Booklet DPF 2

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2nd Round DPF Application Booklet



Dear aplicant, First of all, I want to thank you for open this application this means that you are thinking in make a change in your life. To follow the next steps and to build your indivual planning. If you're not sure about taking this risk dont think it anymore and take it. Apply to the role you want. Being a DPF personally is one of the most exciting things you can do in your Aiesec live. You will learn a lot of things that will allow to grow personally and in your Aiesec career. This role will enable you to know yourself more, and increase your lidership skills. In this position you will work for and with the lives of all of your members, but don't get scared I know you'll do it the best way you can and want. To ďŹ nish, i want you to think if it's not now ... when? Don't think it anymore and apply. Follow your instincts because at the end they will be right. Heartily, Alejandra Macias Lozano LCVP TXP 2017

Dear Penguins, Leadership development is one of AIESEC main promises and porpoise. Taking the chance of develop your potential as a leader depends on you. Being part of the Director Penguin Force (DPF or TLP) is taking a step forward to construct a bigger, better and more impactful AIESEC Javeriana. As LCP for GEN 40 of AIESEC Javeriana I dearly invite you to take the chance to lead the next generation of AIESEC and BEAT along the EB 2017 for the evolution of our entity. Our goal should be to create a group of mid-leaders that is relevant, ready to work and engage with the goal of taking AIESEC Javeriana to the next level. So I send you my best wishes to this application process and invite you to take the chance to lead and be a part of the evolution of Javeriana any support you need feel free to aproch me or the 2017 EB Members Dearly, AndrĂŠs Felipe Camelo Bacca LCP 2017-18


This application has been divided in three parts, all of which have to be completed: 1. Introduce yourself 2. General Questionnaire 3. Especific Questionnaire

Sent your application to the following link We expect 1 PDF file only. Late applications won’t be received, no exceptions. Submit your application in english and save the application in PDF. Please submit your application in the following format: Name_ActualArea_2017_Rol. For example: AlejandraMacias_TXP_2017_TLPTXP

Calendar Application send deadline February 13 to February 17 - 11:59 p.m Interviews February 18 - February 20 Announcement February 21

Introduce Yourself 1. Name 2. Current role 3. Email 4. Skype 5. Mobile phone 6. Introduce yourself in no more than 200 words and add a photo of yourself

General Questionnaire 1. What is the importance of being an DPF? 2. How this role will contribute to your PDI? 3. Name three main actions that you as a DPF have to do. 4. How will ensure the developing of the PDI on your members?


Specialized Manager (Javeriana, U. Nacional, Piloto) - Wich strategies AIESEC in Javeriana can use to atract more students to take a OGV exchange? Mention 3 - How we can promote the ''becaxbeca'' project?

Innovation Manager (U. Distrital, Agustiniana, UniCafam) - Wich strategies AIESEC in Javeriana can use to atract more students to take a OGV exchange? Mention 3 - How we can promote the ''becaxbeca'' project? Expansion Manager (Uniminuto, Cooperativa, Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, Universidad de Cundinamarca, Politécnico gran Colombiano) - How do you think could be the strategie to touch the universities in expansion? - Realize a timeline (February - June) to implement the strategie.

F&LM 1. How do you think finances contribute to our committee? 2. How does sustainability translate into AIESEC? 3. How do your skills contribute to the group and the area? 4. What does finance mean to you?


1. Generate three strategies that you would use to get striking cooperations to your customers. In which countries would you focus? 2. How would be your synergy with UR? In which careers of each university you will focus?? 3. Which is the regular conduct to solve a quality case.


1) Do a market study in which are the main careers and faculties that help us to increase OGX programs 2) What would be your step by step to arrange a relationship with a university 3) How do you think you in the UR area can contribute to the goal of OGX


- Make a timeline were you describe your monthly priorities and IP, APP, RE ( feb- july ) - Which NGOs would you capitalize and what projects (aligned to the SDGs) will you offer them? Give at least ten NGOs and 3 clear strategies for each one - How are you going to improve the position of javeriana inside and outside AmĂŠricas?


Project Director for External eXperience - For you, What do each one of the products that we offer like AIESEC mean? - What is most important thing when you create digital content? - How will you ensure that AIESEC reaches all the students in the universities of our segmentation? - What is most important thing in the showcasing content? Project Director for Internal eXperience - What is the most important thing in communications? - What is the importance of the organizational culture in a company? - What is the most important thing for you on a web page? - What content should be downloaded to the membership in a weekly news?


1. How will you ensure the fulďŹ llment of all of the TS (before TeMi) in your members? 2. Create two strategies of education for the membership 3. Implementing mentoring lessons will be good for the develop of the membership? Yes / No. Why? 4. Create one activity for an LCDay where you can connect all the membership 5. If a member has got good results the past month. How will you recognise and reward he or she?

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