Global Mos
Global Realizes
Global Matches
4327 3384 17000
1154 1432
5960 4609
1361 1202 Q1 2014
Q1 2015
2015 goal
Q1 2014
Q1 2015
Main comments for op in general 1. The usage of OSTs/ MCVPs/ LCPs for the support of Tier 3 and 4 has shown to be very effective and it’s helping to give the support to these entities and also they help us in the delivery of specific summits and visits that need to happen in the region 2. All regions coaching is based also on their leadership needs and OD tools to create a better team and entity culture – this is one of the key tools we saw on how we can support better the MCPs and the most effective one 3. All regions have also their specific regional projects based on their exchange needs 4. To have also GST/OST for the support of PR, BD delivery was very effective in some regions since this is a way we can also capitalize on the opportunities we have in the different regions 5. We started also the facilitation of spaces for MCPs of Cluster 1 entities to talk mainly about team management, evolution of their role and projects and also support to Cluster 3 and 4 entities. This talk is happening weekly with the MCPs elect and current. 6. All the AI projects are being communicated in our visits and touchpoints and the understanding of it depends on the region. In visits, specially, the main focus is not only this communication but also to help the MCs to search for their main challenges and facilitate the space for them to find the solutions needed. 7. For now we can see that the regions are growing in general in MA, but the previous RE results we still don’t see 100% reflected on EXPA.
AIESEC International Q1 2015 Report