Job Assignment #1: RESEARCH FRAMEWORK Crafted by Ara Cabalonga Provisional Title The Relevance of the AIESEC Experience (Based on research on Social Realities) Abstract What is AIESEC? AIESEC is a global, non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. It is an international platform that enables the youth to explore and develop their leadership potential for them to make an impact on the society. To be able to do so, AIESEC provides its members with an integrated development experience composed of leadership opportunities, international internships and active participation in a global learning environment, also known as the AIESEC Experience (AIESEC XP). Background of the Problem Relevance has always been a constant factor in understanding and measuring the operations of AIESEC as an organization in achieving it goal. (Relevance being defined as closely connected to or appropriate or significant to the matter at hand.) The success of AIESEC significantly depends on its relevance as an organization. One has to be relevant to be able to fulfill its function better, and to be able to serve its constituents better. As stated above, AIESEC is an international organization that aims to develop and maximize the youth’s leadership potential. Since AIESEC is for the youth, it only follows that AIESEC, most especially the AIESEC Experience, remains consistently relevant to its main stakeholders, the youth. Relevance makes the weight of AIESEC XP bigger in its main stakeholders. With this in mind, a question regarding the relevance of the AIESEC Experience as a tool to maximize the leadership potential of the youth constantly arises. Looking at the bigger picture, the AIESEC Experience is AIESEC’s way of changing the world, of making impact in the society. Again, relevance significantly affects the success of achieving this goal. Taking this into account, the relevance and the direct impact of AIESEC as a change agent in the society is being questioned. Objective This research aims to understand and assess the relevance and alignment of the AIESEC XP with its stakeholders, on the basis of the social realities and trends of leadership sand exchange in in the Loyola Schools community, as well as in the bigger context of the Philippines. Significance of the Research As stated earlier, it is important to ground the AIESEC Experience on the social realities and trends to know and ensure its relevance and alignment in its aim to develop the youth’s potential; therefore, contributing to the success. Moreover, knowing the status
of AIESEC XP and its relevance to its stakeholders will help establish and empower the foundation, the Reason-to-Believe (RTB), of an effective communications plan. It will also contribute in setting the direction and strategizing how to effectively communicate the organization (AIESEC) and the product (AIESEC XP) to the market. Research Questions Given that the AIESEC way is developing the youth’s leadership potential through exchange to make an impact in the society, this research will study the significance and impact of the following three main points in the AIESEC Experience to measure and assess the relevance of the AIESEC XP: Leadership 1. What is the significance and purpose of leadership for the youth? 2. What is the stake of youth leadership in nation-building? 3. What are the social realities and trends in youth leadership today? Exchange 1. How does the Exchange program contribute to cultural heritage in the Philippines? 2. How does the Exchange program help in establishing national identity in the Philippines? 3. How does the AIESEC Exchange program maximize the youth potential? 4. What is it’s advantage over other Exchange programs? (Find out the RTB &USP.) Making Impact 1. How is the AIESEC Experience socially relevant? 2. How does the AIESEC Experience directly impact its stakeholders (Ateneo community, learning partners, PBOX communities etc)? 3. How does the AIESEC Experience alleviate the bigger picture of poverty in the Philippines? *These are general questions. These will be discussed further in the methodology of the research. Methodology Survey A survey is a quantitative research method, which examines the respondents’ views on the topic (leadership, exchange and making impact). A certain target sample will answer the said survey. For this research, the researcher will utilize this method (survey) to gain a general perspective on the research topic. The survey will be assessing the level of importance of the leadership and of AIESEC Values. It will also conduct an environmental scanning of their opinions on the AIESEC Exchange.
