Exploring Potential of Urban Agriculture in mono-functional Industrial areas of Milan

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VIMODRONE: TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVE-SCAPES Re-Establishing Agro Corridor Through Micro Interventions



Fall semester 2019 | School of Architecture Urban Planning and Construction Engineering Master of Science in Urban Planning and Policy Design Instructors: Eugenio Morello, Stefano Pareglio Teaching Assistants: Nicola Colaninno, Ahmed ElDesoky, Israa Mahmoud, Federica Rotondo

Group 4

Ahsaas Tarwani Filippo Perego Isadora Tenorio de Araujo Sotiros Papachristou

ABSTRACT Vimodrone: towards sustainable productive-scapes Re-establishing Agro-corridor through Micro interventions Set in the highly vulnerable industrial area of Vimodrone at the periphery of Milan, the project is an attempt to tackle its low environmental quotient and lay seeds of transformation to a more sustainable productive space by re-establishing the Agro-corridor at regional level. Thus, responding to the MUFPP (Milan Urban Food Policy Pact) visions of food security 2050 and plugging-in Vimodrone with clever- cities goals. It is well known that Industrial farming consumes 70% of resources while producing 30 % of output. The idea is to diffuse agricultural production into ‘micro urban-farms’ which use 30% of resources & produce 70%, thus a multiplier effect of micro-interventions of NBS (Nature Based Solutions) will provide better sustainable production attaining greater efficiency. The selected NBSs provide co-benefit of high social cohesion, which seemed as an imperative need to address the fragmentation as reflected by stakeholder interviews. The negative impacts of installing NBSs like gentrification are counter-balanced by the instruments of planning like project priorities as per value creation and setting ‘Communal land trusts’ model. The devised co-creation process supports multiple agricultural-practices (urban-farming entrepreneurs, corporate-enterprises and communal-farming) to flourish as the ‘urban-farming knowledge’ gets embedded in the communities. The project is based on concepts of circular-economy which not only reduces the stress on environmental resources but also provides local job opportunities (4th economy of innovation; Milano Action-Plan 2030 , 100 Resilient cities) and cut CO2 emissions. Overall, the new overlay of Agro-production over industrial production can feed additional 7312 persons /year while also help reduce absolute-temperatures, increase permeability and reduce thermal energy consumption.

Table of Content 1 INTRODUCTION

1 Aim 2 Targets 3 Methodology 4 Goals 5 Importance of NBS and co-benefits


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1 Aim 2 Urban Transition 3 Why investing on NBS 4 Co-Benefits of NBS 5 Main pillars of the strategy 1 Identification of the international context 2 Indentification of the local context 3 Site context 1 Spatial analysis and survey 2 SWOT analysis 3 Relevant transformations 1 Vision and strategies 2 Vulnerability and potentially assestment for agro-production 1 Spatial assestment of NBS 2 NBS in place 1 Stakeholders profiles and roles in the co-creation process 2 Social engineering and stages of co-creation process 3 The role of C.A.L. 1 Prioritisation

1 Before and After indicators 2 Lifestyle changes 1 Eco-industrial park 2 Agro-upcyclung Hub 1 NBS case studies references 2 List of companies from industrial condominium 3 Table of Energy Prediction

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The metropolitan area of ​​Milan, which was born from the polarity of the regional capital, expands and spreads throughout the Po valley, creating a network system of centers characterized by widespread urbanization that alternate in areas with important agglomerations, deriving from major urban centers or from large polarities. All within this context we are faced with some of the more complex challenges deriving from the uncontrolled growth of cities. Observe the morphology of these territories, we can in fact notice how we hypothesized to dissect the urbanized starting from a center and going up to the countryside, retracing the entire radial transept of development, we could notice some of the historical characteristics of the European development of the city. One of the main observations, deriving from this starting point, is the strong presence of anthropized elements that are repeated at the change of the landscape and the type of building: spaces spaces dedicated to private mobility (with the exception of historic centers), fragmented and often conceived green areas as “accessory” to the built space, which dominates the physicality of the space. It is precisely everything within this context that concerns the need to tackle problems and critical issues with a new look, which differs strongly from traditional urban planning which finds the basis for development in rules and indices. This approach was in fact very attentive to the design phase, not taking into account the peculiarities and physicality of the spaces, as well as the socio-economic-cultural dynamics of a place. This type of development is often led to the creation of dormitory areas in the connected areas, with few public transport connections to the city center. Neighborhoods that are characterized by a low quality of public space and buildings, generating important negative externalities on the development of the city. A similar discomfort arises with the sub-industrial urbanization of industries, which moves away from the main city centers while remaining a short distance away, with the aim of reducing costs deriving from the value of the land. This has often led to the creation of spontaneous industrial areas, where residence and production combine to create hybrid spaces, characterized by an important dispersion and soil consumption.

1.5 Importance of NBS and co-benefits

Everything within this program should be highlighted as the role of NBS is multiple and not limited to the new physicality. The creation of this new development paradigm is at the base of benefits for the community and is the whole economy both in terms of savings and possibilities. In fact, the effects are transversal, created by creating activities and involving the population that will take place in an active role within the development, implementation phase and also in that of management, creating an active and proactive substrate. The economic benefits deriving from the NBS are also evident, which are the best marks of the criticality, mitigating the effects of excellent weather events, improving the performance quality of a territory and generating income from their productivity, such as using the Community Garden, the Green Roofs or the treatment of water, which qualifies both a saving of money and in some cases a direct creation of income.

1.2 Targets

However, the objectives are necessary and cannot be concluded with the creation of a new way of modifying the city, indeed, it must set itself the objective of creating an urban resilient, effective in responding to stimuli deriving from the outside and influencing the whole of life of man. In fact, the concept of sustainability is not to be limited or to be sought alone in the creation of new spaces, in the reuse of others or in the partial replacement of those present, even if it creates a new “modus operandi” which is the basis of the company that intervenes from from spatiality to have effects on sociality, economy and culture.

1.3 Methodology

The methodology adopted starts from surveying the area, meeting with relevant stakeholders and documenting their perceptions and aspirations about the area, which was later combined with the spatial analysis at district level and under the umbrella of Local, National and International motives to draft a vision for the project. The GIS aided tools were harnessed to exploit the maximum potential of the area while taking into consideration the vulnerable areas and critical buildings which streamlined the project further by giving clues of prioritization in process of project implementation.

