Dear AIESECer,
Dear candidate,
Coming at this point, it reminds me where I was a year ago. It makes me realize what would have I missed if I would not take my chance, how my life would be if I would not take this opportunity. It might have been better, it might have been worse, who knows, who cares. At least i took my chances and I do not regret it, not even for a second. One year ago I was at your position, reading the application booklet and thinking whether to apply or not. Yes I was confused, yes I was insecure, yes I was under pressure but I made up my mind and took my chance without thinking any longer. It was the best decision of my life. Yes it was a tough choice but they say “Tough choices make good stories!”. I made my own story and now it is time for you to make your own story. Today I am here, saying this to you as a friend, as a colleague, as an AIESECer who wants and wishes the best for his organization and I am sure that AIESEC in Tirana will be in good hands because you, among others took the courage to become the leader that AIESEC in Tirana needs. The opportunity is right here, all you need to do is to take it! Take it while you still can! Trust me when I say it to you that this an opportunity that comes once in life. It is challenging, it is difficult, it has it’s ups and downs but this is the beauty of it. This is what makes it remarkable and unique as an experience. I want to close my words with my favourite quote that I follow everywhere and anytime.
Congratulations on taking the first step towards a life-changing experience! Since 1948 more than 1 million students have chosen to fulfill a board position within the largest international student organization in the world: AIESEC. But truly is more than that. It starts with a spark in your heart while imaging how it would feel like to be a LCP. Passion combined with the responsibility to leave the committee in good hands imply nothing more but bravery. It feels amazing to envision the best for your committee and lead your team towards it. You devote time, energy and passion every day to build this masterpiece and grow patience helping everyone to achieve what they deserve. It will pass very fast and when you will be asking yourself “what did I get out of it?” you will look back and reveal that you have turned out into a friend, motivator, mentor, role model, leader and brave lion. Let me ask you again. Do you have a clear vision on where to head with AIESEC in Tirana? Do you look forward to hosting the LC Meetings next year? Are you excited for being the representative of AIESEC Tirana on a national and international level? Do you enjoy looking at the bigger picture and being at the helm of the organization? If you are reading this document, it means that probably the answer to all the above questions is: YES!
“IN THE END… We only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to have,and the decisions we waited too long to make.” -Lewis Carrol
The choice is clear, embrace this rare chance to work with the best and think for the rest. Simply by applying you are showing that you have the courage and the ambition necessary to become a great LCP.
Sincerely, Kristian Gjergji
Remember: Lion leads with no fear! AIESECly yours, Morena Sheta
Your application package must contain: 1. Candidate’s CV including most relevant AIESEC and nonAIESEC experience, in PDF.
1. Applicant must be a full member of AIESEC in Albania 2. Applicant must have a previously finished or current leadership experience comprising of an EB term. 3. Applicant must have actively participated in at least 2 National Conferences.
2. Two (signed) endorsement letters: one from a current Team Leader and one from a current LCVP or MCVP, in PDF.
4. Applicant cannot apply for the function of the LCP if he held LCP function for two terms or is currently LCP for the second term.
3. Fully answered questionnaire (in English) with maximum 8 pages (cover not included), containing link for the video, in PDF.
Your application package must be sent to: Morena Sheta – Kristian Gjergji – Hugo Munarini –
Your application package must be sent as a .rar or .zip file by October 26th, 23:59 GMT+2 and must be named: LCP2018Tirana_NameSurname
03/10 Launch of Application
26/10 Deadline of Application
04/10 -25/10 Consultancies Spaces with MC and LCPs
04/11 GA and Election
27/10 – 30/10 Interviews with Evaluation Committee
Your picture
Full name: Age: Email: Phone/WhatsApp: Current LC: Current Role:
Make a maximum 3 minutes video answering the following question:
1. Please make a SWOT analysis of AIESEC in Albania and present strategies on how you will work on each point in the LC. 2. How do you envision AIESEC in Albania by the end of your term as LCP (February 2019)? What would have been your LC’s contribution to it? 3. What still needs to be done to ensure we complete every experience provided by our entity?
“Why are you the best candidate to lead the first generation of AIESEC in Tirana?”
1. What is the relevance of AIESEC 2020 today according to your opinion? (1. Worldwide, 2. Europe, 3.Albania) 2. What is the role of an LC in the Roadmap 1718 and how will you ensure your LC is fulfilling this role? Provide at least 3 action steps.
1. Based on the new MoS and the OD Model, propose the structure of your EB, their JD and what will be your criteria to choosing each one of your LCVPs. 2. Now that we will be having one LC in Tirana, what would the goals for each product? Please present # of APD, RE and CO. 3. What will be the three main bottlenecks of AIESEC in Tirana and how will you solve them during your term? 4. Please present 3 GCPs (Good Case Practices) from LCs of other entities and how you will implement them during your term. 5. What is sustainability of an organization for you and how will you implement it (include finance and human resources)?
BEST OF LUCK WITH THE APPLICATION AND ENJOY THE PROCESS! Feel free to contact any of us for questions or clarifications: Hugo Munarini – MCP – Lucas Pozza – MCVP OH – Adriána Filipová – MCVP CXE – Guilherme Marques – MCVP CXY – Morena Sheta – LCP EUT – Kristian Gjergji – LCP TU –
DEADLINE: 26/10/2017, 23:59 GMT+2 No application will be accepted if sent after the deadline, even if it is due to technical/internet/personal issues/factors