Holcim Voice

Page 1

Holcim Lanka Awards / fyd,aiï s ,xld iïudk


Mahagedera / uyf.or


Dealer Conventions / wf,ú ksfhdað; iïuka;K %



Livelihood support / Ôjfkdamdh iydh


Sri Lanka Number 11 Issue 3/2006

wxl 11 l,dmh 3 $ 2006

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


Key topics

Safety & Health

Cement 50, 79

5 Recognition for our safety efforts

28 Measures against bag breakages

5 Holcim Golden Goal attracts over

30 Let’s transport bags of cement with

80,000 SMSs

reasonable care

Children 6, 42, 52, 53, 54, 72

6 Communities around Puttalam plant,

Construction 44, 47, 48, 50 Dealers & Distributors 22, 26, 28, 30, 32, 37, 40, 42 Employees & families 8, 50, 53, 71, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79

now better prepared for emergencies 6 Safety net reaches schools around Ruhunu plant

Environment 68, 69, 70, 71, 72 Holcim Global Awards 11 32 Well done! Let’s advance, together…

Holcim Lanka Awards 11 Holcim webSALES 26 Livelihood support 62, 64, 66 Local communities 6, 62, 64, 65, 66, 72

8 Sports with fun for a healthy life 10 Holcim safety culture extended to

Mahagedera 22 People development 76, 77, 78, 79 Puttalam cement plant 6, 62, 64, 65, 68, 69, 74

contractor employees Focus

37 Continuing to enhance their customer service 40 An award from India 42 A good example to us all

Rununu cement plant 8, 66, 70, 71, 72 Safety & health 6, 8, 10


Social responsibility 6, 62, 64, 65, 66 Sports 5 Tsunami 32, 66

11 “Water, earth and life” Sales Community 44 Sanken Lanka (Pvt) Ltd 47 Taking new knowledge to the industry

22 Innovative construction services and Winners of the Award for the Best Project at Holcim Lanka Awards 2006. The project on construction of a salinity barrier across Gin Ganga – entirely made out of Holcim cement – paved the way for an efficient water supply service for over 200,000 people from Galle District while providing the local communities with safe access across the river. (page 11).


Holcim Voice 3/06

solutions under one roof 48 Trust on Holcim cement

26 Holcim webSALES to uplift industry standards further

50 Holcim Pedereru cement creates history

Future Generation

Environmental performance

52 Bright children 53 Scholarships for daughters of two employees

68 Close watch on ambient air quality 68 Treated wastewater for gardening 54 Paintings

69 Waste reused, environment cleaned

Social Responsibility

70 Recognition for Ruhunu plant 62 Paddy-boiling vessels to ten

support during Koggala oil spill

families around Puttalam plant

64 Three industries developed, 70 families around Puttalam plant to benefit 65 Housing, roads and electricity for the communities around Puttalam plant

71 Ruhunu plant to become cleaner and greener 72 Environmental awareness among school children

The focus of this issue is Holcim

Lanka Awards (page 11) – Sri Lanka’s premier celebration of the construction industry’s outstanding efforts on community and national development. The story highlights the construction industry’s efforts to uplift the living standards of hundreds of thousands of people around Sri Lanka. The project on construction of a salinity barrier across Gin Ganga under the Greater Galle Water Supply project won the Best Project award.

Mahagedera franchisee retail chain is expanding (page 22), as two new shops were declared open in Panadura and Embilipitiya, providing innovative construction solutions and services for house builders under one roof. Meanwhile, Holcim Dealer Conventions 2006 (page 32) recognized our Dealers’ performance as entrepreneurs and their contribution to our business, further strengthening our relationship with them. Our Puttalam and Ruhunu plants continue to provide livelihood support for the local communities with a view of raising their living standard (pages 62, 64 and 66). Meanwhile, efforts for a cleaner environment through proper waste management are moving forward both at Puttalam plant (page 68 and 69) and at Ruhunu plant (page 71). Asitha Jayawardena, Editor

Our Company 74 Coal on time amidst tense situation 76 Holcim People Manager program’s third phase, on “Coaching” 77 At Holcim Leaders workshop 78 A weekend of challenges 79 Cement for a stronger Holcim Lanka team

66 Life back on track for tsunamiaffected families around Ruhunu plant

Holcim Voice No 11, Issue 3/2006

Guided by: Rathika de Silva Buddhadasa Galappatty Edited and laid out by: Asitha Jayawardena Holcim Voice is the external magazine of Holcim (Lanka) Ltd, providing information to external stakeholders.

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


fyd,aisï ,xld iïudk Wf<, flfrys fï l,dmfha uQ,sl wjOdkh fhduq fjkjd ^msgqj 11&’ m%cd yd cd;sl ixj¾Okhg odhl jk bÈlsÍï fCIa;%fha úYsIagu jHdmD;s m%Yxidjg ,la flfrk Y%S ,xldfõ m%uqL;u W;aijh f,i fuh ie<flkjd’

ks¾udKd;aul bÈlsÍï úi÷ï yd fiajd tlu jy,la hg

wdrCIKh yd fi!LHh

bÈlsÍï fCIa;%h

6 wfma wdrCIK jevms<sfj, iïudkhg

46 ikaflka ,xld ^mqoa.,sl& iud.u

md;% fõ

49 fyd,aisï isfuka;s úYajdihs

7 fyd,aisï rka f.da,hg SMS 80”000 la

51 fyd,aisï fmof¾re isfuka;s jd¾;d.;

9 i;=áka l%Svd lruq” f,vg ÿlg jeg

m%.;shla w;alr .kS

n¢uq 10 fyd,aisï wdrCIK ixialD;sh

wkd.; mrmqr

fldka;%d;a fiajl m%cdjg o jHdma; flf¾

53 §ma;su;a ore oeßfhda 54 is;a;ï


§ imhk uyf.or jHdmdßl oïje, mq¿,a flfrñka

iudc j.lSu

mj;skjd ^msgqj 22&’ fï w;r wm wf,ú ksfhdað; m%cdfõ

63 mq;a;,u lïy, wjg mjq,a 10lg ù ;eïîfï WmlrK msßkefï

jHdmdr úYsIag;ajh yd Tjqkaf.ka wm jHdmdrhg ,enQ odhl;ajh m%Yxidjg ,la lrñka fyd,aisï wf,ú ksfhdað; iïuka;%K ud,dj 2006 meje;ajqKd ^msgqj 32&’ fï u.ska wm w;r in|;djh ;j;a ;yjqre jqKd’

20“c,h“ fmdf<dj yd Ôú;h” úl=Kqï m%cdj

65 iq¿ l¾udka; ;=kla ixj¾Okfhka

wjg m%cdfõ ðjk uÜgu Wiia lsÍï wruqKska mq;a;,u

mq;a;,u lïy, wjg mjq,a 70lg fi;

yd reyqKq lïy, úúO Ôjfkdamdh iydh jHdmD;s

ie,fia 67 iqkdñfhka úm;g m;a reyqKq lïy,

wLKavj ls%hd;aul lrkjd’ ^msgqj 62” 64” “ yd 66&’ ;j

wjg mjq,a h<s Ôjk u.g

o ukd wmøjH l<ukdlrKhla ;=<ska jvd;a msßisÿ

67 mq;a;,u lïy, wjg m%cdj i|yd ksjdi” uyd ud¾. yd úÿ,sh

jgmsgdjla we;s lsÍfï wruqKska mq;a;,u yd reyqKq

24 ks¾udKd;aul bÈlsÍï fiajd yd

lïy,a ;=< jevigyka lSmhla ls%hd;aul fjkjd ^msgq 68”

úi÷ï tl jy<la hg § 27 fyd,aisï fjí fia,aia jevigyk

mßir ld¾h idOkh

69” yd 71&’

29 u¨ leãhdu je<elaùug'''

69 wmøjH Ndú;hg .kS” mßirh msßisÿ

31 yels ;rï m%fõiñka isfuka;s u¨

m%jdykh lruq

70 jdhqf.da,fha .=Kd;aul ;;a;ajh .ek

35 úYsIaghs ! tla ù huq fmrgu’’’

oeä fidaÈisfhka

wis; chj¾Ok” ixialdrl

71 fld.a., msßisÿ lsÍug ÿka iydhg reyqKq lïy, m%Yxidjg ,la fõ 73 reyqKq lïy, jvd;a msßisÿ yd jvd;a yß; meyehg fhduq fõ

fyd,aiï s y~ wxl 11” l,dmh 3$2006 uÕ fmkaùu( r;sl o is,ajd

nqoO a odi .,mam;a;s ixialrKh yd msgq ieleiau( wis; chj¾Ok fyd,aiï s y~ hkq fyd,aiï s ,xld iud.fï ndysr md¾Yjlrejka i|yd m, lrk iÕrdjhs’


Holcim Voice 3/06

wfma iud.u

39 jvd;a Wiia mdßfNda.sl fiajdjla

75 l,n, ueo jQj;a .,a wÕ=re kshñ;

i|yd .;a mshjr


41 bkaÈhdfjka iïudkhla

77 fyd,aisï “udkj l<ukdlrejd”

43 wm ieug wdo¾Yhla

jevigyfka f;jk wÈhr 79 wNsfhda. msß i;s wka;hla

Safety & Health

Our company wins a Merit award at National Safety Awards 2006

Recognition for our safety efforts Our company’s safety efforts enjoyed

at workplaces in Sri Lanka, judges visited

We at Holcim Lanka view this Merit

recognition by way of a Merit Award at

and audited the workplaces, particularly

award as an encouragement for us to

the National Safety Awards held in

focusing on premises and housekeeping,

further improve our safety systems and

October 2006. The Refinery Division of

mechanical, electrical and personal

performance and we are determined to

Ceylon Petroleum Corporation won the

safeguarding, fire prevention and

win the Award next year.

