Augustrecrui tment i nfo bookleT
Unlockyourleadershi pPotenti al
BeTheChange. VolunteerAbroad.
1. About Global Leader? ---------------------------------------1 2. Global Leader Experiences --------------------------------2 3. Leadership Development Tracks --------------------------4 4. Application process? 5. FAQs
1. Welcome
2. Quick Facts -----------------------------------------------------9 3. Project Types
4. Application Process ----------------------------------------11 5. FAQs -------------------------------------------------------------12
Global Leader is AIESEC Singapore's experiential leadership development programme for students to join AIESEC as a member and gain personal and professional development by going through practical organizational experiences. Members will be able to develop their leadership as well as hard and soft skills while contributing to AIESEC by leading and managing a Local Committee within their University, and will be provided with support and access to our global network. As part of the Global Leader programme, members will also participate in AIESEC's Global Citizen programme, where they will embark on an exchange project to make their own positive change in our world.
Team Member Programme (TMP)
Team Leader Programme (TLP)
TMP is one of the most crucial ways in which you can start on your path towards leadership development. You will join AIESEC as a team member first. In this phase you will be introduced to a practical team experience, gain access to a global network and engage in practical hard skills development
TLP experience will culminate in your personal and professional development through the concept of team building and management. You get to experience leading other members and guiding them in their work, thus becoming a crucial part of their development.
Conferences (Local/National/Regional/International) AIESEC committees host a number of conferences every year that range in length and demographic scope. The purpose of conferences are to bring the international community of AIESEC members together to enhance their professional skills, provide networking opportunities, and work on organizational strategy.
Organizing Committee (OC) You may apply and be part of an Organizing Committee to work for an event/conference/recruitment
Cultural Envoy for Exchange and Development(CEED) The Cultural Envoy Exchange Development program is an internal exchange program between two Local Committees (LC) within AIESEC. The program sends members from one LC to work as a member at an international LC for the purpose of best practice sharing, partnership development, member development, and cultural exchange. The program serves as an excellent way to give members an incredible international AIESEC experience while allowing the LC to develop partnerships with strategic countries.
Executive Board(EB) You can also run for Executive Board(EB) and have a chance to lead a department in next term!
AIESEC Singapore 14/15
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Customer Relations & Account Management
Communication Skills
Sales Skills and Knowledge
Business Networking & Understanding
The Sales Management track will enable members to gain a business development experience by selling directly to companies interested in utilising AIESEC’s services to hire and manage the internship experience of international interns through our Global Talent program. Members in this track will gain and develop sales skills and knowledge, and utilise them in today's business world. Members will also be able to expand their network and cultivate their customer relations, account management and communication skills through this track.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Business-related knowledge & skills
Recruitment Management Stakeholder Management
Corporate Functional Experience
Communication Skills
Members in the Business Management track will focus on business-related functional skills such as Marketing, Human Resources, Finance, and Events and Project Management in order to ensure the achievement of our organisation's goals. In addition, members will be able to develop their recruitment management and stakeholder management knowledge and skills, and will be able to improve their communication skills.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Exchange Management Customer Experience Management
Non-Corporate Sales Skills & Knowledge Recruitment & Selection Management
Stakeholder Management
Members in the Youth Relations track will prepare, send and oversee the experience of AIESEC's exchange participants going abroad as part of our Global Citizen and Global Talent programs, and will be able to make an impact by ensuring a positive experience for our exchange participants. The Youth Relations track will enable members to gain exchange management and customer experience management skills and knowledge. Members will also be equipped with non-corporate sales techniques, recruitment and selection management, and stakeholder management knowledge and skills.
Info Talk 18th & 19th AUG
Application Deadline 20th AUG
INTERVIEW 25th & 26th AUG
Assessment Centre 21st & 22nd AUG
JumpStart! 2014
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• What is the workload for Global Leader (TMP/TLP)? Depending on your role in your department, you are expected to work on average 5-10 hours per week. We believe in receiving more when you do more. Thus when you take up more opportunities, you also gain much more learning experiences. • I read on the website that Global Leader offers international experiences. How exactly does this work? For TMP/TLP, a member of AIESEC has the exclusive opportunity to get to know and interact with other AIESECers in NTU, SMU and SIM. In addition, there are many international conferences opportunities for our members to interact with like-minded youths around the world, thereby expanding their network.
