AIESEC UiO Compendium

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Statutes and Regulations for AIESEC University of Oslo


1 ABOUT AIESEC UNIVERSITY OF OSLO ...........................3 1. NAME AND MEMBERSHIP BASE ............................................................. 3

2. PURPOSE OF THE LOCAL COMMITTEE: THE AIESEC WAY ...........................................................................................3 3. STRUCTURE .........................................................................4 4. ORGANS IN AIESEC UNIVERSITY OF OSLO .....................4 4.1 THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY .................................................................. 4 4.2 THE EXCECUTIVE BOARD ................................................................... 5 4.3 THE EXCECUTIVE BOARDS OBLIGATIONS ............................................. 5

5. ELECTION AND SELECTION PROCEDURES ....................6 5.1 GENERAL ......................................................................................... 6 5.2 LCP ELECTION: PROCESS ................................................................. 6 5.3 LCP ELECTION: VOTING .................................................................... 7 5.4 LCP ELECTION: BALLOT COUNTING PROCEDURE ................................. 7 5.5 LCVP ELECTION: PROCESS ............................................................... 8 5.6 LCVP ELECTION: SELECTION COMMITTEE .......................................... 8

6. RELIEVING LCP OR LC VPS OF THEIR POSITION ...........9 6.1 IN GENERAL...................................................................................... 9 6.2 REMOVAL OF A VP............................................................................ 9 6.3 REMOVAL OF LCP ............................................................................ 9

7 MIDDLE MANAGEMENT – PROJECT MANAGERS ..........9 7.1 IN GENERAL...................................................................................... 9





About AIESEC University of Oslo

1. Name and membership base 1.1

The local committee is housed in Oslo, at the University of Oslo. The local committee is accepting members from the University of Oslo, Høyskolen i Oslo, Oslo Markedshøyskole and other schools in the area of Oslo that also show interest.


Members of AIESEC University of Oslo are people who have fulfilled the following criterias: Paid their membership fee (directly or indirectly through their internship fee) Attended 80% of all LC and team meetings Work consistently with AIESEC 10 hours a week (3 weeks of vacation during the summer and 3 weeks during winter allowed) Attended their acceptance ceremony and fulfilled the criterias during their probation periode. Partcipated on the national induction conference.

    

2. Purpose of the local committee: The AIESEC Way 1.2.1 Points in this section are continually updated after the regulations of AIESEC international. This is who we are, what we do and how we do it. 1.3.2 What is AIESEC: AIESEC is a global, non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. Its members are interested in world issues, leadership and management. AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, creed, religion, national, ethnic or social origin. 1.3.3 What we envision: Peace and fulfillment of humankind's potential. 1.3.4 Our impact: Our international platform enables young people to explore and develop their potential to provide leadership for a positive impact on society. 1.3.5

The way we do it: AIESEC provides its members with an integrated development experience comprised of leadership opportunities, international internships and participation in a global learning environment.

1.3.6 Our Values: Our Values define the acceptable standards which govern our members within our global network and support us in pursuing our ideals. Activating Leadership


We lead by example and inspire leadership through actions and results. We take full responsibility for developing the potential of other people. Enjoying Participation We have a dynamic environment created by active and enthusiastic involvement of individuals. We enjoy being involved in AIESEC. Striving for Excellence We aim to deliver the highest quality performance in everything we do. Through creativity and innovation we seek to continuously improve our results. Living Diversity We seek to learn from the different ways of life and opinions represented in ourmulticultural environment. We respect and actively encourage the contributionof every individual. Acting Sustainable We act in a way that is sustainable for our organization and society. Our decisions take into account the needs of future generations. Demonstrating Integrity We are consistent and transparent in our decisions and actions. We fulfill our commitments and conduct ourselves in a way that is true to our ideals.

