Jul 17 State Line Riders; N. Pownal, VT Regional V/PV/NG CC Jul 18 State Line Riders; N. Pownal, VT Regional V/PV/NG MX Jul 31 Allen's Farm - Allens Farm; Lawton, PA Regional V/PV/NG CC Aug 1 Allen's Farm - Allens Farm; Lawton, PA Regional V/PV/NG MX Aug 7 Bear Creek Sportsmen; Hancock, NY Dual Sport V/PV/NG Aug 8 Bear Creek Sportsmen; Hancock, NY Dual Sport V/PV/NG Aug 20 Pavilion CC - Pavilion MX; Pavilion, NY National V/PV/NG CC, Regional Points Aug 21 Pavilion MX - Pavilion MX; Pavilion, NY National V MX, Regional Points Aug 22 Pavilion MX - Pavilion MX; Pavilion, NY National PV/NG MX, Regional Points Sep 4 Bear Creek Sportsmen; Hancock, NY Regional V/PV/NG CC Sep 5 Bear Creek Sportsmen; Hancock, NY Regional V/PV/NG MX Sep 18 Kelso Creek Classic - KCC; Minerva, NY Regional V/PV/NG CC Sep 19 Kelso Creek Classic - KCC; Minerva, NY Regional V/PV/NG MX Oct 2 French Woods; Hancock, NY Regional V/PV/NG CC Oct 3 French Woods; Hancock, NY Regional V/PV/NG MX Oct 9 Cayuga County Riders - CCR; King Ferry, NY Regional V/PV/NG CC and MX Oct 16 NJ Field of Dreams MX - FOD; Millville, NJ Regional V/PV/NG MX Championship Criteria for Cross Country and Motocross are: Five (5) events minimum to qualify for regional championship and year-end awards. Best six (6) events count toward points championship.

2021 AHRMA Great Lakes Schedule Date Jun 12 Aug 14

XCCR/Timber Falls; Waverly, OH Saddleback East - Bedford, KY


Aug 21/22

Wabash Cannonball - Wabash, IN

Sept 18/19 Pinelake - Ashtabula, OH Sep 25 COCR; Sugar Grove, OH XCCR/Mission 'Merica; South Oct. 2 Bloomingville, OH Oct 16/17 Camp Cattail - Chillicothe, OH *Denotes Regional Only Event Schedule subject to change with additions/deletions.


Disciplines *Regional CC *Regional CC,MX, Trials *Regional MX - VMX & PVMX both days National DT/TT, Regional CC, MX Regional MX / CC *Regional CC *Regional CC,MX

Date Jun 12 Jun 13 Sep 18 Sep 19 Oct 8 Oct 9 Oct 10 Oct 16 Oct 17

Event Tennessee Ridge Runners; Bybee, TN Tennessee Ridge Runners; Bybee, TN Sugar Hill; Bolivar, TN Sugar Hill; Bolivar, TN Barber Motorsports Park; Leeds, AL Barber Motorsports Park; Leeds, AL Barber Motorsports Park; Leeds, AL Georgia Practice Facility; Cairo, GA Georgia Practice Facility; Cairo, GA

Oct 30


Oct 31


Disciplines *Regional CC, Trials *Regional CC *Regional CC, Trials *Regional CC National CC, Trials National VMX National CC, Trials National VMX, DT National PV / NG MX

Oilman's Classic - Wild Wood MX; Park *Regional VMX Kentwood, LA Oilman's Classic - Wild Wood MX; Park *Regional PV / NG MX Dec 5 Kentwood, LA *Denotes Regional Only Event Schedule subject to change with additions/deletions. Dec 4

2021 AHRMA Mid Atlantic CC Schedule Date Event Reynlow Park; Reynoldsville, PA** Jun 11-13 Ashcraft Run; Bellefonte, PA Jun 27 Jul 10-11 Shady Acres; Friendsville, MD** Aug 7-8 Coyotee Run; Ebensburg, PA Sep 12 Little Beaver; Lisbon,OH Oct 10 S.P.E.R. Run; Frackville, PA Oct 24 White Rose MC; Spring Grove, PA Schedule subject to change with additions/deletions/ rescheduling **Denotes Nationals ONLY, Mid-Atlantic XC regional points not awarded.

