Places to Explore - USVI

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Welcome to the U.S. Virgin Islands. By our calculations, you are in for your best vacation ever! Don’t take our word for it. Explore and see all the islands have to offer and do the math yourself. Divide the length of your stay by the number of fabulous beaches and sunkissed sands stretching our shores. Each has it’s own distinct allure, whether you prefer a secluded cove or an animated the 2010 Tommy Starfish Awards Gala, Media Marketing, Inc.'s party beach. Now subtract the stress Attending (L) Lynda MacLean, (C) Award Recipient, Anthony Fleming, (R) Publishers: Jennifer Sibilly and Rita Jones of daily life with some fun. There are a multitude of water and land activities to choose from, such as hiking and biking through lush tropical forests or fishing and boating on the open seas. Afterwards, savor exotic tropical flavors at our many fabulous restaurants, then dance the night away under the stars. Add the thrill of discovery as you visit the many fascinating historic sights or immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring natural beauty. Put excitement into the equation with an exhilarating day racing the waves on a luxury sailboat or dive into the amazing world beneath the sea to explore colorful coral reefs and mysterious shipwrecks. Add a bit of duty-free power shopping minus the big price tags, and multiply by the warm and lively culture. And this is only a fraction of the many wonders waiting to be experienced. To sum it up, the U.S. Virgin Islands is vacationer’s dream come true! Keep your copy of Places to Explore at hand to guide you through your stay. Voted the Best Visitor Publication in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Places to Explore offers advice on activities, dining, shopping and accommodations as well as interesting island facts and practical information. The directory of services is a quick and easy reference and the pullout island and downtown maps will lead you where you want to go. We hope that your stay in the U.S. Virgin Islands is warm and sunny and adds up to the experience of a lifetime.

Rita Jones and Jennifer Sibilly Rita Jones & Jennifer Sibilly PUBLISHERS

ART DIRECTOR M. Alicia Ziff ADVERTISING SERVICES Lisa Lawlor EDITOR Lori Abbotts SALES REPRESENTATIVES Lynda MacLean, St. Thomas & St. John Chris Barton, St. Thomas Susan Wall, St. Croix Disclaimer: Places To Explore St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix is published by Media Marketing, Inc. with offices at 1000 Blackbeard's Hill, Suite 7, St. Thomas, U.S.V.I. 00802; tel.: 340-774-0920; fax: 340-774-3144; e-mail: Contents copyright ©2010 by Media Marketing, Inc. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher. All prices and dates contained within Places To Explore St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix are subject to change without notice. Publisher assumes no responsibility for the return of unsolicited photographs or articles and may use them at the publisher’s discretion. Such materials are submitted at the risk of the photographer/author. Media Marketing is not responsible for any advertiser temporarily closing or going out of business, nor is Media Marketing responsible for any personal injury that may occur as a result of the inherent risks associated with any of the activities advertised in this publication.


MEDIA MARKETING, INC. 1000 Blackbeard’s Hill, Suite 7 St. Thomas, U.S.V.I. 00802 tel.: 340-774-0920 e-mail:

One Herald Plaza Miami, Florida 33132

Congratulations! Anthony Fleming of Media Marketing received the "Hospitality Support Service Associate of the Year" award at the 2010 Tommy Star Awards Gala on St. Thomas. Anthony distributes PLACES TO EXPLORE and other visitor publications, promoting our islands tourism industry. Congratulations to Anthony from his family at Media Marketing and HCP/Aboard Publishing.

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Welcome to the our amazing United States Virgin Islands--St. Croix, St. John, St. Thomas and Water Island. Each of our islands boasts a unique personality and beckons you to discover what makes them special. Island hopping is easy so a multi-destination vacation is surely possible, and recommended. Explore this detailed guide for everything to experience–from our breathtaking beaches and exhilarating activities, to rejuvenating spas and world class restaurants. Set aside a day for shopping. You'll find exceptional discounts on jewelry, electronics, watches, rum, and so much more. You've worked hard for this vacation and we plan to make sure you enjoy it to the fullest. Thank you for choosing the U.S. Virgin Islands. Sincerely,

Lisa Hamilton

Lisa Hamilton President, USVI Hotel & Tourism Association


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TABLE OF CONTENTS Virgin Islands Welcome.....................14 History...............................................17 Carnival .............................................20 Weddings ...........................................22 Calendar of Events ............................24 Art Galleries and Performing Arts Venues ................28 Island Hopping ..................................55 ST. THOMAS The Arts ............................................38 Sightseeing & Attractions .................40 Driving Tour ......................................50 Shopping ...........................................60 Spa and Beauty Services ...................86 Land Sports .......................................88 Beaches .............................................92 Water Sports......................................94 Dining & Nightlife .......................... 108 Places To Stay St. Thomas .............. 128 Maps: St. Thomas Island and Yacht Haven Grande .........................between pages 48-49 Downtown Map and Havensight Mall Map ……………………between pages 80-81 ST. JOHN Sightseeing & Attractions .............. 134 Virgin Island National Park ........... 136 Beaches .......................................... 141 Water Sports................................... 142 Dining & Shopping ......................... 144 Places To Stay St. John ................... 146 Maps: Island and Cruz Bay ....................... 140 ST. THOMAS & ST. JOHN TRANSPORTATION Car Rentals ........................................56 Taxi Rates ..........................................58 Ferry Schedules .............................. 132 WATER ISLAND The youngest Virgin ....................... 148 Table of Contents continued on page 12. We love our islands. Please help to keep them clean. Throw trash in appropriate bins.

He loves me...

PANDORA ST. THOMAS 15A MAIN STREET ST. THOMAS, VI 00802 TEL: 340.774.3672 FAX: 340.774.3677

" $ © $ "! ! # $ $

TABLE OF CONTENTS continued ST. CROIX Sightseeing & Attractions .............. 150 Beaches .......................................... 153 Dining............................................. 154 Shopping ........................................ 156 Art, History and Culture ................ 157 Car Rentals ..................................... 158 Taxi Rates ..........................................58 Salt River Bay ................................. 159 Places To Stay St. Croix .................. 160 Maps: Island and Christiansted .........154-155 BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS ........162 Wreck of the Rhone ....................... 164 Ferry Schedule ............................... 166 SPECIAL INTEREST ARTICLES: Legendary Cruzan Rum ....................18 Suggested Caribbean Reading ...........30 The University of the Virgin Islands.................................31 Caribbean Hotelier of the Year ..........34 Historic Hassel Island ........................47 What is Duty Free? ............................66 Shopping Cents .................................74 Sending it Home ................................84 Farmers Market .............................. 116 Fruits .............................................. 126 Real Estate ...................................... 149 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Directory of Advertisers & Essential Information ................. 168 Coupons .................... Back of this book


5186 Dronningens Gade St. Thomas, VI 00802 Toll Free: 800-554-7274

Cover Location: Caneel Bay, St. John Models: Kristine Szabo and Jesse Cole Photographer: Michael Grimm Photo courtesy of: Caneel Bay, A Rosewood Resort


to the United States Virgin Islands Photo © Don Hebert

On the Itinerary: Fine Dining Duty Free Shopping Sightseeing Water Sports Land Sports

SIZE St. Croix: 84 square miles, St. Thomas: 32 square miles, St. John: 19 square miles, Water Island: .76 square miles. LOCATION The U.S. Virgin Islands includes more than 50 islands and cays located 40 miles east of Puerto Rico, bordering both the Atlantic Ocean from the Caribbean Sea at latitude 18º 20 N, longitude 64º 50 W. They lie 1,100 miles southeast of Miami and 1,500 miles from New York City. CAPITAL Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas. POPULATION Approximately 109,825, an estimated 51,500 on St. Thomas, 53,500 on St. Croix, 160 on Water


Island and 4,665 on St. John. Residents are comprised of several nationalities, including American, Caribbean, Danish, French, Asian, African, Spanish, Puerto Rican and more. LANGUAGE The official language is English, though it is common to hear a combination of English, Spanish, French and patois (PA-twah), a blend of Danish, Spanish, English, Portuguese and African. CLIMATE/RAINFALL Temperature is consistently in the lower 80s during the day and mid 70s at night, with little seasonal change. Average rainfall is between 38” and 45” per year. CURRENCY U.S. dollars. Traveler’s

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checks and major credit cards are accepted. There are numerous ATMs, national and international banks. Foreign currency can be exchanged at local banks. Customs & taxes U.S. residents may purchase up to $1,600 of merchandise duty-free. Families may combine their totals. Those over 21 years of age may bring home 5 liters of liquor duty free if one is made in the U.S. Virgin Islands, 100 cigars of non-Cuban origin and 5 cartons, or 1,000 cigarettes. There is an 8% hotel tax but no sales or luxury taxes. CommuniCations The area code throughout the U.S. Virgin Islands is 340. Some stateside cell phones may work. Contact your service provider in advance. Phone booths, Internet stations and calling stations are readily available. time Zone Atlantic Standard Time. Daylight Savings Time is not recognized. Government The U.S. Virgin Islands is a self-governing unincorporated U.S. territory. Virgin Islanders are U.S. citizens, but cannot vote for the U.S. President. entry requirements U.S. citizens may enter without a passport, but valid identification such as a driver’s license is required. A passport is required to travel to neighboring islands such as the British Virgin Islands. Non-U.S. visitors must

show a valid passport and appropriate visa. No immunizations are necessary. voltaGe Standard American 120-volt current. Postal serviCe U.S. Postal Service. Federal Express and UPS are available, however international rates may be charged. tiPPinG 15% to 20% is customary. Some restaurants may automatically include a service charge for larger parties. DrivinG Driving is on the left. Visitors may drive with a valid U.S. driver’s license for up to 90 days. health Care St. Thomas, St. Croix and St. John have full service emergency facilities. St. Thomas is also home to the Charlotte Kimmelman Cancer Institute. the new welCome waGon The tourism industry is a crucial part of Virgin Islands economy, and it is important to train upcoming generations in the art of hospitality. The University of the Virgin Islands has unveiled a new fouryear bachelor’s degree program in Hotel and Tourism Management in partnership with the Department of Tourism, the USVI Economic Development Authority and the Department of Education. The program will include internships and hands-on learning opportunities in hopes of better meeting the needs of the local industry in years to come.

PassPort InformatIon The U.S. Virgin Islands is one of the few places in the world that U.S. citizens can visit without a passport. As a U.S. territory, you can travel by air between the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and the U.S. with just a valid driver’s license or other approved picture I.D. Boaters, however, are another story. Because vessels must pass through international waters, a passport is required. It’s a good idea to carry one whether you think you’ll need it or not. Most visitors are tempted to take a side trip to the nearby British Virgin Islands, which requires proof of citizenship, and even a day sail will most likely cross international borders.


Photo © Don Hebert

Islands inhabited by native Taino, Arawak and Carib Indians


1402 Christopher Columbus lands at Salt River, St. Croix

1625 Dutch and English settle

the U.S.V.I. Then and Now

on St. Croix

Art: above, center and below From the Digital Collection, Library of Congress,

1650 France gains possession of St. Croix

1653 St. Croix deeded to the Knights of Malta

1665 French West India Company purchases St. Croix; St. Thomas colonized by Danish

1671 Danish West India Company receives charter to occupy St. Thomas


Living with

2500 BC–late 1500s

1952 U.S.V.I. named an unincorporated U.S. territory

1672 Danes settle on St. John 1674 French government takes

1962 First commercial jet lands on St. Thomas

possession of St. Croix

1685 Danish West India Company

1968 U.S. Congress introduces Elective Governor Act

signs treaty to allow slave trading on St. Thomas

1970 First elected governor 1993 Salt River Park established 1996 Water Island transferred to

1700s Sugar becomes major crop on St. Thomas

1718 Governor of St. Thomas takes possession of St. John

the U.S.V.I. territorial government

1733 Danish West India and Guinea Company purchases St. Croix from France; Slaves revolt on St. John 1754 Islands become a Danish royal colony, Christiansted made capital

1801 St. Croix captured by British for three months 1802 Danes abolish slave trade 1807 British re-occupy St. John for

Photo © Don Hebert

1878 Labor uprising in

8 years

Frederiksted, St. Croix

1815 St. Thomas declared a free

1917 St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix purchased by United States for $25 million


1839 Royal Mail Steam Packet Company moves to St. Thomas 1848 Slave revolt on St. Croix; Emancipation of slaves in the Danish West Indies

1860s As many as 1,700 immigrate to St. Thomas from Barbados and St. Eustatius

1870 French immigrants migrate to St. Thomas from St. Barths

1871 Capital of Danish West Indies moves from Christiansted, St. Croix to Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas

Photo © Don Hebert

1918 St. John’s Reef Bay factory closing ends sugar production 1927 Congress grants citizenship to U.S. Virgin Islanders 1931 U.S. Department of the Interior takes over from U.S. Navy as legislator of the U.S.V.I. 1936 Organic Act grants self-government to U.S.V.I. 1944 U.S buys Water Island for $10,000 17

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Cruzan Rum.

The Legendary Rum of St. Croix The tropical isle of St. Croix was discovered in 1493, by Christopher Columbus. For all its beauty, he named it “Santa Cruz” (Holy Cross). Years later, under the French flag, Santa Cruz was re-named St. Croix. Cruzan® Rum comes from St. Croix and the name Cruzan comes from the name of the local people of the island, known as Crucians. In 1760, a sugar mill began crushing cane at the current site of the Cruzan Rum distillery on St. Croix. Since the early 1800’s, the Nelthropp family has lived on and been an integral part of this legendary island’s rich history. Today, amidst the shells of windmills and picturesque ruins of old Greathouses which still dot the Island of St. Croix, the Nelthropp family continues the traditions of the original rum distilleries. It is here that the family produces Cruzan Rum, thereby upholding the centuries old tradition of quality Virgin Islands rum. Using only the purest, natural ingredients and process, the Cruzan Rum Distillery has vastly improved on the Whim Plantation Historical site, St. Croix Photo © Don Hebert


rums of yesteryear. Still holding to the tradition of aging their rum in oak casks, Cruzan Rum consistently achieves the light, distinctive taste which has made it one of the fastest growing premium rums in the world. Cruzan’s distinctive line of rums has grown to include Cruzan Aged Dark, Aged Light, Aged 151 and Black Strap. The Cruzan portfolio also includes the very best flavored rums–Coconut, Black Cherry, Mango, Raspberry, Guava, Pineapple, Vanilla, Banana and Citrus– as well as the one of a kind Rum Cream. Their newest addition, Cruzan 9, is a blend of the aged rum with a unique mix of 9 spices, a higher proof and lower cost than your favorite Captain! For those rum connoisseurs, Cruzan Single Barrel is the world’s first single barrel rum and winner of a Double Gold Medal at the prestigious San Francisco Spirits competition. Rounding out the portfolio is the addition to the Cruzan Rum portfolio, Cruzan 9 Spiced Rum. Made with a unique blend of nine spices, Cruzan 9 is fast becoming one of the hottest new products of the year.

It’s Carnival, Baby! Carnival on St. Thomas, St. John Festival and the Crucian Festival Photo by Lori Abbotts

Carnival is the time for islanders to shine in a month of dazzling festivities, Carnival revelers take their partying to new heights with colorful excitement and vibrant costumes. Each island has its own brand of Carnival fun, from the over-thetop spectacular to the traditional. ST. THOMAS CARNIVAL Although St. Thomas enjoyed earlier versions of Carnival sporadically since 1911, it has been continuously celebrated since 1952. Held through the end of April each year, it has grown exponentially. Named one of the top ten Carnivals in the world by


USA Today, St. Thomas’ celebration was also included in The Discovery Channel HD’s “Fantastic Festivals of the World” television special. Carnival is for party lovers of all ages, from the Toddler Race to the Senior Quelbe Tramp. Competition is fierce for the prestigious and highly coveted Carnival Queen, Prince and Princess titles with cultural costumes, fashion and talent segments. As festivities gain momentum, the weeks are filled with boat races, games, a cultural night and plenty of live music. Get into the rhythm with the Steel Pan

Jamboree, Latin night and Soca night, as well as the year’s biggest musical contest, the Calypso King competition. Local Calypsonians mesmerize the crowds with a litany of tongue-in-cheek political and social commentaries that are as much storytelling as they are song. The last week begins with a non-stop party Monday night at the opening of the Carnival Village. With rides, games, food, drink and a nightly roster of local musicians, everyone stops by to join the nightly fray. The Cultural Fair takes over Charlotte Amalie’s Emancipation Park and surrounding streets on Wednesday, a full day of local delicacies, arts & crafts, plants, locally grown produce and more. An Ultimate Chef Challenge on the lawn of Fort Christian pits the top chefs from local resorts and restaurants against each other in a timed culinary competition patterned after the famous Iron Chef series. Later that night a J’Ouvert tramp attracts thousands to dance in the streets in the pre-dawn hours. Friday fills downtown streets with adorable twirlers and charming troupes for the Children’s Parade, while Saturday literally explodes with color, sights and sounds. Troupe after floupe of revelers inundate Main Street with a deluge of feathers, sequins and glitz in a lavish display, ending with fireworks in the harbor.

ST. JOHN FESTIVAL The St. John Festival can trace its roots to the colonial era, though festivities today commemorate the emancipation of slaves in 1848. There are continuous events throughout the month, and the big parade coincides with the U.S. Fourth of July Independence Day. St. John’s festivities focus more on family than finery. There are bicycle races, boat races, traditional games, live music and cultural presentations throughout the month. A weeklong Festival Village offers nightly live music and enticing local flavors, and an early morning J’Ouvert tramp keeps them dancing well past dawn. The parade through Cruz Bay closes with a display of fireworks in the bay. THE CRUCIAN FESTIVAL Crucians go all out for the holiday season with the Crucian Festival, beginning just before Christmas and ending with a parade on Three Kings Day in January. Combining the traditions of the Christmas season with a Crucian flair for the dramatic, the Crucian Festival celebrates family values with a month of old fashioned fun and more than just a little pageantry. Enjoy traditional dances, horse races, marathons, live music, calypso competitions and the main course of any island event, plenty of savory local food! Photo by Lori Abbotts

Gypsy Troupe photo courtesy of Daphne Harley


You're Invited to Get Married in the U.S.V.I. Photo Š Don Hebert

R.S.V.P. for: Catering Wedding/Reception Venues Wedding Photography Wedding Planning


U.S. Virgin Islands are simple. There is an 8-business day waiting period after your marriage application is filed, so be sure to get your paperwork in on time. Downloadable applications and additional wedding information are available on the Virgin Islands Tourism Department’s website Mail your application in advance to the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands, P.O. Box 70, St. Thomas, U.S.V.I. 00804 along with the $100 combination application and license fee (Money order or certified check only). No blood test or physical is required. To be married by a judge, there is an additional fee of $200. Judges are available Monday through Friday by appointment. An extra $150 is added for Sundays and holidays. Contact the Superior Court of the U.S. Virgin Islands at 340-774-6680 on St. Thomas or St. John and 340-778-9750 on St. Croix.


As a premiere wedding destination, the U.S. Virgin Islands are experts at planning, hosting and celebrating island-style weddings. Whether you prefer a shelllined aisle on the beach, throwing your bouquet off a yacht, an intimate gathering on the sand or a lush hilltop extravaganza for hundreds, you’ll find the Virgin Islands love to say “I Do!” Your wedding coordinator is your new best friend. Many resorts offer bridal packages and coordinator services, or can recommend trusted wedding planners to customize each phase of your wedding. They’ve got the contacts and inside scoop on the best photographers, florists, musicians, caterers, travel arrangements for you and your guests, everything and everyone you’ll need to make your ceremony seamlessly perfect. Your coordinator will be able to recommend the perfect romantic spot for your nuptials. Legal requirements for marriage in the

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St. Thomas Calendar January 2011 19 Street Beat, Theatrical Drum April 2011 14-15 The All Night Strut: Pistarckle & Dance Show: 2 Jimmy Cliff & Gramps Morgan: 21-23 Theater, Tillett Gardens Reichhold Center for the Arts Reichhold Center for the Arts 28-29 (340) 775-7877 (340) 693-1559 (340) 693-1559 19 Tom Chapin (contemporary 8-9 Hair: Pistarckle Theater folk): Tillett Gardens 19 Harlem String Quartet 15-17 Tillett Gardens (340) 776-8566 and Pianist Misha Dichtar: (340) 775-7877 The Forum 9 “Out of Time: 3rd Annual 29 Michael Bolton (pop): Fundraiser: Tillett Gardens Reichhold Center for the Arts 20 Betsy’s Annual Princess Party: (340) 776-8566 (340) 693-1559 Betsy’s Bar, Frenchtown 16 Cavatina Duo: The Forum (340) 774-9347 17 Dolphin Derby: V.I. Game February 2011 Fishing Club (340) 775-9144 2 Dave Bromberg March 2011 (folk/blues/rock): 3 Julian Schwarz (cello) and 30-May 1 Spring Arts & Crafts Festival: Tillett Gardens Pauline Young (piano) Tillett Gardens (340) 776-8566 from Festival Casals:The Forum 340) 776-8566 12 Valentine’s Ball: Humane Society 4-5 Happy Days: Pistarckle (340) 776-0100 Theater, Tillett Gardens May 2011 (340) 775-7877 6-7 Hair: Pistarckle Theater 13 Antiques, Art and Collectibles 23 The Kennedys (folk/pop/rock): Tillett Gardens Auction: Tillett Gardens (340) 776-8566 (340) 775-7877 Hebrew Congregation 25-27 38th Annual International Rolex 6 Carnival Children's Parade: (340) 774-4312 Regatta, St. Thomas Yacht Club 16 Svetlana Gorokhovich (340) 775-6320 7 Carnival Adult’s Parade: & Liliya Khobotkova (classical piano): Tillett 31 Transfer Day Program: 13-15 Spring Yacht Show: Gardens (340) 776-8566 St. Thomas Historical Trust Yacht Haven Grande (340) 774-5541 V.I. Charteryacht League 18-19 Happy Days: Pistarckle (340) 774-3944 25-26 Theater, Tillett Gardens (340) 775-7877

Useful Virgin Islands Internet Addresses 1. Access complete virtual versions of Places to Explore St. Thomas St. John St. Croix, the U.S. Virgin Islands Marine Guide and Places to Eat, maps and valuable coupons. 2. The official site of the U.S. Virgin Islands Hotel and Tourism Association. 3. and The official site of the U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Tourism. 4. A complete on-line guide featuring island information, e-postcards, online shopping, a message board, daily podcasts and an online TV show. Also on Twitter. 5. Helpful information on shopping, attractions, sightseeing, nightlife and more in the U.S. Virgin Islands. 6. St. Thomas nightlife and dining, real estate, relocation information and more.


7. Virgin Islands events and issues, discussions, news, organization and class listings, marketplace, apartment rentals, job listings, lost and found and more. 8. Plan your vacation on St. Croix with a full guide to sights and services, top ten lists, webcams, a daily blog and to order maps and brochures. 9. Practical information about island life for those who are contemplating a move to the U.S. Virgin Islands, including a message board, a job/resume board and a service directory. 10. Facebook and Twitter Hook up with others interested in the Virgin Islands on Facebook and Twitter. Try Twitter’s Virgin Islands On Line Forum or join Facebook groups like United States Virgin Islands, St. Thomas Historical Trust, Everything and Anything Virgin Islands, become a fan of Governor DeJongh, Jr.’s Facebook page.

15 Mother’s Day Fishing 29 Halloween Gala: St. Thomas July 2011 Historical Trust Tournament 10 Annual Bastille Day Kingfish Frenchtown (340) 998-1715 (340) 774-5541 Fishing Tournament: Northside 18, 25 Film Festival: The Forum www.stthomashistoricaltrust. org Sport Fishing Club (340) 774-5206 November 2011 12-14 July Open Billfish Tournament: 21 Aspen Santa Fe Ballet: 4 - 6 St. Thomas Fall Boat Show: V.I. Game Fishing Club Reichhold Center for the Arts Yacht Haven Grande (340) 775-9144 (340) 693-1559 V.I. Charteryacht League 12-17 Annie: Pistarckle Theater 29 Memorial Day Fishing 6 Wahoo Windup: V.I.Game Tillett Gardens Fishing Club (340) 775-9144 Tournament: V.I. Game (340) 775-7877 Fishing Club (340) 775-9144 18-21 Paradise Jam Basketball August 2011 Tournament Men’s Division: TBA 27th Annual Chili Cook Off: University of the V.I. Brewer’s Beach, June 2011 or Texas Society of the V.I. 1 Film Festival: The Forum (340) 474-0019 24-26 Paradise Jam Basketball 10-14 USVI Open Atlantic Blue 5 Father’s Day Fishing Tournament Women’s Division: Marlin Tournament: Tournament: University of the Virgin Islands V.I. Game Fishing Club Frenchtown,(340) 998-1715 or (888) 234-7484 12 Humane Society of St. Thomas Annual Golf 26-28 Holiday Arts & Crafts Festival: October 2011 Tournament: Tillett Gardens TBA Barktober Fest: Mahogany Run (340) 776-8566 St. Thomas Humane Society (340) 775-0599 December 2011 (340) 775-0599 13-19 International Optimist 16 Miracle on Main Street 8-9 Columbus Day Regatta: Regatta: St. Thomas & Lighted Boat Parade: St. Thomas Yacht Club Yacht Club (340) 775-6320 Downtown Charlotte Amalie (340) 775-6320 17-19 Father’s Day Celebration (340) 776-0100 Weekend: Frenchtown (340) 998-1715 Events and dates subject to change without notice. Check with the individual sponsors to confirm dates, times and locations.

2011 Phases of the Moon NEW MOON




January 4 February 3 March 4 April 3 May 3 June 1 July 1 July 30 August 29 September 27 October 26 November 25 December 24

January 12 February 11 March 12 April 11 May 10 June 9 July 8 August 6 September 4 October 4 November 2 December 2

January 19 February 18 March 19 April 18 May 17 June 15 July 15 August 13 September 12 October 12 November 10 December 10

January 26 February 24 March 26 April 25 May 24 June 23 July 23 August 21 September 20 October 20 November 18 December 18

Moon Calendar information was obtained from the U.S. Naval Observatory website (


St. John Calendar January 2011 23 Duke's Trophy Race St. John Yacht Club 340-693-8780 February 2011 5 Friends of the V.I. National Park Annual Gala: (340) 779-4940 13 Island Hoppers Race: St. John Yacht Club (340) 693-8780 24-26 Folklife Festival at Annaberg Friend of the V.I. National Park (340) 779-4940 26 14th Annual 8 Tuff Miles Race: Cruz Bay March 2011 16-20 9th Annual St. John Blues Festival: main concerts 18th and 19th Coral Bay Ball Field or

April 2011 10 Around St. John Race: St. John Yacht Club (340) 693-8780 29 Earth Day Fair: National Park Field, Cruz Bay 30 Reef Fest: Hawksnest Beach, Friends of the V.I. National Park (340) 779-4940 May 2011 29 Beach To Beach Power Swim Friends of the V.I. National Park (340) 779-4940 June 2011 26 Food Fair, Cruz Bay Park 27 Carnival Village Opening

St. Croix Calendar

July 2011 4 St. John’s Festival Parade:

To read more about the St. John Blues Festival go to page 139.

*Events Sponsored by The St. Croix Landmarks Society. Contact (340) 772-0598, or for more information, visit

January 2011 11-13 St. Croix Hospice Regatta: 26-27 Art in the Garden: St. George 7 Crucian Festival Children’s St. Croix Yacht Club Village Botanical Garden Parade: Frederiksted (340) 773-9531 (340) 692-2874 27 10th Annual Chili Cook Off 8 Crucian Festival Adult’s Parade: 16 House Tours Driving Tour Divi Carina Bay Frederiksted Number 3* United Way of St. Croix 18-21 Caribbean Fine Arts Exhibit: (340) 718-0582 14-15 Candlelight Concert: Tom Zajak Campus Center, Good Hope 31 Ruins Ramble* (renaissance flute, recorder, School of Fine Arts (340) April 2011 bag pipe and voice) and 772-0022 8 Victor Borge Listen and Grant Herreid (renaissance 19 12th Annual Dolphin Learn Workshop* guitar, lute and voice)* Tournament: 8-9 Candlelight Concert: 16 Ruins Ramble: Christiansted* Golden Hook Fishing Club Bruce Walker (cello) and 19 Gardens by Moonlight: (340) 778-5738 Ext. 229 Bradley Bolen (piano)* St. George’s Village Botanical 10 Starving Artists Festival* Garden (340) 692-2874 19-21 St. Croix Agricultural Fair: 10-16 St. Croix Food and Wine 21-23 Around St. Croix Race: St. Croix Agricultural Fairgrounds Experience/Taste of St. Croix: Yacht Club (340) 773-9531 (340) 778-0997 (340) 773-9898 25-27 40th Anniversary 23 St. Croix Scenic 50 Marathon: Orchid Society Show: 16 Wine in the Warehouse Christiansted University of the Virgin (340) 773-9898 Islands, Great Hall (340) 692-4071 February 2011 May 2011 26 House Tours Driving Tour TBA St. Croix Mardi Gras Parade: TBA Memorial Day Regatta: Number 4* Christiansted St. Croix Yacht Club 27 Ruins Ramble* 2 House Tours Driving Tour (340) 773-9531 Number 1* March 2011 1 St. Croix International 6 St. Croix International Tune Up TBA St. Croix St. Patrick’s Day 70.3 Ironman Triathalon: Race: St. Croix Yacht Club Parade (340) 773-9531 6 Antiques and Collectibles 17 Gardens by Moonlight: 9 House Tours Driving Tour Fair and Auction: St. George’s Village Botanical Number 2* Whim Grounds Garden (340) 692-2874 11 Victor Borge Listen and Learn at Whim Museum* June 2011 Workshop* 11 Victor Borge Listen and 12 Race To Town and Back 11&12 Candlelight Concert: Learn Workshop* St. Croix Yacht Club Shawn Weil (violin) and Gideon 11&12 Candlelight Concert: (340)773-9531 Rubin (piano)* Marlissa Hudson (voice) and Dwayne Buggs (piano)*


26 Mango Melee: St. George’s Village Botanical Garden (340) 692-2874 26 Ruins Ramble: Christiansted* August 2011 13 World Music Concert Whim Museum* 20 Bacchanal Race and BBQ: St. Croix Yacht Club (340) 773-9531 September 2011 10 World Music Concert Whim Museum*

St. Croix Calendar

October 2011 December 2011 9 Fall Heritage Festival: TBA Crucian Christmas Festival St. George’s Village Botanical Village Opening Garden (340) 692-2874 TBA Annual St. Croix International November 2011 Marathon: Frederiksted TBA Caribbean Classic Triathlon: Buccaneer Hotel 2 The St. George’s Village Botanical Garden Gala: 12-13 Golden Hook Series Final (340) 692-2874 WAHOOO!: 4 Xmas Spoken Here: Golden Hook Fishing Club St. George’s Village Botanical (340) 778-5738 Garden (340) 692-2874 ( Events and dates subject to change without notice. Check with the individual sponsors to confirm dates, times and locations.

About The St. Croix Landmarks Society The St. Croix Landmark’s Society is dedicated to keeping the island’s history and culture alive through preservation, education and research. Since 1948, they have made the restoration of some of St. Croix’s most prominent historical sites its priority, such as the 18th century Whim Museum, the Carl and Marie Lawaetz Museum, and the Apothecary Museum. A Research Library and Archives contains thousands of old documents, maps, census records and photos. They’ve also established the Heritage Trail, a self-guided tour of more than 200 points of interest following modernized 18th century roads. For maps, site information or to request a brochure, visit

Velkommen! The Danish Connection on St. Croix You’ll soon notice the familial connection between the U.S. Virgin Islands and Denmark. Though the islands have been American since 1917, they were first settled by the Danish in the 1600s. Many of the streets have both English and Danish names, and there are still many prominent island families of Danish ancestry. The close relationship continues today with organizations such as the Friends of Denmark and Vestindisk Selskalb, Denmark’s Friends of the West Indies Society. The Danish/Virgin Islands friendship was renewed on the 50th anniversary of the transfer of the islands to the U.S. with a weeklong festival commemorating the date. More than 100 Danes were invited to attend, but at the time, there were not enough hotel rooms to accommodate them. Welcoming islanders opened their homes to their guests and a renewed bond was formed. The Friends of Denmark and its sister organization, the Friends of the West Indies are part social gathering, part travel group and part goodwill ambassador. The two alternate visits to each other’s homelands each year. Danish visitors spend a week on St. Croix and a week on St. Thomas as guests



Don Hebert

in Virgin Islanders’ homes, while Virgin Islanders spend a week in Copenhagen and a week with a family in other parts of the country. In the spirit of mutual respect and cooperation, members work together to promote concerts and cultural events throughout the year, assist historic researchers and sponsor a summer student exchange program.


