AIESEC in Nagpur
Rahul Uttamchandani Application for expansion entity president 2017-18  
AIESEC in Nagpur
Dear Mohsin The past 3 months have been life changing for me. I not only realised my ‘Why’ for AIESEC but also got connected with AIESEC in such a way that I can’t even think my life without AIESEC. I remember the day I got all ready in formals for the interview for recruitment which was taken by Kiran Khemani, being a CA student only she could’ve understood me and the passion I had for AIESEC. That was my first step towards AIESEC. From the most inspiring people I’ve met in my life to the crazy trips with them to the conferences ,the fun yet amazing meetings we had & the love for AIESEC in everyone’s heart motivates & makes me passionate towards this beautiful small world of ours called AIESEC. Every time I ask myself what is AIESEC to me, I go into the flashback of the first day I entered into the Khanvel Resort, Slivasa. The lobby where we shot a video for Hitesh wishing him ‘Happy Birthday’, the hall where we shifted waiting for our rooms to get allotted & moment when everyone entered the Plen at the time of Opening Plenary & the energy everyone had with which they Jived. I can never forget the living library session where I had tears in my eyes just by listening to the stories of our Leaders. That was the day when my opinion about AIESEC changed and I realised that what it means to the members. There is a reason I being a business minded person & so focused about my career which is one of the toughest course in the world, am willing to devote my entire next year towards this organisation so that it reaches great heights & becomes a successful Local Chapter of AIESEC in India. That reason is the love for AIESEC which I have developed over the past months, that energy that drives me crazy when I see a person getting emotional in front of me, that responsibility I feel when people don’t perform but everyone have expectations & seeing the world working & being engaged in it makes me realise how important it is. Keeping all in mind, the coming year 2017, which will be one of the most important year in the history of AIESEC in Nagpur because AIESEC in Nagpur will become a Local Chapter, the decisions taken then will shape the future of AIESEC in Nagpur. Also 2017 will be a year when Nagpur will be setting examples in the whole entity by not only achieving its targets but also delivering the best experience to everyone in the LC. There was a post on Facebook on an AIESEC members profile where it was written “In AIESEC there are two kinds of people, one who join, learn and leave and then there is another kind...the ones who join, learn and then lead.” I believe I am one of those who belong to the latter category and I want to lead and give everyone the knowledge what I have gained and will gain through my journey and the transition phase. Although I am not that knowledgeable about each and every single thing in the AIESEC entity, it would be my sincere effort to gain knowledge as much as I can and pass it on to the members and build a strong pipeline for the future of AIESEC in Nagpur. I’m taking a huge step of my life by applying for the presidency position which will not only give me immense exposure & knowledge but also give me an opportunity to lead people and make my LC proud in the entire global network. Deep down my only wish is to make everyone proud of their decision of giving me the opportunity & hear them say someday, “You are the one that made it happen”. Hereby I wish to inform you of my intent to apply for the position of Expansion Entity President 2017 for AIESEC in Nagpur. Kindly consider my candidature. Yours sincerely, Rahul Uttamchandani.
AIESEC in Nagpur
AIESEC & YOU 1. Present you AIESEC Experience in a chronological order & list you key learning out of each role.
It was February 2016 when I joined AIESEC in Nagpur. That was one of the best steps I took in my life. I was allowed in GCO department at first as a Team member and my Journey Began. Team Member Recruited - February 2016 GCO in Q1 & Q2 Key learning out of the role:- Proper communication Team member of GTO in Q3 2016 Key learning out of the role:- Professional attitude Team Leader Team Leader Talent Management “2nd MB The Merakians � (Q3-Q4) Key learnings out of the role:Managing People Engagement of Personnel Time management Motivational skills OC August Recruitment Key learnings out of the role:Event management Importance of Timelines Financial Decision making Marketing skills There is lot for me to learn yet I hope I get the best of every experience throughout my entire journey. 2. Provide a candid assessment of your strengths & weaknesses.
No one is perfect but there is one or the other skill every one posses & they is our strengths. Also their are certain things in which we lack that is our weaknesses. We should always Focus on transforming our weaknesses into strengths & strengthening our strengths so as to develop.
Strengths:Communication skills
AIESEC in Nagpur
Realistic(optimistic & pessimistic) Understandability Entrepreneurial attitude
Weakness:Confronting people Inapproachability Too much faith in people
3. Who is that one person you connect the most with in your Local committee/AIESEC network? How would this person describe you as an individual. The most I am connect to a person who lives in Istanbul named Zehra. I met her in JNC where she was an EP attending the conference who had just landed in India & was here for a project in Delhi. Since JNC she has become a very good friend and a person who would understand me better than anyone & would correct me anytime if I go wrong in any direction. She would describe me as:- a fun loving person, who is very happy in his life and doesn’t keep crying on the past and is very practical & realistic towards life. An understanding person who would help people by putting himself in their shoes & understanding them and someone who won't judge anyone. Also someone who is stubborn at times, doesn't accepts his mistake easily & sometimes speak without thinking. 4. List the Local/ Nationnal/ International conferences you have attended & in what capacity? Conference NLDS 2016, Silvasa. JNC 2016, Goa
Role Delegate Delegate
5. What aspect of your Leadership Body or Management Body term could you have significantly improved upon? ( Personally & as a Team) Personally :- I could have definitely improved upon my communication for ensuring synergy between all departments. I could have thought creatively in order to ensure member engagement in the MB as well as LC as a whole. Also I could have delegated specific tasks to each members & make them accountable for each task thereby ensuring productivity & accountability. As a Team :- We could have worked in synergy & establish accountability which was very much needed. Besides this, communication could have been better between the MB member & member engagement & involvement was lacking. Also member initiative was missing.
