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Executive B

“Bringing the

Board 2018

e New Glory”


Local Committee Vice President of Brand and Information Management AIESEC in UNSRI 2018

Hey there Musi Family! How's life? I know it might sound clichĂŠ, but I would love to know that all of you are doing fine. Have you ever imagine if AIESEC is a game, what kind of boss you will face? What kind of challenges you will get in the highest level? For me, it is facing myself, my egoistic self. All of the challenges most likely the same but it gets stronger and stronger as I reach higher level. Unfortunately, AIESEC isn't a game. We can't do reset or pause and we need to keep moving and facing all the challenges again and again. But, the part of us facing those challenges and facing our own self is true. We already work together as Musi Family for almost 8 month. I believe you've been through a lot and maybe some of you lost your connection with AIESEC. All I want to say is thank you. Thank you for being part of Musi, and giving all the best you can or even sacrifice yourself. Since there's only 4 month left for our term, I hope you can recover your energy and get ready to create a good legacy for whoever will continue your fight next term. We can't stop, or restart all the things we've done, but we can reach as far as we can, save it and pass it to the next fighter.

Pref Musi U Hey AI Recog Opportunit What’s

face Update IESEC gnition ties Offered s Next?


EP Returnee

On 11 of September, a Welc Volunteer have done in Lord Ca welcomed 7 Exchange Partici Indonesia, they are (from left to Nia Rimadhona, Widhah Raihan Nursiah Hasri, Tiara Sofia Helin The Exchange Participants are during their volunteer times, get have so much fun in the Welcom

coming Party of Outgoing Global afe. AIESEC in UNSRI's member ipants who just got back to right) Ade Nabilah Vania Utami, nah, M. Sagra Alkautsar, Shania na Sitompul, and Nabila Lintang. e sharing about their journey t acquainted with AIESECer, and ing Party.


Team Leader Booth Camp was held on 15 of October. This event’s purpose was to gather all team leader of AIESEC in UNSRI and talked about their current conditions, acknowledged their problems and solve them together, talked about the term 2 and what we will face in the future. This Team Leader Booth Camp also happened to help team leader gain back their AIESEC's motivation.

Info Session was held on 29 of September. The applicants of #JoinAIESEC attended this session to know more about AIESEC, and the session was delivered by the Executive Board 2018 of AIESEC in UNSRI.

On 30 of September, Focus Group Discussion happened with the new spirit of the applicants! In FGD, the applicants got 2 cases that they have to looking for the solutions together and solve it. They already gave their best in the FGD, so let’s hope they will get the best results!


BONDING X Woohoo! One of the most waited event has done! This was the last bonding for this term and what made it special was because it happened together with the 6th anniversary of AIESEC in UNSRI! Happy birthday to us!

for winning the games!

Once again,

AIESEC in UNSRI! We wish our LC have a great term in the remaining time and achieve our goal.


Outgoing Global Volunteer AIESEC in UNSRI term 2018

Outgoing Global Volunteer (OGV) is a department in AIESEC in UNSRI that responsible for handling people who want to go volunteering abroad from Indonesia to other developing countries.

Functionals in OGV are: International Relation

Maintain communication between AIESEC home and AIESEC host, handle local committee to local committee partnership and make sure host entity fulfilled the exchange standard.

Quality and Experience

Handle the Exchange Participants’ documents before and after they going abroad.

Physical Marketing

Attrack people to join Global Volunteer, doing class visits, open booth, promotion in physical and induction.

For the ups, they get 10 Exchange Participants approved in this summer and the have a strong bond for members in the department. They also had their downs, one of them is human resources crisis at the beginning of the term, so it's only the Local Committee Vice President (LCVP) and managers had work hard, and neither of the members was Outgoing Global Volunteer (OGV) from the previous term, so they needed to start over.