Art GAlleries St. thomaS

romano’s restaurant & art gallery Art by lucindA Coral World Road, Smith Bay Lucinda O’Connell (340) 775-0045 Norre Gade, Charlotte Amalie (340) 514-2432 sevenminusseven alternative art allianCe bambini/swayne Crown Bay studio/gallery Crystal Gade, Charlotte Amalie (340) 643-2260 (340) 776-3557 Camille Pissarro gallery tillett gardens (340) 775-1929 Main Street (340) 774-4621 Color of Joy Rte 322 near the Ritz-Carlton (340) 626-1199 david Hill gallery Royal Dane Mall Charlotte Amalie (340) 714-4400 GAllery St. thomAS Palm Passage, Charlotte Amalie (340) 777-6363 JonnA White GAllery A.H Riise Alley, Charlotte Amalie (340) 774-1201 mango tango art gallery Raphune Hill & Yacht Haven Grande (340) 777-3060 native arts & Crafts Across from Emancipation Park Charlotte Amalie (340) 777-1153 dancing Palms at sunset, gallery st. thomas


St. John baJo el sol Mongoose Junction (340) 693-7070 best of botH worlds Mongoose Junction (340) 693-8520 CoConut Coast studios Elaine Estern Enighed (340) 776-6944 ConstanCe wallaCe original PHotograPHy Cruz Bay (340) 693-8090 donald sCHnell studio Cruz Bay (340) 776-6420

frames of mind Cruz Bay (340) 693-8560 maHo bay trasH to treasures art Center Maho Bay Camps (340) 776-6226 slooP Jones Coral Bay (340) 779-4001 sugarbirds Mongoose Junction (340) 776-6909 syzygy art studio and gallery Coccolobo Shops, Coral Bay (340) 693-0084

St. Croix art at toP Hat Company Street, Christiansted (340) 513-3558 (Open evenings 5:00 to 9:00 p.m.) CruCian gold Strand Street, Christiansted (340) 773-5241 Caribbean museum Center for tHe arts King Street, Frederiksted (340) 772-2622 blue Kiss, Jonna white gallery

St. Croix


d & d STudio Fine arT PhoToGraPhy Company Street, Christiansted (340) 719-1201 danica arT Gallery Company Street, Christiansted (340) 719-6000 www. deSiGnWorkS Company Street, Christiansted (340) 713-8102 The GoldWorker Company Street, Christiansted (340) 773-5167 iB deSiGnS Company Street at Queen Cross (340) 773-4322

maria henle STudio Company Street, Christiansted (340) 773-0372 mauFĂŠ Gallery Company Street, Christiansted (340) 332-4556 miTchell-larSen STudio Company Street, Christiansted (340) 719-1000 Sonya, lTd. Company Street, Christiansted 773-8924 Taller larJaS Gallery Queen Street, Christiansted (340) 779-3039

WalSh meTal WorkS Gallery Peters Rest, Christiansted (340) 773-8169 WaTch your STeP arT STudio Queen Cross Street, Christiansted (340) 626-1554 www.watchyourstepartstudio. com yelloW houSe Gallery Queen Cross Street, Christiansted (340) 719-6656

PerforminG Arts Venues St. thomaS The Forum Various locations (340) 690-4350 Live concerts, films, guest speakers markeT Square eaST TheaTerS Market Square East (340) 776-3666 Movies PiSTarckle TheaTe Tillett Gardens (340) 775-7877 Live community theater, workshops, art films reichhold cenTer For The arTS University of the Virgin Islands (340) 693-1559 International and local live music, dance and theater TilleTT GardenS (340) 775-1405 Live musical performances

St. John cinnamon Bay amPhiTheaTer Cinnamon Bay Campground National Park Visitor Center (340) 776-6201 National Park historic plays ePiPhany TheaTer comPany (340) 776-6744 Live community theater performances

ST. John School oF The arTS Enighed (340) 779-4322 Music concerts,dance workshops, arts classes, cultural events

St. Croix cariBBean communiTy TheaTer Orange Grove (340) 778-1983 or (340) 718-4229 Live community theater, music and dance diamond cinema Sunny Isle Shopping Center Annex (340) 778-5200 Movies iSland cenTer oF ST croix Estate Diamond Ruby (340) 778-5271 International and local live music, dance and theater Sunny iSle TheaTer Sunny Isle Shopping Center (340) 778-5620 Movies Whim GreaT houSe Whim Great House Museum (340) 772-0598 Live chamber music performances


The Virgin islands CounCil on The arTs To protect this valuable resource, its cultural heritage, the Virgin Islands government formed the Virgin Islands Council on the Arts (VICA), also supported by the National Endowment for the Arts. Its sole purpose is to enrich the cultural lives of Virgin Islanders by preserving, supporting and making accessible excellence in the arts. The focus of the organization is to develop and strengthen Virgin Islands-based individual artists, non-profit art organizations and art resources through a grant program. VICA supports many art endeavors each year, such as annual Congressional Arts Competition, Poetry Out Loud (the 2010 Virgin Islands winner, Shantelle Eddy went on to win fourth place in the national competition) and the Big Read. They have also created an artists’ calendar, an artists’ registry and have hosted various art exhibits throughout the islands. For more information visit The Forum Takes Center stage Local residents are avid patrons of the arts with a keen interest in global culture and make every effort to bring the world to this small island in the sun. The Forum is one such group of active culture-seekers. This independent non-profit organization is dedicated to expanding the horizons of St. Thomas with a yearly playbill of topnotch musicians, speakers, foreign films and artists in a variety of venues. Since 1996, they have kept the local stage well lit with renowned luminaries such as poet Maya Angelou, violinist Itzhak Perlman and Nobel Prize winner Elie Wiesel. For 2011, The Forum’s roster includes Egyptologist Mark Lehner, the Harlem String Quartet with pianist Misha Dichter, highlights from the Festival Casals of Puerto Rico, the Cavatina Duo on flute and guitar and the Puerto Rico Symphony Orchestra, as well as a series of foreign films. See the Places to Explore calendar for dates or call (340) 690-4350 for details.


Tiphanie Yanique Suggested Caribbean Reading Caribbean writers have a unique style all their own that brings the island experience to life in living color. In her debut novel, How to Escape a Leper Colony (2010), Tiphanie Yanique shares the struggles and yearnings of post-colonial and modern Caribbean people striving to find their place in this complex world. This collection of powerful vignettes shows that Tiphanie is an up and coming new force of creativity to watch. A native St. Thomian, Tiphanie is a critically-acclaimed fiction writer, poet and essayist with several awards to her name. She has been the winner of the Pushcart Prize, the Kore Press Fiction Prize, the Academy of American Poets Prize, the Boston Review Fiction Prize, the 2010 Rona Jaffe Prize in Fiction and was the recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship in writing. She currently resides in New York and is a professor of Creative Writing and Caribbean Literature at Drew University.

The University of the Virgin Islands Education in the Community The University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) takes its commitment to the community to heart, and university President Dr. David Hall, has made outreach a very serious goal, fulfilling UVI’s mission of becoming a resource for both its students and the islands at large. Most of UVI’s programs are geared towards academic success. Upward Bound, a federal college preparatory program, has a long-term presence at UVI. Other outreach programs such as the Summer Institute for Future Global Leaders, summer enrichment programs such as Math Behind the Science and a College Business Residency Program are made possible by community partners who offer financial support, instruction, internships and mentorships. A new program, a male initiative called Brothers with a Cause deals with issues of maleness and how they relate to college enrollment and future success. At the opposite end of the learning spectrum, The UVICELL Center (Community Engagement & Lifelong Learning) focuses on providing skills and knowledge for those starting a career, changing careers or looking to advance. Individual courses and certificate programs are available in fields such as marketing and business communication. The University’s Small Business Development Center provides consultations to small developing businesses, non-profit organizations and government agencies. Through the University’s Research and Public Service component, the Cooperative Extension Service (CES) addresses social and environmental needs. CES assists

with life-coping skills through workshops, short courses and demonstrations in areas such as parenting and consumer education. The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education (EFNEP) Program, Children, Youth and Families at Risk, 4-H clubs and the 4-H Summer Academy all work to improve the lives of local families. CES and the Agricultural Experiment Station on the St. Croix campus provides farmers with accurate up-to-date information about livestock research, aquaculture, a Natural Resources and Environmental Management Program, sustainable agriculture, urban gardening and a water quality program. The list of community-related services at UVI seems endless. The Caribbean Exploratory Research Center, a program which evolved out of the UVI School of Nursing carries out research on health disparities and risks in the U.S. Virgin Islands. The UVI Center for Marine & Environmental Studies conducts marine research projects and outreach. Through a National Science Foundation grant, the university conducts scientific outreach as part of the VI-EPSCoR program. Two UVI venues on St. Thomas, the Sports & Fitness Center and the Reichhold Center for the Arts provide opportunities for youths to participate in athletic and artists endeavors. Of course, there are also numerous clubs and social organizations that do their part for charity via fundraising activities and drives. With so many outreach initiatives, UVI has become an inextricable force in the daily life of the community. University of the Virgin Islands, Photo © Don Hebert


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5332 Dronningens Gade, Suite #2 | St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands 00802 1.800.653.3113 |

Caribbean Hotelier of tHe Year

Richard Doumeng


ou may have the most elegant hotel in the world, but it’s the human factor that makes visitors return again and again. Named the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association’s 2009-2010 Caribbean Hotelier of the Year, no one knows that better than Richard Doumeng, managing director of Bolongo Beach Resort, St Thomas. Richard Doumeng receiving ‘Golden Conch’ Hotelier of the Year Richard has spent most of award left to right: Paul, Colleen, Mikael (Richard & Rina’s son), his life in the Virgin Islands. His Richard, Katarina, Joyce and Dick Doumeng family moved to St. Thomas in 1969. He locals, and employees are encouraged to left to attend the University of Florida spend off time with guests. Seventy percent of all U.S. citizens do not and for some years went back and forth between the states and the islands. His have a passport, so the U.S. Virgin Islands father, Dick, and his wife, Joyce, took does have a built-in advantage, but that over the Bolongo Beach Resort property doesn’t mean the local tourism industry in 1974. Richard came home in 1989 as can rest on its laurels. “We definitely need General Manager with his wife, Katarina, to refresh ourselves. If quality of life is as Reservations Manager. His cousin, better for the people who live here, it’s Scott Nieboer, followed and was soon automatically better for people who visit. joined by Richard's brother, Paul. Then It’s a challenge to continue to modernize sister-in-law Colleen joined the family the infrastructure and give better and business. Finally, Scott married Bolongo's better service. Whatever we can do to help Front Office Manager Iselah and to this make the V.I. product better might make day all six of them work together! The our business more successful.” The Hotelier of the Year Award proves operation now includes a 75-room resort, The Lobster Grille restaurant, the famous Richard is up for the challenge. He served Iggies Beach Bar, the 53' catamaran five terms as the USVI Hotel & Tourism Heavenly Days and the small 12-room Association’s chairman and is in his second term as First Vice President of the Inn at Villa Olga in Frenchtown. Richard’s business philosophy is Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association. relatively simple. “It’s all about the A panel of previous winners decides interaction with your hotel guests, the recipient each year. It is especially creating an overall experience. It’s always meaningful for Richard. In 1988, Dick been important, but in this increasingly and Joyce were named Hotelier of the impersonal world, human interaction Year, the only husband and wife team in means more than ever,” he said. “It’s the the association’s 40-year history to receive difference between knowing a guest by the award. Richard’s award 20 years later is the first time a father and son have both name or by their room number.” Interaction with local customers also won this prestigious honor. Richard sums up the success of the adds to the package. They offer live entertainment every night of the week, hotel industry in one thoughtful sentence. even in the slow off-season, so there is “It’s more about who we are than what always a good mix between tourists and we are.”



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SOUTHLAND GAMING of the VIRGIN ISLANDS Over 60 locations, including Crown Bay Gaming Center, St. Thomas and The Parrot Club at Wharfside Village, St. John Tel: 340-777-SLOT WIN BIG JACKPOTS! The slots are the hottest bet in gaming, offering Vegas-style action day and night. Whether in a luxurious resort, a beachfront hot spot, favorite local restaurant or any of the over 60 locations on St. Thomas and St. John, it’s sure to be exciting! Millions paid out. Blackjack, Keno, Poker, or whatever your game, the fun doesn’t end when the sun goes down – it only gets hotter! VIRGIN ISLANDS TRADITIONAL LOTTERY GAME St. Thomas, St. John, St. Croix 340-774-2502 Take home more than a suntan! Get a VI Traditional Lottery Ticket for a chance to take home the $175,000 grand prize or one of the $704,300 total cash prizes. One in eight players wins! You can check your numbers from home at; it's easy to collect winnings from wherever you are. With every dollar you spend you'll VILottery_PTEx11 4:33 PM Page 1 retirees and veterans. Get your ticket be helping Virgin11/12/10 Islands students, the disabled, today...and imagine the possibilities!

Soul Inspiration Art in the Islands and they express themselves through many mediums, from oils and watercolors to sculpture and ceramics. A number of galleries represent several collections, while other artists have galleries of their own. You’ll often find unique creations in shops or on a simple display on the beach as well. If you find something that captures your imagination, remember that art does not count towards your duty-free allowance, so feel free to take a piece of the island home with you!

JONNA WHITE GALLERY A.H. Riise Mall and Drake’s Passage Tel: 340-774-1201 Jonna White Gallery is located in A.H. Riise Mall and historic Drake’s Passage in the heart of St. Thomas’ shopping district. Jonna’s intaglio etchings include tropical landscapes, images of ancient and mythical cultures, exotic animals, interiors with views of turquoise water, and luminous undersea fantasies. She creates large color etchings on her own beautiful handmade paper, as well as extraordinary cast paper sculptures, watercolors and oil paintings. Jonna is often in the gallery, and visitors can meet the artist. Shipping is free to the U.S. and Canada. Call toll free to 877-8603600.

GALLERY ST. THOMAS Palm Passage – Downtown, Charlotte Amalie Tel: 340-777-6363 Gallery St. Thomas is nestled in the beauty and shade of Charming Palm Passage right next to Amalia Café and Bar. The gallery offers the Caribbean inspired artwork of 27 different local and regional artists. Included in the collection are: original paintings in oil, watercolor, acrylic and pastel, turned wood, Raku wall sculptures, pottery, photographs, geo-kinetic sculptures, handmade jewelry, glassworks, metal wall sculpture, multi media collage and small gift items. Prices range from $2.00 to $15,000. Hours: Mon – Sat 10am – 5pm. Toll Free: 877-797-6363.

Romance at the Sea

There’s no doubt about it; the Virgin Islands can be a vibrant place! The artistic soul can’t help but be overwhelmed by the lush greenery, the effervescent hues of the ocean and the lively culture. Some are inspired by the tranquil sands and gentle seas, others look to the bright and vivacious energy of Carnival for their muse. Island beauty is a portrait that begs to be painted. You’ll find a large canvas of works by local artists as well as those who keep a bit of the islands in their hearts,

A.H. Riise Mall & Drake's Passage • St. Thomas, USVI 00802 Tel.: (340) 774-1201 • Toll-Free: (877) 860-3600


Botany Bay, Art by Lucinda O'Connell

ART BY LUCINDA 1 Norre Gade, Charlotte Amalie Tel: 340-514-2432 While in Charlotte Amalie don’t miss the chance to see Lucinda O’Connell painting in her studio/gallery on top of Crystal Gade, just west of the Synagogue. View her latest abstracts and impressionistic work in watercolor and oil. Her subject matter is often of “Island Life” with vibrant colors and rich contrasts. Ask about her watercolor classes at The Ritz-Carlton held weekly. Why not explore YOUR creative side!

Art Galleries and Performing Arts Venues for the U.S.V.I. are located on pages 28-29. To find out what Art Happenings are scheduled during your stay, check the Calendar Section pages 24-27, for each island.

Island Life

Visit St Thomas artist

Lucinda O’Connell at her studio on top of Crystal Gade and view some of her latest abstract and impressionistic paintings in watercolor and oilfresh off the easel!

1 Norre Gade, Charlotte Amalie



ExplorE Historic cHArlottE AMAliE


A Walking Tour of St. Thomas' Downtown, CHARLOTTE AMALIE The centuries line up along Main Street, with 18th century Danish warehouses, a 19th century hotel and churches and 20th century shops, anchored by an imposing 17th century fort. First known as Tap Haus, or Beer Hall during the 16th century reign of pirates and bootleggers, the town of Charlotte Amalie was re-named after a Danish Queen when the first permanent settlement was established. Its roots as a bustling trading post have grown, making it one of today’s busiest duty-free ports in the Caribbean. The old structures now house the best of the best in luxury items from sophisticated jewelry stores and designer boutiques. FORT CHRISTIAN At the eastern end of Charlotte Amalie, you can’t miss the stately and grand Fort Christian with its famous clock tower, named after King Christian V. Built to protect and defend the new colony, this National Historic Landmark has been in continuous use since 1680, Fort CHristian

LegisLature buiLDing

VenDor's PLaZa Photo © Don Hebert

Photo © Michael Zbiegien

Photo © Michael Zbiegien


acting as a center of government, a jail, a church and most recently, a museum. It is currently undergoing renovations. LEGISLATURE BUILDING Directly across the Waterfront, a bright green building houses the Legislature of the Virgin Islands. This was the site of the cere-

at tractions

mony transferring ownership of the Virgin Islands from Denmark to the United States in 1917 and has been the seat of government since 1957. The original wooden structure erected in 1828 was used as barracks for the Danish police. VENDOR’S PLAZA Back across the street and to the left of the Fort is Vendor’s Plaza, a delightful outdoor market. This is a great place to find souvenirs, t-shirts, wraps and other island mementos. EMANCIPATION PARK Behind Vendor’s Plaza is the quiet and serene oasis of Emancipation Park, commemorating the emancipation of slaves in 1848 with a conch blower statue. Its gazebo hosts eManCiPation Park

many island ceremonies and local events. Be sure to note the territory’s replica of the Liberty Bell. GRAND GALLERIA Just across from Emancipation Park is the Grand Galleria. Originally built as the Grand Hotel in 1837, this graceful 19th century structure was used as a hotel until 1975. It now houses a collection of shops and offices. FREDERICK LUTHERAN CHURCH The opposite side of Grand Galleria abuts Main Street. Across the street and to the left is the historic Frederick Lutheran Church, built in the 1780s as the official church of the Danish West Indies. It is the oldest church on the island and the second oldest

granD gaLLeria

FreDeriCk LutHeran CHurCH Photo © Don Hebert

Photo © Don Hebert

Photo © Michael Zbiegien



Photo © Don Hebert

HoteL 1829 & cARiBBeAN WoRLD AMBeR MUseUM

Lutheran structure in the Western Hemisphere. Its large welcome arms staircase, bell tower and antique chandeliers make it one of the most recognizable buildings on St. Thomas. POST OFFICE Continuing to the left on Main Street, the U.S. Post Office features floor-to-ceiling murals of island life painted in 1936 by renowned Saturday Evening Post artist Stevan Dohanos. HOTEL 1829 & THE CARIBBEAN WORLD AMBER MUSEUM Directly in front of the Post Office is a small park. A steep road just to its left leads to Government Hill. At its peak is Hotel 1829, built as a townhouse for French sea merchant Alexander Lavalette. You can see his ini-

Photo © Don Hebert

Photo © Don Hebert

Photo © Michael Zbiegien

Post office

99 stePs

tials in the ironwork on the balcony. This classic example of Danish-era architecture was opened as a hotel in 1906. In the courtyard is a stunning two-story high amber waterfall, the largest in the world, leading upstairs to the Caribbean World Amber Museum, showcasing amber displays and handcrafted objects and jewelry. 99 STEPS Just to the left of Hotel 1829, Store Taarne Gade (Greater Tower Street), known as the 99 Steps, was built entirely with ballast from trade ships in the 1700s. Vivid bushes of tropical flowers make the steps themselves as photogenic as the stunning panoramic view at the top. A cluster of historic homes at the peak of the steps chronicle day-to-day island life through the centuries. The 18th century Crown House was the home of the prestigious Roth family, while Haagensen House and Villa Notman are restored 19th century townhouses featuring authentic West Indian furnishings. CORAL WORLD OCEAN PARK Adjacent to Coki Beach Tel: 340-775-1555 Voted top tourist attraction & eco-tourism in the V.I. Get up close and personal with the beauty and magic of Caribbean marine life in a stunning setting. View life on a coral reef from the unique Undersea Observatory. Pet a shark, hand feed a stingray or a rainbow lorikeet! Add-ons include the Sea Lion Swim and Encounter Programs, SNUBA, Sea Trek Helmet Dive, Shark and Turtle Encounters, Nautilus Semi-Submarine, and Parasailing. Open daily 9:00am to 4:00pm. Summer schedule may vary. Please call to confirm times.

Photo © Don Hebert

Photo © Don Hebert

Photo © Don Hebert

blackbearD's castle

Government House

BLACKBEARD’S CASTLE At the summit of the 99 Steps, Skytsborg Tower (Sky Tower) was built in 1679 as a watchtower. Local lure claimed it was the headquarters of the infamous Edward Teach, commonly known as the pirate Blackbeard, and this National Historic Landmark has retained the nickname Blackbeard’s Castle ever since. Don’t miss the life-sized pirate statues posed throughout the property. GOVERNMENT HOUSE Back down

st. tHomas reformeD cHurcH

the 99 Steps and heading left, the majestic white Government House was built for the Danish Colonial Council in 1867. It is now the governor’s center of operations. The first two floors, featuring historic artwork and elegant West Indian furniture, are open to the public. An alley along the left side of the building leads to the 7 Arches Museum. The live-in owners of this restored 19th century Danish West Indian home offer tours.

Charlotte Amalie's Main Street. . .

is a shopping excursion and historic tour rolled into one. Known for its extravagant display of duty-free goods, each store is housed in a centuries-old building. The Historical Society makes every effort to ensure that each building accurately represents its original appearance. Buildings on the south side of the street are predominantly old Danish warehouses made from ship ballast, local stone and molasses, and many of the walkways connecting Main Street to the Waterfront were once manmade canals used to shuttle goods to and from ships. The north side of Main Street is a charming collection of West Indian architecture throughout the ages. Be sure to visit the Camille Pissarro Building, childhood home of the famous French impressionist, and the Enid Baa Public Library, converted from an 1818 townhouse. ST. THOMAS SYNAGOGUE Crystal Gade Tel: 340-774-4312 St. Thomas’s Historic Synagogue is a five-minute walk from downtown Charlotte Amalie. Renowned for its magnificent domed ceiling, hand-hewn mahogany pews, Baccarat chandeliers and sand floors, the Synagogue was designated a National Historic Landmark in 2001. You are also invited to visit the adjacent Weibel Museum to learn about 214 years of Jewish life in St. Thomas. Their unique Judaica Shop carries Synagogue souvenirs and a large selection of fine hand-crafted Jewish ceremonial art.


Photo © don Hebert

Photo © don Hebert

st. tHomas sYnaGoGue

market sQuare

ST. THOMAS REFORMED CHURCH Return to Main Street and turn right to enter Charlotte Amalie’s famous shopping district. Turn right onto Nye Gade for one block to visit the St. Thomas (Dutch) Reformed Church. With its massive classic revivalist columns it is home to the oldest congregation on St. Thomas, which recently celebrated its 350th year. MARKET SQUARE marks the end of your walking tour. Originally a slave trading market, this restored structure now serves as an outdoor market, selling local produce and spices, a popular Saturday activity.

Visit our Historic

St. Thomas Synagogue Spiritual Home of the Jews of St. Thomas since 1796. Our Synagogue is one of the three National Historic Landmarks on St. Thomas and just a short walk from Main Street. Visit our adjacent Weibel Museum and Judaica Shop. Open: Mon.-Thurs. 9 am-4 pm, Fri. 9 am-3 pm Contact us at: Phone: 340-774-4312 Fax: 340-774-3249 Join us for Services: Fridays 6:30 pm Saturdays 10:30 am This architectual gem, restored in 2000, has all the original elements from its construction in 1833.


The St. Thomas Historical Trust

In 1965, a group of dedicated preservationists joined together in concern for the quickly disintegrating and largely ignored historical sites of the island. Today, the St. Thomas Historical Trust remains one of the most significant preservation organizations on St. Thomas. This not-for-profit group seeks to identify, protect and preserve the historical structures, sites and cultural heritage of St. Thomas through education, advocacy and promotion. The St. Thomas Historical Trust plays a critical role in the Hassle Island Preservation project, restoring the island’s historical and archeological treasures. In 2010, they received a grant from the National Park Service to research the historic 1801 battle between St. Thomas and Hassel Island’s Fort Frederik. The grant will be used to fund an engineering study to stabilize the fort as well as to survey the underwater area where the battle took place to search for artifacts. It will also support a search through old documents in England and Denmark for historical information. The St. Thomas Historical Trust Museum moved to its new location in 2010, across from the Franklin Delano Roosevelt V.I. Veterans Memorial Park on Norre Gade (Main Street). The former home of Dr. Roy Anduze, the museum includes 19th century art, antique furniture, prints and photographs. A museum shop features local books, art, prints, reproductions of West Indian furniture and vanity Historical Trust license plates. The Historical Trust also conducts free historical tours of the downtown area and hosts a lecture series on various topics regarding Virgin Islands history and culture. For more information visit VIRGIN ISLANDS ECOTOURS St. Thomas, Mangrove Lagoon St. John, Virgin Islands National Park, Caneel Bay Historic Hassel Island, Virgin Islands National Park, Frenchtown, St. Thomas Tel: 340-779-2155 Kayak, Hike & Snorkel Adventure to Historic Hassel Island, in the Virgin Islands National Park! Paddle past well preserved Danish and British Colonial ruins and Careening Cove. A ten-minute hike brings you to Fort Willoughby, a British Fort from the Napoleonic era. Visit the Garrison House and the Creque Marine Railway. Snorkel at a quiet beach, enjoy a cool dip or relax in the shade. Daily tours 8:30 am departing from Frenchtown Marina. Reservations Required Phone (340) 779-2155.

Photo © V.I.EcoTours


Photo © Dean Barnes

Historic Hassel Island


his 135-acre plot of land was originally attached to St. Thomas. Once known as Estate Orkanhullet (Danish for Hurricane Hole), it is an import piece of Virgin Islands history, dating as far back as the Arawak Indians who used it as grazing land. Its location in the middle of the harbor made it ideal as a military lookout as well as a convenient stop for the shipping industry. The British, who occupied St. Thomas in the early 1800s, built several military structures, including Fort Shipley, Cowell’s Battery, Garrison House and Fort Willoughby, constructed on the site of the old Danish Fort Frederik. It was later used as a signaling station to alert the harbormaster of ship arrivals, and was used continuously as such until the 1960s. In the 1840s, the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company gained possession of Estate Orkanhullet. You can still see remnants of their Creque Marine Slipway, one of the oldest steam-operated marine railways in existence. Careening Cove was a convenient spot to repair vessels and served as the primary coaling station well into the twentieth century. By the 1860s, the thin strip of land connecting to St. Thomas was removed while dredging to ease ship traffic in the harbor, forming what we now know as Hassel Island. Today, ninety-five percent of Hassel Island is part of the Virgin Islands National

Park system and massive preservation efforts are underway to save the almost decimated historical buildings. Through efforts of the Virgin Islands National Park, Friends of Virgin Islands National Park, St. Thomas Historical Trust, the Virgin Islands government, the Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands, private residents and local businesses, this important part of Virgin Islands heritage is slowly being restored. You can experience Hassel Island’s historic treasures yourself with a three- or five-hour kayaking and hiking tour with V.I. Ecotours (340) 779-2155. Best for the physically fit, this energetic tour begins at the floating dock at the Frenchtown Marina. After a short paddle to Garrison House, enjoy an informative talk about the history of the island, then hike to Fort Willoughby. Weather permitting; you’ll also hike to the top of Fort Shipley, with an interesting old leprosarium and cemetery along the way. Back in the kayak, you will visit the coaling station dock as well as Careening Cove and the Creque Marine Slipway. The fivehour tour also includes lunch. At Garden Bay, masks and fins are provided to explore the underwater ledge running the length of the beach before returning to Frenchtown. VI Ecotours donates a portion of their proceeds from each tour guest to the Friends of the National Park, which includes a full one-year membership.


I m ag I n e

t h e p l ac e s t h e y w I l l g o .

FASHION & ACCESSORIES AQUA BEACHWEAR ............................... 32 BCBG MAX AZRIA .................................. 21 BEBE........................................................ 6 BELLA VERA ........................................... 42 CACHÉ ..................................................... 11 COACH ..................................................... 5 GUCCI ...................................................... 1 HAVANA NINES ....................................... 23 HOW ’BOUT YOUR PET? ........................ 8 ICING........................................................ 38 KOOL KIDZ .............................................. 39 LOUIS VUITTON ...................................... 26 SAGE LANE BOUTIQUE ......................... 12 SALVATORE FERRAGAMO .................... 25 SOLSTICE SUNGLASS BOUTIQUE...... 10 SUNGLASS HUT ..................................... 27 TOMMY HILFIGER................................... 24 WHITE HOUSE/BLACK MARKET .......... 30 JEWELRY BVLGARI ................................................. 22 DIAMONDS INTERNATIONAL ................ 18 ROYAL CARIBBEAN ............................... 20 TRIDENT JEWELS & TIME ..................... 37 HEALTH AND BEAUTY PRANA SPA ............................................. 53

HOME DECOR MANGO TANGO FURNITURE GALLERY............................................. 17 ARTS MANGO TANGO SEASIDE ART GALLERY ..................................... 16 ELECTRONICS ROYAL CARIBBEAN ............................... 20 SERVICES FIRSTBANK ............................................. 34 SEA GLASS PROPERTIES ..................... 2 THE PRESERVE AT BOTANY BAY........... 36 SOUTHERN TRADES YACHT SALES..... 49 YACHT HAVEN FAMILY PRACTICE ......... 55 FLAGSHIP/VICL ...................................... 51 RESTAURANTS AND BARS BAD ASS COFFEE .................................. 15 FAT TURTLE ............................................ 29 GRANDE CRU ......................................... 45 HUBBLY BUBBLY ................................... 50 PEG LEGS W!KKED ................................................... 46 WINE & SPIRITS/SOUVENIRS 1 EYED JACK .......................................... 30

St. Thomas’ Premier Duty-Free Shopping Destination.

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All Around the Island A Driving Tour of St. Thomas There’s much more to explore outside of Charlotte Amalie. Many taxi operators next to Vendor’s Plaza and on the Waterfront are available to take you on a tour of the island’s favorite spots, or you can rent a car or jeep to roam the island on your own. Keep the pullout map in this guide handy to guide you to points of interest. BLUEBEARD’S CASTLE East of Char- Adjoining Yacht Haven Grande is the lotte Amalie, Bluebeard’s Castle is actu- West Indian Company Dock, one of the ally the remains of Frederik’s Fort, a Dan- busiest ports in the Caribbean. Adjacent ish fortified tower built in 1689, now the Havensight Shopping Mall and Port of $ale offer leisurely and relaxed shopping. focal point of a scenic hotel. YACHT HAVEN GRANDE Travel SKYLINE DRIVE OVERLOOK Climbalong the Waterfront to find Yacht Ha- ing the hill from town, each turn offers ven Grande, a mega-sophisticated mega- yet another breathtaking view. The overyacht marina. Its picturesque boulevard look at Skyline Drive (Route 40) has a is lined with stylish boutiques and dock- phenomenal harbor view as well as an opportunity for some t-shirt and souvenir side restaurants. WEST INDIAN COMPANY DOCK shopping. Head west on Route 40 to visit BLUEBEARD'S CASTLE



Photo © Don Hebert

Photo © Don Hebert


at tractions

photo © don hebert

above: skYrIde to paradIse poInt

Drake’s Seat, where Sir Francis Drake supposedly watched for Spanish galleons. Its panoramic view of the north side of the island, Magens Bay, the British Virgin Islands, Mahogany Run Golf Course and Drake’s Passage is worth the visit. Beacon Point has a terrific view as well as refreshing fruit daiquiris, snacks and a gift shop. ST. PETER MOUNTAIN GREATHOUSE ESTATE & GARDENS was once a part of the 19th century St. Peter Plantation. The greathouse gallery exhibits local art, antiques and furniture while the 11-acre garden flourishes with more than 200 species of verdant greenery along a self-guided nature trail. skYlIne drIve overlook

Frenchtown Museum

Just west of Charlotte Amalie, Frenchtown is a small fishing community embracing its French roots. The Frenchtown Museum proudly exhibits its heritage with artifacts and displays depicting its history. Interior of Frenchtown museum

st. peter Greathouse

photo © don hebert

FrenChtoWn museum

Photo courtesy of St. Peter Greathouse & Botanical Gardens


Photo © Don Hebert

Photo courtesy of tillett Gardens

Beacon Point

crown Bay center

Beacon Point Towards the eastern end of Skyline Drive, high atop the hill, Beacon Point’s observation platform offers a commanding panoramic view of the eastern tip of St. Thomas St. John and the British Virgin Islands. Take time out to enjoy a refreshing fruit daiquiri, snacks and the gift shop. cRoWn BaY centeR is St. Thomas’ second cruise ship dock, just past Frenchtown, Crown Bay Center is complete with an open-air retail plaza, restaurants, a replica sugar mill and charming brick boardwalk connecting to the nearby marina. tiLLett GaRDenS Silkscreen artist Jim Tillett put this old Danish farm on St. Thomas’ map as a creative enclave for

tillett GarDens

artists in 1959. Potters, jewelers, candle makers, a restaurant and more ring the lovely garden courtyard for a serene artistic atmosphere. Pistarckle Theater provides community theater performances from dramas to musicals, and the garden is the setting for many Arts Alive concerts and art festivals throughout the year. Mountain toP Anyone familiar with St. Thomas at all knows that the world famous Mountain Top, home of the original banana daiquiri, is at the top of the list of things to see and do. Sadly, a fire in 2009 destroyed the complex. However, renovations commenced immediately and the new Mountain Top announced its reopening at the beginning of 2011. It’s got everything the old Mountain Top had, and more. The indoor-outdoor bar and observation deck with its spectacular view has been rebuilt bigger and better than ever. BIZ RENTALS Across from main Havensight gate Tel: 340-774-5840 BIZ RENTALS rents scooters, motorcycles, jeeps, inflatable boats, kayaks, paddle surfboards and pedal boats. FREE drop offs and pick-ups anywhere in St. Thomas for scooters, motorcycles and jeeps. BIZ RENTALS’ fleet consists of Honda“ motorcycles and Yamaha“ scooters and brand new Kawasaki“ motorcycles. BIZ RENTALS also has the newest Paddle Surf equipment available for rent. BIZ RENTALS is located across from the main Havensight gate, next to Al Cohen's Discount Liquor Mall. For more information visit their website: or call them at (340) 774 5840.


