Nst booklet 2 semester

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Application booklet


Timeline 11-12 Interviews

10.01 AF* closed

FebruaryMarch NST days

13.01 Announcement

*AF should include:

1) General questionnaire 2) Specific questionnaire (you can find the questions below Each JD). Answer the specific questions for all the positions you apply 3) Endorsement letter from your LCP/VP

*AF should be sent till 23:59 GMT+3, 10.01.2018 to anna.dzehilevich@aiesec.net In case you have questions, approach Anna Dzehilevich

General questions 1


Which NST positions are you applying to? Please rank them based on your personal priorities. Name and Surname Phone number Email Date of birth LC, country


Why are you applying for NST of AIESEC in Ukraine? Please, tell your personal and functional motivation.


Describe your AIESEC Experience and your main achievements in each position so far. Mention the conferences you’ve participated in and your role there as well.


In the NST you will mainly be working in a virtual team. What possible challenges could arise in this setting and how will you personally contribute to make the team work successful?


What do you consider as a role of the NST AIESEC in Ukraine 17/18? How do you see your contribution in terms of goals achievement?

Brand Experience FB Instagram GetResponse




Facebook Manager (2) MC VP Brand Experience 10-15 h/week National BE NST team

Maintain, improve, analyze and manage our Social Media (National FB group or Shape Ukraine group)

Main functions


Creation of content plan Work in synergy with video editor and blogger to have content for page Create content according to content plan and post it Create event for LC, check and give feedback for content Analysis of achieved results and content improvement Copywriting Create and boost campaigns Make growth in subscribers


Growth of engagement of all content Growth in reach of all content Improvement of social media results (growth in sing-ups and applies)



# of followers % Engagement rate % of answers and reaction time

Questions You can apply for FB manager of National group or Shape Ukraine group. Based on it answer on questions below.

1. How will look like your content strategy for Facebook? 2. How can we increase number of followers for 100% (for national group) / 10000 (for Shape Ukraine) ? (please give clear steps) 3. Please based on your answers for previous questions attach examples of campaign which you want to boost. It should include 3 posts + explanation (as post in media)

Instagram&Twitter & Telegram MC VP Brand Experience 10-15 h/week National BE NST team Maintain, improve, analyze and manage our Social Media (Instagram, Twitter, Telegram)

Main functions -

Content plan creation for each social media Collect materials from winter realizations (oGV and oGT) and use it for campaigns Management of those medias Strategy of engagement of subscribers through life content in Instagram, Twitter and Telegram

KPi/MoS -

Growth of engagement of all content Growth in reach of all content


Improvement of social media results (growth in sing-ups and applies) # of followers

Questions 1. How will look like your content strategy for Instagram, Twitter and Telegram? 2. Analyze 2 GCPs of work in Instagram from the Global AIESEC Network and 1 from business sector 3. What will be your strategy of growing this channels from beginning (Telegram and Twitter) and Instagram to have 5000 followers till July.

LinkedIn & mail manager MC VP Brand Experience 10-15 h/week National BE NST team

Maintain, improve, analyze and manage our Social Media (Get Response and LinkedIn)

Main functions

LinkedIn - Content plan creation - Strategy of engagement of subscribers through life content in LinkedIn Get Response - Update status of person in system - Create content, executing emails & other LEAD nurturing strategies and measuring of this conversions - Create the strategy for nurturing our leads through a mix of helpful content and other calls-to-action - Send trigger based campaigns

KPi/MoS -

Growth of engagement of all content Growth in reach of all content Improvement of social media results (growth in sing-ups and applies for GT) # of followers

# of emails sent % Email Click Rates - %Conversion Rates from Open to Applied - Sales time cycle - % Open Rates


1. Propose strategy of work with LinkedIn. How can we get a lot of opens for GT through this channel? 2. What are the trends in Ukraine, that we can capitalize in our lead nurturing email? 3. Propose us a design and content of email for customer who keep open email but haven’t applied for any opportunity in Global Talent? (You can make it in Ukrainian / English)

Video Manager MC VP Brand Experience 10-15 h/week National BE NST team

Maintain, improve, analyze and manage our Social Media (National FB group/ Shape Ukraine group / LinkedIn, rabota.ua, / YouTube)

Main functions -

Create videos to support hard selling and engaging messages for GV, GT, RcR and AIESEC brand Provide videos and animated content correlated with AIESEC (volunteering, leadership, international experience, SDGs, ‌etc.

