IGY Marinas Newsletter - April 2011

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News from the world’s premier luxury marina destinations.

www.igymarinas.com April 2011, issue 5



A New Service for Yacht Crews at Yacht Haven Grande!

Friends of IGY, Welcome to Issue 5 of IGY FYI! We hope your winter yachting season is as fulfilling as ours has been so far. IGY has recently stepped up its Anchor Club – the IGY loyalty program for yachts over 80 feet. Anchor Club members get triple points in April – so if you have a vessel over 80 feet and have stayed with us before, register today at www.igyanchorclubrewards.com or simply dock at any of our marinas and you will be automatically enrolled. Choose from a huge online catalog of gifts and control your account all in one place. Check out the latest happenings in our marinas and join in on the fun! Best regards, The IGY Marketing Team marketing@igymarinas.com

The CapTain SChool will soon be offering STCW training at Yacht Haven Grande in St. Thomas USVI for the coming 20112012 cruising season. This high level training is required by the IMO (International Maritime Organization) for SOLAS vessels which carry more than 12 passengers. Captains now have the opportunity to meet specific training needs, offered conveniently while their yachts are in port. The Captain School was established in St. Thomas in 1994, and has since provided over 5,000 mariners with a wide range of nautical training. Of particular interest to megayachts is the ISPS (International Ship and Port Security Code) STCW Security Officer training. The course is U.S. Coast Guard approved training and is in compliance with the following standards: Regulations 13.1, 13.2 (Part A and B), and 18.1 (Part A and B) of the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code and IMO Model Course 3.19 Ship Security Officer (2003) edition), IMO Model Course 3.20 Company Security Officer (2003 Edition) and IMO Model Course 3.21 Port Facility Security Officer (2003 Edition). The course offers certification in all three ISPS Security Officer designations (Ship – SSO, Company – CSO, and Port Facility PFSO) with one convenient 3 day course. STCW Crowd Management is also available as a requirement for both officers and crew, as well as STCW Crisis Management and Human Behavior required for Captains by most port states. With the opportunity to meet these training requirements conveniently during layover in St. Thomas, it now offers Captains an efficient method to achieve maximum crew performance in a cost effective manner. This training CONTACT is just one of the many innovaCapt. Casey at tive amenities offered by Yacht T: 877-435-3187 Haven Grande, the premier E: capt.p.casey@gmail.com marina facility for megawww.CaptainSchool.com yachts in the Caribbean!


2011 IGY Rybovich Crew Olympics

What an event! Having taken place on different days at Yacht Haven Grande St. Thomas and in St. Maarten on Buccaneer Beach, the IGY Rybovich Crew Olympics was a big success. Captains and crew competed against each other for prizes, laughs and an overall day of pure fun. On February 12, Yacht Haven Grande had their event begin with a game of golf, of which the longest drive award initially went to Captain Jason of M/Y Netanya 8. At the last minute, crew member Simon of M/Y Touch launched his ball just a few more feet beyond Jason’s. The closest to the pin competition was claimed by the very competitive and spirited Bridgette of M/Y Cakewalk! The triple event relay race was between 3 teams of 5 members each. Each team had to first thaw out two

completely frozen t-shirts without leaving the grass field; next, the first member of the team had to wear the frozen t-shirt, slap on a pair of rubber flippers, run 25 yards across the field, bob for apples in a vat of ice-water, then run back to their awaiting team mates. The winning team with all 5 members having completed these tasks was composed of 4 members of M/Y Netanya 8 and the engineer of M/Y Shalimar. The next event was the tug-of-war competition, in which M/Y Cakewalk claimed the victory with the leadership of 1st Officer, Niels Gregory. Other events included the classic, but never old, Egg and Spoon race and the Banana Rama Pass (held 3 times because it was just too funny!). ››


›› Winners of the competitions at Yacht Haven Grande received generous gift certificates to YHG restaurants along with individual gift baskets that included YHG beach towels, croakies, koozies, and a liter of high-end liquor. A couple of weeks later on the 26th, St. Maarten captains and crew of IGY and Rybovich were treated to their day on the beach. The morning started off with paddleboard races that were won by First Mate Carde Savas of M/Y Anne Marie who received the grand prize of an ARK paddleboard worth $1500. The Tug-of-war – between M/Y Anne Marie and M/Y Mr. Terrible was a tricky one. Anne Marie won by a hair, and the audience

went wild for Terrible and claimed injustice – all in the spirit of fun. Thinking that speed was the key factor to winning, most Lime and Spoon Racers power-walked with spoon in hand to the finish-line, dropping their lime into the hot sand. One exception - Meamina took her time and beat everyone else out by walking slowly, keeping her lime well-balanced till the end. Always a good time, the water balloon competition was won by team Mr. Terrible, while the hilariously funny Banana Rama Race was also won by Meamina. Won by Lady Bee, the Sharp Shooter Contest was classic fun.