1.4 Goals

However, the objectives are necessary and cannot be concluded with the creation of a new way of modifying the city, indeed, it must set itself the objective of creating an urban resilient, effective in responding to stimuli deriving from the outside and influencing the whole of life of man. The concept of sustainability is not to be limited or to be sought alone in the creation of new spaces, in the reuse of others or in the partial replacement of those present, even if it creates a new “modus operandi” which is the basis of the company that intervenes from from spatiality to have effects on sociality, economy and culture. 7

2 THE STRATEGY 2.1 Aim and Vision

In light of the critical situation in which we find ourselves intervening, we believe it is important to rethink not only the production space, but also the type of production and production ethics. It therefore arises from the need to respond to the push of sustainability and progress which, increasingly shared, gives the opportunity to rethink spaces and society. The idea was born to recreate an agricultural corridor that takes up the historicity of suburban rural areas, redeveloping historical places and creating a collective production system that changes the production structure of the industrial area of ​​Vimodrone, creating a circular economy that goes to replace a traditional linear economy. The localization of widespread micro interventions aims to recover the gap between the residential and productive urban fabric, placing the collective space and sustainable mobility at the center of attention. The solutions presented have the aim of intervening primarily in a non-invasive way, activating the population and generating ferment deriving from the innovative methods of intervention, sharing with the population and all the actors present in the space objectives, methodologies and projects, only to then intervene in even more massively on private areas, which through partnerships of purpose will find private actors and public administrations working side by side with the aim of generating collective well-being in the area.

2.2 Urban Transformation

Challenges for sustainability in industrial areas: Historically, urban sustainability has been associated with that part of urbanized which coincided or related more or less directly with residences, places of commerce and places of daily life, while neglecting places of production. It is not difficult to find residences, buildings, neighborhoods or entire floors for cities that espouse a principle of sustainability for their development, excluding for practical reasons the areas dedicated to the secondary sector from these rules, with instead precise indications for the service sector and residential . The motivations are manifold, deriving primarily from a greater simplicity of managing the phenomena related to residence, the greater interest of the community for the theme of housing and for collective spaces, which also make the quality upgrades deriving from interventions concerning the the space of public life built or precisely. Industrial areas are therefore often neglected, both from a planning and regulatory point of view. However, these areas have a very strong strategic relevance within the role they play in urban areas, deriving from the strong attraction that they have because of the slice of population that they capture every day for work purposes. The methods of intervention are therefore still poorly studied, it is therefore not clear to understand how the inclusion of interventions aimed at improving sustainability in these areas can affect the issue of sustainability, however the premises are very interesting. First of all, the production spaces have physical characteristics that facilitate the possibility of intervention, both through NBS and through actions aimed at reducing consumption and waste. Often the type of building present in industrial areas in fact has very large horizontal and vertical surfaces, with few “light points”. The horizontal surfaces also often have a strong waterproofing of the soil, to facilitate the use of heavy vehicles and to support production, made with outdated technologies, thus giving the possibility of intervening massively on public spaces. The added value therefore, deriving from interventions on sustainability, would therefore allow to obtain great results both for users, workers in terms of livability, and in economic terms, not to consider the strong impact that would have on the local system deriving from the size of the area with respect to the entire urbanized area, deriving precisely from the type of production. One of the main problems to be managed within a project that includes a relatively large space, is that of knowing how to activate a shared action on the territory. It is no coincidence that we often hear about visionary interventions carried out by a single private entity, who works to generate pluses to enjoy, however the difficult part is to make people understand and subsequently to carry out actions that are not limited to the initiative of an individual, but to exploit those synergies of scale that are created when the interventions are multiple, coordinated, carried out by multiple actors, thus allowing to increase the benefits, however reducing the per capita expenditure and realizing an intervention as a complex system. The lack of coordinated actions arises in part from an aversion to collaboration strongly inherent in areas characterized by industrial production, thus generating a sort of collective “individualism”. The second aspect derives from the difficulty of managing such a complex process due to the lack of a lead actor who has the technical skills and abilities to be able to initiate a design development with these characteristics, also capable of dialoguing with the plurality of subjects with specific individualities and conflicting interests. This picture of the situation explains the need for a strong actor, capable of overcoming different positions and sometimes capable of imposing his own decisions to obtain an important result, but also explains the real reason that makes these coordinated visions difficult, thus leaving the initiative to single actors with a strong innovative propensity and collective sensitivity. The phenomenon we are going to describe is strongly linked to what has been said above, while changing the reference asset. The lack of innovation of Italian companies derives from a series of complex, structural factors, which strongly affect the research and 9

development sectors, limiting the competitive advantage of companies. The same is manifested in the attention that is placed in the interventions implemented regarding the renewal activities, which consequently do not activate the search for innovative solutions by third-party agents. The Bank of Italy has indeed found a series of causes underlying what has been said and can be summarized in four categories: Fragmentation of the production system, which makes investment in this area difficult due to the high costs that the company should bear. Managerial structure reluctant to innovation. Shortage of human capital especially in the research and development and managerial sectors. Flexibility in working relationships, creating uncertainty and not providing enough time to develop complex research activities The lack of financial resources weighs heavily on it, aggravated by the fact that in Italy the “Venture Capital” sector, so present in foreign countries, which provides important liquidity for important and innovative projects is poorly developed. User involvement within a project is essential for this to be successful. In residential areas, this is the basis for the creation of a space that responds to the needs and feelings of citizens and allows for rapid assimilation of changes, with a rapid and substantial increase in the quality of life of the space. In industrial areas, the main users are workers. They do not coincide with the owners of the production spaces, relegating their role to extras within the design phase since the main interlocutors are precisely the owners of buildings and surfaces. The result is a neckline and a lack of representation within the design phase that can lead to very inconvenient results, with post-transformation effects that do not bring benefits to workers or worse, which create increasingly evident negative externalities and aggravate the already present en-

Strategy Map


vironmental problems. The problem is therefore identified in the traditional systematic approach with which the projects are elaborated, thus involving the owners of the real estate and mediating with their needs, even if these then differ with those of the real users of the space. Companies pay their attention to the realization of productive activities in order to obtain an economic return, neglecting, at least in large part, what the needs of their users are. In this perspective, one of the main points is that of minimizing costs. It is therefore inevitable that an investment in spatial redevelopment, aimed at improving the sustainability of space, will not be seen as an added value within the production but as an additional expense item that weighs on the budget. The economic return, in fact, following the interventions, is not to be found in the increase in production or turnover, but in the reduction of the management costs of the buildings, the reduction of negative effects and critical issues deriving from environmental factors and a better livability of the work environment for employees, which for years has now proven to be fundamental for increasing individual productivity. The mentality is therefore very important to make people understand the need to invest in this sector, which happens more and more frequently also in our countries in multinational companies or in dynamic and highly innovative environments, but which still find very strong and wide barriers in traditional and provincial. To conclude, it is also necessary to refer to the corporate ethics of production, which is gaining momentum with a view to achieving sustainable capitalism, not only from an environmental point of view, but also socially and economically.

