The "Aiden Cui/Yadong Cui" user's logo

Aiden Cui/Yadong Cui

Melbourne, Australia

University of Melbourne year 2017, S Class Club(yeah we changed our name)_Team#V_anguard Student of Pro.David @University of Birmingham; Student of Pro.Wang Xianggao @Tsinghua University @Chinese Academy of Sciences; Student of Lyle, Adrian, Liz, Bradley @University of Melbourne; Student of Mr.Zhou Feng @Ai-build @The Bartlett Not representing the faculties/institutions, I represent the people who supported me. But, still thanks for the faculties/institutions which give me chances to dream. Thanks a lot for being good to me. Also, thanks for being good to the vans like me [ We are friends of the livings. We design things. We are the oldest/youngest designers. We are vans. We are AIAA (Architectural Intellgence Association of Architecture) ] <------Tree of Known Life Architecture -------> Tree of unknown life