• I did not attend the Information Talks on 18 and 19 Aug. Can I still apply for Global Leader? Yes. The Information Talks serve to provide you with a deeper understanding of us and our programmes. • Can I just join TMP/TLP without the Global Citizen programme? As our TMP/TLP members are mainly in charge of managing the Global Citizen Programme, it is important that our members go through the programme themselves. So it is not possible to only join TMP/TLP without going on the Global Citizen Programme. Global Leader and Global Citizen Programme come as a package. AIESEC believes that to develop entrepreneurial and responsible young leaders, they need to have a global perspective towards current affairs. • How much do I have to pay to join Global Leader? You will be only paying for the Global Citizen Programme. TMP and TLP are at no cost.
ExchangeParti ci pants!
Welcometo ai esec AI ESECi st hegl obalyout hnet wor ki mpact i ngt hewor l dt hr oughl eader shi pdevel opmentexper i ences. AI ESEChasbeenf aci l i t at i ngy out hl eader shi pact i vi t i esaswel lasi nt er nat i onali nt er nshi ps&v ol unt eerexper i encesf or ov er65year s,dev el opi ngagl oball ear ni ngenvi r onmentacr oss124count r i es&t er r i t or i es,2400uni ver si t i es Gl obalCi t i z eni sani nt er nat i onalvol unt eerpr ogr amme( mi ni mum 6 weeksdur at i on)t hatpr ovi desy out hswi t ht heoppor t uni t yt odevel opt hemsel ves,i mmer si ngt hemsel v esi nani nt er nat i onalanddi ver seenvi r onmentandmakeadi f f er encei nt hesoci et y . TheGl obalCi t i z enpr ogr amme,par t i ci pant swi l lunder goadeepcul t ur ali mmer si onexper i encet hr oughi nt er act i ngwi t hpeopl ef r om di v er secul t ur es andembar konaj our neyofi nt enseper sonalski l l sdevel opmentt hati sf aci l i t at edbyAI ESECandt hesuppor tsyst em pr ovi ded
EPi nformati onbooklet ai esecnusaugust201 4
---------------------------------------------1.Dur at i on: 68weeks 2. When: Al ly earr ound( NUSst udent susual l yf i ndpr oj ect sst ar t i ngi nDecemberorJ une) 3. Wher e: Af r i ca,Asi aPaci f i c ,Cent r al&East er nEur opeandLat i nAmer i ca 4. Whatwi l lyout akeawayf r om t hi sexper i ence? Cul t ur alI mmer si on I nt er nat i onalFr i endshi ps Sel fDev el opment Soci alI mpact Andmanymor ef ory out odi scov er . . . 5. Whoi sel i gi bl et oappl y? Bet ween1830y ear sol d Cur r entst udent sorwi t hi n2y ear sofgr aduat i onofanyt er t i ar yi nst i t ut i oni nSG 6.Pr ogr ammeFee:S$515 Thepr ogr ammef eei ncl udes: Suppor tf r om y ourAI ESECl ocalcommi t t eei nSi ngapor et omat chy out oan i dealpr oj ectandvi r t ualsuppor twhi l ey ouar eabr oad Cul t ur alpr epar at i onsemi nar Food&Accommodat i oni nhostcount r y( f ormostcases) Suppor tf r om AI ESECl ocalcommi t t eei nhostcount r y Suppor ti nvi saappl i cat i onpr ocess( i fappl i cabl e) ReI nt egr at i onSemi nar I tdoesNOTi ncl ude:ai rt i c k et ,vi saappl i cat i on,i nsur ance,et c‌
EPi nformati onbooklet ai esecnusaugust201 4
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Devel opact i vi t i esandwor kshopst oshowcasecul t ur esandpr omot egr eat ert ol er anceandcr osscul t ur al di al oguesbet weencommuni t i es.BeaGl obalCi t i z enby bei nganambassadorofy ourcount r yandl ear ni ngt oappr eci at et hecul t ur eofy ourhostcount r y .
