AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2011-2012

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Annual | Report

AIESEC Denmark 2011/2012

Another Year of

Developing Youth Talent 1: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2011-2012


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2: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2011-2012

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Table of Contents Message from the President 4 National Executive Boards 5 About AIESEC 6 ...Our Values 7 ...Our Network 7 ...Programme Performance 8 Performance Reports ...Global Direction 12 ...TMP 13 ...TLP 16 ...Outgoing Exchange 18 ...Incoming Exchange 23 ...Intern story 25 Impact Reports ...ER/Partnerships 26 ...Company Story 26 ...The National Partnergroup 27 ...Alumni in Focus 29 ...LC Acitivities 30 ...Conferences 37 ...Awards 39 ...LEAD 40 AIESEC Supporters ...Board of Trustees 44 ...Board of Foundation 45 ...Funds & BoD 46 Governance and Accountability 48 Management’s Statement of Consolidated Accounts 49

Message from the President 2011-12 The year 2011-2012 marked several significant changes in AIESEC Denmark. After years of back-to-back budget deficits and alarming prospects for the future of the organisation, AIESEC Denmark successfully achieved a complete financial turnaround. The reasons for this were in particular an increased awareness at all levels of the organisation of the importance of running sustainable operations, and to focus on AIESEC’s core exchange programmes to increase financial revenue as well as deliver greater impact through the experiences offered. Furthermore, cost cutting initiatives were put in place, notably by downsizing the national executive board from five to four full-time employees. What is worth noting one year later is that organisational performance did not suffer from this strategy; in fact AIESEC Denmark continued to grow, with more traineeships raised and with the expansion of two new local chapters. The official extensions in Horsens and Sønderborg expanded AIESEC Denmark’s geographical reach and thus allowed more young people to get engaged with AIESEC across the country, now and in the years to come. The fact that AIESEC Denmark was able to build on its performance, despite the needs for cost cutting, is no doubt due to the increased organisational focus on delivering fewer but more effective projects, and thus ensuring that activities are kept relevant to both internal and external stakeholders, and that all initiatives are continuously evaluated for their ability to deliver impact for the organisation, the society and the individual. As an organisation which has had a tendency to get caught up in internal processes, AIESEC Denmark started to focus its scope more towards the external environment and to evaluate the value delivered to its current and potential stakeholders. This is manifested in AIESEC Denmark’s mid-term strategy towards the year 2015, where growth, quality and collaboration should be co-dependent factors contributing to AIESEC Denmark’s increased relevance in society, and thus all its stakeholders. Having seen the development of AIESEC Denmark in this past year from the closest possible range, I feel proud and thankful to see how much an organisation comprised of volunteers, who hold such diversity in cultural and educational backgrounds as well as personal dreams and ambition, can achieve by knowing where it wants to go and what kind of impact it wishes to deliver. I would especially like to extend my gratitude to the Board of Directors for great cooperation and a desire to bring AIESEC Denmark closer together, to the Board of Trustees for always giving valuable advice on strategic and organisational matters, to the Board of Foundation for supporting and believing in the financial turnaround now accomplished, to the local Executive Boards for being the true ambassadors and implementers of change and excellence, to the partners of AIESEC Denmark for supporting us and seeing the value of what we do, and last but not least to the National Team and especially the National Executive Board for tireless efforts, innovative solutions and true enjoyment of the experiences gained and shared, on the path to connect AIESEC Denmark to the future. Sincerely,

James Pearson Member Committee President 11-12, AIESEC Denmark 4: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2011-2012

National Executive Board 2011-12 The National Executive Board, or Member Committee, plays an integral role in the overall development of the National Association. The Member Committee is responsible for fostering the growth of the local offices, playing a connecting role between the national reality and the global direction of the organisation. Together these four highly talented and experienced individuals are responsible for the leadership development, talent acquisition, conference management, regional collaboration, financial management and overall long term strategic evolution of AIESEC Denmark. During the term 2011-2012, the Member Committee – in collaboration with the local offices – has spearheaded several key new strategic initiatives, including: • The Winter Abroad Programme, sending Danish students on cultural exchange during the winter months • LEAD, a leadership development programme offered to all leaders in AIESEC, to ensure relevant and high-quality leadership experience • Elite Sellers and Sales Academy, aiming to offer members intensive experience within sales, to bet ter market AIESEC’s products and develop universal sales skills • Re-establishment of an official Alumni Network, to provide opportunities for Alumni to interact with each other as well as add value to current AIESEC Denmark activities • Developing a mid-term strategic framework for AIESEC Denmark towards the year 2015, to ensure focus, continuity and sustainability in activities and direction for the years to come A year as part of the Member Committee is a challenging and life-changing experience for those who are privileged to be selected to the position. This has been an immense period of great changes for AIESEC Denmark as an organisation and those, who along with the local offices and various support teams, have been leading the evolution. Member Committee 2011-2012 (L-R) Dennis Lind-Bruhn (Vice President, Finance), Christina Knudsen (Vice President, External Relations and Incoming Exchange Programmes), Paroma Bhattacharya (Vice President, Talent Management and Outgoing Exchange Programmes), James Pearson (President)

5: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2011-2012



9 Our members are part of an exciting, driven global network. They are able to contribute to societal AIESEC has 64 years of experience in developing high-potential youth intovision globally change while exploring their own for a positive in overresponsible 110 countries andleaders. territories and with overin overimpact -Present minded Present 110oncountries and territories society. 60,000with members, AIESEC is the members, world’s largest studentWe world’s are supported by thousands of partner and over 80,000 AIESEC is9 the largest student-run run organisation. Focused on providing a platform for youth around thedevelopment, globe who look to AIESEC organisation. Focused on providing a platform fororganisations youth leadership leadership development, AIESEC offers young people totosupport the development of youth and to access AIESEC offers young people the opportunity participate in international the opportunity toexperience participate in international internships, top talent throughenvironment. our global internshipWhat programme. internships, leadership and a global learning experience leadership and a global learning environment. 9 Our alumni are leaders within their organisations makes AIESEC unique is the youth-driven impactful experience that it offers to What makes AIESEC unique is the youth-driven impactful andyoung communities. They use the experience, skills its members. AIESEC is run by young people for people. experience that it offers to its members. AIESEC is run by and inspiration AIESEC has provided them to be young people for young people. agents of positive change within today’s society. AIESEC has 63 years of experience in developing highpotential youth into globally - minded responsible leaders.

Our Vision

AIESEC’s Scope


$,(6(& LV D JOREDO QRQ SROLWLFDO LQGHSHQGHQW QRW IRU SURÂżW organisation run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. Our members are interested in world issues, leadership and management.

Our Approach AIESEC members live an integrated development experience. This involves leadership opportunities, international internships and interacting with a global network to support their development.

AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, creed, religion, national, ethnic or social origin.

AIESEC in Numbers 55’000 20.000 16.000 4.000 4

members leadership roles internships partners

AIESEC | Global Annual Report

6: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2011-2012

2.500 470 110 +60

universities conferences countries years of experience

Our Values Activating Leadership

Enjoying Participation

Demonstrating Integrity

Striving for Excellence

Living Diversity

Acting Sustainably

We lead by example and inspire leadership through our activities. We take full responsibility for developing the youth leadership potential of our members.

We are consistent and transparent in our decisions and actions. We fulfill our commitments and conduct ourselves in a way that is true to our ideals.

We seek to learn from the different ways of life and opinions represented in our multicultural environment. We respect and actively encourage the contribution of every individual.

We create a dynamic environment created by active and enthusiastic participation of individuals. We enjoy being involved in AIESEC.

We aim to deliver the highest quality performance in everything we do. Through creativity and innovation we seek to continuously improve.

We act in a way that is sustainable for our organisation and society. Our decision take into account the needs of future generations.