KPi/MoS -

# of videos created per campaign


Monthly reports (FB statistics)

Questions 1. Why do you think we need video designer in Digital Experience NST? How can this role contribute to brand development of AIESEC in Ukraine? 2. Create video for video campaigns for Global Volunteer and Global Talent promotion 3. What qualities will make you a good video designer and which ones you would like to develop on this position?

PR Manager MC VP Brand Experience 10-15 h/week National LCVPs, National media, National NGO brand development

Main functions Media relations on national level (helping to make press-releases, articles, showcasing oGV and oGT, covering iGV realization), NGO relations (newsletters, activities poll development) on local and national level


#media appearances #activities held with NGO

Questions 1. List 5 media causes that we have now and can use for media appearances 2. Tell the idea of common project with one of NGOs you mentioned before 3. Your strength that will help your performance on this position 4. Please write press release for big event (Global Village/ Volunterum/ SDG Hackathon / AIESEC b-day)

Blog Manager MC VP Brand Experience 10 h/week National BE NST team

Responsible for blogs for aiesec.ua, partly for social media content)

Main functions -

Blog development of aiesec.ua Analysis of achieved results and content improvement Copywriting


Alignment of content of AIESEC in Ukraine Context research Storytelling Collecting stories from iGV VPs

KPi/MoS -

# of articles published # website visitors % Engagement rate


# Social media reach # of articles published in external sites/blogs/groups

Questions 1. How will look like your Blog content strategy? Please create content plan for 1 month 2. Create short blog post (one A4) that would explain idea of volunteering abroad 3. What qualities will make you a good blog manager and which ones you would like to develop on this position?

Organizational Development

Data Scientist MC VP OD and Product Growth 10 h/week National MC Ukraine Responsible for data gathering, analyzing and visualization.

Main functions - Collecting data for weekly -compile HIT, SONA create charts and visualization of data tracking -Measuring and improving results based on analyzes

- Data analysis - Data visualization (creating charts, graphs, infographics)

KPi/MoS - # of data reports - # of HIT, SONA analyzed - % of tasks executed

Questions 1. List tools that you can use for data analyzing, gathering and visualization 2. How do you think data can help in decision making? 3. What data is crucially important to analyze in AIESEC in Ukraine?

Head of NST commission MC VP OD and Product Growth 10 h/week National NST and MC Ukraine

NST team management

Main functions experience NPS - NST culture creation and - NST counting and improvements implementation education cycle - NST team standards tracking - NST development and and improvement implementation - NST days agenda creating in communication and synergy with MC VP OD and - NST engagement delegates management - Operational planning for NST sharing and reports gathering KPi/MoS


% of NST team standards # of NST on NST days NST NPS % of education cycle delivered

- % of education cycle delivered - % of NST report and operational plan

Questions 1. Please, create the example of NST education cycle for February and March 2. How do you see engagement of NSTs knowing the fact that it`s remote positions? 3. How do you see the concept NST culture and how we can drive it?

Customer Experience MC VP OD and Product Growth 10 h/week National/ International EBs and MC Ukraine

NST team management

Main functions customer data collection - NPS and standards analyze and report (process times, conversions, - LEAD implementation support applications, referrals) webinars and customer interviews, customer - provide consultancy spaces survey creation and conducting - find innovative ways for people to encourage them to fill NPS and standards survey


- # of customer interviews - # of reports - # of educational webinars

- % of LEAD implementation - Response rate

Questions 1. Give your analysis regarding LEAD implementation for ICX and OGX program in AIESEC Ukraine 2. How would you structure your communication/touch point with LCs regarding SnS implementation 3. Propose your idea how can you shape our leadership delivery through exchange can be more customer centric

Partnership Development

Partnership Development Manager MC VP Partnership Development 10 h/week National MC VP PD, Partners Show responsibility and develop external brand of our organization


Main functions

Raise new companies Marketing research Analyze current trends in the market Work with MC companies CRM Tracking the delivery of national BD partnerships on local level - Partnership delivery - Other needed work depends on current situation

KPi/MoS - # meetings - # calls/letters - # contracts

- # delivered partnerships - # new companies

Questions 1. Make SWOT analysis of ER department in AIESEC Ukraine . How we can use our strength and opportunities and fix weaknesses and threats? 2. Describe your AIESEC XP? What kind of experience did you have with B 2 B sphere of AIESEC? 3. Name 3 focus partners and action plan of working with them

