MCP1617 Application Booklet I AIESEC in Estonia

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AIESEC in Estonia MCP 16.17 Applica'on package

Dear applicants, It is not an ideal situa'on to release MCP applica'on on these circumstances for half a term. Unfortunately our MCP has resigned. But this will not stop AIESEC in Estonia from con'nuing work to build a beDer future for next genera'on and carrying this en'ty forward. We started the term strong. We have grown in numbers of exchange. We have a dedicated and mo'vated MC, we have LCs full of talent and poten'al. We are working hard to build AIESEC in Estonia to be stronger than ever, and for that we need a leader to guide us towards our goals. Someone who will be ready to step in mid-­‐term and lead us to con'nue to grow. Someone to give the final push since we’re already half way there. I am turning to talented AIESECers who may have just finished their term, but are not afraid to take the next step right away. We trust you to be mo'vated, resilient, crazy enough to take on the challenge and apply to be the leader of AIESEC in Estonia. I am looking forward to receive your applica'ons. Yours truly, Triinu Teder LCP of TLU & MCP proxy

MCP role and responsibili'es •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Maintain the Full Membership in Global Plenary Legality of AIESEC in Estonia Financial sustainability of the en'ty Vision -­‐ Lead the na'onal direc'on of AIESEC in Estonia and set the course of 17.18 MC Management -­‐ Develop and lead a dynamic MC team BoP Management -­‐ Educate and work with Board of Presidents on key decision making AIESEC in Estonia Representa'on -­‐ Represent AIESEC in Estonia globally and internally at various networking events Financial Growth -­‐ Ensure financial management and growth in organiza'on Sustainability Maintain Legality -­‐ Keep updated legal state to changes in Estonian law and regula'on

Timeline •  11th of February – applica'on is released •  19th of February – applica'on deadline. Applica'on must be sent to by 11:59PM (GMT +2) with email subject “MCP16.17_yourname_applica'on” •  20th of January – MCP candidate announcement; Q&A; confidence vo'ng •  Dura'on of term – 21st of February to 31st of July

Applica'on requirements Applica'on must include: •  Complete applica'on form (in PDF format) •  CV (excluding AIESEC experience) •  2 endorsement leDers – one from a person who you have led; one from your current/latest MC member •  Mo'va'on leDer •  3-­‐5 minute video (please upload to Vimeo or Youtube) *Please submit all documents in PDF form

General ques'ons 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.

Why are you applying to become MCP 16.17 of AIESEC in Estonia? What will you personally gain from the experience? What will AIESEC in Estonia gain? What do you consider to be your 2 biggest achievements in your life? What do you consider to be your 2 biggest learning experiences in your life? What are your personal goals and how will this role as MCP help you achieve your goals? What are your personal values? How does this affect your leadership? Give at least one example from your previous leadership experience. Describe your AIESEC experience (Period, Posi'on, En'ty, Responsibili'es, Results/ Learning Points). Please list the experiences in a table. Describe your conference experiences (Conference Name, Date, Loca'on, Number of Delegates, Role). Please describe the main trends shaping Estonia in the next 5 years and bring out if these are opportuni'es or threats for AIESEC in Estonia? Explain how AIESEC can capitalize on the opportuni'es. Why is AIESEC relevant to Estonia?

Specific ques'ons 1.  Please create a SWOT Analysis of AIESEC in Estonia. 2.  What are the ini'a'ves from term 16.17 that you would like to con'nue? What ini'a'ves would you cut/change? Please explain your answers. 3.  What should be the focus driver (product) for summer peak in term 16.17? Why? 4.  State the numerical goals you’d like to achieve for summer peak in 16.17: iGT, iGV, oGV, oGT, BD (# of partnerships), # Income from Grants/ Fundraising. 5.  Please bring out the MC structure that you see un'l the end of term 16.17. Demonstrate how this will help achieve your goals. 6.  Please provide 3 GCPs from the network that can be brought to Estonia and/or implemented. 7.  How are you going to ensure that AIESEC in Estonia contributes to AIESEC 2020 achievement during your term?

Contacts MC team: MC VP B2C Alex Chang – MC VP iGT&BD Thisa Phan – MC VP PR and events Edom Tsegaye – MCVP Fin & L & iGV Amy Corcoran – MCVP TM Libby Chiu – BoP 16.17 & 17.18: LCP Tartu Anna Elisabeth Rehema – LCP TUT Laura Liisa Lemetsar – LCP TLU; MCP proxy Triinu Teder –

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