Historical Analysis CUSCO
The Ccolla was the wife of the Inca. Being linked to royalty, she gave notoriety to the presence of Andean women. She possessed great power in the Tahuantinsuyo, and her role as a leader was never overshadowed or questioned by her people.
Cusco, the capital of the Inca empire, a city that wherever you go you will hear the song of the important history that unraveled in Peru. A place full of culture and people who in their roots carry the blood of their ancestors. It is necessary to understand how it began to glorify its presence from ancient times to the present, and lead us to an important question; In what way the magnificent architecture in the history of Cusco, has managed to modify a vision, not only of Peruvians, but also in the world?
Davila del Aguila, Piero Jesus Rodriguez Macalupu, Lucero @lucphy98 @pierojda @mirellad_16archThe present analysis aims to compile relevant and specialized information in correspondence with the main branches of the study of the environment [urban, social, economic, historical and environmental] allowing a broad overview capable of showing the city of Cusco before the arrival of the Atelier International de l' Architecture Construite // 2023 (AIAC).