August 7-9, 2015 Delegate Booklet #2
Message from the MC & more!
T h e S p e a k e r s
Katherine Cepeda
She is an innovative & energetic 20something young woman, self-made entrepreneur and cofounder of “Cómesela a la Negra, first handmade vegan and vegetarian empanadas business in Puerto Rico. She will share with us how she started her business with $0 budget, 0 business experience & 2 friends. This girl rocks!
Alejandro Manzanares
He is creative & passionate 20-something young man, self-made entrepreneur, active social leader and cofounder of Merodea (first local multi-brand fashion e-commerce in Puerto Rico). He is a graduate of the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico with a Bachelor of Business Administration. He will inspire with us to become true leaders by defining success. This guy truly leads by example!
P a y m e n t
P r o c e s s
Step #1: Go to First Bank and request to make a deposit in the amount of $150.00 to account
Step #3:
Step #2:
After the deposit is made, you must SAVE THE RECEIPT.
8092001830.! Afterwards, once the OCVP Finance receives the picture from you or the chief delegate, he will upload your receipt in to the OC’s Google Drive as evidence of your payment. It’s of the upmost importance that OCVP Finance collects the receipt or your reservation will be null.
TAKE A PICTURE OF THE RECEIPT and send it to your entity’s Chief Delegate and/or OCVP Finance.
Registration & Payment deadline –
Friday July 24, 2015
*Any payment made after July 24 will include a late fee.
C h i e f
D e l e g a t e s
RĂo Piedras: Emily Viera! Email: ! Phone: 7873461014!
Mayaguez: IrmarĂs Rivera ! Email:! Phone: 787-636-3036!
Humacao: Joseph Melendez! Email:! Phone: 787-354-2097!
Sagrado: Cristina Arce! Email:! Phone: 787-381-0282!
Accept the challenge and join the game.