AIA-SWO 2017 Design Annual Publication

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NOVEMBER 30, 2017




The American Institute of Architects . Southwestern Oregon


No Vacancy! A Forum for Housing Eugene


To Be Everywhere is to Be Nowhere


2021: Eugene Preps for the World Championships


What’s All This About The Missing Middle?


AIA-SWO 2017 People’s Choice Awards


Oregon’s New Timber Technology


The City’s Commitment to Culture: from Parking Tickets..?

CULTIVATING THE SILICON SHIRE By Katie Hall AIA-SWO President The year’s AIA Southwestern Oregon Design Annual comes with a bit of a technologic flair. We pay homage to the budding technology industry in Lane County. Currently, for those of you not tracking this industry, it’s one of the fastest growing job producers in Lane County. The goal for the combined industry is to create a world-class and inclusive innovative economy in the Greater Metropolitan Area. (Continued on pg. 2)

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About Glimmer Technology: Based in Eugene, Glimmer Technology creates exciting AR experiences intended to better engage your audience. Please visit for more information and to contact us. AIASWO.ORG

CULTIVATING THE SILICON SHIRE (Continued from pg. 1) World-class may seem a bit of a stretch to some, however, with the 2021 World Track and Field Championships coming to our community, World-Class is becoming more of a reality every day. Our area has an opportunity to envision the Eugene they want the world to see and, because of its size, we already have the resources to make it happen.

and Springfield’s built environment. The 2021 mural project is an example of a vision coming to life with planning and design that adds to the richness of our already eclectic Eugene art scene. The Eugene Parklets event is another exploration that looked to activate the downtown and create more eyes on the street and add to the context of our developing urban core. Opportunity is knocking, how will we respond?

With this developing industry coloring the Eugene/Springfield landscape, opportunities for supporting the local technology industries are surely to grow. Collaboration with this sector is blossoming, as startups populate various buildings in our current building stock. Design excellence is an avenue that can help our community grow to fruition in a way that has intent and flair. Architects, designers and artists are finding new and different ways that are stimulating Eugene

As with most changes to any area, they come with unique challenges. With population growth comes more need for housing, and especially affordable housing. You’ll read in this Design Annual more about the missing housing stock for the majority of our median population. The pros and cons to technology, its influence on Architecture, space and our civic interactions are also explored on these pages. Our choices for how we move forward with the inclusive, innovative


economy seems particularly important looking ahead to the next five years. Choosing to be active participants in the way we grow and morph, members of the local design community can be a difference between our Eugene and Springfield area continuing to be one of the top places to live in the US, or turning into one of the least affordable. As Architects, we look to assist developers, home owners, public agencies, and growing and evolving businesses to help them implement their ideas for the future. Moving forward, we can help create great spaces that add to the richness of our community and improve everyday life through design. You’ll see through our People’s Choice Awards Winners the top projects the public observers voted were best designed in 2017. We feel these represent a small collection of recent examples that improve our community and celebrate excellence in design.

design annual committee

Editor: Frank A. Visconti, AIA Rowell Brokaw Architects Design Director: Jeanette Moore TBG Architects + Planners Contributing Editors: Jenny Fribley Campfire Collaborative Special thanks to Kathleen Wendland, Stan Honn, Craig Runyon, Clayton Arrowood and AIA-SWO President, Katie Hall. Visit the AIA-SWO Octagon 92 East Broadway Eugene OR 9740



HOUSING CHOICE & AFFORDABILITY By Kaarin Knudson, AIA NO VACANCY The Willamette Valley is a place that people love to call home—but, for many, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to do so. The community is facing a housing crisis that touches nearly everyone. We are home to the second tightest housing market in the country, behind only Seattle, WA. Half our residents are considered housing burdened, because they must spend 30 percent or more of their gross income for housing. Young residents can’t buy a home, older homeowners can’t find smaller homes, renters can’t find anything, and employers are increasingly challenged to attract and retain skilled workers given the local cost of housing. This crisis is now destabilizing working individuals and families with median incomes. How did we get here? From 2011 to

