World in the City-Split, Croatia

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AboutSpl i t

Thest or yofSpl i ti sal r eady17cent ur i esol d.Dat i ngt ot het i mewhent heRomanEmper or Di ocl et i andeci dedt obui l dhi spal acer i ghtont hepeni nsul aneart hegr eatRomanci t y Sal ona, wher ehewant edt ospendhi sl asty ear sofl i f e. Dur i ngt hese1700y ear s, t hepal ace sl owl yt ur nedi nt oaci t y ,whi cht ot hi sdayl ur est r av el er swi t hi t sr i cht r adi t i on,gl or i ous hi st or yandbeaut i f ulnat ur alandcul t ur alher i t age.

At ourt hr ough t heci t yofSpl i t

TheWor l di nt heCi t ypr oj ect , or gani z edbyAI ESECSpl i t , gi v esy out heoppor t uni t yt oi mpr ov ey our : •Teachi ngski l l s •Communi cat i onski l l s •Ef fici encyi nt eamwor k •Pr esent at i onski l l s •I nt er nat i onalexper i ence Becomemor esel f awar eandconfident . Themai nt askoft hei nt er nwi l lbecr eat i ngandhol di ngsessi onswher ehe/ shewi l lt eacht he basi csofhi s/ hernat i v el anguaget ov ar i ousagegr oupsi nSpl i t .I nt er nneedst ogi v eagener al k nowl e dget opar t i c i pant sabouthowt oc ommuni c at ei ndi f f e r e ntc ount r i e sandt he i rnat i v el anguage s .

Br eakpr ej udi ceandi ncr easecul t ur alcapi t alofCr oat i at hr oughl ear ni ngnew l anguagesand meet i ng new cul t ur es so t hey can r ai se awar eness,i ncr ease t hei rl ev eloft ol er ance and under st adi ngi nt hesoci et y . Byj oi ni ngt hepr oj ecty ouwi l lhav et heoppor t uni t yt ot eachoneoft hesel anguages:



Kr i st i naSabl j o Pr oj ectManagerofWor l dI nTheCi t y emai l :0512kr i st i na@gmai l . com I v anaŠi mi ć LCVPofI CX emai l :i v ana. si mi c5@ai esec. net

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