Lead Impact 2018 - Conference Bid Booklet

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Conference Bid Booklet LEAD | IMPACT 2018 AIESEC in Sweden 2017/2018

Introduction Hej, AIESEC in Sweden! The time has come to determine the LC’s that are going to help us deliver the most amazing conferences ever held in the country! This time, we’re looking for brave souls to help us organize LEAD & IMPACT 2018! The role of the selected LC’s will be to put forward the OC Teams (Organizing Committees) that will help the MC team plan, prepare and deliver the aforementioned conferences! This is an extremely hands-on experience which requires sharp minds, solution orientation and lots of passion! The OC experience is one of the most valuable experiences AIESEC can provide! In this Conference Bid Booklet you will find information about LEAD & IMPACT and the requirements to submit your bid. We are very excited to release this opportunity and look forward to seeing the best of you in each application! Love,

MC Ljungeld

Bid Should Contain: 1. Site description: Provide a list of at least two possible venues for the conference including information about number of beds, kitchen availability, price and location. 2.

Plan for external relations:

Present a plan with possible partners and sponsors for the conference. 3.

Financial projections:

Include a budget with worst, ideal and best case scenario of the conference explaining the possible risks.


OC positions with a recruitment timeline:

JD’s for the different OC roles that will be in the OC team and also a recruitment timeline for creating the OC team. The conference bid should be sent to:

zarah.caraan@aiesec.se & emmanuel.borges@aiesec.se by latest October 20th 2017 @ 23:59 (GMT+2)

Please take the following into consideration when submitting your application: • All files should be in .pdf or formats compatible with MS Office; • If you create multiple files, please submit them all in one .zip or .rar file; • Please try to be as organized and complete as possible in your applications; • Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

File Submission

Bid Open

Bid Close


9th of Oct 2017

20th of Oct 2017

25th of Oct 2017

Bid Timeline

In order to be discharged, the OC team needs to submit the following documents: • Budget follow-up; • Income and expenses statement;

• List of external contacts taken for the conference; • An evaluation of the conference. The documents shall be evaluated by the ordinary legislative meeting at the next conference.

Discharge of Hosting Entity

LEAD Date: 19th – 21st January 2018 Delegates: EB

Number of Delegates: ~ 40 Conference team approximation: 6 OC, 6 MC, 1 Chair


Conference Mandate Discharge

- At Impact



IMPACT Approximate Dates: Late March – Early April 2018 Delegates: Team Members, Team Leaders, EB

Number of Delegates: ~ 70 Conference team approximation: 6 OC, 6 MC, 1 Chair


Conference Mandate Discharge

- At Empower



OC responsibilities Provide the following for the entire duration of the conference: 1. Accommodation for all delegates; 2. Venues for all activities; 3. Transportation to/from venues for delegates and facilitators; 4. Food and beverage for all delegates.

MC responsibilities


1. Communicate venue requirements to OC two months ahead of the conference. 2. Communicate requirements for pre-meeting and number of people attending the premeeting one month ahead of the conference. 3. Plan the agenda and the content for the conference.

Conference Responsibilities

Conference Manager Responsibilities 1. Support for the OCP. 2. Registration and approval of delegates for the conference. 3. Communicate final amount of delegates two weeks ahead of the conference. 4. Communication between the OC and the MC.

Conference Budget The proposed budget should contain a worst, ideal and best case scenario of the conference and a written summary identifying possible risks in the process.

The budget should cover the following expenses: • Conference venue

• Travel cost for the chair • Materials costs for the sessions • Transportation costs for delegates

• Food and beverages • Transportation and food costs for premeeting

Conference Budget

Selection Criteria The following criteria will be taken into consideration to select the bid winner:

• Availability of proposed conference venues (LC might be contacted to confirm this); • Financial sustainability of the proposal; • Level of understanding of the risks and possibilities for the conference; • OC recruitment timeline.


Financial Support In case the OC team has followed the financial guidelines given by the MC and the Conference Manager, the hosting LC will be financially supported with the following: •

If a loss is made in the conference, MC will sponsor the loss up to 10.000 SEK. In case of a loss bigger than 10.000 SEK, the exceeding part will be covered by the hosting LC up to 10.000 SEK and any additional loss will be divided among all LCs if the hosting LC requests it.


If the conference ends with a profit, the hosting LC will keep the profit up to 10.000 SEK according to the compendium and in addition to this MC will reward the LC with 5.000 SEK. Any profit exceeding 10.000 SEK will be allocated to the National Fund.

Previous Conference Sites Gothenburg


Bockaberg (Conference site for Impact 2015) Homepage

Rengen (Conference site for Impact 2012) Homepage

Ljungslätt (Member induction 2014) Homepage

Borghamns Vandrarhem Homepage

Norges Hus Homepage

KFUM Brevik Homepage

Stockholm Barnens ö (Conference site for Engage 2015) Homepage

Uppsala Risön (Conference site for Nordic MC meeting 2015) Homepage

Contact List MC Ljungeld Zarah Caraan MCP zarah.caraan@aiesec.se Fabian Geisler MCVP F&L fabian.geisler@aiesec.se Vuk Kosic MCVP TM & OD Vuk.kosic@aiesec.se Nguyễn Tuấn Ngọc (Angie) MCVP iGT & iGE angie.nguyen@aiesec.se Emmanuel Borges MCVP B2B emmanuel.borges@aiesec.se Elyssha Pantig MCVP B2C elyssha.pantig@aiesec.se

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