Award and Ceylon Tobacco Company

protection, safety organization and

became the runner up at this event

reporting, including the investigation of

organized by Eagle Insurance Company



in collaboration with the Department of Labour and Employees Trust Fund (ETF). During the evaluation of stage of this program, which aims to promote safety

Holcim Golden Goal attracts over 80,000 SMSs Holcim Golden Goal contest that was at play during the FIFA World Cup 2006 telecast reached a climax at its prize awarding ceremony at Hotel Galadari, Colombo on 10 August 2006. As the principal sponsor of the FIFA World Cup 2006 local telecast on Channel Eye and Rupavahini, our company conducted an SMS based competition among the viewers during the championship. The competition was conducted in two stages. In the daily competition, viewers were requested to guess and SMS the winning team of the daily matches from the first round to the grand finale. In the champion competition, viewers were to guess the world champion. Special Hutch numbers were open for the viewers’ SMS messages. The enormous response of well over 80,000 SMS messages from viewers across the island is proof that the SMS contest became very popular, just like the World Cup contest itself. indika.jayaweera@holcim.com

Teamwork Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work. Vince Lombardi The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side. Margaret Carty No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent. John Donne

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


wdrCIKh yd fi!LHh

Communities around Puttalam plant, now better prepared for emergencies Emergency response teams from the villages around our Puttalam plant are growing and becoming more prepared. As a feedback session with the emergency response teams, review sessions were held in September 2006. Several areas that needed further improvements were identified. The plant donated more first aid boxes to village community centers. The villagers have displayed confidence in understanding the need for greater safety consciousness and this improvement in safety awareness has made it easier for the teams to recruitment more volunteers from their communities. Emergency response teams are a part of the community safety initiative, aiming to provide leadership, resources and coordination support to help the local community in an emergency. In an emergency in one of these villages, the community safety teams will work together with the plant

cd;sl wdrCIK iïudk Wf<f,a § wm iud.ug l=i,;d iïudkhla

wfma wdrCIK jevms<sfj, iïudkhg md;% fõ 2006 Tlaf;dan¾ udifha § meje;s cd;sl

Y%S ,xldfõ jevìïj, wdrCIKh jeä ÈhqKq

wdrCIK iïudk Wf<f,a § wm iud.fï

lsÍu wruqKq lr .;a fï jevigyfka §

wdrCIK m%.;sh fjkqfjka l=i,;d iïudkhla

úksiqre uKav,hla jevìïj, ixpdrh lrñka

msßkeuqKd’ fuys§ ,xld LKsc f;,a kS;s.;

ta ta jev ìïj, wdrCIK ;;a;ajh ms<sn|

ixia:dfõ f;,a msßmyÿ wxYh cd;sl iïudkh

ú.Kkhla isÿ l<d’ fuys§ jev ìï ms<sfj,g

ysñ lr.;a w;r ,xld ÿïfld< ixia:dj

yd msßisÿ f,i mj;ajd .ekSu” hdka;%sl” úÿ,s

fojk ;ek ysñlr .;a;d’ lïlre

yd mqoa., wdrCIK jevms<sfj,” .sks .ekSu

fomd¾;fïka;=j yd fiajl w¾:idOl wruqo,

je<elaùu” wdrCIKh ms<sn| isoaê jd¾;d

iu. tl;= ù B.,a rCIK iud.u fï

lsÍu wdÈh ms<sn| wjOdkh fhduqjqkd’

iïudk Wf<, ixúOdkh l<d’

as one team to provide medical assistance and emergency services required, such as fire fighting equipment, transport facilities and coordination with authorities. rathika.desilva@holcim.com jayantha.rathnayake@holcim.com

National Safety Week celebration Taking the National Safety Week from 9 to 13 October 2006 as an opportunity to further enhance our employees’ safety awareness, our company organized a safety awareness program at our Puttalam plant on 9 October 2006. At this one day program attended by plant employees, Mr Abeysinghe, District Factory Inspecting Engineer, Kurunegala, created awareness on Factorial Ordinances. L.S. Wijesuriya, factory inspection engineer, Kandy, spoke on Accident Prevention and Construction Safety. The open discussion at the end of the day proved quite useful for our employees. hemantha.dodangoda@holcim.com sarath.chandrasiri@holcim.com


Holcim Voice 3/06

Safety net reaches schools around Ruhunu plant The students of Bonavista School were the first to benefit from our Ruhunu school

plant’s safety

a w a r e n e s s campaign focusing on schools near the plant. Ruwan Gunawardena, Safety Officer of the Ruhunu plant, conducts this program. This school safety initiative aims to create a safety culture among school children, so that when they grow up, they will be more safety conscious than the adults today. Similar to the school safety awareness program run by our Puttalam plant, this program continues to build gradually a solid safety culture among school children. It is a part of our company’s extension of Holcim safety culture to the outside world, envisioning a safety conscious society. rathika.desilva@holcim.com ruwan.gunawardena@holcim.com

wdrCIKh yd fi!LHh

wm fuf;la wdrCIKh ms<sn| .;a W;aidyhka m%Yxidjg ,la lrñka ,enqKq fï l=i,;d

fyd,aiï s rka f.da,hg SMS 80”000 la

mq;a;,u lïy, wjg m%cdj yÈis wjia:dlg oeka jvd;a fyd¢ka iQodkï

2006 f,dal Y+r;d mdmkaÿ ;rÕdj,shg

wm mq;a;,u lïy, wjg .ïj, msysgqjd we;s m%cd wdrCIK

iu.dój meje;ajQ fyd,aisï rka f.da,h

lKavdhï oeka ish m%foaYfha yÈis ;;a;ajhlg uqyqK §ug jvd;a

;rÕfha ;Hd. m% o dfkda ; a i jh 2006

fyd¢ka iQodkï’

wf.daia;= 10 Èk fld<U .,OdÍ fydag,fha

2006 iema;eïn¾ udifha § fï lKavdhï i|yd mej;s ieisjdrhl

§ meje;ajqkd’ cd;sl rEmjdysksfhka yd

§ jeä ÈhqKq lsÍï l< hq;= fCIa;% y÷kd .;a;d’ fuys§ m%cd

whs kd,sldfjka f,dal mdmkaÿ Y+r;dj,sh

uOHia:dkj,g ;j;a m%:udOdr lÜg, msßkeóu o isÿ jqkd’

úldYh lsÍu i|yd m%Odk wkq.%dyl;ajh

wdrCIKh ms<sn| wjOdkhla isàfï jeo.;alu .ek .ïjdiSka

oerE wm iud.u ch.%dylhska wkqudk

jvd;a fyd¢ka f;areï f.k ;sfnkjd’ ta ksid wdrCIKh ms<sn|

lsÍu i|yd rEmjdyskS krUkakka w;r

oekqj;a lsÍu jvd;a myiq ù we;s w;r m%cd wdrCIK lKavdhïj,

SMS ;rÕdj,s h la meje;a j Q j d’ SMS

kj idudðlhska tl;= ùu o by< f.dia ;sfnkjd’

80”000 lg wêl .Kkla ,enqKq fï

m%cd wdrCIK lKavdhï wm mq;a;,u lïyf,a mq¿,a m%cd wdrCIK

wdrCIK ;;a;ajh ;j;a jeä ÈhqKq lr

SMS ;rÕh o f,dal l=i,dk ;rÕdj,sh

jevigyfka jeo.;a fldgila fjkjd’ lïy, wjg .ul we;sjk yÈis

ó<. iïudk Wf<f,a§ wms cd;sl iïudkh

;rug u ckm%sh jqkd’

wjia:djl § Bg id¾:lj uqqyqK §u i|yd kdhl;ajh” iïm;a yd

iïudkh wm iud.ug ch.%yKhla’ wfma

Èkd .ekSug n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjkjd’

iïnkaëlrK iydh ,nd §u fï jevigyfka uQ,sl wruqK fjkjd’

wfma fiajl uy;au uy;aóka i|yd wdrCIK mqyqKqj

cd;sl wdrCIK i;sh

wm iud.fï wdrCIKh i|yd m%uqL ia:dkhla

2006 Tlaf;dn¾ 9 isg 13 olajd meje;s cd;sl wdrCIK i;sh

,efnkjd’ fï ksid wm iud.u ksrka;rfhka

ksñ;slr f.k wm iud.u 2006 Tlaf;dan¾ 9 Èk fiajl uy;au

wfma fiajl uy;au uy;aóka i|yd wdrCIK

uy;aóka wdrCIKh ms<sn| jvd;a fyd¢ka oekqj;a lsÍu i|yd

mqyqKq jevigyka ixúOdkh lrkjd’ 2006 jif¾

jevigykla ixúOdkh l<d’

wjidk ld¾;=fõ § wm reyqKq lïyf,a tjeks

mq;a;,u lïyf,a fiajl uy;au uy;aóka iyNd.S jQ fï jevigykg

jevigyka folla meje;ajqkd’

l=reKE., Èia;%sla lïy,a mÍCIl bxðfkare wfíisxy uy;d uQ,sl iïm;a odhl;ajh ,nd ÿkakd’ uykqjr lïy,a mÍCIl bxðfkare t,a’ tia’ úfÊiQßh uy;d wk;=re j<ld .ekSu yd bÈlsÍï ms<sn| wdrCIKh .ek oekqj;a l<d’ jevigyk wjidkfha § meje;s

Employees of our Ruhunu cement plant

újD; ixjdoh óg iyNd.S jQjkag b;d m%fhdackj;a jqkd’

took part in a scaffolding training program in September 2006 under the Fatality Prevention Elements (FPEs) initiative.

reyqKq lïy, wjg mdi,a i|yd “ wdrCIK ±,la”

Safety training for our employees

wm reyqKq lïy, wjg mdi,aj, ore oßhka i|yd wdrCIKh

At our company safety comes before everything else. Therefore, we ensure that

Èh;a flrekd’ lïy, wi, fndkúiagd úÿyf,a mej;s m<uq

ms<sn| oekqj;a lsÍfï jevigyka ud,jla 2006 cqks udifha §

our employees regularly receive safety training as we gradually nurture a safety

jevigyk meje;ajqkd’

culture among them. Recent safety training programs included a scaffolding

mdi,a ore oeßhka w;r wdrCIK ixialD;shla ìys lr ta u.ska

training program and a first aid and rescue training program, both conducted at

wkd.;fha § wdrCIKh ms<sn| jvd;a Wkkaÿjk iudchla ìys

our Ruhunu plant during the last quarter of the year 2006.

lsÍu fï jevigyfka wruqK fjkjd’ fï u.ska wdrCIKh ms<sn| fyd,aisï ixialD;sh iudchg odhdo


lsÍfï isÿfjkjd’


fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


Safety & Health

Sports initiatives of our company’s safety subcommittee on Community/Off-the-job Safety

Sports with fun for a healthy life

A fitness culture is developing among our

Meanwhile, our employees at Puttalam

Puttalam plant in November. In June

employees as a result of the continued

plant continue to make use of the indoor

2006 another badminton tournament

efforts of the Safety subcommittee for

sports complex and the gym. And those

took place. The next one tournament will

the Off-the-job and Community Safety.

at Ruhunu plant will soon benefit from

be held at the Puttalam plant in January

the gym and the badminton court now


under construction.

These sports festivals are fast becoming

Our company’s Safety Subcommittee for the Off-the-job and Community Safety


popular as a golden opportunity for our

has successfully employed sports and

Holcim Cricket Championship 2006

employees from different sites to get

fitness training as a means to help our

Continuing its sports tournaments, the

together and have some fun. While

employees lead a healthy lifestyle. It has

subcommittee organized Holcim Cricket

raising their fitness levels, the program

taken a number of initiatives for our

Championship 2006 at Ruhunu plant on

further strengthens the Holcim team

employees to engage in sports and

23 September 2006. Along with this


workouts while having fun of course.

cricket festival, a cricket ground was declared open at the plant. Employees

Hemas Bowling Championship

Badminton, swimming & working out

from all Holcim sites took part in this

Two teams from our Colombo office

As part of this initiative, our Colombo

tournament and the teams were mixed

took part in a bowling tournament

Office employees now engage on a

in terms of site, career position and

organized by Hemas House at Exel

regular basis in badminton and


World on 3 November 2006. Sixteen

swimming at St Joseph’s College,

This was the fifth sports tournament

teams from the companies housed in

Colombo 10, and work out at the Fitness

since the launch of Holcim sports

Hemas House took part in this event.