AIESEC in Nagpur
6. Describe your future short-term & long-term career & personal goals. How do you expect an LCP term will help you to achieve these goals & why now? Short-Term Goals Successfully clear my CS exam in NOV2016 Go on an CEEDership abroad Make our Expansion Entity an Independent & sustainable LC Long-Term Goals Be a successful entrepreneur Learn atleast 3 different languages Travel & explore new places Inspire people
An EEP term will help me achieve the dream I have seen very recently after JNC that is make Nagpur an independent & sustainable LC in the coming year 2017. Also it will give me exposure to the world & give me an experience of to how deal in different situations & hemisphere & conquer it & hence become a successful Leader. But the main question is why now?. The answer is the situation & my responsibility. The situation was such that all our Leaders from the Leadership Body were dicey about doing a re-term or applying for the position of EEP which made members of AIESEC in Nagpur not only vulnerable but also scared. At the same time members who were there in AIESEC in Nagpur were very new & didn’t had the experience that is required for being a successful EEP. But someone had to & that is when after giving it a lot of thought, I decided to run for this role & make AIESEC my priority because I could not see this organisations future going wrong and the dream with which every other single person worked so hard to bring AIESEC in Nagpur where we are now, I could not let this the organisation go down because of someone’s personal reason and the dream with which the Leadership Body worked so hard is now not only their dream but our dream. And that is why I decided to run for the role of EEP. 7. What is your Leadership style? Explain with real stories from past leadership experiences.
Directing them towards the organisational goal is important. I believe in my fellow team members and with that I delegate task to them and make them accountable. But for this the first step is training them & which I believe is the most crucial. Giving members the right guidance, teaching & supporting them how to do things correctly is how they will become a good leader. I
AIESEC in Nagpur
believe a leader should be one who is experienced enough to have the knowledge about how things are done & if for some reason the members fail to perform, he steps in but does not leave the task undone. At the end proper motivation is the biggest challenge. A person if is motivated, continues to perform effectively & efficiently. A leader must always motivate his members & make them believe that they can do it by boosting their self confidence through his experience, stories, etc. He should understand his members by keeping himself in their shoes and deal accordingly so as to help him/her better. Lastly he should always support his members & lead them with examples. 8, How will you make sure you execute your plans as execution is the biggest problem in all the leaders? It is true that Strategies formed & Strategies Executed are two very different concept. It is one of the biggest problem faced by all the Leaders. For proper execution of strategies, proper system of accountability needs to be maintained. But making them accountable is not just enough. From my personal experience, I think that the sense of ownership & belongingness is what is needed among members so that they put in their 100% & perform and execute the plans properly. I have seen myself change drastically from the day I saw the love people have for this entity & the dreams I have been killing by taking my position so lightly. The moment I got connected to AIESEC, I changed my attitude towards the organisation & started working. I made sure to execute plans properly and I started coming up with new plans & innovations as my VP always gave me an opportunity to plan it out my own way as I felt it would be the best for my team. I plan to follow the same culture that is by making people feel connected to the organisation first, telling them the dreams we have for our entity & the reason of why we are here & then making them understand their importance in it. Also giving them a chance to be creative and give in ideas to so as create innovative plans for the organisation. This will not only give them a sense of belongingness & ownership but at the same time will also make them accountable for the ideas they give & the plans they make. Also one of the most important aspect of proper execution is continuous followups & performance tracking of each area which I plan to initiate so as to find the reason for non-performance & deal with it then & there so that subsequent plans are implemented properly. 
AIESEC in Nagpur
AIESEC in Nagpur
General Questionnaire 1.Compare AIESEC to an external organisation of similar reach (include similarities, differences, impact, etc.) and elaborate on key strategies or any business practices from that organisation which can be implemented in AIESEC to ensure growth, relevance and improvement in what we do every single day.