2.3 Why investing on NBS

The Nature Based Solutions are precisely design solutions that are based on actions and interventions aimed at exploiting the production capacity of natural elements, with the aim of recovering the urban environment in favor of a more sustainable one. It is essential to invest in this direction because they allow us to obtain important results for the quality of life of people, nevertheless using non-human elements, restoring and rebuilding the natural balance of a space. The NBS allow to face considerable criticalities that intensify particularly in urbanized areas, such as the waterproofing of the soil, the manifestation of the phenomenon of the Urban Heat Islad, the loss of soil productivity or of wealth of flora and fauna, caused by a wild, uncalculated and exaggerated use of built spaces. These interventions are highly impacting in terms of quality, because they allow in a short time to obtain benefits that can also be used by the population, thus generating multiple advantages: reduction of the risk deriving from wild urbanization, the reduction of management and maintenance costs of the buildings, while increasing the environmental quality at the same time, moreover the benefits re-ap-

pear on the user, who will relate to a much higher quality space, also bringing benefits on his own health. This type of intervention is increasingly common and present globally, in fact, we find use cases in New York, Seville, Melbourne, Rome and a multitude of cities around the globe. Another advantage deriving from this type of activity is the involvement of the population, which no longer interacts passively with the space, but finds itself covering a decisive role in the activation and success of these. In order to understand which NBS could answer better the challenges and context of our area we searched some case studies and ranked them through 5 parameters: process, co-benefits, viability, similar challenges and similar actors. The summary cards can be seen in the Appendix. The case study that was better ranked was Beehive gardens in Györ, in Audi Hungaria, showing how a small intervention that involves private actors, experts and the community can obtain good results not only in environmental aspects but also social and economic (as it is a good marketing for the company). More details can be seen in the Appendix.


2.4 Co-benefits of NBS

The importance of NBS is not limited to the creation of a livable space, qualitatively better for the resident population. The benefits of these interventions in fact do not just enhance the community but have important effects on reducing the management costs of the areas in which they are created, such as the areas characterized by porous paving, which, having greater absorption capacity and water filtering, allow to reduce the damage and waterproofing of the soil, lowering the risk level of an area. A very similar result is achieved by the insertion of tree-lined rows on the roads, by the creation of green areas, which in addition to what has been said previously also have the effect of mitigating the risk of the presentation of the phenomenon of urban heat Island, which usually it is more impactful in urbanized areas. Last but not least is the direct production of added value from NBS. In this case we talk about production through urban agricultural areas, community gardens, biodegestors, or even simply green roots or green facades, which have the dual function of reducing consumption resulting from the need to cool and heat the building and to produce at the same time agricultural products, thus originating important non-direct positive effects which, however, explain the decisive role of these within a space that is rethought in terms of sustainability.

2.5 Main pillars of the strategy

As already widely described, the pillars of our strategy are the realization of micro interventions, agricultural productivity, the creation of a circular system of the use of resources and the active participation of the population in the creation and management of space. The importance of micro interventions, stems from the intention not to polarize all resources within a single space, consequently extending the benefits to a limited portion of territory and population, if anything it was preferred to generate small benefits that create a complex system of punctual localization that spreads throughout the

Action, Policy and NBS


area in a coherent way as needed so that greater benefits can be generated that do not limit the positivity to a concentrated space but give quality to the whole context. The reactivation of the agricultural production system derives from the desire to modify the spatial structure but protecting the historical-cultural aspect of the space, making sure that traditions, customs and customs remain tied to a rich and profoundly changed territory during the course of years under the pressure of modernity and industrial production. It is precisely from this that we thought of creating a circular production system, referring to the 2030 agenda, which highlighted the need for a production system that reduces waste and locates products in a limited territory, generating effects positive in terms of employment, local income and social cohesion. The aspect of sociability and active participation has been identified by us as fundamental for the success of the project. The sensitivity of citizens must be a structural point, which therefore acts as the starting point for our project. As widely demonstrated since the end of the twentieth century, the best results related to urban planning have been achieved by involving the local community, which manages to provide important stimuli and insights that designers are unable to grasp having no experience in the area. The activation will therefore be a basis for the realization of the entire project, starting from the study phase, identifying the areas to be restored or intervention and subsequently in the implementation and management phases.




3.1 Identification of international context

At a global level, the policies and protocols of understanding activated are manifold, which play increasingly important roles in outlining the projects and methods of intervention to be followed at national, continental and global levels. The main promoter of these initiatives is the UN, which has in fact drawn up multiple agreements with the signatory countries for shared sustainable development on a global level. The first agenda to be taken into consideration is “Agenda 2030”, born and signed in 2015, which aims to achieve development and increase well-being fairly, developing the 17 goals presented in the document, with the aim of achieving the 169 goals set. The SDGs follow the Millennium Development Goals: “Common goals” means that they concern all countries and all individuals. The objectives are manifold, they concern not only environmental sustainability, but also the social, cultural and economic sustainability of nations. As regards the New Urban Agenda, signed in Quito in 2016 at the end of the Habitat III conference, the UN member nations declare that they have reached agreements regarding a commitment to sustainable urban development, following the three components of the 2030 agenda: Social , Economy and Environment. The social sphere is important for achieving social inclusion, exploiting the full potential of the urbanized area to integrate people, creating a favorable and non-discriminatory living environment, which encourages collaboration and social cohesion. The economic one has as its objective to achieve full employment and productivity, combining the urban and urbanized areas to create an environment of equal development opportunities. Following the same international trend, we have identified other multiple policies that act in a manner consistent with what has been said previously. One of these is the “Clever Cities” project, which aims at incisiveness is sustainable urban regeneration, which, working with NBS, therefore aims to requalify the urbanized context through replicable and targeted interventions, with the aim of The aim is to make a specific impact on the basis of the types of spaces, not with rain interventions, but through targeted actions. Another very valid project is that carried out thanks to the funds of the Rockefeller foundation, known as “Resilient 100 Cities”, which propose an alternative way of supporting cities that want to work on the theme of urban resilience and climate change, thus providing more than funding practical support, linked to the tools and technical knowledge of specialists, with the aim of providing administrations with a team of experts able to simplify the search for actions that aim to combat CC through the creation of a resilient urbanized and capable of responding to future pressures.