AIESEC in Numbers Members 60.000 Leadership Roles 20.000 Exchanges 16.000 Partners 4.000 Universities 2.100 Conferences 470 Countries 110

60+ years of experience

7: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2011-2012

Programme performance Performance Report | Global Impact Number of experiences provided in each region between 1 July 2011 and 30 June 2012

Africa: Team Member Programme Team Leader Programme *OREDO &RPPXQLW\ 'HYHORSPHQW 3URJUDPPH Students received Students sent abroad Global Internship Programme Students received Students sent abroad

2232 1655 1827 555 108 233

$VLD 3DFLĂ€F Team Member Programme Team Leader Programme *OREDO &RPPXQLW\ 'HYHORSPHQW 3URJUDPPH Students received Students sent abroad Global Internship Programme Students received Students sent abroad

11972 6342 5535 5463 1978 799

Central and Eastern Europe: Team Member Programme Team Leader Programme *OREDO &RPPXQLW\ 'HYHORSPHQW 3URJUDPPH Students received Students sent abroad Global Internship Programme Students received Students sent abroad



9605 9605 4166 2776 1050 1561

Performance Report | Global Impact

Iberoamerica: Team Member Programme Team Leader Programme *OREDO &RPPXQLW\ 'HYHORSPHQW 3URJUDPPH Students received Students sent abroad Global Internship Programme Students received Students sent abroad

20187 7340 2076 2802 592 1033

Middle East and North Africa: Team Member Programme Team Leader Programme *OREDO &RPPXQLW\ 'HYHORSPHQW 3URJUDPPH Students received Students sent abroad Global Internship Programme Students received Students sent abroad

1990 832 748 791 183 283

Western Europe and North America: Team Member Programme Team Leader Programme *OREDO &RPPXQLW\ 'HYHORSPHQW 3URJUDPPH Students received Students sent abroad Global Internship Programme Students received Students sent abroad

8336 4118 997 2716 1120 1358

“People change their perspective of leadership when they travel” - Global Youth to Business Forum Kenya 2011


9: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2011-2012

Programme performance

54 472

24 356



Team Member Programme A Team Member Programme is a SUDFWLFDO RSSRUWXQLW\ IRU D \RXQJ person to work as part of a team GHOLYHULQJ D VSHFLĺF REMHFWLYH ZLWKLQ D GHĺQHG SHULRG

AIESEC programme performance

Team Leader Programme A Team Leader Programme is DQ RSSRUWXQLW\ WR OHDG D WHDP WR DFKLHYH D VSHFLĺF REMHFWLYH ZKLOH guiding others in their work.

The Experiential Leadership Development Programme (ELD)

,V DQ RSSRUWXQLW\ IRU DQ\ \RXQJ SHUVRQ WR GLVFRYHU DQG GHYHORS WKHLU OHDGHUVKLS SRWHQWLDO ,W SURYLGHV HYHU\ 7KH $,(6(& ([SHULHQFH LV WKH ZD\ $,(6(& GHYHORSV \RXQJ SHUVRQ DFFHVV WR $,(6(&pV YDOXH EDVHG SODWIRUP \RXQJ SHRSOH ,W FRQVLVWV RI SKDVHV (QJDJHPHQW ZLWK WKH IROORZLQJ FKDUDFWHULVWLFV ,QWHUQDWLRQDO FURVV with AIESEC, Experiential Leadership Development and cultural opportunities, access to a global network, Life Long Connection. AIESEC’s major programmes RSSRUWXQLW\ WR PDNH SRVLWLYH VRFLHWDO LPSDFW SHUVRQDO are delivered through the Experiential Leadership and professional development. Development Programmes.


Total number of experiences:

99 206

5 028

15 350



Global Community Development Programme

Global Internship Programme A Global Internship Programme SURYLGHV RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU \RXQJ people to gain cross-cultural professional development experience abroad.

$ *OREDO &RPPXQLW\ Development Programme SURYLGHV RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU \RXQJ people to create direct positive impact through an international volunteer experience abroad.

Engagement with AIESEC (EwA)

Life-long Connection

Engagement with AIESEC is a new concept that we use to recognise the fact that a student who is connected WR $,(6(& EXW QRW \HW OLYLQJ RQH RI RXU SURJUDPPHV FDQ VWLOO EH LPSDFWHG E\ WKH H[SHULHQFH ,W UHĝHFWV RXU commitment to strengthen AIESEC’s global learning environment and make it more and more inclusive.

7KH /LIHORQJ &RQQHFWLRQ SKDVH LV DQ RSSRUWXQLW\ WR NHHS our alumni connected to the organisation and our core YDOXHV ,Q WKLV ZD\ $,(6(& SUHVHQWV HDFK RI LWV DOXPQL a platform for continuous growth thus enabling them to PDNH D FRQVWDQW SRVLWLYH LPSDFW RQ VRFLHW\

44% of young people we reached in our survey think corruption is the most widely present problem in their society. 32% think it’s quality of education. -YouthSpeak2015


Performance Report | Global Direction The year 11-12 has been a year full of changes in the global direction. Moving closer to our 2015 vision, the global experience has been adjusted to the newest trends and therefore four new programs have been implemented. Read more about our 2015 vision and the programs below. AIESEC globally is moving closer to our 2015 mid-term ambition, to “Engage and develop every young person in the world”. This ambition was established in 2010 at AIESEC’s International Congress in India.

In order to achieve that, we have redesigned the so called AIESEC Experience, where young people; students and recent graduates can get involved in one of our four programmes, while each of them offers unique experiential leadership development. On the following pages, you can read more about each program and its impact during 11-12.

12: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2011-2012

Programme Report | Team Member Programme What is the Team Member Programme? A Team Member Programme (TMP) experience is an opportunity for a young person to develop entrepreneurial and responsible leadership by living a practical team experience at a local, national, regional or global level. With this programme, a young person gains access to AIESEC’s value-based platform, and he or she experiences: • • • •

A practical team experience Practical hard and soft skills development Access to a global network An entrepreneurial and responsible attitude towards being a better leader

Team Member Programme participants can have different types of practical team experiences, such as being a part of a project team, a functional team such as Sales or Human Resources, the organizing committee of an event or conferences, or an executive team of a an entity. A Team Member experience lasts for a minimum of two months with at least three other members in the team, including a team leader. We do not just measure the number of Team Member Programme participants; we also measure the number of diverse and impactful experiences that each participant has. In Denmark, AIESEC runs 7 local offices and covers 14 university campuses. The current local offices are present in Copenhagen, Odense, Aarhus, Aalborg, Horsens and Sønderborg. This means that Team Member Programme makes almost 50% of all the experienced delivered in AIESEC Denmark in 2011/2012. In terms of member experiences, AIESEC Denmark grown from 374 experiences in 2010/2011 to 496 experiences in 2011/2012.

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Programme Report | Team Member Programme The Team Member Programme participants represented a wide variety of study lines and educational backgrounds.

Humanities Linguistic studies Business studies Communications Social sciences Culture studies Tourism Hospitality Architecture Health and Medicine

Sales & Marketing Information Technology and other Technical studies Engineering Finance Law Economics Management International Relations & Politics

In the year 2011/2012, a number of new initiatives were started in order to deliver a high-quality experience to all of AIESEC Denmark’s Team Member Programme participants. The first step in this direction was to improve the recruitment processes. Most local offices conducted a two step selection process for the first time. Students had to go through an interactive Group Assessment Centre, followed by a personal interview, in order to be selected for the Team Member Programme. Once inducted into the organization, Team Member Programme participants went through a comprehensive local induction process and a number of them were also given mentors at this stage. Nationally, there was a great focus on Training & Development initiatives for the Team Member Programme. For the first time, a detailed Member Education Cycle was created which has laid the basis for Talent Development in the coming year. Members also had a chance to participate in “Train the Trainers Seminars” in order to improve their communication and training skills. Local offices also ran several initiatives in order to promote a “Multiple Programme Experience” wherein members take up a number of diverse roles and opportunities in order to have a high-quality AIESEC experience.

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Programme Report | Team Member Participant Story Christine Bang Andersen Team Member Participant Starting from the beginning, one could ask why I joined AIESEC in the first place. Well, we have a random curly-haired guy at CBS to thank for that. During my intro week I was pulled aside in the hallway and received the fastest sales pitch about this student organization which could provide me with an international environment and professional experiences, it sounded cool so I thought “what the heck” and applied. After sending the application I was very nervous that I wouldn’t get in, so receiving that assuring phone call from Mia was one of the best moments ever – and boy am I still happy I got it. In the beginning of the year I was a member of Finance. I was working with the most amazing people from all over uni and the world and I learned what it meant to work in a team. Ariel granted me the opportunity of working on our Sponsorship Strategy, an experience that really initiated my passion for AIESEC. The feeling that people trust you and give you responsibility is amazing, and seeing something be created from nothing, only sprouting from your own hard work is the best motivator one can find. This experience and the amazing support from our VPF drove me to apply for ALPS in Deutschlandsberg, Austria in December 2011. This was truly a turning point for me. Not only in my AIESEC career, but in life. Never had I expected that I could change so much in only one week, but it happened. ALPS was international, inspirational, developing, simply beautiful – everything people say about AIESEC conferences, but you can’t comprehend until you’ve been there. Flying home to Denmark thoughts were flying through my head, the idea that you are able to do whatever you put your mind to finally really making sense to me. One month later I applied for TL in Communications, which was one of my best decisions yet. Now, working with new, equally amazing people, I was leading a team. The responsibility was on me and people looked up to me. That first team meeting was so nerve-racking, but with support from both team members and the awesome leadership team I found the courage to do some pretty cool things including nextLead. Again, the feeling I had experienced in Finance during the fall came back to me and it drove me to go even further.

