Igcdp strategy

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The iGCDP Strategy Implementation AIESEC Indonesia


NPS Improvement

Minimum Quality Promise TN Form Raising Process Standardization Expectation Setting: Matching Website, Indonesia Calling Issue Refreshment

EP Lead Platform

Establishment of 2 National projects based on Social Impact Model

Buddy System

Webinar, Induction Preparation Seminar

EP Journal

Questioner After Matching

Indemnity Form

+ quality check every Monday Meeting

CRM Tracking

STRATEGY IGCDP AIESEC INDONESIA IMPLEMENTATION Establishment of 2 National projects based on Social Impact Model Before all National Projects that we run was not sustainable, relevant to the market and we didn`t provide much support for the LC to execute it. This year in the re-planning we analyzed external market: did survey, read researched, articles, consulted with Supervisor Group and created totally new 2 long term (5 years) National Projects: - Health & Lifestyle These projects were from the beginning supported by MC to - Environment ensure the best preparation and quality delivery to our interns:




a) We created Project wiki and organized educational summit for OCPs (we made sure that OCPs know all basics of the Pbox starting from finance ending with Quality session, hence they can organize good project) b) We made on-line webinar before arrival for the interns c) We send booklet about project for interns: http:// www.slideshare.net/anastasiiaisakii/summer-nationalproject-of-aiesec-indonesia14 d) We organized Induction Preparation Seminar for the interns (covered delegates fee, MC was faci)


Quality Case Follow Up

National NCB for Follow-up Case Firefighting Link

STRATEGY IGCDP AIESEC INDONESIA IMPLEMENTATION Increase Response Rate Awareness - We constantly clarified importance of the filling NPS for: - interns (TN Form, Induction seminar) - VP/OCP (conference, functional meeting) - country partners ( country meetings, ceeder) TN Form Raise requirement - VP iGCDP in TN Form need to put information about NPS requirement. Certificates - We put a rule that interns need to fill NPS 2 times and then they will get certificate that prove that they have been on exchange. Certificates also have been changed: now we don`t just thank for the taking part in internship, but we need to state what actually intern did during their internship.


Promoter Strategy

Showcasing Strategy

We realized that in NPS we can cover only service part evaluation of our services and overall value of the program, but there are no questions that intern are asked about detailed their development.


We build an evaluation form that we ask interns to fill after their realization: https://podio.com/webforms/8126403/608945

Culture Shock


But mostly, the experience of delivering quality and quantity at the same time is about what makes us to become‌

6 bright VP/Managers of iGCDP become LCP in term 1415 :)

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