3.2 Identification of local context

It can be understood how Italy has also embarked on a national development path that responds to what are the stimuli provided by the international community, activating particular plans and projects that can meet the needs deriving from the particularity of the national context with respect to to the community one. In this field, therefore, we are going to observe the National Strategy for Sustainable Development (SNSvS), which works in close contact with the document of economics and finance, however responding to the indications of the 2030 agenda. The themes of integration, universality, inclusion and transformation are therefore identified at the center, going to activate “the five P’s” (People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, Partnership), emphasizing the need for a transversal nature of the interventions, which must be thought of starting from a global scale up to deepening in the local one.

Sustainable agriculture and environmental safety, Environment, climate change and energy for development, Safeguarding cultural heritage. Next to this we thought it was important to go and quote and resume some of the diktats of the “Natiolan Plan Industry 4.0” which was born with the aim of a transition towards technological neutrality, creating a horizontal development in the industrial and non-sector sector, activating factors enablers that generated innovation and sustainable development. To achieve these results, it is essential to invest in innovation, cutting-edge infrastructures, developing skills, stimulating a new type of governance and more aware management. Going further into the specific we have also thought of integrating a global project that was born following Expo 2015, which takes the name of Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, which aims to propose a culture of food on a global scale, working on local and sustainable production systems. Sustainability must not be limited to environmental sustainability, but as already widely reaffirmed several times previously, it must also bear in mind the social and economic aspects. Within this agreement, we find some of the key points that can be summarized according to macro categories: Governance: Mapping of the territory and involvement of local actors Sustainable diet: Healthy and Sustainable Nutrition Social and economic justice: Community canteens and kitchens, shared gardens Food production: Production and Logistics in support of municipal markets and producers / small farmers Food distribution: Low environmental impact, consumer - producer connection Food waste: Limit waste, reuse

3.3 Site context

The intervention area is located in Cascina Burrona, a town within the municipality of Vimodrone, a town of 17,011 inhabitants, located north of Este in the metropolitan city of Milan. The main phases of its development are to be found in the years of the Italian economic boom, when the historical core was joined by an intense construction activity, which also generated the creation of the industrial area of ​​the country, with the creation of small, medium and large enterprises. , which polarized the workforce thanks to the greater possibility of employment and the greater well-being, however leading to a rapid depopulation of the countryside, where the farmers grew fodder, cereals and vegetables. In the 1960s, the arrival of the subway changed the physical structure of the country, creating a modification of the course of the Naviglio della Martesana, which was moved to the north. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, building development resumed massively in the peripheral areas of the country. The country has no particular distinctive elements, it is in fact in a flat area, characterized by the presence of the Naviglio della Martesana and the Padana Superiore state road.

People: Tackling poverty, social exclusion, working on Human potential development and promote health and well-being. Planet: Stop the loss of biodiversity, Sustainable management of natural resources, Creation of resilient communities and territories. Prosperity: Finance and promote research and innovation, Guarantee full employment, Sustainable production and consumption models and Decarbonization of the economy. Peace: Promote a non-violent society, Elimination of discrimination, Ensure legality and justice, rights and fight against inequalities 15


4.1 Spatial analysis and survey

In order to understand the territory, we conducted some spatial analysis after visiting the site and interviewing some people. A questionnaire was also applied and sent to Vimodrone’s inhabitants through their local online group (Check Appendix). To have a broad view of how our site area relates to the Vimodrone area we mapped the centralities, main services, land use of open/built areas and the accessibility in terms of walkability and service frequency. About environmental aspects we collected noise levels and air pollution data. Going in deep in our focus area, as the production spaces are crucial, we investigated the types of production/businesses present and its working hours – to identify the “pulse” of the city. While walking we identified some degraded buildings and many signs for rent/ sale, so we mapped the occupancy and vacancy of the area.

Centality, Services and Polarities





Criticality and Potentiality Building block level


Building level


4.2 SWOT

SWOT map


4.3 Future projects The area presents two future projects, in different stages. The most relevant is the requalification of the area near the metro station of Cascina Burrona. It is part of a bigger project from the Metropolitan City of Milan that aims to regenerate degraded spaces around the metro line M2, currently the project of the Vimodrone part is under competition. The second project P.A.N.E. (Environmentally Ethical Food Production), is promoted by the Municipality of Vimodrone in a partnership with Venti Sostenibili and Cacina Nibai, supported by Fondazione Cariplo as part of the call “Qualificare gli spazi aperti in ambito urbano e perturbano 2011”. It aims to “ trigger the ability of a community to perceive the value of free soil as an economic resource, an essential element for the protection of the ecosystem, an environmental and economic heritage for the whole community” and it consists of a feasibility study for the realization of urban-environmental redevelopment activities and sustainable social and economic use (B1) and the census of free areas (not built) still available on the municipal area (B2). Both still are not realized.


5 TOWARDS AGRO-PRODUCTION 5.1 Vision and strategy

Production is one of the main characteristics of the area, which was born as agricultural production, with the economic boom and the economic transition towards industry and crafts, the characteristics of the products have changed, while maintaining the original concept of production unchanged. . At present, the three elements that coexist in space have only a physical relationship, of proximity. The agricultural and industrial production system have many common characteristics: both have inputs and outputs, which however vary according to the specificity of production. For example, water, manpower, fertilizer are essential for agricultural production, while

Circular Economy


for the industry a raw material is needed from which to then make a product. The production flow is linear, limiting the added value to the territory to the generation of income. Similar effects are found in the residential area, where production resources are replaced by food. Again, the flow is linear, the building consumes resources and produces negative waste, emissions and externalities, not generating added value on the quality of life. Our project has completely rethought this dynamic, dictated by a consumerist and unsustainable logic with a form of circular urban metabolism, where the building does not only play the role of consumer of resources but which generates raw materials. In this scheme we can recognize how from the production sectors,

we will then go to recover water, organic and non-organic waste, processing them and generating fertilizers, new liquids to be included in the production cycle, therefore reusing all possible wastes as resources, reducing the environmental impact . This is only the first point that explains the circular and integrated system underlying our project. Residential and production areas will have in common the fact of optimizing their horizontal and vertical surfaces to meet the need for electricity production, through photovoltaic panels, but also agricultural production through green roots and productive facades, which in addition to actually generate agricultural products, allow a strong reduction of the energy necessary for the heating and cooling of buildings, performing the function of thermal insulation, thus reducing the criticality indices of the area.

