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Objec&ves: Engage public to learn about LF and Eisai’s contribu5on, through video clip development & publica5on, which will raise mass awareness and encourage wider par5cipa5on from community (par5cularly healthcare prac55oner)
Target: Public, especialy crea5ve & innova5ve students from reputable universi5es Ac+vi+es: Encouraging public to view, ‘like’, comment on and share the videos Winning Video Clip will be u5lized for promo5ng the program to HCP PTEI will collaborate with AIESEC Indonesia to promote the program
Outcome: Public awareness about LF, MDA & Eisai’s contribu5on. Promote ATM website, PTEI website, etc (Par5cipants are encouraged to access those websites to learn about Eisai’s contribu5on to ATM)
Measurement: Quan5ty: Number of submission, Number of ‘views’, ‘likes’, ‘shares’ in youtube Quality: comprehend and convey the right message
-‐Can you explain the importance of Mass Drug Administra*on for Lympha*c Filariasis in 1 minute? If you’re up to the challenge, you could win TRIP TO JAPAN in this 1-‐min Video Clip Compe**on -‐Open for all Indonesians, as individual or group -‐Produce an original 1-‐minute video demonstra*ng the importance of LF MDA, contribu*on from organiza*on like Eisai to make Indonesia free from LF, and to engage public and healthcare prac**oner to par*cipate/contribute to the program -‐The video can use any style & will be judged on the following criteria: Crea*vity: the video should be engaging, dynamic, and compelling, making the audience understand the importance LF MDA and LF elimina*on program Content: accurately demonstrates the importance of LF MDA & how Eisai contributes Engagement: how it engages public to contribute/par*cipate in the program, and number of ‘views’, ‘likes’ and ‘shares’ in youtube
How to submit the video:
Learn and get references from the following website: Create a free Youtube account and upload your one-‐minute video Register for the compe**on, by comple*ng the submission form in (eg: with your personal details & the link to your youtube video The closing date for entries to be submiXed is 30 September 2015
2 awards for: Best Video: 1 return *cket Jakarta-‐Tokyo & 3 nights accommoda*on Best Promoted Video: 1 return *cket Jakarta-‐Tokyo & 3 nights accommoda*on
Objec+ves: Raise awareness about LF, MDA and promote Eisai as a reputable pharmaceu5cal company to medical students. Winning essay will be published in Eisai’s website
Target: Medical students Outcomes: Disease awareness and to build Eisai’s image to our future stakeholders. Promote ATM website, PTEI website, etc (Par5cipants are encouraged to access those websites to learn about Eisai’s contribu5on to ATM)
Measurement: Quan5ty: Number of submission Quality: clear, comprehend and convey the right messages
Administra+on: PTEI will collaborate with AIESEC Indonesia to promote the program
Eligibility: Medical Students in Indonesia (all grades) Themes (select one of the following themes): Can Indonesia be free from LF? My innova*ve solu*on & ideas to accelerate LF Elimina*on program in Indonesia Mul*sector commitment & collabora*on to eradicate LF in Indonesia Raising Mass Awareness for a Successful LF Elimina*on program in Indonesia How a Corpora*on could align its Business & Contribu*on to the Society
How to submit the essays: Learn and get references from the following website Essay must be no fewer than 600 and no more than 1,200 words in length, double-‐spaced Essay will be judged on both style and content. Judges will look for wri*ng that is clear, ar*culate and logically organized. Winning essay must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the theme Register for the compe**on and submit your essay in (eg: The closing date for entries to be submiSed is 30 September 2015
2 awards for: 1st winner: 1 return *cket Jakarta-‐Tokyo & 3 nights accommoda*on 2nd winner: 1 return *cket Jakarta-‐Tokyo
RULES -‐Par*cipant cer*fies that he/she has created, composed and made the original submiXed essay/video clip -‐Par*cipant declares that he/she has the full rights and is the owner of all the copyrights for the essay/video clip produced in this compe**on including its sound track, and has the full rights to publish/broadcast in any way or form -‐Winners agree to allow Eisai to post their names on its websites. Eisai will have the right to make minor adjustment (edit) on the winning essay/video and use it for the promo*on of LF Elimina*on Program in Indonesia. -‐All entries become the property of Eisai and will not be returned Eisai has the right to provide contest deadline extensions when deemed appropriate -‐By submicng the essay/video, par*cipant agrees with the rules of the compe**on TBC: Competent Judges
Launch: August 23, 2015
Ques+on and answer space: August 24, 2015
Start Compe+ton : August 25, 2015 un5l September 30, 2015
in collabora*on with