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Driving Sustainability Organisational Development
Organizational Development this year had all deliverables centred in the MCVP TMOD with the help of an EST Data Coordinator and iComm Coordinator. The main responsibility was to ensure good data and info management of our services and process and later on to work in synergy with MCVP F&L for a change management plan for our OD Model. We implemented new processes while still building upon and improving processes from generation 20.21. In that way, we could ensure a smooth transition and ensure sustainability for AIESEC in Belgium.
The organizational development model
At the beginning of the year, we did not introduce any changes to our organizational development model due to the lack of performance influenced by the external context, our local committees kept their status as “Expansions” and the ODM was frozen due to the pandemic and oGV being under resumption.
In our second semester of the term, in order to actively drive focus and performance in the entity we renewed our model, to transition from the phase we were into a more sustainable final phase of sustainability. With that in mind, we provided a path for the upcoming 12 months to fully reposition the Model by August 2023 to drive sustainable growth and health in our organization.
Continuity in the organization
In AIESEC our board changes yearly. Therefore, it is an important process for our organizational development to ensure we have enough people applying and that we focus on the transition between one responsible and the next responsible. Therefore this year we decided to launch the local committee applications on an earlier timeline to ensure better preparation for the new term. The election process of the local committee presidents happened nationally. And we supported the local committees to elect their executive board. To ensure everyone started on the same page and with the same knowledge we organized an EB summit in december. In total we had 41 attendees.
Information management
In order to know what is going on inside the local committees, we have a state of national affairs survey. This year, we increased the number of times our local committees fill the state of national affairs survey (SONA) and we had a 100% response rate. And in order to improve information accessibility we kept using the AIESEC in Belgium hub (bit.ly/BelgiumHUB). Also, we started our internal communication plan usage more actively on instagram with the brand ONE AIESEC in Belgium and focusing on more fun campaigns. We kept the monthly membership newsletter.
Support & Campaigns
We continued the local committee coaching strategy, which was in place the year before. Different coaches were allocated to the local committees, however, the system stayed the same. Moreover, we continued the rewards and recognition campaigns and national support team management. We adapted the main drivers to what we, as generation 21.22, wanted to drive.