Kingdom gym at Hedges Court, Colombo

tournaments in 2005 with a badminton

10. The facilities there include both

tournament in Colombo in April. Two


aerobics and yoga. Many employees use

more were held in the same year –


these opportunities as a welcome break

cricket in Colombo in June and Table

from work at office.

tennis, Volleyball and Netball at the

Holcim Voice 3/06

wdrCIKh yd fi!LHh

m%cd yd jev ìfuka ndysr wdrCIKh ms<sn| wkqlñgqfõ l%Svd jevigyk

i;=áka l%v S d lruq” f,vg ÿlg jeg n¢uq m% c d yd jevìfuka wdrCIKh ms < s n | wkqlñgqfõ jevms<fj, ksid wm fiajl uy;au uy;aóka w;r ksfrda.S nj flakaø lr.;a kj ixia l D;s h la ìys fjñka mj;skjd’

Battle of Puttalam: Cement vs Salt

wm fyd,aisï ,xld lKavdhu w;r ksfrda.S ixialD;shla ìys lsÍfï mrud¾:h we;sj m%cd

Our Puttalam plant cemented a five-wicket victory at the

yd jevìfuka ndysr wdrCIKh ms<n s | wkqlñgqj jevigyka /ila l%shd;aul lrkjd’

meje;ajqkd’ ta cqks ui fld<U § mej;s l%slÜ ;rÕdj,sh yd fkdjeïnrfha § mq;a;,u

neâñkagka” msyskqï” jHdhdu

annual big match with Puttalam Salt Ltd held at the plant grounds on 28 September 2006.

lïyf,a § mej;s fïi mkaÿ” w;a mkaÿ yd

fï wkqlñgqj u.ska wm fld<U ld¾hd,fha

oe,a mkaÿ l%Svd ;rÕdj,shhs’ bka miq 2006

fiajl uy;au uy;aóka i|yd neâñkagka yd

cqks udifha § fld<U § ;j;a neâñkagka

msyskqï l%Svdj, fh§u i|yd fld<U Ydka;

;rÕdj,shla meje;ajk q d’ ó<. ;rÕdj,sh 2007

fcdaYma úÿyf,a myiqlï imhd § ;sfnkjd’

ckjdß udifha§ meje;aùug kshñ;hs’

;jo fld<U *sÜkia lsxvï wdh;kfha jHdhdu

fï l%Svd ;rÕdj,s wm fiajl uy;a uy;aóka

lsÍug yd fhda. jHdhdïj, fh§ug o Tjqkag

w;r fnfyúka ckm%sh ù ;sfnkjd’ Tjqkaf.a

wjia:dj i,id § ;sfnkjd’ fld<U lïyf,a

ksfrda.S nj /l .ekSug odhl jk w;r u

fiajl uy;au uy;aóka /ila fï myiqlï

fï jevigyka fyd,aisï lKavdhï yeÕSu

j,ska m%fhdack .kakjd’

j¾Okh lsÍugo odhl fjkjd’

fï w;r wm mq;a;,u lïyf,a fiajl uy;au uy;aóka lïyf,a msysgqjd we;s l%Svd ixlS¾Kh

fyaudia ;rÕdj,sh

yd jHdhdu Yd,dj m%fhdackhg .kakjd’ reyqKq

2006 fkdjeïn¾ 3 jeks Èk fyaudia yjqia

lïyf,a jHdhdu Yd,djla o neâñkagka msáhla

u.ska ixúOdkh l< fnda,sx Y+r;dj,sh i|yd

mq;a;,u ¨Kq iud.u iu. jd¾Islj mj;ajk l%slÜ ;rÕfha §

o oekg bÈfjñka mj;skjd’

wm fld<U ld¾hd,fha lKavdhï folla iyNd.S

wm mq;a;,u lïy, lvq¿ myl úYsIag chla w;a lr .;a;d’ fï

jqkd’ fï i|yd fyaudia yjqia f.dvke.s,af,a

;rÕh 2006 iema;eïn¾ 28 Èk wm lïy,a ìfï § meje;ajqkd’

fyd,aiï s l%l s Ü Y+r;dj,sh 2006

iud.ï ksfhdackh lrñka lKavdhï 16 la

fyd,aisï l%slÜ Y+r;dj,sh 2006 iema;eïn¾

iyNd.s jqkd’

mq;a;,fï isfuka;s-¨Kq igk

23 Èk reyqKq lïyf,a § meje;ajqkd’ Bg iu.dój lïyf,a l%l s Ü l%vs d msáh újD; flrekd’ fï ;rÕdj,shg iEu fyd,aisï jev ìulskau fiajl uy;au uy;aóka iyNd.S jqkd’ 2005 wfma%,a udifha § fld<U § meje;s neâñkagka Y+r;dj,sfhka Èh;a l< fyd,aisï l%Svd Y+r;dj,sfha miajk jevigyk fuhhs’ 2005 jif¾ § u ;j;a Y+r;dj,S folla

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


Safety & Health

Contractors’ Safety Day program at our Ruhunu cement plant

Holcim safety culture extended to contractor employees Our solid commitment to safety is extended to the external parties we work with and one recent instance was the Contractors’ Safety Day held at the Ruhunu cement plant on 29 August 2006. Twenty-three contractor employees took part in this program. Plant




welcomed the participants and presented the theme of the program, “Working at heights” under Fatality Prevention Elements (FPEs). Group Safety Manager Hemantha Dodangoda described the company’s safety objectives with special focus on working

Gunawardena explained the individual

Mandalawatta spoke on cardinal rules

at heights. Using statistics and accident

responsibilities of the employees and

and contractor compliance.

details, he highlighted the importance of

the requirements of working at heights.

safety in working at heights in our

H.B.S. Karunaratne talked about


endeavor on preventing fatalities at the

scaffolding and Head of Human


workplace. Plant Safety Officer Ruwan

Resources at Ruhunu plant Lionel

reyqKq lïyf,a fldka;%d;a m%cdfõ wdrCIK Èk jevigyk

fyd,aisï wdrCIK ixialD;sh fldka;%d;a fiajl m%cdjg o jHdma; flf¾ ms<. s ekSfï l;dj l< reyqKq lïy,a l<ukdlre

fuys§ mqoa.,slj fiajl uy;au uy;aóka oeßh

md¾Yjlrejka fj; wm fyd,aisï wdrCIK

Woh .uf.a uy;d jevigyfka f;audj” ^tkï

hq;= j.lSï .ek wjOdkh fhduq l<d’ tÉ’

ixialD;sh jHdma; lsÍug ksrka;rfhka lghq;=

Wia ;ekaj, jev lsÍu& y÷kajd ÿkakd’ iuQy

tia’ î’ lreKdr;ak uy;d yd reyqKq lïyf,a

wm iud.u yd tla j jevlrk ndys r

lrkjd’ 2006 wf.daia;= 29 Èk wm reyqKq lïyf,a


wdrCIK l<ukdlre fyauka; fodvxf.dv

udkj iïm;a m%OdkS ,hk,a uKav,j;a; uy;d

uy;d wm iud.fï wdrCIK b,lal y÷kajd

o fï jevigykg iïm;a odhl;ajh ,nd

§ jev ìfuka udrdka;sl wk;=re ;=rka


§ fldka;%d;a m%cdj i|yd meje;s wdrCIK

lsÍfï§ Wia;ekaj, jevlrk úg wdrCId

Èk jevuq¿j i|yd fldka;d% ;a fiajl uy;ajreka

iys;ùfï we;s jeo.;alu myod ÿkakd’ lïy,a

23 fofkla iyNd.S jqkd’

wdrCIK ks,OdÍ rejka .=Kj¾Ok uy;d

Holcim Voice 3/06


Holcim Lanka Awards 2006 for outstanding efforts on community and national development

“Water, earth and life”

A water supply project that benefits over 200,000 people earned the Best Project Award at Holcim Lanka Awards 2006. Six Merit Awards recognized five other projects on community and national development. This time, university projects were also recognized on pilot basis.

The project of the construction of a salinity barrier across Gin Ganga won the Best Project Award.

“Water, earth and life”. That was the

Among the 600 attendees to this ecstatic

society’s future”. Cement is widely used

theme of Holcim Lanka Awards 2006

evening, graced by our Chairman Manilal

for construction of infrastructure for

held at the BMICH (Exhibition Center) in

Fernando and Managing Director Peter

providing the basic needs for the

Colombo on 17 November 2006.

Spirig, were representatives from the

humankind, such as housing, bridges

At this premier celebration of the

local Construction Industry, university


construction industry’s outstanding

academics, researchers and students,


efforts on community and national

media personnel, representatives from

universities for education, and

development, the coveted Best Project

our parent company Holcim Ltd, global

hospitals for medical treatment.

Award went to the construction of a

Holcim Foundation, Holcim Group

“In recognizing the outstanding

salinity barrier across the Gin Ganga

companies overseas, and our employees

innovations and initiatives that deliver

under the Greater Galle Water Supply

and their families.

basic human needs for communities and

Project, giving access to good quality



access schools

and and

Nation as a whole, Holcim Lanka Awards

drinking water for some 200,000 from

Cement’s key role in society

focused not on the size of the projects but

the Galle District. Five projects received

Cement plays a key role in the society

on the significance of their contribution

Merit Awards and four university student

and this is clearly reflected in Holcim’s

to uplift the living standards of the

projects were also recognized.

vision “Providing foundations for

communities they serve”, says Rathika

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06








Development, who initiated in 2000 the SANSTHA Awards and still continues it now as “Holcim Lanka Awards”, in order to emphasize the cement’s role in society through




construction industry’s outstanding efforts on community and National development. Therefore, it was the social and environmental dimensions of

The Best Project Award to the construction of a salinity barrier across the Gin Ganga (CML Edwards Construction Ltd, Ceywater Consultants (Pvt) Ltd and National Water Supply and Drainage Board)


Holcim Voice 3/06

the projects that played the key role in

Drainage Board (NWSDB) received this

selection for the awards.

coveted award for their role in

The Best Project Award


The Best Project Award went to the construction of a salinity barrier across the Gin Ganga under the Greater Galle Water Supply Project. CML Edwards Construction Ltd, Ceywater Consultants (Pvt) Ltd and National Water Supply and

construction, consultancy and design, This project is a story about the granitehard commitment of three warriors who stood up, together, for improving the living conditions of some 200,000 people from the Galle District. The vision they shared was: An efficient water


Merit Awards to Jetwing Hotels Engineering Department and Architect Sunela Jayawardana for innovative use of Holcim Pedereru cement for construction of VIL UYANA Hotel, Sigiriya

supply service delivering good quality

extending a helping hand to boost the

■ ELS Construction (Pvt) Ltd for

drinking water and a safe footpath

economies of the nearby villages. The

innovative application of pre-cast

across the Gin Ganga for the local

two bridges built across the river have

products for development activities


shortened the walking distances by as

The project was far from easy. By

much as ten kilometers, offering relief

constructing a salinity barrier across Gin

especially for school children.

Ganga, this project solved the salinity

The project engaged the environment in

problem associated the drinking water


supplied to the Galle district. It also

consumption of natural resources by way

enhanced the water supply service in this

of using reusable formwork systems and

district. Driven by their unquenchable

prevention of further erosion of the

thirst for serving people, the team stood

riverbed are examples.



Sustainable Development


up together in the face of enormous challenges, ranging from harsh ground

Six Merit Awards

conditions to severe floods and the

Merit Awards were awarded to:

tsunami devastation. The project’s benefits to communities

■ Jetwing

were not confined to providing good

Department and Architect Sunela


quality drinking water. During its three-

Jayawardana for innovative use of

year contract period, it provided


employment for the local communities

construction of VIL UYANA Hotel,

and gave priority to the local resources,






Sustainable development strives to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their needs. It does so by focusing on balancing the triple bottom line, i.e., economic growth, environmental performance and social responsibility.