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Photo © Michael Zbiegien

Photo © don Hebert

Red Hook

UniveRsity of tHe viRgin islands

RED HOOK Centered around the ferry to St. John, Red Hook is the island’s eastern commercial hub, with a marina, retail shops, businesses and several restaurants within a two-block area. UNIVERSITY OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS Continuing west the University of the Virgin Islands is a fully accredited educational complex with a comprehensive marine biology program that is a forerunner in coral conservation studies and efforts. The Reichhold Center for the Arts, Located across from Havensight Mall an open-air amphitheater, hosts local and and WICO cruise ship dock. international music, dance and theater Call 774-9809 productions under the stars. SKYRIDE TO PARADISE POINT Across from Havensight Mall Tel: 340-774-9809 RIDE THE VIEW on the scenic Skyride to Paradise Point! The Skyride takes you 700 feet above to one of the most spectacular views in the Caribbean. Excellent photo opportunities guaranteed! The round trip takes 15 minutes, leaving plenty of time at the top for relaxing with a frozen drink or lunch on the spacious observation deck, browsing in the boutiques, or taking a walk on the nature trail. Don’t miss the tropical bird shows at 10:30AM, 1:30PM and 3:30 PM. Open 9:00AM to 5:00PM on ship days and Wednesdays 9:00AM to 9:00PM. Bar open for sunset. Call for hours. 777-4540. Home of the famous Bailey’s Bushwacker!

2011 U.S.V.I. PUbLIc HOLIDAYS January 1 January 6 January 17 February 21 March 31 April 21 April 22 April 24 April 25 May 30 June 20 July 3 July 4


New Year's Day Three Kings' Day Martin Luther King Day Presidents' Day Transfer Day Holy Thursday Good Friday Easter Sunday Easter Monday Memorial Day Organic Act Day Emancipation Day U.S. Independence Day

July 27 September 5 October 1 October 10 October 19 November 1 November 11 November 24 December 25 December 26

Hurricane Supplication Day Labor Day Fireburn Day Columbus Day and Puerto Rican Friendship Day Hurricane Thanksgiving Day D Hamilton Jackson Day and Liberty Day Veterans' Day U.S. Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Boxing Day

Commuter Planes Air travel is the fastest way to get from one island to another and there are several commuter airline and seaplane flights to do so. Flights between the U.S. Virgin Islands, the British Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico are regularly scheduled.

SEA FLIGHT - For the People Tel: 340-714-3000 Sea Flight is an exotic and fun charter service. Amphibious means there is nowhere they cannot go safely. Sea Flight flies a fleet of Cessna Caravans each with 9 large leather seats, cool A/C…watch a movie in the quiet cabin while you fly to your destination. Travel in luxury while sightseeing throughout the islands. You can even use the plane for fishing and deep sea diving. Sea Flight also offers economical daily flights between St. Thomas and St. Croix. Private charters are available for all Caribbean islands.

Charter flights

CAPE AIR Tel: 866-Cape-Air Cape Air offers travelers more options to and from the Caribbean with hourly scheduled service, simpler ticketing, convenient connections, and ticketing and baggage agreements with most major airlines. Earn valuable OnePass frequent flyer miles on Cape Air flights connecting to Continental Airlines, part of their exciting partnership in the Caribbean. Book online at


Charter Planes are available to fly you just about anywhere you want to go, no matter how remote. Most charter companies have regularly scheduled flights to some of the bigger islands such as St. Croix or St. Martin or you can schedule your own flight with a private charter.

Only Amphibious Operator in the Caribbean SEA FLIGHT The

Sightseeing & Fishing Charters • Daily Flights between St. Thomas and St. Croix • Charters Available for All Caribbean Islands

Telephone us today at 340-714-3000 for Reservations

Commuter flights



Cape Air Daily Schedule: ST. THOMAS TO SAN JUAN: (Up to 12 Daily Flights) Starting at 6:45 am until 7:20 pm SAN JUAN TO ST. THOMAS: (Up to 12 Daily Flights) Starting at 7:40 am until 8:20 pm ST. THOMAS TO ST. CROIX: (Up to 10 Daily Flights) Starting at 7:15 am until 9:00 pm ST. CROIX TO ST. THOMAS: (Up to 10 Daily Flights) Starting at 6:30 am until 6:10 pm ST. CROIX TO SAN JUAN: (Up to 8 Daily Flights) Starting at 7:30 am until 5:24 pm SAN JUAN TO ST. CROIX: (Up to 9 Daily Flights) Starting at 8:40 am until 6:30 pm Book online at


866-Cape-Air (US & USVI) 284-495-2100 (BVI) 508-771-6944 (outside US)



Car rentals If you are on island for any length of time and plan to do a lot of exploring, beach hopping or enjoying a bit of nightlife, renting a vehicle may be your best option. Those traveling in groups will also find this to be the most cost effective. There are many reliable car rental agencies with compact cars, SUVs, jeeps, sedans and minivans available for daily and weekly rentals. Scooters and motorcycles are also available. A U.S. driver’s license is valid for 90 days and your rental agency can arrange for a temporary permit for those with an international license. Virgin Islanders drive on the left, so be sure your designated driver is experienced. The roads can often be winding and narrow. You’ll want to stick to the speed limits of 20 mph in town and 35 mph elsewhere. Your Places to Explore map is a handy reference for major roadways BudgetSTT_PTEx11 4:01 or ask your 8/23/10 rental agency for PM a freePage detailed roadmap. On St. Thomas, look

for the colorful Tommy Starfish signs for the islands’ most popular destinations. St. Croix’s Heritage Trail posts signs throughout the island to lead you to historical and geographical points of interest. BUDGET RENT A CAR St. Thomas: Harwood Highway, Cyril E. King Airport, West Indian Cruise Ship Dock, Sapphire Beach Hotel Tel: 340-776-5774 Budget Rent A Car is the #1 choice for car rental on St. Thomas, offering a wide selection of well-maintained vehicles. At Budget’s convenient locations, you’ll find a warm, friendly staff. Choose from a wide selection of cars, jeeps, SUVs, trucks and minivans. Take advantage of more than $1,200 in gifts, trips and meals when you rent for two or more days. Call for free pick1up or drop-off. You may also call toll free at 800-626-4516.

THRIFTY CAR RENTAL By the airport Tel: 340-776-1500 Welcome to paradise! Thrifty invites you to enjoy the adventure of exploring all the VI in the comfort of their large variety of brand new models including sedans, sport soft top jeeps and large SUVs. They have the one that meet your needs. Discover the beauty of St. Thomas and escape to the peace of St. John (conditions apply). Great deals, outstanding service, free shuttle from the airport, ports, and some hotels. Call them today. DOLLAR RENT A CAR By the airport Tel: 340-774-0111 Welcome to the islands. Dollar invites you to experience everything there is to experience in the comfort of their brand new models. They have Sedans, Jeeps, SUV’s, full size and luxury cars to meet all your needs. Discover the beauty of St. Thomas, and escape to the peace of St. John (conditions apply). The best service, the best deals, free shuttle from/to the airport, ports, and some hotels. Call right now for the best deal in town. ZIP RENTALS East End Tel: 340-715-1501 Locally owned and operated, Zip Rentals prides itself on outstanding customer service. Zip offers cars, minivans and Jeeps for daily or weekly rentals. Located on the East End of St. Thomas, they offer pick up and drop off anywhere on the island. A portion of their automobile fleet is slightly older so they can offer a better price without any hidden fees and charges.

New models Great rates Free pick ups

340-776-1500 • 787-253-2525 St. Thomas

Puerto Rico

Always Low Prices on SUVs, Cars & Minivans at Dollar Rent a Car!


Always Buckle up!

Watch for Tommy Starfish Road Signs!

No Cell phone use while Driving! It's The Law!

Plan your trip and use the map between pages 48-49 to guide you on your way.



Taxi RaTes If you are not comfortable driving on the left or plan to do a little partying on the beach, a taxi is the safest way to go. Many are parked downtown, at resorts, at the airport and by the ferry dock. Some take several passengers at a time traveling the same way, while others will take private parties to specific locations or island tour groups. If you don’t see a taxi nearby, you can call for pick up. Most taxi services are sanctioned by the Virgin Islands Taxicab Commission. Look for the official TP license plates and commission sticker. They are required to carry or post published rates. Rates are listed one-way per person and there may be an additional charge for luggage, radio calls and late-night fares. “Gypsy cabs” are unregistered. If you are comfortable with your driver, you can often arrange for pick-ups throughout your stay. DISCLAIMER *Rates are standard fares for one passenger. Additional luggage, radio-call and late-night pick up charges apply. Rates subject to change without notice.

St. thomaS taxi rateS* Destination

From Charlotte Amalie

Airport American Yacht Harbor Blackbeard’s Castle Bluebeard’s Castle Bolongo Bay Coki Beach Compass Point Cowpet Bay Crown Bay Drake’s Seat Elysian Resort Frenchtown Havensight Holiday Inn Hull Bay Mafolie

$7 $13 $5 $5 $10 $12 $12 $15 $5 $7 $15 $4 $6 $4 $12 $8


$15 $8 $8 $12 $14 $14 $18 $5 $9 $18 $7 $8 $7 $15 $10


From Charlotte Amalie

Magens Bay Mahogany Run Marriott Frenchman’s Reef Morningstar Beach Paradise Point Tramway Point Pleasant Resort Red Hook Reichhold Center Ritz Carlton Sapphire Beach Secret Harbour St. Thomas Yacht Club Tillett Gardens Tutu Park Mall Wyndham Sugar Bay Yacht Haven Grande


$10 $10 $8 $8 $9 $13 $13 $7 $15 $13 $15 $15 $9 $9 $13 $4

$12 $13 $10 $10 $11 $15 $15 $5 $18 $15 $18 $18 $11 $11 $15 $7

St. John taxi rateS* Destination

From Cruz Bay

Annaberg Plantation Bordeaux Mountain Caneel Bay Chocolate Hole Cinnamon Bay Coral Bay Francis Bay Gallows Point

$13 $17 $6 $7 $9 $16 $13 $5


Hawksnest Hurricane Hole Leinster Bay Maho Bay Campground Reef Bay Trail Head Salt Pond Trunk Bay Westin Resort

From Cruz Bay

$6 $19 $13 $13 $9 $20 $8


St. croix taxi rateS* Destination From Airport/Christiansted/Frederiksted

Destination From Airport/Christiansted/Frederiksted

Airport Buccaneer Hotel Cane Bay Carambola Beach Resort Caravelle Hotel Chenay Bay Beach Resort Christiansted Club St. Croix Divi Carina Bay Resort & Casino Frederiksted Frederiksted Hotel Gallows Bay Green Cay Marina

Hibiscus Beach Hotel Hotel on the Cay Hovensa Island Center King Christian Hotel St. Croix Yacht Club St. George Botanical Gardens Salt River Marina Sand Castle on the Beach Sunny Isle Shopping Center Tamarind Reef Hotel The Palms (Cormorant) Whim Plantation Museum


-/$16/$17 $20/$9/$24 $20/$24/$26 $20/$30/$27 $16/-/$24 $21/$15/$27 $16/-/$24 $16/$8/$24 $24/$18/$36 $12/$24/$12/$24/$17/$6/$26 $18/$12/$27

$16/$10/$24 $16/-/$24 $12/$12/$20 $12/$12/$20 $16/-/$24 $24/$18/$36 $12/$18/$12 $17/$22/$24 $12/$24/$8 $12/$12/$20 $21/$12/$30 $16/$10/$24 $12/$20/$10



to the U.S. Virgin Islands

Call V.I. Taxi, the territory’s largest and longest operating taxi association, for taxi service and sightseeing tours during your stay on St. Thomas or St. John

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‘Driving happy people to beautiful places since 1942’

Ballerina Jewelers, Photo © Don Hebert

Duty Free Shopping: Main Street Havensight Mall Yacht Haven Grande Crown Bay Center Tutu Park Mall

It's in the Bag With the variety of a first-class shopping port and the value of duty-free shopping, the Virgin Islands offers more bargain for your buck than anywhere in the Caribbean. The downtown historic shopping district, St. Thomas’ capital of Charlotte Amalie, has more than 400 stores with extraordinary duty-free prices. Plan on a full day roaming the length of Main Street’s ‘Miracle Mile,” explore the many fascinating side streets, passageways and alleys filled with unique treasures or wander through the colorful Vendor’s Plaza for fun trinkets and souvenirs. Designer boutiques operate alongside discount jewelers, chic galleries and t-shirt shops in a frenetic fanfare of tempting goods.


The savings don’t stop at the city limits. You’ll find some terrific shopping just about anywhere you go. Stroll through leisurely Havensight Mall and Port of $ale Mall by the cruise ship dock as well as the adjacent Yacht Haven Grande, a collection of fashionable boutiques and cafés in a world-class mega yacht marina. Crown Bay Center, west of town, offers a laid-back and relaxed open-air shopping center. In Red Hook, on the East End, visit American Yacht Harbor and surrounding shops for unique items you may not see anywhere else. Most stores are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday, as well as Sundays with visiting cruise ships.

A new arrival...

JEWELERS An Emblem of Exquisite Jewelry and Fine Time Pieces

$2/.).'%.3 '!$% 35)4% p 34 4(/-!3 536) p "!,,%2).!*%7%,%23 '-!), #/- p 777 "!,,%2).! *%7%,%23 #/AVAILABLE AT OUR AUTHORIZED DEALER ©

BALLERINA JEWELERS 5180 & 5176 Dronningens Gade Tel: 800-722-4455 Ballerina Jewelers is an established business for over 25 years. They specialize in loose diamonds, colored diamonds, and a vibrant range of gemstones. Besides carrying a dazzling selection of elegant and exquisite jewelry, they bring you the latest styles that are their own unique designs and from designers like: Simon G, Pandora, Hidalgo, & Fope, & Designer watches from: Versace, Time Force, Frederique Constant. Guess Watches, Calvin Klein, Festina, Accutron, Bulova, Michel Herbelin, Citizen, Wenger, Oris, Seiko and Skagen. These exclusive and distinctive designs provide incredible value at duty free prices beyond compare. You can expect the best from their six family-owned and operated stores in the Caribbean to serve you, along with two U.S. Service Centers to guarantee all your purchases. At Ballerina Jewelers, they make every experience a memory.

Are you a chocolate lover?

Over 50 Varieties of Chocolates... %%%9lkk\iZi\Xd# ^XeXZ_\# ZXiXd\c# 9X`c\pËj# kil]Õ\j# cfcc`gfgj# Z_fZfcXk\ Zfm\i\[ gi\kq\cj# jl^Xi ]i\\ dlZ_ dfi\

THE BELGIAN CHOCOLATE FACTORY A.H. Riise Mall, Downtown Charlotte Amalie Tel: 340-777-5247 Are you a chocolate lover? At the Belgian Chocolate Factory, you will be greeted with the rich aroma of chocolate as you watch while the chocolate maker prepares the chocolates fresh each day. Each chocolate is handmade using traditional methods and filled with a variety of specially prepared ingredients. Also available are lollipops, truffles, chocolate covered pretzels, ice cream treats, frozen chocolate covered bananas and other great seasonal treats. Chocolate is the perfect way to bring a “taste” of paradise home!

Chocolates are handmade in the shop! Efn CfZXk\[ Xk 8%?% I@@J< D8CC

;fnekfne :_Xicfkk\ 8dXc`\# Jk% K_fdXj LJM@

nnn%k_\Y\c^`XeZ_fZfcXk\]XZkfip%Zfd *+'$...$,)+.


Valuable shopping coupons can be found in the back of this book.

CAPTAIN’S CORNER Main Street, Waterfront, Havensight Mall (2), St. Peter Mountain Greathouse, Cruz Bay, St. John St. Thomas’ oldest and largest souvenir company has six great locations to serve all your gift and souvenir needs without breaking your budget. Featuring many exclusive souvenirs, wood carvings, and handicrafts, shells and shell crafts, nautical items, coffees, beaded bags, hats, beach wraps, beach towels, sarongs, Larimar jewelry, sterling and shell jewelry, and the island’s best T-shirt selection and value for adults and kids - Buy 2, get 2 Free.

Meet Raj and Vandy Mohanani at the Dynasty Dazzlers Duty Free Shop

DYNASTY DAZZLERS DUTY FREE SHOPS 1 & 34 Main Street Havensight Mall Bldg 1 Tel: 340-776-8935 Dynasty Dazzlers is a family owned business that has served millions of satisfied customers since 1975. Owners-designers Raj and Vandy Mohanani see to it that every client gets special attention that is second to none. Whether you are looking for a bargain or want to splurge on yourself or spouse, Dynasty Dazzlers has a very tempting selection of loose diamonds and fine jewelry for every occasion and budget. Don’t miss their watch lines including Michael Kors, Fossil, Calvin Klein, Nautica, Skagen, Citizen, Seiko and mint conditioned pre-owned Rolex watches.



The #1 Linen Shop in the Caribbean




Visit the largest linen store in North America. Find over 200 styles of tablecloths and embroidered accessories at unbeatable prices.

A Must See! MICROFIBER TABLECLOTHS Linen Look NO STAIN NO IRON MR. TABLECLOTH 6 Main Street Tel: 340-774-4343 Mr. Tablecloth has only one exclusive location, on Main Street, where reasonable prices and top quality rival anything found in the Republic of China or Hong Kong. At Mr. Tablecloth, you will find tablecloths, accessories, placemats, runners, and aprons in linen, cotton and our NEW amazing material called Jacquard, which looks like linen but needs absolutely No IRONING and is totally STAIN RESISTANT. Don’t miss the children’s corner, impressive bed linens and ladies pure pima cotton lace nightgowns. Mr. Tablecloth takes great pride in its tremendous repeat and referral business. Mail orders accepted.

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What is Duty Free?

MICKEY MANIA 23 Store Tvaer Gade Tel: 340-777-1800 Mickey Mania is the ultimate video game and toy store and the only game in town! You’ll find DS Lite games at prices as low as $9.95! Other top name brands include the new Sony PSP, Sony Playstation 2 & 3, X-Box 360, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, DS Lite, DSI and DSI XL. Check out their selection of iPods, cell phone accessories, Yugi Oh trading cards and accessories, Pokemon, children's gift ideas and so much more. Stop in for the latest items at prices that will drive you crazy!

Duty-free savings. Sounds great, doesn’t it? But what exactly is duty-free and how does it affect you? Despite what you may think, duty-free pricing and your duty-free allowance are two different things, and that’s great news for shoppers. As a duty-free port, the U.S. Virgin Islands does not impose extra taxes, or duty, on retail merchandise coming into the territory. This allows retailers to pass that savings on to you, selling at duty-free prices. This could mean anywhere from 5% to 60% in savings, depending on the item. A duty-free allowance is the amount of merchandise a visitor can take back home without paying duty as they leave. So you can enjoy both duty-free prices and a duty free allowance at the same time! the allowance. • U.S. residents may take home up to • Up to $100 in merchandise (excluding $1,600 of merchandise bought in the perfume, liquor or tobacco) may U.S. Virgin Islands per person dutybe mailed home without having to free, more than from any other island declare the purchases to U.S. Customs or nation. upon departure. • Family member traveling together • U.S residents over the age of 21 are may combine their duty-free allowed 5 liters of liquor, providing allowances. For example, a family one is made in the U.S. Virgin Islands. of four may take home $6,400 in They may also take home up to 100 merchandise without paying duty. cigars and 5 cartons of cigarettes. • A 6% duty is charged for items over Shopping at Gallery St. Thomas Photo © Don Hebert


REGENCY JEWELERS 18 Main Street Tel: 340-776-5481 Family owned and operated for 28 years, brothers Andy and Larry Khiani offer two stores in one at Regency Jewelers. Upfront you'll find unique jewelry and a pearl boutique with hundreds of pearls, designs and colors. Pearls run from the very affordable to pearl and diamond combinations for something really special. Behind the jewelry is a designer Silver boutique with a significant collection of pieces at good prices and resort wear perfect for beaching and the island lifestyle.

If you need to check your e-mail, stop by St. Thomas’ Enid M. Baa Library on Main Street. Internet access is available for $2 per hour. The library is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays.

JEWELERS & GIFT SHOP 18 Main St., St. Thomas, USVI • (340) 776-5481

Shop for Everybody Under One Roof! 14 ct. Gold Fine Jewelry 1CTW Diamond Ring $599.00 Silver Jewelry Laramar, Amber & More T-Shirts - Hats Souveniers- Towels 4 T-Shirts $10 Look for Coupons in the back of this book!


Sunil Mohanani puts his Best Foot Forward with Sandals for your Neck


ewelry designer (right) Sunil Mohanani has found a much better way to wear your flipflops: on your neck! With his original Sandals for your Neck collection, Sunil has taken the fashion jewelry world by storm, one footprint at a time. Sunil was born into the jewelry business. The Mohanani family has been in the fine jewelry business since 1960, and opened their Chalet D’or jewelry boutique on Main Street, St. Thomas in 1968. By the eighth grade, Sunil was spending his summers learning how to cut gemstones. A graduate gemologist, he has designed everything from an ornate gold IndoGreek collection to engagement rings. Recognizing the changing trends, Sunil used his unending enthusiasm for design to create a fun and affordable line of jewelry that doesn’t sacrifice quality for price. The result was Sandals for Your Neck, a fanciful collection of flip-flop pendants that epitomize the essence of the island attitude. Made from sterling silver with a white gold overlay, hand-enameled with crystal accents, Sandals for your Neck come in a multitude of colors and designs. What started as a novelty giveaway item has blossomed into a thriving wholesale business for Sunil, who now sells his customized designs throughout the Caribbean as


well as Australia, Fiji, South Africa, Italy, Spain, Greece, United Kingdom, France, and other worldwide destinations. By keeping pendants at a reasonable $59 or less, the Pendants for your Neck collection provides an affordable fashion option. In just over nine years, the line has expanded well beyond the simple sandal. They are available with Swarovski crystal, mother-of-pearl, lapis, onyx, opal and other semi-precious stones. There is now an extensive selection of other sand- and sea-inspired designs such as sailboats, starfish, seahorses, stingrays, anchors, palm trees, geckos, “happy turtles” and many more, as well as whimsical handbag, high heel and party glass pendants. Each year Sunil adds two or three new designs in a series of colors. His latest prototypes include a sand dollar, cruise ships and St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix coastlines. Never one to rest, Sunil is also working on a new line of cultured pearls hand-set with crystals and plans to add charm bracelets, glass beads, spacers and pearl shorteners. For more information visit Chalet D’or on Main Street in St. Thomas or go online at

ROYAL CARIBBEAN Main Street, Havensight Mall, Yacht Haven Grande, Crown Bay Mongoose Junction – St. John Tel: 340-776-4110 E-mail: The #1 recommended store for watches and voted #1 for fine jewelry in St. Thomas. Royal Caribbean also has the largest camera and electronics selection in the Caribbean. Authorized dealer for famous brand names, such as Nikon, Canon, Leica, Pentax, Fuji, Olympus, Sony, Panasonic, and all other major brands of cameras, binoculars and electronics, Royal Caribbean continues to offer huge savings in all categories. Royal Caribbean offers a superb collection of Swiss hand crafted watches-the world famous Breguet, Cartier, Chanel, IWC, Montblanc, Movado, Panerai, Philip Stein, Raymond Weil, Vacheron Constantin and many others. They also offer fashion conscious and trendy brands such as ESQ, Fossil, Seiko and Technomarine, just to name a few. At Royal Caribbean, you will be captivated by the most exquisite fancy yellow diamonds, the finest 14kt & 18kt diamond jewelry and the largest selection of precious and semi precious jewels. Perfect for that special someone is the flawless Mikimoto pearls. Pamper yourself with Judith Ripka 18kt jewelry, the unique Australian Opal, mother of pearl jewelry by Kabana and other designer brands such as Angelique de Paris and Rebecca. Also available are sunglasses by Cartier at duty-free prices and pens by AT Cross and Montblanc. Royal Caribbean’s knowledgeable staff will assist you, making your shopping experience more enjoyable. Customers receive a free five-function digital watch with a $50 purchase. Open Monday-Saturday from 9am to 5pm, Sunday from 9am to 2pm.


Around the Corner

Side Trip to: A.H.Riise Alley Raadets Gade Royal Dane Mall Trompeter Gade Palm Passage Drakes Passage House of Rajah, Photo © Don Hebert

Not all of St. Thomas’ shopping treasures are on Main Street. As great treasures often tend to be, many are seemingly hidden just out of view. You may find your heart’s desire right around the corner, hidden in plain sight! Downtown Charlotte Amalie offers many options that are worth a bit of off-the-beatenpath exploration. Don’t be hesitant to take a little side trip onto side streets such as Raadet’s Gade, laden with jewelry, linens and mementos. Royal Dane Mall is a picturesque favorite, an inviting maze of 18th cen-


tury Danish warehouses filled with one-of-a-kind boutiques, galleries and cafes. Brick-lined A.H. Riise Alley and Trompeter Gade are also charming side steps off Main Street with plenty of interesting shops and eateries to explore. Towards the west end of the shopping district, both whimsical International Plaza and sophisticated Palm Passage open out to the Waterfront, where you’ll find even more perfumes, island souvenirs, fashions, jewelry and more. You never know what might be waiting for you just around the corner!

HOUSE OF RAJAH JEWELERS 5332 Raadets Gade Tel: 340-776-7770 Recommended since 1973, this affordable store just in Raadets Gade has been attracting conscientious shoppers with savings of 60%. Certified diamonds –including rare colored diamonds. Fine Tanzanites, Sapphires, Emeralds, Rubies, Semi Precious, Mallorca Pearls ($1/inch), 14K Gold Jewelry. Eternity Rings available in all carat weights/sizes. 14K/Silver Reversible Omega necklace only $99. Citizen EcoDrive, Skagen, Nautica, Fossil, DKNY, Suunto, Branded Swiss Watches & Pre-Owned Rolex* watches with 2 year warranty plus custom bezels. *not affiliated with Rolex SA. Guaranteed worth the visit!



Have a question? Stop by the Tourist Information Booth 2:22 PM on Page 1 located the waterfront, in front of the A.H. Riise Rolex Store.

Watch on Channel 4 Mon Monthly, updated local events in the W WhaDoYaWannaDo? segment.


Visitor's Information Video Program

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LOCKHART REALTY, INC. Tel: 340-776-1900 Lockhart Realty Shopping Centers offer a wide variety of businesses providing luxury to convenience and necessity. DRAKES PASSAGE: Jewelry, Electronics, Perfume, Clothing, Gifts, Legal Service, Food, Bar, Bath & Body BUCCANEER MALL: Salon, Radio Shack, Hooters, Subway, Secretarial, Insurance, Legal Service GRAND GALLERIA: Jewelry, Clothing, Restaurant, Travel RED HOOK PLAZA: Banking, Insurance, Restaurants, Pharmacy, Hardware, Décor, Mail Service, Medical, Veterinary, Secretarial, Clothing, VLTs MARKET SQUARE EAST: Home Depot, Cost U Less, Movies, Restaurant, Gym FORT MYLNER: Banking, Décor, Restaurants, Barber, Offices, Home Improvement, Furniture, Convenience Stores, Auto Parts, Clothing LOCKHART GARDENS: Kmart, Furniture, Clothing, Shoes, Jewelry Design, Optical, Banking, Sprint, Dental, Pharmacy, Barber, Financing, McDonald's, Spa, Restaurant

Shopping Cents Shop Prepared–Keep a journal of prices back home so you can easily calculate your savings. There is no sales tax or luxury tax, and art and loose gemstones do not count towards your duty allowance, so factor that into your savings.


Shop Ahead–Make your savings last. Bring a list of the year’s upcoming birthday, anniversary and holiday gifts. You may be surprised to find something ideal for everyone on your list, spreading the savings throughout the entire year!


Renaissance ewelers J Just $9.95

RENAISSANCE JEWELERS Entrance on Main Street & Drakes Passage Tel: 340-774-4510 Renaissance Jewelers carries a wide selection, in all shapes, sizes and colors, of the finest loose Diamonds, Tanzanite, Alexandrite, Tourmaline and other precious gemstones. With a business model built on low margins and high volume, with no commissions, this family-owned and operated jewelry boutique truly offers unbeatable prices. Renaissance Jewelers also offers 3 U.S. based service centers and certificate of authenticity with every purchase. Shop with confidence and peace of mind guaranteed. Shopping Cents continued

Shop Quick–Most name brand items such as perfumes, watches and electronics are set at a specific duty free price at all stores, so when you see it, buy it. Shop Savvy–Some retailers are willing to bargain for non-brand name items. Cash will often get a better discount than credit card purchases. Shop Light–Many stores will be happy to pack your purchases and send them to your home so you don’t need to carry heavier items in your luggage. Shop Clever–You may find yourself over your duty limit, however, even with a 6% duty charge you may still be saving money. Families can also group their individual allowances together to include larger purchases. Use a Map–Plan your route using our Maps, between pages, 48-49, 80-81.

Tanzanite ite Stud Earrings

Image enlarged to show detail.

Just $395

Blue or Cognac Co ognac nac a Diamond g Ring

Just $29.95

Caribbean Hook Bracelet

Entrance on Main Street & Drakes Passage St. Thomas, USVI Phone: 340-774-4510 Toll Free: 866-700-4420

EDEN JEWELERS 5126 Drakes Passage, Charlotte Amalie Tel: 340-777-3366 A thirty-second detour from Main Street, located in the historic alley of Drake’s Passage is Eden Jewelers. Besides competitive pricing and a fine selection of diamond jewelry, Shopping at Eden Jewelers Eden guarantees personalized attention to each customer. The husband and wife owners, Sunil, a G.I.A Graduate Gemologist, and Kanchan have a motto: to persevere and satisfy each customer’s jewelry need. Eden Jewelers also offers a lifetime warranty, certified appraisal, and a U.S. Service Center. Take the detour; it’s a decision you will be glad to have made. AJANTA JEWELERS 5126 Drakes Passage, Suite 11 Tel: 888-425-2682 Established in the Caribbean for over thirty years, Ajanta Jewelers is the most reputable family owned jeweler. They offer an extensive selection of loose diamonds and colored diamonds in natural fancy yellow, black, champagne and blue. They also carry a fine selection of gemstones like Tanzanite, Alexandrite and Ammolite by the Sea. "Your Peace of Mind Guaranteed" is Ajanta’s Ajanta_PTEx11 11/10/10 12:19 main PM goal. PageThey 1 stand by all US laws and are members of the Chamber Of Commerce and Better Business Bureau.

5126 Drakes Passage, Suite 11 Tel: 1-888-425-2682 Email:


Duty Free Shopping Downtown Charlotte Amalie and Havensight Mall locations can be found on the map between pages 80 and 81.

Photo © Don Hebert

A.H. RIISE STORES Main Street, Waterfront, Havensight Mall, Crown Bay Tel: 340-776-2303 A.H. Riise Stores, the Virgin Islands’ oldest and largest retailer of quality duty free merchandise, offers the finest names and values in jewelry, watches, china, crystal, collectibles, perfume, skincare, liquor, cigars and Caribbean specialties. The Virgin Islands’ Official Rolex Retailer, A.H. Riise is also home to St. Thomas’ only M•A•C, Patek Philippe, David Yurman, Swatch, Swarovski and Waterford boutiques. A.H. Riise Stores, providing great savings versus stateside and exceptional customer service. All purchases guaranteed. ARTISTIC JEWELERS 5332 Dronningens Gade, Suite #2 Tel: 340-776-3299 Artistic Jewelers is a family owned and operated business since 1977. Every aspect of this stunningly mesmeric store commemorates its name. The unique store design is as enticing as its exquisite handmade jewelry and originally crafted pieces. In addition to their eclectic selection of jewelry Artistic also encourages you to come view their collection of designer jewelry and watches. The sales team thrives to anticipate, identify, and ensure your entire customer service needs are met guaranteeing a memorable shopping experience.


BOOLCHAND’S 31 Main Street Havensight Mall Bldg 2 Tel: 340-776-0794/0302 Established in 1930 and with familyrun locations on Aruba, Curacao, St. Maarten and St. Thomas, Boolchand's has been voted one of the best duty-free stores in the Caribbean (Caribbean Travel & Life). In addition to quality branded cameras, binoculars and electronics by Apple, Bose, Canon, Nikon, Olympus, and Sony, to name a few, Boolchand's also features fine diamond and gold jewelry, Pandora jewelry, and timepieces by Citizen, Fossil, Michael Kors, Michele, and Seiko, amongst a host of other brands.

EFFY JEWELERS 5135 Dronningens Gade 13 A Main Street Tel: 340-776-3339 Effy Hematian is the creator, designer, and founder of Effy Jewelers. Effy is inspired by the strength, speed, and power of the panther. His jewelry is designed around strong diamonds, colorful gemstones, and rich metals that are made with exquisite craftsmanship and noticeable quality. Since 1979, Effy Jewelers is a leader in innovative design for both men and women. The exclusive DiVersa, Balissima, and Gento collections can only be found at Effy Jewelers in St. Thomas.


CARDOW JEWELERS 5 locations: Main Street, Havensight Mall, Crown Bay Center, St. Thomas Airport Tel: 1-800-CARDOWS On Saint Thomas, Cardow is a legendary name. Described by some as the Tiffany of the Caribbean or by others as boasting the largest selection of fine jewelry in the world, they promise and deliver an impressive experience. The renowned courteous, knowledgeable and friendly staff guides you through the thousands of styles, set with precious gems, designed and produced by Cardow. They handcraft their jewelry models and offer unmatched values of 40 to 60% off retail prices to their privileged customers.