Rotaract - An organisation run by the Youth & present in many cities across India. It is a part of Rotary Club which is present in around 150 countries & having members more than a million, which is a big number but the concept of Rotaract is a bit different & on a local scale. Rotaract has a vision of ‘Global effort to bring peace and international understanding to the world’ & for this it offers a ‘Learning experience under social/community service’ . It has a lot of members but does not have many products to offer to the people, and hence makes AIESEC stand apart & gives an advantage as there no international organisation in Nagpur which offers International exchanges as AIESEC does. Some of the key strategies Rotract adopts which can be implemented in AIESEC so as to ensure growth is as follows :1. Focus on retention :- On of the best strategy is by retaining members so that the organisation have senior members that are experienced & knowledgeable & can help to run the organisation smoothly. 2. More Fun, improve culture in club, friendly & welcoming :- This is also AIESEC in Nagpur should implement so that a positive environment is created & people love to come in the office & work wilfully. 3. Provide members what they expect :- Expectations of members should be fulfilled as they are our biggest customers & as said, “A satisfied customer is the best policy”. For this we need to know the various expectations members have from the organisation. 4. Build increased flexibility into ways members can participate :- We should focus on EwA events which will not only allow everyone to be a part of AIESEC & get a good experience but also create a brand image of AIESEC in their minds. 5. Make corporate connections :- This is one thing AIESEC in Nagpur can implement that is focusing on bringing in big corporate clients so as to increase the reputation & creditability of AIESEC in Nagpur.
[AIESEC in Nagpur is still & will be the best & biggest organisation in terms of network & reach.]
AIESEC in Nagpur
2. Keeping the statements of AIESEC 2020 in mind, mention key things that are critical for AIESEC in Nagpur to focus on in 2017, with each statement separately. AIESEC 2020 is a vision, a place where we want AIESEC to be by 2020. It is a roadmap, a journey by which we will be able to achieve our ultimate objective that is ‘’Peace and Fulfilment of Humankind’s Potential”. For this we need to make AIESEC an organisation which is accessible to every person on this planet by growing disruptively in all aspects & by shaping what we do keeping in mind the world needs & focus on becoming more of a customer centric organisation. Growing disruptively Expanding our reach & spreading awareness of AIESEC in Nagpur is very crucial & for this it is important for us to focus on events & marketing which will not only do branding but also expand its reach. It will give us new customer base & attract more youth towards our product. Being accessible to everyone, everywhere In order to be accessible to everyone, we need to again spread awareness about AIESEC & tell them what we have to offer & give them the opportunity to try our product. Also we should focus on EwA events to allow everyone to experience & engage with AIESEC. Our opportunity portal is accessible to every single person to find various opportunities we have to offer so one of the major aspect we should focus is on educating people & our members the right use of Expa. Shaping what we do around the world needs We need to change our approach towards people & focus on being more customer centric organisation. Also we need to raise projects keeping in mind the SDGs & the different issues the world is facing so as to create a social impact on the society & the lives of people.
AIESEC in Nagpur
3. Analyse the year 2016 for AIESEC in Nagpur. What were the strengths and weaknesses? Evaluate the LC based on progress. The year 2016 was full of challenges for AIESEC in Nagpur as one of the VP of OGV resigned, VP GTO left nagpur & the event held did not gave us profit as we expected. Not only this a lot of members resigned in the first 2 quarters & later the member productivity was low quite low but after the new recruitment, a lot of productivity was seen from members & proper inductions sessions were being taken which was very much needed. Also member engagement was quite low due to which people were not able to connect much with each other and the essence if team was missing. The Year 2016 so far‌ Strengths Good brand name established through YSF Great support from parent LC Pioneering GCO Nagpur a students hub Support from BoA Weakness Low productivity Failure to retain members No emphasis on pipeline building No engagement of Board of Advisors Lack of culture
AIESEC in Nagpur could have performed much better as a team but the members were not motivated enough till the mid of the term 15-16 due to which the productivity was low.
AIESEC in Nagpur
Part 2 – LC Perspective 1) “Leadership is the capacity to translate Vision into reality.” Keeping the above in mind, what is your theme for AIESEC in Nagpur for the year 2017? How does this carry forward from 2016 along with defining our step towards 2020?
Vision Without Action is merely a dream…. Action Without Vision just passes the time…. Vision With Action can change the world My theme for AIESEC is ‘Affinity’. The meaning is the essence of love, affection, belongingness, liking & understanding of someone or something which in this case is AIESEC. This is one thing which I want every member to have towards AIESEC in Nagpur to take it to great heights & success. Imagine an unknown person going into wrong direction, bad mouthing everyone, full of negativity, unhygienic, demotivating, etc & you happen to come across this person. What will you do? No imagine that same person being your own family member, your sister or your brother. Now you will not think twice before helping him/her. In a similar manner in an organisation such as ours where people work voluntarily, that sense of belongingness is very much needed in each and every member so that they work with each other without questioning each others capabilities. If seen carefully, the love & affection for AIESEC in Nagpur is what is making people work so hard towards the organisation and same goes for the entire organisation worldwide which has been running from past 64 years. Perseverance is the essence of doing things persistently despite difficulties or delays. Doing things persistently requires the essence of team work and dedication which is achieved only when people are willing to work voluntarily achieving the vision of AIESEC
AIESEC in Nagpur