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06



Merit Award to ELS Construction (Pvt) Ltd for innovative application of precast products for development activities


■ Taisei Corporation for improvement

Merit Award to Jetwing Hotels

paddy land, forest and canals. This project

of the water supply system in Matara

Engineering Department and Architect

innovatively used a Holcim product to


Sunela Jayawardana for innovative use of

bring out the unique aesthetic character

■ Transwater Engineering (Pvt) Ltd for

Holcim Pedereru cement for construction

of the hotel. A novel type of plaster,

solving the drinking water problem of

of VIL UYANA Hotel, Sigiriya: With the

prepared by mixing termite soil and

the communities in Anuradhapura

unique concept of blending with the

Holcim Pedereru cement, was applied on

■ International Construction Consortium

natural environment instead of changing

the conventional cement/sand plaster.

Ltd for construction of the production

it, VIL UYANA Hotel co-exists with its

Then, a special “eco-paint”, prepared by

center of Durra Building Systems

natural environment, comprising the

Holcim Voice 3/06


Merit Award to Taisei Corporation for improvement of the water supply system in Matara District

mixing termite soil with the same


cement, was applied on the walls.

installation. To reap the maximum




standards of people while developing the local construction industry.

benefits it offers, this company Merit Award to ELS Construction (Pvt) Ltd

innovatively uses pre-cast concrete

Merit Award to Taisei Corporation for

for innovative application of pre-cast

technology for affordable housing and

improvement of the water supply

products for development activities: In

infrastructure facilities – such as roads

system in Matara District: Expanding the

any country’s endeavor for development,

and railways, water and irrigation,

water supply service in Matara district,

pre-cast concrete technology plays a key

educational and health facilities, and

this provided pipe-borne water

role due to its special capabilities, such as

electricity – with aim of uplifting the living

connections to 20,000 people and

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06



Merit Award to Transwater Engineering (Pvt) Ltd for solving the drinking water problem of the communities in Anuradhapura


ensured round-the-clock water supply

Merit Award to Transwater Engineering

provision of 6000 new pipe-borne

for the existing consumers. This project’s

(Pvt) Ltd for solving the drinking water

water connections, this upgrading

sludge lagoon structure is the first of that

problem of the communities in

increased the number of people it serves

kind in Sri Lanka. It prevents silting of the


to some 30,000.

irrigation canals and natural streams

Anuradhapura integrated water supply

and the retained sludge can be used as

scheme, this project enhanced the


rich organic fertilizer.

storage capacity of the system and

Construction Consortium Ltd for

provided it with a new transmission

construction of the production center of

center. While making possible the

Durra Building Systems: This project

Holcim Voice 3/06







Merit Award to International Construction Consortium Ltd for construction of the production center of Durra Building Systems

constructed a production center in

Merit Awards for university projects as

Moratuwa – were acknowledged with

Polonnaruwa for manufacturing a new

a pilot

Merit Awards:

type of building material out of straw,

A novel feature this year is the

which is a waste material of the paddy

recognition of the outstanding university

■ “Architectural design for a mini sports

farming. Its widespread burning causes

projects with potential for community

center at Municipal swimming pool site,

environmental pollution. This new

and national development. As a pilot, four

Kurunegala” to Architect Varuna de Silva

material, called “Durra Building

Final Year student projects – two each

(Project supervisor) and P H Chamikara

Systems”, is strong, durable, versatile,

from the Faculty of Architecture and


fire-resistant and easy to install.

Faculty of Engineering, University of

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06



Edward Schwarz, Head of Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction

of Global Holcim Awards stemmed from that of Holcim Lanka Awards. At the Global Holcim Awards 2006 held in Bangkok Thailand in April 2006, a total of one million US dollars was awarded as prize money for four projects: ■ Gold: Upgrading and integrating

urban infrastructure in the shantytown of San Rafael-Unido in Caracas,

Merit Awards to four projects from

■ “Architectural design for a mini sports

Next year, the competition will open for


the University of

center at Dambulla Road, Kurunegala” to

the other university projects with

■ Gold: Design of a new underground


Architect D P Chandrasekera (Project

potential for community and national

railway station to free space for

supervisor) and R M S D B Amunugama


development of a new urban district in Stuttgart, Germany.

■ “Flexural and Shrinkage Properties of

Global and Regional Holcim Awards

■ Silver: A regional master plan for

Jayasinghe (Project supervisor) and the

Another feature this time is the strong

fusion of preservation and innovation,

team, comprising C S A Siriwardana, W A

link established with the Global Holcim

aiming at strengthening the economic

C N Wickramarachchi, K P Arandara and

Awards competition, which celebrates

base of the Mulini Valley in Italy

H W D Samuddhika

excellent efforts on sustainable

■ Bronze: A low-cost housing and urban

■ “Use of Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP)

construction round the world. Edward

renewal project in Montreal, Canada

in Structural Applications” to Dr Anura

Schwarz, Head of global Holcim



Rammed Earth” to Dr (Mrs) Chintha



Before the Global Holcim Awards

Premachandra (Project supervisors) and

Construction, presented an overview on

ceremony, during September and

the team, comprising S Kebagid, P

Holcim Awards at Regional and Global


Keerthan and S Jasotharan

level. He also revealed that the concept

construction projects received a total of

Holcim Voice 3/06









Award winners at

1.1 million US dollars as prize money at

Sri Lanka can compete in his second cycle




of Awards as well. More information is

international organizations, highly

Holcim Awards

ceremonies held in China (Asia Pacific),

available at www.holcimfoundation.org.

appreciated our company’s effort, which




USA (North America), Switzerland








(Europe), Brazil (Latin America) and South

Commitment to and image of

commitment to and image of

Africa (Africa-Middle East).

sustainable development

sustainable development.

Entries for the next cycle of Holcim


Awards will open on 1 June 2007.

representatives from the construction

Sustainable construction projects from

industry, universities, government


the Global

including rathika.desilva@holcim.com www.holcimfoundation.org

fyd,aisĂŻ y~ 3$06



m%cd yd cd;sl ixj¾Okh i|yd fyd,aiï s ,xld iïudk 2006

“c,h” fmdf<dj yd Ôú;h”

fyd,aiï s ,xld iïudk 2006 Wf<f,a § fo,CIhl ck;djg fi; ie<fik c, iïmdok jHdmD;shla fyd|u jHdmD;sh i|yd jk iïudkh Èkd .;a;d’ m%cd yd cd;sl ixj¾Okhg odhl jk ;j;a jHdmD;s myla i|yd l=i,;d iïudk yhla msßkeuqKd’ fujr kshuq uÜgñka úYaj úoHd, jHdmD;s i|yd o iïudk msß keuqkd’

“c,h” fmdf<dj yd Ôú;h”‘ 2006 fkdjeïn¾

iudchg uyd fufyjrla bgq lrk

tâj¾âia bÈls Í ï iud.ug o Wmfoa Y l

17 Èk nKavdrkdhl iïuka;%K Yd,dfõ


fia j dj i|yd iS f jda g ¾ lka i ,a g ka Ü ia ^mq o a &

mej;s fyd,aisï ,xld iïudk 2006 Wf<f,a

ksjdi” md,ï” mdi,a” frday,a” c, iemhqï

iud.ug o ks ¾ udKlrKh i|yd cd;s l c,

f;audj jQfka fuhhs’

moaO;s” úÿ,sn, moaO;s wd§ há;, myiqlï

iïmdok yd c,dmjdyk uKav,hg o iïudk

fyd,aisï ,xld iïudk Wf<, Y%S ,xldfõ

bÈlsÍu i|yd isfuka;s w;HdjYH bÈlsÍï

ys ñ jq k d’

m%cd yd cd;sl ixj¾Okh i|yd jk úYsIaG

wuqøjHhla fjkjd’ fï uÕska ck;djf.a uQ,sl

my; i|yka md¾Yj l=i,;d iïudk Èkd

bÈlsÍï m%Yxidjg ,la lrkjd’ .d¨ c,

wjYH;d imqrd,Su i|yd isfuka;s jeo.;a


iemhqï jHdmD;sh hgf;a .sx .Õ yryd bÈ

ld¾h Ndrhla bgq lrkjd’ ■ wkqrdOmqrfha ck;djf.a mdkSh c, m%Yakh

l< ,jK ndOlh jHdmD;sh fujr fyd|u jHdmD;sh i|yd jk fyd,aisï ,xld iïudkh


fyd|u jHdmD;sh iïudkh yd l=i,;d

úi£u fjkqfjka g%dkaiafjdag¾ tkaðkshßx ^mqoa&

Èkd .;a;d’ fï jHdmD;sh .d¨ Èia;%slalfha



fo,CIhl ck;dj i|yd mdkSh c, myiqlï

fujr fyd|u jHdmD;s h i|yd jk fyd,a i s ï

■ iS . s ß fha ú,a Whk fyda g ,h bÈ ls Í fï §

imhkjd’ ;j;a jHdmD;s mylg l=i,;d iïudk

iïudkh .d¨ c, iemhq ï jHdmD;s h hgf;a

fyd,aisï fmof¾re isfuka;s ks¾udKd;aul

msßkeuqkd’ fujr úYaj úoHd, jHdmD;s y;rlg

we;s .s x .Õ yryd ,jK ndOlhla bÈ

f,i fhdod .ekSu fjkqfjka fcÜúx.a fydag,fha

o l=i,;d iïudk msßkeuqkd’

ls Í fï jHdmD;s h i|yd ms ß keuq k d’ fï

bxðfkare fomd¾;fïka;=j yd jdia;= úoHd{

jHdmD;s f ha bÈls Í ï i|yd iS ’ tï’ t,a

iqfk,d chj¾Ok uy;añh

Holcim Voice 3/06


Sustainability targets: Well on track in existing ones, sets additional ones ■ ixj¾Ok lghq;= i|yd fmr ksñ fldkal%SÜ

fyd,aiï s iïudk 2006 Wf<f,§ úYsIga f.da,h S

Our parent company

ksIamdok ks¾udKd;aul f,i fhdod .ekSu

jHdmD;s y;rla i|yd weußldkq fvd,¾

Holcim Ltd released in

fjkqfjka B’t,a’tia lkaiag%laIka iud.u

ñ,s h khla ;Hd. uq o ,a f,i ms ß keuq k d’


