YouthSpeak Forum Team Leader Application Form 2nd round

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Application form for Team Leader

CON TENT 1. Introduc)on 2. About forum 3. Timeline 4. Main responsibili)es 5. Skills needed 6. Developing skills 7. Main KPIs 8. Ques)onnaire 9. Addi)onal info

Dear applicant, We are glad to oďŹƒcially open the applica)on for the Team Leader for our upcoming 3rd YouthSpeak Forum in Ukraine - worldwide premiere event that aims to create a cross-genera)onal and mul)-dimensional plaIorm on which conversa)ons can happen around pressing global issues.

ABOUT FORUM YouthSpeak Forum is a premiere event that brings together both young and senior leaders to form a diverse cross-sector and multigenerational space to create solutions and actions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals relevant in a specific community.

Every YouthSpeak Forum is designed to inspire the delegates through powerful talks done by exceptional keynote speakers. We want to open minds of delegates, to think differently and spark innovative ideas.

Our partner organizations engage with delegates to give new perspectives on SDGs through workshops and idea generation spaces. Youth, businesses and NGOs are able to exchange opinions and learn about existing solutions.

We provide delegates a practical experience of cocreating solutions for SDGs with their peers and experts in the room. We connect resources and networks with the projects to enable a real impact to occur.




Delegates since 2016

Forums since 2016

Partners since 2016

TIME LINE 09/12 Applica)on form DDL 10/12 Team Leader announcement november


23-24/01 or in January TMM in Kyiv


16-17/12 Team members selected




14/04 Realiza)on

MAIN RESPO NSIBILITIES 1. Topic & Theme of the event co-crea)on 2. Team selec)on, management and each TM development 3. Performance tracking 4. Repor)ng to MC 5. TMMs conduc)on 6. Conference delivery 7. Reports publica)on 8. Promo strategy crea)on and implementa)on 9. Raising venue, in-kind, ďŹ nancial, media and info partnership 10 .Budget of the conference management 11. Speaker and delegate servicing

SKILLS NEEDED 1. Eec)ve communica)on 2. Sales 3. Nego)a)on 4. Organiza)onal 5. Flexible thinking 6. Proac)ve learning 7. Crisis management 8. Planning

DEVELOPING SKILLS 1. Strategic thinking 2. Team management 3. Crisis management 4. Event management 5. Nego)a)on

MAIN KPIs # Delegates aXended # Delegates Sa)sfac)on Score # Partners Sa)sfac)on Score # Financial Partnership Raised # Media Partnership Raised # ProďŹ t from the event Raised # In Kind Partnership Raised

QUESTIO NNAIRE 1. How will you personally beneďŹ t from being the team leader of Youth Speak Forum? 2. Give us 3 reasons why you should be selected as the Team Leader? 3. Make SWOT Analysis of AIESEC in Ukraine external events in the past 2 years. 4. What will be your team structure and why? 5. Describe your strengths and weaknesses 6. What are the most important things in event management? 7. Please create a detailed calendar of the main milestones of the conference, star)ng from the day you are selected un)l the day of conference. 8. How will you ensure proper communica)on with your team while working remotely? 9. Describe your experience in event organizing.

ADDITIO NAL INFO Team leader must be in Kyiv 2 week before conference realiza)on. In case you have any ques)ons, please feel free to approach: MC VP BD, Aleksey Medukha. Submit your applica)on form Wll 23:59 (GMT+2) 09.12.2017 to It has to be consisted of 2 PDF ďŹ les: 1. Ques)onare 2. LeXer of mo)va)on References to read: YSF 2017 report NoI 2016 report

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