Storage in the Caribbean Although today’s superyachts are getting bigger, adequate storage space seems to be a thorn in the side of many. What are you supposed to do when you need extra space on the boat but just don’t have it to spare? We hate to sound salesy, but this company we’ve paired with has got the perfect solution. Clear Choice Shipping will manage the logistics of receiving, consolidating, and forwarding shipments from multiple suppliers and chandlers for yachts traveling the Caribbean. They offer long and short-terms shortage CONTACT and the best part? T: 1-866-271-1713 You can manage it E: Info@ClearChoiceShipping.com all online. www.ClearChoiceShipping.com



Cross the Channel for International Regatta In Martinique

The St. Lucia Yacht Club’s Youth Sailing Program sanctioned by the St. Lucia Sailing Association saw a team of 8 young Optimist and Laser sailors and coaches off to Schoelcher, Martinique on Thursday March 3, 2011 to compete in the 21st annual Semaine Internationale de Schoelcher. Sailing coaches, Max Todd and Omari Scott, have put the sailors through vigorous training on the water for the past month and are eager to see results at this international regatta where sailors will meet on the start

The 2011 Cabo Marine Show With plans for even further growth, the second annual Cabo Marine Show and Marine Products and Services Expo will take place in the Baja California peninsula in Mexico at IGY Marina Cabo San Lucas. The Cabo Marine Show 2011 runs from April 21 to 23, with more than 40 local and foreign vendors accompanied by an expected 3,000 people. Here’s a glimpse of the products and services scheduled to roll out at this year’s event: IGY Marina Cabo San Lucas is offering new transient and annual slip pricing specials available during the Show. Otaduy Yachts, New Construction & Brokerage, introduces new Bertram representation for the Baja Sur area. Specialized Marine Services debuts as first Eco‐Friendly, Full Service Professional Boat Detail Company in Mexico. Parker Village Marine Tec presents its new line of portable water treatment systems and desalination systems. Cabo Riviera offers its unique master‐planned, oceanfront community in the East Cape area of Los Cabos. Mexico Grand Hotels debuts its Genesis vacation ownership program for Marina Fiesta Resort & Spa. CONTACT

E: sales@cabomarineshow.com | www.cabomarineshow.com

line with 60 or so competitors from around the region and from as far as Canada. For the first time the St. Lucian team consists of 6 laser sailors: Marc Spurway, 14, Dylan Charles, 14, Raina Bergasse, 16; 2012 London Olympic candidates are Beth Lygoe, 30, and Stephanie Devaux-Lovell, 15, who also joins team mate Scott Anthony, 17, at the 2011 Laser Youth Worlds in Croatia in August. The Schoelcher regatta serves as the first of several international regattas in which the top sailors will be entering in preparation for the “big” regattas. Sailing in the Optimist class, Marcus Sweeney and Luc Chevrier used Schoelcher as their first international regatta for the year ,which will prepare them for the North American Championships this summer and, for Marcus, the Opti Worlds. The sailors and coaches are grateful to their sponsors IGY Rodney Bay Marina and Ferrand’s Dairy and to the kind members of the yachting fraternity who have volunteered their yacht and their time to sail the team across the channel to Martinique and accommodate the St. CONTACT Lucia Youth sailing team. www.stluciayachtclub.com


St. Patty’s Day the Right Way igy aMeriCan yaChT harbor in St. Thomas celebrated the beloved fest in style with a parade around the marina. Molly Malone’s bar and restaurant was packed with green revelers, all dressed in their best.

Plans for Rybovich Underway

Wayne huizenga jr. speaking at the recent rybovich press conference

Making Major STrideS in groWTh, Rybovich Marine recently announced that its plans for a new superyacht facility have resulted in a tentative proposal to locate the project in Riviera Beach on property partially owned by Rybovich and Viking Yacht, known as 20th St. The proposed

superyacht facility that would cater to yachts over 150 feet, was originally to be located at the south end of the Riviera Beach City Marina, but was put on hold pending a citizens referendum to block the City from leasing a portion of the Marina to Rybovich. As a result of the referendum passing, Rybovich indicated their intent to seek other locations along the east coast of Florida. Rybovich Vice President Carlos Vidueira is looking forward to presenting their proposal at an upcoming City Council meeting in which they will be giving up their lease at the Marina and explaining how the 20th St. location will be able to serve their needs. “It’s time to heal the City and bring everyone back towards working together to accomplish great CONTACT things in Riviera Beach. Rybovich Marine We’re excited about being T: 888-RYBOVICH part of it,” said Vidueira dockmaster@rybovich.com Congratulations! www.rybovich.com