Unit of Analysis The unit of analysis of this data collection will be the questionnaires to be answered by the participants. The survey was consisted of double-barrelled questions, wherein the users had to compare two certain categories from each other. These type questions will contribute to the comparative analysis of behaviours s of CMC and FTF communication. Moreover, there are other questions that will be analyzed through the nominal values obtained from the results. Sampling Procedure The sample will be consisted of the Loyola Schools students, ranging from the freshmen to the seniors, since they are the main stakeholders of AIESEC AdMU. Though the survey is all about leadership and exchange, it will not be limited to student leaders, organization members, exchange participants and interested exchange participants because, as stated earlier, the research want a general perspective of the topic. Sample Size Given that the Loyola Schools student population amounts to around 8,000, and that 92% pf these students are organization members (that already says a lot about their perspective regarding leadership), the sample size will be 500. To have a margin of error of *, the sample size will be *. Survey Sample The Relevance of AIESEC XP Introduction The researchers are conducting a study about the different social realities and trends of leadership and exchange and the relevance of the AIESEC Experience to its stakeholders based on the said realities. By answering this survey, you are giving permission to the researchers to use this data for the research. Please be assured that your answers are kept confidential. Thank you! Communications Department AIESEC Ateneo de Manila University Instruction All participants of this survey must be students of the Loyola Schools. Please do answer as truthfully as you can. * Required BASIC INFORMATION Year:
[] Freshman [] Sophomore [] Junior [] Senior [] Super Senior Course: LEADERSHIP Are you taking any leadership position as of now? [] Yes What leadership position? ____________________________________ What organization? __________________________________________ [] No Why not? __________________________________________________ Please rate the following values according to its importance to you, with 5 as the highest and 1 as the lowest. 5: Very Important 4: Important 3: Neutral 2: Slightly 1: Not important Striving for Excellence Not important 1
Very Important
Very Important
Very Important
Very Important
Very Important
Demonstrating Integrity Not important 1
Activating Leadership Not important 1 Living Diversity Not important 1
Enjoying Participation Not important 1
Acting Sustainably Not important 1
Very Important
Do you think leadership contributes in nation-building? [] Yes [] No Why do you think so? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ____________ EXCHANGE Have you ever gone on Exchange? [] Yes What kind of Exchange? [] AIESEC Exchange [] JTA [] Study Tour [] Others: ____________________________ What was your motivation for going on Exchange? Check as many. [] Personal Development [] Adventure [] Travelling [] Independence / Taking Responsibility [] Strengthening Cultural Heritage [] Be a Filipino Ambassador [] Represent Philippines [] Chill/Relaxation [] Others: _____________________________ [] No Why not? _________________________________________________________________ ______ Are you interested in going on AIESEC Exchange? [] Yes What was your motivation for going on Exchange? Check as many. [] Personal Development [] Adventure [] Travelling [] Independence / Taking Responsibility [] Strengthening Cultural Heritage
[] Be a Filipino Ambassador [] Represent Philippines [] Chill/Relaxation [] Others: _____________________________ [] No Why not? Check as many. [] Not yet ready [] Financial Problems [] Not good enough [] Parental Approvals [] Other Exchange programs [] Required summer classes [] Required internship [] Others: _____________________________ End of Survey Thank you for answering! Focus Group Discussion The Focus Group Discussion (FGD) is a qualitative research method, which examines how participants construct and perform their opinions on a research topic in the presence of other people. Since the study focuses on their perspective on leadership and exchange, the researchers are convinced that a focus group discussion, a qualitative data-gathering method is apt. Due to the fact that leadership and exchange is a social activity, and that the participants may have different views and perspectives on the said topics, a focus group discussion may be pivotal in uncovering some of these aspects and contribute essential information for the study. During the FGD, the participants can share their insights, opinions and experiences, which will be very helpful to understand the relevance of leadership, exchange and making an impact to them. Unit Analysis The unit analysis of this focus group discussion is the participants whom the researchers will be asking questions to regarding the research topic. The point of focus will be the behavior and insights about leadership, exchange and making an impact. Focus Group Discussion Participants The participants of this FGD are selected through a purposive sampling method, wherein all participants must have homogenous background but dissimilar attitudes and perspectives. Since the study aims to know and understand the relevance of leadership, exchange and making an impact to (mainly) the youth, the participants will be composed of student leaders, organization members, interested exchange participants or simply exchange participants. There would be 6 to 10 participants in this focus group discussion
all belonging to the same background, Loyola Schools students, who has/had a leadership role in any organization, accredited, unaccredited, internal or external to Ateneo.
Focus Group Discussion Framework 1 Background The Focus Group Discussion (FGD) is a qualitative research method where a group of people, sometimes randomly selected but in certain instances specified, are asked about their opinions, perceptions, comments and suggestions regarding a particular subject of interest. The FGD setting is often setup such that interaction between the different members of the group is encouraged so that opinions begin to vary and converge at particular overarching themes. Often used in market research, FGDs are used to give depth to the statistics of a particular subject. The ideal size of a focus group is from 6-10 people. In some cases, however, this range is violated in favor of several other aspects. This ideal range was suggested in light of both difficulty in documentation and lack of or limited interaction between members.
2 Rationale Since the study focuses on their perspective on leadership and exchange, the researchers are convinced that a focus group discussion, a qualitative data-gathering method is apt. Due to the fact that leadership and exchange is a social activity, and that the participants may have different views and perspectives on the said topics, a focus group discussion may be pivotal in uncovering some of these aspects and contribute essential information for the study. During the FGD, the participants can share their insights, opinions and experiences, which will be very helpful to understand the relevance of leadership, exchange and making an impact to them.
3 Methodology Described below is the methodology of the FGDs to be conducted. There are basically three pertinent aspects shown below: (1) Logistical needs, (2) Flowchart and (3) the Questions. 3.1 Logistical Needs 1. Room that is far from any possible loitering noises or disruptions 2. Voice Recorder to allow for a much more efficient documentation of the answers of the participants. 3. Transcriber to type all the input from the participants as the FGD goes on. 4. Moderator to facilitate the discussion during the FGD.