DYNASTY DAZZLERS DUTY FREE SHOPS 1& 34 Main Street, Havensight Mall Bldg 1 Tel: 340-776-8935 Dynasty Dazzlers has everything you’ve ever dreamed of from exquisite jewelry and watches, designer fragrances and the finest liquor brands. This family owned business has served millions of satisfied customers for over three decades. Choose from a vast selection of GIA certified diamonds as well as gem quality tanzanites and other precious color stones. Equally impressive are their affordable branded watch collections including Michael Kors, Fossil, Calvin Klein, Nautica, Skagen, Citizen, Seiko and mint conditioned pre-owned Rolex watches at exceptional savings! See the largest collection of designer fragrances in St.Thomas, including Chanel, Bvlgari, Dolce & Gabbana, Ralph Lauren, Lancome and Armani all at 20% off stateside prices and no sales tax. And don’t forget to stock your bar with the finest liquor brands from around the world. Dynasty Dazzlers has the largest selection of Caribbean rums and spirits plus hard to find specialties at 40-50% savings.



GRAND JEWELERS 7 Main Street Tel: 340-776-8200 Established in the Caribbean for over thirty years, Grand Jewelers is the most reputable family owned diamond and colored stone jeweler. Their personalized service has led to thousands of loyal customers who visit the store year after year. They offer an extensive selection of loose diamonds in all shapes and sizes. Feel free to choose a diamond and one of their latest designed settings to create the piece of your dreams. Not to be missed is the impressive selection of natural fancy yellow diamonds and exclusive designs of other colored diamonds including black, champagne, and blue diamonds. A must have for this season is their brand new selection of tricolored diamond jewelry. Also featured exclusively at Grand Jewelers is the “Prince Cut” diamond which is the ideal and most brilliant cut diamond. Grand Jewelers invites you to have your GRANDEST shopping experience on the island. Contact them toll free at 888-90-GRAND. IMPERIAL JEWELERS 5120 Dronningens Gade, Suite 1 Tel: 340-776-8570 Family-owned and operated since 1980 and built on the principles of Faith, Family and Friends. Imperial Jewelers offers unique jewelry and specializes in loose diamonds, tanzanite, precious and semi-precious stones, and a new Alexandrite collection - the finest and rarest precious stones in the world. Bring home an island treasure, the St. Thomas Hook Bracelet from the Caribbean Bracelet Company, a wearable reminder of the Virgin Islands. A lifetime guarantee for peace of mind. Toll-free at 888-340-7264. Special! Two-toned bangle for $19.95. With the purchase of this bangle you receive a FREE Sapphire gemstone. LALINE Drakes Passage and Crown Bay Tel: 888-Laline7 Treasures from the Dead Sea have travelled thousands of miles to the exotic Caribbean waters for the first time! Come arouse your senses at...Laline! Stepping into a Laline boutique is like stepping into a dream: full of fragrances, atmosphere and tempting products, inviting you to feel and touch everything. Every single product is cared for from its initial formulation to the final wrapping stage then handed over to customers in chic recyclable packaging. Laline offers a wide array of candles, fragrances, oils and handmade bath products comprised of an eclectic array of aromas. Crafted with natural, rich and pure ingredients, these products will leave your skin feeling soft and silky and wanting more. According to Beauty makeup divas magazine Laline is Madonna’s favorite skin care line and she proclaims the natural salts contained in these products possess powers that are extraordinary to rejuvenate the skin. Come visit Laline….”When body meets soul”.


BUILDING I (1) BUILDING II (2) A.H. Riise Liquor A.H. Riise Cosmetics & Perfume & Perfumes Bliss Jewelers A.H. Riise Rolex Captain’s Corner Boolchand’s Cardow Jewelers BUILDING III (3) Dynasty Dazzlers Delly Deck Restaurant Duty Free Shops Moxie Marketing Passman CarnivalJewels_PTEx11 (Island10/18/10 Showcase Royal Caribbean on Channel 4)

BUILDING IV (4) Havensight Pharmacy Restrooms BUILDING VI (6) Captain’s Corner BUILDING VII (7) Bank of Nova Scotia Carnival PM JewelsPage and Treasures 2:15 1 Restrooms United States Post Office


OTHER LOCATIONS Calling Center................................A Biz Scooter Rentals ...................... B Budget Rent A Car ...............On the Cruise Ship Dock Innovative Calling Center .......... C Paradise Point Bar and Café .......................................D Skyride To Paradise Point ........... E The Information Booth/ The Welcome Center .................. F The West Indian Co., Ltd. ............G U.S. Customs Service ....................H


PANDORA ST. THOMAS 15A Main Street Tel: 340-774-3672 PANDORA is world-renowned in the fine jewelry industry for its high-quality, handcrafted design. PANDORA’s affordable luxury collections inspire women to embrace their individuality with romantic and feminine pieces that capture life’s unforgettable moments. These collections include customizable charm bracelets, rings, earrings, necklaces and, coming soon, watches made from sterling silver and gold with handset precious gemstones. To view the PANDORA collection and build your first bracelet (or add to an existing one), visit 15A Main Street today. A new world of jewelry awaits.

PASSMAN Main Street, Havensight and Crown Bay Tel: 340-777-4580 Follow the map to Passman and celebrate a legacy of design. An exquisite collection of jewelry and art combining gold, diamonds, Black Coral and color stones is presented by an engaging staff who will share the lore and inspiration of this worldrenowned gallery. Celebrations include gifts and surprises so, use the Password: Authentic Island Luxury, and receive an exceptional savings offer on your purchase. Take home authentic island chic to mark your memories back home. BLISS JEWELERS Havensight Mall, Bldg. 1 Tel: 340-715-BLIS Bliss Jewelers is one of the finest jewelry boutiques located in the Havensight Mall. They are a family owned business, specializing in making your dreams become reality. Come in and visit their collection of 14 & 18 karat gold jewelry, featuring diamonds of all colors, shapes, and sizes. They also specialize in rare and unique color stones, from the beautiful Ceylon sapphire to Brazilian tourmalines, not excluding emeralds, rubies, and tanzanite. They also carry a variety of fine watches. Bliss Jewelers, bringing a new passion to the jewelry business. E-mail inquiries to


Yacht Haven Grande locations can be found on the map between pages 48-49.


YACHT HAVEN GRANDE On the Waterfront, between Havensight and Downtown Charlotte Amalie Tel: 340-774-9500 Located alongside the scenic Charlotte Amalie Harbor, Yacht Haven Grande encompasses a 47-slip mega-yacht marina, complemented by an array of exciting retail destinations, exquisite dining and entertainment options, recreational amenities and luxurious seaside residences. Voted “Best Shopping” by the Virgin Islands Daily News Readers Poll, Yacht Haven Grande boasts some of the most upscale and prestigious shops around, as well as, many island favorites. Come enjoy the premier shopping & dining destination on St. Thomas!

Photo © Don Hebert

BVLGARI Yacht Haven Grande, Building B Tel: 340-776-1470 For over a century, BVLGARI has been synonymous with the finest Italian style. Outstanding jewels, watches, a vast range of leather goods, silver gifts, perfumes, and skincare are now coveted by a sophisticated clientele in over 150 countries. Every BVLGARI creation is permeated with a spirit of excellence, hence the attention to detail and the research for absolute quality. As an ultimate tribute to the world of luxury, BVLGARI opened its first hotel BVLGARI Hotel & Spa in Milan, followed by the opening of the BVLGARI Resort in Bali.

1 EYED JACK Yacht Haven Grande Tel: 340-775-3206 Located at Yacht Haven Grande Marina, 1 Eyed Jack’s carries a large selection of duty free wines and spirits from all over the world. Peruse our well-stocked store to find your favorites at a great duty free price. 1 Eyed Jack’s is also a gift shop carrying souvenirs and gifts. 1 Eyed Jack’s is a one-stop shop for all needs!


Duty Free Wines & Spirits and Gift Shop Large selection of wines from all over the world. Duty free liquors of all kinds. Plus a one stop shop for all your gifts and souvenirs.


Yacht Haven Grande Marina St. Thomas, VI


CASTAWAYS BOUTIQUE Wyndham Sugar Bay Resort & Spa Tel: 340-777-7100 Ext. 2293 Castaways Boutique at Wyndham Sugar Bay Resort & Spa, just a few minutes from Red Hook, has a brand new look…and it's gorgeous! With Castaways expanded selection of beach and swimwear, as well as a tremendous selection of gift items, there's no need to travel to downtown for your shopping. And to top it off, Castaways has swimwear for the entire family at 50% off!! And get a "free" camera.

Sending it Home Shipping your duty-free purchases makes a lot of sense. Not only is it more convenient to travel light, you may also avoid extra baggage charges on your flight back. The U.S. postal system is used in the U.S. Virgin Islands and you will find shipping rates comparable to rates back home. Most retailers will be happy to mail your insured package and will fill out the appropriate forms for you. Even if you surpass the duty-free limit, charges are minimal and

you may still find you are saving over your usual sales tax. You may ship up to $100 worth of “unaccompanied purchases” (purchases that you ship to yourself back in the United States) per day without paying duty, although you do have to declare such gifts on your Customs form when leaving the islands. Be sure to retain your receipts. Check the Customs and Border Protection website for a list of items that may not be shipped.

Plan your shopping route using our Maps between pages 48-49 and 80-81.

Valuable shoPPing couPons can be found in the back of this book.

Mall Hours:

Mondays - Thursdays 10am-7pm Fridays - Saturdays 10am-9pm

Sundays 12pm-5pm

340-775-4658 St.Thomas’Premiere Shopping Mall

“You’ve Got It All”


TUTU PARK MALL Route 38 Tel: 340-775-4658 Spend your day in the most convenient, accessible shopping district on St. Thomas where you will find the islands premiere shopping mall. Tutu Park Mall is St. Thomas’ only fully enclosed air-conditioned mall offering the finest mix of products from both national and local retailers. Tutu Park Mall has 50 tenants anchored by Kmart and Plaza Extra. Tutu Park Mall also has out lot tenants such as the US Post Office, La Providence Laundry, Western Auto, Food Court, Office Max, Innovative Telephone and McDonalds.

Tell us what you think, we're listening. To rate your Island Vacation, go to Cruise ship passengers go to As a bonus, you'll be entered for a chance to win a return trip to the United States Virgin Islands.

CARIBBEAN HOST Cyril E. Airport Tel: 340-776-4000 Now you can carry your purchases on board your flight, at the new Caribbean Host Duty Free store located in the departures lounge at the St. Thomas airport. Shop at your Departure Gate, a huge selection of Duty Free liquor, fragrances, Caribbean jewelry and Swatch watches. No checked bag fees, no liquid ban‌just carry it on! Relax, enjoy your stay and let Caribbean Host take the hassle out of duty free shopping.

Pamper and Soot he Spa and Beauty Services

A Day at the Spa

Any excuse is a good excuse for a bit of relaxation and nothing spells it better than S-P-A! The spa is the perfect place to unwind your mind, pamper your body and soothe your soul. Feeling a little tense? Stress just melts away with a good deep tissue massage, aromatherapy or hydrotherapy. Want to look your very best? Try a body polish, a soothing milk bath or a luxurious body wrap for that positively glowing feeling. The U.S. Virgin Islands offers several private spas with exotic body treatments and combination packages to choose from, and many resorts offer spas of their own, as well as hair, cosmetic applications, facials, waxing, manicures and pedicure services. Those choosing to get married in the Virgin Islands can book head-to-toe styling for the entire wedding party for your special day. Stay for an hour or stay for the day – you’re worth it!

Make an Appointment for: Massage Therapy Nail and Salon Services Wedding Preparation


YACHT HAVEN GRANDE St. Thomas, USVI (340) 776-7899 SOPER’S HOLE MARINA Tortola, BVI (248) 495-7899


PRANA SPA Yacht Haven Grande Tel: 340-776-7899 Prana Spa–Noted by the Daily News for its service “Best of USVI 2010” and located at Yacht Haven Grande Galleria, home of the luxury Mega Yacht Marina, and just minutes to historic downtown and cruise ship dock. Treat yourself with a variety of relaxing massages, rejuvenating facials, scrubs, wraps, or infra-red sauna. Reflexology, yoga, spa packages and gift vouchers are available. Open daily from 8am-8pm. Relax… Refresh …Rejuvenate…You deserve it.




All in the Convenience of your Hotel, Villa or Home, Sugar and Spice Artistry guarantees that you look and feel exquisite for every special event. Visit our website for a complete list of services. (340) 690-3434

JOURNEYS SPA At Wyndham Sugar Bay Resort Tel: 340-777-7100 x2236 Journeys Spa is located at the Wyndham Sugar Bay Resort. Indulge yourself with one of their signature massages, body treatments, facials or visit Journeys full service hair salon that specializes in bridal up-dos and make-up. Journeys offers use of their amenities with all spa treatments, feel free to steam, sauna and relax (in our lounge or on our sundeck) before and after spa treatments. The Daily News voted them “Best Health Club” and “Best Spa” in 2010!



Climbing Caledonia Falls, St. Croix; Photo © Ted Davis, D&D Studio

HIKING St. John offers the best hiking,

with more than 20 trails throughout the National Park. Check with the National Park Visitors Center (340) 776-6201 for free trail maps and guided tours. Those on St. Thomas can wander the Magens Bay Discovery Trail for a 1.5-mile walk through the greenery to Magens Bay. The St. Croix Environmental Association (340) 773-1989 schedules several guided tours, including sea turtle watches, stargazing and hikes through the Salt River Bay National Historical Park and Ecological Preserve. GOLFING Score a hole in one with a visit to Mahogany Run Golf Course (340) 777-6006 ext. 1 on St. Thomas. This Fazio-designed 6,022-yard, par70, 18-hole course is famous for its Devil’s Triangle on the cliffs overlooking an ocean view. Complete it without a penalty shot to receive a prize. The University of the Virgin Islands campus boasts a free 9-hole practice course. On St. Croix, warm up at the 9-hole Reef Golf Course (340) 773-8844, then move on to one of two world-class 18-hole courses. The Carambola Golf Club (340) 778-5638, a Robert Trent


Jones 70-par course, boasts a fourstar rating by Golf Digest and a Golf Magazine Gold Medal. The Buccaneer Golf Course (340) 712-2144 on the grounds of an old sugar plantation is a 5,810-yard, par-70 course designed by PGA professional Bob Joyce. Miniature golf is available at the Divi Carina Bay Resort & Casino on St. Croix MAHOGANY RUN GOLF COURSE Mahogany Run Tel: 340-777-6250, ext. 1 Mahogany Run Golf Course–designed by George and Tom Fazio and opened in 1980–has long been touted as one of the Caribbean’s most challenging, yet exciting courses because of its narrow, hilly fairways and spectacular ocean hugging holes known as the “Devil’s Triangle” –comprising the course’s three signature holes 13, 14 & 15 which hug the craggy shoreline above the Caribbean Sea and boast a spectacular down-island landscape. The public course and fully stocked pro shop with quality rentals are open daily. The airconditioned restaurant, The Grille, is open from 11:00am–9:00pm Tuesday through Sunday. 800-253-7103 or 340-777-6006.

and the Wyndham Sugar Bay Resort on St. Thomas. Biking Because of the mountainous terrain of St. Thomas and St. John, biking can work up a sweat. Mountain bike tours are available at St. John’s National Park for more experienced riders. A bike tour of Water Island’s forts, plantain and railroad ruins combine an intermediate cycling outing with a bit of hiking and a swim at Honeymoon Beach. St. Croix’s gentler rolling hills are ideal for biking, and a 14.5-mile paved bike path along the South Shore Road to Point Udall is expected to be completed sometime in 2011. Camping St. John’s Cinnamon Bay Camp Grounds (340) 776-6330 is equipped with everything you’ll need, including cots, utensils, linens, grills and more. Rent a bare bones tent space or a screened cottage amid the tropical trees. Maho Bay Camps (340) 7766226, adjacent to the National Park, is an award-winning eco-camp and offers art classes, demonstrations and gifts made from recycled materials at its Trash to Treasures Art Center. Water Island provides some totally green camping as does St. Croix’s east end. On HOrseBaCk Stables on St. Croix provide tours of the rainforest. On St. John, gallop along the beach for a romantic sunset ride. St. Croix’s Randolph “Doc” James Race Track (340) 7137228 holds monthly Sunday afternoon races, and St. Thomas’ Clinton E. Phipps Race Track hosts popular competitions for local jockeys. Off track betting is available. nature WatCH You rarely get a chance to see turtles and whales in their natural habitat. Although many beaches have served as occasional nesting areas for endangered hawksbill, green and leatherback sea turtles, St. Croix’s Sandy Point and Buck Island are the most active sites. Volunteer


turtle watch groups organized by the St. Croix Environmental Association (340) 773-1989 monitor and protect nesting sites each summer. Between February and April whales migrate south, passing through the waters between St. Thomas, St. John and the British Virgin Islands. Keep your eyes on the water and you may see a mother with her calves breeching the waves. The Environmental Association of St. Thomas-St. John (EAST) east/ organizes group whale watching expeditions each year, as do several tour companies. tennis Tennis is available at most resorts. Free public courts are available in Sub Base, St. Thomas and by the Cruz Bay fire station on St. John. BOWling Have a ball with the kids at St. Thomas’ V.I. Christian Ministries Bowling Center (340) 774-4904. Enjoy arcade games, refreshments, pool tables and a toddler center. On St. Croix, show off your best disco moves at Tropical Ten Pins (340) 778-3994, featuring disco bowling with glow-in-the-dark pins every Saturday. mOvies St. Croix’s Sunny Isle Theater (340) 778-5620 and St. Thomas’ Market Square East Theater (340) 7763666 offer multiple daily showings of all the latest films. Check daily listings for schedules. Ballgames The islands are dotted with softball diamonds, basketball courts, and playing fields for a quick pick-up game or league play. From Little League to pro cricket and soccer, there’s always a game going on! Check local newspaper and TV listings for scheduled events. gaming You’ll find video gaming machines at most bars and restaurants, but big winners will want to try their hand at the U.S. Virgin Islands’ only casino, Divi Carina Bay Casino (340) 773-PLAY.

What’s all the Hoop-la? Photo © Kevin Foltz Julian Jackson (center) with sons, Julius (left) and John (right)

BOXING dyNasty Virgin Islander Julian “The Hawk” Jackson, three-time world boxing champion with 48 knockouts in his 56 fight professional career, has passed on his legacy to the next generation. With their famous father in their corner, boxers Julius and John Jackson are in the boxing arena. John, a super welterweight, represented the Virgin Islands in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. He turned pro in 2009. His brother Julius, a middleweight boxer who also competed in Beijing, has followed suit with his own professional boxing debut, along with his cousin, light middleweight Samuel Rogers. Jackson’s stepson, super heavyweight Clayton Laurent, was the only gold medalist for the U.S. in the 91+ kg division at the first Youth World Boxing Championships in 2008. He and fellow amateur boxer Lavan Maddox, who are being groomed for the 2012 Olympics, as well as Tiffany Reddick, who hopes to be the first Virgin Islands female boxer at the Olympic games, are all coached by Jackson. Jackson is intricately involved with the U.S. Virgin Islands Amateur Boxing Federation. The organization has spent more than 15 years supporting local youths in the development of their pugilistic skills. As a member of the Caribbean Amateur Boxing Association, the group has sent teams to participate in tournaments throughout the Caribbean. Five USVI amateur boxers have made the International Boxing Association’s top 50 rankings.

It’s a full court press in the Virgin Islands each November! The Paradise Jam Basketball Tournament turns up the heat with some fierce competition between the best of national college basketball players. Since 2000, the University of the Virgin Islands has partnered with Basketball Travelers, Inc. to host a series of exciting Division I competitions in its spacious 4,000-seat Sports and Fitness Center. The nationally-televised event lures fans from all over. With the exception of Carnival, it brings more visitors to St. Thomas than any other event. Most participating teams go on to play in the NCAA tournament later in the season, often placing in the Final Four. The 2011 Men’s Tournament will be held November 18 through 21 followed by the Women’s Tournament November 24 through 26. Top athletes will face off with intense hoop action, including teams from universities such as Drake, Drexel, Marquette, Mississippi, Norfolk State, Texas Christian, Virginia, Winthrop and others. Coaches and tournament staff hold basketball clinics for local youths during their stay and high school volunteers assist tournament administrators with all aspects of tournament planning. Photo © Don Hebert

St. Thomas' Top



If you are searching for the ultimate beach experience, you’ll have no trouble finding likely candidates. You may want the peace and serenity of an isolated shore or you may prefer a hot spot of water activities and people watching. St. Thomas is ringed with sun-kissed sands and sultry waters, each beach as picture perfect as the last. You’ll have to experience them all to find your favorite! Below are the island’s top ten most popular shores. Use the pull-out map in this guide for exact locations.

Bolongo Beach

Coki Beach

Snorkeling Conditions: Fair Location: South side at Bolongo Bay Beach Resort.

Snorkeling Conditions: Excellent Location: Northeast next to Coral World Marine Park.

Brewer’s Bay

Great Bay

Snorkeling Conditions: Fair Location: West end, near the University of the Virgin Islands campus.

Snorkeling Conditions: Fair Location: East end at Ritz Carlton Club.




Don Hebert












Hull Bay

Morning Star Beach

Snorkeling Conditions: Good Location: North side, west of Magens Bay.

Snorkeling Conditions: Fair Location: South side at Frenchman’s Reef & Morning Star Marriott Beach Resort.

Lindbergh Beach



Sapphire Beach

Snorkeling Conditions: Poor Location: West end on Airport Road at Island Beachcomber Resort and Emerald Beach Resort.

Snorkeling Conditions: Good Location: East end at Sapphire Beach Resort & Marina.

Magens Bay

Smith Bay Park (Linquist Beach)

Snorkeling Conditions: Poor Location: North side at the end of Route 35. $4 entrance fee, $2 car parking fee, free entrance for elderly and handicapped, covered shed rentals $100

Snorkeling Conditions: Good Location: East end between Pavilions and Pools Resort and Sapphire Beach Resort. $2 entrance fee on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays

Sun-Safe Essentials Sun and sand are quintessential to any tropical vacation, but too much of a good thing can end up ruining your stay with a painful burn. Be sun-smart with these simple beach day precautions. TIMING–The sun is strongest between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. so you may want to plan your beach time to avoid the heat of the day. Just because you spend most of your time in the water doesn’t mean you’re protected. Glare from the surface magnifies the sun and you’ll actually burn quicker. SHADE–If you decide to make a full day of it, find a shady spot or bring a beach umbrella. Remember, a cloudy day can cause a sunburn as easily as a sunny day. SUNSCREEN–The sun is stronger than you think. A waterproof sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher will help keep the red out. Re-apply each time you return from the water and don’t forget to lather your scalp if you are wearing braids. Pay particular attention to areas that rarely see the sun and your tattoos to avoid unnecessary fading.

ACCESSORIES–Turn sun protection into a

fashion statement! Your stylin’ shades should offer UV protection and be sure that sassy beach hat has a brim to shield your delicate facial skin. A sarong is a colorful and fun way to keep your skin under wraps while looking beach savvy. BOTTLED WATER–Ice-cold cocktails may be a beach essential, but as refreshing as it tastes, it will actually dehydrate you. Make every other beverage a water and keep a bottle on hand to quench your thirst wherever you go.


Take the Plunge with: Diving Instructions Sunset Charters Rod and Reel Standing on the Board Don't forget the Sunscreen!


Ready, Set, Smile It's all About the Ocean rent or you can join an informative tour led by a naturalist. V.I. Ecotours (340) 7792155 on St. Thomas, offers kayaking, hiking and snorkeling tour packages of the Marine Sanctuary and Mangrove Lagoon, Cas Cay, Caneel Bay on St. John and Hassel Island. On St. Croix, the Salt River National Historic Park and Ecological Preserve is a favorite spot for kayaking. PARASAILING Sail on the breeze or skip and skim the waves for an outrageous wet ride. Either way, a waterproof camera is a must! Tours can be set up at several water sports centers or check with your hotel concierge or charter company to schedule your airborne adventure. BOARD SPORTS Boogie boards are great for the kids and can be used at just about any beach. Surfers who want to ride the tide will find conditions perfect at Hull Bay on St. Thomas, Reef Bay on the north side of St. John, Sprat Bay on Water Island and Judith’s Fancy on St. Croix. Swells reach 6 to 8 feet between November and March. You’ll get a kick out of kiteboarding and windsurfing at Sapphire Beach and Morning Star Beach on St. Thomas and Divi Carina Bay on St. Croix. Stand-up paddling (SUP) is the latest water sports obsession, using a long board and upright paddles for steering for shoreline exploration as well as open water skimming. Equipment and lessons are readily available for rent or purchase, and SUP rentals are available on St. Thomas and St. Croix. JET SKIS AND WAVERUNNERS If you’ve got the need for speed, a motorized Personal Water Craft (PWC) such as Jet Skis and WaveRunners can race across the waves for some action-packed thrills! Single- and double-seater vehicles are available for rent by the half hour on St. Thomas and St. Croix, but they are prohibited in National Park waters.


Photo © Don Hebert

BOATING AND SAILING Both experienced sailors and not-so-experienced passengers have a limitless choice of boating opportunities. Big or small, luxurious or strictly the bare essentials, island marinas are afloat with rental and charter vessels ready to set sail and explore the seas. Hop aboard your own private vessel or join the party on a group tour. Enjoy a half-day or full-day of sailing and snorkeling, sip champagne on a sunset sail, or take a week to boldly go where no boat has gone ashore. FISHING More than 30 fishing world records have been recorded in local waters that are teeming with sea life, and fishing tournaments such as the U.S.V.I. Open Atlantic Blue Marlin Tournament attract anglers from around the world. Fishing may mean a relaxed day of hand-lining with their trusty cooler beside them, others may prefer the ultimate challenge of big game fishing on a state-of-the-art fishing boat. Wahoo, dolphin, grouper, snapper and tuna are abundant, as are large game fish such as kingfish and marlin. Most boats have adopted a catch-and-release or catch only what you can eat policy. DIVING, SNORKELING AND UNDERWATER ADVENTURES Snorkelers of all levels can get their feet wet on the marked underwater trails at Trunk Bay, St. John and Buck Island off St. Croix. Most water sports centers can set you up on a SCUBA and SNUBA guided tour. For a truly unique experience, try a walk on the sea floor in a space-age air helmet with Sea Trekkin’ or rocket under the waves on a speedy Breathing Observation Submersible Scooter (BOSS). KAYAKING Kayaking allows you a close-up look at the unique interaction of plant life, wildlife and fisheries in protected mangroves and lagoons. Many water sports centers have kayaks available for



Experience perience the

ULTIMATE Explore the brilliant undersea world with your own personal underwater motor scooter. Begin your adventure by boarding our 60 ft. custom dive yacht for a scenic cruise to the crystal clear dive site and then enjoy a guided tour of stunning tropical reefs and colorful fish of the Caribbean.

B.O.S.S. UNDERWATER ADVENTURE Call for Reservations Tel: 340-777-3549 Experience the ultimate thrill of a lifetime with your own underwater motor scooter! The B.O.S.S. will allow you to view the marvels of the sea with no diving experience necessary…and you are the driver! As you are driving underwater you will explore the brilliant undersea world and enjoy a guided tour of the stunning colorful fish and tropical reefs of the Caribbean. Join the staff of Aqua Adventures for a truly unforgettable experience!

No Diving Experience Necessary!

Call for Reservations

(340) 777-3549

Photo © Don Hebert

Teen Sailor Ian Barrows Brings Home the Gold! Photo courtesy of Barrows Family

Gold is teen sailing champion Ian Barrows’ favorite color, and he has certainly won enough of it! Ian has been sailing his entire life, and winning medals almost as long. This talented teen, a student at St. Thomas’ Antilles School, has racked up some impressive world-class awards for his prowess at the helm. He placed second in the 2005 Junior Division of the Optimist Class North American Championship and in 2006, he took third in the Peru Optimist National Championships. 2007 brought the Virgin Islands Opti team the third place award for team racing at the Optimist South American Championship, and in 2008, Ian returned to Peru to take home the first place for individual results in the South American Championships. At the 2008 Optimist World Championship the U.S. Virgin Islands team also won third place in the Miami Herald Trophy for the best overall teams in fleet racing, where Ian also placed second overall individually. Not one to rest on his laurels, in 2010, Ian was the gold medal winner at the first ever Youth Olympic Games in Singapore! Look for more sailing–and more gold–from this exceptional racer in the years to come!


Adventure tours

Your Adventure Tour Company The Screamin’ Eagle Jet Boat Tour

Parasailing Adventure

Captain Nautica’s Ultimate Snorkeling Excursion

Full day, half day and private charters available

CARIBBEAN WATERSPORTS & TOURS 6501 Red Hook Plaza Suite 201, Red Hook Premiere Clearinghouse The Caribbean’s Tel: 340-775-9360 Caribbean Water Sports & Tours–Your Adventure TourVirgin Company. The original Islands Experience charter a breathtaking, high-speed tour the on The yacht clearinghouse provides following services all boaters: jet Screamin' Eagle 650 HPtoturbo-charged boat with fun commentary and beautiful Charter Yacht Services scenery. Go parasailing and experience Phones & Faxes the thrill of power boating, hot-air balInternet Access looning, hang gliding, and parachuting Mailboxes/Mail Forwarding all in one. Have an adventure on Captain And much more! Excursion Nautica’s Ultimate Snorkeling Yacht Haven Grande,Mini Suite Boat 104 Tour or take5304 a Captain Nautica St. Thomas, VI 00802 where you are your own captain on a 14’ 1-800-934-0047 340-774-5630 • Fax boat.Tel Full day, half day and340-776-3074 private charters Or Visit Us At: available. “A World of Fun Under the Sun.” |


Captain Nautica’s Mini-Boat Tour

Tel: 340-774-3944 • Fax: 340-776-3074 Email: •

Photo © Don Hebert

VIRGIN ISLAND HOPPER Lindbergh Bay Beach Tel: 340-642-2767 VI Hopper is a one-stop water sport shop! You’ll LOVE their huge Aqua Trampoline Park; this floating entertainment center generates smiles for everyone. Banana Boat Rides is the most fun. Hold on tight as our pilots take you skimming over the water. “Jet Ski Experience” is a great option. You can jump some waves, take in some sights and see whatever Mother Nature decides to show you. All at your own speed, literally!



NAUTI NYMPH POWERBOAT RENTALS American Yacht Harbor, Red Hook Westin Resort, St. John Tel: 340-775-5066 Voted best powerboat rental of the VI by the readers of the Daily News. For the absolute best day of your vacation, rent a vessel from Nauti Nymph and explore the incredible beauty of the British and US Virgin Islands away from the crowd and at your own pace. Virgin Gorda, Norman Island, Jost Van Dyke and much more; the options are countless. As the largest and most experienced rental company of the USVI, Nauti Nymph will assist in designing your personal itinerary for a bareboat or captained daytrip. The large selection of top of the line vessels available are unsurpassed in their standard of safety, comfort and performance. 25' to 32' Fountain centerconsoles and 26’ to 28’ World Cat Catamarans, powered by reliable single or twin Yamaha engines. All boats are Coast Guard approved and fully equipped with many extras.

MAGIC MOMENTS LUXURY EXCURSIONS American Yacht Harbor, Red Hook Westin Resort, St. John Tel: 340-775-5066 Voted best activity of the VI by readers of the Daily News. Treat yourself to a true Luxury Excursion. This is a vacation experience you will never forget. The Yacht of choice is a 45’ Sea Ray. Vast cockpit space for lounging and dining, cushioned tanning areas, elegantly appointed interior with wood finish, leather upholstery, full bathrooms with corian vanity and shower. Feast on a French style continental breakfast, gourmet lunch with lobster ettouffee, chilled prawns, roast beef cheeses, homemade desserts, open bar, champagne, vintage wines and a large selection of non-alcoholic drinks. Discover the 5 most beautiful destinations in the British- and US Virgin Islands. Itineraries include Tortola, Norman Island, the Baths on Virgin Gorda, Jost Van Dyke, Sandy Cay. Sightsee, snorkel, swim, relax. Allow us to infuse Magic into your vacation. Create a Moment so special that it will last a lifetime. Regular and exclusive charters available.


charter boat rentals


SEE & SKI POWERBOAT RENTALS A Dock, American Yacht Harbor Red Hook Tel: 340-775-6265 See & Ski provides a wide variety of superior-quality, twin-engine 26-foot to 34-foot powerboats, including Prowler Cats and Scarabs, all top of the line. All are powered by the new fuel-efficient four-stroke Yamaha engines, are Coast Guard approved and come fully equipped with radios, ice chests, large Bimini tops, and built-in freshwater showers. See & Ski offers exclusive waterskiing trips, fully rigged fishing boats and sightseeing excursions. Photo © Don Hebert

HEAVENLY DAYS On Bolongo Bay Tel: 340-775-1800 The Heavenly Days is a custom-built 53’ catamaran available to visitors who appreciate first class excursions at affordable prices. Don’t miss our ‘Swim with Turtles’ half-day snorkel trip to Buck Island; snorkel gear, light snacks, and cold drinks included. Sip champagne during a 2-hour sunset cruise through Charlotte Amalie harbor or enjoy a leisurely day sail to St. John with open bar and buffet lunch included. Also available for private charters and weddings. Back at the beach– kayaks, Sunfish sailboats and windsurfers are available for rent.


ELIXIR CHARTERS Sapphire Beach Resort & Marina Tel: 340-344-3336 Elixir, a sixty-foot classic Hatteras is the largest and finest day charter yacht in the Virgin Islands. Allow us to pamper you with an eggs Benedict breakfast and a fillet Mignon and lobster tail lunch. Enjoy three fabulous snorkel/beachfront stops, as well as the kayak, double hammock, giant sun pad, air-conditioned salon with a Bose Home Theater System, and the open topshelf bar, which includes vintage wine and champagne. Unforgettable!

charter boat rentals

STORMY PETREL/PIRATE'S PENNY BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS CHARTERS Tel: 340-775-7990 Join the experienced, friendly crew of the Stormy Petrel/Pirate's Penny as they cruise the spectacular waters of the BVI. Choose from two adventures filled with comfort and attentive service. The 42-foot yacht takes a maximum of 12 guests to explore The Baths of Virgin Gorda, lunch at Cooper Island, and, in the afternoon snorkel a remote reef or sip a Painkiller at the famous Soggy Dollar Bar on Jost Van Dyke. Complimentary open bar, snorkel gear, floats, and fresh water shower. Customized Private Charters available.

