Brand Awards
Objec&ve AIESEC Indonesia is one of the largest communi7es that had already penetrated Universi7es around Indonesia. As a community with interna7onal accredita7on, it seeks to establish a higher presence and recogni7on in the Indonesian market too. Thus, to become a more influen7al community in the campus and social, AIESEC took the ini7a7ve to present Brand Awards contest this year. This is the first AIESEC brand-‐related contest which is expected to increase the awareness of the public towards AIESEC. The event will be held in the 2nd week of October 2015. You can join up and present your ideas and develop the content to uphold and increase the status of AIESEC from the eye of the world If you are willing and driven to be an influence towards AIESEC goals and vision, this event is for you. It will give a support and an entry point to become more than just a member in AIESEC.
Branding, Perspec&ve & Paradigm There are many ways to define a brand, the simplest term it can have is an iden7ty. A brand must have a unique and engaging story that will aNract the audience to it. The great thing about brand is that everything and even everyone can be a brand. In Branding, the most important thing lies in the thought process rather than the end result. To develop a brand one has to project a relevant strategy which will be used to develop the main idea of the brand. Furthermore; by making a relevant strategy; the next main point is the consistent implementa&on of visual communica7on. This is where the strategy is projected in any form of visual elements such as logo and marke7ng tools that portray the main idea. In conclusion, a brand is a spark of idea that is manifested as strategies and implemented through visual. A brand is what the company thinks, feel and behave.
Event Submission Overview What ? In this event, par7cipants are expected to create a brand for ONE of these op7ons: 1. Develop a brand strategy and design for a new AIESEC event or program OR 2. Repackage and rebrand an exis7ng local AIESEC event to fit the objec7ve.
Why ? The objec7ve is to increase the brand awareness of AIESEC Indonesia and help AIESEC recruit more members
How ? To develop a brand plaUorm, par7cipants need to fulfill these two main areas: brand strategy and brand visual implementa7on. In Strategy, we expect par7cipants to integrate their thinking process of how and why their idea can be a solu7on. This involves gathering meaningful insights, outlining the big idea and the story behind the brand. In Visual stage, par7cipants are to project and clearly realize the strategy to a more crea7ve approach of design-‐ related communica7on.
When ?
Who ?
Launch Brand Awards : September 13, 2015 Deadline submission : September 30, 2015 TOP 15 group Selec%on of top 15 groups : October 1-‐4, 2015 Announcement top 15 : October 5, 2015 Report top 15 to DM ID & Redspace : October 6, 2015 TOP 5 FINALIST Announcement top 15 : October 6, 2015 Presenta%on to DM ID & Redspace: October 12, 2015 *Time will be define THE WINNER Announcement : Gala Dinner, day 4 of MBC 2015, October 13, 2015
-‐Video teaser 2x -‐Poster in Facebook internal and external -‐blast mail -‐newsleNer
-‐ AIESEC Members. Limit of par7cipants per team: minus 3 people and maximum 5 people -‐ 15 teams from all AIESEC -‐> to Top 5 Finalist
Mechanism 1. Par7cipants are to submit their ideas and present them in a power-‐point presenta7on slide format saved in PDF. All entries should follow the following guideline for judging criteria. 2. Par7cipants will present the ideas day -‐1 before Gala Dinner, in private space with DM ID and Redspace team, in maximum 15 minutes per group. 3. In the presenta7on, par7cipants are free to use any aNribute that support their ideas.
Judging Criteria This guideline will be used to evaluate the availability and visibility of the idea towards the project involving AIESEC.
1. Background of Idea • How the idea is created, for what specific purposes • If you decided to make a new brand program, why is that so? eg. a running event, music fes7val, sports, community gathering, etc • If you decided to rebrand an exis7ng program, what is the reason behind it? eg. student exchange program, congress, internship, youth2business, etc • What was the problem and challenges? Who is the target audience?
2. Strategies • What is the strategic thinking and insights behind your brand? • What is the big idea / story for your brand? • What is the communica7on planning? eg. marke7ng, digital communica7on (if any)
3. Visual Implementa;on • What is the look and feel of your brand? • Create the necessary design elements that will support your brand eg. logo, marke7ng collaterals, promo7onal tools, packaging, posters, banners • What is the relevancy of your design to your strategy communica7on? • How is the tone, typography and colors chosen? • Ensure consistency in all your design elements and choose only the most relevant promo7onal tools
4. Expected End Result • How many people do you expect to aNend your program? • How many of those do you expect to sign up for AIESEC? • If you are using digital communica7on, what do you expect to see in your digital interac7on? Eg. increase in followers, likes, etc • Is there any maintenance and plan for any future ac7vi7es • Why do you think that your brand plan deserves a Brand Award?