2016, the median American home price rose by 42% while the median household income grew by only 17%, continuing a many-decade trend of decreasing middle-class buying power. Compounding the mismatch between local wages and the cost of housing, a lack of appropriate housing supply has pushed the cost of the few available units even farther out of reach from most families and individuals. Locally, more than 60% of median household income goes to housing and transportation costs alone, and the median rental in Eugene is now $1,380/month, according to Zillow. Do the math—and very quickly this crisis touches every homeowner, renter, neighborhood, business sector, and organization in our community. In response to this crisis, a group of local community leaders wants to better understand the problem—and work together to

find solutions. BETTER TOGETHER Led by Better Eugene-Springfield Transportation (BEST), the American Institute of Architects – Southwest Oregon, the Eugene Association of REALTORS®, AARP Oregon, business leaders and UO design researchers, a group of community partners is now organizing “Better Housing Together,” a community event to be held on Wednesday, February 21. Both Eugene and Springfield mayors, members of the Lane County Board of Commissioners, the University administration, and more than a dozen community organizations are partners in this event. While the focus of this effort is not homelessness or subsidized housing, there is a direct connection between broader housing affordability and the wellbeing

of all residents. By adding supply to the market, affordability increases. By locating housing in areas where infrastructure and transit access already exist, we increase our tax base without increasing our acreage of liability. By supporting more walkable and efficient housing types, we advance a many of our climate and equity goals at the same time. This works builds on the AIA’s efforts with the Design Excellence Lecture Series over the past several years. Last April, the AIA was a partner in hosting two, sold-out community events on “Missing-Middle Housing,” a term for all the housing types that sit between a typical single-family house and a multistory apartment building. They are walkable, adaptable, frequently found along historic transit (Continued on pg. 10)

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TO BE EVERYWHERE IS TO BE NOWHERE By Randy Nishimura, AIA Robertson Sherwood Architects Few shifts in the cultural landscape have so profoundly impacted our shared conception of the public realm as the advent of the Internet, smart phones, and social media. The smart phone has changed every aspect of our social interactions, with profound implications for the future of communities everywhere. Just as the automobile prompted the decline and replacement of much of the productive urban fabric of our cities (think urban renewal, freeways, parking lots, and exclusionary zoning), the Internet and, more specifically, social media now jeopardize the reversal of that decline. The irony of social media has been an attendant rise in loneliness, depression, and a sense of detachment among its heaviest users. For the compulsively addicted, virtual spaces become more attractive than real ones, virtual exchanges more appealing than in-the-flesh interaction; entire worlds are just a keystroke or finger-swipe away. The 2,000-year-old words of the Roman philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca—who speaking in his time of the price paid by obsessive travelers—now aptly describe this contemporary condition: “To be everywhere is to be nowhere.” Nowhere is not where anyone should want to be. Nowhere is not a place. Being nowhere means lacking the prospect of progress or success. The risk posed to cities by a collective preoccupation with virtual communities is the possibility we may eventually forget what it takes to make real places: successful civic, public spaces that are accessible, comfortable, sociable, and truly used. We made this mistake during the Age of Automobiles and paid the heavy price; we cannot afford to make a similar mistake again. If we do, we’ll surely struggle to retain our community identity and sense of place, much of which may have only been regained and/or established in the past few years. AIASWO.ORG

So, what is a realistic future for our cities, Eugene in particular? In the face of stresses that would topple dominant urban planning paradigms, how do we avoid being both everywhere and nowhere at once? The answer is to redouble our efforts to maximize the public realm as a shared interest because it is our public spaces that most effectively differentiate here from everywhere and nowhere. This means recognizing what makes Eugene’s cultural, physical, and historical context unique. It means countering the banality of many of Eugene’s public spaces. It means stressing the importance of physical structure and identity—the vividness of unique elements and conversely a grasp of the whole—by celebrating design excellence. It means building upon the recent revitalization downtown, which is a more vibrant place today than it has been in many years. As the region’s historic center for business, governmental, and cultural activities, the success of downtown Eugene is critical to our community’s sense of identity. We commend the City of Eugene for its promising efforts to improve the Park Blocks using the “lighter, quicker, cheaper” strategy to enliven public spaces promulgated by its consultant, Project for Public Spaces. If and when City Hall occupies the location of the “Butterfly” parking lot, the Park Blocks will assume an even more important civic role than they do now. We consider the public-private partnership that brings a highspeed fiber network to 120 downtown Eugene buildings equally promising. This project capitalizes on Eugene’s emergence as the “Silicon Shire,” one of Fast Company magazine’s “Next Top 10 Cities for Tech Jobs.” We’re encouraged to see developers regarding downtown as desirable ground for housing projects attractive to urban professionals and retirees. And we’re pleased downtown at last has its new Whole Foods outlet. (Continued on pg. 6)