3) “Culture eats strategy for breakfast, operational excellence for lunch and everything else for dinner.” Define Culture in a creative way you feel fit. Critically analyse the Culture of 2016. What are the elements you would and would not like to take forward from the year? What are the key elements you want in the culture of 2017, and how will you make that happen? Culture is our thinking, our assumptions, our values & beliefs of the people’s behaviour in that organisation. Culture is a very influencing factor which not only sets standards for people in the organisation but also creates an image whether good or bad in front of everyone. Like suppose there is a professional culture & standard being followed in the organisation & people act accordingly, so every person will take an effort to dress up in formals, come down to office on time & communicate in decent english language thereby contributing to the culture. Similarly if the culture is too friendly, people will start making excuses about work & take things lightly, start coming late & talk in any language they wish creating a very unprofessional environment. If a member of our organisation is not happy with the work culture & doesn’t finds it to be positive, he/she might not be willing to come to office or work. It is something that defines how things are done, how should people address, what should they wear and come to office, how are they supposed to communicate to their seniors & most importantly how is the image of the organisation in our mind. There was a sincere effort made this year in order to implement a proper office work culture in the organisation but it wasn't much of a success. People took the work too lightly & became very lenient in the first two quarters. Also there was a lot of members who left in quarter 2. After the August recruitment, people started to take up work seriously & there was a lot of efforts made by the old members to create a good image of the organisation & thereby establishing a proper office culture. In the coming year 2017, I would like to create a proper work culture in the organisation wherein people would be serious about work & at the same time enjoy in a friendly environment. Of the previous year, I would try to ensure that the lenient attitude in members is not carried forward & people are determined to work towards the organisation. Also I would like to create a friendly yet professional environment in terms of punctuality & following deadlines. To ensure formulation & implementation of a proper culture, the first step is to set an example in front of the members & make them realise the importance of a proper work culture to them. Ensuring proper implementation of policies & following deadlines is a must which should be same for everyone being a Team Member or a Team Leader because if an exception is made once for anyone, people take that for granted & tend to perform the same. Also one of the main steps to bring in a proper culture in AIESEC in Nagpur is by motivating them & boosting their self confidence in order to make them believe in themselves so that they perform excellently.
AIESEC in Nagpur
4) What are the value propositions for each ELD programme? How can you connect them to our local market? Experiential Leadership Development Programmes allows young people to explore & develop their leadership potential through different programme. To the Students, it offers :International cross cultural opportunities Access to global network Opportunity to make positive social impact Personal & Professional development The ELD Programmes Team Member Programme :- It is an opportunity for a young person to develop entrepreneurial & responsible leadership. What a person can gain? A practical team experience Practical hard & sold skills development Access to a global network An entrepreneurial & responsible attitude towards being a better leader. Team Leader Programme :- An opportunity for a young person to develop entrepreneurial & responsible leadership through leading & guiding others in their work & experience at a local, national, regional or global level. What a person can gain? A practical team leader or executive leadership body experience Personal & professional development Practical hard & soft skills development Activities which develop an entrepreneurial & responsible attitude towards being a better leader Global Internship Programme :- An opportunity for a young person to develop entrepreneurial & responsible leadership by living a cross-cultural professional development experience. What a person can gain? Access to AIESEC’s value based platform & he/she experiences :A professional development experience A cross-cultural living & working experience What can an organisation gain? An opportunity to enhance their organisation through involving top global talent, improving their processes or growing their organisational goals.
AIESEC in Nagpur
Global Community Development Programme :- An opportunity for young people to develop entrepreneurial & responsible leadership by creating direct positive impact through an international volunteering experience. What a person can gain? Access to AIESEC’s value based platform & he/she experiences :A cross-cultural living & working experience The opportunity to create positive social impact Personal Development What can an organisation gain? An opportunity to achieve their aim that is creating a positive social impact in community through their activities, initiatives or projects with AIESEC.
Our Local market has a lot of opportunities that can be helpful in delivering a great leadership experience. We have a lot of NGO’s who want to create a positive social impact & who can raise interns so as to make them work in order to achieve their objects. Also there are a lot of existing & emerging companies in Nagpur that need experienced people which can help to grow & expand the business, for them interns from abroad will be an amazing option which will help them to get people working from different geographical locations. There is a lot of potential students who would be willing to go a Global internship abroad in a different country, live their & work to create a positive social impact.
AIESEC in Nagpur
Specific Questionnaire 1) What stage of evolution do you think each of our products stand on? What are our Products
Stages of evolution of our products can be measured through the Product life cycle
IGV - Maturity Stage OGV - Growth Stage GT - Introduction Stage

AIESEC in Nagpur
a. What is your goal (exchanges and NPS) for all our products? Products
NPS that is the Net Promoter Score is an important aspect as it is a rating given by interns & which is relied upon by the EPs who look for Projects here. My goal is to achieve & maintain a NPS of 50 throughout the year on an average. b. What is the impact you want that to create through those experiences and what is the relevance of the same in the External Market of Nagpur? The volunteering internships that AIESEC provides are focused on solving particular issues in society, such as cultural education, environment, cultural understanding or career development. This means that in most cases interns work with children or with students, and they have a chance to impact their life either directly in the short-term, or long-term, providing them with the skills and knowledge to be more successful. They may not say overtime but an impact is very created through our actions. In the external market, there are a lot of problems that are being faced in various terms and aspects and that is why AIESEC has started to create its opportunities in alignment with the sustainable set by the UNITED NATION through which we make our voice heard to the entire World. c. Analyse the complete Customer Flow for the Products and what Constraints we are facing; Mention your Front Office and Back Office Strategies for every phase of the Customer Flow for the Products. From the moment a young person first hears about AIESEC, he/she enters the Youth Customer Flow (CF). The CF describes the entire journey they go through until the moment they finish their experience. It is our responsibility to implement customer-oriented strategies through this journey to ensure our mission is fulfilled, where leadership is developed in every single one of our youth customers. We are facing a problem where attraction phase is weak. For this we should create a good front office strategy and do proper marketing to create awareness of the organisation and the various projects it has to offer & thereby attract a lot of students. One of the way to do this is International Exchange Forums which is a new concept brought in AIESEC in Nagpur recently. 