2021 AHRMA Mid Atlantic MX Schedule Date Event Location Jun Reynlow Park; Reynoldsville, PA National Trials, CC, and VMX, PVMX, NG 11-13 Jun Ashcraft Run XC; Bellefonte, PA Sat MX, Sun CC, Mini Series Event #3 26-27 Jul 10 Tomahawk; Hedgesville, WV Regional w/ACR VMX, PVMX, NG Aug 14 Lake Sugar Tree; Axton, Virginia Regioinal MX, PVMX, NG Oct Field of Dreams; Millville, NJ Regional MX, W/ACR MX, PVMX, NG 16-17 Oct 30 Lake Sugar Tree; Axton, Virginia Regional MX, PVMX, NG (Weather Permitting) *Denotes Regional Only Event Schedule subject to change with additions/deletions.




Registration is Open Register online only at AHRMA Motorsport Registration https://www.ahrma.org/2021-barber-events

National Historic Cup Roadracing Series Practice Thursday October 7th — Friday October 8th Racing Saturday October 9th — Sunday October 10th

(No practice on race days)


National Vintage Motocross Series Practice / Racing Saturday October 9th

National Cross Country Series Racing Friday October TM 8th and Sunday October 10th

National Vintage Trials Series Observed Trials Friday October 8th and Sunday October 10th TM





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July 23, Perris Flat Track, Perris, CA — Short Track

September 18, Pine Lake Raceway, Ashtabula, OH — Short Track

July 23, Perris Flat Track, Perris, CA — TT

September 18, Pine Lake Raceway, Ashtabula, OH —TT

July 24, Lake Elsinore Motorsports Park, Lake Elsinore, CA — Short Track

October 16, Georgia Practice Facility, Cairo, GA — Short Track

July 25, Lake Elsinore Motorsports Park, Lake Elsinore, CA — TT

October 16, Georgia Practice Facility, Cairo, GA — TT

August 10, Jackpine Gypsies MC, Sturgis, SD Short Track

November 6, National Championship Finale — T&S Racing; Henryetta, OK

August 12, Jackpine Gypsies MC, Sturgis, SD TT The complete 2021 AHRMA National Vintage Dirt Track Series schedule, class rules and entry forms are available at ahrma.org/schedules-results

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American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association


RIDER PROFILE Dave Bourbeau At The First Annual Harley vs. Indian Double Barrel Shootout at the Barber Corral THE LEGEND OF JAMMIN’ JIMMY AND RIO BRAVO LIVES ON IN TX




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ADVERTISE WITH AHRMA! AHRMA members invest a lot of money in their sport. In addition to owning 19 motorcycles, the average member spends over $10,000 each year on new and used motorcycles, parts, accessories, publications, race fuel, lubricants, safety gear, tools and other related items. In other words, the association's members represent nearly $60 million in spending power! Advertising opportunities include Sponsorships, the AHRMA Handbook, AHRMA MAG, the AHRMA website, Special Events, Barber Program and more. Contact AHRMA and let us build an advertising package that works for you! For more information, contact

jim.doyle@ahrma.org or call 785.453.2320





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The Benevolent Fund was created in 1992 as a means of helping AHRMA members in need. AHRMA offers a variety of raffles and other fundraisers benefitting the Benevolent Fund. Members also are encouraged to contribute directly. Members in good standing for at least one year may take advantage of the fund. All applications for assistance are kept confidential. Requirements are listed in the AHRMA Handbook. Contact Bob Goodpaster 219. 942.2401 norton80_1@msn.com

12/21/19 12/21/19 10:20 10:20 AM AM



OFFER Racing History


The Oldest Living World Champion: Cecil Sandford

X X XVI Daytona Beach, Florida



Making History Cecil Sandford made history as the first rider to win a World Championship riding an MV Agusta. Now, at the age of 91, he is motorcycling’s oldest-surviving World Champion and still has vivid memories of Grand Prix racing in the 1950s.

By Mat Oxley Photos by Chippy Wood and Sandford Archives

HIS hist TOII oriIC c IIAC racebik ••11t•e ,,,u illusTII strATIO Classic atioN$ ns Plus,






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n Wednesday, June 11th, 1952, Cecil Sandford started something very big. He scored the first World Championship race victory for MV Agusta, the marque that went on to become the most successful manufacturer in Grand Prix racing, with 275 race wins and 75 Rider and Constructor world titles. Even now, almost half a century after By MickMV’s last race, only Honda, YaOfield maha, and Aprilia have achieved more Grand Prix success. Two months after Sandford took MV’s first classic win in the Ultra-Lightweight TT, he clinched the 125cc World Championship, MV’s first. Five years later he won his second World Championship, in the 250cc class, with rival Italian brand Mondial. During his 15-year career, the Gloucestershire, England rider had factory contracts with AJS, Velocette, MV, DKW, and Mondial. He raced against Geoff Duke, John Surtees, and Mike Hailwood,