3.2 Flowchart of the FGD Figure 1: FGD Flowchart
3.3 Questions The following questions are going to be asked during the FGDs. In the process of asking questions, allow for ample time in which the members of the group can completely say what they have to say. Only move on to the next question when you feel that no substantial additions can be made. Do not be afraid to ask elaborative follow-up questions when interesting opinions or comments are raised. The goal of the FGD is to gather as much information as possible. FGD 1: Leadership Participants: Student Leaders (EB-Core) and Organization Members 4. Are you taking any leadership position now? a. If yes, what is it? b. If not, why not? 5. Do you think leadership (stepping up, taking charge, taking responsibility) is important for the youth? Why do you think so? 6. Give concrete situation/s where you realize the importance or the purpose of leadership in this stage of your life as part of the youth.
7. Do you see yourself growing as a leader? Why do you think so? 8. Looking forward, is there an advantage of developing your leadership potential as early as now? Why do you think so? 9. Looking at the bigger perspective of things, can you see any relationship between youth leadership and nation-building? a. If yes, what is it? b. If no, why not? 10. (Addressed to those who said yes to the previous question) What made you realize that connection/relationship? Did you have any experience that made you realize this point? 11. How can you strengthen and improve youth leadership in the Ateneo? In the Philippines? FGD 2: Exchange Participants: Exchange Participants and Interested Exchange Participants (ICX and OGX) 5. a. (For those who have gone on Exchange) What was your motivation in going on Exchange? b. (For those interested) What is your motivation in going on exchange? 6. Given those reasons, why choose the AIEEC Exchange? Why not other leadership program? Why not other Exchange programs (JTA, Study Tour, etc)? 7. For those who have gone on Exchange, compare yourself before you went on Exchange and now that you are on Exchange / after you went on Exchange (use whatever’s applicable). 8. Can you see a connection between youth leadership and Exchange? a. If yes, what is it? b. If no, why not? 9. Looking at the bigger perspective of things, do you think the Exchange program also contributes to the cultural heritage of the Philippines (for Filipinos) or your own respective country? a. If yes, what is it? How does it contribute? b. If no, why not? How can it contribute? 10. For the Filipinos, as you all know, the national identity of Filipinos, of the Philippines is not yet strongly established. Do you think that the Exchange program is empowering our national identity? a. If yes, how exactly does it empower/contribute/strengthen our national identity? b. If no, how can it empower/contribute/strengthen our national identity? FGD 3: Making Impact Participants: This will go two ways to check both ends of the spectrum.
(A) AIESECers 1. What Experiential Leadership Development role are you taking now, Team Member Programme or Team Leader Programme? What’s your department and your role/job description? 2. Do you think you have an impact to your stakeholders? a. If yes, what is this impact? Are you adressing a particular problem? What made you say this? Cite a particular situation, if there’s any. b. If no, why is that? How do you think can you impact your stakeholders? 3. Based on your experience as an AIESECer, do you think the AIESEC Experience is relevant to you? a. If yes, how is it relevant? b. If no, how can it be relevant? 4. Looking at the bigger picture, can you see a connection between your AIESEC Experience and alleviating poverty or at least any particular social issue in the Philippines? a. If yes, what is this connection? What made you realize this connection? b. If no, how can you build a connection/relationship between the two? (B) Community Partners (PBoX), EPs (it can be connected to the Exchange FGD), other stakeholders 1. What is your engagement/relationship with AIESEC? 2. Is AIESEC of service to you? Does AIESEC have an impact to you? a. If yes, what is this service? What is this impact? Are they adressing a particular problem? What made you say this? Cite a particular situation, if there’s any. b. If no, why is that? How can AIESEC be of service? How can AIESEC impact you more? 3. Based on your relationship with AIESEC, do you think what AIESEC does is relevant to you? a. If yes, how is it relevant? b. If no, how can it be relevant? 4. Looking at the bigger picture, can you see a connection between AIESEC and alleviating poverty or at least any particular social issue in the Philippines? a. If yes, what is this connection? What made you realize this connection? b. If no, how can AIESEC build a connection/relationship between the two? Framework crafted by Irwin Amago (COA VP OSR) Edited by Ara Cabalonga for AIESEC Research
An interview is a qualitative research method that examines the interviewee’s knowledge and perspective. This research will utilize this method to gain a very specific perspective due to a targeted sampling procedure. Possible Interviewees The interviewees will be experts and known people from various relevant fields such as professors, development experts, outstanding student leaders, non-government offices representatives, government offices such as DOT, etc. The questions will be modified according to the interviewee. Preliminary Researches Other resources, besides direct feedback from the respondents, will be utilized. These will be in forms of related articles, books, videos and the like. Case 1: 1987 National Constitution: Youth-in-Nation Building Act Case 2: Department of Tourism Case 3: TedTalks Recommendations • • •
To be utilized by the Information Management team of the Communications Department. To be utilized as the part of the foundation (RTB) of future communcation plans. To be utilized in crafting campaigns – setting the direction, crafting key messages, strategizing the attack.
Work Plan DATE
February 22
Approval of Research Framework
February 22 – 26
Data Gathering: Surveys
February 27 – 29
Data Gathering: Interviews
March 1
Analysis of Data
March 1
Conclusion & Recommendations