AIESEC in Nagpur
2) On the basis of your above Exchanges Goals and the Strategies, describe the 3 key main Projects that you would like to take up as a priority in the year 2017 and why. (Mention the timeline, front office/back office action steps and strategies) Projects Youth Speak Forum Balakalakar Global Village
This will make AIESEC in Nagpur a brand which will help achieve the targets & goals. 3) Describe your Events plan for the year. Provide details and emphasis on how 2017 will be for events. Events for the Year 2017 Local Congress
Youth Speak Forum
Global Village
Throughout the year
Events is one of most crucial aspect AIESEC in Nagpur should focus as it has a lot of advantages like revenue generation, branding, social impact, etc & properly delivering it is very important. In 2017, events will be a major focus in AIESEC in Nagpur as it will not only help us to be financially sustainable but also create a good reputation & awareness about AIESEC & our products. Also it will help to attract a lot of sponsors from various industries which will be beneficial to us in long run. Not only sponsors but we can have good board of advisors that will help us to take AIESEC in Nagpur to great heights. 4) Analyse the trends of the past two years (including 2016) of AIESEC Nagpur’s strategic direction (include performance & culture). How do you see the organisational direction of AIESEC Nagpur shaping up in the coming two years? Also, give a SWOT analysis of the LC for 2016. Year 2015 It was a year full of challenges where AIESEC in ~Nagpur had just become an expansion & didn’t had that much of recognition in the market. It had no GTO and the members were not serious enough about AIESEC in Nagpur and hence a lot of non-productive members were removed from the organisation so that new & emerging talent could be given an opportunity to take us to new heights.
AIESEC in Nagpur
Year 2016 It was a good year where in there were a lot of motivated & productive members who had the caliber to take this entity to great heights but their potential wasn’t utilised properly which resulted in lack of performance individually as well as a team & ultimately the targets were not fulfilled. Also no culture was implemented but an effort was made to create a culture wherein work is taking seriously. Strengths Good brand name established through YSF Great support from parent LC Pioneering GCO Nagpur a students hub Support from BoA Weakness Low productivity Failure to retain members No emphasis on pipeline building No engagement of Board of Advisors Lack of culture Opportunities Unexplored talents in nagpur Good student base Many new startups Capitalising YSF branding for OGX & IGX Increase in EwA Activities & Implementing team minimums Threats Failure to Retain members No good International Relations built Q1-Q2 low overall productivity Missing office culture
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5) “Your brand is the single most important investment you can make in your business.” Keeping the above mind, review the years 2015, and 2016 for its Marketing and mention how you see Marketing as a function evolving for the year 2017. What would be the top priorities and projects, if any? It is true that one of the best investment a person can make in his business is in branding. Take an example of a big brand ‘Apple’. People all around the globe are crazy being able products not because it has to offer something which others can’t but because of the brand name it has created in the market which it worth a fortune. Today people recognise all it’s product through the brand name Apple & rely & trust upon it. Similarly AIESEC being a brand needs to promoted so as to attract people & make them rely on it. In the year 2015, AIESEC in Nagpur did not had a good brand name intact the awareness that there is an organisation AIESEC was also not there. In the year 2016, AIESEC has gained a lot of exposure to the market of Nagpur through the Youth Speak Forum held in Nagpur. People have not only started to recognise AIESEC in Nagpur as an International organisation but also started to rely upon the brand name. But this is not just enough. In the coming year, our main focus would be on EVENTS such as the Youth Speak Forum, Balakalakar, etc which will not only create awareness about AIESEC but also build the brand name. For this proper marketing function is required as people when they have heard about AIESEC, they should also know the products we have to offer & that will be done through various small events such as the IEF that is the International Exchange Forum which will not only attract customers towards our product but will also create a good brand image as earlier we use to go to people, organise Information Seminars & go behind people but know through IEFs we plan to attract the customers towards us. 6) University Relations is a much discussed topic in AIESEC, but nothing has been done about it in Nagpur. What do you feel is the importance of URs and how do you feel it can help AIESEC in Nagpur? Present your plan and timeline to enter into Universities this year, and your outcome for the same. University Relations is very important is AIESEC as most of the crowd in AIESEC is student based and also it helps to create a potential new market which helps to raise a lot, and gives opportunities to many students go abroad on exchange and create a positive social impact. It can help AIESEC in Nagpur to reach great heights by achieving the targets and attract best quality talent for the organisation. This year I plan to have a meeting with all the directors of various colleges across Nagpur so as to explain them the concept and the vision of AIESEC, explain them how AIESEC can help them and be beneficial to their college, create awareness & ask university to help AIESEC by recognising the internship project and giving it value in consideration to academic score which will boost students interest to go an internship abroad. 7) According to the changing scenario, AIESEC India is moving towards a state where expansions are tier 5 entities. What do you feel about this? I feel the classification by which entities are recognised is very much correct as it helps as a motivation to expansions to perform well to move to a tier 4 entity and become a LC.
