AIESEC in Indonesia-July Newsletter

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Welcome to

July Newsletter

Dear AIESEC in Indonesia, The first month in our term has passed. How do feel so far? I am wri>ng you down right through the office aCer a month of being away due to conferences, team days, and Aidl Fitr holiday. The feeling is a bit weird. The office is empty, the last memory we have is our team in 1415. All of a sudden I realized the term has changed and a month has almost passed. What happen? Perhaps some of you have the same feeling, one month has almost passed and what actually we have done so far to contribute to our society through AIESEC? Are we s>ll ques>oning our ability and capacity, or are we s>ll somewhere stuck on the shadow of our lack of knowledge, lack of prepara>on, lack of mo>va>on, and so on and so forth? Let me tell you something, you are not the only one who think the same and definitely not the last one. August is coming and we need to literally wake up and get up to fight again for the things we envision, we dream, and we aspire to be. As much as you experience how fast July has passed, August will definitely happened to be in the same way, it will be gone in a split seconds. Put aside your fear, your holiday mode, your confusion, and anything that slow you down and start pushing yourself forward as hard it could be for you to break your own limits. Go to the person you think can help you with your problem and start sharing! If you don't have such problem and you think you do just amazing, then go find someone to share your best experience let them inspired by it too! During last team days, I realized that liVle chat, >ny conversa>on, or even random chat can means so much and shape how the experience could be for someone, so perhaps sharing is caring aCer all was not merely a quote, perhaps as a network we can start to make it viral! Read through this newsleVer and you will find out many things that will be the highlights of August, and see where our organiza>on is heading to. Take a mark on your calendar, take a note, or even send us an email if any ques>on raises in your mind. MC Palapa 1516 promised to avail ourselves to serve you and the rest of the networks and therefore, let's create a collabora>ve network to achieve A Bigger, BeVer, and Stronger AIESEC for Indonesia don't forget to be kind, many, many, many Hugs Sincerely yours,

Nicholas Diaz. MCP AIESEC in Indonesia

Built To Last 1415

Thank you to PALAPA 1415‌ We are all feeling good when we start the new term, one of the reason if because of you, PALAPA 1415.. Thank you for all the struggle, up and down moment we been through together, all the inspiration you have us.. Without you we wouldn't have stumbled across our strength, Thank you for all the lesson! We wish you all the best for your journey ahead!

Global Recognition! Thank you to year 1415, AIESEC in Indonesia got Global Recogni-on; Global Top 9 En>ty, Global Top 9 in IGCDP, and Global Top 8 in IGIP. Hope this year we will make the new breakthrough!

National Board AIESEC Indonesia 1516


Leader Target in ERA Bigger, Better, Stronger This era, AIESEC in Indonesia aim to

create 4470 Leaders of change for Indonesia! We need all of you to deliver this leadership experience to all Indonesian, yes YOU!

are you in to contribute?

Conference Output EST Mini Conference 2015

In this A-mazing July, AIESEC in Indonesia has 2 conference; EST Mini Conference, and Na>onal Func>onal Summit.

Check it out for the output!

We hope this both conference can be a great starter for Bigger, Better, Stronger AIESEC for Indonesia!

for NFS output check it here :hVp://>

This era, PALAPA 1516 has very different team

days than before. They go to disable kids and orphanage to help and get in touch with them personally. We learn so much from them that our life is precious and each of us has our own purpose and special reminder from them; they can do the same like us and there’s no

boundaries between you and them, we are all the same!

On the last day, PALAPA 1516 go to beach to get fresh air from busy Jakarta in order to refresh their mindset and get in touch personally and individually as one-­‐PALAPA..

PALAPA team days!

