Scholarship at Aiglon

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Scholarship at Aiglon



Aiglon's Guiding Principles outline our vision to develop young people who will make the world a better place.

In partnership with our donors, Aiglon works to support talented and deserving students who otherwise could not afford the cost of an Aiglon education. The balanced development of mind, body and spirit is the foundation of an Aiglon education. We offer students who cannot afford the cost of our school funding through a combination of: reinvesting operating expenditure, endowment and annual giving funds, and private sponsorship. 1.

Scholarship overview


Who are we looking for?


Aiglon’s approach to scholarship


What is included in a full scholarship


Scholarship conditions


Supporting our scholars


Application process and timeline


Advice from previous scholars


Scholarship after Aiglon: applying to university


1. Scholarship overview Aiglon offers a small number of full scholarships annually. These are reserved for families who cannot afford any costs associated with an Aiglon education. Scholarships are merit-based awards offered to deserving students who have a proven track record of high academic achievement, involvement in a range of extracurricular activities and a commitment to self-improvement and challenge. A scholarship is awarded for a student of high potential who has also shown particular aptitude in at least one of the following areas: sports and outdoor challenge, creative and performing arts, good citizenship and service. Candidates need to demonstrate high aptitude through Aiglon’s admissions process, testing arrangements and interview. In the first instance, a student's academic reports are reviewed to determine their scholarship eligibility. Only candidates meeting the academic standards for our scholarship programme will proceed to the testing and interview stage. Some candidates may be invited to test prior to the interview phase. Scholarship recipients will then be selected after a thorough review of the complete application file and supporting documentation. Scholarships will remain with the student through graduation, pending annual achievement reviews.



2. Who are we looking for?


Proven track record of high academic achievement

Applicants need to achieve competitive academic results that indicate a passion for learning and a personal determination to apply the required effort to succeed powerfully and purposefully. Aiglon looks to support all scholarship students in obtaining scholarships in higher education and a strong level of academic achievement is required to achieve these further scholarships. Scholars are expected to have an excellent standard of written and spoken English.


Passionate involvement in a range of extracurricular activities

Applicants should embrace the opportunities Aiglon offers outside of the classroom and believe that it is important to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. Students should show both a willingness to challenge themselves in a new setting but also show evidence of taking up a range of activities in their current setting.


Open commitment to selfimprovement and challenge

Applicants should demonstrate a positive attitude and be eager to develop and reflect upon themselves, their purpose and the world. This should be exemplified by a commitment to service, an appreciation of diversity, an ability to respect others and their cultures, and by taking responsibility for themselves and the world around them.


3. Aiglon’s approach to scholarship à Scholarship is overseen by the Scholarship Committee. This committee comprises the School Director, CFO/COO, Deputy School Director, Director of Philanthropy and Community Engagement, Director of University Advising and a representative from the Admissions Office. A former Aiglon scholar is also invited to join the Scholarship Committee on an annual basis. This committee reviews scholarship applications in terms of quality and suitability of applicants. à Financial decisions and budgetary management is overseen by the CFO/COO. Any means-tested information is strictly confidential and is managed by the CFO/COO. All personal details pertaining to the financial situation of a family are also confidential. The need for financial support is not a consideration when determining a student’s eligibility for admissions. à Aiglon recognises the importance of having a diverse student body and each year the committee will review the balance of scholars in the school. Aiglon places a high value on the inclusion of scholarship students and offering opportunities to those who are deserving or come from situations where they have faced considerable challenges. à The Board may also set scholarship targets. These targets may be based on age, nationality, skill or any other appropriate criteria. à Aiglon aspires to have at least 50% of the cost of a student’s scholarship funded by a third party. Where this is not possible, the school will cover the costs relating to the admission and on-going education of its scholars. à Priority will normally be given to scholarship applicants arriving in Year 11 or Year 12. However if suitably qualified applicants in the younger year groups are identified then they will also be considered subject to available funding. à As well as admitting scholars through direct application, the school develops relationships with charities and organisations able to identify suitable candidates, as a way of attracting suitably talented students.



