Mcvp1718 Application

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Committ Vice President 1718 | APPLICATION AIESEC IN TUNISIA

Dear Candidates, Since our birth, life’s curve is being an upward line of difficulties and obstacles in function of time, though, the unseen, unnoticed and unfelt beautiful part of the journey is the learning, formation and personal contribution offering that we acquire and get recognized for. I believe that at the end of the day WE ARE OUR GREATEST ACHIEVEMENTS, for that I strongly believe and persist on the decision I made to apply and LEAD this entity, or in other terms I strongly believe that I will remain climbing the curve, overcoming the obstacles and challenge the status quo with one ultimate desire of living, feeling and leading the beautiful part of learning, forming and offering a personal contribution of a fearless optimistic dreamer, patriot leader and, proudly, young Tunisian citizen. Now, OUTLIERS, is the kind of community you are taking part in by deciding to open this application form. I am saluting you for that but no congratulating until you start concretizing and fulfilling the attributive you are deciding to wear. AIESEC in Tunisia is a beloved entity to its people and a crucial organism to its country so for that, he or she who is willing to partake of it will be accountable to a nation mobilization by creating and developing entrepreneurial and social responsible leaders who will contribute to this beloved Country Building, Development and Empowerment. I trust your sense of belonging, your capabilities and your ambitions to be a country servant so I am inviting you to persist as your greatest achievements and devote yourself in the regard of TUNISIALIZING THE WORLD and shaping a BOLDER, LOUDER and REAL one AIESEC FOR TUNISIA.


Eligibility Cr iter ia •Have gone through one EB term, been NST/EST or been an MCP/MCVP. •Attended at least 5 conferences as a delegate, Facilitator, or CC. •Fluent English •Enrolled in •Ready to engage to a 35 up 40 hours workload per week (full timer) •Have respected all the requirements of the sending/format/email addresses and DDL within this application form.

Wor king Conditions •MC 17|18 is full time MC for all position, workload between 35 & 40 hours a week •Accommodation, transportation and communication are provided. •MC office and MC Flat are in Tunis Capital. •MC salary is going to be fixed between 300 & 500 TD, financial planning and capacity related.

Process 01/10

Application launch


Application submission


Approval and Task assignment


Task submission

Final step: Interview

Confidence Vote the candidate is accountable to present a 20 to 30 min strategist speech the he will have a 45 mint Q& A session from the LC representatives and current MC member.


Final checklist •Curriculum Vitae •Blank paper challenge •Executive summary •Personality tests :16 personalities test: (attached PDF screenshot of the result) •Questionnaire •Willingness Video Remark: all documents should be in PDF format and there is no page restrictions.

• The questionnaire is dived into 4 parts: 8 personal information, 5 warm up, 8 general and 23 practical questions • Practical questions is divided into 2 parts: 3 MC Tunisia Questions that has to be answered all by the candidate and 20 Functional Knowledge divided on 4 blocks in which each candidate is accountable to answer 3 questions per block then he/she chooses 2 blocks to answer entirely. • All candidates are accountable to fill the blank paper challenge • All candidates are accountable to write an executive summary • All candidates are accountable to go through the personality test • All candidates are accountable to attach their video link with the questionnaire Sum up: Each candidate will have to put 8 personal information, answer 5 warm up questions, 8 general questions, 3 MC Tunisia Practical questions, 3 question per 3 blocks chosen which would make them 9 one entire 5 questions block. Total of personal information + 30 questions answered + blank paper challenge + executive summary + personality test + willingness video Remark: All application should be sent to in a zipped file (.zip) with the name of: “ fullname_MCVP1718-application “ DDL: 23rd of January 2017 23.59 GMT+1

Per sonal Questions First name: Last name: Nationality: Current address: Email: Skype: Mobile phone: Facebook

War m up Questions •What is the one book that you would recommend for AIESEC in Tunisia membership to read and why? •What is the one proverb you would use to describe AIESEC in Tunisia current state and why? •What is the one song you would use to describe AIESEC in Tunisia and why? •What is your favorite AIESEC roll call and why? •What is the one thing you would be changing if ever were the president of Tunisia and why?

