In this application you can find: Global Partners Talents Sourcing Coordinator
WELCOME AND TIMELINE Dear candidate, You will be able to use all your creativity when creating and designing your own application form for AIESEC International Global Support Teams 2014-2015. The process has been designed to help you step out of the crowd and feel completely comfortable with your application making sure that it reflects you; it reflects your personality and your perspectives. The aim of this questionnaire is to give us the opportunity to get to know you as a person and as an ‘AIESECer’. Your thoughts, aims and strategies are very important for us in order to make the right choice. Working within an international team striving for common goals for the global association is a very rewarding and learning experience. Enclosed in this document you will find additional information to prepare you for the application and selection process. Deadlines have been clearly highlighted, and we are available should you need further information. If you have any questions concerning the whole process, please contact us in Rotterdam. Good Luck!
Application released
Application deadline
Results released
THE DEADLINE for sending your application via email is GMT Sunday, 21st of September to + email of the GST Responsible.
PROCESS AND CONTACTS APPLICATION PROCESS The applications for the Global Support Teams 2014-2015 are divided into three parts, and we will be expecting three PDF files: 1. CV: Give us the all important and relevant information we need to know about you, your AIESEC career, other jobs you have had, your contact details etc. You can use a maximum of one (1) page to create your CV. 2. Questionnaire (General and Specific Questions): These questions should not take more than four (4) pages. 3. Endorsement Letter – An endorsement letter from your AIESEC Entity. If you are applying for more than one position or team, make sure you attach a different file with the answers to the specific questionnaire for the additional position (second option) that you will be running for.
CONTACTS Global Partners Talent Sourcing Coordinator : If you have any questions about the application, please feel free to contact us
JOB DESCRIPTIONS Global Partners Talent Sourcing Coordinator 1. Team Purpose The Talent Sourcing Coodinator has the role of prospect good candidates to apply to Global Exchange Partners. The main target is to headhunt candidates in the network. *Sourcing is a talent management strategy which is focused on the identification, assessment and engagement of skilled candidates through proactive recruiting techniques. 2. Bottom-lines # EP recruited to GEP *% candidates shortlisted that was sourced. *# Candidates above 80%Matchability applying for GEP.
3. Specific deliverables Electrolux, DP DHL, Husqvarna Group, Engineers and Technical profiles Global TN Sourcing. Headhunt suitable candidates internally and externally for Global Parrners TNs. Build Market Intelligence Strategies within the right MCs or LCs in order to have more accuracy on candidates sourcing and to get the right applicants. Manage Supply and demand for Global Partners. 4. Structure of the GST The Whole Team will be led by AI BD Manager and will be composed by 1 GEP Marketing Coordinator; 1 GEP Talent Sourcing Coordinator and 1 GEP EP experience Manager. This JD will directly interact with AI BD manager, the Global Partners Marketing Coordinator and Global Partners Sourcing Manager by the time they were selected. 4. The Team – Profiles & Requirements (All preferred, otherwise stated) Previous experience Current or former MC Experience. AIESEC Knowledge BD; ER; ICX; TM - Recruitment & Selection Specific Skills recruitment and Selection, Sourcing, Headhunting. 2)Effective Communication skills; 3)Data Analysis; 4) Ability to work in virtual team, but very independently, draw conclusions 5) Sales Skills Workload required Up to 10 hours a week Duration To 31/12/2014
Why do you want to be on the Global Support Team for 2014/2015? What do you consider is the role of the Global Support Team in the AIESEC International 1415 Plan? What do you consider as being your role in order to achieve the targets set?
Please describe your (up to) three previous experiences in AIESEC that you consider to be most important
SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE Global Partners Talent Sourcing Coordinator 1. Please, make an analysis of the current state of GEP Sourcing Status, keeping in mind bottlenecks, solutions and proposing new ideas. (Max. 1 A4 Page) - Feel free to approach the BD Team in order to get to know better the scneario. 2. Please, build a Operational plan for Sourcing candidates to the following subproduct: - Engineer. Please, consider using real TNs of any of the following Global Partners: Electrolux, Husqvarna Group, Alcatel-Lucent. Please include: expected results, timeline, KPIs and MoS. Make sure you mention the interaction with the Marketing Coordinator and Global Partners Matching Experience Manager. (Max. 1 A4 Page) 3. How do you see "sourcing" working within the implementation of the new GIS? (Max. 20 lines) 4. What's your motivation to apply to this position? What will be your personal contribution? (question to be answered by Video)