à The school recognises that scholarship students will often have particular needs in relation to integration within its community. The Deputy School Director, supported by the Scholarship Committee, will ensure that structured support mechanisms are in place to enable scholars to arrive and smoothly integrate into the school. à The scholar’s houseparent will be responsible for the majority of support for the student and will help them in developing independence and responsibility through planning their travel arrangements in good time, encouraging budgeting and financial management and providing emotional and wellbeing support throughout their time at Aiglon. à All scholars will also receive extensive assistance from the University Advising Department, outlined below, to ensure that they are well prepared in their next steps following graduation from Aiglon.




4. What is included in a scholarship?

A scholarship award includes tution fees, plus the extra costs allowing scholars to engage fully in Aiglon life. This includes: – Class tuition and International Baccalaureate (IB) fees – Boarding accomodation and all meals – Wellbeing and tutoring programmes – Physical education, activities, including trips to sporting events and matches – Expedition and cultural long experience programmes – Residence tax (taxe de séjour) and permits – Loan of textbooks and other materials for class – Laundry (not dry cleaning) – Ski pass, winter equipment, ski locker – On-site healthcare, travel insurance for trips and excursions – Planned weekend social trips and academic trips – Public examination fees, invigilation costs and support with university applications – Yearbook – Bedding, storage bags and other house equipment – University applications and associated expenses


ADDITIONAL EXPENDITURE ALLOWANCE In addition to the included fees there is an extra expenditure amount shared with the houseparent and scholar upon arrival. This is allotted to each scholar to cover additional costs. With assistance from their houseparent, this money is carefully managed and budgeted by the scholar, and is designed to cover the following:

Personal allowance:

Students are able to withdraw an allocated personal allowance from their houses to cover personal expenses, shopping, toiletries and food, etc. The expectation is that this money is managed and saved for purchases. In addition, when students are looking at attending trips, they will need to plan using this allowance.

Travel and transport:

Covers transfers, flights and trains to and from Aiglon at the beginning and end of terms. Students are expected to be proactive in their planning and, with their houseparent, contact the travel secretary to book their travel, using public transport wherever possible. This allowance cannot be used for personal travel or transport during the holiday period. This also covers additional, unexpected travel.

Educational trips and visits:

Included within the school fees are a range of experiences. However, scholarship students are able to attend one additional educational trip or visit per year outside of Switzerland if it is important to their study and if they are in good financial standing.

Expedition costs:

All expedition costs are covered by the school and scholarship students are expected to work towards achieving a Bouqetin each term.



Medical Expenses:

Aiglon arranges medical insurance for the student, but visits to the dentist, the optician and expenses in excess of insurance coverage will be drawn from the additional expenditure amount.

Uniform and school equipment:

Aiglon provides students with a range of second hand and new uniform items, as well as the equipment required for their time at the school (e.g. hats, gloves, goggles, stationery etc). These items are arranged through the school and are deducted from this allowance.


Scholarship students are given a laptop and lent a phone, if required, to allow them to access their learning at Aiglon. These items are provided by the ICT Department and are deducted from this allowance. However, the laptop is then owned by the student upon leaving the school.

Ski rental and winter costs:

Rental of skis, boots and poles is covered up to the allocated amount.

Private Lessons:

Students who wish to access additional lessons (e.g. academic, sport, music, learning support) will be supported in doing so, but this will be partially deducted from the additional expenditure allowance.

Non-mainstream IB languages:

Aiglon offers a range of languages that are included within the tuition fees. However, specialised, additional languages incur a fee.