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By Sara Assista

2021 By Sarah Medary Assistant City Manager, City of Eugene When the world comes to Eugene in 2021 for the International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) World Championships, we want to inspire them with our authentically awesome city. Inspiration is not just a vision, it is at the intersection of dreams, vision and action. It is ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Hope with a checked box. We have already inspired the world to pick us, what else can we do over the next four years to build on that and develop a community 2021 legacy? True Eugene inspirations will transform thoughtful investments of time and money into actions that improve our quality of life forever while providing a uniquely Eugene and Oregon experience for athletes and fans from around the world. The World Championships have never been held in the United States and they have always been held in large cities such as Beijing (2015) and London (2017). In any

given year the Championships are in the top three most popular and viewed sporting events in the world. They share that ranking with the Olympic Games and the FIFA World Cup. In 2021, neither of those events will happen, giving Eugene and Oregon the opportunity, and responsibility, to host the most popular sporting event in the world. Bill Bowerman, Oregon’s legendary coach of track and field, once said “If there are limits to what we can do, I don’t know what they are.” Those words are just as true today as they were four decades ago. We have a long history of pioneering innovation and not just accomplishing the impossible, but doing so in ways that inspire others to action. For some, the perfect legacy for 2021 is the return to the river and forward progress on the re-development of the downtown riverfront. An important part of that project is the riverfront park. This could be the ideal place to showcase our river, our parks and the history of Eugene with a ten day, or even summer long festival, on the riverfront. What if we could gather in a renovated and accessible steam plant perched on the edge of the Willamette River? It seems impossible, but what better time than now to decide we want this for ourselves and for


our future? Steve Prefontaine once said “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.” Connecting the river to a vibrant, inviting and revitalized downtown is also a longheld goal. Continuing the work to increase the energy and activity of our civic center will be an important part of welcoming the world to Eugene. Implementing long standing community priorities such as improving the Park Blocks and re-establishing our

public square for our Saturday and Farmer’s Markets not only creates a beautiful attraction for visitors, but a lifetime of enjoyment and economic activity for Eugene and Lane County. With four years to go, Eugene is already preparing to welcome the world in ways that provide a community legacy of partnerships and places to showcase. One (Continued on pg. 16)


TO BE EVERYWHERE IS TO BE NOWHERE (Continued from pg. 4) Downtown is starting to work, which is good news for the entire city. We’ve made great progress but much more remains to be done. Many people still consider downtown a dangerous place filled with undesirable people. Too many restaurants still close early each day. Evening activities remain disproportionately focused on the club/bar scene rather than encompassing a more diverse range of options. In the face of Internet shopping, retail businesses aren’t likely to return and once again dominate downtown. There are still far too many inactive storefronts, including those that ring the Park Blocks. Downtown Eugene needs to evolve in response. Growing the resident population will help. When people live in the city’s core, they become caring stakeholders who take ownership of its future. Supplying free public wi-fi throughout would draw people downtown, empowering those who otherwise lack affordable Internet access. Blending shopping with authentic experiences in unique, brick & mortar settings will set specialty retailers apart from their online competitors. To sustain real progress will require learning how to adapt to the changes that threaten to overwhelm us. Social media may be here with us to stay, but this does not mean they can or should supplant the complex ecosystem that is an actual city. We

i.e. Architectural is a small, fullservice architectural firm in Roseburg serving clients throughout Oregon.


By Clay

As architects, we firmly believe a sense of place can foster civic engagement. We believe in the power of design as an antidote to the social disengagement abetted by today’s smart phones and computers. We’re not Luddites, but we do prefer living in and working for the betterment of our real world, as opposed to a virtual one. We believe in being present and engaged so that we can design genuine solutions for difficult problems. For the sake of today’s iGeneration and those who will follow them, we’re committed to ensuring Eugene will never become everywhere or nowhere anytime soon. Austin Bailey, Scott Clarke, Eric Gunderson, Stan Honn, Randy Nishimura, and Travis Sheridan – members, AIA Southwestern Oregon Committee on Local Affairs

Nick Lovemark, AIA

i.e. Architectural, LLC

Through our partner companies, i.e. Engineering and i.e. Structural, our team offers complete in-house architectural, civil, and structural engineering services, as well as planning and surveying.

contend the presence of real public spaces is important to the existence of any civil society and democracy. So too is differentiating those spaces so they are as unique, context-specific, attractive, and meaningful as possible. Investing intellectual and monetary capital in the public realm—such as in downtown Eugene where we as a community exercise our social and civic functions—is crucial. Ideally, the public realm will always remain free to use, accessible, and welcoming to all types of people from all walks of life.

