AIESEC in Puerto Rico
APPLY TO BE NST! Dear Applicant, We would like to congratulate you on taking this brave choice, such as an opportunity to apply as NST of AIESEC in Puerto Rico. We are looking for leaders who will work to bring AIESEC in Puerto Rico ahead for the term 15/16. By applying for the National Support Team of AIESEC in Puerto Rico you are taking on a challenge, a responsibility but also a learning opportunity in an organization, which is in constant growth and striving for more professionalism and recognition among students and companies in Puerto Rico! If you are wondering whether this is a decision you should take, remember it’s all up to you – the chances you take and those you miss. The challenges and successes are there to teach you what you are made of, how to deal different situations, develop yourself and contribute by developing the area you are responsible for, entities, our products and the experience we offer to our stakeholders. By applying you reply back with your promise to take care about AIESEC in Puerto Rico, functional area and members experi encing their platform. We wish you energy, smart ideas, resilience, and joy. We wish you all the best during the process! Your MC 15/16, Cristina Prieto Helen Lee Anita Kanagalingam Gabriela Rivera Yaneisha Pérez
PURPOSE The National Support Team for the term 15/16 will have the purpose of steering AIESEC in Puerto Rico in a certain functional area, together with the MC 2015-2016 for 12 months: July 1, 2015- June 30, 2016. You will ďŹ nd positions opened in the following areas: Outgoing Exchange, Incoming Exchange/Account Delivery, Finance/Business Development, Marketing/Public Relations, and Organizational Development/Informational Management.
APPLICATION GUIDELINES Please name your application package next way: NAME_Entity_NST. Example: JuanaPerez_PuertoRico_NST; send your complete application to MCPe ( and the MCVP of the Funcational Area that you are applying to by June 7, 2015 at 10:00pm GMT -4. Your application must be submitted in English, in the form of PDF, as a zip file. It’s HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to send the applications at least one day before the deadline. You will receive a confirmation email once we have received your application.
Please, keep in mind that we will NOT accept any late or incomplete applications.
The application package must contain:
• The application questionnaire (which includes the general information, general questions and specific questions) • CV with your experiences within AIESEC. The CV should have a maximum of 1 page. • An Endorsement letter from someone you have worked with. Note: The letter has to be signed by the person you have chosen. Otherwise they will NOT be accepted. The letter will be verified for its authenticity.
APPLICATION PROCESS APPLICATION PACKAGE Prepare a complete application package according to the requirements listed before. Make sure that you submit all the necessary files within the deadline. Remember that all files must be in English and in PDF format. ASSESSMENT CENTER Candidates will participate in a assessment center within the area that you are applying to see how you interact with others, how you create creative solutions, and how you handle pressure. ANNOUNCEMENT Decision will made public.
MAY 27
Application Released
Application Deadline
JUNE 9-11 Assessment Center
JUNE 13 Announcement
• AIESEC in Puerto Rico NST members for the term 15.16 officially starts on the 1st of July 2015 until the 30th of June 2016. • Internationals applicants are encouraged to apply. • At the completion of the term you will be entitled to a discounted MC EP ID and EP Fee of 60% (per compendium).
Your personal preferences will be taken into consideration, but the ďŹ nal allocation will be decided by the MC *Structure subject to change
Exchanges & Account Delivery X/AD OGX Country Director Quality Control Manager
Country Director
Country Director
ICX Account Delivery Coordinator
iGCDP Research & Development Manager
Finance/Business Development
FLA/BD Training and Education Manager
FLA Manager
BD Manager
Marketing/Public Relations MKT/PR Digital MKT
Social Media Manager
Marketing Director
Graphic Designer
External Relations Manager
Project Coordinator
Organizational Development/ Informational Management
OD/IM Social Responsibility Director
Alumni Relations Director
National Training Director
MCPe: Cristina Prieto
MCVPe X/AD: Anita Kanagalingam
MCVPe FLA/BD: Gabriela Rivera
MCVPe MKT/PR: Yaneisha PĂŠrez
MCVPe OD/IM: Helen Lee
We strongly advise you to contact these leaders for up to date information on operations on their speciďŹ c area of expertise.
GENERAL INFORMATION NAME Date of Birth AIESEC E-mail Skype Username Country of Origen Current Location Time Zone Phone Number Current Entity
GENERAL Questions 1) Why do you want to be part of the NST? 2) Please rank the NST positions you are applying for and briey describe your personal qualiďŹ cations for why you are the best candidate for each position. 3) How much time (weekly) will you be able to give to the NST next term? What other responsibilities will you have from July 1, 2015- June 30, 2016 (ex. Other AIESEC positions, university, job, etc.) 4) Please mention 3 strengths and 3 weakness whiling working with a team. 5) [For International Candidates Only] How will being on an international NST be an asset to AIESEC in Puerto Rico and your team? What are the challenges/disadvantages you will face and how will you overcome them?
National Support Team X/AD
SPECIFIC Questions Country Director 1) Fill in the table below: Which countries should # of TNs per we partner with? country
Why? Please explain.
Interesting facts about the country?
Rank in order of which country you wish to work with. (1 being your top choice)
2) What methods will you use to increase transparency and accountability between your designated country and Puerto Rico?
SPECIFIC Questions Account Delivery Coordinator 1) How would you advertise EXPO partners to generate more applicants? 2) What is the most efďŹ cient way to organize interviews between applicants and t he companies? 3) What ideas do you have for housing and transportation for incoming trainees?
iGCDP Research and Development Manager 1) Why is iGCDP important for Puerto Rico? 2) List 3 companies/organizations that we should approach and why. 3) Just like any other business, AIESEC must generate an income to survive. What do you believe the pricing model should look like for iGCDP?
National Support Team FLA/BD
SPECIFIC Questions BD Manager 1) Do you think is important to collect successful stories of people who have known AIESEC in the past and current term? Why? 2) Explain how would you create a system to keep the tracking or follow up of companies contacted by MCVP FLA/BD. 3) What would be your action plan in order to bring external speakers for the National Conferences?
Specific Qualifications Languages: Spanish (Excellent)
National Support Team MKT/PR
SPECIFIC Questions Graphic Designer 1) Create a profile picture and cover photo for our Facebook Fan Page for the next members recruitment. 2) Make a three bullets summary of the AIESEC Branding. 3) Look for the last promotion made by each committee and evaluate the branding on it.
Project Coordinator 1) Find the AIESEC International Website Guideline and adapt it to Puerto Rico’s reality by making a timeline for the launch of it, before August 2015. 2) Make a model of the payment application and features that it will have. 3) Create a new project that you think AIESEC in Puerto Rico should develop.
Specific Qualifications Languages: Spanish (Excellent); Preferably from LATAM
National Support Team OD/IM
SPECIFIC Questions Social Responsibility Director 1) How will you contribute to leadership development and exchange through this position? 2) What has been the most successful service/volunteer opportunity organized by AIESEC PR and why was it the most successful? 3) Give 2 examples of projects that you would want to realize as the Social Responsibility Director?
SpeciďŹ c QualiďŹ cations Languages: Spanish (Excellent)
SPECIFIC Questions Alumni Relations Director 1) How will you contribute to leadership development and exchange through this position? 2) What is the best way to integrate alumni into AIESEC PR? What should their role be?
Specific Qualifications Languages: Spanish (Excellent)
National Training Director 1) How will you contribute to leadership development and exchange through this position? 2) What educational gaps can trainers fill in AIESEC PR?
Specific Qualifications Languages: Spanish (Excellent)
AIESEC in Puerto Rico
THANK YOU! 2015-16
Check the JDs at the INFO!