Urban Metabolism: Linearity

Urban Metabolism: Circularity

Circular economy principles applied:




Sectors applied to:

Agricultural production

Waste management

Water management

Energy management


5.2 Vulnerability and potentiality assessment for agro-production

The intervention will therefore generate important beneficial effects on the area, which however in order to be obtained must function through vertical integration, creating connections and opportunities starting from the single building, creating an integrated neighborhood scale intervention system and urban. First of all, we therefore had to understand the paradigm shift of the building, from a place of consumption of resources and production of goods to a place of production of resources and goods, thus enriching the value of producer as well as that of consumer. The difference is significant, in fact this implies that our object will cause the beneficial effects that start at the local scale to generate positive externalities due to the multiplicative effect of the scale and the inte-


gration with the NBS. However, the involvement of the industry is a critical element. The activities carried out in the space can in fact generate waste, very complex consumption to manage and use, with very high disposal costs. The fact of being able to recover them and find a new utility allows them to integrate the different types of production, creating an Urban Living Lab that experiments this new circular production system, with the aim of creating a production chain that integrates energy production agricultural, industrial, to the reduction of pollutants and consumption, generating strong increases in employment levels.




6.1 Spatial assessment of NBS

The added value of our project is to integrate a widespread system of NBS micro interventions into the circular system of urban metabolism with the aim of radically changing the structure of the intervention area. First of all, therefore, we note how the NBS intervention strategies have 3 macro categories: Maximizing the Agro-Production Activating the Social Captilal Strengthening the Urban Structure The three directions have been outlined starting from the need to create systems to understand the multisectorial nature of the interventions. The map therefore shows how point, linear and surface solutions are applied in various ways, with the aim of responding to the multiple needs of the project. The main interventions are located on important axes, creating longitudinally and transversally connections that integrate a quality of urbanized, deriving from the presence of green areas, tree-lined rows, eco urban supplies, in the presence of more spaces for sustainable mobility, which therefore go to establish a new hierarchy of values​​ within the public space. No less important are the interventions to be carried out in collaboration with private individuals: The idea is in fact to relieve the burden of the implementation of the project in full from the PA, but spreading quality interventions throughout the area, which will aim to intervene for an evident improvement in the quality of the urban space.

Identified Typologies of Potential Surfaces for Agro farming related NBS

1. Frontyards Farmable Surface Area: 53,493 sqm

2. Roof Tops Farmable Surface Area: 27,900 sqm

3. Facades Farmable Surface Area: 2,340 sqm

4. Allotments Farmable Surface Area: 2,53,310 sqm

5. Compound Walls Farmable Surface Area: 7,353 sqm

6. Leftover Spaces Farmable Surface Area: 8,749 sqm

7. Farming Towers Farmable Surface Area: 2,557 sqm

8. Urban Interstices Farmable Surface Area: 724 sqm 29


Heat Heat Gain Loss

Heat Heat Gain Loss

Substrate deeper than 150mm Annual to Biennial Plants, herbaceous perennial


Heat Heat Gain Loss

Substrate deeper than 250mm N2

Substrate deeper than 500mm

Small shrubs & truf


Shrubs up to 2 m

applied to

Steel Structure


Slope Roof

Steel Structure


Flat Roof

Steel Structure


Curved Roof

R.C.C Structure


Slope Roof

Load bearingWalls


Slope Roof

R.C.C Structure

Load bearingWalls


Curved Roof

Source: Department of Energy and Environment, Australia; Growing Green Guide: 2014

Contextualising the NBS


Brick Walls



Curved Roof

Flat Roof

R.C.C Structure


Flat Roof


2.5m Height Access with temporary StairBox

Full Height Access with Installed Catwalk

Full Height Access with Turntable Ladder

articulated in



Private Access

Functional Space

Collective Private Access


Non Functional Space

Collective Private Access


Public Access

Functional Space


Non Functional Space

Public Access

Functional Space

Sample NBSs Application (Farming) at Building level

1 Raised Bed Farming on Flat Roof

2 Continuous Bed with Access Stairs on Sloping Roof

3 Greenhouse on Roof Tops

4 Continuous Bed on Building Walls

5 Modular Bed on Building Walls

6 Compound Walls with Wire Mesh


6.2 NBS in place

The use of NBS is not accidental, with the intention of operating through the practice of “Green Washing”, if anything, the goal has been to locate the best of the individual choices based on the application context. We can see that, from a collectivist point of view, interventions with medium-low construction costs were preferred, confirming the same trend for management costs. These characteristics were fundamental in trying to create NBS that were strongly impacting on the territory, but little impacting on the community. In fact, as we will see later, the goal is to work with the different actors, and consequently also with the citizens, not only in the project definition phases, but also according to the maintenance ones.

The other factor analyzed for the selection of NBS was temporal. Always following the previous partner, little impact on citizens but great impact on their quality of life and physical space, we have tried to adopt solutions that provide for an average or high life expectancy (from thirty to fifty years), which however succeeded to show their benefits in the short and medium term. This choice was made to keep the interest of the population constant in the project, not by creating swings in the media attention that could have been counterproductive. From the matrix we can also understand how the planned actions were intended to activate different SDGs, some directly (defined by us as primary) and others indirectly (secondary).