They’re beautiful...They’re unspoiled... And they’re right next door. Choose from two BVI Adventures...

• Explore grottos at • Explore grottos at The Baths The Baths • Lunch on a private island • Lunch on a private island • Lounge on the beach • Snorkel remote reefs at Jost Van Dyke

Our yachts are comfortable, fully equipped cruisers, custom built in the classic tradition. Customized Private Charters Available

STORMY PETREL • PIRATE’S PENNY 12 passenger limit 340-775-7990

Photo courtesy of Elixir Charters


Waters Edge BAR

Up t EBO o 10 ATS peop le!


Full Day Special

$999 plus crew & fuel Experience the Caribbean first class, aboard one of our 40' - 52' luxury yachts. Explore the baths of Virgin Gorda, Jost Van Dyke, Norman Island, and many more.

charter boat rentals WATERS EDGE SPORTS POWER BOAT & YACHT CHARTERS Sapphire Beach Marina, East End Tel: 340-998-8433 Experience the Caribbean first-class aboard a Waters Edge powerboat. Choose from an all-inclusive 50-foot luxury yacht or 31- to 35-foot powerboats. Experienced captains will guide you through the islands of the U.S. and British Virgin Islands. Waters Edge now offers all-inclusive sport fishing charters. You can also go tubing, wakeboarding or water skiing on an extreme charter. Just a short ride to the calm waters of Magens Bay, then let the fun begin.

Photo © Don Hebert

Half lf Day Sportfishing Sp

Watch W atch

captain b ait, tackle and fuel. bait, $500 iincludes

New Model Power Boat Rentals 31’ to 35’, extra wide to ensure a smooth ride. All have bathrooms, fresh water showers & stereos. CD players and double canopies for plenty of shade.

o n Channel 4 on Mon Monthly, updated loca local events in the WhaD WhaDoYaWannaDo? segment.

uous Contin ing on m Program annel 4 h TV C


Sapphire Beach ER Marina, TUBING WAT I SK East End

The OFFICIAL Th Visitor's Information Video Program

Shopping • Recreation Dining/Nightlife Island Hints • Transportation Real Estate • Attractions Watersports • History Call 340-776-0291 to order a comprehensive DVD.

CHARTER BOAT CENTER Red Hook, next to the Ferry Dock Tel: 340-775-7990 Your free personalized service connecting you with an extensive selection of chartering options throughout the Virgin Islands. Whether you are looking to explore the luminous grottos at The Baths on Virgin Gorda, hook a blue marlin at the infamous North Drop, or simply sail off into the sunset, their charter specialists are dedicated to match you with the perfect day. SEA MORE CHARTERS Pick-up on St. Thomas or St. John Tel: 340-714-2214 Experience the Virgin Islands like a local on your private boat for the day, the 42-foot yacht Sea More. Explore St. Thomas, St. John or Jost Van Dyke and Norman Island in the BVI. Relax onboard, snorkel, enjoy a secluded beach or party at a beach bar! Accommodates up to 14 people (12 for BVI trips), has an open bar, snacks and stops for lunch. If power boating is not for you, try sailing on the Classic “BRIGADOON”. 340-998-9039 for information.

Protect our Islands Removing sea fans and living coral is against the law. Help us protect the islands' delicate ecological balance –take only pictures and leave only bubbles.

charter boat rentals

THE CHARTER BOAT CENTER The One Call Charter Reservation Service

� Sailing � BVI Trips Let our FREE personalized service help you choose from � Sportfishing an extensive collection of � Power Boats chartering options. Call 340-775-7990 � Snorkeling Trips � Day Charters � Dinner Cruises Located Dockside American Yacht Harbor � Week Charters Red Hook, St. Thomas

YOU decide where to go & what to do on the 42-foot Yacht Sea More! Pick-up on St. Thomas or St. John.

340-714-2214 sport fishing inshore and offshore

DOUBLE HEADER SPORTFISHING Sapphire Beach Marina Tel: 340-777-7317 Double Header’s fleet of three boats will take you on a half, three quarter or full day fishing adventure. They do inshore or offshore trips, specializing in live bait fishing, which increases the catch ratio. They catch all of the local species and can target monster shark trips. If you want to team up with others to share the expense, ask about their party mix trips. Double Header also picks up in St. John.


SightSeeing CruiSe/tour

St. John Island Tour

Annaberg Plantation • Trunk Bay • Mongoose Junction • And More!

Enjoy a full day excursion to beautiful St. John! Depart aboard the M/V Independent Sea conveniently from Marriott Frenchman’s Reef. Available Monday, Wednesday and Friday

340-344-6397 Email:

Protect our Islands

INDEPENDENT SEA TOURS St. Thomas & St. John Tel: 340-344-6397 Enjoy the scenic cruise from St. Thomas to St. John aboard the M/V Independent Sea on their St. John Island Tour. Experience the wonders of this beautiful Caribbean island as you tour via open bus safari. Visit historic Annaberg Plantation, snorkel the world famous underwater trail at Trunk Bay and end the day at the charming shops in Mongoose Junction. Offered Monday, Wednesday and Friday, departing from Marriott Frenchman's Reef Hotel Dock. Also available for private or group Island Tours, Harbor Cruises, Charters and Weddings.

Thanks to the Reef Ecology Foundation the precious coral reefs continue to thrive in the Virgin Islands. Visit for more information and the location of REF sponsored moorings.

YaCht CharterS

Luxury Day Charters in the Virgin Islands

Full Day, Half Day, Sunset, Moonlight or Wedding Charters Imagine yourself on your own powerful Sea Ray motor yacht skimming atop the crystal blue tropical water to an amazing snorkeling spot, a rowdy beach bar,or a private secluded white sand beach. At Chillaxin’ Yacht Charters our goal is to design a perfect day for you.

(340) 776-1211 104

CHILLAXIN’ YACHT CHARTERS Compass Point Marina Tel: 340-776-1211 Chillaxin' means simply... Chillin' and Relaxin'! It’s no secret… the Virgin Islands are one of the most spectacular destinations in the world. For the discerning adventurer they offer a day of Chillaxin' in luxury and style in the Caribbean. Imagine yourself on your own private motor yacht skimming atop the crystal blue tropical water to an amazing snorkeling spot, a rowdy beach bar, or a private secluded white sand beach... you decide!

VIRGIN ISLANDS ECOTOURS St. Thomas, Mangrove Lagoon St. John, Virgin Islands National Park, Caneel Bay Historic Hassel Island, Virgin Islands National Park, Frenchtown, St. Thomas Tel: 340-779-2155 Kayak, Hike & Snorkel Adventure of Cas Cay in St. Thomas’ Mangrove Lagoon! Kayak past many small islands in St Thomas’ Mangrove Lagoon. Enjoy a hermit crab race, a ten-minute walk to tidal pools, volcanic cliffs and a rare geologic blowhole. Snorkel in a mangrove nursery following an underwater trail to part of a shipwreck with colorful marine life. Fun for the Entire Family. Two person easy to paddle sit-on-top kayaks. 5 hour (including lunch), 3 hour and 2 1/2 hour tours. Reservations Required. Phone (340) 7792155,



ISLAND SOL The Ritz-Carlton, St. Thomas Tel: 340-775-3333 ext. 8721 Located at The Ritz-Carlton on the east end of St. Thomas, Island Sol boasts a fleet of 20 sailboats ranging from 8'-35' and a myriad of watersports activities including windsurfing, kiteboarding, stand up paddling and kayaking. A professional team of captains and certified instructors are on site to get you out exploring the waters of Great Bay and beyond. Daysails, lessons, bareboat rentals and private regattas are available daily from this unique watersports center. Experience a true watesports paradise with Island Sol!

Diving Instructions Photo courtesy of Island Sol


From Beginner to Instructor or just for fun

Serious about fun! If you are planning a dive or two on your once-in-a-lifetime vacation, chances are you will be renting your dive equipment. But if you are ready to get serious and spend significant time under the sea, owning your own equipment is a must. You can rent tanks but you should own your own mask, fins, snorkel, booties, weight belt and weights.

Red Hook DIVE Center St. Thomas USVI

AQUA MARINE St. Thomas and St. John Tel: 340 642 8701 Aqua Marine takes time to listen to your interests in order to create the perfect dive trip for you. Whether you want to experience the incredible wrecks around St. Thomas, go for a night dive, or dive beautiful coral reefs, Aqua Marine goes the extra mile to make your diving trip personalized and affordable. Aqua Marine offers all PADI certifications. At Aqua Marine every guest is a VIP. Free beverage/snack service and complimentary pick-up from hotels and villas available.

For Information on: Customs Rules and Regulations Fishing Regattas Marinas Charters and much more. Published by Media Marketing, Inc. To Advertise in this publication Phone: (340)-774-0920 email:

Boat Dives 9AM & 1PM - Night Dives Discover Scuba Diving - PADI Classes Scuba/Snorkel Gear Rental and Sales

American Yacht Harbor, Red Hook

340-777-3483 Open 7 Days - 8AM to 5PM 106

RED HOOK DIVE CENTER American Yacht Harbor, Red Hook Tel: 340-777-3483 Join the friendly and professional staff of Red Hook Dive Center for guided, small group dives to explore the lush tropical reefs on the east end of St. Thomas. The full service PADI dive shop offers two daily trips and Wednesday night dives, dive instruction, plus private charters. Stop by for rental gear, equipment servicing, Nitrox and air fills. Visit Red Hook Dive Center for snorkeling and diving accessories and gift ideas! 8 AM to 5 PM.

BLUE ISLAND DIVERS Crown Bay Marina, Suite 505 Tel 340-774-2001 Blue Island Divers is St Thomas’ wreck diving specialist, located within minutes of many well-known wrecks. The 5-star PADI dive center caters to everyone from the very experienced to the brand new diver. Enjoy small groups and personalized service from the professional, friendly staff. No experience? Try DISCOVER SCUBA! With just 30 minutes of instruction you will enjoy two dives in the ocean along with our certified divers in shallow water. A truly full service dive shop. DIVE IN! Sapphire Beach Tel: 340-777-5255 The DIVE IN! facilities on beautiful Sapphire Beach await you. All levels of scuba from beginner through Dive Master are offered. Daily Scuba and Snorkeling trips depart from the marina to the outer cays surrounding St. Thomas and St. John. The beach offers activities such as volleyball, kayaks, windsurfing, parasailing, snorkeling, or just relaxing with a cool beverage. Open 8 am to 5 pm every day. Check them out! Bring the whole family and DIVE IN! ST. THOMAS DIVING CLUB Bolongo Bay Beach Resort Tel: 340-776-2381 Dive with the local experts! St. Thomas Diving Club has more than fifty years of combined local diving experience. Enjoy small group diving and personal service from a crew that is dedicated to the safety and enjoyment of everyone that comes aboard. PADI training from beginner through Instructor. Boat diving seven days a week, their morning and afternoon trips visit two sites. Snorkelers welcome on afternoon trips. Located at Bolongo Bay Beach Resort.

Dive Lessons, Tours, saLes


St Thomas' Wreck Diving Specialists.

5-star PADI dive center No experience? Try DISCOVER SCUBA!

Authorized Dealer

340-774-2001 Crown Bay Marina • Suite 505 • St Thomas 00802 |

PADI Diving Facility and Complete Watersports Center Located on beautiful Sapphire Beach, St. Thomas 340-777-5255 • 866-434-8346 toll free Before buying dive equipment, determine the amount and type of diving you will be doing and research the right equipment for your needs.


Delicious Choices Dining St. Thomas Style The Cellar Restaurant, Photo Š Don Hebert

On the Menu: Asian Mediterranean West Indian American Steaks Seafood Mixed grill Italian


o other aspect of Virgin Islands culture is as diverse and integrated as its food. You’ll find Asian dishes topped with tropical chutney, Italian dishes with locally grown vegetables and Mediterranean cuisine with West Indian spices. Whatever style of cuisine you choose, local restaurants infuse it with just a touch of St. Thomas to make it their own. And of course a West Indian meal is in a category by itself! Eateries are as varied as the cuisine itself. Each dining experience is unique and memorable, whether it’s home-style cooking at a cozy local café, a relaxed lunch by the pool, fresh fish at a romantic seaside bistro or an elegant dinner at a sophisticated resort. There are a number of renowned chefs trained at the best culinary schools as well as many homegrown cooks with natural talent. Atmosphere, budget and taste, you’ll find a wide range to fit your criteria and satisfy your palate. The evening doesn’t end with dinner. There’s plenty of nightlife to keep you out well after dark. Sip an after dinner cocktail at a chic wine or martini bar or kick off those flip flops for a night of dancing under the stars. Check local listings for live music or pick up a free copy of the Places to Eat Map for some great dining and nightlife suggestions.

The U.S.V.I Culinary Team

And they all cook right here daily in the U.S. Virgin Islands!

Recipe for Success

Each year, countries in the region send their best chefs, pastry chefs and mixologists to the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association’s annual Taste of the Caribbean culinary competition to vie for top honors. At the 2010 competition in Puerto Rico, the U.S.V.I. Culinary Team came home with the only three colors that matter: bronze, silver and gold! Six professionals are chosen to compete on the team from the territory’s top restaurants and resorts, as well an alternate and a junior chef. The 2010 team was comprised of David Benjamin and Kunal Chakrabarti of The Ritz Carlton, Ashley Allen of Ken’s Food Mobile, Dennis Vanterpool of Marriott’s Frenchman’s Reef and Josh King of The Cellar and Pesce (formerly named East End Café) from St. Thomas, and Josh Vilain of Bacchus, alternate Negust Kaza of Tuttu Bene and 16-year-old Ethan Wyatt of St. Croix Educational Complex from St. Croix. Teams are given a mystery basket of ingredients and must create a three-course meal in four hours. The team won silver in the overall team category as well as gold and bronze in the bartending category, where Josh King won the Most Creative Vodka Drink award for the second year in a row. New team member Kunal Chakrabarti’s dessert won the first perfect score ever received in the history of the competition and won the Albert Uster Imports “Best Use of Chocolate” award. Photo courtesy of the U.S. Virgin Islands Hotel and Tourism Association



Downtown, Charlotte Amalie

s l a n d

L a t t é

St. Thomas, VI

Upscale Coffee Bar • Great Waterfront Location • Fresh Brewed Coffee • Espresso • Lattes • Frozen Drinks • Sandwiches • Locally Roasted Beans • Wireless Internet • Beer and Rum Smoothies, Too!

“Have you bean to paradise?” Corner of Raadets Gade and The Waterfront

340-777-8100 •

L inda B ean's Perfect M aine L obster R oll™

Charlotte Amalie Waterfront 340-714-1200 An 18% tip is considered standard. An automatic tip may be included on your bill so be sure to check your bill first.

Get a taste of Jamaica in St. Thomas!

Locals and visitors alike enjoy the authentic Jamaican dishes and drink specials.

Monday - Thursday, 11am - 6pm Friday and Saturday, 11am - 8pm Located on Back Street

Downtown Charlotte Amalie



R&J's ISLAND LATTE Corner of Raadets Gade and The Waterfront Tel: 340-777-8100 Missing your favorite Java Jumpstart? Look no further because R&J's has quickly become a favorite spot among locals and tourists alike! Come enjoy a Latte, Blended Ice Mocha, Frozen Fruit Smoothie, or other Signature Beverage while nibbling on homemade pastries, fresh made sandwiches, and sumptuous desserts–all in air-conditioned comfort, plus a fabulous waterfront view! And don't forget to check out the high quality merchandise for excellent gifts and souvenirs!

LINDA BEAN’S PERFECT MAINE Charlotte Amalie Waterfront Tel: 340-714-1200 A breezy and relaxing lunch destination frequented by locals and visitors. Shaded café seating with beautiful harbor views on the Charlotte Amalie waterfront. Enjoy a delicious Maine lobster or Maine shrimp roll. Grilled panini sandwiches and hot dogs. Also featuring, creamy Maine clam chowder and Linda Bean’s lobster bisque with lobster claw. We are located across from the Caneel Bay, Marriott and St. John ferries. Serving lunch daily at 11:00 am. AX, MC, Visa. TRENCHTOWN ROCK JAMAICAN RESTAURANT & BAR Back Street, Charlotte Amalie Tel: 340-774-1996 A place where locals and visitors alike can get a taste of Jamaica in St. Thomas. Dishes like Ackee & Salt Fish, Curry Chicken, Curry Goat, Jerk Chicken, Jerk Pork and their amazing combination platters like Jamaica Nice and Kingston Hot are delicious and filling. Relax and enjoy drink specials like the “Dutty Watta”, gold and green Stop Light shots and the Trenchtown Sunset. Trenchtown Rock is a must visit. Open Monday-Thursday, 11am-6pm. Friday and Saturday, 11am-8pm.

CAFÉ AMICI A.H. Riise Mall Tel: 340-714-7704 Homemade stone-oven pizzas, fresh salads, sandwiches and traditional Italian pasta dishes served in an enchanting, open-air restaurant. Cafe Amici is nestled in the stone-walled passage of a beautifully refurbished 19th century warehouse. Signature cocktails and refreshing tropical drinks will help you ease into the island mood. It's the perfect stop to relax and recharge on your shopping adventure in downtown Charlotte Amalie. Serving lunch daily, beginning at 10:30am. GLADYS’ CAFÉ Royal Dane Mall, Charlotte Amalie Tel: 340-774-6604 The N.Y. Times recommended Gladys’ Café serves excellent Caribbean cuisine in a cozy setting, rich in atmosphere with its mahogany bar and native stone walls. Local specialties include conch and fungi, saltfish and dumplings, mutton stew and their famous Bloody Marys. The good, standard breakfast is the best value in town. Lunch offerings feature various sandwiches, salads, and fresh seafood with the hot chicken salad a favorite. Gladys' own hot sauce is available for purchase and shipped worldwide.

Homemade stone-oven pizzas Fresh salads • Traditional Italian pasta • Sandwiches Signature cocktails • Refreshing tropical drinks

Serving lunch daily, beginning at 10:30 a.m. Nestled in the open-air, stone-walled passage of A.H. Riise Mall, Downtown Charlotte Amalie.

340-714-7704 •

Hot Pepper Sauce is served with just about every meal in the islands and it makes a great treat for the folks back home. Many Islanders use the traditional vinegar, herbs and peppers with a touch of fruits or vegetables, others are mustard or tomato based. The temperature soars with the scorching burn of a habanera or scotch bonnet pepper sauce while a sweet and mild mango sauce is more flavor than heat. You’ll find a selection at most souvenir shops and groceries as well as roadside vendor stands. Gladys’ Restaurant in downtown Charlotte Amalie is known for its collection of homemade sauces, from fragrant to fiery, made by Gladys herself. Photo © Don Hebert


A Caribbean Classic on St. Thomas


s Hervé Restaurant & Wine Bar celebrates its 15 year anniversary in 2011, serving fine gourmet fare atop historic Government Hill, we spotlight renowned restaurateur, Hervé Paul Chassin. A 37 year resident of St. Thomas, Hervé has brought a touch of class to every establishment during his stellar epicurean career. Whether as Food & Beverage Manager at Mahongany Run Resort (1970’s), where he oversaw multiple restaurants and bars–via golf cart–or as partner of the popular L’Escargot in town, to GM, Maitre D’ at the famous Hotel 1829 (1980’s), or his namesake restaurant (1996), locals and snow birds alike have followed Hervé. His name is synonymous with quality, consistency and class. Hervé Paul Chassin A native of France, Hervé started his culinary career as a hotel and restaurant apprentice at age 16. Trained as a captain, he went to work at the famous Hotel du Cap d’Antibes, then to London, and The Bahamas before making the Virgin Islands home. What little free time Hervé has is spent sailing “Meltemi” for fun and as a competive racer, winning trophies in the International Rolex Regattas. After sailing, his other love is his wife and partner, Paulette Keffas Chassin. Formerly an advertising executive in New York who met Hervé during a sales meeting on St. Thomas. Together, they have served top French and Caribbean cuisine in one of the most spectacular settings on St. Thomas, overlooking the historic red roofs of town and the blue-green harbor. For Virgin Island travelers, a visit to St. Thomas is not complete without dinner at Hervé Restaurant–a Caribbean classic. For information and reservations: 340-777-9703.

Happy 15th Anniversary, Hervé and Paulette!

Hervé Restaurant photo by Don Hebert

MAFOLIE HOTEL & RESTAURANT Mafolie Hill Tel: 340-774-2790 Enjoy casual, open-air fine dining 900 feet above the sparkling lights of Charlotte Amalie. As you take in the world famous view of town and the harbor at this longtime local favorite, savor the cuisine featuring fresh Caribbean Lobster, seafood, steaks, and nightly specials. Excellent service, moderate prices and happy hour 5 to 7 p.m. Dinner from 6 to 10 p.m. Call for Reservations. Free shuttles to the beach and downtown for hotel guests. ATLANTIC SEAFOOD & INTERNET CAFÉ Across from Cyril E. King Airport Entrance Gate, West End Tel: 340-774-1533 Featuring Caribbean Fusion and Seafood Cuisine prepared fresh and the way you want. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served Mon.-Sat. 6am to 7:30pm & Sun. 6am to 5pm in the casual, comfortable patio setting. Atlantic Seafood specializes in take-out service to go on the plane. Why wait in the airport lounge when you can get a top-notch meal at a reasonable price before or after your flight? They also cater private parties, private jets and business events. Need to get connected? Search the web at their Internet Café. AY QUE RICO! MEXICAN RESTAURANT Located behind Pueblo Supermarket in Subbase/Crown Bay Tel: 340-715-7997 Affordable, fresh, authentic Mexican food featuring specialty Margaritas and Mojitos. Ay Que Rico! is a family-oriented, moderately priced, friendly, fun, casual, local-owned cafe with comfortable decor. Daily specials like two-for-one tacos on Tuesdays. Live Music Friday Nights. Quiet and comfortable video gaming lounge. Easy to find with ample free parking. Fast takeout available. Closed Sundays.

Around the Island

“Some of St. Thomas’ most reasonably priced accommodations and a view that even the top resorts can’t match.” - NY Times

Voted “Best Dining View” in the Virgin Islands




Fresh Seafood...

Prepared the way you want! Caribbean Fusion and Seafood Cuisine prepared in a casual setting. We also cater private parties, private jets & business events.

Serving Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner: Mon.-Sat. 6am to 7:30pm & Sun. 6am to 5pm.

Specializing in Take Out Service To Go On The Plane! Need to get connected? N Search the web at our Internet Cafe. S


Located at the Cyril E. King Airport Entrance St. Thomas

With origins in Africa, Puerto Rico, other West Indian islands and Europe, Virgin Islands’ cuisine is colorful and diverse.


Food and Fun in Frenchtown

Bar & Restaurant

Casual & Friendly Waterfront Dining

Enjoy our bright, breezy, open air restaurant Dinner Monday - Saturday, 6:00 - 10:00 pm Specializing in the freshest lobster& seafood right off the dock Steak, chicken & pasta dishes too Lunch Monday - Saturday, 11:30 am - 4:00 pm Great burgers, sandwiches & salads, daily blue plate specials S unday Brunch 10:00am - 2:30 pm The best eggs benedict on the island, along with a variety of omlettes, steak & eggs, etc. A favorite with locals and tourists alike! Kids menu • Private dining room for parties up to 20

Frenchtown, St.Thomas



BELLA BLU Frenchtown Tel: 340-774-4349 The place to “see and be seen.” Cool surroundings and hip people are the order of the day at this eatery devoted to food featuring Mediterranean and Austrian specialties and homemade desserts. Dine in air-conditioned comfort or al fresco. Artwork featuring Caribbean artists graces the walls of the dining room and the ever-changing wine list boasts a very good selection at reasonable prices. Visit their sister restaurant next door–PIE WHOLE –for fresh, handmade pizzas and pastas. Everything is made from scratch!

Local Island Dishes A paté is a deep fried spiced meat pastry similar to a turnover, served anytime. A roti is a filling flat bread wrap generously stuffed with savory curry spices, chick peas, potatoes, a choice of meats, and of course, some hot sauce. Salt fish is an old method of preserving fish, usually cod, given to plantation slaves as a source of cheap nutrition, but has remained popular in West Indian cuisine. Kallaloo is a local favorite. This spinach soup is usually made with a generous helping of hot peppers! HOOK, LINE & SINKER Frenchtown Tel: 340-776-9708 Only a short and pleasant stroll along Charlotte Amalie's breeze-swept waterfront, is the picturesque harbor side community of Frenchtown, where you’ll find one of St. Thomas' special hideaways, Hook Line & Sinker. Since 1987, the restaurant has offered casual and friendly waterfront dining and has been a favorite gathering spot for both locals and visitors alike. Not only is the food excellent, the service friendly and attentive, but the bright, breezy, open-air atmosphere is magical.

ENKAI SUSHI BAR Gregory East Marina behind Frenchtown Tel: 340-774-6254, Enkai Sushi Bar St Thomas If joyful experiences come to you in flavors, you will find them on the menu at this surprising oasis. Tucked away on the waters edge off the beaten path beyond Frenchtown, eclectic art and exotic lanterns give an intimate glow. Sushi here can be delicate, extravagant or classic. Each roll has something special to offer with bold flavors and the freshest ingredients. Rely on the highly knowledgeable staff to recommend dishes, sake and appropriate wine. Dessert here is homemade and beyond luscious. Enkai, sushi made with love and dedication. EPERNAY WINE BAR & BISTRO Frenchtown Tel: 340-774-5348 A warm inviting traditional French bistro nestled in the heart of Frenchtown is now in its 20th year. Epernay offers a wide variety of classic French cuisine including fresh local caught seafood, signature steaks and daily specials. Enjoy the island’s most extensive selection of wines and Champagnes from around the world. Have lunch overlooking the harbor or dine in an intimate atmosphere perfect for that special night out. Friday and Saturday nights come experience our NYC inspired lounge, unique in St. Thomas.

Delicate, Extravagant or Classic Sushi. Freshest Ingredients. Oceanside Tropical Dining.

And don’t miss our Nightly Sushi Specials! Gregorie East Marina, behind Frenchtown Find us on Facebook

774-MAKI (774-6254)

French Bistro & Wine Bar Call for Reservations

340.774.5348 Frenchtown, St. Thomas



he recent push to keep it green has many restaurants and athome chefs going back to their roots–literally! Virgin Islanders have reentered the green scene with a resur-

Good Good for You! gence of interest in locally grown products. With a long history in the field of agriculture, local farmers are prolific. They grow a large variety of produce such as leafy greens, cucumbers, hot peppers, tomatoes, corn and squash. Thyme, rosemary and cilantro are cultivated along with local favorites such as lemongrass and bush teas. They also grow succulent tropical fruits such as mangos, papayas, bananas, limes and more. You may find some locally grown produce in the local grocery store, but

to get the best of the fresh, buying direct from the farmer is the way to go. On the first and third Sundays of every month, a farmer’s market is held on the promenade of the Yacht Haven Grande megayacht marina. You’ll find freshly picked fruits and vegetables as well as homemade chutneys, jams, jellies, breads, muffins, juices and arts & crafts. You can also get fresh produce downtown at Market Square on Saturday mornings and in front of the Lionel Roberts Stadium throughout the week. Head to Frenchtown’s Gustave Quetel Fish Market to buy fish fresh off the boat early on Saturday mornings. Towards the west, the Bordeaux Farmer’s Market is held on the last Saturday of the month, with fresh produce, cooked foods, crafts, music and activities for the kids for a full day of fun. On St. Croix, the newly renovated Ann E. Heyliger Vegetable Market on Queen Street in Frederiksted overflows with fresh fruits, vegetables, plants, local drinks, tarts and cakes. For more information contact GrowVI, an organization supporting the production and distribution of locally grown, organic produce, at

The Farmer's Market at Yacht Haven Grande showcasing local farmers and crafts.


FAT TURTLE Yacht Haven Grande Tel: 340-775-8328 …WHERE YOU COME OUT OF YOUR SHELL! Sip exotic cocktails on the water’s edge at Yacht Haven Grande! Experience Fat Turtle, a Rockin' Caribbean Roadhouse, featuring seafood, creative-fun sandwiches, great salads, and more. Dancing every Friday night, Flashback/Theme Parties every Saturday night starting at 10:30pm, Live Entertainment on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the courtyard 2:30-5:30pm, and special concerts throughout the season...please call for info. Open 7 days week serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. Happy Hour daily, 4pm to 7pm. Visit our website at or call (340) 775-8328. WIKKED OCEANSIDE DINING Yacht Haven Grande Tel: 340-777-8WKD (8953) Wikked is a handmade house; EVERYTHING is made from scratch daily and always fresh! They are sustainably responsible, using local farmers and fishermen when possible. The menu selection ranges from Pan-Caribbean to inspired American. Wikked serves the most diverse and eclectic wine list on island, including 12 wines by the glass. Enjoy their friendly, knowledgeable bartenders and fun, creative bar menus. Live music on selected nights, Wikked is the place for jazz.

YAC H T H AV E N G R A N D E St. Thomas

pan caribbean oceanside dining

eat, drink...relax.

fresh local seafood, certified angus steaks, vegetarian entrees, eclectic wine & cocktail selections to choose from!! YACHT HAVEN GRANDE

340.777. 8WKD (8953)


3 Convenient Locations

McDONALD’S Lockhart Garden 340-774-3240 Tutu Park Mall 340-775-4691 Frenchtown 340-774-5246 Looking for a great meal at the right price? Go to McDonald’s, the world’s favorite restaurant for everyday Value Meals, Happy Meals, desserts, ice-cold beverages and crispy golden french fries. While you relax and enjoy your meal, the kids can play at the indoor playground at Lockhart Gardens and Tutu Park Mall. Or visit scenic Frenchtown right on the harbor. McDonald’s welcomes you every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I’m lovin’ it!


Above Town

Stunning Views... Award-Winning...

A relaxing, spacious restaurant set within Bluebeard’s Castle Resort

Privately owned and operated. Delicious continental, international and regional cuisine incuding fresh seafood, steaks, chicken, vegetarian dishes and homemade desserts. Sunset Happy Hour 5pm to 7pm. Largest climate-controlled wine room. Private dining room available. A/C. Open Mon-Sat 5-11pm. Reservations recommended: 340-774-2377

Havensight Mall Area

ROOM WITH A VIEW RESTAURANT AND WINE BAR Historic Bluebeard’s Castle Tel: 340-774-2377 A favorite of locals and visitors alike, Room with a View offers spectacular views of Charlotte Amalie harbor, cruise ships and the setting sun. Privately owned and operated, the island's most popular restaurant is renowned for its tantalizing array of the freshest fish, seafood, lobster with filet mignon, steaks, pasta, salads, soups, vegetarian dishes and tropical fruit flambés. Winner of Wine Spectator Award of Excellence 2010…now eight years running! Comfortable A/C. Open Monday-Saturday 5pm-11pm. Sunset Happy Hour 5-7pm (bar only). Private room upstairs available for weddings, receptions, meetings and special occasions, for 2 to 40 persons.

Sunset Happy Hour Daily from 5 pm–7 pm (only available at the bar) $5 Martinis $5 Wine By The Glass $5 Appetizer Specials

Room With A View

Bluebeard's Castle 774-2377

READY FOR A HOME COOKED MEAL? From traditional dishes to unique creations, our breakfast rocks!


All in air-conditioned comfort!

Serving the best breakfast and lunch on island 7 am - 4 pm, Monday through Saturday 8 am - 3 pm, Sunday. Dinner on Thurs., Fri. and Sat. 5:30 - 9:30 (last seating)

Check out our menu at


DELLY DECK RESTAURANT Havensight Mall Tel: 340-776-9943 Feeding St. Thomas since 1976. Discover what the locals have known for nearly 34 years: Delly Deck is THE place to have THE best breakfast or lunch on the island. MonSat 7am-4pm and Sun 8am-3pm. Serving dinner Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 5:30 - 9:30 pm (last seating). Try the Eggs Benedict with Smoked Turkey, Blueberry Pancakes, a Breakfast Burrito or for lunch, try the Chicken Cheese Steak or Cancun Salad. Air-conditioned seating or patio dining.

HOOTERS Buccaneer Mall, Havensight Tel: 340-693-WING Hooters is now in St. Thomas! The world famous Hooters Girls serving all your favorites. Choose from a wide variety of sandwiches, burgers, seafood and their nearly famous wings. Full bar, friendly service and fun and games for the entire family. Don't forget to take home a memory of your trip by shopping for St. Thomas Hooters Gear. Located at Buccaneer Mall, opposite Havensight Mall. Where the Cruise Ships dock!


Photo courtesy of

Watch W atch o n Channel 4 on Mon Monthly, updated loca local events in the WhaD WhaDoYaWannaDo? segment.

uous Contin ing on m Program annel 4 h C TV

The OFFICIAL Th Visitor's Information Video Program

Shopping • Recreation Dining/Nightlife Island Hints • Transportation Real Estate • Attractions Watersports • History Call 340-776-0291 to order a comprehensive DVD.


IGGIES BEACH BAR & GRILL On Bolongo Bay Tel: 340-693-2600 There's always something going on at Iggies! St. Thomas’ favorite beach bar is famous for steamed crab, family-size platters, burgers, and BBQ. Wednesday it’s the Cruzan Carnival Extravaganza and on Sunday kick back with sports on the TVs and All You Can Eat Beach BBQ. Live music almost every night. Open 7 days– 11:30am to 11pm and drinks until… THE LOBSTER GRILLE On Bolongo Bay Tel: 340-775-1800 Where the “Surf Meets the Turf” on beautiful Bolongo Bay. Specializing in Caribbean lobster–by the pound or in tantalizing specials created by the chef each evening. Fresh fish, sensational steaks, and delectable homemade desserts round out this mouth-watering menu. Enjoy a lively happy hour at the poolside bar with cool ocean views–a true island experience. Dinner served 6:00pm to 9:30pm. Reservations recommended.

