Capacity building

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Capacity Building Guideline for members to create their personal development plans

Why ? Top level athletes, successful business-people and achievers in all fields all have clear and sharp goals towards what they are working . Setting personal goals gives each person a long term vision and a short term motivation, it focuses knowledge aquisition and sense of achievement. As we are working on developing leadership in our members, it is then essential for us to help them settle their personal development milestones and guide them toward achieving them.

How? Personal goal setting can happen in multiple ways, you can either :

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Organise self reflexion spaces within your LC Have it along with you one to one meetings with your members Have virtual spaces for goals setting Have forms and materials for your members

What? Have a clear goal setting process with :

Life Purpose

Planning your life start with finding the purpose of it, toward what are you heading as a person and your ÂŤ why Âť shaped by your values.


Specific, Measurable, Action-Oriented, Realistic and time based should be the characteristics of your goals in order for you to be able to track them after, it helps you set your own road map in life and in AIESEC as well.

Action Plan

Your goals have then to be broken into smaller ones that will lead to your 5years, 1 year, 6 months, 3 months, 1 month and one week action plan.

Fellow Up

Your goals along with your action plan have to be tracked in a regular basis, you also need to review your initial road map as you develop since some parts or all of them can be changed or shiffted after some life changing experiences.

Life Purpose Help your members go through this reflection through simple questions: Personal Values : write down all their personal values then make them short list it to 5 major ones What do you love doing? (list all activities that you enjoy doing? ) What does the world (My country, My entity…) need? How can I create what the world needs while doing what I love? (What are all the things you could do in life that would serve in a big way and allow you to do what you love?) • How can I get paid to do what I love? (What are all the things you could do in life that would serve humanity in a big way , allow you to do what you love and create economic value? ) • Describe how the world will be different in 2050 because of you. Close your eyes 2 minutes and imagine all the little details of how will be different in 2050 because of you. • What is the change you’re committed to? • • • • •

(what is so compelling to you that you might be willing to dedicate your life to making it happen? Simplify this answer so that a 10 years old might understand it ). • How do you want to be perceived by others in your life ?

Recap everything in one sentence : In my life, I want to … and to be seen as …

SMART Goals • Goals drafts: Think of your major goals aligned with the impact you want to make. Think about areas of life like travel ,experiences, adventure, work, finances, relationships , AIESEC …

• Rewrite your dream in a SMART way Set Specific Goals Your goal must be clear and well defined. Vague or generalized goals are unhelpful because they don't provide sufficient direction. Remember, you need goals to show you the way. Make it as easy as you can to get where you want to go by defining precisely where you want to end up. Set Measurable Goals Include precise amounts, dates, and so on in your goals so you can measure your degree of success. If your goal is simply defined as "To reduce expenses" how will you know when you have been successful? In one month's time if you have a 1 percent reduction or in two years' time when you have a 10 percent reduction? Without a way to measure your success you miss out on the celebration that comes with knowing you have actually achieved something. Set Attainable Goals Make sure that it's possible to achieve the goals you set. If you set a goal that you have no hope of achieving, you will only demoralize yourself and erode your confidence.

Action Plan After settling your priorities, ➢ Take every goals and break it into all the actions you need to take in order to achieve it ( example : If I want to be an athlete , I can settle as a goal « Running a marathon in 5 years » which will have as actions : Buying runners and sport suit, Starting running bi-weekly for 30 min , Running bi-weekly for hour, Running everyday for 30min ,Running everyday for one hour , Join a running team, running the semi marathon in 2 years ….) ➢ Put your action plan for every goal into a timeline. ➢ Categorize all of your actions into : 90 days, 3 months , 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, beyond.

Fellow up • Keep track of your own progress. • Keep it real to yourself and embrace the journey. Remember 1. There isn’t such a thing as a definitive failure, a try is worth more than millions regrets. 2. There isn’t such a thing as a rigid life plan , you can change so your plans should adapt. 3. You are accountable to yourself and it’s only a matter of progress. 4. Enjoy little achievements and celebrate them, you deserve it!

How to follow up and commit to the plan? Get motivated! Everyone has their own way to get motivated, you can record a video for yourself or write down a letter to watch-read when you loose track ; you can also have a mentor, an idol that pushes you in a field…. Have a goals wall or sheet to which you commit! Always think about the long run. If you have your own way of doing it and it has been working out for you, think of sharing it with us ;)

AIESEC and THE PLAN As a team member: Take time to answer those questions to ensure having a clear idea on how AIESEC is impacting your life plans : • How are AIESEC Values relevant to me? • Is my life purpose aligned with the AIESEC Vision? • How can AIESEC help me achieve my goals? • Which skills do I want to devellop within AIESEC? As a team Leader: Along with giving your members clear KPIs and tracking their monthly performance with feedback, make sure to: • Make sure your member position JD relates to his/her goals. • Have monthly One to One with your members. • Track their personal development progress. • Track their skills aquisition. • Organise Lead spaces. • Assess your members motivation regularly. • Be open for discussions, let your members come to you for any inquieries.

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