LEAP 2016 Event Report

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Participants Profile Par$cipa$on Size: 98 Academic Background







87% University Students High School Students Others


87% Estonian


Others (Including Indian, Slovakian, 
 Latvian, Armenian, American, 
 Bri@sh, Danish etc.)

18-25 25-30 30 or above


Opening Ceremony

Opening Keynote Speech Power-Talk


Start-up founders’ sharing

Start-Smart Workshop Workshops for par@cipants to equip themselves with essen@al entrepreneurial knowledge & skills

Networking Lunch


Ac1on Space Crea@on of start-up ideas

Idea Pitching Closing Keynote Speech Closing


opening keynote Mr. Thomas Padovani CEO & Co-Founder of Adcash Keynote Topic: The Road to Entrepreneurship -Most successful company at Äripäev Top 100 Awards 2015 -Most CompeGGve SME and Innovator of the Year at EAS Entrepreneurship Award 2015


We invited 5 Startup founders to share their entrepreneurial stories to the parGcipants. In the “Power-Talks�, our speakers shared the inspiraGons of their startup ideas, ups & downs in their journey as well as their Gps for the future entrepreneurs.

power-talk speakers Anna-Greta Tsahkna

Mar6n McGloin & Indrek P천ldvee

Co-founder & CCO of Timber

Co-founders of Sorry As a Service

Gerli Veerm채e

Thomas Padovani

Co-founder of GoWorkaBit

CEO & Co-founder of Adcash

start-smarT workshop Before anything else, preparaGon is the key to success. Start-Smart Workshops covered topics including markeGng, pitching and business modelling etc. to provide essenGal knowledge and skills for LEAP 2016 parGcipants before they kick-start their entrepreneurial journey.

Start-Smart Workshop speakers Priit Viru CFO of Adcash Workshop Topic: How to create a global business from Estonia: the Adcash example

Enn Metsar

Gleb Maltsev

Uber Estonia General Manager Workshop Topic: Uber InnovaGon & Expansion

Co-founder of Fundwise Workshop Topic: Fundamentals of WriGng a Pitch

Start-Smart Workshop speakers Karl Pae

Jaan Aps

Founder, Trainer and Head of Strategy of ePPC, Google CerGďŹ ed Trainer Workshop Topic: UGlising free Google tools and analyGcs for adverGsing

Founder and Chairman of Estonian Social Enterprise Network Workshop Topic: Success=Impact+Income: Business Modelling & building a successful social enterprise

action space x idea pitching Be inspired, and take acGons! AcGon Space provided parGcipants a chance to create their startup ideas and get suggesGons & comments from our speakers, guests and mentors. It was followed by an idea pitching compeGGon and the winner received LEAP Entrepreneur Award (Free opportunity to join AIESEC Global Entrepreneurs Programme)

action space mentors Raul Malmstein CEO of Skuuper

Rode Luha채채r CEO and Co-founder of Paytailor

Welix Klaas Co-founder at CoModule

Tauri K채rson CEO and Founder at Autolevi

leap entrepreneur award Winner: Shirt Happens Kiran Arokiasamy Charloce P채rt (Estonian Business School)

closing keynote Ms. Liisa Oviir

Minister of Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Estonia

event partners and supporters Thank you for your support and making LEAP 2016 happen!

About AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-run organisaGon for young people to explore and develop their leadership poten3al through prac3cal team experiences and cultural exchange opportuni3es. Our belief is that sustainable, informed and globally-minded leadership can help us solve many of today’s challenges. We provide young people with a global plaeorm where they grow in confidence, gain experience and can perhaps fail but learn fast. They discover what really macers to them while creaGng a posiGve social impact.

AIESEC in Estonia was established in 1989, with over 100 acGve members currently in our 3 local university chapters. Each year, we create cultural exchange and overseas internship opportuniGes for Estonian youth and bring in internaGonal talents to work and experience the life in Estonia.

stay tuned with us! Website: www.aiesec.ee LEAP Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/LeapEstonia Email: estonia@aiesec.net

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