Caribbean lobsters, panulirus argus, are not really true lobsters at all. They are one of over 45 different species of clawless sea crayfish. You’ll also hear them referred to as spiny or rock lobsters. “Coldwater tails” are caught off the coasts of South Africa, New Zealand and Australia, while “warmwater tails” are found in the Caribbean, Florida, and Brazil. The tail is generally the only edible part. They typically grow to between one and five pounds, but can often grow much larger. You’ll instantly see the difference. Besides the lack of claws, the Caribbean lobster’s distinctive thick tail is darker red with yellow spots and a yellow band. The meat is whiter and long, thick, spiny antennae sprout from the head. They may look a bit different but the taste is very similar. You won’t be disappointed!


FRENCHMAN’S REEF & MORNING STAR MARRIOTT BEACH RESORT Tel: 340-776-8500 Explore different lunch and dining options at Frenchman’s Reef Marriott. Enjoy an openair lunch at Sunset Bar & Grill and all-American dishes while looking at your favorite sport events in Captains Café. Have lunch or dinner on the beach at Coco Joe’s where Seafood & Grill Buffets are served. For a memorable evening, enjoy the spectacular view from Windows on the Harbour, while dining on gourmet steak and seafood prepared by our Executive Chef. ACACIA RESTAURANT Magen’s Point Resort, Northside Tel: 340-776-0474 Acacia Restaurant offers casual cuisine with a Caribbean twist. Try the house specialty–Cruzan Rum Glazed Ribs or the Famous Acacia Burger. Every menu item is always under thirty dollars. The airconditioned dining room offers romantic elegance while the poolside al fresco dining offers great views and a casual ambiance. Acacia has great service from a fun attentive staff. Open for lunch and dinner 7 days and weekend Brunch. It is the bestkept secret on the Northside.

Casual cuisine with a Caribbean twist. Air-Conditioned Dining. Serving lunch & dinner 7 days a week with a weekend brunch. Magen’s Point Resort, Northside



St Thomas' most popular

Seafood Bistro!

A Romantic Setting

with the Freshest Seafood

Open 7 nights, 6 to 10 pm Watergate Villas, Bolongo Bay


Call ahead to reserve waterfront seating

MIM’S SEASIDE BISTRO Bld. 15 Watergate Villas, Bolongo Bay Tel: 340-775-2081 Tucked away on the waters edge is St Thomas' most popular seafood bistro! Known for its romantic setting and the freshest seafood, like their award winning coconut curry lobster, baked stuffed lobster and a favorite for all, the shrimp and crab in lobster cream sauce. Thursday is all you can eat SHRIMP! Mim's has juicy hand cut steaks, chicken and pasta too. Open 7 nights, 6 to 10 pm. Call ahead to reserve waterfront seating. Children's menu too!

Maubi If you attend Carnival or any local fairs you may wonder what that plastic jug overflowing with brown, frothy liquid contains. Maubi is a spicy drink made from the bark of a hardwood dry forest tree and fermented with plenty of sugar, orange peel, cinnamon and cloves. Non-alcoholic, it is widely believed to be an aphrodisiac. The strongly sweet, woody flavor is often said to be an acquired taste. You won’t find it served at many restaurants; maubi is usually made at home. MAKING A WINE SELECTION? Ask your server or sommelier for a suggestion on pairing your entree with the perfect wine.

Serving Dinner Nightly. Closed Tuesdays.


Reservations Recommended Complimentary Valet Parking

Mahogany Run Golf Course • St. Thomas

a steakhouse. a seafood house. Your house for a memorable evening.


THE OLD STONE FARMHOUSE Mahogany Run Tel: 340-777-6277 The Old Stone Farmhouse–a steakhouse, a seafood house, YOUR house for a memorable evening. The 200-year-old plantation house has been meticulously restored to offer guests a food, wine and service journey providing a dining experience that will be remembered forever. Local fish, tender braised meats, and sauces reduced to perfection after hours of braising produces liquid gold. These are the cornerstones of cooking at The Old Stone Farmhouse. Serving dinner nightly. Closed Tuesdays. blog=

JACK’S RESTAURANT Tillett Gardens in Tutu Tel: 340-776-WING (9464) Savor a basket of The Virgin Islands' "Best Chicken Wings", or “Best Finger Lick’in” Burgers, Salads, Wraps, Sandwiches and homemade desserts in the peaceful setting of Tillett Gardens. Live music complements an outdoor, casual, limin' atmosphere. Relax, enjoy and remember, "If you haven't tried our Wings, or our new Sunday Brunch, you don't know Jack!" Open for lunch and dinner Monday through Saturday 11am-10pm, Sunday Brunch 10am-3pm. Call for our entertainment schedule. Facebook: Jack’s Crew

Enjoy a Taste of the Caribbean CRUZAN RUM, SIMPLY DELICIOUS Cruzan Confusion 1 part Cruzan Coconut Rum 1 part Cruzan Mango Rum splash of pineapple juice Combine ingredients together with ice in a tall glass. Garnish with lime and mango wedges.

American Yacht Harbor Red Hook

ROBERT'S AMERICAN GRILLE Elysian Beach Resort Tel: 340-714-3663 Offering upscale food in an unpretentious environment with warm and attentive service, Robert's American Grille promises patrons a dining experience to be savored. Enjoy chef/owner Kevin Kueppers' unique contemporary regional American fare in a relaxed open-air setting. Creating sophisticated and eclectic dishes, chef Kueppers embellishes world cuisine with a kiss of island flavor. Don’t miss Robert’s sister’s new restaurant, Ainsley’s Beachside Café, conveniently located just down the beach and serving delicious thin-crust stoneoven pizzas. CARIBBEAN SALOON American Yacht Harbor, Red Hook Tel: 340-775-7060 A fun, casual atmosphere with a Caribbean flair! The Caribbean Saloon overlooks the American Yacht Harbor marina and St. John for a beautiful harbor view. Join them for lunch or dinner seven days a week and enjoy the signature steaks, pastas, seafood and more, with an extensive late night menu. Sports fans will enjoy the large screen TV’s in air-conditioned comfort. DJ, live music and large late night menu. FISH TAILS BAR & GRILL Adjacent to Red Hook Ferry Terminal Tel: 340-714-3188 If you are looking for a great waterfront dining experience, with the freshest seafood in St Thomas, Fish Tails is the place for you! Fresh, daily specials and a menu with something for everyone, keep our customers coming back. Casual, family friendly waterfront dining makes Fish Tails the perfect spot to begin or end your day. Open daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner, 7:00 am–10:00 pm. Happy Hour everyday 3:00–6:00 pm.


THE CELLAR American Yacht Harbor, Red Hook Tel: 340-715-1442 “The Food & Wine Pairing Destination of the Caribbean” The Cellar’s menu boasts Contemporary American cuisine with exotic meats and local fish caught daily, expertly created by their team of passionate chefs and delivered to you by a staff of professional and caring servers to ensure courses of unparalleled quality. This combined with their extensive wine list featuring all major regions and styles of wine, a creative cocktail menu, and a warm and cozy, modern atmosphere guarantees a dining experience like no other. Open Daily: Dinner 5-11pm, Bar 5-until.

Progressive American & Seafood Cuisine • Wine Bar • Martinis

‘The Food & Wine Pairing Destination of the Caribbean’ The Cellar offers Contemporary American cuisine including fresh local fish and lobster dishes, beef wellington, truffle macaroni and cheese and homemade desserts. Accompany your meal with a selection from our extensive wine list or creative signature cocktail menu. The Cellar is the perfect place for dinner, appetizers or late-night bites. Due to ever-growing popularity, reservations are strongly recommended.

Open daily: Dinner 5pm – 11pm, Bar 5pm - until... American Yacht Harbor, Red Hook


PESCE American Yacht Harbor, Red Hook Tel: 340-715-1442 “An Italian & Seafood Family Restaurant” Pesce provides a true Italian ambiance with an inviting family setting. Enjoy your favorite Italian cuisine or delight yourself with one of their more progressive Italian dishes on the chef’s Cucina Novella Menu. All dishes are prepared using only the freshest ingredients, including fresh local fish caught daily. Also open for lunch seven days a week and brunch on the weekends, Pesce is perfect for family gatherings or a romantic candlelit dinner for two. Open Daily: Lunch 11am–4pm. Dinner 4pm–10pm. Brunch Saturdays and Sundays 11am–2pm.

Fine Italian l &S Seafood f d cuisine featuring fresh seafood, authentic Italian entrees and homemade desserts. Extensive wine list and large selection of fine spirits. Our always warm and attentive staff will cater to your every need in our inviting, family-friendly atmosphere. Pesce is always a favorite with locals and visitors alike!

Lunch served daily, 11am – 4pm Brunch served Saturdays & Sundays, 11am – 2pm Dinner served daily, 4pm – 10pm

American Yacht Harbor, Red Hook 340-715-1442


Fruit Flavored! Although most visitors are familiar with the more popular tropical fruits found in the Virgin Islands, mango, passion fruit and papaya. There is an abundance of exotic lesser known taste treats to discover! Soursop (Annona muricata, also known as guanabana) The soursop grows up to 12 inches long and may weigh as much as 5.5 pounds. Its leathery green skin with spiny knobs conceals a white creamy pulp with black seeds. The mildflavored pulp is eaten raw or used in a variety of drinks and ice creams. Soursop tea, fruit, and juice are commonly used to treat maladies ranging from stomach ailments to insomnia. Genip (Melicoccus bijugatus, also known as Spanish lime, honeyberry or ackee) This large tropical tree is abundant and blossoms with both small fragrant greenish-white flowers and clusters of small, round fruits. A thick, leathery green rind protects a large pit covered in juicy, yellowish translucent flesh. The best way to eat a genip is to split the skin and pop the entire seed in your mouth, scraping off the sweet-tart flesh with your teeth. The pulp stains brown and was used by the Arawak Indians to dye cloth. Star fruit (Averrhoa carambola, AKA carambola or five fingers) The bushy, broad carambola tree produces clusters of aromatic pink or lavender flowers. The golden yellow star fruit looks like a drop of liquid sunshine. Three to six inches long, this


waxy fruit is star-shaped when cross-sectioned. Its juicy, crisp flesh with a sweet to mildly tart taste is commonly used in salads, desserts, tarts, preserves, chutneys and stews and makes a lovely garnish. Sea grape (Coccoloba uvifera) The sea grape can be found lining most beaches in the Virgin Islands. This shrub or small tree is easily distinguishable by its large, rounded glossy leaves with reddish veins. Its tiny flowers are yellowish white and its clusters of berries are similar in appearance to grapes. Berries are initially green, and turn orange, red and finally dark burgundy when ripe and contain a single large pit. Although mostly bitter when freshly picked, berries are prepared in jellies and jams with a sweet acidic taste. Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) The evergreen tamarind tree can grow to a height of 80 feet, with a broad canopy of feathery leaves prolific with hanging pods. Pods contain several seeds surrounded by a tart brown flesh used in chutneys, preserves, and drinks. A tamarind “stew� is a sweet-tart island treat, and tamarind balls mixed with sugar and spices are a popular confection. Tamarind fruit and leaves are believed to combat a number of illnesses, including scurvy, liver disorders, diarrhea, dysentery, diabetes, and eye irritations.


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�340� 775�3333

GREAT BAY LOUNGE The Ritz-Carlton Tel: 340-775-3333 Great Bay Lounge is a casual island-inspired retreat with an eclectic menu that features a variety of cultural creations from around the world. Take a seat at the sushi bar and watch the chef prepare the freshest and highest quality sushi. A superb selection of cigars, wines, tropical delights and tasting options are offered. A large wood deck and terrace accommodates guests who prefer to sit outdoors and enjoy the ocean breezes and moonlight views of St. John. Bluewater Kobe Beef Photo by Ben Fink Courtesy of The Ritz Carlton, St. Thomas


Relax, You're Home Photo © Don Hebert


No matter where you go for your vacation, your biggest concern is where you’ll call home during your stay. The right (or wrong) accommodations can make or break your holiday, but each traveler has a different idea as to what constitutes the perfect island getaway. The U.S Virgin Islands welcomes visitors with all types of lodging preferences. From opulent resorts to all-inclusive properties, upclose with nature at an eco-camp to the intimacy of a historic bed and breakfast, you’ll be able to match your ideal living quarters with the ideal location. The U.S. Virgin Islands is home to a number of world-class resorts for those who appreciate the very best. Secluded villas and private homes for rent are available for


those who value their privacy. Boutique hotels, guesthouses and interval ownership properties offer even more options to make island visitors feel right at home. It’s all about your own personal comfort level. Your expectations can always be exceeded! A listing of popular resorts, guesthouses and vacation homes is included in this guide or contact the U.S. Virgin Islands Hotel & Tourism Association at (340) 774-6835 or at

ST. THOMAS HOTELS BELLAviSTA ScOTT HOTEL 340-714-5500 BEST WESTErn cAriB BEAcH rESOrT 340-774-2525 800-792-2742 WIFI BEST WESTErn EMErALd BEAcH rESOrT 340-777-8800 800-233-4936 WIFI BLuEBEArd’S BEAcH cLuB 340-776-4770 800-438-6493 WIFI BLuEBEArd’S cASTLE 340-774-1600 866-323-0450 WIFI BOLOngO BAy BEAcH cLuB 340-775-1800 800-524-4746 WIFI BunkEr HiLL HOTEL 340-774-8056 WIFI

ELySiAn BEAcH rESOrT 340-775-1000 800-347-8182 WIFI FrEncHMAn’S cOvE MArriOT 340-693-4800 800-624-7468 WIFI FrEncHMAn’S rEEF & MOrning STAr MArriOTT BEAcH rESOrT 340-776-8500 800-524-2000 WIFI iSLAnd BEAcHcOMBEr HOTEL 340-774-5250 WIFI MAFOLiE HOTEL 340-774-2790 800-225-7035 WIFI PALMS cOurT HArBOrviEW HOTEL 340-774-5292 877-407-2567 WIFI PAviLiOnS And POOLS HOTEL 340-775-6110 800-524-2001 WIFI

BELLAVISTA SCOTT HOTEL: Havensight Area, St.Thomas; Tel: 340-714-5500; Comfort with a condominium concept...that's the Bellavista Scott Hotel. All of the units are completely furnished including a fully equipped kitchen. Located just minutes from Havensight Cruise ship dock and 2 1/2 miles from downtown Charlotte Amalie, home of the most outstanding shopping experience in the Caribbean. Bellavista Scott Hotel caters to the needs of the business executive, or a full family on vacation.

BEST WESTERN CARIB BEACH RESORT: 70-C Lindbergh Bay, St. Thomas; Tel: 800-792-2742; Completely renovated 100% ocean front room, with private balcony, A/C, free wifi, and flat screen TV. Free Daily shuttle to our sister proterty Emerald Beach Resort.

BEST WESTERN EMERALD BEACH RESORT: 8070 Lindbergh Bay, St. Thomas; Tel: 800-233-4936; 100% Beach Front Rooms. Experience St. Thomas’ best kept secret. Lounge under lush palms, wade in Lindbergh Bays’ cool waters, take a dip in the waterfall pool, or enjoy waterfront dining at the Portobello Restaurant. Exercise facilities onsite, along with wedding services and meeting accommodations. All rooms are equipped with complimentary high speed internet, refrigerators, coffee makers, A/C, safes, flat screen TV’s, private balcony, and a breathtaking ocean view.

BOLONGO BAY BEACH RESORT: Southside, Bolongo Bay, St. Thomas; Tel: 340-775-1800; Family owned and managed for 35 years, Bolongo is known for its’ friendly, attentive service and relaxed, tropical atmosphere. Just 65 ocean view rooms nestled along a 1,000 ft. palm-lined beach with complimentary non-motorized water sports and Scuba lesson. Enjoy dining at two popular restaurants - the Lobster Grille featuring fresh seafood, lobster and steaks or Iggies with a casual beach-fare menu and the weekly Carnival & Limbo Show. All Inclusive or room-only plans available.


ST. THOMAS HOTELS continued POinT PLEASAnT RESORT 340-775-7200 800-524-2300 WIFI THE RiTz-CARLTOn, ST. THOMAS 340-775-3333 800-241-3333 WIFI THE RiTz CARLTOn CLUB 340-775-3333 888-856-4407 WIFI SAPPHiRE BEACH RESORT & MARinA 340-775-6100 800-874-7897 WIFI SECRET HARBOUR BEACH RESORT 340-775-6550 800-524-2250 WIFI WinDWARD PASSAGE HOTEL 340-774-5200 800-524-7389 WIFI WynDHAM SUGAR BAy RESORT & SPA 340-777-7100 800-927-7100 WIFI

ST. THOMAS GUEST HOUSES, innS AT HOME in THE TROPiCS 340-777-9857 CRySTAL PALACE 340-777-2277 866-502-2277


Aerial of Wyndham Sugar Bay Resort & Spa, Photo © Don Hebert

BUNKER HILL HOTEL: 2307 Commandant Gade, St. Thomas; Tel: 340-774-8056; A unique, small, affordable, clean Bed & Breakfast Inn located in the Historic District area of Charlotte Amalie. Come and enjoy the serene and comfortable accommodations. From the balconies and common areas enjoy a breathtaking view of the downtown harbor and surrounding hillsides, littered with charming 17th century Danish architecture including the Governor's Mansion. Just a few minutes walking distance to many points of interest.

FRENCHMAN'S REEF & MORNING STAR MARRIOTT BEACH RESORT: Tel: 340-776-8500; Frenchman's Reef & Morning Star Marriott Beach Resort provides guests with casually-sophisticated accommodations overlooking a secluded beach and the Caribbean's most beautiful natural harbor, Charlotte Amalie. With 479 hotel rooms and surrounded by Caribbean waters, the hotel provides luxury accommodations in an exclusive setting. With 5 restaurants, 6 bars and 3 swimming pools, Frenchman's promises an unparalleled Caribbean vacation.

SECRET HARBOUR BEACH RESORT: East End, St. Thomas; Tel: 340-775-6550; A unique boutique resort experience on tropically landscaped beachfront and hillside. This 69-unit all-suite resort features individually decorated units with full kitchen and bathroom(s), AC, cable TV, DVD player, in-room safe, private patio or balcony and high speed or wireless internet. Enjoy the white sand beach, tennis courts, freshwater pool and Jacuzzi, fitness center, spa services, 3-Meal a day restaurant, PADI water sports center and full service conference facility.

WYNDHAM SUGAR BAY RESORT & SPA: 6500 Estate Smith Bay, St. Thomas; Tel: 340-777-7100; St. Thomas’s only true All-Inclusive resort, the Wyndham Sugar Bay is perched mountainside surrounded by breathtaking views of the Caribbean Sea and neighboring islands. The resort features 294 rooms with ample amenities, including: a spa and fitness center, secluded beach, three freshwater pools, various restaurants & lounges and a comprehensive schedule of daily activities.


ST. THOMAS GUEST HOUSES, INNS GAllEON HOUSE BEd & BrEAkfAST INN 340-774-6952 800-524-2052 WIFI THE GrEEN IGUANA HOTEl 340-776-7654 WIFI THE INN AT VIllA OlGA 340-715-0900 800-524-4746 WIFI ISlANd VIEw GUEST HOUSE 340-774-4270 800-524-2023 WIFI MIllEr MANOr HOTEl & GUEST HOUSE 340-774-1535 888-229-0762 WIFI



CAlypSO rEAlTy, p.C. 340-774-1620 800-747-4858 WIFI COldwEll BANkEr STOUT rEAlTy 340-776-7653 888-801-8784 some WIFI MClAUGHlIN ANdErSON lUxUry VIllAS 340-776-0635 800-537-6246 some WIFI pArAdISE prOpErTIES 340-775-0111 800-524-2038 WIFI VIllA MArBEllA SUITES 340-643-2692 WIFI

Located on Water IsLand 340-776-5488 877-502-7225



GALLEON HOUSE BED & BREAKFAST INN: 31 Kongens Gade, St Thomas; Tel: 340-774-6952; Galleon House offers a delightful alternative to the large hotels. An oasis in downtown Charlotte Amalie. The unique in-town location is convenient to a variety of restaurants, major shopping, walking tours and the ferries to St. John, St Croix and the BVI. Only 3.5 miles from the airport and minutes from world class beaches and attractions. Your stay includes breakfast, harbor view rooms offering breathtaking views, swimming pool, cable TV with HBO, Internet access.

McLAUGHLIN ANDERSON LUXURY VILLAS: Tel: 800-537-6246 & 340-776-0635; Sumptuous private homes for the perfect Caribbean holiday - from hilltop estates with ocean views that go on forever, to seaside dream homes where you can lie back with friends or family and laze away tranquil days by your own private pool. We offer beautiful villas on seven Caribbean islands. Attentive service and lots of local knowledge. Virtual tours, custom rate quotes and full details at

PARADISE PROPERTIES: Sapphire Village & Crystal Cove Villas, East End; Tel: 800-524-2038; Discover the freedom and privacy of condo vacations in St. Thomas. Choose the best locations - 1 & 2 bedroom units at beachfront Crystal Cove Villas or studio and 1- bedroom units at Sapphire Village, perched hillside overlooking the ocean and marina. All condos feature fully equipped kitchens, pools, tennis & access to beautiful beaches. Amenities within Sapphire Beach Resort include water sports, restaurants, entertainment and white sand beach.

VILLA MARBELLA SUITES: Frenchman’s Bay, St. Thomas; Tel: 340-643-2692; There are vacations…and then there are vacations which recalibrate the soul, refresh the body, and clear the mind. Villa Marbella Suites offers a truly unique combination of privacy as well as proximity to the best beaches, shopping and dining in St. Thomas. Villa Marbella delivers unbeatable sunsets, an inviting pool, luxurious accommodations… and all rooms offer separate living and sleeping areas and porches! Turn key villa marketing/management and villa rental services provided by Pdise, Inc.


St. Thomas-St. John Ferry Schedule All times and rates are subject to change without notice. Please call in advance for more information.

TransporTaTion services: (340) 776-6282 From: red Hook To: cruz Bay

Departures: Daily. 6:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m., then hourly from 8 a.m. to midnight 5:30 a.m. Monday through Friday only Fare (Adult/Child under 12): One way, $6/$1 Seniors with valid government I.D., One way, $1.50 (V.I. residents only) $2.50/piece for luggage/boxes

From: cruz Bay To: red Hook

Departures: Daily. Hourly from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. Fare (Adult/Child under 12): One way, $6/$1 Seniors with valid government I.D., One way, $1.50 (V.I. residents only) $2.50/piece for luggage/boxes

From: charlotte amalie To: cruz Bay

Departures: Daily.10 a.m., 1 p.m., 5:30 p.m Fare (Adult/Child under 12): One way, $12/$3.50 Seniors with valid government I.D., One way, $6 $2.50/piece for luggage/boxes

From: cruz Bay To: charlotte amalie

Departures: Daily. 8:45 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 3:45 p.m. Fare (Adult/Child under 12): One way, $12/$3.50 Seniors with valid government I.D., One way, $6 $2.50/piece for luggage/boxes

DoHm’s WaTer Taxi: (340) 775-6501

This private service takes you to your specified destination in most areas of the U.S. and British Virgin Islands (except St. Croix and Anegada). Call for further details.

The Island Standard for over 30 years! The smoothest-safest-fastest


Inter-Island Transportation in the U.S. and British Virgin Islands. Meet and Greet, Airport to Dock. Ask about custom day trips.



DOHM’S WATER TAXI 100 Estate Nazareth Tel: 340-775-6501 Dohm’s Water Taxi is a Private Water Taxi that will take you directly to your destination at the time of your choosing. “Meet and Greet” service at the airport will also be arranged. Operating interisland, you can travel to most of the U.S. or British Virgin Islands, or for an entire day touring the Virgin Islands. You’ll travel in comfort, on one of three custom-built, wave piercing catamaran powerboats.

Water Island Ferry, (340) 690-4159 FERRY SCHEDULES

From: Crown Bay, st. thomas to: Water Island

dolphIn Water taxI: (340) 774-2628

From: red hook, st. thomas to: st. John

Departure: Late-night ferry service, 2 a.m. weekends Fare: One Way, $40

From: st. thomas airport to: red hook, st. thomas

Departures: Express Taxi Service by appointment Fare: One Way, $15 per person, minimum 5 passengers

From: Cruz Bay, st. John & red hook, st. thomas to: Jost Van dyke, BVI

Departure: 9:00 a.m. daily from St. Thomas, return 5:00 p.m. Fare: Round Trip, $110, plus $35 BVI Customs fee (Additional day trips available by appointment. Fuel surcharges apply.)

Oh Deer!

White tailed deer can sometimes be seen swimming between smaller cays and the larger islands of St. Thomas and St. John. The white tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) is familiar in other regions of the U.S. It gets its name from the bright white underside of its tail, which lifts as it runs. In the Virgin Islands, the white tailed deer tend to be smaller than their stateside cousins, averaging 70 to 110 pounds. Their coats range from yellowish to reddish tan with a white underside, and fawns are spotted for the first few months after birth. Because of their small stature, these shy and gentle creatures are often mistaken for goats at first glance. Introduced to the islands in the 1700s for hunting, the population is relatively small, though heavier rainfall in recent years has increased the vegetation they feed on and numbers have risen slightly.

St. Thomas-St. Croix Ferry V.I. seatrans st. CroIx Fast Ferry: (340) 776-5494 From: Charlotte amalie to: Gallows Bay, st. Croix

Departures: 7:45 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m., 4:15 p.m. Saturday 3:45 p.m. Sunday, 8 a.m. Monday Fare: (Adult/Child under 12): One way, $50/$45; Round trip, $90/$80 Seniors/Students with valid I.D., One way, $45; Round trip $80 Toddlers age 1 to 3, One way, $10, Round trip, $20 Infants 0-11 months free

From: Gallows Bay, st. Croix to: Charlotte amalie

Departures: 10 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Friday 10 a.m., 6:15 p.m. Saturday, 5:45 p.m. Sunday, 4:30 p.m. Monday Fare: (Adult/Child under 12): One way, $50/$45; Round trip, $90/$80 Seniors/Students with valid I.D., One way, $45; Round trip $80 Toddlers age 1 to 3, One way, $10, Round trip, $20 Infants 0-11 months free


ExplorE Historic

St.John Cruising Cruz Bay A ferry is the only way to get to St. John, unless you have a boat of your own. From Red Hook, St. Thomas it is a 20-minute ride that docks directly in the charming town of Cruz Bay, affectionately known as Love City. Although there are pockets of commercial activity throughout the island, Cruz Bay is the only actual town. At the ferry dock, taxis and safari vans lage and the Galleria Beach Shops directly are waiting to take disembarking passen- off the sands. The road winds around full gers to their final destination or on a full circle with more charming shops to extour of the island. Across from the dock is plore at Raintree Court and Lemon Tree a lovely little park that serves as the cen- Mall. As you reach the corner returning ter of Cruz Bay. Be sure to notice the his- to the park, notice the historic Lutheran toric statue of a conch horn blower, com- Church, established in 1720 and still in memorating the emancipation of slaves. use today. Tucked away in the far corner of the There are often colorful vendors selling homemade hot sauces, souvenirs and lo- park is a tourist information center with cal crafts along the park’s walkway. Ema- brochures for activities and tours of St. nating from the park are shady lanes lined John, some friendly conversation and with enchanting and unique boutiques answers to all of your island questions. and cafés. To the right, visit Wharfside Vil- Continue past the information center and wharfside Landing

Lutheran ChurCh Photo © don hebert


Lumber yard

sightseeing Photo © don hebert

head out past the center of town to find the Lumberyard, a collection of shops and services just a block away. Another block brings you to Mongoose Junction. This picturesque mall with stone buildings nestled in the lush greenery of its garden-style setting is the island’s favorite shopping destination. Across the street is the entrance to the Virgin Islands National Park, the jewel in St. John’s crown.

Other Points of Interest

ElaInE IOnE SPrauvE lIbrary and MuSEuM The library is housed in a 1757 restored plantation home. A member of the National Register of Historic Places, it features displays of preColombian pottery, rare photos, artifacts and paintings chronicling the history and culture of St. John. mongoose JunCtion

CathErInEbErg North of Centerline Road on John’s Head Road, the ruins of the Catherineberg plantation built in 1718 include an old sugar factory and rum still, an old stone warehouse and a restored windmill. bOrdEaux MOuntaIn Enjoy a breathtaking view from Bordeaux Mountain, St. John’s highest peak with a birds eye view of Cruz Bay’s harbor and the British Virgin Islands. Don’t forget your camera! Ivan JadEn MuSEuM Considered the greatest Russian tenor of the 20th century, Ivan Jaden was the first major artist dissident to escape Stalin’s reign in 1941. He made his home on St. John for several years. More than 5,000 recordings, documents, photos and memorabilia are showcased in this museum celebrating his career.

nationaL Park Visitor Center

Catherineberg Photo © don hebert

The Virgin Islands National Park

Photo © Don Hebert

The only Biosphere Reserve in the Lesser Antilles, the Virgin Islands National Park is a diorama of natural splendor. Put down your iPhone and put on your hiking boots. The only sights and sounds you’ll want to experience come from nature. The rapid flutter of a hummingbird’s wing, the brilliant colors of exotic coral reef fish, the intoxicating aroma of a tropical bloom. Inspirational, educational and ecological, the Virgin Islands National Park is truly a wonder of the natural world. NATIONAL PARK VISITOR CENTER Just a 5-minute walk from the ferry dock, the National Park Visitor Center (340) 776-6201 is the best place to start your exploration of the National Park. Pick up free park guides and weekly program schedules to join guided activities such as hiking, snorkeling, bird watching and cultural demonstrations. Explore the historical and ecological exhibits and visit the gift store for park souvenirs and books. The Center is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. BIRD WATCHING Depending on the time of year, as many as 160 different species of birds can be spotted throughout the park, including three varieties of hummingbirds. More than 50 species breed here and many others are literal “snowbirds” that vacation here during the winter months. The Visitor Center provides free bird watching guides. Visitors are encouraged to record


their sightings for the park’s annual status records. Mail observations to the Virgin Islands National Park, 1300 Cruz Bay Creek, St. John, U.S.V.I. 00830. NATURE WALKS & HIKES Twenty distinctly different hiking trails showcase the diversity of St. John’s natural beauty. A free trail guide is available at the Visitor Center that includes a description of each trail indicating its length, duration and difficulty. Park Rangers offer several guided tours each week, including an exploration of Francis Bay Pond for bird watching, a water’s edge walk of Leinster Bay to explore coastal plants, animals and marine life and a guided snorkeling tour along the Trunk Bay underwater trail. Their Reef Bay hike is the most popular, exploring tropical forests, petroglyphs and sugar mill ruins on a three-mile downhill hike and includes a boat pick-up to return to the Visitor Center. THE PETROGLYPHS Just off the Reef Bay Trail, a short detour will take you to the site of the mysterious petroglyphs, ancient symbols carved in rocks surrounding a freshwater pool at the base of a 40-foot waterfall. Though no one knows for sure their meaning or who etched them, most believe these carvings were the work of native Taino Indians dating as far back as 1,000 A.D. As tranquil as it is mysterious,

it is clear this spot was considered sacred. WATER ACTIVITIES More than half of the Virgin Islands National Park is beneath the water. Don’t miss the spectacular selfguided Trunk Bay snorkel trail, considered some of the best snorkeling in the Caribbean. Underwater signs identify the colorful profusion of tropical reef dwellers on a 225-yard trail. Several companies offer excursions to the many harbors, beaches and dive spots, and equipment rentals for kayaking, power boating, surfing, windsurfing and more are available at several beaches. AT NIGHT Check the schedule for evening programs held at the Cinnamon Bay Amphitheater, including nature and wildlife talks by park rangers, demonstrations, a sky watch for stargazers, nature films or a dramatic historic enactment.

Photos © Don Hebert

Junior Rangers Kids can partic-

ipate in conservation and preservation efforts by becoming a Junior Ranger. Children are officially sworn in upon completion of the free educational activity booklet available at the National Park Visitor Center and will receive a patch or badge and a certificate. They can continue their eco-education at home by visiting to set up their own personal Internet ranger station and explore the National Parks System with more than 50 activities to earn a WebRangers patch.

Annaberg Ruins, Photos © Don Hebert

Friends of the Virgin Isla nds Nation al Pa rk

Local volunteers have continued to uphold Rockefeller’s vision through the Friends of the Virgin Islands National Park, a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and protection of the natural and cultural resources of the park. Protection programs spearheaded by the Friends include trail maintenance, coral research, Student Conservation Association Trail Crews and the installation and maintenance of more than 350 overnight, day-use and storm refuge moorings. Cultural Resource Preservation initiatives support cultural demonstrations at the Annaberg Sugar Mill ruins, an archeological program, theater presentations at the Cinnamon Bay Amphitheater, the Annual Folklife Festival and restorations on Hassel Island. Support Friends of the National Park by patronizing their store at Mongoose Junction. Buy green gifts, logo clothing and accessories, crafts, books and jewelry or shop online at . For more information on the Virgin Islands National Park, visit


Visiting St. John’s History

Annaberg Cultural Demonstrations and Folk Life Festival The heart of the Virgin Islands National Park is also the heart of St. John’s culture. Annaberg, the ruins of an old Danish Colonial “sugar works,” was one of 25 active sugar-producing factories on St. John. Though the deed changed hands several times as early as 1721, it was Irish-born merchant and slave trader James Murphy that transformed Annaberg, or Anna’s Mountain, into the largest single producer of sugar on St. John. It is the remains of Murphy’s sugar works, built between 1797 and 1805 and considered state-ofthe-art for its time, that can be seen at the site today. The most prominent structure at Annaberg is a 38-foot tall tower windmill, which provided the wind power to turn the great mill rollers that crushed the sugarcane stalks and squeezed out the juice. Signs along the trail explain early sugar production amid the relics of a still house, Photo © Don Hebert



Photo © Don Hebert

boiling house, slaves’ quarters and other factory buildings. Cultural demonstrations give a dramatic glimpse at life during the plantation era. Subsistence gardening, farming techniques and traditional uses for many plants are demonstrated in the garden, local artisans exhibit basket weaving, broom making and other crafts, and a baker demonstrates the making of “dumb bread” over a coal fire. An annual Folklife Festival, now in its 20th year, is held at the Annaberg ruins each February to celebrate Black History Month. This three-day fair, sponsored by the Friends of the National Park, celebrates St. John’s culture through the ancient art of storytelling, traditional music and dance, rhythmic drumming, guest speakers, historical lectures and guided tours, local food and crafts and more. Visit for more information.