■ vQ r d ì,a ä ka moa O ;s ks I a m dokh i|yd

fjksishq,dfõ yd c¾uksfha jHdmD;s folla

Corporate Sustainable

lïy,la bÈ lsÍu fjkqfjka bkag¾keIk,a

rka iïudkfhka o b;d,sfha jHdmD;shla ߧ

Development for the

lkaiag%laIka fldkafidaáhï iud.u

iïudkfhka o lekvdfõ jHdmD;shla f,dalv

year 2004/2005. While

■ ud;r Èia ; % l a l fha c, iemhq ï moa O ;s h

iïudkfhka o msÿï ,enqjd’

being well on track in

ÈhqKq lsÍu fjqkfjka ;dhsfihs fldamf¾Ika

f.da,Sh iïudk Wf<,g fmr 2005 jif¾

achieving its existing


iema;eïn¾ yd Tlaf;dan¾ udij, § mej;s

sustainability targets,

l,dmSh fyd,aiï s iïudk Wf<, myl § úYsIg a

the Group has set



úYaj úoHd, jHdmD;s i|yd l=i,;d

jHdmD;s 46 la i|yd weußldkq fvd,¾ ñ,shk

further targets for


1’1 l uqo,la ;Hd. f,i msßkeuqkd’ fï


m%cd yd cd;sl ixj¾Okh i|yd odhlùfï

l,dmSh iïudk Wf<, Ökh ^wdishd-Ydka;l s r&”

occupational health

yelshdj we;s úYsIag úYaj úoHd, jHdmD;s

tlai;a ckmoh ^W;=re weußldj&”

and safety.

i|yd l=i,;d iïudk msßkeóu fujr iïudk

ia ú Üi¾,ka ; h ^hq f rda m h&” n% i S , h ^,;s k a

The priorities of Holcim in the area of sustainable

Wf<f,a kj wx.hla jqkd’ fï hgf;a kshuq

weußldj& yd ol=Kq wm%sldj ^wm%sldj - ueo

development are occupational health and safety,

uÜgñka fudrgqj úYaj úoHd,fha jdia;= úoHd

fmrÈ.& hk rgj, § meje;ajqkd’

environment, climate and energy, community involvement,

yd bxðfkare mSG isiqkaf.a jHdmD;s y;rlg

ó<Õ fyd,aisï iïudk Wf<, i|yd whÿïm;a

stakeholder engagement and sustainable construction.

l=i,;d iïudk msßkeuqkd’

2007 cqks 1 jk Èk isg bÈßm;a l< yelshs’

The Group is well on track to meeting its sustainability

2007 jif¾ isg iEu úYaj úoHd,hlu jHdmD;s

Y%S ,xldfõ jHdmD;sj,g o fï iïudk i|yd

targets. For example, net CO2 emissions per tonne of cement

fï iïudk i|yd i<ld ne,Sug wm ie<iqï

wheÿï l< yelshs’


have been reduced by 14.7 percent since 1990. The voluntary target of a 20 percent reduction by 2010 is therefore within

lrkjd’ boslsÍï fCIa;%h” úYaj úoHd,” rdcH wdh;k”


f.da,h S yd l,dmSh fyd,aiï s iïudk

jHdmdr fCIa;%h yd wka;¾cd;sl ixúOdk

The additional targets are in the two important areas of

;sridr bÈlsÍï i|yd jk fyd,aisï mokfï

wd§ úúO fCIa;% ksfhdackh lrñka fï Wf<,g

occupational health and safety and environment. The

l<ukdlre jk tâj¾â Iaj¾ia uy;d fujr

iyNd.S jQ msßi wm iud.fï fï W;aidyh

frequency of accident-related absences is to be reduced by

fyd,aisï ,xld iïudk Wf<f,a § f.da,Sh

fndfyda m%Yxidjg ,la l<d’ fï ksid ;sridr

30 percent annually over the next three years. In order to

fyd,aisï iïudk Wf<, .ek iyNd.S jQjka

ixj¾Okh flfrys wm iud.fï lemùu;a” ta

achieve a Groupwide reduction in its atmospheric

oekqj;a l<d’

yd ine|s wfma m%;srEmh;a j¾Okh jqkd’

emissions, Holcim is to lower the output of NOx, SO2 and

2006 wfm%a,a ui ;dhs,ka;fha § mej;s f.da,Sh

dust per tonne of cement by 20 percent by 2010 Thus Holcim will be honoring all voluntary commitments made within

;sridr ixj¾Okh b,lal foig 2006 cQ,s udifha § wm ujq iud.u jk fyd,aisï iud.u 2004$2005 jir i|yd ;sridr ixj¾Okh i|yd jk ixhqla; jd¾;dj t<s oelajQjd’ ;sridr ixj¾Okh i|yd jk b,lal fyd¢ka imqrd .ksñka isák nj fï jd¾;dfõ oelafjk w;r ;j;a b,lal ia:dms; lr ;sfnkjd’ wm fyd,aisï uõ iud.u ;sridr ixj¾Okh flfrys olajk oeä lemùu f.da,Sh uÜgñka m%Yxidjg ,lafjkjd’ 2006 jir i|yd o võ fcdakaia ;sridr ixj¾Okh ms<sn| iïudkfha bÈlsÍï wuqøjH i|yd jk fCIa;%fha kdhlhd f,i wm iud.u msÿï ,enqjd’

the scope of the Cement Sustainability Initiative of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). Holcim’s efforts in the field of sustainability are increasingly being recognized by the outside world. The company achieved recognition as “Leader of the Industry” in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index 2006 while a number of Group companies won various sustainability awards.

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


Sales Community

Mahagedara opens two franchisee shops in Panadura and Embilipitiya

Innovative construction services and solutions under one roof Our company is in the process of expanding the Mahagedera retail chain, which provides innovative construction services and solutions under one roof for house builders. Mahagedara branded retail chain facilitated the opening ceremonies of its two franchisee shops in Panadura and Embilipitiya on 21 September and 8 November 2006, respectively. Gracing the two occasions were the Holcim team, senior managers of leading building materials companies and the two franchisees, Messrs Sanjeewa (Panadura)




(Embilipitiya), along with their family members. House-builders’ one stop shop Through its franchise network, Mahagedara retail chain provides innovative construction services and solutions, continuously delivering value to house builders in Sri Lanka. Mahagedera’s neutral brand concept has successfully attracted leading


Holcim Voice 3/06

Mahagedera franchisee shop in Embilipitiya

manufacturers and suppliers of

of “one-stop shop” for house-builders

construction related products and

and other construction customers.

services to join this innovative concept Visitors from Indonesia at Mahagedere in Embilipitiya A team from Indonesia, comprising personnel from Holcim Group company in Indonesia and several Holcim Distributors, visited Mahagedera Franchisee shop in Embilipitiya in early December 2006.

Sales Community

Among the host of construction services and solutions Mahagedera offers under one roof are: ■ Availability of high quality products of

leading and reputed brands, namely Dulux paints, Orange electrical items, Lanka tiles, Amano sheets, ColourCon roofing tiles and GTB Steel ■ Technical support for house builders ■ Free delivery service ■ Free housing plans and BOQs (i.e.,

estimates) ■ Contact details of masons, painters,

electricians from the local area ■ Information on housing loans from

Hatton National Bank (HNB) ■ Convenience in ordering backed by

Mahagedara Link software system Benefits, not only for house-builders Mahagedara retail chain delivers a host of benefits to all people in the process, not only for house-builders. It aligns our company’s distribution network with the expectations requirements of the end users of our products, i.e., house-builders. It also creates an opportunity for the Franchisees to develop themselves into more



entrepreneurs while increasing their turnover in the long run. Moreover, it offers a golden opportunity for the leading building material companies to expand their current sales volumes and availability by way of expanding its customer base. Above all, however, Mahagedera helps house builders make their “dream home” a reality. gihan.desilva@holcim.com

Mahagedera makes available under one roof high quality products and services of leading and reputed brands

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


úl=Kqï m%cdj

uyf.or ;j;a jHdmdr ia:dk folla mdkÿr yd weô,smsáh k.rj, újD; lrhs

ks¾udKd;aul bÈlsÍï fiajd yd úi÷ï tl jy<la hg § wm iud.u uyf.or jHdmdßl oïje,a mq¿,a lrñka isákjd’ uyf.or tlu jy,la hg§ ks¾udKd;aul bÈlsÍï fiajd yd úi÷ï ksjdi bÈlrk ck;djg ,nd fokjd’

2006 iema;eïn¾ 21 yd fkdjeïn¾ 8 hk Èkj, § ms<sfj,ska mdkÿr yd weô,smsáh k.rj, uyf.or jHdmdßl ia:dk újD; jqKd’ fyd,aisï lKavdhu m%uqL f.dvke.s,s øjH iud.ïj, ksfhdað;hska yd fï jHdmdr ia:dk ysñlrejka jk ixÔj uy;d ^mdkÿr& yd frdahs oïls;a uy;d ^weô,smsáh& fï W;aij j¾Kj;a l<d’ uyf.or jHdmdr ia:dk rfÜ ksjdi bÈlrk m%cdj i|yd wjYH ks¾udKd;aul bÈlsÍï fiajd yd úi÷ï tl jy,la hg § imhkjd’ fï w;r my; i|yka fiajd yd úi÷ï lemS



Mahagedera franchisee shop in Panadura

■ m% u q L yd .= K d;a u l ;;a ; a j fhka Wiia

■ m% j dyk fia j d fkdñf,a iemhS u ’

whf.a ,smsk yd ÿrl;k wxl iemhSu’

bÈlsÍï øjH yd fiajd iemhSu( ähq,laia

■ fkdñf,a ks j di ie,iq ï yd weia ; fïka ; =

■ yegka keIk,a nexl=j u.ska ksjdi Kh

;Ska;” Tf¾kaÊ úÿ,s Wmdx.” ,xld ghs,aia”

,nd §u’

ms<n s | úia;r imhk ljq¿jla mj;ajdf.k hEu’

wudfkda ;yvq” l,¾ fldka W¿” Ô’à’î’ jdfka’

■ wod< m% f oa Y fha fmof¾re uy;a j reka ”

■ uyf.or ,s k a l a keue;s uDÿldx.h u.s k a

■ ksjdi bÈlrk m%cdj i|yd ;dCIKsl iydh’

mska;drelrejka” úÿ,s ld¾ñl uy;ajreka hk

NdKav weKjqï myiqlï ie,iSu’

Holcim Voice 3/06

úl=Kqï m%cdj

uyf.or jdis i,ikafka ksjdi bÈlrk m%cdjg

Expansion of the Mahagedera franchisee retail chain

muKla fkdfõ’ uyf.or jHdmdr ia : dk ysñlrejkaf.a jHdmdr j¾Okh i|yd fuh odhl fjkjd’ ;jo uyf.or yd w;aje,a ne|f.k isák rfÜ m%uqL f.dvke.s,s øjH iud.ï j,g ish NdKav wf,úh by< kexùug th WmldÍ fjkjd’ ta;a uyf.or jvd;au WmldÍjkafka ksjdi bÈlrk ck;djg ish “is y s k ks j yk” myiq f jka ienEjla lr .ekSughs’

Expansion of the Mahagedera franchisee retail chain has gained interest of the Holcim Distributors to invest additionally in separate shops for Mahagedere retail chain. Polgahawela Holcim Distributor (Nippon Hardware) laid the foundation for his Mahagedera franchisee shop in Polgahawela in mid 2006.