AIESEC in Nagpur
8) “A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.” Comment on the importance of Customer Centricity. Analyse Customer Delivery of AIESEC in Nagpur for the year 2016. Describe your steps for each of our Customer’s (All programs) top detractor issues, along with providing a detailed plan for Customer Experience in 2017. “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” A customer is the most crucial aspect of any organisation. Making a customer satisfied should be our top priority as it helps in achieving success. It helps in creating a positive brand image of the organisation which in turn attracts more customers. When a customer is not satisfied with the service/product offered, he/she makes sure not to go for that service/product again & also make sure that to warn those people who are willing to. Customer Delivery in the year 2016 was good in all the programmes & members were cooperative Customer centricity is not just about offering great customer service, it means offering a great experience to our customers throughout all the stages. It’s a strategy that’s based on putting your customer first.
But a very important aspect in this is our members approach towards it that is in what sense the members take the customer centric approach & accordingly act for it.
AIESEC in Nagpur
By being customer centric, you will want to anticipate customers needs and delight them with services they may not have thought of, but will immediately fall in love with (SnS). Thus, the customer centric approach means creating processes, policies and a culture that is in favour of customers and give them a great experience. Year 2017 OGV EP should be helped to use Expa Follow up calls should be given to EP to ask need if anything is required Country promised should be delivered to EP Assistance with visa & international sim cards, etc EP should reintegrate into iLEAD programme IGV Delivering a match at a much faster rate Clarifying both the client & the EPs expectations EP engagement sessions LEAD session given to EP Maintaining communication with EP after he returns to build a good IR Feedback from client & EP for improvement GT Delivering a match at a much faster rate Clarifying both the client & the EPs expectations EP engagement sessions Proper follow up from clients Feedback from client & EP for improvement 9) What is the importance of the Board of Advisors in the context of 2017 and what are the ways AIESEC in Nagpur will capitalise much more in the year 2017? Board of Advisors role is to provide strategic advices to the management body of the organisation which in this case is the President of AIESEC in Nagpur to as to get ideas & knowledge for smooth running of the organisation and making decisions. In 2017 Board of Advisors are very much needed in AIESEC so as to get as much help as AIESEC can get to lay a foundation. They will enhance the organisations reputation and credibility in the
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marketplace, to increase our customers confidence in our product, attract good talent by seeing our organisations growth & getting funding in order to successfully run the organisation. Capitalising much more from the Board of Advisors is one of the things we should focus on as in the year 2016, Board of Advisor engagement was lacking and also they were not utilised to their potential. For capitalising more in the year 2017, I will ensure proper engagement of Board of Advisors, proper followups, align them with our vision & take their support as much as possible. 10) Talent Management i) What is your understanding of the distinction between TM as a function and TM as a program? Evaluate the performance of both in 2016. Human beings are the biggest resource an organisation can have & managing them properly is a very important job. Similarly in AIESEC, the members are the most important resource & our biggest customer so Talent Management is very important in AIESEC. TM as a Function is the Job profile of an HR in the organisation which includes :Hiring members & Performance review Tracking productivity Training & Coaching & mentoring through TMP/TMP Tracking member growth in the organisation & appraisal Talent pipeline planning.
