Op Summit. Ukraine. Winter'17

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Delegates registration booklet

Table of content? About OP summit About Ukraine About place of summit Dates Registration Fee Visa

What? Operations Summit for Europe | Winter 2017 is happening, because we want to unite Europe under common operational strategies and grow together, support each other and simply showcase the excellence as one region.

About Ukraine

Ukraine is the largest country in Europe. Ukraine is a country with more than a thousand years of history and traditions that originate in antiquity.

Capital - Kyiv Official Language – Ukrainian Currency – UAH (1 euro = 32 UAH, 1 USD = 26,7 UAH)


Ukraine, Lviv

Lviv is the closest city to the border with Europe, so we suggest you come directly to Lviv

Lviv, Iv. Puliuya Str., 34a

The advantage of the hotel location is a convenient communication with the airport, railway and bus station. By taxi or bus you can get everywhere in our ancient city about 20 minutes.

How to get to venue? From Lviv Danylo Halytskyi International Airport

From Stryiskyi Bus Station, Stryiska St, 109

To Puliuya Str., 34a UBER approximately 60 UAH (2 euro)

From Lviv Railway station From Lviv City Center

To Puliuya Str., 34a UBER approximately 80 UAH (2,8 euro)

UBER approximately 90 UAH (3 euro)

When? Date of the : Thursday 7 of December 11 am : Saturday 9 of December 6pm

How? You can find registration in this link: http://bit.ly/op_summit_ukraine17

DDL for registration is on 24th of November 2017, 23:59.

– 50 euro – 10 euro – 50 euro In this price there is accommodation, 3 warm meals per day.

Info about payment you will receive after registration within 24 hours

What? For more information write to Zoria Kachmar zoriana.kachmar6@aiesec.net If you need the visa to Ukraine, write ASAP to Valeria Kolesnik (lera.kolesnik@aiesec.net) and send what do you need and scans of needed documents.

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