The Raise of Ethical and Professional Leaders Since the beginning, we’ve locked our sight to the biggest stars and dreams of our members. We aimed the bigger brand, be/er quality, and more impacts through the success of our collabora9ve environment. However, as a social enterprise, our organiza=on realized that the most powerful asset to achieve our dream is our people. That is why, other than educa=on and training, it was also important for us to start our journey by having collec=ve adjustment for culture and perspec=ve. Other than ac=ng fast for every sign of dysfunc=on, disunity, and loss of commitment, we also plan the crea=on of Indonesian leaders for the next 10-‐20 years. Young Indonesians were majorly educated to see things as trade off, but members of AIESEC Indonesia this year learned together to not allow ourselves shaped to see things as trade off; to choose between quality and quan=ty; to study or experience; or to outweigh the benefits of member development over performance. Instead, we believed that everything works as one inter-‐related system. Once we realized the change of this perspec=ve, young Indonesian AIESEC-‐ers started to become more ambi=ous, op=mis=c, cri=cal, crea=ve, collabora=ve, and solu=on-‐oriented.
e best case practice”
“To be the best e the best case practice” “To Be the Best Case Prac9ce”
o be the best case practice”
More less a thousand of young people from 40-‐ish best universi=es around Indonesia, supported by around 200 of companies/organiza7ons and government have supported us to execute 8 na7onal events and projects, 2 interna7onal events, and increased 20% growth from overall performance last year even with the unfavorable condi7on of freezing one of our programs for 4 (four) months due to “To be the best case practice” our commitment to ensure safety of our programs. While in our back office, we are proud to see a notable change that has been dreamt by the last genera=on of last decade in quality of projects, quality of ambassadors, implementa=on of our governance system, effec=veness of our organiza=onal development and structure, assurance of our member development, en=ty sustainability, and of course, the safety of our programs proved by our minimum NPS score 38 during one year.
best case practice”
The main thing my team was trying to do is throwing our beliefs, knowledge, stories, and energy at young people because we simply believe that they can deliver incredible things. This belief apparently, turns out to be true. The young people in this organiza=on have inspired my team beyond measure. Their dedica=on and fulfillment of responsibility has been both humbling and inspiring.
“To be the best c the best case practice”
e the best case practice”
Though variety of dramas, problems, and group of distrust kept coming back to hit some more, genera=on 13/14 has witnessed seeing them self to dare greatly and “To prevail against all odds. We be the best case practice” recalled the great power of purpose. We sharpened the reliability of our knowledge and skills. We completed individual’s commitment with ethics, and last, we acted as one, the AIESEC Indonesia.