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Programme Report | Team Leader Programme What is the Team Leader Programme? A Team Leader Programme (TLP) experience is an opportunity for a young person to develop entrepreneurial and responsible leadership through leading and guiding others in their work and experience at a local, national, regional or global level. With this Programme, a young person gains access to AIESEC’s value-based platform, and he or she experiences: • • • •

A practical team leader or executive leadership body experience Personal and professional development Practical hard and soft skills development Activities which develop an entrepreneurial and responsible attitude towards be- ing a better leader

Team Leader Programme participants can have different types of team-based leadership experiences such as leading a functional team, leading the organizing committee of a conference or acting as a part of the executive leadership body of an entity. A Team Leader experience lasts for a minimum of 2 months with at least 3 members in the team. In the year 2011/2012, AIESEC Denmark delivered 151 impactful Team Leader experiences. In terms of leadership roles, AIESEC Denmark has grown from 127 leadership roles in 2010/2011 to 151 leadership roles in 2011/2012.

In the year 2011/2012, a number of new initiatives were started in order to deliver an improved and high-quality experience to all of AIESEC Denmark’s Team Leader Programme participants. One key focus was to improve the leadership pipeline in the local offices. In order to make this happen, the concept of a “Leadership Preparation Seminar” was started. These local Seminars ran in parallel to the Induction seminars of the new members and aimed at giving existing leaders as well as senior members who aspired to be leaders, the necessary tools and tips about leadership & team management.

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Programme Report | Team Leader Programme Nationally, there was a great focus on the empowerment of the leaders in AIESEC Denmark. For the first time in Denmark, the global LEAD Programme was launched. This is a year-long leadership programme that aimed to support every leader in his or her leadership journey. This programme included several elements such as customized leadership training for different types of leadership roles, engagement of external partners for leadership training and Alumni mentors for several leaders. As part of the LEAD programme, leaders also had a chance to participate in “Train the Trainers Seminars” in order to improve their communication, training and facilitation skills. A detailed Member Education Cycle was created which has laid the basis for Talent Development & Leadership development in the coming year. All of these initiatives created a very good leadership pipeline in the country and resulted in most of the local offices having complete newly elected leadership teams for the coming term. Finally, in order to provide higher credibility for AIESEC Denmark’s Team Leader Programme, the national committee also issued individual Team Leader Certificates which recorded the performance and development of the leaders in the country.

Performance Report | Team Leader programme STORY Sophia Schroeder, Vice President Talent Management, AIESEC AAU (Aalborg), 2011/2012 When I joined AIESEC, I was as an Exchange Participant wanting to go on the Summer Abroad Programme. I was soon persuaded to go to an AIESEC Conference in hopes of learning more about my internship. However, bitten by the AIESEC-bug, I was convinced to apply for a Vice President position in my local committee and got elected. Ever since then my personal development has been growing and my learning-curve has been more or less horizontal. The Local Committee AAU placed me in Talent Management and from the beginning is has been an exciting journey. With the help from the network I managed to create two successful recruitments with my team, implement a quality education culture and create unity. Our Local Committee went from being a small underdog to being an example of many national good case practices and to be bigger and better functioning. We managed to create a foundation for amazing exchange-opportunities for our successors. Personally I have learned how to manage myself as well as others, I have found more confidence within myself, made amazing friends for life and found out what I am really good at. AIESEC gave me the best year of my life and set the path for my future and success. If I had not taken the plunge and thrown myself out there in the deep end, I would never have experienced all the good things that I have in my life today. 17: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2011-2012

Programme Report |

Outgoing Exchange Community Development Programme

What is the Global Community Development Programme? A Global Community Development Programme (GCDP) experience is an opportunity for young people to develop entrepreneurial and responsible leadership by creating direct positive impact through an international volunteer experience. With this Programme, a young person gains access to AIESEC’s value-based platform, and he or she experiences: • • •

A cross-cultural living and working experience The opportunity to create positive societal impact Personal development

Global Community Development programme participants can have different types of volunteer experiences. They may work with organizations or in projects which focus on community development, as long as their experience contributes to their personal development and positive impact on society. This type of experience lasts for a minimum of 6 weeks and a maximum of 78 weeks. In the term 2011/2012, AIESEC Denmark delivered 48 impactful outgoing Global Community Development programme experiences. These students had the chance to go to abroad and work on community development projects and have life-changing experiences. Nationally, each local office left a huge pipeline of participants for the coming term, so that AIESEC Denmark can send even more students abroad for voluntary experiences in the next year. Scaling up and strengthening the performance in Outgoing Exchange for the Global Community Development Programme was a national focus area in the term 2011/2012, and we can say that this has definitely been fulfilled. The outgoing Global Community Development participants came from all over the country, spanning 7 local offices and 14 universities. The major study lines represented by these students were Social Sciences, Business Studies, Humanities and Exchange students. Over half of the students were Danish by nationality, and the other half was composed a wide variety of nationalities and ethnic backgrounds. The main countries that the students went to for their international voluntary experiences were Mauritius, Taiwan, Indonesia, Brazil, China and India.

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In the term 11/12, a number of new initiatives were started in order to strengthen the quantitative performance as well as the qualitative impact of the Outgoing Exchanges in the Global Community Development Programme. A great focus was put on nationally aligned promotional materials and marketing strategies, in order to create a credible brand awareness about the programme in the Danish universities. For the first time ever, a Scandinavian campaign was launched for Outgoing Exchanges and AIESEC Denmark lead and won the campaign with flying colours. A number of initiatives were taken to improve the quality of the preparation that was given to the students going abroad for their voluntary experiences. These included improved and comprehensive agendas for the cultural preparation seminars, sending Danish representatives to some of the partner countries in order to ensure good reception for our students when they go abroad. Another new initiative was also introducing a series of virtual preparation seminars where the outgoing Global Community Development participants had a chance to get familiarized with the social, economic and cultural reality of the countries that they would be going to for their international voluntary experiences. All these initiatives truly ensured that every student going abroad will have an impactful and lifechanging experience.

Project Report | Summer Abrad & Winter Abroad In the year 2011/2012, AIESEC Denmark delivered two projects for Outgoing Exchange Participants in the Global Community Development Programme – the Winter Abroad Programme & the Summer Abroad Programme. The Winter Abroad Programme was started for the first time in AIESEC Denmark in the 11/12 term. This project helped some local offices to send students on international voluntary experiences during their winter break. Followed by this, all the local offices delivered the large-scale Summer Abroad Programme. The term 11/12 was the third year since the Summer Abroad Programme was conceptualized and this term was the most successful for the programme in terms of performance and brand visibility in Danish university campuses. Students in Denmark had a chance to go to four exotic countries for their Winter Abroad or Summer Abroad experiences:

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Project Report | Summer Abrad & Winter Abroad The students who went on these international voluntary experiences had a chance to work on community development projects based on a number of social issues such as Education, Environment, HIV AIDs, Health, Child Rights and Women Empowerment. These experiences contribute not only to the personal development of the students but also help in creating a positive impact in society. Duration: 6-8 weeks Timeline: December-February and June – August

What were the results? • In total for both winter and summer period: 167 applicants from all over the country, 91 students recruited, 48 students started their experience before June 30th and many quality improvements such as preparation seminars. • Spanning 7 local offices and 14 campuses, AIESEC Denmark recruited 91 students to be Outgoing Exchange Participants in the Winter and Summer Abroad Programs. • In the term 2011/2012, AIESEC Denmark sent 48 students abroad for international voluntary experiences during their winter and summer breaks. • Several initiatives were taken to improve the quality of these in international voluntary experiences. These initiatives included better prepared agendas for Outgoing Preparation Seminars, sending Danish representatives to some of the partner countries in order to ensure good reception for our students when they go abroad, as well as, introducing a series of Virtual Cultural Preparation Seminars for the students. All these initiatives truly ensured that every student going abroad will have an impactful and life-changing experience

20: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2011-2012

Programme Report | Exchange participant story

I study Business, Language, and Culture on my second year at Copenhagen Business School. I went to Bandung, Indonesia for an international voluntary experiDaniel Munk Buchholt ence through AIESEC Denmark’s Exchange Participant Global Community and Development Program (Winter Abroad Program). From the beginning I knew I would really like to work with HIV/AIDS, so I picked a project about this with NGO in Bandung called Rumah Cemara. At Rumah Cemara one of my tasks was to talk to the people with HIV, how they contracted it, and how their life has been thereafter. 85% of the staff lives with HIV. Furthermore, I made a few presentations as well as participated in the classes for drug users at Rumah Cemaras rehabilitation center. Besides this I had the opportunity to work on my own project about HIV/ AIDS. One of the best things about Bandung and Indonesia is the people. Both the people at work, in AIESEC and the Indonesians are all very open-minded and eager to give you the best experience you could ever imagine. This means a lot when you’re all on your own that you have some friends to turn to and spend time with both at work, but also after work. I travelled around Indonesia with interns from New Zealand and China as well as local Indonesians, to learn about the diversity of cultures in Indonesia and of course also enjoy my stay in this country’s natural paradise. If you want to do something on your own, you should definitely go on an exchange with AIESEC. Your personal development strengthens a lot by being on your own and creating new friendships with people you do not have any relation to at the beginning. At the same time it is a perfect way of increasing your skills in other languages. During my exchange, I spoke English most of the time, but also some German with the Germans and a little Bahasa (Indonesian) with the Indonesians.