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WE NEED MORE THAN SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES & HIGH-RISE DEVELOPMENT By Clay Roberts Neal In Eugene, we built most our housing after 1950, when national policies were directed almost entirely toward building single-family, suburban neighborhoods. In fact, 52% of our current housing stock was built between 1950-1979. If you moved to the Willamette Valley at that time, you arrived when we were building not only many new homes, but entirely new neighborhoods. While housing development before 1950 included a wide range of housing types (seen in many older neighborhoods throughout Eugene), new zoning trends through the mid-century effectively began to exclude any type of housing other than single-family homes or high-density apartments. The vast diversity of housing types in the middle went missing – hence the issue of “missing-middle housing.” Why are they still missing? Because we’ve yet to make a place for them. Modern regulations—including parking requirements, lot size minimums, and unit density maximums—have made it impossible to develop these housing types even where they are compatible and would contribute significantly to neighborhood vitality and housing affordability. This is something we can change.

Missing-middle housing types – cottage courtyards, duplexes, row houses, and others – have several characteristics that benefit their residential neighborhoods, including: • Walkable location • Small, well-designed units • Lower perceived density • Simple construction • Enronmental impact • Options for households of diverse age, size, and income • Lower maintenance • Energy efficiency


HWY 99





Sensitive missing-middle development along key corridors is one strategy that could more directly support a more inclusive, age-friendly, opportunity-rich, and affordable community. We want livability, low-cost development patterns, diverse opportunities, and energy and climate resilience. Missing-middle housing could help us get there. Key corridors are already served by city infrastructure and they often include transit options and schools, employment, and daily services. Missing-middle housing provides a wider variety of options for everyone interested in living in Eugene. If even one quarter of our expected population growth was accommodated by infill development along





Edge vs. Corridor Opportunities for Residential Growth

transit corridors, we would have the opportunity to reduce our carbon emissions due to daily commutes by 750,000 lbs. of CO2 per year. To recapture that much CO2, we would have to plant almost 9,000 tree seedlings and let them grow for 10 years. The benefits of providing missing-middle housing in our key corridors are compelling. With the right support from our

policy and development activities, we can create a livable, walkable, opportunity-rich future for this community. Unfortunately, middle-income housing remains difficult to develop, particularly in the very neighborhoods where people want to live. By 2032, we expect to need (Continued on pg. 16)


Paul Edlund,FCSI

Linn West,CSI

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RECLAMING TIMBERS Timbers Inn Office & Lounge Eugene, Oregon Architect Nir Pearlson, Architect Roger Ota, Project Manager Structural Engineer Woodchuck Engineering

Logo Designer Hopper Design & Illustration General Contactor Allen Co. Design it! Build it! LLC


Photos Bronson Studios Photography

CHALLENGE • Reclaim and rebuild an under-utilized motel office building that housed a cramped, dark, dated lobby , and an unoccupied former manager’s apartment. • Re-brand the motel with a fresh, recognizable, and iconic identity – in keeping with its modernist past. • Provide open, interconnected interior spaces that are easy to monitor and service from a central reception station. • Enhance visibility and connectivity between the interior and the outside. • Create patios and planted buffers to replace existing asphalt paving.





• While most of the finishes and all the interior partitions were removed, the iconic mid-century massive stone walls, exposed post-and-beam structure, and natural fir ceiling were preserved and featured. • The building envelope was expanded to replace unused patios with a lobby & bar, and a generous breakfast lounge. • The spacious, flowing interior opens wide windows towards the street corner and the surrounding motel rooms. • Two sheltered corner dining & gathering patios linked to the interior, are fitted with long wood benches and surrounded by landscaped concrete planters. • The material palette complements the building style, and includes charcoal concrete, stained cedar and black metal trim on the exterior, and a warm collection of wood species on the interior. • A new retro-style sign with the Timbers Inn new logo thrusts skyward, reestablishing this revived modernist building within Eugene’s rejuvenating Downtown.






