MCP 16.17 Application AIESEC in Estonia

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AIESEC in Estonia Member Commi*ee President 2016-2017 Applica6on Package

Dear Candidates,


MCP is not just a position but an experience and one that you will always remember. It’s hard to imagine for me that I am already almost halfway in my term and already having a successor.


Being MCP is one of the most challenging but rewarding things I’ve had the chance to do so far. As MCP of AIESEC in Estonia I’ve seen how much one leader can really accomplish and influence the global plenary. It’s been an incredible journey to see how one person’s vision can shape the entire organisation.


But an MC term is not just one person, but a series of teams, roles, and hats. As MCP I’ve had the joy to work with an incredible team of 8 nationalities all with different mindsets and perspectives, and leading such a dynamic team is incredibly rewarding. As MCP also leading the Board of Presidents and feeling connected to everything happening.


I never truly understand the concept of leadership until this point. Most see a leader as just inspiring speeches or motivation, but it’s so much more. Making sometimes impossible but important choices that affects countless lives. Learning what to fight for, what to accept, putting an entity’s well being above your own feelings or opinions. It’s a definitely not easy; but in leading it’s taught me so much about leadership, about myself, and what I truly value in life.


For those applying, I wish you all the absolute best of luck, both in the process and the experience that awaits.


Fortune favours the bold.
 Jeffrey Sweeney MCP 15.16 AIESEC in Estonia

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! MCP Role & Responsibilities MC Measure of Success • • % of realisation of national plan • % of realisation of national budget • • % realisation of MC individual plans • • Full membership in Global plenary • Number of ELD experiences • realised in term 16.17 • Standards and Satisfaction of the • ELD experience delivered • Legality of AIESEC in Estonia • Financial sustainability of the entity • (numbers of months you have in reserve at the end of the term)

Vision - Lead the national direction of AIESEC in Estonia and set the course of 16.17. MC Management - Develop and lead a dynamic MC team. BoP Management - Educate and work with Board of Presidents on key decision making. Global Collaboration - Create and empower MCVPs to connect with entities to ensure AIESEC in Estonia’s success. AIESEC in Estonia Representation - Represent AIESEC in Estonia at IPM, IC, Global and CEE/WENA MCPMs, and internally at various networking events. Stakeholder Focus - Create national partners and connect with Estonia’s CEOs, other organisations, and public institutions to connect AIESEC in Estonia’s goals to the Estonian reality. • Financial Growth - Ensure financial management and growth in organisation sustainability. • Maintain Legality - Keep updated legal state to changes in Estonian law and regulation.


The responsibilities are translated into tasks such as LCD activities, knowledge management, alumni management, internal communication & IM and conference management, which shall be distributed accordingly in the MC team.

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MC Rights


• Accommodation - MC Flat provided. • MC Office - Located at heart of Tallinn, 5 minute walk from Old Town. 24 hour internet access, seminar room, kitchen, and ability to use sauna. • Public Transportation - Free in Tallinn. • Health insurance - Provided for internationals. • Salary - 175,95 Euros/ month and covers basic living costs for Tallinn. Decided by Board of Presidents and may be raised based on entity performance. • Travel Costs - Provided for all national conferences and leader summits. Team days and other events/conferences determined by 16.17. budget.


MC Obligations


• Term beginning - 1st July. • MC Work - MC members expected work full time, min 40 hours/ week. • Visa Costs - Not provided for internationals. • Laptops - MC members expected to provide own laptops. • Arrival to Estonia - Expected by May 1st 2015 to start on-site transition and plan EB/MC transition conference.

Applica'on 4

MCP Applica,on Package released

23 Nov 2015

Complete applica,on must be sent to by 23:59 GMT +2 with email subject “MCP16.17_FirstnameLastname_Applica,on”

24 Nov 2015

MCP Candidates Announcement

25-27 Nov 2015

LC Q&A Rounds (Physical and/or Virtual) - Time/Date determined by LCs

4 Dec 2015

MCP Opening Speech (Physical and/or Virtual) MCP Talent Show

5 Dec 2015

External Panel Q&A AIESEC Full Member Q&A MCP Vo,ng
 MCP Announcement

Applica'on Rules Complete applica,on package must include:


1.Applica,on form - No max pages, but as MCP you are judged by your ability to precisely convey a message. 2.Blank page challenge 3.Curriculum Vitae 4.A video of 3-5 minutes presen,ng yourself and why you stand for the posi,on 5.3 Endorsement Leders •1 from a person you led/are leading •1 from your previous/current leader (if you are interna,onal, this endorsement has to be from your MC) •1 from an external outside AIESEC

Sugges'ons for Applica'on Applica'on Form •All documents should be in PDF •The font size must not be smaller than 10 •Answer all the required ques,ons (both general & specific ones)

Blank Page Challenge •This is the page where you state your ideas in a crea,ve way to either tell us more about yourself or the big ideas you have.

