LC HR Plan Guidelines

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Guidelines for creating an HR Plan in your LC 1. Gain an overview of each member and leader in your LC (current and to be recruited) (suggestion to fill in the Excel template) Purpose: - To know the path of every member, and to know what our applicants are recruited for - To know what each member is doing in every quarter - To gain an understanding of what kind of opportunities we have to offer to the recruited members - To ensure that all projects (exchange and non-exchange) have the necessary HR to meet the goals 2. Number of members. Gain an overview of the following numbers: - Total number of EB members - Number of EB members to be recruited - Total number of project managers - Number of project managers to be recruited - Total number of members - Total number of members to be recruited - Total number of people to be recruited your LC - How many applicants do you need in the membership recruitment to fulfill this Output: - total number of members and leaders - application goal for recruitment 3. Take the following factors into consideration - Are there any leaders or members who need to be recruited for non-exchange projects? (for example conferences) - What is their path for the rest of the year? - How many more people than we need do we need to recruit in order to ensure sustainable membership retention of the LC? (take into consideration that some members will quit or change their plans) How many members/leaders have the potential to stay minimum 2 years? How many of those do we need to recruit in order to ensure EB pipeline for next year? - Do we need members to work during the summer for the summer peak projects? - How many do we need to recruit that have potential for working during the summer? - Are their other factors (example: time availability, exchange availability for the summer etc.) that needs to be included in the profile for some specific members? NEXT STEPS: - Create Job Descriptions for each position to know: o The purpose of each member o The contribution to the goal of each member o The value of each position - Create specific profiles for each position (or larger grouping, for example: OGX project managers) to know: o What kind of requirements is needed for each position o What type of people are we looking for in the different positions

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