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


Sales Community

Formal launch of Holcim webSALES program at our company

Holcim webSALES to uplift industry standards further The first Holcim webSALES customers, Holcim Distributor D. Odiris Silva & Sons (right) and direct customer CML Edwards Construction Ltd (far right)

The formal launching ceremony of the

At this ceremony graced by the Holcim

using the internet from their business

Holcim webSALES program was held at

team and representatives from the

place. Through his account, a webSALES

Hotel TransAsia on 12 September 2006.

industry and media, two webSALES

customer can access more accurate,

This e-commerce tool allows a selected

customers – one Holcim Distributor and

up-to-date and consistent information,

group of our distributors and direct

one direct customer – took part in

which will allow better business and

customers to order cement using the

clicking the webSALES program into

financial planning. As they can enjoy this

Internet while offering a host of other


value added service free of charge, the

benefits, living up to the company’s

webSALES customers will save on

promise of continuous enhancement of

Holcim webSALES program enables

conventional expenses such as

our customer service and of raising the

distributors and direct customers to

telephone and facsimile while of course

standards of the local cement and

order cement and check the delivery

bearing the Internet connection

construction industry.

status, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week,


Holcim webSALES features: Among key features of Holcim webSALES are: ■ Sales Order Entry: Allows the customer to create an order 24 hours a day, seven days a week ■ Delivery creation: Enables the user to create Delivery reference from sales order created in webSALES ■ Customer Account Inquiry: Shows a list of reports for customer’s use, namely Credit availability data,

Open item, Bank guarantee, Statement and Summary of Invoice and Credit note of the customer ■ Sales Order Inquiry : Offers a list of reports for checking status of sales order, delivery, billing, truck

details and price agreement ■ Payment detail: Each payment method can be seen (cash and credit) ■ Authorization check: Allows customer to divide their login user to many departments such as

accounting or purchasing to control the authorization for accessing to each menu ■ Change Password: This feature allows the customer to change his password in webSALES and

authorization code


As a pilot program, only a limited number of distributors and direct customers were provided with this service. Expansion is now being carried out to upgrade the facility even further and to extend it to more customers. During the past several years, our company prepared the ground in Sri Lanka for introducing the Holcim webSALES program, which is currently in use in many Holcim Group companies across the globe, including the regional companies in Thailand, Vietnam and

Holcim Voice 3/06

úl=Kqï m%cdj

wm iud.fï fyd,aiï s fjífia,i a a jevigyk ±ka lsh % d;aulhs

fyd,aisï fjí fia,aia jevigyk Indonesia. Introduction of this tool to the

fyd,aisï fjí fia,aia jevigyk wm iud.fï

mdßfNda.sl Nj;=ka lSm fokl=g muKhs’ kuq;a

Sri Lankan cement industry is a yet

ls%hd;aul lsÍu 2006 iema;eïn¾ 12 Èk

fuh ;j;a wh i|yd mq¿,a lsÍug ±kg

another step forward in our endeavor on

g%dkaia taIshd fydag,fha § isÿ flreKd’ f;dard

lghq;= iïmdokh flfrñka mj;skjd’

introducing international standards to

.;a fyd,aisï fnodyeÍfï ksfhdað; uy;ajreka

the local cement and construction

yd bÈlsÍï fCI;%fha mdßfNda.sl uy;ajreka

industry. The most notable among them

lKavdhulg fï u.ska myiqlï yd jdis /ila

fjí fia,aia moaO;sh ia:dms; lsÍu i|yd

is the introduction of the application

ysñ fjkjd’ wka;¾ cd,h yryd i,ik fï

wjYH mßirh ieliqjd’ ;dhs,ka;h” úhÜkduh

miq.sh jir lSmfha § wm iud.u fyd,aisï

based cement concept to our country,

fiajh wm iud.u wLKav f,i wfma mdßfNda.l s

yd bkaÿkSishdj wd§ wdishd Ydka;slr l,dmfha

ending the OPC (Ordinary Portland

fiajdj by< kexùug we;s lemùu fmkakqï

rgj, fuka u f,dj rgj,a /il fyd,aisï

Cement) era that is bygone in many other

lrk ;j;a fyd| ksoiqkla fjkjd’ ;j o

iud.ïj, fï fyd,aisï fjí fia,aia jevigyk

isfuka;s ksIma dok fCIa;f% ha yd bÈlsÍï fCIa;f% ha

ls%hd;aul fjkjd’


;;a;ajh by< kexùug wm ;=< we;s ±ä In our endeavor on upliftment of the

lemùu o fï u.ska ;j;a ;yjqre fjkjd’

foaYh S bÈlsÍï fCIa;f% ha ;;a;j a h by< kexùfï

wka;¾ cd,h yryd i;sfha Èk y; ;=<§u

mshjr /ila f.k ;sfnkjd’ fldalg;a ff;,h

standards of the local construction industry, the focus is merely not on direct

jeo.;a mshjrla jk óg wu;rj wm ;j;a

customers, but encompasses other

yd Èkfha meh úisy;r ;=<§u isfuka;s weKjqï

n÷ ´’ mS’ iS’ isfuka;s hq.hg kej;Sfï ;s;

stakeholders as well. For example, our

lsÍu i|yd fï fyd,aisï fjí fia,aia fuj,u

;nñka “ta ta jevg ta ta isfuka;s ” hk kj

company actively engages in raising the

bv myiqlï i,ikjd’ ;j o ish fjí fia,aia

ixl,amh bÈlsÍï fCIa;%hg y÷kajd §u fï

professionalism of the distributor and

.sKqu Ndú;d lr ksjerÈ yd w¨;au f;dr;=re

w;r m%uqL mshjrla fjkjd’

dealer community and conducts regular

,nd .ekSu i|yd o fjí fia,aia

programs for skills development of the

mdßfNda.slhkag wjia:dj ;sfnkjd’ fï u.ska

masons in the industry. All these efforts

Tjqkag ish jHdmdr yd uQ,H ie,iqïlrKh

indirectly contribute to nurture the local

jvd;a myiq fjkjd’

cement and construction industry.

kshuq uÜgfï ±kg mj;sk fï jHdmD;sh ranil.sugathadasa@holcim.com

±kg fï myiqlu i,ikafka fnodyeÍfï


ksfhdað; uy;ajreka yd bÈlsÍï fCIa;%fha

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


Sales Community

Measures taken to minimize bag breakages

Measures against bag breakages Holcim cement is packed in two-ply bags that








international standards to withstand rough handling conditions (i.e., unitized, manual). In order to minimize bag breakages during




continuously takes various measures at different stages, namely: manufacturing of bags, transport of empty bags to plants, handling and storing of bags of cement at packing plants, transport of

lorries with damaged beds and transport

The belt conveyor and the rotating

bags of cement to warehouses and

of bags in wet weather in uncovered

mechanical devices were modified and

Distributors, and handling and storing of

lorries). Meanwhile, every month, a third

the belt conveyor system and the other

bags of cement at warehouses and

party auditor audits the systems and

related machinery are maintained at the

businesses of our Distributors and

processes of the bag manufacturer and

ideal mechanical condition.

Dealers. In order to ensure preventive


measures and swift and effective




we have set up a Quality Circle on bag

We ensure an extended curing period for

Puttalam packing plant, modifications

breakage reduction. The team comprises

bags to impart an additional strength to

were carried out in order to reduce the

personnel from thee Divisions, namely

the bags. We receive from the

dropping height from the spout to the

Logistics & Imports, Procurement and

manufacturer bags that have undergone

first conveyor, to reduce the deflection

Marketing & Sales.

3 weeks of curing, but we cure them

of bags when running on the belt

further for 2 to 3 weeks, achieving in the

conveyor and to lower effects of cleaning

Bags to pack Holcim cement is

end a total curing period of 5 to 6 weeks.

on bag breakages. Meanwhile, at Ruhunu

manufactured out of quality craft paper

After the roller press project, the

plant the mouth of the bag was optimized

under strict quality control measures,

temperature of cement that comes for

to avoid the bag breakages.

and to an optimum size for each type of

packing reduced by around 30%, lowering

cement based on their particle fineness.

the likelihood of bag breakages due to

At our warehouses, stacking is limited to

The Quality Circle team members visit

thermal reasons.

a maximum height ten bags in order to prevent breakages due to excessive

the bag manufacturer’s factory in order


At Puttalam plant, the bag storage area was renovated and enlarged. At the

remedial action against bag breakages,

to closely monitor the quality control

At both Puttalam and Ruhunu plants, we

pressure on bags while adopting the

during bag manufacturing, and also

adopt the “first-in, first-out” (FIFO)

“first-in, first-out” formula. Meanwhile,

provide the manufacturer with advice to

formula so that bags do not “grow old”.

continuous skills development of the

prevent damage during transport of new

Moreover, at both packing plants, we

loaders is carried out on correct handling



have carried out several improvements

of bags.

unprofessional practices include use of

in order to minimize the bag breakages.



Holcim Voice 3/06


úl=Kqï m%cdj

isfuka;s u¨ leãhdu je<elaùug .;a mshjr

u¨ leãhdu je<elaùug''' Meanwhile, the Quality Circle maintains

wod, wka;¾cd;sl m%ñ;sj,g wkql+, jk f,i

fï w;r .=Kd;aul ;;a;ajh ms<sn| lKavdhu

a close watch on the market and

Wiia ;;a;ajfha lvodis fhdodf.k ksIamdÈ;

fj<|fmd, foio ±ä wjOdkh fhduqlr

organizes quarterly surveys in the

u¨ ;=< fyd,aisï isfuka;s wiqrkjd' fï u¨

is á kjd' iEu ld¾;= j lg jrla u wm

market on bag damages. Meanwhile, to

r¿ mßyrKhg Tfrd;a;= fok f,i ksIma dÈ;hs'

fj<|fmdf,a u¨ leãhdu ms<sn|j ióCIKhla

educate our Distributors and Dealers on

mj;ajkjd' ;jo ksjerÈ f,i isfuka;s u¨

proper bag handling, we regularly take

is f uka ; s u¨ mßyrKfha § u¨ leãhdu

mßyrKh ms<sn|j wfma fnodyeÍfï yd wf,ú

various measures, including awareness

je<elaùu i|yd wm iud.u úúO mshjr

ksfhdað; uy;ajreka wm ksrka;rfhka ±kqj;a

creation on proper bag handling through

/ila .kakjd' u¨ leãhdfï .eg¿jg ld¾hCIu

lrkjd' fï i|yd wm “fyd,aisï y~” iÕrdj

the quarterly publication Holcim Voice.

f,i úi÷ï fiùu i|yd wm .=Kd;aul

o fhdod.kakjd'

;;a;ajh ms<sn| lKavdhula msysgqjd ;sfnkjd' When bag damages are reported, the

isfuka;s u¨ leãhdula .ek ±k.;a jydu fï

Quality Circle organizes meetings to

fï lKavdhfï ksfhdað;hska u¨ ksIamdokh

lKavdhu /iaù Bg fya;= fidhdf.k ta i|yd

explore the root causes and take

lrk lïyf,a ixpdrh lrñka wod< m%ñ;shg

ms<shï fhdokjd' fï ljr mshjrla .;a;o fï

corrective action accordingly. However

wkqj u¨ ksmojkafka ±hs fidhd n,kjd' wm

.eg¿jg úi÷ï fiùfï§ Tn ieuf.ka ,efnk

much the Quality Circle strives on these

lïy,aj, weiqreï wxYhg w¨;a u¨j,g ydks

iyfhda.h b;d jeo.;a fjkjd'

initiatives, the real success depends on

fkdù m% j dykh lrk whq r e .ek u¨

the support they receive from you all.

ksIamdolhdg fï lKavdhu Wmfoia fokjd'

uyTh WKq osh <sx

;jo uilg jrla f;jk md¾Yjfha ú.Kk viraj.gunasekara@holcim.com

ks<Odßfhla u¨ ksIamdok l%shdj,sh ú.Kkh

uyTh k.rfha isg lsf,daóg¾

lr wjYH Wmfoia imhkjd'

