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Vision for the future
The term of 22.23 is formed by the following individuals
• Isha Jerath, MCP (center)
• Luana D’arc, MCVP BD
• Victoria Li, MC BD Manager
• Fredericke Decoster, MCVP F&L
• Wafa Benzamouche; MCVP iGT
• Daniel Rodriguez, MCVP OGX
• Maria Esperanza, MCVP TM/OD
• Stephanie Kersbergen, MCVP Marketing
We had our first touchpoint together as a team in May and from that point in time we were building the team. In June we had the MC to MC transition with both generations. This year this transition was delivered hybridly due to delay in visa processes of some international members who were not able to get to Belgium in time.
After the transition between the teams, MC 22.23 went into planning mode. We had in total 7 days of planning to ideate the future of our entity and to define the strategies to get there.
For the term 22.23 we aim to strive to empower more youth leadership in Belgium by committing 247 youth to a cross-cultural & life-changing experience through AIESEC in Belgium. We will do this by focusing on Outgoing Global Volunteer and Incoming Global Talents as our core products this year. Our big hairy audacious goal is to be the first choice organisation for youth leadership development globally.
We have a 3 year long term vision for AIESEC in Belgium focused towards:
1. Enhancing Membership Experience: By 2025, AIESEC in Belgium’s members have advanced capacity and enhanced experiences. Our members strive to become leaders for AIESEC and their society.
2. Upscaling Brand Presence : By 2025, AIESEC in Belgium’s brand is known for being the top leadership development organisation for youth and a top organisation to connect with youth for partners.

3. Faciliating Quality Operations: By 2025, AIESEC in Belgium delivers quality experiences that allow our customers to have high value experiences towards leadership development.
We will work towards the vision particularly this year by ensuring we improve our membership capacity and experience by encouraging leadership roles, by increasing our market representation among youth and by improving the implementation of standard operating procedures in our functions.
As MC 22.23 we are Reliable, Empathetic and Committed and actively working towards a culture of Ownership, Trust and Unity for ONE AIESEC in Belgium. We are passionate about our mission and strive for our goal, we are MC Ardent, committed to “Drive the change, Unite to impact.”

SPRINGCO IN APRIL 2022: Spaceship of Leadership

Hereby we would like to present to you the seven individuals of the national team of AIESEC in Belgium 21.22.