Anna Gras
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................3 Bonjour...........................................................................................................................................................3 Stinky Cheese!..............................................................................................................................................4 Happy Holidays...........................................................................................................................................4 Let’s have some fun! .................................................................................................................................5 Glossary..........................................................................................................................................................7 Index ................................................................................................................................................................8
“Bonjour” Did you hear that? That was a man that was saying “Hello” in French!!! If you don’t know about France, this is the book for you! It will tell you all kinds of things like: what they eat, things to do and see and lots more! So enjoy this book just like a French person would do! And do me a favor: If you go to France don’t smell the cheese! Bonjour
“Bonjour, coman sa va?” Oh hello I was just talking with a lady. Here are some common French words: Bonsoir = Good evening Moi = me Toi = you Bonjour = Good Day Salut = Hi Bonne Nuit = Good Night Aurevoir = Goodbye Comment ca va? = How are you? Voulez‐vouz qualque chose? = Would you like something? Now you know some common words and phrases in French to help you when you go on vacation.
Stinky Cheese!
France is known for their stinky cheese but not only that! They are known for their wine (Very good taste, says my Dad). They are very, very famous for their delicious crepes! They also make very good croissants. They are super duper famous for their onion soup. And my favorite foods in France are snails and frog legs! By the way, frog legs are really good! PS. If you are a vegetarian, don’t eat them! Happy Holidays
Hello, today is “Mardi Gras”, France is going to have a big festival! Every child in France is waiting for this special moment! Almost everybody is going to wear a costume! There is a lot of music and dance. Every little
village does their own little party. My favorite part is when we bake and eat crepes, and we smell them every‐ were in the village! And you know what’s the funniest thing? It’s that my last name is Gras! Let’s have some fun!
If you have never been to France, you are in for a real treat. There are so many things to do and see! The Eiffel‐tower is almost the most famous thing around, it is in Paris. It’s a tall tower made of metal, some times it lights up in the evening. There is an elevator to go to the top and there are stairs too. There is also the “Pyramid of Louvre”. The “Pyramid of Louvre” is the entrance of the “Museum of Louvre” it is very famous!
France: A country in Europe. Mardi Gras: A big festival in France. Pyramid: A triangle but 3D. Crepes: A waffle but flat. Vegetarians: People that don’t eat meat, just salads. Paris: The capitol of France.
cheese, 3, 4 crepes, 4 France, 3, 4, 5, 7
Mardi Gras, 4, 7 Paris, 5, 7