Position name: Accountable to: Time required: Entity: Main stakeholders: Core purpose:

National Alumni Coordinator MC VP Partnership Development 10 h/week National MC VP PD, Alumni

NST team management

Main functions -

Creating and implementing National Alumni Engagement Strategy. Manage all communication channels with alumni of AIESE in Ukraine. Collecting and showcasing key alumni stories. Design and execute annual Alumni related activities of the term together with the MC. Development and implementation of Educational Cycle for Local Alumni Coordinators. Management of alumni database. LFP( last Friday party) organization (1 per month)


KPi/MoS -

% of National Alumni Engagement Strategy realization. % of Alumni satisfied with coordination # of Alumni Newsletter published


# of Local Alumni Coordinators # of alumni involved in national projects/ initiatives # of alumni involved in local events

Questions 1. Which do you believe could be the contribution of Alumni in AIESEC in Ukraine? 2. How will you position "alumni" in AIESEC's stakeholder? What is their uniqueness and opportunities to AIESEC? 3. What are the current weaknesses in this functional area? What action steps do you suggest for improving this? 4. What should be the three main priorities for the period of 2018 in the Alumni relations area? Name focuses for alumni engagement. Be specific.

Talent Management

Development Team (2 people) MC VP TM 10 h/week National, international Membership

Deliver education based of Membership needs

Main functions Run Monthly

1. Create & Membership Survey 2. Consolidate & Visualize Data 3. Based on monthly Membership needs create educational content plan 4. Promote educational webinars 5. Execute at least 2 webinars every week

6. Run Evaluation Survey after each webinar 7. Gather LC Development data & consolidate with national data & Create Development report every month 8. Create personal Operational Planning every month


- # of participants on webinars - % Response Rate on - # of educational webinars Membership Survey - % Response rate on Evaluation - # of LCs submit Development Survey data every month

Questions 1. Give your analysis on Learning Model of current youth. 2. How you are going engage more people come to webinars? 3. Choose one topic for education (which you think currently relevant for Membership), create outlines and presentation.

Onboarding Specialist MC VP TM 8 h/week National, international Membership, LCVPs, MC

Guide LCVPs through strong Onboarding process for Membership

Main functions 1. Create National Templates of The First 10 Days & 3 Months Onboarding with external perspectives 2. Create templates for processes included in Onboarding (JD template, Educational plan etc.)

3. Educate VPs on onboarding process 4. Track implementation of Onboarding 5. Gather Data 6. Visualize results & create report 7. Create personal Operational Planning every month


- # of LCs have implemented - % of Data gathered Onboarding processes - % of Reports prepared and - % of Templates created showcased - # of educational touchpoints with LCVPs

Questions 1. Why is it important to have Onboarding for newly recruited TMs and TLs? 2. Make an analysis of Onboarding current state implementation in AIESEC Ukraine 3. Give at least 2 examples from different companies how can we use some Onboarding tips?

Startup Growth

Product Expansion Team (3) MC VP Startup Growth 10 h/week National MC VP SU, Universities

Product expansion in non-AIESEC region

Main functions - Promotional strategy for oGV in non-AIESEC region - Promotional campaigns for Unis in non-AIESEC region creation and execution including physical visits and on-ground promotion

- University relations in nonAIESEC region support - Work with potential EPs - Support EPs in Approving process *Transportation costs will be covered

KPi/MoS - # of campaigns run - # of sign ups from unis in non-AIESEC region

- # of Approved from nonAIESEC region

Questions 1. Analyze the market of non-AIESEC region. Which cities/universities do you see the opportunity to expand oGV to? 2. What are the risks of working with EPs from non-AIESEC region and your solutions to them? 3. Propose your idea of marketing campaign for university in non-AIESEC region.

National Trainers Team: Product Trainer MC VP Startup Growth 10 h/week National MC VP SU, membership of SUs

Growing product in SUs

Main functions - Responsible for delivering and tracking functional knowledge to SU members - Ensuring health of SUs operations - Implementing health indicators for SUs

- Responsible for SUs growth in results - Delivering functional visits to SUs *Transportation costs will be covered

KPi/MoS - # of trainings and visits delivered - # of APP and Re in SUs

- # in health indicator of SUs

Questions 1. Analyze the current results of Startups. What bottlenecks do you see in performance and how can you help SUs to overcome it? 2. Create and agenda of iGV functional visit to SU. 3. How can you help to ensure SUs make at least 15 for the summer peak?

