Conveyancing Voice Issue 14

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July 2016

Contents •

Greater Focus on Leadership Urged

AICSA Breakfast

SA’s First Remote PEXA Settlement

Frequently Asked Questions

Changes Underway at Water SA


ACCC Scamwatch Stear Clear of tax Scams


Insert Breakfast picture

Grab your tickets for a private screening of the New Jason Bourne Film

All Major VOI Service Providers Include Client Authorisation Verification of identity is ideally completed at the time the client signs the Client Authorisation. The introduction of VOI before.....

AICSA State Conference : Tomorrow’s Firm: let’s be creative, let’s diverge and differentiate

Greater Focus on Leadership Urged For SME’s Hood Sweeney’s new business performance coach urges greater focus on leadership development for SMEs South Australia is home to some 40,000 small businesses, many of which are run by someone who has a strong technical skill such as conveyancing, law, design, accountancy, personal training, plumbing, landscaping or construction for example. However, business owners not only have to be great at their craft, they also need to run a business and manage people. Not all of these skills come naturally. Some business owners are great motivators, think ‘big picture’ but are terrible at the detail; others are focused on the detail and lose sight of the horizon. Strong leadership is a competitive advantage for small businesses and one worth investing in. That is where business coaching can assist. The natural state for anything is to drift but with some clear planning, coaching and support along the way, businesses owners can tap into the experience of the coach, develop a strategic plan for the businesses and stay on track to reach their goals. For a quick 'health check' on your business leadership take this quiz: •

Are you currently working the business towards a plan?

Are your staff good brand ambassadors for the business?

Do you manage your time well and get the highest priority items completed first?

• Are your staff self-sufficient and capable of doing their work without relying on you to provide answers and make decisions? •

Do you have a meeting rhythm in the business that is respected – i.e. everyone attends?

Can you define your target customers?

If you were to take an extended holiday, could the business run without you?

As part of Hood Sweeney’s performance coaching team, Tarnia Conti works with businesses to help achieve outcomes such as those mentioned in the quiz above. Through consulting, coaching and leadership roles, she has 20 years’ experience across a number of industry sectors including defence, project management, wholesaling, manufacturing, energy and retail - from large publicly listed corporations to private businesses of varying sizes. Tarnia is noted for bringing high levels of enthusiasm, knowledge and practical experience to her clients. For further information about performance coaching, contact Tarnia Conti at Hood Sweeney on 1300 764 200. This advice is general advice only and has been prepared without taking account of your objectives, financial situation or needs; and because of that you should, before acting on the advice, consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs.


The Conveyancing Voice

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All Major VOI Service Providers Include Client Authorisation Verification of identity is ideally completed at the time the client signs the Client Authorisation. The introduction of VOI before Client Authorisations meant that Identity Agents like Australia Post, IDSecure and ZipID did not incorporate the signing of the CA in their original process. The introduction of the Client Authorisation for both paper and electronic transactions in SA has meant that an enhancement to their processes if the signing of the Client Authorisation was to be included. Whilst IDSecure and ZipID adjusted well, a few of Australia Post’s retail outlets have declined to process the Client Authorisation as part of its National Land Titles VOI Service. In part, it appears that some conveyancers (almost certainly from interstate) are badging the Client Authorisation forms as their own, creating difficulties for staff to identify that it is the prescribed Client Authorisation form. (Memo to self: don’t tamper with prescribed CA form!) The expanded service is underutilised because several other jurisdictions do not yet require a CA for paper transactions. However, anecdotally there has been a small number of Australia Post’s retail outlets that were not aware of the expansion of the service. Australia Post has already embarked on a refresh of its training of staff in its retail outlets to ensure any problems are promptly eliminated. It has confirmed its commitment to fulfilling its obligations as a VOI service provider to SA conveyancers who have registered to use its National Land Titles VOI service. This commitment includes ensuring that where a Client Authorisation form is presented at a participating retail outlet, staff will witness the client sign the CA and then counter-sign it as the conveyancer’s agent, thereby confirming that the person whose identity is being verified is the person who signs the CA. It has also confirmed that it will continue to take firm steps to further improve the consistency of the VOI service it provides. Of course, not all Australia Post retail outlets offer the VOI service. Someone seeking to use its service should check the location of participating office by inserting their postcode on this page (click here) which will produce a list of outlets marked on a map with contact details. If it is a smaller outlet, short-term it may be worthwhile making contact to confirm that the Client Authorisation is included in the VOI service. If you identify that a participating Australia Post retail outlet does not accept or complete the CA as required, you are encouraged to contact Australia Post’s Land Title VOI Support Team as soon as possible via LandTitleVOI@ or by calling 1300 364 543. Geoffrey Adam EC & Legislative Projects