SERVICE TRIPS An amount of funding is allocated for scholarship students to participate in one additional Aiglon service trip that runs partially during the school holidays. These trips provide service and volunteer opportunities to a range of international communities outside Switzerland. This amount is pooled into a central fund distributed at the discretion of the Deputy School Director. Each scholarship student is invited to apply for a single service trip during their time at Aiglon and, if successful, the school will cover up to CHF 5,000 towards the expense of the trip. Any further costs above this amount are deducted from the allowance. It is important that scholarship students understand that any unspent money goes back into the scholarship fund to help future students. Scholars are expected to be prudent in their approach and use this money carefully and wisely.



5. Scholarship Conditions 1. Each application is considered on an individual basis by the Scholarship Committee. 2. In order for a scholarship award to be renewed any outstanding invoices from costs not covered by the award must be paid in full by the indicated due date. 3. Once students join Aiglon, funding for the scholarship will be continued on the understanding that the following criteria are met: – Maintaining a high academic average and effort ratings of ‘Exceeding’ and ‘Meeting’ expectations in all subjects. Being awarded a ‘below’ expectations grade will lead to an intervention. If it constituted a pattern, it could bring the scholarship award into question. – Dedication to the pursuit of excellence. – Commitment to, and demonstration of, the school’s Guiding Principles. – Demonstrated appreciation of the opportunity to be part of the Aiglon community through positive involvement in all areas of school life.


6. Supporting our Scholars

Arriving in a new school, in a new country, and meeting people from a range of different backgrounds can be a challenging experience and making students feel welcome is Aiglon's priority While a student's status as a scholar is likely to be known by their peers and their community in time, this is not something Aiglon looks to promote or publicise by labelling these students upon arrival. Instead scholars are welcomed to the community in the same way as all other students and how they choose to communicate their circumstances to those around them is their decision. Aiglon believes scholarship students should be proud that they have earned their opportunity to attend the school, and develop into ambassadors for the scholarship programme.

SCHOLARSHIP SUPPORT NETWORK Buddy support Prior to arrival all scholars will be connected with a support ‘buddy’ who is a current scholarship student at Aiglon and able to ease the new student’s transition, help them in planning for their move in advance and act as a support when they arrive. Welcome meetings Upon arrival there will be the first of a series of integration events and meetings with the Deputy School Director both individually and as a wider group of scholarship students. A series of events and meals will also be arranged throughout the school year to allow students to gather among their fellow scholars; those who offer key support for arriving in a new school. Mentorship Aiglon will also endeavour to create an opportunity for an external mentor for each scholar. This will be Aiglon alumni, often former scholars themselves, who can act as an experienced guide and advisor. Members of our wider alumni community volunteer to provide this support.



Houseparent support Houseparents provide individualised support for all students, but will meet regularly with our scholarship students. Houseparents will offer ongoing support to help scholars plan and manage their finances as well as help in a range of other areas. Tutor and wellbeing support All students have an academic tutor, who meets with them individually each week to help guide them through their time at Aiglon and coach them through any challenges they may face. Aiglon also has an extensive wellbeing team including counsellors, health professionals, mental health leads and the safeguarding team who can arrange support as required. In addition, staff members maintain connections with the wider community surrounding scholars and continue to support them throughout their time at Aiglon and maintain links with their home communities. University Advisor support Scholars will meet with their assigned advisor early and regularly to help them through all of their university applications. Securing a future destination for our scholars is a priority for the school. Each student has an assigned advisor, dedicated to supporting them through the application process. The school travel secretary Our school travel secretary is on hand to support scholars with the often complicated logistics surrounding travel, permits and visas.