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By David Swarts

for some dinner, came back and stood in the passenger queue to get on the boat. We’d been there for quite a while when my mum pointed at a boat pulling out of the docks and said, ‘I’m sure that’s the boat we put the car on’. And it was. The queue we were stood lor to ask if he’d let me go, because in was for the boat to New York.” Les had suggested to Domenico Two years later Sandford that I ride for them in 1952.” made his Continental debut, ridAgusta had recently recruiting an AJS 7R in the Italian GP ed engineer Piero Remor and 2020 at Monza. “That was my firstPanigale time mechanic Arturo Magni from GilV2Remor abroad and Europe was still reera. designed MV’s first / Jerez, Spain covering from the war, very much 500 and first four-stroke 125, a so. A lot of road signs were still full DOHC Single; although Sandford of bullet holes and I remember the believes that Agusta was also inroads in France were still really volved with the smaller engine. “I rough and full of muck.” think the first 125 engine was the During the crucial early days old man’s idea—he was a good enof Sandford’s professional career gineer,” Sandford recalls. his mentor was Les Graham, win“The first time I saw the bike ner of the inaugural 1949 500cc was on the Isle of Man and the World Championship, with AJS. first time I rode it was in practice. The Merseysider quit the strugIt had very narrow tires—you just gling Plumstead brand for MV at had to keep underneath the hedgthe end of 1950 and a year later es and try to make speed. I won recruited Sandford, 17 years his the race and I was on the way up.” junior, to the cause of Count DoSandford and the MV beat menico Agusta. Carlo Ubbiali’s Mondial by one “Les called at the garage minute, 40 seconds to take his and owned by my sponsor Arthur TayMV’s first TT win, but the Count



undreds of racers from North America and other parts of the world converged on Daytona International Speedway to compete for race wins and National Championships at the 36th annual Championship Cup Series (CCS) Race of Champions, featuring the final rounds of the AMA-sanctioned American Sportbike Racing Association (ASRA) National Sprint and Team Challenge series. On the line were eight National Championships in the ASRA Sprint Series Presented by Pirelli Tire, decided by points accumulated over a seven-round season; four National Championships in the ASRA Team Challenge Series Presented by Michelin Tire, decided by points accumulated during an eight-round season; and 54 CCS National Championships, which were decided by winner-take-all sprint races. The Race of Champions also included two MotoGirlGT exhibition races, featuring only female competitors. After a full day of mostly dry practice time and the Team Hammer Advanced Riding School on Friday, racing began in wet conditions on Saturday; the track dried out later in the afternoon and

(Above) Squid Hunter Racing’s Simone Corsi (47) sets up to pass Greg Melka (1) as they lead Max Angles (64) through Turn One during the CCS Heavyweight Supersport race race at Daytona International Speedway all on YZF-R6s. Photo by Lisa Theobald. (Above, Right) Jason Farrell (86) won in the wet in CCS GTU Expert and in the dry in CCS Middleweight SuperSport and Middleweight SuperBike Expert. Photos by Brian J. Nelson. stayed dry on Sunday. Former Moto2 World Championship rider and 2008 125cc Grand Prix World Championship runner-up Simone Corsi rode a Pirelli-fitted Squid Hunter Racing Yamaha YZF-R6 in the ASRA Team Challenge race as part of a last-minute deal put together as a possible precursor to a Daytona 200 effort. The 32-year-old Italian took the overall lead on lap 30 of the race and turned laps as quick as 1:53.485 to pull away and claim the overall and GTU class victories by 13.869 seconds. “I love this track,” Corsi said in English from the podium. “The race was very difficult, but I enjoy it very much. I want to thank my team. They did a great job.” West Side Performance’s Christian Miranda, age 19, raced closely with Corsi but fell behind after the first and only round of pit stops. Miranda, however, held on to finish second overall and in the GTU class on his Yamaha YZF-R6. Series regular Lloyd Bay-

ley finished third overall and first in the GTO category on his BMW S1000RR. Jinba Ittai Motorsport’s Joel Lenk crossed the finish line fourth overall and second in the GTO class, and that was enough to claim the 2019 ASRA Team Challenge Overall and GTO Championships. Jinba Ittai Motorsport edged out seven-time ASRA Team Challenge Champion Grease Monkey Racing (Eric Helmbach/Stephen Hoffman) for both titles. Grease Monkey Racing finished the race sixth overall and third in GTO. JoeyO Racing (Robert Bettencourt/Sean Osowski) took 18th overall and won in the GT Lights category on a Yamaha FZ07, while fourth place in the GT Lights division was enough for Racing 101 (Doug Stufflebeam/ Gino Angella/Mark Evry/Joseph Ciesnik) to secure the GT Lights Team Challenge Championship. The Team Challenge race was originally scheduled to run for 55 laps, but a crash in the chicane

Roger Morissette (60) took first place in CCS GT Lights and CCS Moto3 Expert on his Suzuki SV650.