—Angie Marzano In July, Hot Mama’s Kitchen + Bar opened its doors at Oakway Center. The new, 2,700-square-foot space has a 12-seat teak wood bar, a 90-seat dining room, a 40-seat mezzanine level open for dining and private events, and a 20-seat outdoor area with doors opening onto the patio. Owners Michael and Angie Marzano wanted a look that would reflect their brand and personal style while showcasing their deep commitment to Eugene and their love for the community. They decided on a design that is hip, upscale, and family friendly, with ties into Eugene’s sports lore. Like their commitment to local and sustainable fare on the menu, the Marzanos had a similar approach to their interior. The teak bar features reclaimed wood, the accent tile is made with recycled content and the contractor used low VOC paints, sealants and adhesives for better indoor air quality. The booths, tables, and much of the kitchen equipment have been salvaged from past restaurants and updated. The exhaust venting system in the kitchen recaptures heat from the stove and includes a variable speed fan to limit energy use. LED light fixtures are used throughout the restaurant, and a neon sign announces Bar’s Open for years to come. PROJECT TEAM MICHAEL AND ANGIE MARZANO Owner

ROWELL BROKAW Architect Gregory Brokaw, Britni Jessup






Located between Oak Patch Road and Acorn Park Street in Eugene, The Oaks at 14th is a 54-unit apartment community of affordable, permanent housing serving individuals with criminal histories, including veterans, seniors, and people with disabilities.


We wanted a restaurant where people were able to gather as a community, see loved ones in a beautiful space, but also see friends and neighbors at the local hangout.

The community is organized around two outdoor spaces - a public plaza and a private courtyard. Nestled between an existing oak grove and the community center, the public plaza is an active gathering space. Raised garden beds, a gazebo with outdoor covered seating, and plenty of open space provide an outdoor hearth for residents. The more private courtyard provides a quieter retreat from the activity of the plaza.


HARVEY AND PRICE Fire Protection

The one bedroom apartments contain full bathrooms and kitchens and come fully furnished to further support individuals in this underserved population. The units are organized around shared stairs, creating vertical, more intimate neighborhoods within the larger community. The community building with meeting rooms and offices, a weight room, and laundry facility provides a social, interactive space that fosters a shared sense of community and dignity. Sponsors Inc. subscribes to the vision that everyone deserves a second chance.











designs to sustain












People’s Choice Awards Winners Each year, the AIA-SWO and ASLA sponsor these awards to educate and inspire our fellow citizens by showcasing architecture, interiors, and landscape architecture projects which are created within the chapter area. AIASWO.ORG


HOUSING CHOICE & AFFORDABILITY (Continued from pg. 3) lines, and they used to be everywhere. (See “Eugene’s Missing Middle Housing” in this issue.) BACK TO THE FUTURE OF HOUSING It’s worth looking back at how diverse housing types have supported American communities in the past. In fact, much of the housing that held the country’s emerging middle class a century ago were missing-middle types. In older American cities, these historic types are nearly indistinguishable from single-family homes. Housing with an extra unit or room was typical, and it allowed the home to flex with the various chapters of home life— young family, large family, unstable economy, and aging family. Modern families would benefit from a similar opportunity to accommodate change throughout life. Missing-middle housing is also more affordable to moderate incomes by design. Smaller, well-designed units allow residents to “buy less house,” and—as a result—the cost of missing-middle housing falls between subsidized housing and larger, market-rate units. When land and space are more highly valued, design has an even greater role to play. In the missing-middle conversations last April, experts advised the community

to “reverse engineer” design solutions that demonstrate the desired architectural quality, compatibility, and cost control—and then use these models to help improve local regulations and to plan for a changing future. Already, almost 30% of American households are comprised of a single person. By 2035, most households in America will be just one person, and more than 13 millions of those residents will be over 75. At the other end of the spectrum, the preferences of Millennials—for smaller homes close to walkable amenities and more interesting, diverse neighborhoods—are driving future housing demand. Facing a significant mismatch between their needs, buying power, and America’s suburban-focused housing supply, this generation has struggled to access the housing market. Yet owning a home remains the most effective way to build uninherited wealth in America.