General Questions

Practical Questions MCTunisia

•Define leadership from your own perspective •Define AIESEC from your own perspective. •Explain the MC experience, role and main tasks from your own perspective •List the different positions held within your AIESEC experience and highlight your key learning from each. •List all conferences you have been to and highlight your key learning from each •list the three main areas you had excelled in the most and highlight your key learning from each •Explain why have you decided to stand for this position and how does it match with your purpose in life •Explain what qualities are you holding that will contribute to the AIESEC vision fulfillment, our entity relevance concretization and the MC team well being

•Conduct a full analysis of AIESEC for Tunisia, you are free to choose how and under which format you do it. •Explain what 3 main focuses you see AIESEC for Tunisia should be taking next term and why •Explain what is the best management practice you recommend for MC 17/18 to apply and why

Functional knowledge Organizational health & growth Management •Conduct an analysis about the current Health & Growth evolution in the past 3 years, how are you planning to take it forward? •Assess the current situation of Information Management (IM), how are you planning to arrange it and run it effectively next term? •Assess, per LC, capacity VS performance. How are you planning to make it match next term? Per LC. •Assess the current situation in terms of expansions. What are the potential expansions that we should tackle and give brief action steps to fulfill that? • How do you picture your Structure next term? (ESTs, MCVPs managers, NSTs…etc)

Organizational Goodwill management *Goodwill is the intangible asset that the organization is acquiring out of strong marketing and strong brand positioning •Conduct an analysis about the current brand positioning of AIESEC in Tunisia among its potential customers & enablers. How do you intend to upscale it next term? Refer to a concrete strategy and clear action steps. •Assess to which extent AIESEC for Tunisia is being Customer Centric in the past 3 terms. How are you planning to drive towards a 100% customer centric organization next term? •Evaluate the digital transformation AIESEC as an organization has been through lately. What do you see suitable from that to our entity and how will you manage to realize it? Refer to a concrete strategy and clear action steps. •Conduct a small study about unifying and digitalizing our internal eco-system. (pros & cons) how will you ensure the creation of a one digital eco-system? •How do you picture your Structure next term? (ESTs, MCVP managers, NSTs…etc

Product development & external environment management • Conduct an analysis on the way we are raising partnership and ensuring customer loyalty. How are you planning to empower the long term impactful kind of partnerships next term? Refer to a concrete strategy and refer to clear action steps • Assess AIESEC for Tunisia’s external relevance to its external stakeholders and community. How are you planning to concretize it and strengthen it next term? Mention 3 external social trends we should partake in and contribute to. • Evaluate AIESEC for Tunisia’s current PR effectiveness. How do you intend to develop in the next term? Give between 1 and 3 events/projects proposal(s) • How do you see the product development contributing to the financial growth and sustainability next term knowing that costs are increasing with a full time MC? Refer to concrete strategy and clear action steps • How do you picture your Structure next term? (ESTs, MCVP managers, NSTs…etc

Operations Quality management • Conduct an analysis about the current performance state of AIESEC in Tunisia and what do you see as 3 main bottlenecks? How are you planning to overcome those and develop based upon them to grow in a healthy way? Refer to concrete strategy and clear action steps • Assess AIESEC in Tunisia’s current state in terms of operations quality. How do you intend to upscale and enhance it guaranteeing the best Value delivery in each and every single exchange we will be delivering? • Evaluate the IR management taking places in AIESEC for Tunisia. How do you intend to make the best effectiveness out of it next term to sustain entity partners and operations growth? • How would you contribute so AIESEC for Tunisia will cross the bar of 5000 exchanges next term? • How do you picture your Structure next term? (ESTs, MCVP managers, NSTs…etc Do both: for MCVP GV and MCVP GT

REMARK MCVPs are to be selected based on profiles and positions will be assigned after IPM and that because of the changes may occur based on our organizational changes.

We never know what we Can achieve Until we tr y, so tr y !!!


Committ Vice Vice President President

This is just the beginning

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