7. Application process and timeline

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STAGE ONE: APPLICATION Scholarship applicants may apply directly to the school through the admissions portal or be a shortlisted student by our partner schools/organisations. Applicants need to provide the last two years of their school reports and a letter of motivation to be reviewed. Successful applicants will be invited to stage two of the application process. In addition, a ‘family financial assistance questionnaire’ and associated proof of identification are also required. STAGE TWO: INITIAL INTERVIEW Selected students will then have an initial interview of 15-20 minutes with a member of the Scholarship Committee. Where possible this will be an in-person interview but often it will be online. The interview is an opportunity for the applicant to show passion for the scholarship award, outline their achievements and attributes, show their language and thinking skills and ask any questions they may have. For in-person interviews, when appropriate, students may be asked to engage in ‘non-interview’ interactions (e.g. participate in part of our expeditions programme) to encourage students to be themselves in a more relaxed environment. STAGE THREE: ADMISSIONS Students selected to move to the next stage will take the school’s admission and entrance exams in line with the admissions process expected of all students. Applicants must then submit a recommendation from their current school.



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STAGE FOUR: FINAL INTERVIEW The Scholarship Committee will convene a final interview for the successful candidates and will then make their decision recommendations regarding the quality and suitability of the applicants. The final decision on the award of the scholarship will be taken by the School Director and the CFO/COO. STAGE FIVE: DECISION AND COMMUNICATION Applicants will be contacted and informed of the decision. The school will endeavour to put the new scholar in touch with a current scholar to aid their transition as well as make an early house assignment. This will help the houseparent to build a rapport and assist in arrival. Each scholar will also have meetings with the Deputy School Director to prepare academic options and be supported with any other arrangements. Scholars will also be introduced to the school travel secretary who provides invaluable support in travel arrangements.

Scholarship places are considered via a structured process and an approximate timeline that coincides with the re-enrolment deadline for the school's students.

Deadline for initial applications, including school reports and letter of motivation, to be submitted via admissions portal. All applications are reviewed prior to shortlisting. Some partner organisations will complete applications in advance of this deadline, but applications received after this date will not be considered: Early December Deadline for shortlisted applicants to complete a full application via the admissions portal: Early January Initial interviews for shortlisted applicants: August-January Deadline for admissions testing: Early February Final scholarship interview day: Mid-February Communication of final decision: Early March




APPLICATION PRACTICALITIES Applicants will be required to fill out an application form via the admissions portal that includes: – Name – Birth details, nationality and citizenship – Language details – Parent and guardian details – Education history – Disclosure information regarding health conditions, disability and learning difficulties Applicants will be required to write a letter of motivation. Some tips for this letter include: – Be bold, exciting and catch our eye. Why are you the right person for us to interview? – Show you have done your research about why Aiglon is the right place for you. – Outline your achievements beyond just your academic success. Why do you stand out from the crowd and give examples of when you have gone beyond your normal curriculum. – Outline your passions, interests and skills in the co-curricular areas of school including sports, hobbies, passions and achievements. – Outline your character. Show us who would be joining us by providing real examples of your accomplishments and your character.


8. Advice from previous scholars: making the most of your opportunity

Take charge, and build your Aiglon career and identity!

Aiglon, our school, holds a unique position in the world. Here, you can apply to be a prefect, conquer essays, scale mountains, shop in Lausanne, and enjoy time with friends—all in a single weekend. Time at Aiglon may seem endless, but it moves swiftly, and before you know it, your first year will be complete. Don't be fooled by our modest size or humble town, as Aiglon brims with opportunities and a diverse community spanning the globe. While the school can be intense, it prioritizes your wellbeing

and holistic development. Engage with your surroundings, communicate with mentors, houseparents, and friends. A balanced Aiglon student contributes more effectively. Take breaks and care for yourself. What we do here is exceptional, but it will become ordinary. Embrace the school's principles and seize every opportunity. These years will be the best, as they have been for me. Rakan SHUNNAR Palestinian I Alpina House

Always take advantage of each opportunity but be yourself.

Aiglon offers a wide array of opportunities to enrich your student experience and future career. My advice is to embrace every chance available, whether in sports, community service, or academics. Don't hesitate to voice your concerns or dislikes; you can always switch subjects. Challenge yourself, but be mindful not to overextend.