A HOME FOR EVERYONE Join the discussion and learn more about how we can increase housing choice and affordability. Make plans to join us in February, and follow @betterhousingtogether on social media.

s! e d i u rty g e p o r p Your Sadie Dressekie, MBA Principal Broker


Samantha Chirillo, MS, MPA Casilda Figueroa Jenna Fribley, AIA Linh Huynh Ashley Lyons AIASWO.ORG





MASS TIMBER By Judith Sheine, AIA

One of the new mass timber products is Cross Laminated Timber (CLT). CLT was first explored in Switzerland and then developed in Austria in the mid 1990s; it has since become increasingly popular in Europe, particularly over the last 10 years. CLT panels are made up of layers of 2’ x 6” dimensional lumber glued perpendicular to each other. They are typically 10’ wide, up to 60’ long, and range from 4 ½” (three layers) to 10 ½” (seven layers). CLT can replace concrete in buildings in floors and walls. Because the panels sequester carbon they are

photos by erik bishoff, steve smith, len stolfo and chambers construction

There is much excitement in Oregon these days about the potential of new mass timber products to revitalize the timber economy in rural communities, as well as to create sustainable, healthy buildings. Timber has historically been of critical importance to the economic base of Oregon, with the logging and timber production industries central to the development of the state. However, since the 1970s, with the impact of the 1973 Endangered Species Act on the reduction of logging, and the increasing automation of the industry, jobs in the timber sector have been shrinking significantly. Recently, for the first time in many years, environmentalists and the timber industries have come together to support the production of new engineered timber products that use small pieces of wood glued together to make large strong

panels for use in construction. Instead of using old growth trees, the new products are made of small logs that can be sustainably grown and harvested and also make use of smaller trees that can be culled from forests to promote their healthy growth and help to prevent the massive forest fires we have seen recently in the west.


DR Johnson CLT panel being set into the roof deck for Albina Yard, Portland, OR, Lever Architecture

inherently more sustainable than concrete and steel products, which employ manufacturing processes with significant carbon footprints. CLT, like other engineered timber products such as glued laminated beams and columns, has other advantages over concrete and steel. It is much lighter, reducing the weight and foundations required in buildings, and it can take advan-

tage of new digital fabrication tools that can make openings for doors and windows and cuts for connections. The panels are made “on demand,” as custom orders, using digital files, loaded onto a truck, driven to a construction site, and quickly and quietly assembled, saving labor and time over (Continued on pg. 12)

“Building What’s Important instreaks People’s Lives” Traffic on Franklin Boulevard by the University of Oregon’s Matthew Knight Arena in Eugene. Traffic on Franklin Boulevard streaks by the University of


MASS TIMBER (Continued from pg. 11) traditional construction as well as reducing waste. Mass timber can also be made and fabricated with significantly more precision than concrete or steel.

TDI has also been promoting new uses of mass timber products in demonstration projects through a series of architecture design studios in the Department of Architecture at the University of Oregon.

University of Oregon Springfield Parking Garage student project, 2015: “Kaito” by Tom Adamson, Ryan Kiesler and Tom Moss; Judith Sheine, Mark Donofrio, faculty. advisors

One of these projects was the design of a mass timber parking garage for the City of Springfield for their new Glenwood development. Springfield Mayor Christine Lundberg thought that by making this new civic structure, a building type usually built of concrete and steel, as a demonstration of what modern mass timber can do, Springfield could promote the development of new mass timber production facilities. While there are no parking structures in the U.S. currently built of these materials, the design studio, led by Professors Judith Sheine and Mark Donofrio, produced nine projects that displayed structures using CLT

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1120 Arthur Street, Eugene, OR 97402 AIASWO.ORG

Cell: 541-914-2568 Office: 541-357-5532

D.R. Johnson in Riddle, Oregon began producing the first structurally certified CLT panels in the United States in 2015, has creating new high-tech, well-paying jobs in Douglas County. Freres Lumber in Lyons, Oregon is currently constructing a new plant to produce Mass Plywood Panels, which will be up to 12’ wide, 48’ long and up to 2’ deep. Both companies worked with the TallWood Design Institute (TDI) in conceiving and developing their new mass timber product lines. TDI is a collaboration between the University of Oregon’s College of Design and Oregon State University’s Colleges of Forestry and Engineering. It is focused on the promotion of mass timber products through research, testing, outreach and education. Funded by the state of Oregon and the US Department of Agriculture and Economic Development Agency, TDI connects the expertise in sustainable design, wood research and performance testing in the two universities to manufacturers and fabricators, architects, engineers and contractors, and civic organizations and private developers.


and Glulam and employed some of the new lateral force resisting systems developed in New Zealand. The projects convinced the City of Springfield that the mass timber parking garage was feasible, and they worked with the architecture firm SRG Partnership and the engineering firm KPFF to design the real project.