The Conveyancing Voice


Left to right: Tim O’Halloran, Chris King, Chris Gebhardt , ???, Carol Brooks

AICSA Business Breakfast Our first ever business breakfast allowed allowed sponsors the opportunity to interact with both conveyancers, and other industry professionals at the Adelaide Zoo Sanctuary whilist listening to the genius of guest speaker Steve Sammartino.


The Conveyancing Voice

‘A Message from Membership & Sponsorship My first month at AICSA has been busy, meeting members and sponsors and getting up and close with a corn snake at 7am in the morning at the Adelaide Zoo! We had a great turnout to our networking event at the beautiful surroundings of the Adelaide Zoo Sanctuary. Special thanks to our partner Timg and our valued sponsors for their time and effort in bringing this wonderful breakfast event to life. What better way to start the morning for both our Sponsors and Members to be greeted upon arrival by a corn snake, stick insects, and bilby. (I’d almost say better than a morning coffee!!) The Blipp App (virtual video message) was a great way to showcase one of the many new innovative tools that is now accessible in the marketplace. I believe this is a great example of what we can now use in our industry to stand out from others! Special thanks to our guest speaker Steve Sammartino who amazed us all with his crystal ball prediction of what tomorrow is likely to bring and the need to embrace technological change. We received great feed-back on Steve and I’m sure we can all take something away from his words of wisdom. We here at the AICSA look forward to sharing exciting future events with you in the coming months! Stay tuned. Look forward to seeing you all at the next event!

Matthew Netherwood Membership and Sponsorship Manager

The Conveyancing Voice


SA’S First Remote PEXA Settlement Congratulations to Cor Vermey from A to Z Conveyancing. He has proved that it is possible to conduct an electronic settlement using PEXA when not in his office. When all parties had indicated readiness to settle and the designated time arrived, Cor was monitoring his first electronic settlement from Melbourne. Great was the pleasure for Cor when he saw it smoothly settle. Monitoring of the workspace remains essential after the Ready-Ready point, particularly in the lead up to settlement. If a problem arises, a message is automatically sent to the Subscribers. By monitoring the workspace, you may be able to deal with the problem (as you do in the paper world in the settlements Room) such that the delay in settlement is short. Well done, Cor! Geoffrey Adam EC & Legislative Projects

Frequently Asked Questions on RPA Reforms & ECUpdated Im p o r t an t D is cla imer : The a nswer s b elow are not i nte nd e d as l e gal ad v i ce and mu st not b e co ns t rued or relied up o n a s such. They a re i nte nd e d onl y as ge ne ral i nf or m at i on b e cau s e a p p aren t ly in s ignifica nt fa c ts ma y result i n a f u nd am e nt al l y d i f f e re nt re su l t or e nab l e a l tern at ives. Th e y reflec t the situa tio n a p p l y i ng at t he t i m e t hat i t i s gi ve n and change i s co ns t an t . Th ey a re given to a ssist co nve yance r s i n m ak i ng t he i r ow n e nq u i r y and are no t a s u b s t it ute for a ca reful rea ding o f the cu r re nt ap p l i cab l e l e gi sl at i on: t he y shou l d not b e i m p l emen ted witho ut deta iled lega l a dv i ce. N ote, to o, t hat conve yanci ng p rac t i ce and req uiremen t s also va r y substa ntia lly b et we e n ju r i sd i c t i ons: t he answe r s are p re p are d f o r S o u t h Au st ralia an d ma y no t b e a ppro pr ia te o r cor re c t i n anot he r ju r i sd i c t i on.