NBS in place



Urban Farming Greenhouse Vertical Farming Urban Rooftop Farming Agricultural Infrastructure Community Farming Raised Garden Behiive, Insects and Gardens of Worms


Public Gardening Community Compost Hub Urban Fruit Trees Eco Urban Furniture


Green Walls Tree Lines Street Water Collectors Biowales Green Bus Stops Porous Sidewalks

Permeable Parking Space

1 The existing Martesana project to include pedestrian flyover bridge and community gardens. 2 Via Tobagi transformed to pedestrian street with community farming and social spaces

3 Creating community gardens to connect via Luigi Cadorna to via 11 Febbraio 4 Green corridor with enhanced pedestrian safety and green facades at via Padana Superiore

5 Retrofitting Cascina as an urban living lab for urban agriculture and community spaces 6 Retrofitting the abandoned industrial spaze at via Padana Superiore as Upcycle Entepreneurial hub


7 CO-CREATION PROCESS 7.1 Stakeholders profiles and roles in the co-creation process

The role and importance of the stakeholders was quickly mentioned and described within the entire process, however it is necessary to go into the merits to understand their relevance for the success of the project Their profile is specific, different, which describe multitudes of activities and their diversity in roles and capital mobilized within our experience. It is essential to work with the actors throughout the process, starting from the beginning with the creation of interest and participation of the social partners and the community in the preliminary phase. The constant presence of these and their continuous intervention allow to enrich the project through a collective learning of the different needs, positions, perceptions and sensations that planners are not always able to capture through statistical data.

Stakeholders profile and their role in co-creation process


Therefore, starting from the assumption that all the actors play an important role within a co-creation process, there are as always actors who play a main role. These actors often coincide with the institutional ones, for example the Municipality of Vimodrone. Their neuralgic role depends on reasons of socio-political and economic legitimacy, however it is not enough to create an entire project independently. Precisely for this case, the actors with cultural and knowledge capital intervene. Their role is to support the design phase initiated by the promoter in an analytical and scientific way and to understand and read the different tangible elements of the territory.

However, scientific knowledge is accompanied by tacit knowledge of the place. This is intrinsic in the groups of citizens and residents who know the area based on experiences, thus enriching the investigations through perceptual observations. Ideally one might think that these figures occupy an insignificant role in the local scene. Indeed, they do not have economic resources, they do not have scientific resources, nor do they have political power. However their importance is far greater than the simple cognitive enrichment of the survey, but it is to be associated with the social capital they have. This means that their activation occupies a role as leading actors within the design, development and maintenance phases of the project, often resulting crucial for the success or failure of the project itself.


7.2 Social engineering and stages of co-creation process

Therefore, starting from the differentiation of roles within the process, we also realized that it was important to identify and divide the different development phases within the co-creation process. The first step was identified in the campaign, in which the promoter through events, meetings and workshops understands what the challenges and stimuli provided by the actors and social groups are, also involving pool of experts. The second phase is that of Co-Design. The goal is to go and structure the project starting from the stimuli provided by the first phase. The priority areas are selected using the observations of the residents, to then go on to study a process formula that allows incentives to be promoted by private actors and associations, so as to make the project strongly participated by the community. At the end of these two phases, which can be described as preliminary, the operational implementation phase is entered. This is the most complex to manage, in fact you have to mark times, organize the roles and make sure that all the actors achieve what is established in the program and in the appropriate timescales, making everything more complex as the actors present simultaneously on the field increase. At the end of the implementation phase we must then stop, going to measure and test what are the effects that have generated on the territory. This phase is described as co-monitoring.

Social Engineering and co-creation process for agro production


It is useful to map the interventions and the effects obtained on the context, with the aim of understanding the functioning of the NBS in case of replicable actions in other similar contexts. The monitoring phase is very important. In fact, this is the end of a development cycle but as a starting point for the next one. From the observation of the triggered dynamics, in fact, it is possible to understand what has achieved the desired effects and what has not, thus enriching the operator’s experience. As a final phase, we believed it was more appropriate to include the co-development one because it will be the most impactful on the new sustainable development system. In fact, this not only will have repercussions on the physical space created but has the task of profoundly changing the socio-economic-cultural dynamics of the area of intervention, ​​ having an invasive impact on the territory. It is interesting to note that these models for the construction of policies and intervention methods strongly refer to the circular system underlying the project. In fact, there is no end point of the project and the actions to be taken are never definitive. These can in fact lead to a rethinking of the actions undertaken, to a new preliminary phase, to a new phase of structuring the project or to a new implementation phase, where changes to the physical space are the basis of the development of the area.

7.3 The role of C.A.L.

Within the complex process described in our project, the C.A.L. plays a very important role. This acts as a multiplier of agricultural, economic and social dynamics within the area. It starts from the promotion and creation of active production spaces for the community, in which a plurality of technologies are combined thanks to the presence of highly innovative companies dedicated to research and development which result in agricultural products selections based on the characteristics of the area . It acts as aggregator and activator of innovation and product diversification, keeping the area’s propensity for production high, thus not distorting its main characteristic. A network is created between producer and consumer. Activating these dynamics is very important. In fact, it allows you to create a direct line between the two sides of the market, thus creating a mutual economic advantage, lowering the cost of the final price thanks to the short supply chain and increasing revenues for the producer, who does not have to recognize part of the his gain.

Multiple roles of C.A.L. and decisions characterizing Agro-production

Education and awareness R & D think tank


Resorce pool

Promotor and enabler of urban farming

Plurality of technology

Aggregator and active monitor

Innovation and product diversification



Maintainance of production processes

Market links

Consumer and producer networing

Hydroponics Aeroponics Permaculture


Selections of species

Upscaling and diversification

Erbs and species Vegetable

Organic food

Prosessed food


Organic packaging

Individual Enterprise entreprenuers lease-out co-operative

Co-development decisions, plurality of agricultural practices and functions of C.A.L.


8 PROJECT TARGETS 8.1 Prioritisation

As mentioned in the previous chapter, dedicated to the co-creation process, the actions are placed and activated based on a priority definition of the areas. We proceed with those with a higher risk and vulnerability index, while working with those with high potential, with the aim of exponentially improving the quality of life of users. Therefore, steps are taken to activate the social sphere in advance, which is very important for the entire project phase, postponing the activation of positivity in the economic sphere to a later date. The same applies to the areas of intervention. Priority is given to public ones, more easily accessible to the community and already part of the availability of the municipality. Secondly, we proceed with the activation of the private areas with the possibility of collective use, which are developed through public-private partnerships, to then end up with those totally private and inaccessible to the community, which bring an effective benefit in lowering the risk and vulnerability of the area, unless it has effects on public life.

Prioritization and setting targets


The activation of these tools aims to ensure that an increasing number of social groups are activated and take part in the project. It is therefore important to identify a core with intrinsic motivation, which promotes the activities and starts the whole process. Often this fervor leads to the activation of other people through the imitation, sight or interest that is generated starting from this collective ferment, thus increasing social involvement. However, the goal is to be able to include those actors and that part of the community that usually presents itself as passive in the collective dynamics, activating it and thus obtaining an important multiplier effect of the benefits related to the social sphere, which will go then to create an inclusive loop of participation in the decision-making, implementation and maintenance process.