Glenwood Parking Garage, Springfield OR, SRG Partnership, 2018-19

There is significant potential for mass timber buildings to spur both economic development and more sustainable structures, and interest among members of the building industries is growing rapidly. More projects are getting built in Oregon, including the 12-story Framework project in Portland, which will be starting construction in the coming months. Framework, designed by Lever Architecture, won the USDA Tall Wood Building competition and will be the tallest all-wood building in the United States. TDI worked on some of the performance testing for the project and has plans to continue to help create more demand in the building industries for mass timber, increasing the state’s manufacturing base and creating a more sustainable future.

Timbers Inn Remodel



E-PARK AND MORE By Jeff Petry Parking and Technology Manager, City of Eugene Parking. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you see the word parking? Is it parking tickets? How about a parking meter, or, perhaps a parking garage? What emotion does the word ‘parking’ make you feel? Parking is not traditionally viewed in a positive light, especially if payments and tickets are involved. Eugene’s Parking Services program, Epark Eugene, aims to change that by combining technology with parking to positively influence our community and the world. As our country urbanized and the Federal Highway Act of 1921 began to connect cities, downtowns across the nation began to face a new problem: lots of vehicles on the street. Business owners and their customers became frustrated with the lack of on-street parking turnover—customers could not access the stores.

will use resources collected to maintain its existing $100,000,000 in parking structures and assets and put money back into the community. We work with new and current business to meet customer and employee parking needs, including finding less expensive commute options through carpooling, EmX, and biking. Parking Services funds onstreet bike corrals to create easier customer access to many downtown amenities. In addition to funding of over $800,000 to support downtown Eugene police services, Parking Services also provides 24/7 security services for downtown garages. The Parking Services program continues to invest in our creative community. Parking revenue helped fund the amazing downtown murals that are part of the 20x21 mural project. We showcase local writers in our Step into Poetry, Stories, and Theatre project in the stairwells of the Overpark

Photography by Erik Bishoff

“Framing Parklet” by Propel Studio, Portland OR

The solution came from a new technology: the parking meter. The first parking meter was installed in 1935 in Oklahoma City, OK. It was a technological solution to managing crowded downtown business districts that automated parking time restrictions by requiring payment to park. It also moved long-term vehicle parking out of the high demand areas and provided easier customers access to businesses. The parking meter solution spread throughout the country during the Great Depression, and by 1939, The City of Eugene had installed 145 meters in the Broadway and Willamette Street area. For the next eighty years, the Eugene’s downtown would oscillate between periods of free and paid parking. Epark Eugene is using new technologies to meet current challenges, enhance people’s parking experience, and reinvent in our community. Our goal is to use the money collected at parking meters and garages to invest in the projects and activities that benefit the places and people around them. Our Parking Reinvestment program AIASWO.ORG

Photography by Erik Bishoff


Garage. This series celebrates local literary arts while encouraging customers to use the stairs. Parking Services is a title sponsor for downtown events such as Light-Up Downtown and this year’s EUG Parade, and downtown Sunday Streets. The downtown parklets were a unique partnership with AIA-SWO that sponsored a design and build competition, and created four unique parking space sized parks in the heart of downtown. Parking Services will continue to partner and invest in events and programming that foster a unique and vibrant downtown.

ing lots. A few of our other services include the removal of abandoned vehicles as well as mediation of disputes over motor home parking. We also report trash in the rightof-way and suspicious activity. Parking Services will continue to partner with resident to strengthen livability in their neighborhoods. Parking Services is creating a municipal parking program that is ready for the future of Eugene. Our parking garages and downtown on-street parking spaces will be able to push parking availability to web and phone/in vehicle wayfinding applications

The Parking Services program responds to vehicle parking issues across the City of Eugene. In neighborhoods with time-limited parking, we enhance livability by discouraging neighborhood streets from turning into business and employee park-

Photography by Erik Bishoff

Eugene is known as a creative and innovative community and its parking program is following suit. Parking Services plays a critical role in promoting economic development and enhancing neighborhood livability. Eugene’s Parking Services is also one of the few self-sufficient, municipal parking programs in the country and reinvests parking revenue back into the system. From initiating the 2017 Parklet Competition to completing successful Hack for a Cause technology projects, Parking Services will continue to look for new and meaningful ways reinvest in the community.

