PERFIL GENERAL de Miembros de la Junta Directiva
De las personas que asumirán un puesto en la Junta Directiva del Comité Local para el 2014, se espera que posean un conjunto mínimo de característi-cas, como lo son: Intelectuales y psicológicas Muchos aspectos de la personalidad pueden afectar el formar parte del equipo directivo de AIESEC en una entidad. Algunos de ellos son: capacidad de aprendizaje constante, pensamiento sistemático y creatividad, capacidad de adaptación al cambio, sentido de responsabilidad, capacidad de análisis, paciencia, saber escuchar y prestar apoyo. Conocimiento social Para dirigir un Comité Local es importante un conocimiento amplio del mundo y sistemas organizacionales, últimas tendencias, problemas que enfrenta la sociedad actual y asuntos culturales. Adicionalmente, cada posición requiere habilidades y conocimiento funcional y estratégico en las áreas de gestión financiera, presupuestos, gestión de proyectos, gestión de recursos humanos y buen entendimiento del idioma inglés. Comprensión de AIESEC Para poder asumir una posición de Junta Directiva es necesario un amplio entendimiento y comprensión organizacional, conocimiento funcional y estra-tégico, procesos y estructuras, planificación a largo plazo, gestión de equipos y desarrollo de membresía. Además es fundamental el entendimiento de la visión, los valores y la identidad de la organización, así como las metas loca-les, nacionales y globales.
Otras En general, no hay un perfil del candidato perfecto, sin embargo, se espera que los candidatos posean fuertes competencias en la parte de comportamiento social, motivación, orientación a las tareas y habilidades para manejo de personal. La clave está en el equilibrio de cada persona y dentro de las personas del equipo. Respecto a la evaluación: Para cualquier aplicante a Junta Ejecutiva, los resultados de la selección serán en función de la evaluación del Comité Evaluador de los siguientes puntos: 1.
Conocimiento Funcional: a. Conocimiento Teórico y Estratégico. b. Realidad Funcional del LC.
Conocimiento Organizacional: a. Conocimiento Teórico. b. Realidad Organizacional del LC.
Conocimiento y Conciencia del ambiente externo.
Perfil del Aplicante: a. Nivel de Competencias. b. Nivel de Soft Skills. c. Aptitudes y Actitudes. d. Idoneidad para el cargo.
Responsabilidades una vez electo Aquellos miembros que pasen a formar parte de las Junta Ejecutiva 2014 comenzarán su gestión el 1ero de Enero y finalizando el 31 de Diciembre del año 2014.
EB Executive Board
(LCP) Local Committee President of AIESEC in MĂŠrida (LCVP TM) Local Committee Vice-President of Talent Management (LCVP OGCDP) Local Committee Vice-President of Outgoing Global Community Development Programme (LCVP OGIP) Local Committee Vice-President of Outgoing Global Internship Programme (LCVP IGCDP) Local Committee Vice-President of Incoming Global Community Development Programme (LCVP IGIP) Local Committee Vice-President of Incoming Global Internship Programme (LCVP SA) Local Committee Vice-President of Strategic Alliances (LCVP COMM) Local Committee Vice-President of Communications (LCVP F&L) Local Committee Vice-President of Finance & Legal
1. El aplicante deberá elaborar su Aplication Form completa junto con el de-sarrollo de las preguntas generales y específicas al área por la que opta 2. Cada aplicante debe adjuntar a la aplicación una carta de recomendación de cualquier miembro de AIESEC. 3. La aplicación debe ser enviada al correo electrónico del LCP y LCVP TM actual del comité en formato PDF. El nombre del archivo y el título del correo de envío debe ir en el siguiente formato: [EB2013Application] LCName_Position_NameLastName. Ej: [EB2014Application]Merida_LCP_;Milagro Torres
- No hay límite de páginas en la elaboración de la aplicación - Puede ser elaborada en español, sin embargo se recomienda el uso del idioma inglés. - El formato y diseño de la aplicación debe ser personal, creado por cada aplicante.
Deadline: La aplicación debe ser enviada antes del Sábado 09/11/2013 a las 11:59 p.m. Hora de Venezuela [no se aceptarán aplicaciones tardías bajo ninguna excepción] Jornada de Selección y Elección: [Assessments, Interviews] Sabado 16/11/2013 [Speeches] Domingo 17/11/2013
Application Form: Local Committee Executive Board 2012 President & Vice-Presidents Application Questionnaire. Personal Profile:
Personal Data Name: Surname:
AIESEC Mail: G-Chat:
Date of Birth:
Phone Number:
Hobbies, Time and Motivation: Please comment who you are and you usually do during your free time, your availability for the position (hours per week, in general) and your motivations for applying to the office and be part of the board of your local entity. Academic and Professional Experience: For levels of study that you have achieved, relevant academic experiences, internships (paid or unpaid) you have practiced, and language proficiency. AIESEC Experience: Positions: List all the roles you’ve had within the organization, in chronological order. Date
Position & Entity
Key Learning
Events: Please list all events in which you participated during your time in AIESEC. Date
(Delagate/Faci/ OC)
Key Learning
1. Describe your Local Committe, what kind of contribution could you offer so it grows sustainably? Achieve the goals before it, and contribute to the development of AIESEC in Venezuela? 2. Describe your vision of the role you are applying for, on an strategical and operational level. How is this vision aligned with your Local Entity and the rest of your EB? 3. What should be the focus area for 2014? Why? How will your functional area support it? 4. Why should you be elected for this position? Why should you take part of the EB of your LC? 5. what do you expect to achieve by 2015? 6. Make a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis of your LC? 7. Which phase of the long term plan corresponds for 2014 for AIESEC Venezuela? How do you expect to achieve it? 8. How would you guarantee the continuity of your functional area`s processes, and what would you add?