21: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2011-2012

Programme Report |

Outgoing Exchange Global Internship Programme

What is the Global Internship Programme? A Global Internship Programme (GIP) experience is an opportunity for a young person to develop entrepreneurial and responsible leadership by living a cross-cultural professional development experience. With this programme, a young person gains access to AIESEC’s value-based platform, and he or she experiences: • •

A professional development experience A cross-cultural living and working experience

Global Internship participants can have different types of internship experiences as long as their role and supervision clearly contribute to their professional development. A Global Internship experience lasts for a minimum of 6 weeks and a maximum of 78 weeks. In the term 2011/2012, AIESEC Denmark delivered 35 impactful outgoing Global Internship experiences. That means that 35 students had the chance to go to abroad and work with companies on professional projects that greatly contribute to their personal development. Nationally, 102 students were recruited to go abroad on professional internships and each local office left a huge pipeline of Global Internship participants for the coming term, so that AIESEC Denmark can send even more students abroad through the Global Internship Programme. The outgoing Global Internship participants came from all over the country. The major study lines and work fields represented by these students were Business Administration, Economics, Engineering, Marketing, Human Resources and Management. The main countries that the students went to for their international professional internships were India and among European countries, Germany, France, Belgium and Netherlands. In the term 11/12, several initiatives were started in order to strengthen the quantitative performance as well as the qualitative impact of the Outgoing Exchanges in the Global Internship Programme. Nationally, a great focus was put on giving improved support and services to the exchange participants so that they could find their dream professional internship. Virtual matching fairs were conducted where the exchange participants had a chance to discuss and know more about professional internships from all over the world. The first ever Global Internship Programme newsletter was sent out to the exchange participants in order to support them in their search for internships. This newsletter included suggestions for the best internships in different work fields and as well as tips for writing better CVs and cover letters. A number of initiatives were taken to improve the quality of the preparation that was given to the students going abroad for their professional internships. These initiatives included improved and comprehensive agendas for cultural preparation seminars as well as a special focus on preparing students to cope with the business and work cultures in different countries. All these initiatives truly ensured that every student going abroad through the Global Internship Programme will have an impactful and life-changing experience. 22: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

Programme Report |

Ingoing Exchange Global Internship Programme & Global Community Development

Bringing Global Youth to Denmark Over the last year AIESEC has experienced an increasing number of companies across a wider variety of sectors turned to AIESEC Denmark to provide a source of globally minded, young professionals resulting in a growth of 50% in positions for international interns.

AIESEC provides internship opportunities through 2 specific programs – The Global Internship Program and the Global Community Development Program. Companies that take interns through either of these programs receive individuals with a diverse range of skill sets, leadership experience and diverse perspectives from different regions of the world. The majority of the international interns that have come to Denmark in the past year are from the Ibero-America region and Western Europe and North America, however we also see an increase in interns from Asia Pacific and Eastern Europe. Mostly, however our partners do not specify a preference.

Programme Report |

Ingoing Exchange Global Internship Programme & Global Community Development

AIESEC Denmark sources talent for businesses, government and educational institutions. The majority of opportunities for global youth in Denmark have been internships in Marketing and Sales, but we have also experienced an increase in the technical field such as computer programming and software development. Another type of internship is the one provided currently by our partner the Danish Efterskole Association where internal students come to provide cultural education to the students around Denmark.

Project Report |

Ingoing Exchange Global Community Development

In 2010 a partnership was created between the Efterskole Association and AIESEC as a project part of AIESEC Global Community Development Program. In the AIESEC Denmark Efterskole Project, AIESEC gives the opportunity to bring in bachelor and masters students from all over the world to take up a 2-month long internship at Danish Boarding Schools. These students are ”cultural teachers” sharing stories and teaching about their home cultures besides taking part in general teaching activities at the schools. It is a unique chance for the students to interact this close with different cultures and obtain a different perception of how the world looks through the eyes of young people from other parts of the world. This is also a great opportunity for the schools to show international young people how the concept of “Efterskoler” works in Denmark and for them to develop personally being challenged by young students from the Danish culture. The AIESEC students are proactive young people that come with loads of energy, fresh ideas and a proactive mindset to make a difference in the communities they work in. In the past two years we received interns from Serbia, Singapore, Italy, Hungary, Netherlands, Brazil, Estonia, Romania, Croatia, Germany, and Austria. 2012 is the third year we are running the project here in Denmark and it has been expanded to more cycles over the year, when schools can sign up and join. You can find more information at our homepage: 24: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

Programme Report | Intern story

Cintia Ramos Incoming Global Internship Programme participant When I was studying International Relations in Brazil, while being a Vice President of Communications in AIESEC, I constantly looked for great internship opportunities. So the time finally came, and I ended up in the Marketing department of HSA Systems in Denmark, one of HP’s biggest worldwide partners. All that I had learned during my time in AIESEC served as the foundation of my tasks at work - tasks that helped broaden the company’s distributor range and build the its path to establishment in the Latin American market, something that had already been attempted before. My dedication and performance are deeply valued by my employers, which motivates me to always look for ways to enhance my work quality and my knowledge. The time I spent here made me grow and improve myself and the experience was so valuable that after my internship was over, I decided to stay in Denmark, even after having received job offers in my home country. I am now still working at HSA, getting a Master degree in Syddansk Universitet, taking Danish classes and working for the National Support Team of AIESEC Denmark - all of which, up until one year ago, I had never imagined would come true.

25: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

Impact Report | ER/Partnerships The national partner group plays an integral role in supporting the overall activities in the association through funding, in-kind professional products and providing member training and development. In 2011-2012 we have enjoyed the continued support of our National Partners FUHU, Soliditet, Exact and Insights. Additionally the group grew to include the latest national partner, Microsoft. Under the new partnership with Microsoft, Microsoft and AIESEC have developed a program called Study Smarter Program, which is now running at our university campuses. The purpose of the program is to teach students how to study more effectively and smarter, and are delivered by Program Ambassadors recruited from the AIESEC member base and trained by Microsoft. The first Study Smarter Program Ambassadors at their first training day at Microsoft Office in Hellerup.

Impact Report | Company story “2012 has been a very busy year for us at Global Citizen. We got the opportunity to host the Danish high visibility event in connection to the EU Presidency and the conference was held at Aarhus University during the first weekend in June. AIESEC played a very important role in making this event a success. We worked closely with AIESEC throughout the process and they helped us with finding the right participants for the event and also in terms of making our high performance workshops run smoothly. We are currently working on several other big projects and we sincerely hope to be able to strengthen our close cooperation with AIESEC.”