National Trainers Team: HR Trainer MC VP Startup Growth 10 h/week National MC VP SU, SU Heads and SU TLs

Growing product in SUs

Main functions Cycle for SUs - Responsible for delivering - Education and tracking HR management creating knowledge to SU Head and - Ensure HR productivity and membership development in SU TLs - Delivering functional visits to - Culture creation and SU implementation in Startups *Transportation costs will be covered


- # of trainings and visits delivered - # productive members in SUs

- # in health indicator of SUs - # of pipeline for SUs

Questions 1. Analyze the current membership of Startups. What bottlenecks do you see in people management and how can you overcome it? 2. Create and agenda of iGV functional visit to SU. 3. How can you help to ensure SUs make at least 15 for the summer peak?

National Trainers Team: Marketing Trainer MC VP Startup Growth 10 h/week National MC VP SU, membership of SUs

Growing product in SUs

Main functions - Responsible for delivering and tracking marketing knowledge to SU Head and TL - Ensure knowledge and track brand principles in SUs - Facilitate creation of marketing plans in SUs

- Create PR strategies with Startups - Delivering functional visits to Startups *Transportation costs will be covered

KPi/MoS - # of trainings and visits delivered - # of Applicants in SUs

- # events held

Questions 1. Analyze the current marketing performance of Startups. What bottlenecks do you see in performance and how can you overcome it? 2. Create and agenda of functional visit to SU. 3. How do you see the possible marketing strategy for iGV SUs?

Product Expansion Manager oGT MC VP Startup Growth 10 h/week National MC VP SU, non-AIESEC regions EPs

Growing product in SUs

Main functions -Support customers from nonAIESEC region and guiding them from Open to Approve -Create materials for virtual Value Delivery

-Communication strategy with customer from non-AIESEC region creation and execution -Communication with Hosting Entities

KPi/MoS - # of Approved from nonEPs AIESEC region - # materials created - # of Standards delivered for

Questions 1. What are the risks of working with EPs from non-AIESEC region and your solutions to them? 2. How can you optimize and ensure smooth communication with EPs and HEs? 3. How do you see the possible marketing strategy for oGT in non-AIESEC region?

International Relations Manager MC VP iCX 8-10 h/week National LCVPs, Country Partners Increase quality and quantity of supply from Country Partners

Role Description Closely work with MCVP iCX to create our IR segmentation for the next semester and build up and track these partnerships for the improvement of our products.

MoS - 10 Country partners with a supply of 10 to 50 EPs each one. - 5 Country partners with a supply of 100+ EPs each one. - Segmentation of Summer Peak country partners - 80% of summer peak supply comes from country partners - 80% LCs plan realization. - 80+% conversion rate accepted-approved with country partners

International Relations Manager MC VP iCX 8-10 h/week National LCVPs, Country Partners Increase quality and quantity of supply from Country Partners


#new country partners # up scaled country partners #Materials created for commission and partners # Posts in social media # IR calls per month % Supply from country partners per LC # Application from country partners % conversion rate applied accepted with country partners % conversion rate accepted approved with country partners # matching manias or promotions for each country partner % fulfillment of LC2LC partnerships

Questions 1. Analyze the DAAL file (ask MCVP for it) & EXPA statistics, and tell your top 10 choices of potential country partners which Ukraine can work with, justify your answer and set goals for every single one of them for the Summer Peak. 2. Tell 3 actions steps that you would like to implement in order to increase our process speed and improve our conversion rate with our country partners. State the importance of each one of these actions and the effects it could bring.

Host Family Manager MC VP iCX 8-10 h/week National LCVPs, Host Families Expand the Host Family Program in all the entity.

Role Description Closely work with MCVP iCX and MCVP Brand Experience to co-create and implement national strategies and materials in order to improve the contribution of Host Family as an accommodation option for Summer Peak.

MoS - 70% of accommodation covered through host family or non paid options. -Launch, track and coordinate National Host Family Campaign -1000 Host Family Application Forms in Podio -Create and track the implementation of satisfaction surveys for Host Family.

Host Family Manager MC VP iCX 8-10 h/week National LCVPs, Host Families Expand the Host Family Program in all the entity.

KPIs #new host families, non paid accommodation raised % and # re raised host families, non paid accommodation. # Promotion materials created / published # Posts in social media and traditional media # events attended / run for host family % Host Family and non paid accommodation provided per LC # Application Forms % Application Forms attended by LCs # Host Family posts in MC newsletter # Surveys created to measure customers´ satisfaction.