I, too, struggle with feelings of failure. However, be kind to yourself and trust that you were selected not just for your academic ability, but also for your unique perspective. Everyone feels uncertain, so don't let anyone intimidate you. Be authentic, and you'll find acceptance from those who appreciate you. Manisha SINGH Nepal I Clairmont House

Always be true to yourself—avoid comparing your academic performance to others and accept that setbacks happen.



Ask what to pack and bring spices from home!

Each boarding house at Aiglon has a spacious kitchen where students are permitted to cook. During your initial week, month, or even term(s), it's natural to experience bouts of homesickness. To combat this, my top recommendation is to engage in cooking! Alternatively, indulging in snacks from home can also help. There's something comforting about preparing a favorite childhood meal when you're feeling homesick, and it's even better when shared with friends. Don't forget to bring along some spices!

Regarding the packing list, I made the mistake of not reaching out to Aiglon students for guidance and ended up overpacking. It's crucial to avoid this error. Many items, especially if you are a scholar, may not be necessary as they are available at the second-hand store on campus. Personally, I brought items like pillows and a tracksuit set, but never actually used them since I obtained them from the second-hand store. They merely occupied space in my suitcase when I returned home. Masa ALI Palestinian I Le Trient House

Build a community, share your culture and learn about others. And bring warm clothes!

Prepare yourself to become a cherished member of an extraordinary new family at Aiglon. This institution will transcend being just a school; it will envelop you in a tight-knit community, a true family. The people you meet here will join you in celebrating holidays and milestones, offering unwavering support whenever you need it. This sense of belonging extends not only among students but also to the dedicated staff. You will notice a distinctive student-teacher dynamic that sets Aiglon apart from your previous school, and you will undoubtedly relish the experience.


Additionally, it's important to pack extra warm clothing. This may seem unexpected, but it's crucial to be prepared for the temperatures you might encounter on our stunning, high-elevation campus. Our winters can be harsh, so bringing a sturdy pair of snow boots is essential for navigating the snowy and wet conditions between buildings. It may pose challenges, but it's also an opportunity for plenty of enjoyable moments! Kamran KARIC Bosnian I Alpina House

9. Scholarship after Aiglon: applying to university After graduating from Aiglon, it is important to understand that limited funding is available for higherlevel education. Scholars need to work closely with the University Advising Department to discuss options for study around the world. FINDING MONEY FOR UNIVERSITY There is usually a separate application process for financial aid, and sometimes there are additional essays required for scholarships. Students will be asked to complete several required documents or electronic applications by published deadlines. Families are expected to declare monthly expenses (which should be calculated in advance), show proof of income, and provide details regarding bank accounts and assets (if applicable). Sources of income are requested in addition to annual expenses such as rent, utilities, medical or educational expenses, and more. You also have the opportunity to explain extenuating circumstances that may have significantly affected your financial situation. Each university will calculate the amount they think a family should be able to contribute towards a university education; this is called the EFC- Expected Family Contribution (here is a link to calculate your EFC). The Financial Aid decision (“award letter”) sent alongside an acceptance letter will detail the following options:


Low-interest Loans:


offered directly by the university and you are not required to pay them back.

offered through the university, but you must pay them back.

this is the ability for the student to work on campus and earn money towards personal expenses, books, and more.



CHOOSING WHERE TO APPLY It is extremely important that you create a balanced university list to include a wide variety of schools ranging in admission selectivity, location, size, and programme offerings. The optimal goal is for you to have at least one or two university choices that fall within an appropriate cost of attendance for your family. Securing a complete financial aid/scholarship package to include tuition, room and board (food and lodging) and other associated student fees such as health insurance, books, and airfare, is rare and highly competitive. Specific programmes to consider: – US universities/colleges: several have full funding available for international students, but it is still a competitive process. Applying through Early Decision (ED1 or 2) will be encouraged. – European universities will have lower tuition compared to the US, but that price often does not include room and board, nor can they offer significant scholarships. – Consider applying for scholarships within your own country through government or private options. – Countries offering reduced or free tuition programs: Germany and the Netherlands.