- Søren W. Lundby Founder and CEO of Global Citizen 26: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

VROYH D UHDO FRPSDQ\ SUREOHP WR VHPLQDUV DQG ZRUNVKRSV RQ subjects such as leadership and the importance of cross cultural LQWHJUDWLRQ LQ WKH ZRUNSODFH DV ZHOO DV D FRPSDQ\ LPPHUVLRQ 7RP )LVNHU -ÂĄUJHQVHQ IURP ,QVLJKWV day. These events have been supported by companies such as 'HQPDUN SURYLGLQJ WUDLQLQJ WR .30* 1RYR]\PHV %ULWLVK &KDPEHU RI &RPPHUFH ,QVLJKWV members on the effects of persaonlity 'HQPDUN $DUKXV 6FKRRO RI %XVLQHVV (XURZDWHU DQG 'DORRQ styles in teams using the Insights

Impact Report | The National Partner Group Discovery Wheel

National Partner Group ([DFW SDUWQHUV ZLWK $,(6(& 'HQPDUN WR HQFRXUDJH the members to improve communication and customer relationships across nationalities and ERUGHUV ZLWK D UHVXOW RI D VLJQLÂżFDQW LQFUHDVH RI traineeships. Doing this Exact feels in many ways VLPLODU WR $,(6(& ZRUNLQJ ZLWK DQ LQWHUQDWLRQDO crowd of people focusing upon the same target group of costumers. We believe we can thus create synergies with each other

)8+8 KDV DOZD\V ZRUNHG LQWHQVLYHO\ ZLWK strengthening to more and better education and research for Danish Businesses. FUHU IRXQGHG 1LHOV %URFN DQG &%6 EXVLQHVV VFKRROV DQG FRQWLQXH WR ZRUN FORVHO\ ZLWK WKHP LV WKH IRXQGLQJ IDWKHU RI WKH WKLQN WDQN '($ DQG LV LQYROYHG ZLWK WKH GHYHORSPHQW RI 12&$ DQ independent institution focusing on promoting strategic HR in both private and state businesses


Soliditet A/S helps companies and organizations discover new possibilities and develop the potential of their business. Through the BusinessView platform we support AIESEC to acquire new clients and increase the value of existing partnerships in order to insure an increasing number of international talents doing traineeships in Danish companies

Being a national partner of AIESEC in Denmark

17: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

AIESEC has access to a big talent pool not only abroad but also in Denmark, and as a company you have the opportunity to partner up with AIESEC to set up beneficial mutually partnerships getting access to our member-base and the universities. The National Partnership can include following elements, but is always customized with the partner to fit the needs of the company and to reach a mutually beneficial partnership: - Employer Branding - Access to Universities - Conference Participation - Key Account Management

Employer Branding

AIESEC is currently present at all major universities in Denmark, and as a National Partner of AIESEC Denmark you will have access to our national network of students and alumni, knowledge, local expertise, and contacts, to position your company brand in the Danish universities and strengthen your local reach through internal promotion in AIESEC, local events and on-campus branding. 27: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

Impact Report | The National Partner Group Together with AIESEC the company can also custom-design a project in the universities or at one of our national conferences regarding a topic of your choice. To strengthen the brand towards students, interact and get feedback from future employees, or to have the opportunity to convey a clear message. With previous partners this has included following activities: - Getting input on specific challenges in the company via Case Competitions - Branding the company (Ex: CSR, Corporate Values) - Discuss a current challenge in society and give your solution - Presentation of Company

Key Account Manager

Your company will have a Key Account Manager within AIESEC that works for your interests and acts as the link between you and AIESEC entities. This Key Account Manager will be your contact person in AIESEC and make sure that all agreements will be followed. You can find more info on how to customize a partnership to the needs of your company our national webpage:

Impact Report | Alumni in Focus Ditte Bech-Nielsen AIESEC 1992-1996 LC reception Officer LC Vice President NTT (National Trainer Team) About 20 years ago AIESEC changed my life. I was inexperienced, young and fun-loving. When introduced to AIESEC I found passion, fun and network. It was the beginning of the rest of my life. Looking at my life now, I can point out several relations, passions and competences that started with me in AIESEC in the early 90’ies. AIESEC taught me about business relations, about boardmembership and about fundraising. It was crucial knowledge and a foundation to where I am today. A few keys to my career so far are networking, relations and development. I’m a business consultant within recruiting, leadership- and sales development and coaching/training. Lately I’ve worked as an internal consultant in PwC doing sales development and performance improvement. Being a member of the AIESEC Alumni is very rewarding for me – even though I feel like now it’s time for me to give something back. The fantastic thing about AIESEC is that the passion still lives in AIESEC. Nothing has changed in that sense. And that passion is what year after year brings success to the people working so hard in AIESEC. If you are an AIESEC Alumni and would like to be reconnected with old colleagues and friends, or to get to know more about how AIESEC is doing today, you can email us your name and Local Committe you were part of to and our alumni responsible will contact you.


How can I partner with AIESEC? Global Talent Sourcing




Remember, qualified employees are always close at hand

16: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

29: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

Impact Report | Local Commitee Activities AARHUS During the term 11-12, the main focus of the Aarhus office was on strengthening our exchange performance with support from all functional areas of the local committee. After a successful merger within the previous term, AIESEC Aarhus has been building on this by focusing on AIESEC’s core exchange programmes. Therefore a focus on exchange performance resulted in increased effectiveness of our operational areas. After years of no incoming trainees, AIESEC Aarhus managed to develop a sales culture in the committee, and ended up receiving 5 trainees in 11-12. In order to engage the local committee to increase sales awareness, we started making sure that all of the members have the right knowledge about AIESEC’s core products by emphasizing the committee’s vision and the purpose of creating a sales culture. Having an aim to increase the exchange performance and meet long-term growth not only from the company side, the products have been differentiated and new markets have been reached. We are proud to claim that this term the local office has entered the AU and Business Academy markets. The entrance to the new markets can be seen especially through recruitment of new team members and team leaders, exchangerelated campaigns, as well as media involvement. Moreover due to economic times, financial sustainability has become not only a focus for businesses but as well for AIESEC Aarhus. Therefore diversifying the sources of income and expanding our market reach came naturally as a development step. Last but not least, in order to have a stronger strategic development, the local office has formed a board of advisors, which shall advice the local executive board on future strategic initiatives.

Local Committee AARHUS

30: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

Impact Report | Local Commitee Activities AAU In the past year AIESEC AAU has undergone great development. We began the year by implementing a new leadership structure in order to accommodate a growing member base and to give more people the opportunity to gain a leadership within AIESEC. We launched a major promotion effort which resulted in one of AAU’s most successful member recruitments in several years. A key focus area in AIESEC AAU this year was to deliver valuable experiences to our members. We have provided our members with new tools and competencies, and more importantly, we have given our members the opportunities to try them out in practice. We have developed and implemented the Network 2 Work concept where companies and students meet and learn from each other. Network 2 Work offers a unique opportunity for companies and students to meet face to face and learn from each other. AIESEC AAU has during the past term strengthened our position at Aalborg University by forming partnerships with the International Office, the Careercenter and several study lines. In addition, AIESEC AAU has expanded to University College Nordjylland and the cooperation is proving to be of mutual benefit. We have built a strong foundation for the next generation of AIECEC’ers in Aalborg and we are proud to pass the torch to our successors. Local Committee AAU

31: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

Impact Report | Local Commitee Activities CBS During the term 2011-2012 AIESEC CBS has been part of the greater changes in the AIESEC network, seemingly without losing passion or ambition among the members. Throughout the term we have been focusing on constantly engaging with stakeholders and that resulted in close cooperation with many organizations such as the British Chamber of Commerce, Væksthus Hovedstadsregionen, the municipality, and the Copenhagen Business Center. Moreover, our work with the CBS Students has contributed to some vital changes at CBS that will make a full impact in 2012-2013: We have become part of the committee that allocates funds from the CBS Activity Pool of 2 million kroner. That pool was established by the school after AIESEC and CBS Students worked closely together to cover and highlight the unique work of student organizations at CBS. Additionally, we have also pushed forward ideas about granting ECTS points for leaders in student organizations; something that is being realized from the fall 2012. We have had a relentless drive to ensure the development of our talents, for example by organizing training seminars and sending 22 members to international conferences. The members we have sent to international conferences have returned with new ideas and ambitions, and many of them have shown even greater excitement. We have been innovative and pioneered new programs in AIESEC Denmark, which is proven by our achievement to organize a successful Winter Abroad Program and organizing the “nextLead Responsibility Week” event. We decided we wanted to engage and develop young people by running a week full of seminars and workshops together with other student organizations at CBS on the subject of responsible leadership. We have been able to increase the amount of incoming trainees by 300% and to send 140% more students abroad for cultural exchange. More importantly, AIESEC CBS received more member applications this year than any other year, and we managed to have more applications for the Executive Board than previous years. All together, we had 80 members throughout the term.