St. John Blues Festival 9th Annual Johnnie Walker St. John turns up the heat on its cool factor with the 9th Annual Johnnie Walker St. John Blues Festival. This annual event is smokin’ hot with the best of the best in the blues world sizzling under a blanket of twinkling stars. Held March 16 through 20, the festival features various nationally acclaimed artists playing at local clubs as well as a two-night open-air concert jam over the weekend at the Coral Bay Ball Field. Headliners include guitarist Albert Cummings, jump blues singer and songwriter Candye Kane, Blues Foundation 2010 International Blues Challenge winner Grady Champion, Curtis Salgado, one of the finest blues harmonica players in the country, reigning Queen of Memphis Reba Russell and Moreland & Arbuckle with their edgy mix of Delta Blues, rock, country and folk. Organizer Steve Simon also promotes overseas Bluzapalooza concert tours to entertain deployed U.S. troops. Visit for more on Bluzapalooza and the St. John Blues Festival.

Coral Bay Barefoot and Breezy

Casual and unpretentious, this little enclave on St. John’s east end is a haven for sailors, boat builders, artists and individualists. The studio of clothing artist Sloop Jones is here, as well as a cluster of casual restaurants, bars and boutiques with locally made items at Cocolobo shopping complex. The famous Skinny Legs is the central meeting place for activities, music and fun. Although a quirky stop at the end of the road today, Coral Bay has actually played an active role in St. John’s history. It is the site of the first permanent settlement on the island. Although most assume its name comes from the abundance of coral Coral Bay from Hills Photo © Don Hebert


reefs in surrounding waters, it actually originates from the Danish word kraal, meaning corral, in reference to its importance as a major livestock keep. Because of its natural harbor, it was the ideal spot for the construction of Fort Berg in 1717, the site of a violet and bloody slave revolt in November of 1733. A remembrance ceremony is held each year to memorialize the event. On a hilltop overlooking Coral Bay, you will see the Emmaus Moravian Church, built in 1782 and still in use today. Danish Governor Thomas de Malleville deeded it to the German missionaries after he converted to the Moravian faith. You can see some spectacular sights while snorkeling. Wouldn’t you want to save the moment to take home with you if you could? V.I. Ecotours (340) 779-2155 has announced a new kayak and snorkel underwater photography tour of Coral Bay, St. John. The ocean will provide the excitement; V.I Ecotours will provide the underwater cameras to capture shots of a lifetime beneath the sea!








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FERRY DOCK Ferry Boat Service

Ferry Service to St. Thomas











St. John Taxi Rates Listed on page 58.

ST. JOHN AND CRUZ BAY MAP ACCOMMODATIONS Caneel Bay Resort ......................1 Cinnamon Bay Campground.....2 Coral Bay’s Windspree Vacation Homes ........................3 Gallows Point Resort................. 4 Seaview Vacation Homes (Office Location - Fish Bay).....5 St. John Inn ................................. 6 The Westin St. John Resort and Villas...................................7 Windspree Vacation Homes (Office Location – Coral Bay) .................................................... 8 ACTIVITIES The Carolina Corral (Coral Bay) ................................ 9


RESTAURANTS The Westin St. John Resort and Villas...................................7 SHOPPING Captain’s Corner........................10 Royal Caribbean........................ A WATER SPORTS Bad Kitty and Calypso Charters....................................11 Caribbean Water Sports and Tours ...................................1 Cruz Bay Watersports .......... 7, 12 Magic Moments/ Nauti Nymph .............................7 Virgin Islands Ecotours .............1

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Whistling Cay

Photo © Don Hebert

Drive slowly and defensively on the twisting roads and watch out for wandering donkeys and livestock around the next curve!

OTHER SERVICES Connections (Cruz Bay and Coral Bay) ......13 Cruz Bay Family Practice .........14 SCOTIABANK ATM (THE MARKETPLACE)..............15 GAMING ON ST. JOHN The Parrot Club ...........................C Virgin Islands Lottery ..........Convenience & Grocery Stores MONGOOSE JUNCTION ............. A RAINTREE COURT .......................B WHARFSIDE VILLAGE .................C DOCKSIDE MALL ........................ D

St. John's Top DIVE SHOP •








Honeymoon Beach & Salomon Bay Snorkeling Conditions: Good Location: Northwest. Take the Lind Point Trail from the National Park Visitor Center in Cruz Bay.

Hawksnest Snorkeling Conditions: Fair Location: Off Northshore Road in the National Park.

Jumbie Bay






Maho Bay Snorkeling Conditions: Fair Location: Off Northshore Road in the National Park.

Francis Bay Snorkeling Conditions: Good Location: In the National Park. Take Northshore Road, head towards Annaberg Sugar Mill. Take left at the dead end.

Leinster Bay

Snorkeling Conditions: Fair Location: Off Northshore Road in the National Park.

Snorkeling Conditions: Excellent Location: In the National Park. Take Northshore Road to the Annaberg Sugar Mill.

Trunk Bay

Salt Pond Bay

Snorkeling Conditions: Excellent Location: Off Northshore Road in the National Park.

Snorkeling Conditions: Excellent Location: Southeast off Route 107.

Cinnamon Bay Snorkeling Conditions: Good Location: Off Northshore Road in the National Park.

Great Cruz Bay Snorkeling Conditions: Poor Location: Southwest at the Westin Resort. Cinnamon Bay, St. John Photo © Don Hebert


Irresistable Water

The pristine waters of St. John are hard to resist. Take a dip, take a dive, skim, sail or swim. However you want to take the plunge, St. John enjoys every kind of water sport you can dream of. You’ll be able to rent any equipment you’ll need, often right on the beach, including windsurfers, small sailboats, kayaks, surfboards, floats and snorkeling gear. Dive shops can set you up with air tanks as well as lessons, certification and group dives. There are countless boats offering half-day and full-day sails, group snorkeling tours, fishing excursions and more. Try a combination package for the complete St. John experience. Hotel guests can set up their day of excitement with their concierge. Many St. John excursions can arrange for pick-up and drop-off on St. Thomas.

CRUZ BAY WATERSPORTS CO. Cruz Bay and Westin Resort St. John Tel: 340-776-6234 Celebrating 29 years in business, Cruz Bay Watersports has evolved into the most diversified watersports company in the Virgin Islands offering daysails, sunset sails, scuba, snorkeling, wave runner tours, dinghy rentals, parasailing and two retail locations. British Virgin Island excursions are a specialty. Visit The Baths on Virgin Gorda and the Caves on Norman Island aboard the custom 60` express cruiser Island Time, or sail to Jost Van Dyke aboard the 60` catamaran Island Spirit to visit Foxy’s and White Bay.

Photo © Don Hebert

Photo courtesy of Virgin islanDs EcoTours

VIRGIN ISLANDS ECOTOURS St. Thomas, Mangrove Lagoon St. John, Virgin Islands National Park, Caneel Bay Historic Hassel Island, Virgin Islands National Park, Frenchtown, St. Thomas Tel: 340-779-2155 Kayak, Hike & Snorkel Adventure of Caneel Bay in St John’s Virgin Islands National Park! Kayak over fabulous turquoise waters and past sandy beaches. Hike along a picturesque tropical forest trail with breathtaking views. Snorkel a colorful coral reef teeming with marine life. Professional Guides identify bird, plant and marine species. Fun for the Entire Family! Two person easy to paddle sit-ontop kayaks. Limited space. Tours depart at 2 pm from the Dock at Rosewood’s Caneel Bay Resort. Reservations Required. Phone (340) 779-2155,


If you’re visiting in May, you won’t want to miss St. John’s Minimal Regatta in Cruz Bay. Slapped together with a sheet of plywood, boards, a few nails and duct tape, this tongue in cheek race is more fun than float! BAD KITTY and CALYPSO CHARTERS St. John / Red Hook Tel: 340-777-7245 / 340-998-5564 4 Islands 5 Stops. “BEST OF THE VIRGINS” on Bad Kitty. Includes the top destinations in the BVI: Virgin Gorda, Baths, Cooper, Norman and Jost Van Dyke Islands. Enjoy sailing and snorkeling on Calypso catamaran: choose either full day to Foxy’s and The Soggy Dollar Bar or around St John. We also offer half day and magical sunset sails with open bar and Hors D’oeuvres. Explore twelve St John beaches on your own, with Full & Half day center consol dinghy rentals.


CALYPSO CHARTERS Half Day & Full Day Sails on Catamaran

CALYPSO Sail to Jost Van Dyke, BVI

4 Islands 5 Stops Discover the

fastest, most comfortable way to see

The Baths & the rest of the BVI


Call 340-777-7245 or 340-998-5564


Delicious Choices

When it comes to dining, the little island of St. John certainly dishes out some big choices! From nouveau world cuisine to mama’s home cooking, St. John can satisfy your appetite for great food with a tropical twist. Despite it’s size, St. John offers a surprising number of dining options. You’ll find just about every major style of cuisine, Italian, Mexican, sushi, fusion, your basic burger, seafood and more. World-class chefs at resort restaurants present creative menus with an appetizing mix of several styles while small roadside stands serve an aromatic selection of classic West Indian favorites. While the flavors can be elegant, the ambience takes a more casual approach.

Dining St. John Style A nice pair of shorts will get you into just about any restaurant. There’s more than one way to relax, and St. John can accommodate them all. Enjoy a quiet romantic candlelit dinner overlooking the beach or kick off your shoes and jam in your beachwear at an island-style party bar. With such balmy year-round weather and beautiful views, you’ll find that many eateries offer patio or open-air seating to enjoy the natural beauty St. John is famous for. Even those staying on St. Thomas can enjoy a night out on St. John. The 20-minute ferry back runs until 11 p.m., giving you plenty of time to enjoy a leisurely dinner and a walk about Cruz Bay to enjoy some live music, gaming or an after dinner cocktail or two.

Waterfront–Wharfside Village • Cruz Bay, St. John, USVI

Handmade Memories Only one word adequately describes shopping on St. John: unique. While St. Thomas is known for its abundance of brand names and designer merchandise, St. John stays true to its creative heart. You’ll find things here that just can’t be found anywhere else, most locally made and islandinspired. Cruz Bay is the shopping center of the island, with tree-lined streets filled with enchanting little shops displaying local art, handmade jewelry, tropical gifts and home décor, Caribbean wearables and more. Stroll through colorful shops of Wharfside Village and Galleria Beach


Shopping on St. John

Shops just steps from the ferry or meander through the picturesque boutiques, galleries and cafés of Mongoose Junction. Just outside of Cruz Bay, the Marketplace offers an excellent selection of convenient shops and services with gifts as well as dayto-day items. While visiting Coral Bay, be sure to visit the shops at Coccolobo and the complex at Skinny Legs for lots of fun and funky island t-shirts, beachwear, jewelry and souvenirs. Items handmade in the islands do not count towards your duty-free allowance, making St. John an ideal shopping opportunity!

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Relax, You're Home

A Cottage Terrace View Photo courtesy of Caneel Bay Resort A Rosewood Resort


ST. JOHN GUEST HOUSES, INNS ESTATE LINDHOLM 340-776-6121 800-322-6335 THE INN AT TAMARIND COURT 340-776-6378 800-221-1637 ST. JOHN INN 340-693-8688


CAREFREE GETAWAYS 340-779-4070 888-643-6002 CARIBBEAN VILLAS & RESORTS 340-776-6152 800-338-0987 CATERED TO VACATION HOMES 340-776-6641 800-424-6641 COCONUT COAST VILLAS 340-693-9100 800-858-7989 DESTINATION ST. JOHN 340-779-4647 800-562-1901 ESTATE ZOOTENVAAL 340-776-6321

most WIFI

most WIFI







ST. JOHN INN: Cruz Bay, St. John; Tel: 340-693-8688; St. John Inn offers affordable accommodation in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Conveniently located in Cruz Bay, walking distance to shops, restaurants, charter boats, ferry docks and the National Park Headquarters as well as beautiful trails and beaches. Enjoy A/C rooms with fridge and microwave, complimentary breakfast, sunset cocktails and free wifi in this California bungalow-style inn, all at some of the best prices available on St. John.

WESTIN ST. JOHN RESORT & VILLAS: Great Cruz Bay, St. John; Tel: 340-693-8000; Renew your perspective at the Westin St. John Resort & Villas—recharge your spirit surrounded by 46 acres of lush landscaping and quarter mile white sand beach. With 175 rooms and suites and 146 villas, guests will find accommodations suited to their individual needs. Relax on your private patio or balcony, step inside to enjoy Westin’s Heavenly® Bed and Heavenly® Bath and other unique, restorative amenities.


ST. JOHN CONDOMINIUMS, VACATION HOMES & VILLAS cont'd GALLOwS POINT RESORT ST. JOHN 340-776-6434 800-323-7229 WIFI HARMONy STUDIOS 340-776-6226 800-392-9004 WIFI ISLAND GETAwAyS 340-693-7676 888-693-7676 WIFI LAVENDER HILL SUITES 340-776-6969 800-975-5001 WIFI SEAVIEw HOMES 340-776-6805 888-625-2963 WIFI SERENDIP VACATION CONDOMINIUMS 340-776-6646 888-800-6445 WIFI ST. JOHN ULTIMATE VILLAS 340-776-4703 888-851-7588 some WIFI

STAR VILLAS 340-776-6704 some WIFI SUITE ST. JOHN CONDO’S & COTTAGES 340-779-4486 800-348-8444 WIFI SUITE ST. JOHN VILLAS 340-779-4486 800-348-8444 WIFI VIVA! VI VACATIONS & VILLAS 340-779-4250 888-856-4601 WIFI wINDSPREE VACATION HOMES 340-693-5423 888-742-0357 some WIFI

ST. JOHN CAMPSITES CINNAMON BAy CAMPGROUND 340-776-6330 800-539-9998 CONCORDIA ECO-TENTS & STUDIOS 340-693-5855 800-392-9004 MAHO BAy CAMPS 340-776-6226 800-392-9004

GALLOWS POINT RESORT: St. John; Tel: 800-323-7229; Nestled on a tropical peninsula, surrounded by the blue pristine waters of the Caribbean, Gallows Point Resort offers your choice of 50 one-bedroom suites. Upper suites have a loft bedroom and balcony and lower suites have a sunken living room and patio. All suites offer king beds, full kitchens, dining and living areas, air conditioning and many other room amenities. Quiet and intimate yet conveniently located to Cruz Bay’s restaurants and shopping.

SEAVIEW VACATION HOMES INC.: Boatman Pt., St. John; Tel: 888-625-2963; Seaview Vacation Homes, a premiere villa management company established in 1984, offers homes and villas from the affordable to ultra luxurious. Most villas offer swimming pools and some also include a spa. All offer commanding ocean views and are located in or in close proximity to Cruz Bay and the North shore beaches. Experienced – Personalized – Professional. Contact Seaview Vacation Homes for your dream vacation villa.

CORAL BAY'S WINDSPREE VACATION HOMES: Coral Bay, St. John; Tel: 888-742-0357; Coral Bay’s Windspree Vacation Homes on the peaceful side of St. John offers an alternative to hotels and resorts. Have your dream vacation in a well appointed home with breathtaking views. Enjoy cool tropical breezes year round as you lounge in the privacy of your own pool or spa surrounded by tropical gardens. Discover a wonderful selection of villas and homes for every budget.

CINNAMON BAY CAMPGROUND: Cinnamon Bay, St. John; Tel: 340-776-6330; Cinnamon Bay Campground provides a safe, secure and tranquil getaway. Situated next to the longest beach on St. John V.I. in the heart of the Virgin Island National Park. Perfect for couples or the entire family with restaurant, store, beach equipment rentals and close to the local nightlife in Cruz Bay. $30 Bare Site. $64-$88 Fully Equipped Tent. $77-$155 Fully Equipped Cottage. Per night, plus tax. Prices subject to change.


Water Island

The Youngest Virgin

Photo © Don Hebert

Get away from absolutely everything. If those are the words that best describe your ideal vacation, turn off your cell phone and kick off your shoes. Water Island is the place for you. This tiny island in Charlotte Amalie harbor may be a hop, skip and a jump from energetic St. Thomas, but its laid-back and relaxed attitude is miles away. The first Indian settlers inhabited Krum Bay more than 500 years ago. During the golden age of piracy, it was used as an anchorage because it was out of range of St. Thomas’ cannons and was a popular stop for fresh water from the numerous fresh water ponds that dot the island, hence the name. In the 1600s, the Danish West Indian Company used the island for grazing livestock before selling to a succession of free men of color, who bred cattle and raised cotton. The plantations were abandoned after the emancipation of slaves in 1848. The Danish East Asiatic Company bought Water Island in 1905 and it remained in its possession through 1944, though the rest of the Virgin Islands were bought by the United States in 1917. The U.S. finally bought the “Youngest Virgin” for $10,000. During WWII, construction began on Fort Segarra as protection for the nearby submarine base on St. Thomas, but the war ended before it could be completed. The Army’s Chemical Warfare Division used parts of Water Island as testing grounds for poisonous gases. The Department of the Interior was granted stewardship in 1950, who immediately leased the land to developer Walter Phillips. Phillips was certainly industrious. He built a hotel in the Army


buildings, converted many structures into apartments and homes and created the road system. To supplement the hotel, Phillips re-created Honeymoon Beach. Starting with a small coral rubble shore, he dredged the bay for sand to build up the beach and landscaped with palms and tropical plants to make Honeymoon one of the most appealing beaches in the Virgin Islands. He also created the Water Island Botanical Garden, which remains today. Edward McArdle bought the master lease in 1965. His expanded Water Isle Hotel & Beach Club was a 4-star operation before damages from Hurricane Hugo in 1989 forced its closure. In 1996, Water Island was transferred to the local Virgin Islands government. Today, Water Island is the epitome of tranquility. There are approximately 100 homes and less than 200 permanent residents on its 491.5 acres. Several homes, villas, apartments and an upscale eco-camp are available as vacation rentals. There are no taxis, public transportation, stop lights, gas stations, shopping, hotels or even a main town. All business is done on St. Thomas, a quick 3/8 mile away at its closest point. Island activities focus strictly on nature, with swimming, snorkeling, hiking and bicycle tours. Honeymoon Beach is the social center of the island. Many local residents congregate here for Saturday gourmet dinners on the beach and a Monday movie night at Heidi’s Honeymoon Grill or for frozen drinks and music at Joe’s Water Island Beach Bar. The Water Island Ferry runs daily between the dock at Phillips’ Landing and Crown Bay Marina on St. Thomas, call (340) 690-4159 for more information.

Island Living Photo © Don Hebert

Realtor Shelley Blyth of Sea Glass Properties has these tips for those looking into the island real estate market. 1. Plan before you buy! Are you going to move to the islands full time? Weekend get-away? Winter vacation spot? A place to loan friends and family? Incomeproducing property? 2. Find an agent that you are comfortable with. It’s easy to explore the real estate market online…but you really need someone with years of experience living here to help guide you through the variety of options available. 3. House vs. Condo? New Construction? What makes sense at “home” might be different

from your new island life. Think about your weekend plans…doing yardwork or diving in the crystal clear waters?? Hmmm… 4. Financing: Local banks offer competitive options and there are a variety of mortgage companies with stateside products. Go ahead and get pre-qualified…it simplifies life and puts you one jump ahead once you find your dream home. 5. Lifestyle: Many of us living here have migrated from much colder climates and have made the islands our home. The Virgin Islands offer the ideal Caribbean lifestyle under the U.S. flag. U.S. currency and laws make buying easy. The right real estate agent will help make your transition perfect.



Don Hebert

Personal, Professional Real Estate Services Shelley Blyth

(340) 513-1829 Buyer, Seller, Residential, Commercial, Rental


side trip to the British virgin islands

Bathing Beauties

Photo © Don Hebert

Bathing in the warm waters of the Caribbean, the British Virgin Islands are every bit as alluring as the women they were named after. Voluptuous and charming, exotic yet demure, these lovely ladies can be enticing, and a day of courtship could turn into a lifetime of love! Although the British Virgin Islands are comprised of more than 60 cays and islets, the majority are uninhabited, giving the islands an ageless aura of time stood still. With so little to mar the prisTORTOLA Photo © Don Hebert


tine beaches and lush hillsides, it can be hard to tell whether you are entering times past or times present. Even inhabited islands exude the relaxed and unhurried feeling of a tropical way of life. The four largest islands are home to the majority of the residents, sisters in the same family, but each with her very own captivating personality. Tortola (Spanish for turtle dove), and its capital Road Town, is the seat of all government and commerce, and is the main port of entry for the British

ROAD TOWN Photo © Don Hebert

ROAD TOWN SHOPS Photo © Don Hebert

Side Trip To BVi

Virgin Islands. Despite its role as the business center, it retains the essence of a cozy island hamlet. Colorful shops filled with local crafts, spices, art and jewelry nestle in and between historic buildings that chronicle the islands culture. While in Road Town, you might enjoy a tour of the Virgin Islands Folk Museum, showcasing relics from the pre-Columbian era and marine artifacts from the HMS Rhone, or a tranquil afternoon at the J.R. Neale Botanical Gardens, with its miniature rainforest CALLWOOD DISTILLERY Photo © Yacht Shots BVI

and lush green nature paths. There is also plenty to explore along the roads outside of Road Town, such as Fort Burt, Fort Recovery, Sage Mountain National Park, the North Shore Shell Museum, Joshua’s Bay Plantation and Callwood’s Rum Distillery, still in operation today. Virgin Gorda (the Fat Virgin) is famous for The Baths, a maze of mammoth boulders revealing concealed grottos and hidden pools, one of nature’s finest wonders and a must-see for any visitor. There are also some interesting ruins at

THE BATHS Photo © Don Hebert



Wreck of the Rhone

Photo © Staci Reed

Few shipwrecks can match the RMS Rhone, considered one of the most impressive in the Caribbean. The 310-foot iron sail-steamer sank during a fierce storm in 1867 on a reef just west of Salt Island. Resting in 20 to 80 feet of water, snorkelers and divers of all experience levels can explore this amazing ship’s skeleton. Much of the decking, rigging and steam engine as well as the massive 15-foot, 3,000-pound propeller are still visible. Vivid with colorful coral and home to countless sea creatures, it was chosen as the location for Columbia Pictures’ 1977 film The Deep. Nearby, Rhone Reef features two caves encrusted with coral in less than 25 feet of water. The area is now a marine park protected by the National Parks Trust.

the 400-year old Coppermine Point and a stunning panoramic view from the observation tower on Gorda Peak. The north shore is known for its spectacular water sports. Jost Van Dyke was named after a Dutch sailor who frequented the island and has long been a favorite party spot for mariners of all ages. Great Harbour is home to the renowned Foxy’s Tamarind Bar, rated one of the top ten New Year’s Eve party spots in the world. White Bay is lined with a succession of island-style party shacks and restaurants, including the famous Soggy Dollar Bar. Anegada (the Drowned Island) is the British Virgin Islands’ only coral atoll. It is cupped on one side by the infamous Horseshoe Reef, the site of more than 300 shipwrecks. Known for its salt ponds, indigenous iguanas and pink flamingos, Anegada is a secluded paradise for eco-tourists. There are also several smaller islands with elite resorts and marinas, such as Necker Island, Peter Island, Scrub Island and Guana Island, each with their own interesting sights or nearby underwater attractions. Being surrounded by water, boating and the boating industry are understandably vital to the islands’ way of life. It is a major source of both entertainment and economy, and the British


Virgin Islands have become a premier yachting destination. Water sports and equipment rental are abundant, and you can find boats of every shape, size and luxury level available for charter at the many marinas. You’ll find plenty of opportunities to island hop, sail, fish, snorkel and more. Diving within the British Virgin Islands is some of the best in the Caribbean, and dive sites are plentiful and diverse. Don’t miss the famous HMS Wreck of the Rhone, a fascinating spot for both snorkelers and divers. Sports enthusiasts have several opportunities to compete throughout the year with numerous fishing tournaments, sailing regattas and windsurfing competitions. Check the calendar in this guide for scheduled events such as the BVI Spring Regatta and Sailing Festival, a week of parties, races and nautical fun for both amateurs and professionals. Music is an important part of Caribbean Culture and the British Virgin Islands are no exception. The big jam of the year is the annual 3-day BVI Music Festival held on Tortola at Cane Garden Bay in May. Last year’s festival highlighted performances by reggae, R& B, jazz, calypso artists such as Fantasia, Nina Sky, Iyaz, Gyptian, CoCoTea, IMO and others. For more information visit

BVI Public Holidays

January 3–New Year's Day (in lieu of January 1st) March 14–Commonwealth Day April 22–Good Friday April 24–Easter Sunday April 25–Easter Monday June 11–Sovereign's Birthday June 13–Whit Monday July 1–Territory Day December 26–Christmas (in lieu of December 25th) December 27–Boxing Day (in lieu of December 26th)

BVI Special Events

February 27 through March 5-BVI 2011 Kite Jam– For more information visit, In May–3 day BVI Music Festival Held on Tortola at Cane Garden Bay. June 28 to July 5-HIHO 2011 HIHO stands for Hook In and Hold On! A windsurfing event, for more information and race registration, visit August 2011–Carnival in the BVI In honour of the emancipation of slaves.

DOLPHIN DISCOVERY TORTOLA LTD. Prospect Reef Resort Tel: 284-494-7675 Make your dreams come true! The breathtaking and intimate discovery of swimming and playing with the dolphins in the ocean is exhilarating! The dolphins perform unique behaviors creating magical memories. The programs are designed to give the guests the best DolphinDiscovery_PTEx11 8/25/10and3:06 PM of Page possible insight to the intelligence abilities these 1amazing mammals, ensuring that you enjoy the experience of a lifetime! Make one of the interactive dolphin programs the highlight of your vacation!

getting there

It’s easy and affordable to visit our British neighbors. Plan your side trip with the most convenient form of transportation. There are several regularly scheduled ferries daily between St. Thomas, St. John and Tortola as well as some flights offered by smaller airlines. Don’t forget your passport; you’ll need proof of citizenship to both enter the British Virgin Islands and to re-enter the U.S. Virgin Islands on the way back. Return ferries arriving in Red Hook must go through Customs with a stop on St. John, while ferries docking in Charlotte Amalie will go through Customs at the St. Thomas dock. Other islands may require a bit of ferry hopping, so check ferry schedules before your trip and plan ahead.

Passport requirements

Each time you enter or leave the British Virgin Islands, you need to clear Customs and Immigration. Non-British Virgin Islands travelers must have a valid passport (U.S. Passport cards are not accepted). Citizens of other countries require a passport and/or possibly a visa. Contact the nearest B.V.I. Tourist Board (284) 494-3134, the nearest British Embassy, or the Immigration Department (284) 494-3701 ext. 4961 regarding visa requirements. Returning to U.S. Territory, vessels must be cleared by U.S. Customs and Immigration in Cruz Bay, St. John or Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas. All U.S. citizens traveling to Canada, Mexico, Bermuda and the Caribbean must have a valid passport or WHTI-compliant documentation to enter or depart a U.S. port.

British Virgin islands Ferry schedule

Call for detailed information on departures and fares. Valid passports and applicable visas are required for all ferry passengers. Native SoN, iNc. St. Thomas (340) 774-8685 Tortola (284) 494-5674

Smith’S Ferry ServiceS TorTola's FasT Ferry St. Thomas: (340) 775-7292; Tortola: (284) 495-4495; (284) 474-4494

Daily ferry service between the U.S. Virgin Islands and the British Virgin Islands

340-774-8685 • 284-494-5674 USVI BVI 166

Speedy’S, (284) 495-5240 tortola road towN FaSt Ferry (Caribbean MaritiMe exCursions, inC.) St. Thomas: (340) 777-2800; Tortola: (284) 494-2323 Don't Forget! non-british Virgin islands travelers must have a valid passport (u.s. Passport cards are not accepted). Citizens of other countries require a passport and/or possibly a visa.

Native SoN, iNc. tel: 340-774-8685 Established since 1977, Native Son, inc. has given visitors and the people of the Virgin Islands continuous service over the years. They operate a daily schedule between the ports of Charlotte Amalie and Red Hook in the United States Virgin Islands and Road Town and West End, Tortola in the British Virgin Islands. The fleet comprises of five boats, all of which have sundecks to enjoy the Caribbean sunshine and fresh sea air.

ROAD TOWN FAST FERRY Road Town, Tortola Tel: 284-494-2323 (BVI) Tel: 340-777-2800 (USVI) Road Town Fast Ferry provides direct passenger services between Road Town, Tortola and Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas in fifty minutes on a state-of-the-art high-speed catamaran. They offer first-class amenities including plush interior seating, airconditioning, clean restrooms, DVD viewing monitors, and a friendly crew at your service. They specialize in charters throughout the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Now serving Anegada Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Departing Road Town at 6:45am and 3:30pm and returning from Anegada at 8:10am and 5:10pm. Call for Anegada Sunday schedule. Customer satisfaction is their main priority. "Experience the difference." They will save you time and money.

For Information on: Customs Rules and Regulations Fishing Regattas Marinas Charters and much more.

