Naples Youth to Business Forum - Agenda

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Naples Youth to Business Forum YOUTH ENTREPRENEURSHIP FOR CHANGE Youth to Business Forum is an event that takes place in multiple locations around the world; bringing young people together with business leaders, thought leaders, and experts for a conversation around pressing global issues with the aim to generate new ideas and inspire actions that will impact the world and its future. The Naples Youth to Business Forum will involve about 200 young international participants coming from the european and north american region and 100 neapolitan college students. The main topic discussed will be entrepreneurship, in particular youth entrepreneurship. The international event Naples Youth to Business Forum will take place on October the 29th from 12 AM to 7 PM at Parthenope University of Naples, via Acton, n°38.

Agenda 9:30 – 12:00 | Arrival and registration 12:00 – 12:30 | Opening Aula Grande Gaia Alaimo, Vice President Public Relations of AIESEC in Italy Alessandra Clemente, Town Councillor for Youth Policies, Municipality of Naples Enrico Maria Borrelli, President of Amesci and National Civil Service Forum Marilù Ferrara, Professor of Corporate Organization at Parthenope University of Naples and founder of AIESEC Napoli Parthenope Valentino Addevico, President of AIESEC Napoli Parthenope Moderated by Dante Scognamiglio, Entrepreneur and Alumnus of AIESEC Napoli Parthenope 12:30 – 13:30 | Keynote Speeches Aula Grande Sergio Negri, Board Member and Partner at iStarter, Country manager at IE for Italy, Croatia and Slovenia Marco Crescenzi, Founder & President, ASVI School for Management and Social Change Andrea Manfredi, Founder & CEO, Editor in Chief, Blasting News

13:30 – 14:30 | Lunch 14:30 – 16:30 | Workshops IE: Creativity in the entrepreneurial process [Aula 5] PubliSoftWeb: Best strategies on Social Media [Aula Grande] Innovits: How startup approach is useful in large companies [Aula 6] Talent Garden: Building innovation ecosystems: the experience of Tag and practical tools [Aula 7] 16:30 – 17:00 | Break 17:00 – 17:30 | Closing Aula Grande Luca La Mesa, Managing Director & Social Media Strategist, PubliSoftWeb

17:30 – 19:00 | Global Village External yard The day will end with a moment of celebration and sharing of the cultures represented by the international participants: each delegation will show typical products and traditions from its own country.

AIESEC, creatrice e promotrice dell’evento, è il più grande network globale di studenti universitari e neolaureati, nato nel 1948 con l’obiettivo sviluppare una leadership giovanile imprenditoriale e responsabile, in grado di generare un impatto positivo sulla società grazie alle competenze tecniche e organizzative acquisite all’interno dell’associazione. A tal fine, AIESEC offre opportunità di leadership e scambi internazionali nei 124 Paesi in cui è presente. In quanto organizzazione globale, apolitica, indipendente e no profit, AIESEC permette ai giovani di formarsi in un contesto internazionale e multiculturale, aperto al confronto tra punti di vista differenti e sensibile alle tematiche di rilievo mondiale. @italyy2b #naplesy2b

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