AIESEC WAT PNHOM - LCVP Application (3rd Round)

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• Message from LCPs • LCEB 2016 Structure • LCEB Profile • Application Process • Application Checklist & Guideline • Questionnaire • Contact

Dear brave leaders, Thank you so much for reading this booklet, which mean that you are interested in applying for LCVP already. I believe that you have this sparkle feeling inside yourself that is ready to be ignited. Being LCEB, it’s not only about self-development, but also LC/entity’s development. I’m really excited to announce you this crazy opportunity that will make your grow more as a leader that Cambodia needs with our platform. Throughout this role, you will realize & capitalize your strengths, and overcome your area of improvement more. No matter what happen, I hope you enjoy the process, and see you soon.

Chantharith Kong LCP elect 2016 AIESEC WP

Sien Heng

LCP current 2015 AIESEC WP

Congratulation ! You are now one step closer by just downloading this application, a thousand mile begins with single step, so way to go ! LCEB role is a tough experience, but it is really a fruitful experience one for your journey of life. I can guarantee that you will love this experience. Let be one of the captains for term 2016 of AIESEC Wat Phnom ! Just Drop every fear, and Take everything! Sometime it is just Now or Never! I’m ready to have you one to join this team and make the miracle for this LC happens! Let’s fight together for Term 16 !!! Yeah AIESEC Wat Phnom, we can do it ! Forget everything and Face this new experience ! Only you that will find this answer !

**Full Membership Status - The AIESEC Way - AIESEC 2020 - AIESEC’s Impact Model - AIESEC Experience and Programmes - AIESEC in Cambodia Compendium

- Country Reality - Local Committee Realities

- National Transition Conference

(November/December 2015) - National Congress 2015 (December 2015) - National Leadership Development Conference (April 2016) -Any major events…etc.

LCEB starts term on 1st January 2016 to 31st December 2016 (one year).

3rd November 2015 Release of Application

13th November 2015 Deadline of Application @ 11:59PM

15th November 2015 Election & Interview Election & Interview After submitting the valid application, the applicants are required to sit in Election to gain confidential vote from members of AIESEC Wat Phnom. If they pass the confidential vote, they will be proceed to Interview, which is the last stage, to ensure their knowledge and for the selection committee to know them more personally and professionally. P.S Election is expected to happen in the morning, and interview in the afternoon.

Questionnaire (max. 12 pages) Blank Paper (1 page in any format) CV (max. 2 pages) Video (max. 3 minutes) Personality Test Endorsement Letter (min. 2 letters) •

All the files should be submitted in one zip file before the deadline, under the name: LCVP’position2016_Firstname.Lastname. Example, TM2016_Chantharith.Kong (also subject of the email)

The application is to be submitted to LCPc at, LCPe at, and LC Coach at

Application must be submitted before the deadline, no reason/apology shall be accepted

Candidates should send an application package in zip format containing the following documents in pdf: 1.

Questionnaire - answer all the questions from Section A to Section D in no more than 12 pages.


Blank Paper - Illustrate "Relevance of AIESEC for Cambodia" ( Impact Model ) in any format (one page only).


CV - CV listing major qualifications and experience of the candidate (no longer than 2 pages).


Video - A short video clip, no more than 5 minutes answer to questions: 1. Who are you ?, 2 Why you are running for LCVP ? 3. What kind of Leader you are ? How does it fit to the role that you

apply ? (Put it in public mode). 5.

Endorsement Letter - 2 endorsement letters at min & 5 at max. 1 endorsement must be from Team Leader/VP you work with, 1 endorsement must be from Teammate or team members.


Personality Test - download the test here:, do it on excel file & save it in the application simply.

A Personal Experience Name Nationality Date of Birth Place of Birth Home Address

Mobile Number Email Address Skype ID Emergency Contact University 1 Name Year & Major University 2 Name Year & Major

Current position in AIESEC

Put your photo here!

B AIESEC Experience 1. What are your 3 most powerful experiences inside and outside AIESEC? Position

Time/Date held

Key Achievement

2. Please list the main conferences in AIESEC you have attended so far. Conference Name


Key Learnings

3. What are the 3 areas/skills you have the most experience in?


Key Results

C Personal Motivation 1.

Why have you decided to run for LCEB? What do you wish to contribute?


What are the main THREE areas/skills that you have most experienced in?


What does LEADERSHIP means to you? Describe your leadership that you think you are holding base on most recent team experiences.


How do you foresee the role as EB for the term 2016? How will it be difference from current team?


What are your key strengths & key improvements as a Leader?


In case you get selected as LCEB, what will be your next step after term 2016? (next role in AIESEC)

**For Section D, only answer the question from function you are applying for.

D Functional Question 1.

What are the relevancy of Global Leader to: 1) EP, 2) Cambodia, 3) the World?


Propose the team structure of OGX department that you would like to implement next term and describe the role of each members.


Make a SWOT analysis of OGX department in AIESEC WP


Identify at least THREE challenge that OGX department face in growing its operation of GCDP, and propose at least THREE action steps with comprehensive explanation to overcome each challenge.


How do you ensure that all the raised EPs will be able to be matched?


Do you have any plan to work on oGIP? If yes, please explain.


Describe THREE action steps to be taken in kick starting GCDP operation at universities under our market such as RULE, NUM, UP, PPIU, Raffles, WU, CUS.


As a matter of fact, the members of OGX easily lose motivation & lack of clarify, how would you cope up with that?

D Functional Question 1.

Propose the team structure of MKT department that you would like to implement next term and describe the role of each members.


Analyze the current situation of MKT in our LC and propose THREE new strategies/initiatives that you would like to implement during your term?


Describe the current relations with universities under LC WP's market territory, and what are the obstacle?


Considering the current realities of our LC, what strategies can be

used to achieve following: 250 applications for GCDP per recruitment , 6000 Fans on Facebook? 5.

What are the strategies/initiatives to positioning our LC well in our universities base such as RULE, NUM, UP, PPIU, WU, CUS and Raffles. Please explain in details


Since GIP is not yet well aware, what will be your strategies to promote this programme effectively?


Due to reality that there're lots of scholarships and organization which give opportunities to go exchange for free, how do you ensure that you able to make applicants choose AIESEC ?


How to ensure that the promotion (campus promotion, booth

promotion in event) is effects? Clarification: to make application come with right expectation.

Against change of fortune, set a brave heart!!

Joanna Chodorska •LC Coach/MCVP iGCDP •

Sien Heng

Sokly Kim (Will Lee)

•LCP current •


Chantharith Kong

Monica Rith

•LCP elect / LCVP TM •


Puyhoung Loch

Sary Koy


•LCVP Finance •

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