Volunteer Abroad with AIESEC

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A I E S E C AIESEC is a youth leadership movement that is passionately driven by one cause: Peace and FulďŹ llment of Humankind's Poten al

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WHAT IS A I E S E C ? AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-led network crea ng posi ve impact through personal development and shared global experiences. It is every young person’s responsibility to take a posi ve role in shaping the future of our planet. We believe every young person deserves the chance, and tools, to fulfil their poten al.


G L O B A L V O L U N T E E R ? Global Volunteer is an opportunity for a young person to develop Leadership Quali es of self-awareness, solu on orienta on, empowering others and world ci zenship by living a cross-cultural volunteer experience. In the product a young person volunteers abroad on social impact projects that contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals.


Thailand Project 35 This project is aim to give Thai kids and youth the opportunity of learning English in an interna onal environment. We are looking for a volunteers who are open-minded and love working with kids. You will be teaching English and sharing your culture with them. Furthermore, you will help enhance their personal development

Main ac vi es - Create ac ve English learning ac vi es for students in rural area - Encourage cultural exchange ac vi es in school/community - A end Incoming Prepara on Seminar, Global Village and other ac vi es within the project

Logis c Accommoda on Provided Accommoda on Covered Food Provided (2 meal per day) Fee Rp 3.000.000 Dura on: 6 weeks


VIETNAM A chance to volunteer in the coastal city of Vietnam - Vung Tau, a popular tourist des na on haunted by pollu on. This project gives you the opportunity to make an impact to the local people about the environment. Along with the project leader, you will work to protect the sea environment by organizing clean-up days, teaching students about pollu on & opening a "less plas c" campaign. All that to contribute to a be er and more sustainable sea environment.

Main ac vi es Organize the ocean clean-up with the local people Co-managing the project’s media site Co-hos ng discussion with local students on plas c pollu on topic Implement a less plas c campaign with local SME business in Food and Beverage, Hospitality industry Design logo, poster, s cker to raise people awareness about pollu on Develop a Guide to Host a Ocean Clean-up to mul plying the project in others coastal area

THE CATCHER IN THE RYE PROJECT 2.0 Mainland of China At Three-One Farm you will experience an unique life on an organic farm. You will do the work of a farmer ranging from seeding, harves ng to packaging the product in the most a rac ve way. Have a chance to work with Mr Lin and other interna onal friends , who really cares about developing the youth and sustainable lifestyle. This is a very dynamic interna onal team. Understanding the present situa on of China's development from the agricultural grassroots.

Main ac vi es - Suppor ng vegetables, plan ng work including seeding, watering,etc. - Access to a variety of ecological animals, such as ecological stocking of chick. - Be part of the simple environment teaching ac vi es - Taking part in Farm's extra ac vi es such as par es, public event, room cleaning etc - Harves ng the goods when the season comes - Create life-long impact and rela ons with Chinese and interna onal friends and AIESEC in SWUFE.

Logis c Accommoda on Provided Accommoda on Covered Food Provided (2 meal per day) Fee Rp 3.000.000 Dura on: 6 weeks

Frequently Asked Ques on Does the fee i pay to AIESEC include transporta on to the country of des na on? No. The fee includes several services to support your leadership journey such as the Outgoing Prepara on Seminar, documents support, among others. You are the one responsible to cover the costs of flight, visa (if needed), health insurance and others. In most of the cases.

Who Funds AIESEC Global Volunteer Projects? AIESEC operates on self-funded sustainable model, internships and projects are internally funded by providing opportunity for people to travel with us.

Is Insurance Covered in this program? It is already provided under the total admission fee.

When do the Volunteering Start? Most of the projects are open during summer (June-August) and winter (December-March) vaca ons In our Opportuni es Portal, you can check the dates of each project.

What should i expect out of this internship? Once you finish your volunteering and head back to Indonesia, AIESEC home en es will be contac ng you for a post-experience seminar and will give you the opportunity to become part of AIESEC member.

What’s the dura on for Global Volunteer Project? Most of the dura on for the Global Volunteer project varies from 6 to 8 weeks.

What are the requirments to be able to enroll in a Global Volunteer Project ? - Between 18 and 30 years old - B2 English Level (Those who have the necessary fluency to communicate without effort with na ve speakers)

Can I have Cer ficate about my experience? Once you have finished your internship, AIESEC will provide you a cer ficate that states your par cipa on in that project or internship for that certain period of me.

Who is my contact person? Before you travel with AIESEC you will be provided with a responsible from the internship hos ng en ty that will make sure you are provided with your needs

What do i expect a er i got back to my country? Once you finish your internship and head back to Indonesia, AIESEC sending office will be contac ng you for a post-experience seminar and will give you the opportunity to become part of AIESEC member or the opportunity from our company partner.


PERSON Falaha Rusin falaha.rusin@aiesec.net 081310278897

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