Video •Do not exceed 5 minutes •Upload the video on Youtube or Vimeo •Be crea,ve with the way you present yourself •Make sure that your video is audible and clear

Endorsement Le;ers (3) •1 from an external (representa,ve from a company you have worked with or your professors etc) •Endorsement leders must be signed and include contact informa,on

CV •Maximum 2 pages

• All applica)ons that failed to be sent within the given deadline shall be disqualified immediately. • Applica)ons that do not respect AIESEC vision, AIESEC way, lack coherency shall be disqualified

General Ques'ons

*Answers for all ques'ons are REQUIRED

1. Why have you decided to run for MC of AIESEC in Estonia? What will you get personally from the experience? What will AIESEC in Estonia get from the experience? 2. What are your personal goals and how will this role as MCP help you achieve your goals? 3. What are your personal values? How does this aect your leadership? Give at least one example for each from your previous leadership experience. 4. What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? Your failure? And why? 5. Describe the type of leader you are. What are two beneďŹ ts to this leadership and two weaknesses you need to address. 6. Describe your AIESEC experience: Period





7. Describe your conference experiences: Conference Name




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8. How is AIESEC relevant in Estonia? 9. Please iden,fy 3 key strengths and 3 cri,cal social issues that Estonia has (as a country). Provide 2 examples for each. And for any social issues, please iden,fy touchpoint(s) that BD, iGIP, and iGCDP can address. Please be concrete.

Specific Ques'ons: MCP *Answers for all ques'ons are REQUIRED

1. Please create a SWOT Analysis of AIESEC in Estonia. 2. What are the ini,a,ves from term 15.16 that you would like to con,nue in your term. What ini,a,ves would you cut/change. Please jus,fy your answers. 3. What should be the focus driver (func,on) for term 16.17? What are the focuses areas (func,ons, processes, etc.) that should be addressed to achieve success. 4. Take a look at the current poroolio in iGIP, iGCDP, oGCDP, oGIP, and BD. For each, comment on the current pricing, its market exposure, and current viability in Estonia. How should this informa,on change opera,ons in 16.17 and what proposals would you make for changes? 5. State the numerical goals you’d like to achieve in 16.17: iGIP, iGCDP, oGCDP, oGIP, BD (# partnerships), #Income from Grants/Fundraising. 6. Indicate the structure you plan on using for 16.17. Please indicate both MC posi,ons and NST posi,ons, any MC CEEDs if planned. Demonstrate how this will help achieve your goals. 7. Map out the current stakeholders engaged by AIESEC in Estonia (by func,on, stakeholder, however you choose). Indicate which stakeholders you’d focus more on during 16.17 and why? 8. Please provide 3 GCPs from the network (not in an en,ty you’ve been MC/NST) that can be brought to Estonia and/or implemented. 9. Describe the current overall culture of AIESEC in Estonia by the following: • Why - For what purpose does AIESEC in Estonia exist? • How - How does AIESEC in Estonia use this in their opera,ons or processes? • What - Tangible parts of the culture that are visibly seen based on the how? • From these points, please iden,fy what aspects of the culture you’d change/reform.

Contacts MC 768 MCP| Jeffrey Sweeney | MCVP BD | Fion Tsang | MCVP MaC | Viktorija Vysockaja | MCVPf OGX | Shivam Bhatia| MCVP TM | Canny Chiu| MCVP iGIP | Marcus Puryer | MCVP F&L|Laura Liisa Lemetsar| MCVP iGCDP|Ekaterina Zhugnova|

! Board of Presidents

MCP| Jeffrey Sweeney | LCP Tartu | Mirjam Tamme |
 LCP TLU | Iti My Kriisa | LCP TUT | Elise Kaselaid |

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