The only non-stop service to connect Road Town, Tortola to Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas Departing:

Monday – Friday

Road Town, Tortola, BVI 7:00am, 10am & 2:30pm





Road Town, Tortola, BVI 7am, 10am, 12pm & 2:30pm

Road Town, Tortola, BVI 9:00am, 12:00pm & 2:30pm


Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas 8:30am, 12pm & 4:15pm


Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas 8:30am, 12pm & 4:15pm


Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas 12:00pm & 4:15pm

Counter closes 15 minutes before departure

Excursions and Charters available

Explore the Greater Virgin Islands

Published by Media Marketing, Inc. SMITH’S FERRY SERVICES ON ISLAND CONCIERGE & FERRY SERVICE Tel: 340-775-7292 / 776-5494 EXPLORE the “greater” Virgin Islands. Experience the peaceful serenity of Virgin Gorda or the quiet beauty of St. John. Adventures await you on Jost Van Dyke while outdoor life and culture on St. Croix is astounding. Enjoy the romantic legends on Tortola or become familiar with duty-free shopping on St. Thomas. Discover the U.S. and British Virgin Islands. For more information call the Island Magic Crew–775-7292. Or visit online at or or


Join our Island Magic Crew to experience ST. THOMAS • ST. CROIX • ST. JOHN TORTOLA • VIRGIN GORDA • JOST VAN DYKE Destination Management Specialist in the U.S. & British Virgin Islands

ISLAND MAGIC VI • 340-775-7292 "We Specialize in Making your Virgin Islands Experience a Memorable One" 167



BELLAVISTA SCOTT HOTEL .......... 340-714-5500 Havensight Area BEST WESTERN CARIB BEACH RESORT .................... 340-774-2525 70-C Lindbergh Bay BEST WESTERN EMERALD BEACH RESORT ............ 340-777-8800 8070 Lindbergh Bay BOLONGO BAY BEACH RESORT .. 340-775-1800 On Bolongo Bay BUNKER HILL HOTEL ...................... 340-774-8056 2307 Commandant Gade, Charlotte Amalie FRENCHMAN’S REEF & MORNING STAR MARRIOTT BEACH RESORT.......... 340-776-8500 5 Estate Bakkeroe GALLEON HOUSE BED & BREAKFAST INN .................. 340-774-6952 31 Kongens Gade, Charlotte Amalie MAFOLIE HOTEL ................................ 340-774-2790 Mafolie Hill, above Charlotte Amalie VILLA MARBELLA SUITES ..............340-643-2692 Frenchman’s Bay McLAUGHLIN ANDERSON LUXURY VILLAS ................................ 800-537-6246 1000 Blackbeard's Hill, Suite 3 PARADISE PROPERTIES.................. 800-524-2038 Sapphire Village & Crystal Cove Villas, East End SECRET HARBOUR BEACH RESORT....................................340-775-6550 East End WYNDHAM SUGAR BAY RESORT & SPA ...................................... 340-777-7100 6500 Estate Smith Bay, East End


BIZ RENTALS........................................ 340-774-5840 Across from Main Havensight Gate CORAL WORLD OCEAN PARK ...... 340-775-1555 Adjacent to Coki Beach, East End SKYRIDE TO PARADISE POINT.... 340-774-9809 Across from Havensight Mall ST. THOMAS SYNAGOGUE.............. 340-774-4312 Crystal Gade, Charlotte Amalie VIRGIN ISLAND HOPPER................ 340-642-2767 Lindbergh Bay Beach

CAPE AIR ................................................ 866-Cape-Air Cyril E. King Airport


SEA FLIGHT ............................................340-714-3000 St. Thomas & St. Croix

ART GALLERIES ARTIST, LUCINDA O’CONNELL......340-514-2432 1 Norre Gade, Charlotte Amalie GALLERY ST. THOMAS .................... 340-777-6363 Palm Passage, Downtown Charlotte Amalie JONNA WHITE GALLERY.................. 340-774-1201 A.H. Riise Mall, & Drake's Passage Charlotte Amalie


SCOTIABANK Waterfront Branch, Downtown Charlotte Amalie ........340-774-3929 Havensight Branch on Cruise Ship Dock ........................340-776-5880 Central, Tutu Mall Branch ................340-777-3320 Red Hook Branch at East End Plaza ..................340-777-EAST(3278) Nisky Loan & Mortgage ..340-776-HOME(4663) Altona Branch......................................340-774-0037


BOOLCHAND'S .................................... 340-776-0302 31 Main Street & Havensight Mall Bldg 2 ROYAL CARIBBEAN............................ 340-776-4110 Main Street, Havensight Mall, Yacht Haven Grande, Crown Bay


AVIS .......................................................... 340-774-1468 Cyril E. King Airport, Seaborne, Havensight Cruise Ship Dock www.aviscom


CALL 911 168 • Advertisers Directory

BUDGET RENT A CAR ...................... 800-626-4516 Airport, Contant, Sapphire Beach Resort & Marina, Havensight at the Cruise Ship Dock DOLLAR RENT A CAR ........................ 340-774-0111 Across from the airport FIRST RENT A CAR ............................ 340-776-3730 Lindberg Bay #15, across from the airport THRIFTY CAR RENTAL...................... 340-776-1500 Across from the airport ZIP RENTALS.......................................... 340-715-1501 East End


The Virgin Islands is a very religious community with numerous denominations represented. For a complete listing of all Houses of Worship on St. Thomas consult the local telephone book’s Yellow Pages or your hotel concierge. ST. THOMAS SYNAGOGUE.............. 340-774-4312 Crystal Gade, Charlotte Amalie


CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ............ 340-776-0100 U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS HOTEL & TOURISM ASSOCIATION .......... 340-774-6835


NEW HORIZON CLOTHING .......... 340-774-8452 Frenchtown Plaza


R&J’s ISLAND LATTE ........................ 340-777-8100 Coffee Bar, Smoothies, Pastries & Sandwiches Corner of Raadet’s Gade and the Waterfront

DIVE CENTERS AQUA MARINE......................................340-642-8701 East End BLUE ISLAND DIVERS ...................... 340-774-2001 Crown Bay Marina, Suite 505 DIVE IN! ..................................................340-777-5255 Sapphire Beach, East End RED HOOK DIVE CENTER .............. 340-777-3483 American Yacht Harbor, Red Hook ST. THOMAS DIVING CLUB ............ 340-776-2381 Bolongo Bay Beach Resort




DOLPHIN WATER TAXI.................... 340-774-2628 Red Hook, East End NATIVE SON, INC............................... 340-774-8685 Charlotte Amalie and Red Hook ROAD TOWN FAST FERRY.............. 340-777-2800 Charlotte Amalie and Red Hook SMITH’S FERRY SERVICES.............. 340-775-7292 Veteran’s Drive, Charlotte Amalie


JACKSON COMPLEX FITNESS ...... 340-774-2599 2nd Floor MCM Center at Antilles School


A.H. RIISE STORES ............................ 340-776-2303 Main Street, Waterfront, Havensight Mall, Crown Bay Center DYNASTY DAZZLERS DUTY FREE SHOPS ............................ 340-776-8935 1 & 34 Main Street, Havensight Mall Bldg 1 LALINE........................................................ 888-Laline7 Drake’s Passage, Charlotte Amalie & Crown Bay


SOUTHLAND GAMING of the VI ..................................................340-777-SLOT Over 60 locations including Crown Bay Gaming Center


MAHOGANY RUN GOLF COURSE ..........................340-777-6250 ext. 1 Mahogany Run


U.S. COAST GUARD............................ 340-776-3497 U.S. CUSTOMS & BORDER PROTECTION .................... 340-774-2378 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION ............................ 340-774-3418 HOMELAND SECURITY .................... 340-774-1390 IMMIGRATION & NATURALIZATION ............................ 800-375-5283 NATIONAL PARK SERVICE ............ 340-776-6201 TOURISM .............................................. 340-774-8784


PUEBLO SUPERMARKET ................ 340-774-4200 Long Bay and Sub Base


ROY L. SCHNEIDER HOSPITAL...... 340-776-8311 CHARLOTTE KIMELMAN CANCER INSTITUTE .......................... 340-775-5433


A.H. RIISE STORES ............................ 340-776-2303 Main Street, Waterfront, Havensight Mall, Crown Bay Center AJANTA JEWELERS ............................888-425-2682 5126 Drakes Passage, Suite 11 ALPHA JEWELERS ..............................877-4-Alpha-J 5176 Dronningens Gade Ste 3 ARTISTIC JEWELERS ........................ 340-776-3299 5332 Dronningens Gade, Ste. 2, Charlotte Amalie BALLERINA JEWELERS .................... 800-722-4455 5180 & 5176 Dronningens Gade, Charlotte Amalie BLISS JEWELERS .................................. 340-715-BLIS Havensight Mall, Building 1 BOOLCHAND'S .................................... 340-776-0794 31 Main Street & Havensight Mall Bldg 2 BVLGARI.................................................. 340-776-1470 Yacht Haven Grande, Building B

153 Advertisers Directory • 169

CARDOW JEWELERS .................... 800-CARDOWS Main Street, Havensight Mall, Crown Bay Center, St. Thomas Airport CARNIVAL JEWELS and TREASURES ................................ 340-774-6492 Building 7, Havensight Mall CHALET D’OR JEWELERS ................340-776-3950 5120 Dronningens Gade, Charlotte Amalie DYNASTY DAZZLERS DUTY FREE SHOPS ............................ 340-776-8935 1 & 34 Main Street, Havensight Mall Bldg 1 EDEN JEWELERS.................................. 340-777-3366 5126 Drake’s Passage, Charlotte Amalie EFFY JEWELERS .................................. 340-776-3339 5135 Dronningens Gade, 13 A Main Street GET CHARMED .................................... 340-775-6381 Garden Street (next to Government Hill) and St. Thomas Airport Departure Lounge GRAND JEWELERS ............................ 340-776-8200 7 Main Street, Charlotte Amalie HOUSE OF RAJAH JEWELERS........ 340-776-7770 5332 Raadets Gade, Charlotte Amalie IMPERIAL JEWELERS........................ 340-776-8570 5120 Dronningens Gade Ste. 1, Charlotte Amalie LUCKY JEWELERS .............................. 800-554-7274 5186 Dronningens Gade, Charlotte Amalie PANDORA ST.THOMAS .................... 340-774-3672 15A Main Street PASSMAN .............................................. 340-777-4580 Main Street, Havensight, and Crown Bay REGENCY JEWELERS ........................340-776-5482 18 Main Street, Charlotte Amalie RENAISSANCE JEWELERS .............. 340-774-4510 Main Street, entrance also from Drake's Passage ROYAL CARIBBEAN............................ 340-776-4110 Main Street, Havensight Mall, Yacht Haven Grande, Crown Bay ROYAL JEWELERS .............................. 340-775-5115 14 Main Street, Charlotte Amalie


MR. TABLECLOTH .............................. 340-774-4343 6 Main Street, Charlotte Amalie


1 EYED JACK.......................................... 340-775-3206 Yacht Haven Grande Marina A.H. RIISE STORES ............................ 340-776-2303 Main Street, Waterfront, Havensight Mall, Crown Bay Center CARIBBEAN HOST ............................ 340-776-4000 Cyril E. King Airport DYNASTY DAZZLERS DUTY FREE SHOPS ............................ 340-776-8935 1 & 34 Main Street, Havensight Mall Bldg 1


VIRGIN ISLANDS LOTTERY............ 340-774-2502 Charlotte Amalie


YACHT HAVEN GRANDE ..................340-774-9500 Monitoring VHF Channels 16 & 10 Charlotte Amalie Harbor

Digital X-ray available on premises. Physical Therapy in our St Thomas Office.

340.714.2845 Suite 104 PParagon Medical Building St Thomas, USVI 00801 Suite 3C S Sunny Isle Medical Center St Croix, USVI 00820


HEALTH CARE CONNECTIONS .... 340-776-8989 Paragon Medical Bldg., Behind the Hospital RED HOOK FAMILY PRACTICE .... 340-775-2303 Red Hook Plaza ST. THOMAS NEUROLOGY ............ 340-775-4666 David D. Weisher, M.D. Paragon Medical Bldg., Suite 209 ST. THOMAS SLEEP CENTER .. 340-777-SLEEP(7533) Paragon Medical Bldg. #305; Behind the Hospital VIRGIN ISLANDS EAR, NOSE & THROAT VIRGIN ISLANDS FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY .................................................................. 340-774-8881 Paragon Medical Bldg. #308; Behind the Hospital VIRGIN ISLANDS ORTHOPAEDIC & SPORTS MEDICINE ........................340-714-2845 Suite 104 Paragon Medical Building YACHT HAVEN FAMILY PRACTICE.. 340-776-1511 Yacht Haven Grande


SHOPPORTUNITIES .......................... 340-715-2937


HOW ‘BOUT YOUR PET .................... 340-777-1130 Yacht Haven Grande PURE’LY PAWS .................................. 340-715-PAWS American Yacht Harbor, Red Hook


BILL PAYNE PHOTOS & VIDEO .... 340-776-7747 Available throughout the Virgin Islands DON HEBERT PHOTOGRAPHY .... 340-777-6484 Available throughout the Virgin Islands

170 • Advertisers Directory


ST. THOMAS POLICE.......................... 340-774-2211


PLACES TO EAT MAP ........................ 340-774-0920 1000 Blackbeards Hill, Suite 7 U.S.V.I. MARINE GUIDE .................. 340-774-0920 1000 Blackbeards Hill, Suite 7


COLDWELL BANKER STOUT REALTY .................................... 340-777-7653 Anchorage Condos and American Yacht Harbor SEA GLASS PROPERTIES ................ 340-774-5277 5328 Yacht Haven Grande

RED HOOK FAMILY PRACTICE Red Hook Plaza, St. Thomas Tel.: 340-775-2303 YACHT HAVEN FAMILY PRACTICE Yacht Haven Grande, St. Thomas Tel.: 340-776-1511 CRUZ BAY FAMILY PRACTICE Boulon Center, St. John Tel.: 340-776-6789

Twenty-four hour medical care

available at three convenient locations for any problems that may occur during your holiday. Stateside trained staff in emergency medicine and family practice. Walk-in or call for an appointment.


ACACIA RESTAURANT...................... 340-776-0474 Casual Cuisine with a Caribbean Twist Magen's Point Resort, Northside ATLANTIC SEAFOOD & INTERNET CAFÉ .............................. 340-774-1533 Caribbean Fusion and Seafood Cuisine Across from Cyril E. King Airport Entrance Gate AY QUE RICO..........................................340-715-7997 Authentic Mexican Behind Pueblo in Sub Base/Crown Bay BANANA TREE GRILLE .................... 340-776-4050 Steakhouse, Seafood Bluebeard’s Castle BELLA BLU ............................................ 340-774-4349 Mediterranean & Austrian Specialties Frenchtown

BLEUWATER .......................................... 340-775-3333 Seafood and Prime Cuts The Ritz-Carlton, East End CAFÉ AMICI............................................ 340-714-7704 Stone-Oven Pizzas, Pastas, Salads, Sandwiches A.H. Riise Mall, Charlotte Amalie CARIBBEAN SALOON........................ 340-775-7060 Steaks, Seafood, Pasta American Yacht Harbor, Red Hook THE CELLAR .......................................... 340-715-1442 Contemporary American Cuisine American Yacht Harbor, Red Hook COCO BLUE............................................ 340-774-7253 Creative Fresh Local Seafood Marina Front at American Yacht Harbor, Red Hook COCONUT COVE BEACH BAR & GRILL .. 340-775-3333 American/Caribbean The Ritz-Carlton, East End COCONUTS BAR & GRILL .............. 340-774-0099 American: Burgers, Seafood, Finger Foods, Wraps, Pizza 10 Main Street, Charlotte Amalie DELLY DECK RESTAURANT ............ 340-776-9943 American, Deli Havensight Mall ENKAI SUSHI BAR ................340-774-MAKI(6254) Delicate, Extravagant or Classic Sushi Gregory East Marina behind Frenchtown, Enkai Sushi Bar St Thomas EPERNAY ................................................340-774-5348 French Bistro & Wine Bar Frenchtown FAJITA BAR & RESTAURANT ........ 340-774-2525 Mexican and Pizza Best Western Carib Beach Resort FAT TURTLE .......................................... 340-775-8328 Seafood, Creative Sandwiches, Great Pizzas Yacht Haven Grande FISH TAILS BAR & GRILL ..................340-714-3188 Fresh Seafood & Raw Bar Adjacent to Red Hook Ferry Terminal FRENCHMAN’S REEF & MORNING STAR MARRIOTT BEACH RESORT RESTAURANTS .................................... 340-776-8500 Windows on the Harbour Captain's Café Sunset Bar & Grill Coco Joe's Havana Blue Rum Bar GLADYS’ CAFÉ ......................................340-774-6604 Caribbean Cuisine Royal Dane Mall, Charlotte Amalie GRANDE CRU RESTAURANT & WINE BAR.......................................... 340-774-7263 Cutting-Edge Mediterranean Cuisine Yacht Haven Grande GREAT BAY LOUNGE.......................... 340-775-3333 Sushi, Asian and American The Ritz-Carlton, East End THE GRILLE ........................ 340-777-6250 ext. 1241 Hand Cut Steaks, Fresh Seafood and Light Fare Mahogany Run Golf Course

Advertisers Directory • 171 153

HAVANA BLUE .................................... 340-715-BLUE Latin America meets the Pacific Rim Ocean Front at Morning Star Beach Club HERVÉ RESTAURANT ........................ 340-777-9703 French, American with a Caribbean Flair Government Hill, Charlotte Amalie HOOK, LINE & SINKER .................... 340-776-9708 American, Seafood Frenchtown HOOTERS ............................................ 340-693-WING Wings, Seafood, Burgers Buccaneer Mall, Havensight IGGIES BEACH BAR & GRILL ........ 340-693-2600 Steamed Crab Legs, Burgers, and BBQ Bolongo Bay JACK’S RESTAURANT ........340-776-WING(9464) American Tillett Gardens in Tutu JEN’S ISLAND CAFÉ AND DELI ...... 340-777-4611 Native Foods and Deli Grand Hotel, Charlotte Amalie LINDA BEAN’S PERFECT MAINE....340-714-1200 American, Maine Seafood Charlotte Amalie Waterfront THE LOBSTER GRILLE ...................... 340-775-1800 Steaks, Lobster, Fresh Fish Bolongo Bay MAFOLIE RESTAURANT .................. 340-774-2790 Seafood, Steaks, Nightly Specials Mafolie Hill, above Charlotte Amalie McDONALD’S Value Meals, Happy Meals,Crispy Golden French Fries Lockhart Garden .............................. 340-774-3240 Tutu Park Mall .................................... 340-775-4691 Frenchtown ........................................ 340-774-5246 MIM’S SEASIDE BISTRO ..................340-775-2081 Fresh Seafood Bld. 15 Watergate Villas, Bolongo Bay OCEANA RESTAURANT .................. 340-774-4262 Innovative Global Cuisine with Seafood Emphasis Villa Olga, Frenchtown THE OLD STONE FARMHOUSE .... 340-777-6277 Steakhouse and Seafood House Mahogany Run PAULETTE'S PATIO .............. 340-777-9703 Ext. 11 Casual Mediterranean, Greek, Italian Government Hill, Charlotte Amalie PESCE ........................................................ 340-715-1442 Italian & Seafood Specialties American Yacht Harbor, Red Hook PEKING TOKYO ASIAN RESTAURANT ........................ 340-779-7338 Sushi, Japanese, Chinese and Thai Cuisine 18A-3 Galleria Plaza, Red Hook, East End PIE WHOLE .......................................... 340-642-5074 Fresh Handmade Pizzas, Pastas, Cool Salads Frenchtown PORTOBELLO & THE PALMS ........ 340-777-8800 Italian, Continental, Caribbean Buffet Night Best Western Emerald Beach Resort

ROBERT’S AMERICAN GRILLE...... 340-714-3663 Contemporary Regional American Fare Elysian Beach Resort, East End ROOM WITH A VIEW RESTAURANT & WINE BAR............ 340-774-2377 Continental, International & Regionally-Inspired Cuisine Historic Bluebeard’s Castle SAILS ........................................................ 340-775-3333 American/Caribbean The Ritz-Carlton, East End TICKLES DOCKSIDE PUB ................ 340-776-1595 American Caribbean Cuisine Crown Bay Marina, Sub Base TRENCHTOWN ROCK RESTAURANT & BAR ........................ 340-774-1996 Jamaican Cuisine Back Street, Charlotte Amalie VIRGILIO’S............................................ 340-776-4920 Italian Cuisine 18 Dronningens Gade, Charlotte Amalie WIKKED.................................................. 340-777-8953 From Pan-Caribbean to Inspired American Yacht Haven Grande


BUCCANEER MALL ............................ 340-776-1900 Havensight DRAKE’S PASSAGE ............................ 340-776-1900 Charlotte Amalie FORT MYLNER .................................... 340-776-1900 Tutu Area GRAND GALLERIA .............................. 340-776-1900 Charlotte Amalie HAVENSIGHT MALL .......................... 340-777-5313 9002 Havensight Mall, Suite 13 LOCKHART GARDENS ...................... 340-776-1900 Cruise Ship Dock Area MARKET SQUARE EAST .................. 340-776-1900 Mid-Island; Route 38 at 39 RED HOOK PLAZA ............................ 340-776-1900 Red Hook TUTU PARK MALL ..............................340-775-4658 Route 38 YACHT HAVEN GRANDE ..................340-774-5030 9100 Port of Sale, Havensight


TIM’S TOURS ...................................... 340-626-8300 Emanciption Garden, Charlotte Amalie


THE BELGIAN CHOCOLATE FACTORY .................... 340-777-5247 A.H. Riise Mall, Charlotte Amalie CASTAWAYS BOUTIQUE ......340-777-7100 x2293 Wyndham Sugar Bay, East End

172 • Advertisers Directory

CAPTAIN’S CORNER .......................... 340-774-4370 Main Street, Waterfront, Havensight Mall, St. Peter Mountain Greathouse & Cruz Bay, St. John


JOURNEYS SPA........................ 340-777-7100 x2236 Wyndham Sugar Bay Resort, East End PRANA SPA............................................ 340-776-7899 Yacht Haven Grande


DOUBLE HEADER ................................ 340-777-7317 Sapphire Beach Marina, East End MIXED BAG .......................................... 340-513-0389 American Yacht Harbor, Red Hook

SUN CARE OCEAN POTION ..................................340-344-9354 Ocean Wholesale; Todd Clements


V.I. TAXI ASSOCIATION .................. 340-774-7457


EMANCIPATION GARDEN .............. 340-774-3750 HAVENSIGHT........................................ 340-776-9897 SUGAR ESTATE.................................... 340-774-1950 TUTU PARK MALL .............................. 340-775-7354 VETERANS DRIVE .............................. 340-774-6980

ISLAND SOL ........................ 340-775-3333 ext. 8721 The Ritz-Carlton KAYAK, HIKE & SNORKEL ADVENTURES VIRGIN ISLANDS ECOTOURS........ 340-779-2155 St. Thomas / St. John / Hassel Island LIMNOS CHARTERS .......................... 340-775-3203 Compass Point Marina MAGIC MOMENTS LUXURY EXCURSIONS .................... 340-775-5066 American Yacht Harbor, Red Hook NAUTI NYMPH POWERBOAT RENTALS .................. 340-775-5066 American Yacht Harbor, Red Hook SEA MORE CHARTERS........................340-714-2214 Pick-up on St. Thomas or St. John SEE & SKI POWERBOATS .............. 340-775-6265 A-Dock, American Yacht Harbor, Red Hook STORMY PETREL/PIRATES PENNY .. 340-775-7990 Red Hook, next to the Ferry Dock WATERS EDGE SPORTS .................. 340-998-8433 Sapphire Beach Marina, East End



DOHM’S WATER TAXI ...................... 340-775-6501 6501 Red Hook Plaza, Suite 201 DOLPHIN WATER TAXI.................... 340-774-2628 Red Hook, East End


WWW.340PM.COM.......................... 410-499-6343

ISLAND SHOWCASE on Channel 4........................................ 340-776-0291 Upper Havensight Mall MICKEY MANIA .................................. 340-777-1800 23 Store Tvaer Gade, Charlotte Amalie

WATER SPORTS AQUA MARINE......................................340-642-8701 East End BOLONGO BAY WATERSPORTS .. 340-775-1800 Bolongo Bay Beach B.O.S.S. UNDERWATER ADVENTURES ...................................... 340-777-3549 Call for Reservations CARIBBEAN WATERSPORTS AND TOURS .......................................... 340-775-9360 East End CHARTER BOAT CENTER ................ 340-775-7990 Red Hook, next to the Ferry Dock CHILLAXIN’ YACHT CHARTERS .... 340-776-1211 Compass Point Marina ELIXIR CHARTERS ............................ 340-344-3336 Sapphire Beach Resort & Marina, East End HEAVENLY DAYS CATAMARAN .... 340-775-1800 Bolongo Bay Beach INDEPENDENT SEA TOURS .......... 340-344-6397 St.Thomas & St. John



WEDDINGS IN PARADISE® ............ 340-776-8500 Frenchman’s Reef & Morning Star Marriott Beach Resort WEDDINGS THE ISLAND WAY...... 340-777-6505


GALLOWS POINT RESORT ............ 800-323-7229 St. John HILLCREST GUEST HOUSE ............ 340-776-6774 #157 Enighed, Cruz Bay ST. JOHN INN........................................340-693-8688 Cruz Bay, up the hill from the ferry dock THE WESTIN ST. JOHN RESORT & VILLAS ............................ 340-693-8000 Great Cruz Bay


THE CAROLINA CORRAL ................ 340-693-5778 Coral Bay

153 Advertisers Directory • 173


SCOTIABANK The Marketplace, Cruz Bay ............340-693-9130


CINNAMON BAY CAMPGROUND.. 340-776-6330 Cinnamon Bay MAHO BAY CAMPS............................ 340-776-6226 Maho Bay


The Virgin Islands is a very religious community with numerous denominations represented. For a complete listing of all Houses of Worship on St. John consult the local telephone book’s Yellow Pages or your hotel concierge.


CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ............ 340-776-0100 U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS HOTEL & TOURISM ASSOCIATION .......... 340-774-6835

DIVE CENTERS AQUA MARINE......................................340-642-8701 St. John


ST. JOHN DENTAL JOHN E. PURPURA, D.D.S. ..............340-693-8898 3rd Floor Boulon Center, Cruz Bay


CRUZ BAY FAMILY PRACTICE ...... 340-776-6789 Boulon Center, Cruz Bay HEALTH CARE CONNECTIONS .... 340-693-7444 The Marketplace, Cruz Bay


SHOPPORTUNITIES .......................... 340-715-2937


ST. JOHN POLICE .............................. 340-693-8880


MIXED BAG .......................................... 340-513-0389 Westin St. John Resort & Villas, Great Cruz Bay


CRUZ BAY .............................................. 340-779-4227


CORAL BAY'S WINDSPREE VACATION HOMES ............................ 888-742-0357 Coral Bay SEAVIEW VACATION HOMES INC. ........................................ 888-625-2963 Boatman Pt. THE WESTIN ST. JOHN RESORT & VILLAS ............................ 340-693-8000 Great Cruz Bay



BOYSON,INC. ...................................... 340-776-6294 Red Hook, St. Thomas & Enighed Pond, St. John DOLPHIN WATER TAXI.................... 340-774-2628 Cruz Bay


SOUTHLAND GAMING of the VI ..................................................340-777-SLOT Over 60 locations including The Parrot Club at Wharfside Village


U.S. COAST GUARD............................ 340-776-3497 U.S. CUSTOMS & BORDER PROTECTION .................... 340-774-2378 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION ............................ 340-774-3418 HOMELAND SECURITY .................... 340-774-1390 IMMIGRATION & NATURALIZATION ............................ 800-375-5283 NATIONAL PARK SERVICE ............ 340-776-6201 TOURISM .............................................. 340-774-8784




ROYAL CARIBBEAN .......................... 340-714-5380 Mongoose Junction, St. John


VIRGIN ISLANDS LOTTERY............ 340-776-6676 Cruz Bay


CONNECTIONS.................................... 340-776-6922 Cruz Bay and Coral Bay

BAD KITTY and CALYPSO CHARTERS ........................ 340-777-7245 Cruz Bay, St. John CHARTER BOAT CENTER ................ 340-775-7990 CRUZ BAY WATER SPORTS............ 340-776-6234 Cruz Bay and Westin Resort St. John KAYAK, HIKE & SNORKEL ADVENTURES VIRGIN ISLANDS ECOTOURS........ 340-779-2155 St. Thomas / St. John / Hassel Island STORMY PETREL/PIRATES PENNY.. 340-775-7990 Cruz Bay


DOLPHIN WATER TAXI.................... 340-774-2628 Cruz Bay


CHENAY BAY BEACH RESORT ...... 866-226-8677 Rte. 82 East End Quarter, Christiansted HOLGER DANSKE HOTEL................ 340-773-3600 1200 King Cross Street, Christiansted TAMARIND REEF HOTEL ................ 340-718-4455 3 miles East of Christiansted


CAPE AIR ................................................ 866-Cape-Air Henry E. Rohlsen Airport

174 • Advertisers Directory


SEA FLIGHT ............................................340-719-3300 St. Croix & St.Thomas


SCOTIABANK Christiansted Branch ........................340-773-1013 Frederiksted Branch ........................340-772-0885 Sunny Isle Branch..............................340-778-6936


AVIS .......................................................... 340-778-9355 Henry E. Rohlsen Airport, Seaborne www.aviscom BUDGET RENT A CAR ...................... 340-778-9636 Henry E. Rohlsen Airport, Frederiksted HERTZ...................................................... 888-248-4261 Henry E. Rohlsen Airport, Frederiksted


The Virgin Islands is a very religious community with numerous denominations represented. For a complete listing of all Houses of Worship on St. Croix consult the local telephone book’s Yellow Pages or your hotel concierge.


CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ............ 340-773-1435 U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS HOTEL & TOURISM ASSOCIATION .......... 340-774-6835


HOTHEADS ............................................ 340-773-7888 1000 King Street, Christiansted PACIFICOTTON .................................... 340-773-2125 1110 Strand Street, Christiansted

DISTILLERY CRUZAN RUM...................................... 340-692-2280


JUAN F. LUIS HOSPITAL .................. 340-778-6311


V.I. SEATRANS .................................... 340-776-5494 Veteran’s Drive, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas


U.S. COAST GUARD ............................ 340-772-5557 U.S. CUSTOMS & BORDER PROTECTION .................... 340-773-1490 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION ............................ 340-773-4636 IMMIGRATION & NATURALIZATION.............................. 340-778-1419 NATIONAL PARK SERVICE ............ 340-773-1460 TOURISM in CHRISTIANSTED .... 340-773-0495 TOURISM in FREDERIKSTED ........ 340-772-0357


FOOD TOWN SUPERMARKET ...... 340-718-9990 La Grande Princesse, West of Christiansted PUEBLO SUPERMARKET ................ 340-778-0584 Golden Rock and Villa LaReine SCHOONER BAY MARKET PLACE....340-773-3232 1 Mount Welcome, Christiansted


JUAN F. LUIS HOSPITAL .................. 340-778-6311


ROYAL LIQUORS ................................ 340-773-8185 38 Strand Street, Christiansted


VIRGIN ISLANDS LOTTERY Frederiksted ........................................ 340-772-2025 Sunny Isle ............................................ 340-778-6360


ROYAL JEWELERS .............................. 340-713-9988 38 Strand Street, Christiansted


VIRGIN ISLANDS EAR, NOSE & THROAT...................... 340-773-8801 Beeston Hill Medical Center, Suite 8 VIRGIN ISLANDS ORTHOPAEDIC & SPORTS MEDICINE ........................340-714-2845 Suite 3C Sunny Isle Medical Center


TED DAVIS, D & D STUDIO .............. 340-719-1201 55 Company Street, Christiansted LEE A. LASHLEY .................................. 340-514-2910


ST. CROIX POLICE .............................. 340-778-2211


PLACES TO EAT MAP ........................ 340-774-0920 1000 Blackbeards Hill, Suite 7 SETTLERS HANDBOOK .................... 340-719-0578


ACE ROTI SHOP...................... 340-719-(ROTI)7684 Indian Caribbean Curry Dishes 182 Richmond, Christiansted ANGRY NATE'S BOATHOUSE & SEAFOOD EMPORIUM................ 340-692-6283 Eclectic Blend of World Cuisines, Fresh Seafood On the Christiansted Boardwalk THE AVOCADO PITT.......................... 340-773-9843 American, Vegetarian On the Christiansted Boardwalk THE BLUE MOON ................................ 340-772-2222 Dining with an Eclectic Cajun Flair 7 Strand Street, Frederiksted THE BUCCANEER ................................ 340-712-2100 American Regional Cuisine with Caribbean Flair The Martel Lounge The Mermaid The Terrace CARINA CAFÉ ...................................... 340-773-PLAY Short Order Food in a Fun Environment Divi Carina Bay Casino, East End CULTURED PELICAN.......................... 340-773-3333 Italian American Caribbean Cuisine Coakley Bay Condos, East End THE DEEP END BAR & GRILL .......... 340-718-7071 Burgers, Sandwiches, Soups, Salads, Pizza On the Beach at the Tamarind Reef Hotel FLAT IRON GRILL .............................. 340-778-4664 American Grill, Italian, Pizza 93 Diamond Ruby, Sunny Isle Shopping Annex FORT CHRISTIAN BREW PUB ...... 340-713-9820 Seafood, Salads, Pub Fare, Caribbean Christiansted on the Boardwalk

Advertisers Directory • 175

THE GALLEON ...................................... 340-718-9948 Pacific Rim/Caribbean with a French Touch On the Waterfront at Green Cay Marina IHOP .......................................... 340-778-IHOP(4467) American: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Sunny Isle Shopping Center LALITA JUICE BAR & HEALTHY FOOD RESTAURANT .... 340-719-4417 Vegan and Raw/Live Cuisine & Juice Bar KALIMA Center, #54 King Street, Christiansted MAHI’S SEASIDE SEAFOOD............ 340-773-2918 Seafood and American Fare Chenay Bay Resort McDONALD’S Value Meals, Happy Meals,Crispy Golden French Fries Villa La Reine ...................................... 340-778-1300 Golden Rock........................................ 340-773-2852 Sunny Isle ............................................ 340-778-6565 NAMASTE CAFÉ .................................. 340-772-2529 Coffees, Delicious Breakfast and Lunch Queen Cross Street, Christiansted THE PICKLED GREEK ........................ 340-713-1868 Home-Style Greek Cuisine East End Road, minutes East from Christiansted POLLY'S AT THE PIER .......... 340-719-WIFI(9434) Coffee, Internet & Fresh #3 Strand Street, Frederiksted RENAISSANCE ST. CROIX CARAMBOLA BEACH RESORT & SPA 340-778-3800 Continental Cuisine with Caribbean Flair Flamboyant Beach Bar Saman Restaurant Mahogany Restaurant RHYTHMS AT RAINBOW BEACH.. 340-772-0002 American, Beach Bar #1 Estate Prosperity, Frederiksted RUM RUNNERS .................................. 340-773-6585 Caribbean/American Steaks and Seafood Christiansted Boardwalk at Queen Cross Street SALUD BISTRO .................................... 340-718-7900 Mediterranean-Inspired Bistro Fare Princess Plaza, Northside Road, Route 75 THE WAVES AT CANE BAY .............. 340-718-1815 Caribbean Specialties, Seafood & Steaks 112C Cane Bay, North Shore


DOWNTOWN CHRISTIANSTED AT COMPANY STREET...................... 340-773-3586 DOWNTOWN CHRISTIANSTED AT CHURCH STREET.......................... 340-713-9544 FREDERIKSTED .................................. 340-772-0040 GALLOWS BAY .................................... 340-773-4538 KINGSHILL ............................................ 340-778-3369 RICHMOND............................................ 340-773-1505 SUNNY ISLE .......................................... 340-778-6805


CAPE AIR................................................ 284-495-2100 Beef Island Airport, Tortola


BVI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & HOTEL ASSOCIATION .................. 284-494-3514


NATIVE SON, INC............................... 284-494-5674 Road Town and West End, Tortola ROAD TOWN FAST FERRY ............ 284-494-2323 Road Town, Tortola SMITH’S FERRY SERVICES.............. 340-775-7292 Veteran’s Drive, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas


CUSTOMS .............................................. 284-494-3475 IMMIGRATION .................................... 284-494-3471


PEEBLES HOSPITAL .......................... 284-494-3497


PRANA SPA .......................................... 284-495-7899 Soper’s Hole Marina, Tortola


VISAR ...................................................... 284-494-4357


DOLPHIN DISCOVERY...................... 284-494-7675 Prospect Reef, Tortola


DOHM’S WATER TAXI ...................... 340-775-6501 6501 Red Hook Plaza, Suite 201, St. Thomas, USVI


CALL 999 PUEBLO SUPERMARKET St. Thomas and St. Croix Tel: 340-774-4200 (STT) 340-778-0584 (STX) Much more than a grocery store! The islands best prices on liquor and wine with 6-bottle liquor quota carry on travel boxes. Fresh produce, meat and fish, snacks, beach supplies, magazines, post cards, cigarettes and so much more. Make Pueblo your first stop for all your vacation supplies. Two convenient locations on both St. Thomas and St. Croix. Number one in freshness, variety and savings… Pueblo is #1 for you!

176 • Advertisers Directory

Your Family Deserves SUPERMARKET

Fresh Produce Fruit Juice & Dairy

Prime Meat & Fish Beach Supplies

2 St. Thomas Locations: Sub Base (340) 774-4200 Long Bay (340) 774-2695 Mon-Sat: 7am–10pm, Sundays: 7am–9pm

2 St. Croix Locations: Golden Rock (340) 773-0118 Villa LaReine (340) 778-0584 Mon-Sat: 7am–10pm, Sundays: 7am–9pm OPEN 365 DAYS OF THE YEAR Major Credit Cards Accepted!

Big Savings on Liquor! will package your liquor for you in Travel Boxes!

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