2 la muK ÿßka fï WKq Èh

u¨j,g wu;r Yla;shla ,nd§u i|yd wmg

fjkia WIa K ;a j j,s k a hq l a ;

u¨ ,enqKq miq o ;j;a i;s fol ;=kla fï

iajNdúl WKq Èh <sx y;la

u¨ “lshqßx” ls%shdj,shg Ndckh lrkjd'

fuys we;’ jir mkylg jeä

<sx ±l.; yelshs’ tlsfklg

w;S;hla we;s fï <sx foaYSh wm lïy,a ;=<§ u¨ jeäl,la /£ ;sîu

fuka u úfoa Y S h ixpdrlhka

je<elaùu i|yd uq,ska weisrE u¨ uq,ska msg

w;r ckm%sh ù we;’

lrkjd' ;jo mq;a;,u yd reyqKq lïy,aj,

What to do when a bag breakage occurs? If bag breakages occur, please contact us on this telephone line: 112 310 820 Then a Holcim officer will visit your site or business, investigate the causes and take necessary action.

weiq r eï wxYj, hka ; % iQ ; % j , ;;a ; a j h

foaYm%sh m%kdkaÿ

jeäÈhqKq l<d'

fudKrd.,$wïmdr Èia;%sla m%dfoaYSh úl=Kqï ks<Odß

wfma f;d. .nvd ;=< § o isfuka;s u¨ È.= l,la /£ ;s î u je<ela ù ug wm ms h jr .kakjd' ;jo wêl mSvkh ksid u¨ leãhdu je<ela ù u i|yd f;d. .nvd ;= < is f uka ; s u¨ tl Wv tl weisÍfï§ “Wi” u¨ oyhlg iSudlr ;sfnkjd' ;jo isfuka;s u¨ ksjerÈ f,i mßyrKh ls Í u ms , s n |j wm f;d. .nvdj, mgjk fia j lhs k a ks r ka ; rfhka ±kq j;a lrkjd'

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


Sales Community

Tips for proper transportation of bags of cement

Let’s transport bags of cement with reasonable care Our Distributors and Dealers receive

■ Manual loading and unloading of

loading surface that could damage bags

Holcim cement in bags manufactured


(e.g., stones, glass, nails).

out of quality kraft paper, complying with

■ Forklift loading and unloading of

■ Before loading, make sure the truck’s

the relevant international standards to


loading surface is dry. Be careful about this especially during the rainy seasons.

withstand rough handling conditions (i.e., unitized, manual). The two-ply bag used

Knowing the right methods and applying

■ Do not overload the truck (Please see

by Holcim is strong enough to hold 50kg

them to day-to-day practice can avoid


of cement intact provided it is handled

wastages and unnecessary problems

■ Once loading is complete, cover the

with reasonable care.

arising from bag breakages.

bags with a suitable tarpaulin cover

In the last issue, we covered the general

because both rain and intense sunlight

Proper handling of bags

safety and health practices to be adhered

can be harmful to cement.

Bag breakages can therefore be

to when handling bags of cement. Today,

■ To prevent the movement of bags on

minimized by proper transportation,

in this second article, we focus on proper

one another during transport, tie the load

storing, loading and unloading of these

transportation of cement.

using ropes or belts. Insert a hard material such as thick cardboard

bags of cement. In the last issue, we began a series of articles on proper

Proper transportation of cement

between the rope/belt and the bag to

handling of bags of cement. Creating

When transporting cement, adopt the

prevent tearing of the bag during

awareness among our transporters,

following instructions:


Distributors and Dealers on proper bag

■ Select an appropriate flat bed truck

■ Do not transport cement with

handling, this series covers the following

for transporting cement.

materials or items with sharp edges (e.g.,


■ Park the truck on a flat surface before

steel bars, stones).

loading bags of cement. ■ Transportation of cement

■ Before loading bags of cement,

In next issue, we will discuss the correct

■ Storing cement

remove sharp objects from the truck’s

methods of storing cement. viraj.gunasekara@holcim.com

Loading limits for trucks Vehicle category (or equivalent other brands of vehicles)

Recommended capacity

Maximum tolerable capacity

(Metric tons)

(Metric tons)

Canter type vehicles (250/350)



TATA 1210



TATA 1613



TATA 1615



TATA 1618



Leyland Comet



Leyland Tusker







Holcim Voice 3/06

úl=Kqï m%cdj

ksjerÈj isfuka;s u¨ m%jdykh lsÍu i|yd Wmfoia

yels ;rï m%fõiñka isfuka;s u¨ m%jdykh lruq wka ; ¾cd;s l m% ñ ;S k a g wkq l + , j Wiia

ksjerÈ f,i isfuka;s u¨ m%jdykh

;;a ; a j fha l% d *a Ü lvodis fhdod f.k


ks I a m dÈ; u¨ ;= < weis r E fyd,a i s ï is f uka ; s

isfuka;s u¨ m%jdyk lsÍfï § my; i|yka

wfma fnodyeÍfï yd wf,ú ks f hda ð ;

Wmfoia ms<smÈkak(

;siai jej Odß;dj wlalr wä 3510 la yd j.d l< yels ìï m%udKh wlalr 2750 la jk fuu ruKSh jej ;siaiuydrdu k.rhg wdikakj msysgd we;’ foaYm%sh m%kdkaÿ

fudKrd.,$wïmdr Èia;%sla m%dfoaYSh úl=Kqï ks<Odß

uy;a j reka g ,efnkjd’ fld< folla iys ; fï u¨ r¿ mßyrKh i|yd fhda . H jk f,i ks m ojd ;s f nkjd’

■ is f uka ; s m% j dykh i|yd iq ÿ iq iu;,d

;Ügqjla iys; f,dßhla f;dard .kak’ ■ isfuka;s u¨ megùu i|yd f,dßh ;eks;,d

ksjerÈj isfuka;s u¨ mßyrKh lsÍu

fmd<jla u; kj;d ;nkak’

ta ksid ksjerÈ f,i m%jdykh lsÍu” .nvd

■ isfuka;s u¨ megùug fmr f,dßfha ;Ügqj

lsßu” nEu yd megùu u.ska isfuka;s u¨

u; we;s weK fyda lïì jeks ;shqKq foa

leãhdu wju l< yelshs’

bj;a lrkak’ fï u.ska isfuka;s u¨ isÿre

miq.sh l,dmfha § wm ksjerÈj isfuka;s u¨

úh yelshs’

mßyrKh lsÍu ms<sn| ,sms ud,djla werUqjd’

■ is f uka ; s u¨ megùug fmr f,dß ;Ügq j

wfma fnodyeÍfï yd wf,ú ksfhdað; m%cdj

úh<s ;;a;ajfha we;s nj ;yjqre lr .kak’

ksjerÈ f,i isfuka;s u¨ mßyrKh lsÍu

jeis ld,fha § fï .ek jvd;a ie<ls,su;a

ms<sn|j ±kqj;a lsÍfï wruqK we;sj werUQ


fï ,sms ud,dfjka my; i|yka fCIa;% wdjrKh

■ f,dßfha kshñ; Odß;dj blaujñka isfuka;s


u¨ megùfuka j<lskak’ wkjYH m%udKhg jvd nr megùu f,dßhg ydksodhlhs’

■ is f uka ; s u¨ m% j dykh’

■ isfuka;s u¨ megjQ miq gdfmda,Ska frÈj,ska

■ is f uka ; s u¨ .nvd ls Í u’

tajd fyd¢ka wdjrKh lrkak’

■ ñksia Y%ufhka isfuka;s u¨ nEu yd megùu’

■ m%jdykfha § isfuka;s u¨ tyd fuyd hdu

■ f*dala ,s*aÜ hka;% u.ska isfuka;s u¨ nEu

je<laùu i|yd má fyda lU fhdod fyd¢ka

yd megùu’

.eg .ikak’ má fyda lU u¨ j,g ysrjk ;ekaj,g .klï ldâfndaâ jeks fohla isr

wfma m%jdyk uy;ajreka” fnodyeÍfï yd wf,ú

fldg m%jdykfha § isfuka;s u¨ bÍ hEu

ks f hda ð ; uy;a j reka yd Tjq k a f .a ld¾h


uKav,h isfuka;s u¨ ksjerÈj mßyrKh

■ jdfka lïì jeks ;s h q K q odr iys ; øjH

lrk wdldrh .ek ±k .ekSu;a ta l%u

iu. isfuka;s u¨ m%jdykh lsÍfuka j<lskak’

wkq.ukh lsÍu;a jeo.;a fjkjd’ ó <Õ l,dmfhka wm isfuka;s u¨ ksjerÈj isfuka;s u¨ mßyrKfha § fmdÿfõ ms<smeÈh hq;= fi!LH yd wdrCIK ms<sfj;a miq.sh l,dmfhka u wdjrKh flreKd’ wo wms ksjerÈ f,i isfuka;s u¨ m%jdykh lrk whqre i<ld n,uq’

.nvd lrk wdldrh .ek i<ld n,uq’

iqÿ iskd le¨ï je,a yv kÕd iskdiqkq iqÿ iskd le¨ï je,a .=ï yäka foor wd wyia l=i foforjd fmdf<da ;, foorjd keÕS wd Èh nqnq, oyÈfhka f.dv ke.= isf;a we¢ ud,s.d tl /hska ìu fy¨ Èh nqnq, oksï foda tkuqÿ fyd,aisï y~ weú;a mK wÈk isysk fodr wNsuqjg ,x l,d fijKfhka msßue¥ íf,dla .,la ksu jqkd iqmsßfhka wä;,u is;g iúhla jqkd wmf;a .sh ld,hla fmof¾re f.dkq l<d iqÿ iskd le¨ï je,a h<s uqjg ,x l<d iqi, s dks f.dvlkao

f.dvlkao ydâfjhd¾” noafoa.u

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


Sales Community

Holcim Dealer Conventions 2006 strengthens our win-win relationship

Well done! Let’s advance, together… Holcim Dealer Conventions 2006 consolidated the concept of application-based cements while appreciating the Dealers’ entrepreneur success and their contribution to our business.

Indika Jayaweera reiterated our

The Holcim Dealer conventions 2006



Each event began with a safety message,


series comprising 19 events addressed

performance as entrepreneurs and their

continuing our tradition of extending

commitment to

during the period August to November

support and contribution to our business,

Holcim Safety culture to our Dealer


2006 over 4000 Holcim Dealers from

especially during the hard times.


enhancement of our different parts of the country. customer service.