TM as a program refers to the various aspects offered to our members which includes :Experience to members Team leader & Team member programme Learning & development in various aspect Practical team & leadership experience Exposure In the year 2016, TM as a function :Tracking of Productivity was done nicely PGS sessions were taken consistently Appraisal session were held properly Failure to retain members Office culture was missing Proper training was not done In the year 2016, TM as a programme :No good exposure provided to members External training was not done Many of the members lacked Leadership experience Good experience given to people through EwA(YSF)
AIESEC in Nagpur
ii) Analyse both the recruitment conducted this year. How will you ensure we attract the Best Talent in the city and retain and develop them? What innovations do you propose in the existing processes to make them even more effective for next year? Recruitment process was innovative due to a new concept introduced wherein applicants were given an activity through which awareness was spread of the SDGs or through which their creativity was analysed. 2016 February recruitment was good where around 30 members were selected out of the 100 applicants but a lot of members left very soon because they had other commitments. Also the members who came in new were not motivated enough & hence productivity was very low amongst them. The crowd was with full of talented members but their talent wasn’t utilised to the full potential. Pocket Recruitment was very nice as maximum number of members turned out to be very productive & highly motivated towards work and organisation. Retention rate was very good but still their potential is not utilised to the fullest. 2016 August Recruitment was very nice. We were able to attract good quality of talent due to the brand name which was created in the market through Youth Speaking Forum. Also maximum of them were motivated to work as they attended RYLC but similarly their talent wasn’t utilised in a correct manner. In the coming year, I think a new test should be taken on the time of recruitment of members which will contribute in analysing the applicant genuineness & his willingness to work & the talent he posses. Also making the recruitment process a bit interesting through introducing new activities & task for them. ‘’Every one has talent, if motivated in the right direction, anyone can achieve success by hard yet smart work’’. iii) “AIESEC is a storehouse of information. Every year it produces tons of useful and important data, however, it gets lost during transitions and everything starts from scratch every year.” How do you plan to evolve internal communication systems and data management systems into the LC? One aspect where AIESEC in Nagpur should focus on is International Relations. IR is the most important aspect through which we can successfully fulfil our targets & take this organisation to great heights. But building IR over & over again is something which is impractical. Through the journey of AIESEC over time, people build a lot of personal contacts which help them to run the operations smoothly. I plan to bring in a concept wherein every member who makes an IR, introduces them to the other members when they are in the transition phase or when it is convenient for the person in charge to directly talk to the IR. Like for example a VP oGT was in personal contact to me who was interested in the GE opportunities I sent her, so I being in isolation period was not able to help her much & was not able to communicate it through our VP iGT, so I gave her the personal contact of our VP iGT so that she might be able to get in touch with her directly & thereby help us to bring in matches. Similarly other data such as people who applied for AIESEC but didn’t got selected or those who attended or took interest in our local
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event, I plan to make sure all data is compiled up in one place & given access to the right people so that we can ensure good market & attract good talent that can benefit the organisation. 11) Finance and Legal i) Define a financially sustainable LC. How do you envision AIESEC in Nagpur in 2017 with respect to being financial profitable and investment-friendly? A Financially sustainable LC looks like :A Proper workplace/office Operating budget for the year No pending Recon / Fines No payables / Debts & less receivables as compared to previous years Covering overall expenses & investments from operations money ER money should be only use to reserve Not to spend on exchange processes Proper implementation of financial policies Awareness amongst members AIESEC in Nagpur in 2017 :A Debt free LC with no pending recon & have good bank balance. More educated membership in terms of handling finances. Sustainable / Profit generating Trainee / EP house arrangement. Minimal Expenses on logistics ,etc required. Proper Budgeting & proper co-ordination with respect to finances. Revenue generations through various Events
ii) Mention how can Finance as a portfolio provide “Strategic Direction� to the LC? What innovations can be inculcated in this portfolio in 2017? Any organisation should know who or where they are, where they want to be, and how to get there.The strategic-planning process provides a realistic picture of the organisation at its every level and Finance has a very important role to play in it. It is the benchmark for any organisations success & is very important. It includes cash flows, economic added value, asset management, financing decision & capital structure, profitability ratios, risk assessment and management. One of the best innovation which can be implemented is having a good role of VP Finance in the entity to properly track the expenses & income & accordingly do financial planning. iii) Considering AIESEC in Nagpur has never had a proper financial tracking system. What systems do you plan to introduce for the entity for proper tracking and management? A very important & a major portfolio in any entity is Finance. The role of VP Finance in AIESEC is very important in the coming years as it is very important for any organisation to survive. I plan to introduce a new programme wherein every month a rough budget is created which will carefully analyse the expenses & the income and allocate them accordingly so as to ensure maximum profit and have sufficient funds.
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12) AIESEC in Nagpur has been at an expansion for two years now. What major steps do you plan to take which will take this entity to new heights? AIESEC in Nagpur has been an expansions since two years now and it has been growing disruptively in every area which is helping us to perform well. I plan to create a more strong brand name of AIESEC in Nagpur and increase its creditability so as to ensure that our entity becomes a successful Local Chapter of AIESEC in India and also take steps & initiate various programmes to ensure member engagement & productivity. Also I plan ensure that Finance as a portfolio is focused upon rightly as it very important for a growing organisation to have a good financial base. Lastly I plan to create more projects which will create a very positive social on the society which will fulfil the organisations vision and create a better world.