Cameron Jones (239) won the wet CCS GT 500 Expert race on a Honda CBR500R and won the dry CCS 300 SuperSport and 300 SuperBike Expert races on a Kawasaki Ninja 300. Photos by Brian J. Nelson.

42—Roadracing World, December 2019

22—Roadracing World, December 2019




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Britain’s greatest riders of all time. And he won the race in which Hailwood made his debut, at Oulton Park in April, 1957. “Surtees was one of the best riders I ever watched,” recalls Sandford, a chipper nonagenarian with an amazing memory for the first decade of motorcycle World Championship racing. “And Duke was always a step ahead. He was the only bloke I ever saw drift a motorbike, at Monza.” Sandford started racing as a teenager, just after the Second World War, after converting his Triumph road bike for scrambling, trials, and grass-track duties. Next came road racing, usually at disused wartime bases like Haddenham, Dunholme, and Blandford Forum. He made his TT debut in the 1948 Clubmans Junior, although he very nearly didn’t make it to the Isle of Man. “We were taking my Velocetteto Douglas from Liverpool, with me, my mum and my dad in an MG with the Velo on a trailer. At the docks we gave the car to the AA to put on the boat [this was pre-roll-on/roll-off ferries], went


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(Above) Cecil Sandford (71) in 1956 on a DKW 250cc three-cylinder twostroke fitted with an example of "dustbin" fairings, later banned because they were too dangerous in windy conditions. (Above, Right) Sandford (left) with Les Graham, discussing the Earles front fork that most likely caused Graham’s death at the 1953 Isle of Man TT. (Right) A delighted Sandford poses in pit lane after winning his first Isle of Man TT in 1952 on an MV DOHC Single, with sponsor Arthur Taylor (center) and MV Agusta mechanic Arturo Magni (left). Photos courtesy Sandford archives.

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Triple clamps

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racing World, December


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By Chris Ulrich


hen Ducati The with intake 2020 Ducati Panigale introduc the 959 ed Panigale and exhaust V2 is based sion standard formanc it offered plenty in 2016, on the s without system changes e without the engine of perneeded to Panigale 959, but losing drama of riding any of the usual meet needed to holds the catalytic performance. 1000cc The exhaust Euro5 emissportbik a fire-breathing electronicsmaintain power. converter and provides 2020 Panigale e. After box under (Below, from the V4 riding the V2—the ignation line represenRight) Advanced the large volume new dest a significant Bosch IMU-bas V-Twin for Ducati’s fully Followin sportbik g the lead ed upgrade e—at Jerez faired day, I’m model, for the V2. of its Ducati for a smaller- still convinced impleme flagship monocoq displace that this nted the ue chassis ment V-Twin Panigale is on the Panigale for the open-cla a great alternati The next 2013 model 899 ss sportbik ve to an evolution 959 Panigale With Ducati’se. was the year. 955cc . mance high-per Superbik In 26 years foring to a e line went the Super-m V4 engine platform movcompany id of a true from the displace configuration middlew ment a host of engineers gave , placeme eight to nt new V2 smart upgrade the 959 bike. It’s of a full-blow the diss and the designat n superion. Ducati to the V2 hundred amazing what a couple "Super-m as another model refers performa cubic centimet ers do for nce! back to id" heritage that in its Which brings the 748, dates 1994. The first released model year and us to the 2020 model, the 748 and the succeedi in emission the new 749, were standard Euro5 ng ons competin sign challeng potent weaps. A key g on the e for against dewas to racetrac 600cc meet the this 959 update inline four-cyli k der machine without Euro5 losing performastandard s, but nbanned s Ducati from the the bike was engineer nce. And World Champio s have with the Supersp V2. Ducati done that ort nship added 99cc 2020 upgrade claims to create when Ducati form for d V2 the company the 848 the 2008 ’s 955cc version of the model year. platperquad A major of the V-Twin ro Panigale engine— 2012 model change came Sua bore though V4 and stroke which year, when in the the bodywor platform, alabandon 68.5mm is 1.6 of 100mmhas ed the exhaust k on the and a compres inches tried-and Ducati bular-st x of 12.5:1— system V2 (40mm) Like the eel trellis -true tusion ratio that looks to the V4 narrowe bodywor ing an chassis, 76.7 lbs-ft puts out 155 similar r. V2’s upper k on the aluminu to the V2. exhaust were buildbhp and of torque. chassis V4, the also er ram-air fairing now For 2020, for the m monocoque be justifi Both those changesfitted 1199 Panigale inlets with has largthe styling ed in terms Ducati lights mounted can formanc brought 18—Road the headand . e, but also of overall perPanigale racing World, inside the for the an 11-poun V2 in linedesign of the contribu ductwor Decembe ted to d increase with the same tailsectio k, along cutouts r 2019 (More on look in weight. the changes n design. with the single-si ded swingarm Performa later.) A new nce improvem start at and a new the ents upper fairing, leading edge where larger of the intake