We have re ce ntly ad d ed new FAQ ’s to th e site. Yo u c an access th em by c lick i ng t h e l i n k b e l ow ;


The Conveyancing Voice

Changes Underway at SA Water To improve the service delivered to their customers, SA Water has advised that they are implementing some changes. These changes will drive efficiency, reduce service costs and improve the overall customer experience. One of these changes affects the way they process property name and address changes, the majority of which they receive from the conveyancing industry. Over the last few months they have worked with the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) to create a data interface where updated information provided during settlement will be sent to SA Water directly from the SAILIS system. To date the changes have been in a testing phase, to ensure the quality and timeliness of the data from SAILIS does not have any impact on your clients and to customer billing. The testing phase is now due for completion. It is anticipated that the changes will be implemented soon. This means that you will no longer need to provide property name and address information to SA Water. However while they are still in the testing phase they have requested you continue to provide the new name and address information as per the current process Once they have performed the relevant checks and are comfortable this change has not had any unforeseen impacts on customers, they will be in contact again to advise when you can stop sending the information directly. This process will add a delay between settlement and the data flowing through to SA Water. However, those of you who register for the new Electronic Conveyancing system will not be affected due to reduced sale registration times being delivered by the implementation of the online document lodgement and settlement platform.

Provided by SA Water Digital Business Lead

The Conveyancing Voice


SAVE THE DATE – AICSA State Conference

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Tomorrow’s Firm: let’s be creative, let’s diverge and differentiate Venue Adelaide Oval Date Friday 21 – Saturday 22 October 2016 FRIDAY An afternoon of Pre-Conference workshops looking at innovating your business… Followed by a Welcome Function at the magnificent Adelaide Oval with guest Roger Rasheed talking about his adventures in the tennis world. Attendees have the chance to win a Rooftop climb over the glorious Adelaide Oval Proudly brought to you by Vero & Marsh.

SATURDAY Business Leadership – Conveyancing Fundamentals – Conveyancing Diversities.

For Full Program details click here. Tel: 08 8359 2090 Email: W:

Conference Major Sponsor:

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AICSA Movie Afternoon Open to Family and Friends! The AICSA Member Services Committee invite Members, Friends and Family to join them for a private screening of the action packed thriller Jason Bourne starring Matt Damon. This event is a fantastic opportunity to strengthen the Conveyancing Profession outside of work! Venue: Palace Nova, Rundle Street Date: Sunday 7 August Time: 3pm for a 3:30pm start Investment: $24pp – includes ticket, drinks upon arrival (wine & soft) & a popcorn. There will also be door prizes to be won!

For more information Tel: 08 8359 2090 Email:

Submissions An invitation to have your say Current as of 28/07/2016 Title: Removing Outdated Legislation - Simplify Day Date received: 15 July 2016 Invitation from: Revenue SA Referred to: Legislative Policy Committee Institute’s response due: 11 August 2016 Title: Review of the Retail & Commercial Leases Act 1995 Date received: 31 May 2016 Invitation from: Small Business Commissioner Referred to: Legislative Policy Committee Institute’s response due: 26 July 2016 Any Member wishing to contribute to the response by the Institute in relation to the above invitations is invited to do so by sending an email to:

News and More Nine questions and answers for the new non-resident withholding tax From 1 July 2016, where a non-resident disposes of Australian real property, the purchaser will be required to withhold 10% of the purchase price ...

Foreign resident capital gains tax withholding made simple (Clayton Utz) The clock is ticking on another end of financial year. For busy small business owners, it’s easy to miss something in the rush, so make sure you use this EOFY checklist to maximise your financial opportunities in the lead up to June 30.

The Secret to a Killer LinkedIn Profile – According to its Co-Founder If you want to make a good impression on your professional profile, clikc here to learn from the one of the cofounders


The Conveyancing Voice

Invitation AICSA is pleased to invite you to attend the SEMINAR - Practitionor Based Issues

DETAILS This seminar will cover the following: Mitigating your risks •

Managing difficult employees

Presented by

Mitigating the risks, including unfair dismissal, adverse action, bullying and harassment

DATE: Tuesday 9 August 2016

Policies all businesses should have

TIME: 4:30pm – 6:00pm

Ensuring your have a fair process

How to performance manage

Work health and safety obligations


Presented by: Jerusha Dolan, Employsure

Members: $99.00 (Incl. GST)

Principal Partner for Professional Development Series:

Non-Members: $165.00 (Incl. GST) Student: $25.00 (Incl. GST)

Professional Development & Event Cancellation, Change & Refund Policy

Diary Dates 9 August - Seminar - Practitioner Based Issues


16 August - Workshop - Land Divisions

No refund will be given unless more than 7 days notice is received by

13 September - Workshop - Conversions

AICSA in writing.