TM Corner


1. All members in EXPA Have your Members (LCEB and members of your LC) already in EXPA? We are moving into EXPA world fully for this term, let's kick it with the great step by having all of members on EXPA

FAQ: 1. I don't find any match bu2on in EXPA, what should I do?


a. Click on the name of the person b. Assign EP Manager (can be you who created the role) c. Change the interview status into mark as interviewed d. Refresh and the match buVon will be there :)

TM Corner


2. My OP is not working, just there a message

"Get ready for your AIESEC Experience", there is no op>on of program, what should I do? It is because you haven't completed your profile, so OP can not recognize which program that suitable for you. So, what should you do? a. Go to the corner of OP (your profile picture) and click it b. Click my profile c. Complete your profile d. Refresh the page :)

Once this case happened again, please do kindly re-­‐ read this newsleVer :) S>ll not-­‐complete LCEB Structure : S>ll not-­‐complete Members :

Appreciation : GOES TO AIESEC in

UNDIP "for being the most complete member assignment in EXPA and also your fast work for making this happen"

TM Corner

L&D Delivery Long holiday is over and August will come soon. It's super hard to bring the mood of AIESEC ac>vity aCer long holiday, especially if your members were elected on July and directly having long holiday. So, it's >me to engage, empower and equip them. Let's create a warm and nice engagement event aCer holiday and let's empower and equip our members by delivering a crea>ve educa>on for them .

NFS Bring Back! NFS was already done. Calling for all Talent Management in all LC to bring back the NFS to your en>ty. TtT, TtM, TtS, SOP, Project ini>a>ve, LEAD and others educa>on materials are delivered in NFS, please bring this back to your members who can not join the conference but they deserve to get the educa>on about that. Please find the material output here : hVp://>


Yeah,, it's time for the Team Minimum. Calling for all team leaders, ensure your team a. Have team purpose and ambition b. have set the team value c. Have set the team rule d. My members have a week and monthly plan e. My members have KPI and MoS of their role and they understand already about it f. You have clear goals and impact of your team's work g. My members already have JD and they are clear about it h. I already set goal alignment between their personal development goal and their JD Last but not least, Do not forget to have individual meeting with your members to set their Pre-PA for this quarter

lN D

Website information Maybe some of you realized that something wrong is happening with our website, but fear not! This is the reason why:

BXP Corner

Our website is now undergoing the maintenance process in order to have a

bigger, better, stronger

Process Timeline The Digital Marke>ng Na>onal Board is currently puong high focus in finishing this off, with the following >meline: July 28th-­‐31th: Content Prepara>on August 1st-­‐2nd: Maintenance August 3rd-­‐7th: Website launching countdown August 8th: Website relaunching.

digital plalorm for you. The reason of why is this happening is because of the high website intensity of usage from all local en>>es of AIESEC in Indonesia, the website traffic and database became so crowded (FYI, our na>onal en>ty has started to implement integrated virtual promo>on plalorm star>ng from the u>liza>on of na>onal website by local en>>es). Therefore, we need to upgrade the plalorm capacity of the website. If you no>ce some website failure in the past 3 months, that is caused by this high traffic (it means we need to upgrade the capacity).

What you can do: For VP PR/Marcomm, please help us to spread this poster before 3rd of August. Help us to create the internal and external awareness about this info, so we can gain a lot of website visitors. DM Team will send you a package contains all of the posters including the >meline when to post it, so wait for it.

For VP Marke+ng, prepare your best contents to be put on the na>onal website later. And important: While wai>ng for the website to be done, you might want to try u4lize you Facebook Fan page as a landing site for a while. Or maybe use your local website for a while? (but don't forget to convert to na>onal website once the maintenance is done ya :)) P.S. It is highly not recommended for local en>ty to create your own local website. The reason why: 1. You need to invest more money to create a new website while we already have one that you can u4lize (read: 2. We aim to create a be>er and stronger virtual presence of AIESEC in Indonesia, so please support it by u>lizing integrated na>onal plalorm.

For VP BD/ER/ProgSales, get ready to u>lize the website as part of the selling process -­‐ what we're talking about is, when you're talking with your partner, you can show our past partnerships with previous credible partners through the website on 'Corporate' page. Jazman and Layli is working on that, so expect some awesomeness soon :)

Brand Audit is coming! You may wondering what is Brand Audit, rite? Its okay.. You have done it, you just did not realize it thou’. This era, our beloved, MCVP Marke>ng, Karina, come up with

BRAND AUDIT, to make sure our AIESEC brand is relevant, guideline-­‐ based and making sure our brand is not harmful.