Empoweracount r y' snew gener at i onofl eader s.Hel p pr ovi dey oungchi l dr en,y out hsandadul t swi t haccesst o basi ceducat i onandunder st andi ngofgl obali ssues t hr oughl anguageeducat i on,ski l l sdev el opmentandy out h empower ment .
Hel pt omaket hewor l dmor esust ai nabl e.Pr omot eand par t i ci pat ei nsust ai nabl edev el opmentandenvi r onment al awar enesst hr oughpr oj ect scov er i ngt opi cssuchas ener gy ,pol l ut i onandcl i mat echange. Envi ronment
Devel ophandsonexper i encest hr oughpr ovi di nga gl obalper spect i vei nof f er i ngl ocal i sedsol ut i onst o addr esst hei ssuesandpr obl emsofNGOs,smal lbusi nessesorf oundat i onsabr oad.Gett owor konmar k et i ng orf undr ai si ngpr oj ect sort eachent r epr eneur shi pt oy out hs Soci al andcommuni t i es . Entrepreneurshi p
EPi nformati onbooklet ai esecnusaugust201 4
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3.appli cati on
*Mat chi ngPr ocess
Appl i cat i on
I nt er vi ew
Regi st er Account
Cont r actSi gni ng&Payment
Rai seFor m
Cont actPr oj ectManager s
ExchangeAccept anceNot e
Skype I nt er vi ew
Cul t ur al Pr epar at i on EPi nformati onbooklet ai esecnusaugust201 4
1 1
1. Wher ecanIgo? Mostoppor t uni t i esar eav ai l abl ei nt hedevel opi ngwor l d. Wer equi r ef l exi bi l i t y f r om ourpr ogr ammepar t i ci pant s . Cur r ent l y ,wear epar t ner swi t hAI ESECi nTai wan,Vi et nam,I ndonesi aand Pol andf ort hi swi nt erandwest r ongl yencour ageal lpr ogr ammepar t i ci pant st o sel ectpr oj ect si nt hesecount r i esf or f ast erpr ocess hi gherqual i t yexchangeexper i ence bet t ercul t ur alpr epar at i onandsuppor tt oenabl ey out oexceli ny ourv ol unt eerabr oadexper i ence. 2.I st her eanycommi t mentbef or eIgof orGl obalCi t i zenpr ogr amme? Compul sor yNat i onalExchangePr epar at i onConf er enceonar oundWeek12 unl essy ouhav eav al i dr eason.EPI nduct i onsessi oni nSept embert oo. Compl et et heonl i neappl i cat i onpr ocesst of i ndapr oj ect . Youneedt owr i t e emai l st oappl yandpasst heSkypei nt er vi ewf ory ouri nt endedpr oj ect . Youcan passmul t i pl eSkypei nt er vi ewsandchooseonepr oj ectt ogo. 3.How muchdoIneedt ospenddur i ngt he6weeks? I tdependsont hecount r yy ougo! $1K1. 5Kf orAsi acount r i es ,$2K2. 5Kf orCent r alEast er nEur opeandAf r i ca cout r i es ,$4K5Kf orLat i nAmer i cacount r i es . 4.Canmyf r i endandIgoGl obalCi t i zenpr ogr ammet oget her ? Yes ,i fy out woappl yf ort hesamepr oj ectandbot hgetsel ect ed. Wewel come y out oi nvi t ey ourf r i endst oj oi nust oget her .
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APPLY NOW! Global Leader: http://aiesec.org.sg/globalleader/ Global Citizen: http://aiesec.org.sg/globalcitizen/ For more queries, Contact us at: nus@aiesec.org.sg www.facebook.com/AIESECinNUS Visit our website to find out more: http://sg.aiesec.org/ Register for our Info Talks: http://tinyurl.com/infoTalkregister 18 AUG 2014 @ LT 16 (BIZ) 7pm 19 AUG 2014 @ LT 27 (SCI) 7pm
AIESEC in National University of Singapore Exchange Partners: DHL, Electrolux, HRnet One, UE ServiceCorp Singapore, W&M Wealth Managers | National Strategic Partner: Microsoft AIESEC is the global youth network impacting the world through leadership development experiences