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12/2/19 12/2/19 2:21 2:21 PM PM



Ceriani Road Race Forks Price: $1,450 Location: Lapeer,Michigan Contact: Ron Kalanquin - (810) 664-0977


Need exhaust Pipe for 1974 Yamaha MX 360 URGENT!!! Price: $150 Location: Texas Contact: Trent Thompson - (972) 838-8963 1964 Triumph Tiger Cub - Trials Competition Price: $6,000 obo, or let's talk 1964 Triumph Tiger Cub T20SS — Highly modified for Trials. Very competitive motorcycle in AHRMA Vintage Trials! Excellent condition and many extras — Location: Green Valley, AZ (near Tucson) Contact: James Roberts (520) 777-3326



Swap meet ads: AHRMA members may submit two free Swap Meet, non-commercial, motorcyclerelated ads of up to 50 words each, per issue. Each ad will run only once, but you are welcome to renew monthly. All ads will also be placed on www.ahrma.org for at least onemonth. Marketplace ads: The Marketplace plan is specifically designed for small business owners. Members or non-members may submit an ad of up to 50 words and may include 1 photo. This ad will appear both on ahrma.org’s AHRMA Swap Meet page, and in AHRMA MAG’s Marketplace section for 2 issues, with photo. Marketplace ads cost $25 for 60 days and may be renewed as many times as you like. Please include: name, address, phone number and AHRMA membership number with your ad.


Go to: www.ahrma.org/classifieds-etc/

Yellow 2000 Ducati 748 Monoposto VIN: ZDM1SB3R9YB011992 41381 Miles CONDITION DETAILS: This motorcycle has been ridden reasonably hard and put away wet nearly every occasion, but it rarely let me down in the 14k miles I put on it. Once from a failure of the stock voltage regulator which was replaced with an upgraded unit from Nichols Sport Bike in Milpitas, CA and I have never had this problem again. The second time was several weeks after the timing belts had been replaced by Barnett’s Ducati in Raleigh, NC and one belt slipped because the tension adjuster had been installed incorrectly. They corrected their mistake for free and there was no permanent damage. The bike was as fast as it ever was before the problem. The left side bodywork has some obvious scratches on it where I laid it down entering the parking garage at business school at low speed. It was a cold morning, a bit damp outside, and I grabbed a bit too much front

brake for the conditions. This incident also bent the left side peg, but it never bothered me. The paint looks like a bike with 41k miles on it. The piece immediately behind the front wheel obviously looks the worst taking plenty of gravel and similar road debris. The rest of the paint needs a good thorough cleaning by someone who is willing to put the work into it. The rear bodywork is not original since it is marked 996 and it is biposto, but I bought it this way and I never cared about the originality. The left clip-on handlebar was broken somehow during storage, I do not know when, but obviously, it will need to be replaced before it can be ridden. It is now September 2021 and the last time it was ridden/started was April 2017, so I have NOT tried to start it nor WILL I try to start it. The battery does work and the right turn signal works, but the left turn signal did not function. Also, the fuel pump did not buzz when I turned the key to the start position, so I am sure the fuel is gummed up inside it.

Location: Chapel Hill, NC Contact: Tom Birchard - (313) 617-2567

MZ Skorpion Super Single Racer – on Dymags

$3,750 Well Sorted Race bike. Dymags – Brembos – Keihin CRs – Race Tech fork – Penske rear shock – Engine by Galen Miller of Cycleworks. More photos available on request. Racer is retiring. Bag a bargain. Location: Fort Lauderdale, FL Contact: Shawn Lamb - (954) 684-3610





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Have You Updated Your MotorsportReg Profile? AHRMA is working toward having our race results published in other magazines and online publications. To make this happen we need your help! Please complete your MotorsportReg profile with the following info for all of your race bikes: your name, bike, make, model, and year. This is a great chance for AHRMA to shine, so please log into your account and make these updates.

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AHRMA National Headquarters 49 Ferguson Lane Elora, TN 37328


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