Chill ! All educa>on >meline, prepara>on and the audit itself will be in this A-­‐ ugust. Scared? No need. Just prepared for it! :D

BXP Corner The Global Office has already received numerous invita>ons to collaborate and partners by different organisa>ons just owing to the YS Report. We have also been no>fied that a number of organisa>ons are spreading the report in their own internal networks, valida>ng the support that this can be to their own cause, and reaching out to Global Office for collabora>ons. We can benefit from the same. Do go through all the instruc>ons given out before, but, long story short, make the report reach out to every stakeholder and poten>al stakeholder possible. All your social media channels should give key insights (and also let your internal network know that they can benefit similarly. In the coming week we will also be clarifying the kind of collabora>ons and associa>ons you can crack using YouthSpeak. But, >ll we get there,

let the Youth be heard first.

Check out Youth Speak Millenials Report : and get ready for

Indonesia Youth Speak 2015!

Winter Peak Preparation! Karina, your MCVP Marke>ng, is preparing a huge strategy for

Wonderful Winter Peak. Excited? WAIT FOR IT!

Calling to all advisor in Local Committee for National Gathering! Its coming very sooooonnn!

BD Corner

AIESEC Indonesia in Partnership with Shell Indonesia is now crea>ng a massive Entrepreneurship Workshop those are running in 10 Ci>es and Universi>es through AIESEC Indonesia Local CommiVee. In June and July, We've already done BI (Bright Ideas) and BSOM (Becoming Successful Owner Manager) in 5 Universi>es (Prase>ya Mulya Business Scholl PMBS, Binus University Jakarta, Universitas Sebelas Maret Solo, Universitas Brawijaya Malang and Universitas Gadjah Mada Jogja). In the workshop, par>cipants learn about how to develop ideas of entrepreneurs, how to start a business, un>l details skills needed to be an entrepreneurs with awesome speakers from local entrepreneurs, success business leader, Interns with entrepreneurs ecperience, Shell Live Wire Team and Local Vice President of AIESEC. In the next 2 months, we will run the workshops in other Universi>es which are -­‐ Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) for BI 2nd August & BSOM 9th August -­‐ Universitas Andalas Padang (UA) for BSOM 1st August -­‐ Universitas Lampung (Unila) for BI 1st & 2nd August -­‐ Universitas Gadjah Mada for BSOM 8th August -­‐ Bandung City for 6th & 7th August -­‐ Ins4tut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) for BSOM 5th September. Feel excited to taste this collabora>on entrepreneurs workshop nearby!

Nat Pro Corner

OP simply tracker Podio Weekly Tracking for All Exchangers 1.) Go to h>p:// 2.) Fill in your LC/Program’s # Updates for the given date and schedule 3.) Click Submit! -­‐ PER LC, PER PROGRAM (2 >mes for IGCDP if you have both AdHoc and Projects) -­‐ FILL IN TRACKER FOR THE NUMBERS OF THE WEEK GIVEN IN THE OPTIONS -­‐ DO NOT fill in for any other Week Op>ons aside from what is asked for -­‐ We are asking for your Weekly Achievement, not your goals~ We already have that! :) Instruc>ons in detail are in the booklet :)

OP has a very simply tracker for all the exchanger! Dont know how to use it? Check it here! hVp://

Operation Corner

OD Corner LC Coach Announcement! Still dont know who is your LC Coach? ask your LCP!

Coaching Visit Timeline : August — September

Be ready for it !! Management Team Change : From SOLA to BSC Monthly Fulfillment

Excited for it!

Welcoming USU as new Initiatives Group


AIESEC in Indonesia is expanding our reach! can you guess which university that has the dots?

Happy Birthday to Fadhli

Happy Birthday to Ayu


MCVP External Affair July 31

Congratulations !! Fabsya Farrazahra, S.Sos

Get ready for


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