Cancellation may invalidate discount. Changing between events (including from seminar to recording) after registration and less than 48 hours prior to the event will incur an administration fee of $25.00 (+ GST). The AICSA reserves the right to cancel sessions that do not reach the minimum number of participants required (full refunds given).

Settlement Dates Click here for settlement room dates.

ACCC Scamwatch: Steer Clear of Tax Scams

Member Event Photos

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is urging Australians to hang up on and delete tax scams after

Click on the link to view photos from our recent events

more than $1 million was reported lost to Scamwatch already this year, with over 300 people reporting that they lost money to tax scams in the first half of the year.

Click Here

To read article please click here

The Conveyancing Voice


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Real Property Act Alignment Series - PART D: PEXA Workspace Training Computer Workshops To book your event click here to visit our website to register








LTO Computer Suite




LTO Computer Suite


PEXA Training Computer Workshop (pm)


LTO Computer Suite


Real Property Act Alignment: Part C



PEXA Training Computer Workshop (am)


LTO Computer Suite


PEXA Training Computer Workshop (pm)


LTO Computer Suite



AICSA Training Room




PEXA Training Computer Workshop (am)

9:00am – 12:30pm

LTO Computer Suite


PEXA Training Computer Workshop (pm)

1:30pm – 5:00pm

LTO Computer Suite


PEXA Training Computer Workshop (am)

9:00am – 12:30pm

LTO Computer Suite


PEXA Training Computer Workshop (pm)

1:30pm – 5:00pm

LTO Computer Suite

CONTACT US Ph: 08 8359 2090 E: W:

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AICSA Professional Development Calendar 2016 (August -November)

Principal Partner for Professional Development Series:







Practitioner Based Issues


4:30pm – 6:00pm



Workshop - Documents - FULLY BOOKED


1:30pm – 4:30pm








Workshop - Conversions - FULLY BOOKED


9:30am – 12:30pm



Workshop - Conversions - FULLY BOOKED


1:30pm – 4:30pm







1:00pm - 5:00pm (Business sessions)




5:00pm - 6:15pm (Welcome cocktail reception)

Adelaide Oval

6:30pm - 8:00pm (Popeye Cruise on the River Torrens + Olive Oyl Paddleboat Challenge)




8:00am - 5:00pm

Adelaide Oval


4:30pm – 6:00pm



Retirement Villages

CONTACT US Ph: 08 8359 2090 E: W:

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Australian Institute of Conveyancers South Australian Division Incorporated


AICSA STAFF Rebecca Hayes Chief Executive Officer e:

6th Floor, 68 Grenfell Street Adelaide SA 5000 GPO Box 2402 Adelaide SA 5001

Geoffrey Adam E-Conveyancing & Legislative Projects Officer e:

Tel: 08 8359 2090

Glenys Jackson Business Development Manager e:

Fax: 08 8232 8618 DX 58223 L.T.O. Email: Web:

Matthew Netherwood Membership & Sponsorship Manager e: Renzo Rigano Marketing and Communications Coordinator e: Karen Holt Membership Coordinator e: Megan Whitford Professional Development & Events Coordinator e: Janette Wale Finance & Administration Officer e:

Disclaimer The views expressed in this E-Newsletter are those of the author and not necessarily those of the publisher or editor. The material contained in this publication is of the nature of general comment only, and neither purports, nor is intended to be advice, legal or otherwise, on any particular matter. No subscriber or other reader should act on the basis of any matter contained in the publication without considering and, if necessary, taking the appropriate professional advice upon their own particular circumstances. The publisher, the authors and the editor expressly disclaim all and any liability to any person, whether a purchaser of this publication or not, in respect of anything set out in this publication and of the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done by any person in reliance, whether whole or partial, upon the whole or any part of the contents of this publication. No correspondence will be entered into in relation to this publication either by the publisher or the editor.

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