RESOURCES Funding for university studies can come from several different sources. The largest amount is likely to come from the university itself. However, if more funding is needed, then a family can: – seek personal loans through a local bank – search for grants/scholarships from home government – research online for scholarships applicable to the applicant (based on gender, talents, citizenship, standardized test scores, or subject area of interest for university studies)

OTHER APPLICATION COSTS There are many costs linked to the university application process and the University Advising Department will offer details on an individual basis. Here are some things to keep in mind: – Application fees – SAT registration and score submission – CSS Profile submission (financial aid application for some US universities) – Other admission testing – University interviews and possible visits – English proficiency testing – Visa costs and embassy visits



from previous Aiglon scholars à

Efficiency and organisation is key during this process. It is like taking a completely new IB subject for Year 13 autumn term. Ensure you are aware of all deadlines and you manage your time wisely.


Start researching early!


Take note of the differences between universities because your preferences may change over time.


Remember that there is a large applicant pool, so market yourself aggressively. Listen to your University Advisor’s advice!


Apply with an open mind and ensure you have sufficient backups (including financial aid backup options).



Sample Scholarship Agreement

Scholarship Agreement A.


It is my pleasure to confirm to you that the Scholarship Committee has awarded Preferred name a scholarship for the 2023-24 academic year. Scholarships are awarded to deserving students based on the following criteria: – – – –

Commitment to the pursuit of excellence Positive contribution to school life Commitment to Aiglon’s guiding principles Demonstrated appreciation of the opportunity to be part of the Aiglon community

Scholarships are renewed on an annual basis providing the student continues to demonstrate a commitment to these criteria and remains in good academic and social standing. Scholarship students are expected to keep to the same deadlines and processes as nonscholarship students with re-enrollment. Specific details pertaining to the scholarship are listed below:

In addition to the above, Aiglon College will provide Preferred name with an allowance of CHF amount to cover miscellaneous expenses accumulated throughout the academic year. Such expenses may include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Personal allowance Travel and transport Educational trips and visits Expedition costs Medical expenses (not covered by/in excess of insurance coverage) 6. Uniform and school equipment 7. Technological equipment 8. Ski rental and winter costs: Rental of skis, boots, poles is covered up to 800 CHF per student 9. Private lessons (academic, sport, music, learning support) 10. Health insurance 11. Private lessons (academic, sport, music, learning support) 12. Non-mainstream IB languages

Aiglon scholarship covers the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Class tuition and IB fees Accommodation and all meals for boarders Physical education activities (CAS), including trips to sporting events and matches Expedition programmes and cultural long experience programme Residence tax (taxe de séjour) and permits Loan of textbooks and other materials for class Laundry (not dry cleaning) Wellbeing programme including tutoring Ski pass, winter equipment, ski locker On-site healthcare, travel insurance for trips and excursions Planned weekend social trips and academic trips Public examination fees, invigilation costs and support with university applications Yearbook Bedding, storage bags and other house equipment University applications and associated expenses

Signature on behalf of Aiglon College:

Nicola Sparrow, School Director


The family will be responsible for any expenses over and above the CHF amount allowance. In order to guarantee the continuity of this award, all Aiglon invoices must be paid in full by the indicated due date. Failure to keep your account up to date could result in the scholarship award being revoked. All details regarding scholarship are to be kept confidential and failure to do so will result in the suspension of the scholarship award. Any additional items not specified in this agreement will be the financial responsibility of the parent unless approved for in writing by the Scholarship Committee. In order to confirm your agreement and understanding of the above, please sign below and return to the admissions office by date.

Signature on behalf of the family:

Avenue Centrale 61, 1885 Chesières, Switzerland +41 24 496 61 61 Updated:23 October 2023

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