3. Structure 1.3.1 AIESEC UiO is working after the regulations, in order of importance, of AIESEC International, AIESEC Norway and regulations given here. 1.3.2 AIESEC UiO is consisting of  The General Assembly  The Executive board of AIESEC Oslo  Members  Alumni

4. Organs in AIESEC University of Oslo 4.1 The general assembly 4.1.1

The general assembly is the highest decision making organ of AIESEC University of Oslo.


It shall be called upon a general assembly if either 50% of the board members or 50% of the members of AIESEC University of Oslo demand this.


One general assembly is mandatory to be held each year for the election of new board. The LCP calls for this assembly. 4


To change the compendium or vote for a new board a general assembly has to be called upon.

4.2 The excecutive board 4.2.1 The board of AIESEC Oslo is consisting of 6 persons with these commissions:  Local Committee President  Local Committee Vice President Talent Management and Communication  Local Committee Vice President Outgoing Exchangemanagement  Local Committee Vice President Incoming Exchangemanagement Corporate  Local committee Vice President Incoming Exchangemanagement Non-Corporate  Local Committee Vice President Finance Areas of responsible and duties are regulated in their own instructions. 4.2.2 The Board is elected for one year at the time and the term start the July 1st and ends the follow year June 30th. 3.2.2 All commissions of AIESEC University of Oslo are unsalaried. 3.2.3 The necessary quorom is present when 5/6 of the boardmembers are present. 3.2.4 Cases are agreed to at majority. 3.2.5 LCP has a double vote at disagreements. 3.2.6 Only LCP and Responsible for Finance can bind AIESEC UiO economically with a signature for sums over 200 kr. No single person can bind AIESEC UiO for more than 5000 kr.

4.3 The excecutive boards obligations 4.3.1 Obigations:  The new board is obliged to participate at all national conferences from the date of their election/selection.  The new board is obliged to participate at the National planning conference in the summer.  The LCP is obliged to be present, by proxy or representative at all NEB meetings.  The new board is obliged to go to SCALDS.  Work 20 hours a week (3 weeks of vacation in the summer and 3 weeks in the winter)  Fulfill all membershipcriteria for the LC  Fullfill the LC membershipcriteria 5

5. Election and selection procedures 5.1 General 5.1.2 board.

All members of AIESEC University of Oslo is eligible for the excecutive


Candidates must put themselves forward with an application within the deadline set by the EB, no later than one week before the election date.


No proposals from the bench during the general assembly will be accepted.


All applications shall be distributed through e-mail, or in other ways be made available to all those who have voting rights in AIESEC UiO four days, at the latest, before the election takes place.


LCP candidates required to be physically present during the election and selection. LCVPs are not required but if not there they need to submit a videospeech of max.10min.


All members of AIESEC University of Oslo have the right to vote. Each member has one vote per candidate.


To vote, a member with voting right needs to attend all speeches and Q&A for the position in question.


No member with voting right can leave the room during the time the votes are cast and counted.


Elections for Executive Board positions in AIESEC UiO are always secret and in written.


A chair is to lead the election process. The chair should be an alumni of UiO or an external person.


The chair can not vote.

5.2 LCP election: process 5.2.1

The only position elected at the general assembly is the LCP.


The Election process consists of speeches of maximum 15 minutes duration by the candidates, a question & answer session for a maximum


of 20minutes and a final speech of maximum 3 minutes. The candidates will appear in randomized order for the main speech, and in reversed order for the final speech. 5.2.3

Unsuccessful LCP candidates have the opportunity to step down to a LCVP position. LCP candidates are not required to inform anyone about their intention of doing so before the LCP election is over.


The LCP candidates will not have the opportunity to be present when the other LCP candidates answer the questions or hold their speech.

5.3 LCP election: voting 5.3.1

The votes are counted in secret and the results are announced after the counting.


To get elected the candidate need a simple majority. That is 50% of the vote + 1 vote


Each voting member can choose to vote: a. The name of one of the candidates b. Abstention

5.4 LCP election: Ballot counting procedure 5.4.1

In case more than half of the members vote abstention, no candidate is elected.