LCVP TM Local Vice-president of Talent Management Ver JD http://tinyurl.com/mghjrla
1. Explain how does the Talent Management area get involve in all the operative and strategic processess of the comittee? What would you do differently to improve and position our entity? How do you plan to develop strategies in order to colaborate with all the functional areas? 2. Thinking of this year next step to achieve our @2015: Innovation and positioning, what are your main goals for the area and what are your strategies to accomplish them. 3. What are you main strategies for the several stages of the AIESEC XP, how would you work with them and manage their experiences? (More specifically EwA and LLC) 4. Motivation its very important while working as a volunteer, how do you plan to encourage the people in the comittee to participe and assist more to the activities? How would you motivate the people with a leadership position to continue working and colaborate or even take an international or national role in AIESEC? 5. Share your opinion about the importance and significance of the human value in the organisation and go in depth with the way human processess and social relation are related in the success of purposes. According to this example, how would you improve the social and human relation processess in the comittee? Make sure of taking a personalised motivation into consideration.
LCVP OGIP Local Committee Vice-President of Outgoing Global Internship Programme Ver JD http://tinyurl.com/mghjrla
1. What are your main goals for the area (Number of EPs and fulfilled exchanges) and what are the strategies you will attempt to achieve a big number of exchanges without committing any EP quality experiences? And what Kind of EPs will be the main focus of the area? 2. In order to speed up the process of the Global Internship Program, what strategies will you establish for improving it?. Make a Local Business Model Canvas of this process. What key performance indicators will you use to evaluate your results? 3. In terms of achieving exchanges, describe the main problems we had and suggest ideas (or possible solutions) to solve them out. Which areas do you consider are the most important to achieve your goals and why? what would it be the strategies with these areas?
LCVP OGCDP Local Committee Vice-President of Outgoing Global Community Development Programmee Ver JD http://tinyurl.com/mghjrla
What are your main goals for the area (Number of
EPs and fulfilled exchanges) and what are the strategies you will attempt to achieve a big number of exchanges without committing any EP quality experiences? And what Kind of EPs will be the main focus of the different issues? 2.
In order to speed up the process of the Global Com-
munity Development Program, what promoting strategies will you apply to improve it. Make a Local Business Model Canvas of this process. What key performance indicators will you use to evaluate your results? 3.
In terms of achieving exchanges, describe the main
problems we had and suggest ideas (or possible solutions) to solve them out. Which areas do you consider are the most important to achieve your goals and why? what would it be the strategies with these areas?
LCVP IGCDP Local Committee Vice-President of Incoming Global Community Development Programme Ver JD http://tinyurl.com/mghjrla
1. From your point of view, which are the main bottlenecks that now prevents us to growth in Global Community Development Programme in AIESEC in MĂŠrida? Propose solutions for each one. 2. What process of the TN Flow must be improved in order to facilitate growth of Global Community Development Programme and the projects in AIESEC in MĂŠrida? 3. Takinginto account your local reality, design a GCDP project (Budget including profit, target, product sheet, execution and economic & social impact).
LCVP IGIP Local Committee Vice-President of Incoming Global Internship Programme Ver JD http://tinyurl.com/mghjrla
1. From your point of view, which are the main bottlenecks to growth in Incoming Global Internship Programme in AIESEC in MĂŠrida? Propose solutions for each one. 2. What process of the TN Taker Flow must be improved in order to facilitate growth of Global Internship Program in AIESEC in MĂŠrida?
3. Taking into account your local reality, design a GIP pro-ject (Budget including profit, Target, Product sheet, Execution Timeline, Country Partners, Economic impact in this cluster or sector).
LCVP SA Local Committee Vice-President of Strategic Alliances Ver JD http://tinyurl.com/mghjrla
1. What should be the priority of Strategic Alliances for the incoming period? 2. Which strategies would you use to improve the local positioning of the Committee? 3. How would you increase the rate of effectiveness in the Sales Team's approaching process?
LCVP COMM Local Vice-president of Communications Ver JD http://tinyurl.com/mghjrla
1. What do you think is the current status of the AIESEC’s brand in Mérida? and how does your proposal influence on it to improve its status? 2. According to you, what must be the approach of COMM in the integral development of the LC? Also, what are your proposal’s aspects which provide a particular development to the area? 3. What is the main VP COMM’s function in the performance’s tasks area? How would you implement it to do an efficient dis-tribution of its tasks?
LCVP F&L Local Committee Vice-President of Finance & Legal Ver JD http://tinyurl.com/mghjrla
1. Do a financial analysis related to the AIESEC MÊrida´s incomes and specify one percentage distribution to ensure sustainability during your period and the future. 2. What would be strategies to implement to improve and streamline financial processes local, knowing that the organization´s financial system is centralized ? 3. What would be the legal framework which AIESEC Venezuela should govern to produce a good operation as a civil association, related to labour trade tax and financial aspects?
El aplicante a junta directiva deberá auto-promocionarse luego de ser anunciados los candidatos, dicha auto-promoción debe llevarse a cabo por canales internos (wikis, conversaciones, mail, grupo cerrado de facebook) y/o externos (twitter, facebook, youtube, instagram) y es de carácter obligatorio, pues se tomará en cuenta para su evaluación de competencias el día de las elecciones de junta directiva. Se espera de ellos que promuevan sanamente la competencia, exhiban su plan de trabajo e incentiven la participación en las elecciones de junta directiva en AIESEC Mérida. El lapso del challenge comienza al ser anunciados oficialmente los candidatos y termina el 16/11/2013 a las 11:59pm.