Timeline for NBS implmentation Years (y) and Agricultural cycles (c)






















Intensity Timeline

Timeline for Actions C1







Bike Path Solar Panel

Sidewalk Enlargment

Stitching Biodegestor Opening Compound Walls in Private Plots BikeMi Station Intensity Timeline



9 ASSESSING CHANGES 9.1 Before and after indicators

As established in the project, there is room for evaluation after the implementation phase. To a subjective part, deriving from the evaluation of the process, of the different activated parts and from the involvement of the actors, is added the objective and quantitative one, deriving from the comparison of the data between the current situation and the post project intervention. The main prepayments are evident when looking at the maps of permeability, risk appetite, the one that compares the energy indicators of the various buildings, from the agro-production measurement that is activated at the end of the implementation phase and from the maximization of green coverage. The role played by the NBS with regard to overcoming soil waterproofing is remarkable. Through the punctual intervention system, it has been possible to obtain an increase of more than 100% of areas characterized by low waterproofing, mainly exploiting agricultural production systems and green roofs. The risk criticality indicators, on the other hand, derive from the combination of daily and night temperatures, measured on 27 June 2019. It can in fact be noted that the major criticality indices were placed in areas that were heavily waterproofed, with non-native materials. It

is evident that after the intervention this risk has undergone a significant downsizing, especially in areas with very high concentration, making the whole area achieve an important improvement in livability and at the same time reduce energy consumption. An important work was also carried out on the building. This presented buildings with an approximate age of half a century, characterized by very low energy efficiency. Through the integrated system of interventions, private individuals will obtain significant benefits from the various actions that will be carried out, allowing to reduce gas consumption (a reduction of 40.13% per year is assumed), strongly impacting on production costs and on the pollutants emitted in the ‘area. As for agricultural production, activated by our project, it provides for the creation of an agricultural area to feed 7312 people, with a significant impact on the production of food products at zero km, with the creation of direct contact between producer and consumer. However, the most important and evident effect can be found with the maximization of green item. The real change, in addition to the highly encouraging estimated data, is to be read in the quality of the urban space that is left to the community, thus responding to a dual purpose of environmental sustainability and social inclusion.


9.2 Lifestyle changes

The lifestyle of the residents will be strongly modified, however, with the co-creation process, they will try to make it as active and inclusive as possible. The project therefore aims to create a society that is more sensitive to the theme of sustainability, which makes conscious choices in life and works collectively for the realization of important innovative and collective projects. It will be very important to understand how maintaining the productive vocation of the area, however turning towards agricultural and sustainable production can positively impact on the quality of life of the residents, being able to use this project as leader for the replicable intervention in similar suburban contexts, dictated from the historicity of the places, from the morphological and social as well as economic characteristics.




















TYPE OF BUSINESS Industrial and civil electrical systems Car workshop Commercial representation Wholesale Antifire Pest control and antifire Pest control and antifire Wholesale Wholesale Car workshop Car workshop Glassware Mobile polishing, lacquering and paiting Personalized company merchandising objects Wholesale Fruit and vegetables retail Wholesale Chemical analyses_Lab? Socotec group Wholesale Printing equipment, IT and technical assistance Printing equipment, IT and technical assistance Pharmaceutical Packaging Gas analysis (including biogas!) Wholesale Plastic factory Medical equipment Medical equipment Medical equipment Medical equipment Medical equipment Wholesale ElectroMedical management and equipment Wholesale Distribution and sales of coffee Shipping house Industrial-medical equipment Personalized gadgets Toolshop Processing of plastic material Equipment to process plastic material Wholesale Moving company Chemical products_cleaning products Chemical products_cleaning products Elevator Installment Carpentry Handcraft store Wholesale Food sector Wholesale LED Signs Argentatura vetri- cristalli Silvering,Glass-crystal Data transmission Network, maintenance and installment Data transmission Network, maintenance and installment Combustion sector Wholesale Precision mechanical Workshop Wholesale Car workshop Curtains Industrial cleaning Rag manufactury Wholesale Wholesale Car retail Exhibitors and equipment for shops and shop windows Pallets sale/buying used


11.3 Tables of energy preduction Methodology for biodegesters calculation

The methodology to calculate the potential of energy production with biodigesters is based first in the estimation of employees from each building. In the cases we did not have access to the number of workers in a company we calculated based on the following parameters, taking into account that most of the companies are wholesale or logistics: Small companies (below 470 sqm) – maximum of 3 employees Medium companies (from 470 to 1400 sqm) – maximum of 6 employees Big companies (above 1400 sqm)- maximum of 10 employees The buildings not currently occupied were calculated based on the future use planned for them. Namely, the abandoned Cascina present in our focus area 1 and the abandoned building in Via Padana Superiore, which is our focus area 2. The estimation of water consumption is 32L per employee, (based on a study of water use in offices), the retention time of material in the biodigester to have a good amount of biogas production in the average temperature of Italy is between 6 -10 days, so we have dimensioned for 10 days. We stablished a maximum height of 5 meters in order to facilitate the construction and with a maximum diameter of 4 meters. Depending on the amount of volume we have diminished it, resulting in a minimum diameter in our area of 0.80 meters. On the sequence we were able to calculate the amount of biogas volume following a simplified formula presented in a manual to measure small-scale biogas capacity and production from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

Where G is the is the biogas production, Y is a yeild factor based on temperature, Vd is the digester volume and S is the initial concentration of volatile solids For the centralized plant for organic waste we used the data of the amount of waste collected per year in the whole municipality (green and wet organic waste), utilising conversion factors to determine the volume of these particular types of waste (see reference Waste Weight Determination from Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina) then proceeding with the calculus from IRENA, using the S value corresponding to the this type of waste.


