YouthSpeak Hackathon af 2nd round

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Application form for Team MEMBERS

CONTENT 1. Introduc)on 2. About Hackathon 3. Timeline 4. Posi)ons & ques)ons 5. General ques)ons 6. Skills needed 7. Main KPIs 8. Addi)onal info

Dear applicants, We are glad to oďŹƒcially open the applica)on for the Team Members posi)ons for our new upcoming format of event - YouthSpeak Hackathon.

ABOUT HACKATHON YouthSpeak Hackathon is a two-day event of social projects devoted to the theme of Sustainable Development Goals, which will foster the development of new socially important or innovative applications and services, sites or communication campaigns to improve the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in different sectors in Ukraine.

CONNECT In the event, we create a pla;orm for the genera5on and dissemina5on of ideas among the par5cipants of the Hackathon.



Delegates will have an opportunity to feel the innova5ve atmosphere of the event for crea5ng new solu5ons

projects that will be created by the delegates will decide one of the objec5ves of sustainable development

TIMELINE 11/05 Applica)on form DDL




12-13/05 Team interviews 14/05 Team announcement 19-20/06 TMM in Kyiv


14-15/07 Realiza)on

Delegate manager

Main responsibili5es 2. Online and o-line delegates service arrangement of OC work while conference 3. Gathering feedbacks 4. Internal communica5on with delegates 5. Delegates package crea5ng 6. Promote YSH among AIESECers MoS: 1. fast respond to delegates ques5ons (in SM pages, not longer that 2 hours) 2. crea5ng of delegate booklet (map, agenda, all other needed info) 3. document with all delegates registra5on crea5ng and following up (payments check and conďŹ rma5on) 4. NewsleWers for delegates 5. 20% of delegates from AIESEC (ex. AIESECers, Alumni)

Delegate manager

1. How to make delegates happy? 2. Tell about your experience in TM direc5on and main achievements 3. List items you think delegate package have to consist of 4. What will you write in newsleWer (feel free to create a template) 5. How you ensure aWendance of AIESECers and alumnas 6. Describe content in internal group of delegates 7. On your opinion what a proďŹ le of the par5cipant? 8. Propose system of par5cipant servicing?

Public Rela>ons manager

Main responsibili5es 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Press-releases crea5on Work with media Media plan crea5on and implementa5on Work with TV channels Post releases crea5on Contac5ng NGOs, student organiza5ons Crea5on and implementa5on plan of promo5on in LCs 8. Work with UNIS MoS: 1. 15 media partnerships (TV, press, universi5es pages in social media) 2. At least 3 interview with media 3. 15% of delegates from dierent NGOs

Public Rela>ons manager

1. Name 5 media partners you would like to raise and why? 2. Tell about your experience in PR direc5on and main achievements 3. Propose your system of work with universi5es for promo5on 4. Why YSH is important for other youth organiza5ons? 5. How will you promote YSH through other LCs

Social Media manager

Main responsibili5es 1. 2. 3. 4.

Increase subscribers in VK and FB Content plan for SM pages Managing social pages of Hackathon Strategy of engagement people crea5ng and implementa5on 5. E- mailing on a locals bases and na5onal base 6. Synergy with ER MoS: 1. 300+ AFs 2. Instagram page (1000+ par5cipants) 3. FB page (1000+ par5cipants) 4. 100% of marke5ng campaigns crea5ng and maintenance

Social Media manager

1. The value proposi5on of the Hackathon for delegates 2. Create brief promo-message to pro-mote conference 3. How to make 500+ AFs that will make 150 delegates? 4. Tell about your experience in SMM direc5on and main achievements 5. Add some designs you have made before 6. Name 2 campaigns that will make to promote the conference

Partnership Development manager

Main responsibili5es 1. 2. 3. 4.

Raising in-kind partners Rising ďŹ n partners Servicing partners Synergy with SMM

MoS: 6. 15 in-kind partners (all coee-breaks are covered, all prin5ngs are made and delegate package is completed) 7. 5 ďŹ n partners 8. on-line promo messages for partners crea5ng and publishing 9. + 60% of partners will be reraised on next conference

Partnership Development manager

1. Name 5 ďŹ n partners you would like to raise (sum, what you will sell) 2. Value proposi5on of the conference for partners 3. List all in-kind we will need 4. Tell about your experience in ER direc5on and main achievements

General ques>ons

1. What is your the biggest achievement in AIESEC experience and why? 2. Why are you interested in organizing this conferences? 3. Who can be interested in this event and why? 4. Which results do you expect ajer this event? 5. What can mo5vate you? 6. Which goal do you have for this year? 7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

GENERAL SKILLS NEEDED 1. Effec)ve communica)on 3. Nego)a)on 4. Organiza)onal 5. Flexible thinking 6. Proac)ve learning 7. Crisis management 8. Planning

MAIN KPIs # Delegates aRended # Delegates Sa)sfac)on Score # Partners Sa)sfac)on Score # Financial Partnership Raised # Media Partnership Raised # ProďŹ t from the event Raised # In Kind Partnership Raised


Team Leader of this event will be MC VP elect of Partnership Development in AIESEC for Ukraine; Feel free to design your applica)on as you like; It has to contain 6 general answers and all answers of your 1st priority posi)on; You are applying to YouthSpeak Hackathon team, not for a specific posi)on that is why please write down your 4 priori)es; Team members must be in Kyiv 1 week before event realiza)on.

It has to be consist of 2 PDF files: 1. Ques)onnaire - 6 general answers and all answers of your 1st priority posi)on; 2. LeRer of mo)va)on. Submit your applica)on form >ll 23:59 (GMT+2) 11.05.2017 to In case you have any ques)ons, please feel free to approach: MC VP BD, Aleksey Medukha.

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