Let’s hear a lil story from

Our Talent Acquisition Team Leader of Talent Management Department

Keputusanku untuk gabung AIESEC in UNSRI dan menjadi newie batch 7 merupakan hasil keputusan yang aku buat tanpa ngikutin temen. Saat itu, aku sadar kalo untuk pertama kalinya aku melangkah keluar dari zona nyamanku selama ini, hal yang bagiku adalah sebuah tantangan tersendiri, sekaligus merupakan hal yang baru aku alami. Aku beruntung, karena dari sekian ragam organisasi yang ada di kampus, aku milih AIESEC sebagai tempat untuk mengubah pribadi sekaligus menyalurkan passion-ku. Sampai sekarang, aku nggak nyesel udah berkecimpung dan menghabiskan waktu, tenaga dan pikiranku di AIESEC. Waktu awal apply di AEISEC, aku nggak elect karena kesalahan aku sendiri yang masih banyak kurang dalam hal tertentu. Dari sini, aku belajar mengenai kegagalan lainnya, aku coba di kesempatan lain dengan persiapan lebih baik lagi, dan akhirnya aku dapet role pertama sebagai OC Emlog x-Fair. Menurutku ini adalah role pertama dan tim pertama yang berkesan! Kita masih bertahan sampai sekarang. Walaupun nggak seintens dulu untuk sering ngumpul dan bahas banyak hal, tapi aku akui mereka adalah keluarga pertamaku di AIESEC. Aku belajar dan dapet banyak pengalaman baru bareng mereka. Mereka dan role tersebut adalah titik awalku untuk akhirnya lanjut ke perjalanan lainnya.

Setelah coaching dan minta saran dengan beberapa orang, aku apply sebagai Talent Capacity Staff 17/18 dan elect!. Di sini, aku mendapatkan tim baru, keluarga baru dan pengalaman yang berbeda dari sebelumnya. Selama satu term itu juga aku ngalamin rasa capek yang beda ketika bekerja dalam project, tapi aku bersyukur karena aku punya tim yang luar biasa! Energi positif yang aku rasakan selama jadi staff secara nggak langsung bikin aku ingin memberikan “rasa� akan pengalaman yang aku alami. Akupun sadar kalo disini aku belajar untuk bukan sekedar memikirkan diri sendiri, tapi juga memikirkan dan mementingkan orang lain. Jujur, sebelum aku memutuskan untuk lanjut sebagai Talent Acquisition Team Leader, aku sempat ragu sekaligus takut kalau harapanku nggak tercapai. Lagi-lagi aku kembali merasa kalau aku bukan orang yang tepat untuk berada di posisi itu. Sampai akhirnya support system-ku di AIESEC ngasih semangat dan ngeyakinin aku kalau aku pasti bisa, dan setelah memantapkan diri, akhirnya, disinilah aku sekarang, jadi active member 2018! Setiap pilihan dan keputusan yang aku ambil merupakan kesulitan tersendiri, tapi seenggaknya disinilah aku bisa learning by doing hal yang sebelumnya cuma aku pelajari di kelas.

Menurutku, AIESEC adalah paket komplit dari apa yang dibutuhkan oleh mahasiswa, masyarakat, bahkan dunia saat ini. AIESEC bukan hanya sekedar organisasi, tapi lebih dari itu. AIESEC adalah tempat yang tepat untuk para agen perubahan di masa yang akan datang. Selain AIESEC memberikan banyak peluang dan kesempatan bagi aku, aku juga berterima kasih sama diri aku sendiri yang sampai saat ini masih teguh pada pendirian dan tujuan awal yang jadi alasan aku masih bertahan disini. Kalian sebagai member of AIESEC, khususnya AIESEC in UNSRI juga harus berterima kasih sama diri kalian sendiri, karena aku percaya bahwa manfaat, kelebihan maupun perubahan yang kalian rasakan saat ini dimulai dari adanya niat dan tekad yang kuat dari diri kalian masing-masing.



IR & Matching Team Leader of OGTE Department

Team Experience Staff of TM Department

Congratulations for elected OCs of

Novita Selly as OC EC Suci Rahmadhania as OC Marcomm Hera Ratnaningrum as OC Emlog Muhammad Wafi as OC ER M. Sagra Alkautsar as OC ER


It seems hard to hold on right? But believe me, your problems will turn into a good story after everything you’ve been through. Good luck for the rest of the term, fellas!

Tough times don’t last, but tough people do. Remember that.


We need a new LCP for our next term!

The biggest risk is when you don’t take any risk in your life.

The man who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare.

What’s next?



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