The votes are counted by two vote counters elected by the legislative meeting of members.


If no candidate achieves simple majority, a new round of voting will be conducted between the two candidates with the largest amounts of votes.


In case of a draw, there shall be a new round of voting. In case of a draw in the second round, the vote of the LCP acts as a tipping vote.


If one or more votes are incorrectly filled the chair shall announce a new round of voting.


In case no LCP candidate is elected, new round of applications will be announced. LC VP confidence voting will still take place but selection of the LC EB will take place only when an LCP has been elected.


5.5 LCVP election: process 5.5.1

The Selection process consists of speeches of maximum 10 minutes duration by the candidates. The candidates will appear in randomized order.


After the LC VP Candidate speeches, the members will give a confidence vote to the LC VP candidates. Only the candidates receiving vote of confidence by simple majority can proceed to the selection Committee.


None of the LCVP candidates will have the opportunity to be present while the other LCVP or LCP candidates are having their speeches


LC VP candidates may apply for more than one position.

5.6 LCVP Election: Selection committee 5.6.1

A selection committee shall be developed to advice the LCPe on the selection of LCVPs from the selection pool.


The Selection Committee as a minimum consists of the LCP, LCPe, one external and one member from the LC. Additional members may be selected.


All candidates should be interviewed by the Selection Committee. The information obtained during these interviews shall be treated as confidential, and may not be shared with anyone who has not been part of the Selection Committee.


The final decision on selection of LCVPs is made by the LCPe based on advice from the Selection Committee.


The LCP may, with the agreement of that candidate, select a VP for a different position than the one applied for and may also leave positions open, if one decides that none of the candidates given the vote of confidence are suitable.


The selection of candidates must take place within a week after the vote of confidence is given.


If not all positions are filled after the selection, the EB have to solve the situation in a way that covers all the responsibilities of the different functional areas.


6. Relieving LCP or LC VPs of their position 6.1 In general 6.1.2

Resigning from the position before the EB term is over is looked upon as a last resort, and other means of solving the situation shall be tried first.

6.2 Removal of a VP 6.2.1

The LCP is at liberty to relieve any VP of his or her duties during the year if a good reason is presented. The LCP is responsible for the EB and hence has the final word in removing a VP.


A dismissal must be accompanied by an obligatory email to the entire membership base, including the VP in question. The mail must include all the reasons for the dismissal and must be based on relevant failure to adequately fill the position he/she is currently holding.


The LCP is obliged to inform the LC of the dismissal a 4days before it comes into effect.


The general assembly, as outlined in 2.1.2, can remove a VP directly by vote.

6.3 Removal of LCP 6.3.1

The general assembly can remove a LCP from his/hers position by simple majority if the members find the LCPs work unsatisfactory. Reasons for the dismissal have to be presented.


The LCP is required to distribute the compendium each quarter, when changes in the compendium is legislated and if VPs are dismissed so the members know how they can call for a general assembly to remove the LCP.


Middle Management – Project Managers

7.1 In general 7.1.1

Election will follow the same procedure as VPs. But If no members have applied for the position as project manager during one week after the position has been promoted by e-mail to our members, the board has the


authorization to select a person for the position on the premises that the selected person agrees on taking the position. 7.1.2

The project manager is reporting directly to LCP or to the VP, depending on where the project is going on.


Project managers can be removed the same way as the board can be. See chapter 4.



6.4.1 An Alumni is a person who has left the organization and fulfills the following criteria: a. Has been a full member for at least 6 months; and b. Has been on an AIESEC exchange and/or has had an AIESEC Leadership Role 6.4.2 The Alumnis have the right to meet, speak and propose suggestions. But they do not have the right to vote at general assemblies. 6.4.3 The list over all alumnis should be updated yearly by the executive board.


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