32: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

Impact Report | OE Activities SDB The main goal for the 11-12 term in Sønderborg was to move from being an Initiative Group and to become an Official Extension of AIESEC. We got off to a rocky start, but much changed with the arrival in August of an AIESEC’er from Brazil, Cintia, who was specially appointed to support the development of AIESEC in Sønderborg. Cintia managed to give our entity much needed structure and a more clear direction how to write a viability plan, which is one of the criteria for becoming an Official Extension. During the first half of the year we had 2 functional areas, Communications and Outgoing Exchange, and in addition to those we had a finance manager, who was responsible for the financial part since we early on received support funds from a local company. After Cintia left as planned in October, We still continued to work on the viability plan and other criteria. In December we had our first ever AIESEC Christmas Dinner where the interns from SDU and their VP ICX joined us as well. We handed in all of the necessary documents for passing to become an Official Extension in February. Also, elections were conducted, where a President and 3 Vice presidents were found to lead the hopefully soon-to-be AIESEC committee. And then, in March, the Initiative Group passed to become AIESEC Denmark’s Official Extension of SDB. Meanwhile, we had promotion for the Summer Abroad Programme going on, from which we managed to recruit 2 exchange participants. Regarding the local membership, we had 22 members following the spring recruitment, of which 10 are continuing for the 12-13 term as well. In May, we elected the Executive Board for the 12-13 term, consisting of the President and 5 Vice Presidents, securing the local leadership of AIESEC SDB for the year to come.

Official Expansion - Sønderborg

33: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

Impact Report | Local Commitee Activities SDU In the past year, AIESEC SDU has developed itself into having a stronger university relation. The entity has grown in member size, and cooperation with the university and other organisations has been improved as well. This has resulted in AIESEC SDU being more active in defining the study enviroment, together with the organisations it cooperated with. During this year the result has been to be a part of events striving to make the study enviroment at the university better. The goal with this has been to make students more aware of AIESEC’s existence and to focus on the global ambition for 2015, about engaging all youth. In addition, AIESEC SDU launched a new initiative called Growth Day, a seminar for small enterprises, how they can ensure growth for their business, and how AIESEC may be able to offer them a valuable service by sourcing international trainees. Besides Growth day, AIESEC SDU organized another edition of the student case competition Innovaton Day.

34: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

Impact Report | Local Commitee Activities UNIC For the past year, AIESEC UNIC has been facing a lot of challenges, and a lot of changes have been implemented in order to achieve the expected growth. First of all, UNIC has been working very hard to improve our external relevance and visibility through improved promotion campaigns for students. The recruiting teams have highly increased the effectiveness of the promotion, focusing of the segmentation and marketing channels. This strategy has helped UNIC to grow in the member base, as well as improve the recruitment of the students for the internships. By recruiting many dedicated members, both in fall and spring, UNIC has improved its sales culture, and by committing to our goals, won both of the internal national sales competitions. This is a result that every member in UNIC is proud of, as it has been a collective success of many exceptional members. Furthermore, our focus on the core exchange programmes enabled us to offer 38 life-changing experiences to students going for both voluntary and professional internships. Apart from the organizational performance, UNIC has improved its processes by implementing a middle management structure, introducing team leader positions. This improvement enabled many more individuals to develop as leaders. Throughout this year, UNIC has improved its position not only externally, among our stakeholders, but also internally within AIESEC Denmark and showed that growth is not limited to any parameters.

35: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

Impact Report | OE Activities VIA AIESEC VIA Horsens experienced great development in 11-12. One of the biggest achievements was to go from being an Initiative Group and become an Official Extension of AIESEC Denmark. The Official Extension achieved amazing growth in its membership, from starting out the year with only the 6 Executive Board members, and developing so fast that by the end of the term, the Official Extension had 50 members. AIESEC VIA is recognized by the university and other youth institutions and we established a successful collaboration with them. One of our focus areas was to bring the exchange products to our university. OE VIA sent its first exchange participant abroad, and this made us believe that AIESEC VIA has a strong potential for raising and realizing especially professional internships. Due to our massive promotion we attracted a lot of students and, at the end of the term, ended as the local chapter with most raised exchange participants (26) in AIESEC Denmark. In order to raise traineeships in the Horsens area, AIESEC VIA had regular call-out activity to companies and attended company fairs. We ensured sustainability by having a larger pool of members from which the new leadership body for 12-13 was selected. OE VIA established a full organisation by creating a vision and mission of its own, and is now moving towards becoming a full Local Committee of AIESEC Denmark.

Official Expansion - VIA

36: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

Impact Report | Conferences National Conferences (CITIUS, ALTIUS, FORTIUS) Each year AIESEC Denmark hosts three national conferences for member of the organization. The purpose of the 3-days national conferences is to educate members by giving hands on leadership skills and ensure alignment of local operations. The three conferences are CITIUS, ALTIUS and FORTIUS, which is Latin for Faster, Higher and Stronger.

CITIUS In end October CITIUS was held as the first national conference of the term. After the recruitment in September, this conference was the first one for many of the members. With around 170 members participated in the conference as delegates, this was the biggest national conference AIESEC Denmark has hosted for years. The objective for the conference was to develop responsible leaders who deliver impact. A part of the agenda was the Youth 2 Business Forum with companies delivering sessions on corporate social responsibility ALTIUS Held in end January ALTIUS was the second conference. The theme of ALTIUS was “Our Future starts today”. The main focus on ALTIUS was on the election of the national committee for 2012-13. The president for 2012-13 was elected, and the confidence voting of the vice presidents took place. As part of building the organization towards the future, sessions of building the national 2015 strategy was held. Furthermore a separate track was made for AIESEC interns in Denmark to engage and develop their mindset. James, Member Commitee President of 11-12 is giving the ceremonial water to Christina, Member Commitee President of 12-13 at ALTIUS

FORTIUS Held in mid April, FORTIUS is ------------------> the last national conference. The theme for FORTIUS was “I am AIESEC Denmark”. The content was focused around developing a long-term perspective mindset about AIESEC Denmark by the launch of the national 2015 strategy. By mid April the local executive boards of 2012-13 had been elected. The focus was therefore on delivering the tools and management skills for the elected board members. For the current leaders the focus was on the final sprint and transition into the next term.

37: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

Impact Report | Conferences International Conference attendance (as delegates) In the global network more than 600 conferences are held annually. Apart from participating in national conference, members of AIESEC Denmark have participated in international conferences. The international conference gives the members new perspectives, ideas and new knowledge on how other countries in the network are driving growth. The international relations enable AIESEC Denmark to set up cross-boarder cooperation in order to develop the organisation. The countries members have participated in include Belgium, Austria, England, Greece, Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary and Kenya. International Conference representation (as facilitators) AIESEC Denmark has increased it impact on the global network by having a growing number of facilitators at international conferences. The facilitation experience gives the opportunity to empower AIESEC members of other countries by giving trainings on motivation and team management, leadership management, strategic planning and training skills among many other. Furthermore it allows us to share the knowledge build with other countries. The international facilitation experiences enable us to increases the awareness of AIESEC Denmark in the network. The international facilitation opportunities enable the members to gain facilitation skills and personal development or a larger scale than in Denmark. The countries that members of AIESEC Denmark have facilitated include Finland, Germany, Turkey, Lithuania, Slovakia, France, Greece, Switzerland, Latvia and Austria.

38: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

Impact Report | Awards Every year AIESEC in Denmark recognises the performance of the Local Committees throughout the year across the different areas of the organisation. These awards consider not only the numerical performance of the different areas, but also the level of innovation, growth and development of the area along with the cooperation between the local offices.

Excellence in Exchange of Incoming Global Internship

Excellence in Outgoing Exchange of Outgoing Global Community



Alumni Hall of Fame

AIESECer of the year

Daniel Brath

Cristina Sburlan Vice President Outgoing Exchange

Local Committee And The most of the year progressive Local Committee AIESEC UNIC

The most awesome Functional Area Outcoming Exchange

39: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

Impact Report | LEAD In the term 2011/2012, there was a great focus on the empowerment of the leaders in AIESEC Denmark. For the first time in Denmark, the global LEAD Programme was launched. This is a year-long leadership programme that aims to support every leader in his or her leadership journey. The LEAD Programme was launched in order to better equip AIESEC Denmark’s leaders in delivering their responsibilities, to build a better leadership pipeline in the country and to ensure that the leaders have a highquality leadership experience. LEAD • • •

works I and I and I and

in 3 fundamental premises: me – knowing and leading yourself others – leading your team world – being a leader in the world

The Programme is focused on leadership development through the LEAD framework which is based on AIESEC’s organizational values and vision of leadership. It makes a distinction between Leadership skills, Management skills and so called AIESEC skills, all applied to the 3 premises mentioned before. LEAD can be delivered in various ways, ranging from the involvement of an external partner to mentorship programmes, seminars and conferences. The LEAD Programme was delivered to our leaders through 3 main forums: National conferences, Regional Train the Trainers Seminars and Virtual Alumni Mentorship.