Images below are Augmented Reality (AR) Enabled! Step 1: Download the “Glimmer XP” app for iOS or Android. Step 2: Open the app and scan the QR code, or select Choose Experience -> AIA Design Annual Step 3: View this artwork through your device to see the image transform!

“IM.A.BENCH” by PIVOT Architecture, Eugene OR


in order to make finding a parking space easier. We are moving away from bumper and paper hang tag permit processes and towards online and mobile vehicle payment options. Our next generation of parking meters will allow coin, credit card, Google and Apple pay, and in-vehicle payment options throughout our community. We are also adding an augmented reality tech overlay for our Step into Poetry project in the Overpark Garage. Parking Services will continue to invest in our parking structures and parking system to meet the future needs of our community.

Photography by Erik Bishoff

“Vivid Summer” by Lindsay Deaton AIASWO.ORG

Missing Middle Housing Types


A conversation is starting about missing middle housing in Eugene. Fitting these types back into the neighborhood mix makes sense in Eugene where we have a goal to create more 20-minute neighborhoods, where residents can find most daily needs within a 20-minute walk from home. To read more about missing middle housing types such as rowhouses, duplexes, cottages, and accessory dwellings see the Missing Middle Handbook.

WE NEED MORE THAN SINGLEFAMILY HOMES & HIGH-RISE DEVELOPMENT ly sustainable and environmentally sound development pattern.

(Continued from pg. 7) about 15,100 new homes for 37,000 new people in this community. So, the real question is: If we know this change is coming, how can we shape the future to better support the identity and objectives already established by our community? We have decided to grow within our current urban growth boundary (UGB). However, the currently identified lands for residential growth within the UGB are largely at the edges of town and in hilly terrain. While these areas do provide the necessary area for needed housing, the resulting development pattern results in more single-family housing. It does not directly advance our goals to offer a variety of affordable housing options, creating the most economical-

(Continued from pg. 5)

We can change that

great example is the 20x21 EUG Mural Project which will bring 20 or more world-class murals to Eugene by 2021. The project aims to bring color and life to Eugene’s urban landscape, to foster pride and contribute to a sense of identity. The artwork welcomes athletes and fans when they see a mural by a well-known artist from their country, and bestows a lasting piece of art for our community. The committee leading this amazing effort also contributes to our legacy of partnerships. A group of highly engaged community members representing collaboration across sectors including communications, law, architecture, small business, non-profit and the arts are a model of what we can accomplish when we come together and inspire each other.

Better Housing Together February 21, 2018

5 - 7 pm

The Eugene Association of REALTORS®


Allowing and encouraging missing-middle housing isn’t a new concept: it is bringing back a tried-and-true idea. Once you know what to look for, you’ll see many examples of great missing-middle housing hidden in plain sight. Duplexes, four-plexes, and quaint cottage courts exist in every area of Eugene, all in scale with their surrounding neighborhood and designed in a way that supports both privacy and community. From these examples, it’s clear that middle-income infill housing can match the scale of existing neighborhoods, maintain quality open space, and provide more housing choices that support affordability in our community.


Eugene area has the second tightest housing market in the nation

Southwestern Oregon



The true legacy of 2021 will go far beyond the river, downtown and Hayward Field. These big visions and projects are important, but each of us can find inspirations for small improvements in our neighbor-

hood or a way to add to our community culture of health and wellness that allows all of us, and especially our youth, to thrive. 2021 is an opportunity to showcase our best. It is an invitation to imagine what that is and to be that. Be our best. The IAAF picked Eugene and Oregon with intention. They have said they have confidence in us to deliver an unforgettable experience for athletes and fans. They have reason to believe in us as we hosted the IAAF World Under 20 Championships in 2014 along with the recent Olympic Team Trials for Track and Field in 2008, 2012 and 2016. Even so, this will not be business as usual, it will be an opportunity to inspire the world. So, let’s do that. It’s not too early to think about the legacy you want to lead or what your 20 by 21 might be. Together, we can show ourselves, and the world, that there’s no better place to run and there’s definitely no better place to live, work and play.


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