IGY Shows EPIC Support in St. Maarten

The Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC) held the second annual Love the Lagoon event on Saturday, April 2nd, at The Sand Bar at IGY’s Yacht Club Isle de Sol in Simpson Bay, St, Maarten. (IGY showed its support for a local foundation’s efforts to clean up the waters of Simpson Bay Lagoon by presenting a check for $4,000 to EPIC for its Sewage Pumpout Boat Fund. Brian Deher, Director of Marina Operations and Planning for Island Global Yachting said, “We recognize the

Simpson Bay Lagoon’s environmental value and are proud to support this effort to improve water quality. We know that the marine sector is a minority contributor to pollution in the lagoon, but addressing it is a positive step towards tackling the problem as a whole.” He continued, “In addition to doing what we can to get this pumpout boat on the water, we plan to support it long-term by making sure all our marina guests are aware of it and encouraged to use it.” The necessary purpose is for the purchase of a sewage pump-out boat to service boats in the Simpson Bay Lagoon to combat the disposal of untreated sewage from land and boats into one of the largest lagoons in the West Indies, which has become a serious environmental and health problem. The pump-out initiative will provide boaters with a reliable, convenient, and affordable sewage disposal alternative. This concrete step towards a cleaner lagoon has received widespread support across the community, from residents and yachtsmen to businesses like marinas, dive centers and restaurants on the lagoon.

3rd Annual Puerto Rican Grand Slam

It’s on! Join us in Puerto Rico this May, from the 13-15th for fishing, fun and fierce competition. The

international tournament will take place from the Palmas Del Mar Yacht Club, an IGY destination in Humacao, Puerto Rico. The winner of the tournament will pocket $50,000, while the record breaker will get $25,000 for swordfish over 522 pounds. Three of the main bill fish – Sword, Marlin, White or Sail – are going to be sought out by anglers from different parts of the world. Only 3 miles away from the fishing drop, action awaits at the unspoiled fishing grounds south of Vieques and the wellknown Horshoe and Grapper Banks. Enhancing the event further, golf and tennis are available as are family events. Villas are available for rent at special rates for CONTACT participants at T: 787-656-7300 the Four Points info@palmasdelmaryachtclub.com Sheraton. www.palmasdelmaryachtclub.com


St. Lucia Comes out on Top

in addiTion To being the top honeymoon destination according to TheKnot.com, Saint Lucia’s popularity as a conference location is growing as well, having just scooped up an important regional Caribbean gathering. The Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association’s new Caribbean Boutique and Intimate Hotel Conference will book into Saint Lucia from October 15-18, 2011. Senator Allen Chastanet, Saint Lucia’s Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation, announced the island

nation was delighted to host the first revised edition of the former Small Hotels Retreat. “This important conference spotlights the essence of what the region’s small hotels are famous for globally - boutique, intimate, lovely, luxury and legendary,” stated Senator Chastanet. To make maximum use of Saint Lucia’s stunning physical beauty, the three-day conference will be held at the newly renovated Rodney Bay Marina in the north as well as a location to be confirmed in the old colonial southern town of Soufrière.

There’s an APP for Everything by noW, aT leaST SoMe of you have downloaded an app to your smart phone or iPad. In the yachting world, expediency has proverbially grown its own head – prodding its way onto boats of all sizes. Here is one worth mentioning! blue ocean yachting Ports & Destinations, is a user based app, where Yacht crew and recreational mariners can use to find information relevant to ports and destinations around the globe that pertain to yachting and cruising. It’s a User Based, so if people have been somewhere interesting, they can add that information to the app. Example being not knowing where the supermarket is in Viareggio Italy, if someone has added that info in, it will give you its location. Blue Ocean Yachting/Ports & Destinations App http://www.blueoceanyachting.com/ports-and-destinations.html

Connect with us: www.igymarinas.com | 888.IGY.MARINAS

15% off

Transient Dockage Get 15% off transient summer dockage rates when you book your 2011 summer season at any of these three northeast marinas!

(617) 367-5050 info@thebostonyachthaven.com

(201) 626-5550 npycmarina@igymarinas.com

(631) 668-3100 dockmaster@montaukyachtclub.com

*Summer season, April 15-Oct 31, terms and conditions apply: IGY and its affiliates have the right to change, limit, modify or cancel offers at any time, with or without notice, even though such changes may affect the value of the rewards already accumulated, the ability to use accumulated rewards or the ability to obtain certain rewards. IGY and its affiliates may, among other things, (a) modify, increase or decrease the requirements for earning rewards; (b) withdraw, limit, modify, or cancel any reward; (c) add black-out dates, limit berths available for any reward at any participating marina, or otherwise restrict the continued availability of rewards.

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