Questions 1. Write down what you think is the value proposition of Host Family Program for both our EPs and the families? 2. What are the principal problems that AIESEC in Ukraine is experiencing to run this program on an effective way? 3. What actions would you perform in order to get 2000 Application Forms in our Podio by the beginning of Summer Peak? 4. How are you intending to track the progress and satisfaction of stakeholders of this program?


Position name: Accountable to: Time required: Entity: Main stakeholders: Core purpose:

Government relations manager MC VP Finance and Legality 8 - 10 h/week National Embassies, Ministries, Grantors

Ensure products’ development with external support

Main functions -

Invitation Letters and Embassy management for the whole entity Support ICX and OGX with government agreements for the whole entity Negotiating with embassies or ministries for supporting with welcome and leaving promo packages Grant management for Summer Peak Provide Government with Reports of our activities


KPi/MoS -

conversion of ppl approved and visa received # of LCs with Government Agreements for OGX and ICX Amount of UAH raised for welcome and leaving promo packages

Amount of UAH raised by Grants # of reports provided to Embassies and Ministries # of Embassies and Ministries with warm relationships

Questions 1. What were the main bottlenecks during Winter Peak? What changes do you want to accomplish in ILs management? 2. How do you consider Embassies and Ministries as stakeholders? What will be a value proposition for them in welcome packages raising? 3. Provide at least 3 Grants on which we could apply as Entity? (with brief description) 4. What kind of initiatives do you see as NST Government Relations? Provide monthly timeline of your main activities.

GV Approving and Quality Manager MC VP OGX 14 h/week National/International LCVPs, Country Partners Increase quality and quantity of GV

Role Description Responsible for maintaining E2E partnership as well as creating the analysis and specific strategies in doing partnership with each country. Work closely with MCVP OGX to guide and make sure all LCs deliver the good quality of product.

MoS - 5 country partners (each) with 40+ secured opportunities for summer peak and 20+ for off peak - 5 country partners (each) with 20+ secured opportunities for summer peak and 10+ for off peak - 80% of EP approved to country partners - 80% of LCs plan realization - 50% of entity growth in approval - Improved process time (all stages) - Improved conversion rate (all stages) - Standards implementation

GV Approving and Quality Manager MC VP OGX 14 h/week National/International LCVPs, Country Partners Increase quality and quantity of GV

KPIs # Strategy for each country partners # Materials created for commission (education) # Materials created for partners (newsletter, etc) # Posts in social media # IR calls per month with each partner % OP search tools updated % Following up EP’s application # OPs secure % Standard tracking tools updated

Questions 1. Explain in general how to scale up the partnership that already established. 2. Make a suggestion for each LC about which country and LC from our current partners (ask MCVP OGX) that they can approach for partnership on spring and summer based on data in EXPA and LC’s current condition (ask MCVP OGX) 3. Explain your strategy and concrete action steps to improve the conversion of accepted – approved and process time.

GT Approving and Quality Manager MC VP OGX 14 h/week National/International LCVPs, Country Partners Increase quality and quantity of GT

Role Description Responsible for establishing and maintaining E2E partnership as well as creating the analysis and specific strategies about partnership in local level. Work closely with MCVP OGX to guide and make sure all LCs deliver the good quality of product.

MoS - 5 country partners (each) with 20+ suitable opportunities (especially ET and MKT) - 60% of EP approved to country partners - 80% of LCs plan realization - 30% of entity growth in approval - Improved process time (all stages) - Improved conversion rate (all stages) - Standards implementation

GT Approving and Quality Manager MC VP OGX 14 h/week National/International LCVPs, Country Partners Increase quality and quantity of GT

KPIs # Specific Strategy for each LC # Materials created for commission (education) # Materials created for partners (newsletter, etc) # Posts in social media # IR calls per month with each partner # IR calls with potential partner % OP search tools updated with suitable OPs % Following up EP’s application % Standard tracking tools updated

Questions 1. Explain your strategies in order to make oGT AIESEC in Ukraine grows. 2. Make an analysis about the potential country partners with suitable OPs that AIESEC in Ukraine can approach (based on EXPA) and how we can break it down to local level. 3. Explain your strategy to improve the conversion rate and process time for oGT (all stages) 4. Explain how micro management should works for oGT.



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