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Year Plan Events throughout the Year Proper mentoring session Guiding members Focusing on raising finance Inclusion of new BoA 

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AIESEC in Nagpur
YOU & AIESEC 1. Why have you decided to run for the role of EEP of AIESEC Nagpur over any other opportunity in or outside AIESEC? There was a time when I use to question myself that why am I spending my time & efforts in an organisation from where I will gain nothing & not focusing on my business plan to build a lifetime. I guess I found the answer. Today where I stand & what I am, AIESEC has played a very big role to play in it. When I look back & Imagine my life without being in this organisation, I have no clue where I might be & that is because now AIESEC has become a part of me. It is truly said, “First you become a part of AIESEC, and later AIESEC becomes a part of you”. And over time AIESEC has given me motivation, guidance, self confidence, a reason to change & what not & for this, I owe this very organisation a lot, more than I can imagine. And that is the Reason I chose this over any other opportunity. The situation was such that all our Leaders from the Leadership Body were not so sure about doing a re-term or applying for the position of EEP which made members of AIESEC in Nagpur not only vulnerable but also scared. At the same time members who were there in AIESEC in Nagpur were very new & didn’t had the experience of running the organisation. But someone had to & that is when after giving it a lot of thought, I decided to run for this role & make AIESEC my priority because I could not see this organisations future going wrong and the dream with which every other single person worked so hard to bring AIESEC in Nagpur where we are now, I could not let this the organisation go down because of someone’s personal reason and the dream with which the Leadership Body worked so hard is now not only their dream but our dream. Being a time where AIESEC in Nagpur is on the verge of becoming an Independent Local Chapter of AIESEC in India, we need a senior member, someone who has enough experience & who can teach & guide the members in the right direction & make them Leaders of tomorrow. Over the months,I not only have realised my ‘why’ for AIESEC but have also connected to AIESEC in a way I can’t express. With the love I have for AIESEC, I can’t even think of AIESEC in Nagpur’s future going wrong. And that is why I decided to run for the role of EEP of AIESEC in Nagpur. 2. ‘As the EEP of AIESEC in Nagpur, you will be the face of AIESEC in Nagpur. You must embody in yourself every aspect that you wish you Local Committee to stand for.’ Comment on this statement while focusing on your own personality traits & mention what you believe you need to embody yet? One thing I’ve learned from my experience is the importance of respect. If you treat people right, you will get the results you want. But respect isn’t something received just by performing well or setting examples. We need to respect others before others will respect us. People should always be led by examples and a Leader should embody the qualities and traits he expects from the people he leads and deals with. If I am the President & I want all the members in my LC to be hardworking, the first thing I need to do is set an example by portraying them that I am hardworking that is by coming to the office
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early, working in late nights, taking short breaks & portray the image accordingly and only then can I expect people to work hard. Similarly all the aspects I wish my Local Committee to stand for, I need to first model those traits & show it to others, such as integrity, determination, inventiveness, creativity, humbleness. Not only this, working with my members, harder than they go will make them motivated. I believe I should achieve on becoming a motivation person.
3. What does a fully functioning self dependant entity mean to you? How do you see your role in AIESEC in Nagpur becoming that entity? A fully functioning entity means an entity which keeps on working in order to utilise its full potential and earn maximum amount of profits & achieve the objective for which it is working for. It simply means that no part of the entity is left unused. A self dependant entity is one which can work properly without the help of external help in terms of everything. In financial terms, a self dependant entity is one that can continue its operation without relying on finances from external factors & utilising the income from the core products. In operational terms, a self dependant entity is one that doesn’t rely on other people to get the work done but upon the members of the entity. I think that all the members of AIESEC should be trained in such a way that they are knowledgeable enough to handle every aspect whether matching for IGT or raising for OGV. So the first & foremost step for AIESEC in Nagpur to become a fully functioning self dependant entity is to train its members such that they have knowledge of every aspect & doesn’t rely upon externals to get the work done. But for this, proper guidance & mentorship is required as the members who will be working for the entity should be motivated enough so that they can be relied upon. 4. Mention the key responsibilities of an EEP and how do you plan to discharge the same on a daily basis. An EEP has many responsibility & has a lot of functions of which few are :Governance & Accountability :- An EEP is responsible for governing the entire entity & making the decisions in all the Legal aspects. He is responsible for the achievement of the vision of the entity. Representation :- The president is the face of any organisation and similarly in this case an EEP. He is the person who represents the organisation as a Leader of the largest Youth run organisation. Executive Body Management :- EEP is responsible to train the members, guide them & make them the leaders of tomorrow. He is responsible to motivate them & deliver them high quality leadership experience. Strategic Decision Making :- Aligning all the decisions made by the LB & MB in alignment with the goal & objective of the organisation. EEP should take up the responsibility & ensure proper implementations of plans.
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Administration & Operations :- An EEP is responsible for the end result of the entity at the year end. He should administer all the operations on a timely basis & analyse the reason if any for no fulfilment of the targets. Time commitment is one of the biggest responsibility an EEP has towards its entity. But it all goes with priorities. I am planning to take a transfer next year and get registered under my Chartered Accountant that means from the month of January 2017, I will not have to go office & beside that my CA Final exam is scheduled for MAY 2019. So I just have my final year exams on April 2017. Beside this, I plan to give my entire time towards this organisation so that it reaches great heights & as a role of an EEP it requires a lot of time commitments. I have personally seen Mohsin dedicating his entire year towards this organisation keeping apart his college & personal life, that is a small sacrifice for a purpose so big.
5. What according to you is an ideal LB? What are the various initiatives you will take as Team Leader of the Leadership Body to ensure effective team management? What initiatives will you take as the EEP to ensure your team’s personal growth? Be as detailed as you can be. According to me in context of AIESEC, an ideal LB is one which is always there for the other LB members & help overcome their fears & support them by accepting them how they are and motivating each other. 6.You have completed the application. How do you feel? It was such an amazing experience that I can’t describe and I am happy that I applied for the post as the application has taught me so much and I feel if the application process can teach so much then the role can definitely change my life & create a better human being of myself. 
AIESEC in Nagpur