40: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

Impact Report | LEAD Throughout the year, different topics of leadership development have been covered, such as: situational leadership and team motivation, change management, transition, communication, training and facilitating skills and time management. The development of these skills have helped our leaders on the local level to motivate and manage their teams towards the success we have achieved. The LEAD Programme was delivered to our leaders through 3 main forums: National conferences, Regional Train the Trainers Seminars and Virtual Alumni Mentorship. The LEAD Programme was delivered by members of the National Team, the National Trainers Team, international Trainers, Alumni, as well as, external partners. AIESEC Denmark was lucky to have Christian KjĂŚr from JCI Denmark and Lars Ulrik Jeppesen, CEO of Opportunitas as official external LEAD partners. Their training sessions have been an invaluable contribution for the LEAD Programme of AIESEC Denmark.

The term 2011/2012 was the year that the LEAD Programme was run for the first time in AIESEC Denmark and it showed great results. Throughout the year, 12 LEAD forums and sessions were conducted and over 100 leaders went through this leadership development programme. The LEAD Programme also supported the overall performance and organizational development of AIESEC Denmark. Due to this Programme, a very good leadership pipeline was created in the country and it resulted in most of the local offices having complete newly elected leadership teams for the coming term. And most importantly, the leaders of AIESEC Denmark were empowered in their leadership journeys and this enabled them to have impactful and high-quality leadership experiences.

41: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

Impact Report | National Support Team National Support Team The National Support Team is made up of experienced members of the organisation (usually former members of Local Executive Boards) who on a part-time basis support the Member Committee in the operational coaching and strategy execution. The size and positions of the National Support Team vary year to year depending on the needs and strategy of the Member Committee. In 11-12, the working structure of the National Support Team was changed; more managers were recruited to increase organizational capacity at the national level of the organization, and with the aim of integrating the National Support Team more with the Member Committee. The result of this was one united National Team, with more responsibility delegated from the Member Committee to the supporting level, and with concrete new initiatives driven successfully by project managers at the supporting level, e.g. LEAD and the Winter Abroad Programme.

42: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

Supporters | Board of Trustees Exactly 40 years ago - after having finalized my bachelor degree from Copenhagen Business School – I realized what AIESEC is about. During four months I worked and lived in South Africa on an AIESEC internship, with a job in a big mining company and stayed with a family. Working in a country with colleagues, discussing and experiencing their values, living in a family where thoughts could be exchanged, meetings with South African and AIESEC students from around the world – I realized that the ultimate perspective of AIESEC – is to make this world of ours – a better world. Two years ago I started as a member of the Board of Trustees and felt immediately – that even though many things had changed in the world and with AIESEC – the same spirit still exists. The enthusiasm and energy from young people dedicated to provide students around the world with professional experiences from working in companies in different cultures still adds to perspective of creating a better world for all of us. During the last two years the Board of Trustees has remained having focus on consolidation and strengthening of its governance and core activities. The board of Trustees is united in sharing the vision that the passion we all have for AIESEC can bring us even further and the Board will consequently do its outmost in the coming year to bring this through. At the same time I want to thank all of you working for the AIESEC vision – for all the energy and dedication you bring into this – thereby contributing in building a better world. George Greibe Chairman AIESEC Denmark Board of Trustees AIESEC Denmark Board of Trustees (L-R): Birger Bayland, George Greibe, Jacob Schächter, Louise Rønn, Jens Adamsen Absent: Morten Ring and Line Dahl Pedersen

The Board of Trustees is AIESEC Denmark’s strategic advisory body, providing external input and feedback to AIESEC Denmark’s performance and long-term direction, to help ensure continuity and professionalism in the organisation’s operations. The Board primarily consists of AIESEC alumni across generations, who are now engaged in executive positions in Danish business life.

43: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

Supporters | Board of Foundation For more than 20 years Karrieredagene® was the main source of revenue for AIESEC Denmark. However, as the direction of AIESEC began to shift from 2005, the annual event was decreased in its relevance towards supporting the overall objectives of the organisation. In 2008, Karrieredagene® was sold for more than 7 million Danish Kroner opening the opportunity for AIESEC Denmark to invest in new activities. In order to oversee the investment of the money and to secure the long term financial stability of AIESEC Denmark, in 2009 the AIESEC Denmark Board of Foundation was formed. From 2010, the Board of Foundation began to work at full capacity, charged with the management of the internal and external investments of the organization made during the year. All the investments are subject to examination beforehand to ensure they do not conflict with any of the organization by-laws, memorandum or articles. The first order of business for the Board of Foundation has been backing initiatives sourced from the members of AIESEC Denmark to find “The Next Big Thing” that will generate long term income for the organisation. All possibilities and options are being equally weighed upon and tested with the support of the Management Body, Board of Directors and members bringing new and fresh ideas on the table. Some of the projects that have come under final scrutiny during 2011-2012 are National Sales Force Development (for raising incoming traineeships) and Impact Africa (a new outgoing exchange product). The Board of Foundation continues to evolve the understanding of its role and capacity with the presence of Board of Trustees and Board of Directors, and making AIESEC Denmark’s financial structure more efficient. All that has been achieved over the past very few years will go a long way in ensuring the success and sustainability of AIESEC Denmark. The Board of Foundation could not have been set up without the support from dedicated individuals of the Danish Business Community who have worked hard to ensure the right structure and processes around the work of the Board of Foundation.

AIESEC Denmark Board of Foundation (l-r): Birger Baylund - CEO, Debitor Registeret George Greibe (Chairman) - Managing Director, Network of Cooperate Academies (NOCA) Louise Rønne - Member Committee President 2005-2006, AIESEC Denmark Jacob Schächter - IBM Denmark, Channel Marketing Manager Nordic Anders Geertsen - Managing Director, Danish Agency for International Education

44: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

Supporters | Funds & Board of Directors Foundations supported AIESEC Denmark in the 2011-12

Board of Directors The Board of Directors of AIESEC Denmark is formed by all of the Local Committee Presidents from around the country and chaired by the National President. The Board of Directors is the overall decision making body responsible for the governance of the national organisation and its modus operandi.

45: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

Life is not over Soon time to graduate? Afraid to loose all your friens and the AIESEC team spirit? Fear not, the spirit lives on till 40! Join AIESEC global partner JCI, the worlds leading global network of young active citizens. Aged 18 to 40, our 200.000 members meet in 6000 local chapters around the globe. We plan and execute projects in our communities, develop ourselves and build an outstanding global network. Find us globally at, in Denmark at and in just about any country we imagine you could be from.

See you there!

AIESEC | Governance and Accontability Governance Stakeholder demands for good governance to evolve, so do the codes, international standards and practices according to which businesses are managed. AIESEC is not a business; however, being a non- for-profit organisation we always lead by example and put in practice higher demands than the ones we expect from the corporate sector. Governance refers to the system by which AIESEC is directed and controlled, the goals towards which the organisation is managed and the major principles and frameworks which regulate the interaction between the Association and our stakeholders. Governance Structure LOCAL CHAPTERS The local chapters of AIESEC in Denmark are autonomous associations, whose membership comprises of students and new graduates; and lead by a yearly elected president and its executive vice presidents. AIESEC DENMARK Each local chapter is a member of AIESEC Denmark. The local presidents exercise the role of Directors of AIESEC Denmark and have agreed in a national framework that regulates the organisation nationally and locally: the Memorandum and Articles of the Association, and its by-laws. On a daily basis, AIESEC Denmark is managed by a yearly elected President and its executive vice president, being accountable to the Board of Directors. AIESEC Denmark is a founding member of the Foundation AIESEC International, and it is represented at the General Assembly by its President. The set of AIESEC associations in the Kingdom of Denmark is referred as AIESEC in Denmark. FRAMEWORK AIESEC in Denmark follows its Memorandum and Articles of the Association, and its bylaws; that are in accordance with the Compendium of the Foundation AIESEC International. The internal regulations of AIESEC in Denmark strictly follow Danish Law. ASSURANCE Compliance with law and regulations as well as follow-up of the National Plan and Budget is supported by a Quarterly Internal Audit and a yearly External Audit. The Internal Auditors provide independent and objective assurance, primarily within internal control and governance. They report to the Audit Subcommittee within the Board of Directors of AIESEC Denmark. The annual report and the internal controls over financial reporting processes are audited by an external auditor elected at the Annual General Meeting. Accountability The main body that holds the national office accountable is the Board of Trustees. The national committee members meet once every quarter with the board to present reports on the achievements compared to the goals and to get inputs to the plan.