63a 63b 63c

71a 71b


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

29406,08 7364 12056,45 489,7 557,71 1329 1240 554,7 361,1 3549,87 406,82 241,54 412,9 1215,2 697,32 1640,05 997,44 978,91 1637,85 1062 495,97 475,88 751,08 865,2 976,5 775,92 791,25 1204,05 443,32 489,03 25905,04 1643,37 6245,31 3866,31 9144,27 7574,12 11792,56 5226,89 6144,94 445,77 342,63 862,21 3428,76 294,74 6451,62

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62

2321 199,41 1879,27 151,43 1449,32 528,29 211,92 165,47 3878,87 126,36 145,55 725,51 660,03 2074,91 1067,62 1230,91 824,66 1836,23 383,49 309,91 800,7 492,46 3224,7 720,35 245,78 2438,63 8276,74 644,64 1015,05 974,89 23239,6 3257,18 5370,44 4265,97 3491,64 3628,5 1641,63 886,56 1745,31 2208,06 988,43 2929,39 385,16 181,04 784,51

64 65 66 67 68 69 70 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87

220072,82 Green Roofs

159449,65 7351,52 152098,13

Roof areas and their type

TYPE OF ROOF GABLE LIGHT (METAL/SIMILAR) 1296,68 12056,45 489,7 172,03 1329 1240




151,89 204,59



480,66 323,58 526,21 734,39 775,92 471,05 993 443,32 489,03 25905,04


1637,85 172,39

153,57 346,3 38

1390 315,55 342,63 3428,76 1038,37

1879,27 1449,32

2870,4 725,51

1836,23 383,49 309,91 492,46

657,93 3324,93 452,91



1326,8 7574,12 7093,79 635,94 251,6 130,22

3280,16 3933,02


267,57 5413,25


151,43 211,92 165,47 347,82 126,36 145,55

528,29 213,75


660,03 2074,91 1067,62 1230,91 824,66

800,7 1678,41


2438,63 644,64

1015,05 974,89 23239,6 3257,18 5370,44 4265,97 3491,64


475,88 404,78 338,99 242,11





1643,37 6245,31

720,35 245,78

1641,63 886,56 286,8 2208,06 988,43

277,76 406,82 241,54

320,2 211,01

3866,31 7817,47 2005,49

27065,4 7364


361,1 3272,11 137,6333333 1215,2 697,32 1640,05 997,44 978,91


3628,5 1458,51 2929,39 181,04

Tabella 1


Condominio industriale 317 North warehouses 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

6732,58 6731,92 6731,92 left right 7248 7364 1256,45 489,7 557,71 2658 2480 554,7 722,2 7099,74 1220,46 724,62 1238,7 1215,2 697,32 3280,1 1994,88 1957,82 3275,7 2655 495,97 475,88 751,08 865,2 1014,5 775,92 791,25 1204,05 443,32 489,03 25905,04 6573,48 18735,93 3866,31 45721,35 7574,12 9828,9 1503,202 6144,94 445,77 342,63 862,21 3428,76 294,74 137771,142

energy in Thermal cubic meters energy per year (1GJ consumption = 25.5 cubic (from GJ meters) flanders paper) 15491,7 7828,2 1127,05 8239,7 2513,12 6029,4 3545,72 46.457 25,5 18.107 25,5 20.621 25,5 46518,13 46518,14 20.510 25,5 26.703 25,5 3000,76 45.127 25,5 26.793 25,5 45.801 25,5 44.932 25,5 25.783 25,5 3073,77 49020,19 49020,2 9.606 25,5 98.169 25,5 18.338 25,5 17.596 25,5 7206,49 7206,5 37.511 25,5 15340,16 15340,16 56864,26 16.392 25,5 18.082 25,5 257.626 25,5 1818,19 143.330 25,5 32.535 25,5 384.745 25,5 63.736 25,5 439796,15 47.209 12.649 25,5 28159,22 3.751 25,5 2.883 25,5 7.255 25,5 28.853 25,5 2.480 25,5 12.648 25,5

New consumption post green roof


7.745,85 3.914,10 563,53 4.119,85 1.256,56 3.014,70 1.772,86

4,00 5,00 6,00 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00

23.259,07 23.259,07

3,00 3,00



1.536,89 24.510,10 24.510,10

5,00 3,00 3,00

49.084,31 9.169,25 8.797,83

2,00 4,00 4,00

23.228,62 9.053,33 10.310,66

3,00 4,00 4,00

10.255,02 13.351,67

4,00 4,00

22.563,25 13.396,41 22.900,47 22.466,01 12.891,70

3,00 4,00 3,00 3,00 4,00



3.603,25 3.603,25

5,00 5,00

7.670,08 7.670,08 28.432,13

4,00 4,00 3,00



16.267,50 192.372,58 31.868,11

4,00 1,00 3,00



8.195,88 9.040,94 128.812,81

4,00 4,00 2,00



Eletric Energy consumption? CENAD (kWh/ year)


456872,88 456828,09 456828,09

1159680 1178240 506055,9689 197234,7551 224626,9047 425280 396800 223414,5776 290877,9663 638976,6 491560,4026 291852,6612 498906,8636 489441,8508 280857,1358 295209

37107,6228 363967,488 34121,952 34121,952 34121,952 34121,952 34121,952 34121,952 17060,976 56869,92 17060,976 17060,976 17060,976 34121,952 34121,952 56869,92

491849,28 499721,04 85262,70 33231,04 37846,20 180371,88 168292,80 37641,94

1069345,058 199760,101 191668,522 67597,2 77868 408606,6143 93110,4

34121,952 34121,952 34121,952 34121,952 34121,952 34121,952 34121,952

605872,8 336596

319180,8 313251,2 104637,4867

284349,6 56869,92 56869,92

354401,8265 4191006,399 694274,8931



1.240,12 6.323,87

5,00 5,00

27017,07683 137771,1423

5,00 5,00 5,00 4,00

Heating Consumption


40861,10586 31406,87058 79033,70366 314294,1995

Sum of energy


34121,952 34121,952 142174,8

34121,952 34121,952 17060,976 34121,952 1933577,28 227479,68 1421748

1572624 137789,6584 737392,8

1.875,58 1.441,62 3.627,75 14.426,51

37107,6228 37107,6228

94950 108364,5 178554,4448 196964,9015 2806300,755 460143,6 1561283,783



Potential electricity with Solar panels (kW/year)




Thermal energy by biogas (kW/ year)

56869,92 2843496 56869,92

17060,976 17060,976 34121,952 56869,92 17060,976 56869,92



Solar Energy potential (kWh per day) 25.5 - 26.8 26.8 - 28.2 28.2 - 29.6 29.6 - 30.9 30.9 - 32.3 32.3 - 33.6 33.6 - 35.0 35.0 - 36.3 36.3 - 37.7 37.7 - 39.0 5.0 - 36.3 40.4 - 41.8

Buildin’s solar irradiation





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