AIESEC at UNSRI was first established on September 2, 2012 in Palembang City.
AIESEC members at UNSRI consist of students from Sriwijaya University and Sriwijaya Polytechnic students. In the last 9 years, AIESEC at UNSRI has contributed a lot to the city of Palembang by holding various social projects that benefit the people around the city of Palembang and various interesting events to attract public interest about the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals and the role of youth in realizing them.
Local Committee President
Local Committee Vice President of Finance Governance & Legality
Local Committee Vice President of Talent Management
Local Committee Vice President of External Relations
Local Committee Vice President of Business Development
Local Committee Vice President of Brand & Marketing
Local Committee Vice President of Engagement with AIESEC
Local Committee Vice President of Incoming Exchange
Local Committee Vice President of Outgoing Exchange
How do you feel? I hope all of you reading this in a very good condition.
It's already December, lot's of things going on and been through, Musi. I am so proud that we still holding on together until now.
AIESEC in Unsri cannot made this far without all of you and also so many helping hands from partners that support our operations from day to day. May we always stay connected to spread good impacts!
CFT or Cross-Functional Training is a space for Aiesec's newie to gain knowledge for practical experiences in all functionas in AIESEC in UNSRI. This training included in the probation checklist.
Sriwijaya Youth Conferencw 13.0 is already done with bunch of precious moments and insightfull knowledge.
“To deny people their human rights is to challenge their “To deny people their human rights is to challenge their “To deny people human rights is to very humanity.” very humanity.” very humanity.”
- Nelson Mandela - Nelson Mandela - Nelson Mandela
December 10th, 2022