AIESEC | Governance and Accontability Management’s Statement of the Consolidated Accounts The President and the Finance Manager of AIESEC Denmark have today presented the Consolidated Accounts for all AIESEC’s activities in Denmark from July 1st 2011 to June 30th 2012. Continuously, AIESEC in Denmark works intensely towards ensuring organizational sustainability. As an organization that offers a complementary educational program, AIESEC’s success can only be measured by the actions of its alumni. For this reason the strategies of the allocation of our resources in long-term sustainable results becomes fundamental to our success. To further progress in this direction, we utilize our internal AIESEC Denmark Funds that support the organization in five areas: attendance of members to national and international conferences and meetings, funding a National Support Team, funding local initiatives towards the development of exchange projects and improvement of local entities infrastructure. The AIESEC Denmark foundation exists to control, and thereby protect, the money generated from the sale of Karrieredagene® in the past and have therefore been in charge of the internal & external investments of the organization made during this year. All investments are carefully examined beforehand to ensure they do not conflict with any of the organization by-laws, memorandum or articles. New internal investment objects in 11-12 included the development of a stronger sales force, in order to effectively market AIESEC’s global exchange programmes towards the Danish corporate market, thus enabling more companies to source international interns through AIESEC. The effects of this investment are anticipated to be apparent from the organizational achievements in the year 12-13 and beyond. After consecutive years of national budget deficits, a top priority for AIESEC Denmark in 11-12 was to stop this trend and turn its financial situation around. The main strategies to achieve this were a combination of cutting administrative costs and a focus on revenue generation through its core products. The former was mainly achieved by downsizing the full-time work force at the AIESEC Denmark national office, thereby reducing the wage bill and thus the fixed costs considerably. The latter was achieved through matching more students with an internship abroad through AIESEC’s global exchange programmes, as well as an increase in the total number of months in which Danish companies employed interns through AIESEC’s global exchange programmes. At the close of the year 11-12, the financial turnaround was thus complete, which provides an important building block towards a future of financial sustainability for AIESEC Denmark and its operations in the years to come.

48: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

AIESEC | Governance and Accontability Accounting Practice Accounting Foundation All the accounts of AIESEC Denmark are submitted in accordance with AIESEC Denmark’s Memorandum & Articles of the Association, its bylaws, Danish Law and good general accounting practice. Consolidation AIESEC Denmark consist of the consolidation of the following entities: AIESEC Aarhus, AIESEC AAU, AIESEC CBS, AIESEC SDU, AIESEC UNIC and the National committee of AIESEC Denmark which includes the AIESEC Denmark Foundation. Material assets Property and equipment are recorded at its purchasing price and are depreciated over 3 years. Material assets for a value below DKK 10,000.00 (ten thousand) are recorded as current expenditures. Bonds and other financial assets To a limited extent AIESEC owns financial assets; they are recorded as Investments under assets. The value of the assets is recorded at market value as of June 30th 2011 Any profit is recorded in the Statement of Financial Results under Assets – Gains and any loss is recorded under Assets - Loss. Provisions AIESEC in Denmark, according to its bylaws, allocates a percentage of the fees paid by the organizations participating in the Exchange Program. This provision also known as Trainee Activity Fund shall not be used for any other purpose than to facilitate the integration of interns into Danish society and expand their knowledge of Danish culture and language. We consider these Consolidated Accounts to be a true and fair picture of the financial situation of AIESEC in Denmark as well as the result of its activities. Copenhagen, 21st December 2012.

James Pearson President 2011/12

Dennis Lind-Bruhn Finance Manager 2011/12

49: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

AIESEC | Governance and Accontability Statement of Financial Result Statement of financial results for AIESEC in Denmark for the year 1st July 2011 to the 30th June 2012 All amounts in DKK Notes




Assets Property and equipment Investments Total Fixed Assets Receivable -­‐ Members Receivable -­‐ Organisations Accruals and Prepayments VAT Receivable Total Receivable Liquid Assets Total Current Assets Total Assets



0 7.632.531 7.632.531

0 5.664.505 5.664.505

0 3.995.910 3.995.910

68.554,00 99.467 241.878 1.989.026 0 38.869 4.353,00 -­‐ 314.784,75 2.127.362

47.972 3.801.179 41.561 49.445 3.940.157

1.950.832,03 8.835.704,00

1.849.101 9.410.751

5.369.896 9.310.053




1. Other fixed assets -­‐ Investments2011-­‐12 2010/11 Purchasing price 1st July 2011 5.664.505 3.996.407 Additions 5.631.860 3.833.173 Disposals -­‐3.731.986 -­‐1.997.063 Purchasing price 30th June 2012 7.564.379 5.832.517

Revaluation at 30th June 2012 Total

68.152 68.152

29.780 -­‐168.012

Book value as of 1st July 2012



2. Receivable -­‐ Organisations 2011-­‐12 2010/11 2009/10 Exchange Programme Organisations 145.313 66.250 45.459 National Partners 0 0 8.000 Educational Institutions 24.222 2.576 5.000 AIESEC International 0 0 0 Foundations 65.000 70.000 20.000 Sale of Karrieredagene® 0 1.850.000 3.700.000 Others 7.343 200 22.720 Total Receivable -­‐ Organisations 241.878 1.989.026 3.801.179 50: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011





Liabilities and equity Restricted Reserves Free Reserves Total Equity Provisions AIESEC DK Funds Other Liabilities -­‐ Suppliers Other Liabilities -­‐ Members VAT Payable Total Liabilities

Total Liabilities and Equity

3 4 5

10.094.248 -­‐768.643 9.325.605

9.761.939 -­‐926.235 8.835.704

9.916.693 -­‐505.942 9.410.751

318.550 199.482 5.370 17.445 31.696

504.817 199.482 16.659 53.977 30.329

493.834 199.482 3.174.799 27.097 0







3. Equity Equity 1st July 2011 Year Result Equity 30th June 2011

Restricted reserves Free Reserve Total Equity 9.761.939 -­‐926.235 8.835.704 332.309 157.592 489.901 10.094.248 -­‐768.643 9.325.605

4. Provisions


Students Refundable Student Report Refundable Trainee Activities Fund Students Preparation Fund Member & Trainee Refundable Other Provisions Total Provisions

5. AIESEC DK Funds National Conference Fund International Conference Fund LC Development Fund Exchange Development Fund National Support Team Fund Conference Contingency Fund Total AIESEC DK Funds

126906 74199 53932 56530 -­‐6950 13933 318550

2010/11 148422 62899 54440 40227 40829 158000 504.817

2009/10 94.602 39.024 172.466 -­‐153 32.637 158.000 496.576

2011-­‐12 2010/11 2009/10 41.100 41.100 41.100 30.000 30.000 30.000 34.689 34.689 34.689 25.000 38.693 38.693 38.693 25.000 25.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 199.482 199.482 199.482 51: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

AIESEC | Governance and Accontability Statement of Financial Result Statement of financial results for AIESEC in Denmark for the year 1st July 2011 to the 30th June 2012 All amounts in DKK Notes




Income Financial Support Interest Services & Projects

Donations & Partnerships Membership subscription

Exchange Programme Karrieredagene® Learning Networks Conferences Membership for International Conferences Other Income Sale of Karrieredagene® Assets Gain Total Income

682.201 388.306 395.348 47.288 29.219 31.165 956 106.783 48.859 930.247 534.073 370.682 0 0 0 0 0 0 664.178 794.424 347.863 74.137 100.533 174.048 18.224 23.518 8.832 0 0 0 332.309 43.038 324.054 2.749.540 2.019.893 1.700.851

Expenses General Management

Board of Management Compensation Rent & Insurance Office Cost AIESEC International Fee Marketing & Representation Internal & External Audit Assets Depreciation & Amortation Losses Services & Projects Exchange Programme Karrieredagene® Learning Network Conferences Conferences -­‐ DK Fund Attendance to International Conferences Attendance to International Conferences -­‐ DK Fund Recruitment & Education Recruitment & Education -­‐ DK Fund Other Expenses Total Expenditures Result of the year

400.741 642.905 556.104 97.921 125.849 112.779 38.191 103.694 66.156 64.408 35.289 52.493 37.770 63.667 71.050 46.216 61.011 59.535 0 0 0 0 197.792 48.338 138.376 54.633 8.119 0 0 0 0 0 0 853.494 865.022 432.248 56.900 57.734 44.000 172.337 159.770 302.138 13.950 29.900 11.500 289.252 124.965 38.256 33.811 8.100 7.152 16.272 64.610 48.141 2.259.639 2.594.940 1.858.009 489.901 -­‐575.047 -­‐157.158

Allocation of the year Result Restricted Reserves Free Reserves

52: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

332.309 157.592

-­‐154.754 -­‐420.293

324.054 -­‐481.212

53: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2009-2011

54: AIESEC Denmark Annual Report 2011-2012

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