While consolidating among our Holcim Dealer community the concept of application-based cements under the theme “Right cement for right application”,



Holcim Dealer Conventions 2006 Over 4000 Holcim Dealers took part in the Holcim Dealer Conventions 2006 comprising 19 Dealer Conventions organized around the country: ■ Colombo on 28 August and 19 September (for Dealers Colombo North and South) ■ Gampaha on 3 and 4 September ■ Kurunegala on 20 September ■ Kalutara on 22 September ■ Kegalle on 3 October ■ Anuradhapura on 9 and 10 October ■ Galle on 16 and 17 October (for Galle and Matara) ■ Kandy on 31 October and 1 November (for Kandy, Matale and Dambulla) ■ Embilipitiya on 5 November ■ Badulla on 8 November (for Badulla and Nuwara-Eliya) ■ Ratnapura on 15 November ■ Puttalam on 19 November ■ Mahiyanganaya on 21 and 22 November


Holcim Voice 3/06

Sales Community

Walter Marasinghe

Emphasizing on the theme of “Right

revealed that one cement for all purposes

cements, he stated, drawing attention to highlighted our

cement for the right application”, Indika

(as is the case with the Ordinary Portland

our company’s Holcim Supiri Cement (for company’s ethical






Cement, OPC) is no longer capable of

concrete construction) and Holcim conduct and


solving all types of construction problems

Pedereru Cement (for wall building and commitment to


and therefore this concept is now long


enhancement of our customer service,

bygone in most parts of the world,

especially by way of innovative solutions

especially in developed countries. The

Walter Marasinghe (Group Sales

to customers’ construction problems. He

modern trend is the application-based

Controller) highlighted the fact that our


company’s to

social responsibility.

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


Sales Community

A novel feature of this year is the

In recognition of our Dealers’

At the end of the formal proceedings,

awareness creation

contribution to our company’s business,

music, dancing and food was aplenty. In

among the Dealers

a Vice President of our company graced


on the laws they

every event of this series. Their speeches

relationships were formed and the old

should understand

highlighted our company’s global

ones renewed – not only between our

and abide by and the

strength and local commitment,

Dealers and our company but also among

safety concerns they

drawing the audience’s attention to the

our Dealers themselves.

should focus when

benefits they can enjoy by being business

doing business.

partners to our company. company is doing business in an ethical manner and is also strongly committed to social responsibility. Among the several examples he pointed out included



reconstruction achievements of the Holcim Fund for Reconstruction in Sri Lanka. Our Dealers can be proud being Vice Presidents of

business partners to such a company

our company

commanding respect through its

graced every event

contribution to the society.

of this series


Holcim Voice 3/06




Thus, the Holcim Dealer Conventions 2006 provided a strong foundation for an

A novel feature of this year is the address

even stronger relationship in the future

by Ranjith Usgoda Arachchi, Inspector of

between our Dealer community and our

Police (Emergency Services). He created

company, further enhancing its win-win

awareness among our Dealers on the


laws they should understand and abide by and the safety concerns they should


focus when doing business. His advice on


how to transport cement safely and without breach of the laws of the country proved to be very useful to our Dealers.

úl=Kqï m%cdj

fyd,aisï wf,ú ksfhdað; iïuka;%K ud,dj 2006 wm iud.u yd wf,ú ksfhdað; m%cdj w;r in|;dj jvd;a ;yjqre lrhs

úYsIaghs! tla ù huq fmrgu’’’ 2006 fyd,aiï s wf,ú ksfhdað; iïuka;K %

fyd,a i s ï wdrCIK ixia l D;s h Tjq k a ;= < g

ud,dj Ndú;h mokï jQ isfuka;s ms<sn|

;j ÿrg;a f.k hñka iEu jevigykla u

ixl,amh ;j;a ;yjqre l< w;r wf,ú

wdrCIK mKs j q v hls k a werUq k d’ “ta ta

ksfhdað; m%cdfõ jHdmdr id¾:l;ajh yd

jevg ta ta is f uka ; s ” hk f;a u dj .ek

Tjqkfa .ka wfma jHdmdrhg ,enqKq odhl;ajh

wjOdkh fhduq lrñka wf,ú l<ukdldr

m%Yxidjg ,la l<d’

bka È l chùr uy;d wLKa v j mdßfNda . s l

2006 jif¾ fyd,a i s ï wf,ú ks f hda ð ;

lemùu wjOdrKh l<d’ fuys § mdßfNda . s l

iïuka ; % K ud,dj 2006 wf.da i a ; = is g

m% c dfõ bÈls Í ï .eg¿ i|yd ks ¾ udKd;a u l

fia j dj by< kexùu i|yd wfma we;s ±ä

fkdjeïn¾ olajd ld,fha § meje;ajqKd’ rg

úi÷ï iemhS u m% u q L ia : dkhla .ka k jd’

mqrd mej;s iïuka;%K 19 lska iukaú; jQ

f,dj mqrd mj;sk kj m%j k;dj jk Ndú;h

fï jevigyka ud,djg fyd,aiï s wf,ú ksfhdað; uy;au uy;aóka 4000 lg wêl .Kkla iyNd.s jqkd’ “ta ta jevg ta ta isfuka;s” hk f;audj hgf;a wm y÷kajd ÿka Ndú;h mokï jQ úfYaIs; isfuka;s ms<sn| ixl,amh wm wf,ú ksfhdað; m%cdj w;r ;j;a ;yjqre lsÍug fï jevigyka ud,dj iu;ajqkd’ ;j o jHdmdßlhska f,i Tjqka ±lajQ id¾:l;ajh;a Tjqkaf.ka wfma jHdmdrhg ,enqKq odhl;ajh;a wm fï jevigyka ud,dfõ § m%Yxidjg ,la l<d’

Holcim Dealer The Holcim Dealer is a key business partner of our company. Our company maintains a cordial relationship with our Dealers while assisting them with their business. Our Area Sales Officers (ASOs) regularly visit them, enquiring their needs and taking necessary action. Moreover, through

Holcim Voice, the quarterly magazine for the Dealer community, our company provides them with a platform




achievements, milestones and skills of our Dealers and their families.

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


úl=Kqï m%cdj

mokï jQ is f uka ; s ms < s n | wjOdkh fhduq

f.dvkexùu i|yd jk fyd,a i s ï wruq o ,

ish jHdmdr lghq;=j,§ wjOdkh fhduq l<

l< Tyq fyd,a i s ï iq m s ß is f uka ; s ^fldka l % S Ü

u.s k a bgq l< fia j h m% u q L ia : dkh .ka k d

hq;= kS;sÍ;s yd wdrCIK Wmfoia .ek fmd,sia

bÈls Í ï i|yd& yd fyd,a i s ï fmof¾re

nj Tyq fmka j d ÿka k d’ fujeks iud.ul

mÍCIl rxð;a Wiaf.dv wdrÉÑ uy;d l<

is f uka ; s ^ì;a ; s bÈls Í u yd lmrdre ls Í u


l;dj Tjqkag fnfyúka m%fhdackj;a jqkd’

i|yd& .ek o wjOdkh fhduq l<d’

wdvïnrhla nj Tyq i|yka l<d’




wjidkfha § kegqï .ehqï” wdydrmdk w;r;=r iudc j.lS u g ±ä f,i lemjQ wm iud.u

wf,ú ksfhdað; m%cdj wm iud.u ±la jQ

§ kj ñ;=re oï we;sjqkd’ mej;s ñ;= oï

iudch fjkq f jka is ÿ l< fufyjr ms < s n |

odhl;a j h m% Y xidjg ,la lrñka iEu

w¿;a jqKd’ wm iud.u yd wfma wf,ú m%cdj

iuQ y úl=Kï q md,l fjda , a g ¾ udris x y uy;d

iïuka ; % K hlg u wm iud.fï Wm

w;r in|;djh ;j;a ;yjqre lsÍug fï

l;d l<d’ fuys§ Y%S ,xldfõ h<s

wêm;sjrfhla iyNd.s jqkd’ wm wf,ú m%cdj

jevigyka ud,dj iu;a jqkd’

Tng È.disß‘’ yo ne|.;a Tng’’’ foaYSh foa w.hñka” wdl¾YKSh jQ;a uyd mßY%uh;a fhdod úiañ; ksmehqï ksu lsÍug wem lem jQ uy f.or uy n,j;d “fyd,aisï ” Tng ksrka;rfhkau ch oo nkaod .=jka .en isidrd Èÿ,kakg ;rï iqmsß úh Tng È.disß ‘’’’’’ pdkaokS ùrr;ak

Ô’ ta’ wdßhj¾Ok iy ifydaorfhda Y%djia;smqr wkqrdOmqr

Holcim Distributor Mr D.J.S. Fernando (New Victory Hardware, Moratuwa), gave away awards to his best Dealers during the Colombo South Dealer Convention


Holcim Voice 3/06

Sales Community

Customer service enhancement by Holcim Distributors and Dealers

Continuing to enhance their customer service Like our company, our business partners continue to improve their customer service. Expansion of their business and transport fleet, relocation of their business at a better place and renovation of their business place are among the steps taken forward. Business place enhancement Holcim Dealer Mr Vijitha Edirisinghe (Chatura Enterprises, Nugegoda) declared open recently a new paint showroom next to his hardware shop. He


significantly contributes to our business


and sells over 1000 bags of Holcim


Pedereru cement on average every month. Holcim Dealer Mr Anura (Anura Hardware, Wellawaya) expanded his business place.

Anura Hardware, Wellawaya

Holcim Dealer Mr W.M. Jagath

business place at a new location with a

Wanigasooriya (Wanigasooriya Agro-

new look and better facilities for

Chemicals, Ethiliwewa) reopened his

customers. Holcim Dealer ( Lakmalee

Chatura Enterprises, Nugegoda

fyd,ais誰 y~ 3$06


Sales Community

flá l,l§ iS>% ÈhqKqjla miq.sh ld,fha wmg tl;= jQ fyd,aisï wf,ú ksfhdað; uy;ajreka fofofkl= wm idorfhka ms<s.kakjd’ Tjqka kï fyd,aisï wf,ú ksfhdað; fla’ fla’ ,is;a uy;d ^ud;r ydâfjhd¾” l;r.u& yd fyd,aiï s wf,ú ksfhdað; uxcq, fiakdkdhl uy;d ^uyck ydâfjhd¾” fyÜáfmd,” ú,a.uqj& hk whhs’ flá l,la ;=<§ Tjqka w;a lr f.k isák ÈhqKqj .ek wfmka Tjqkag iqn me;=ï’

Lakmalee Hardware in Weli-Ara, Netolpitiya Hardware in Weli-Ara, Netolpitiya )

improve the efficiency of his cement

opened a new hardware shop. Another


Holcim Dealer (Saman Stores in

Mahajana Hardware, Hettipola, Vilgamuwa

A success story two decades long Mr P. Marikkar began business some 20 years ago and is currently a direct

Vilgamuwa, Hettipola) provided his shop

Well done, keep it up!

with a new look and improved conditions.

We wish you all the best in the new chapters of your business. Well done!

Transport fleet expansion

We’re proud of you. We also expect that

Meanwhile Mr A.H.M. Rizan (Proprietor

you will continue to translate your solid

of Holcim Warehouse in Pottuvil)

commitment to customer service

expanded his transport fleet by

enhancement into concrete action.

purchasing another truck in order to

agent of Monaragala Holcim Distribution Partner (Royal Hardware). He has served dealers in Kuda Oya, Wellawaya, Buttala, Okkampitiya and Palwatte, and won their trust and friendship. We wish him all the best.

oYl foll b;sydihla we;s id¾:l;ajfha l;djla fudKrd., fyd,aisï fnodyeÍfï yjq,alref.a ^frdah,a ydâfjhd¾& Rcq ksfhdað;hd f,i lghq;= lrk mS’ ußlald¾ uy;d ish jHdmdr lghq;= wdrïN lf<a oYl follg fmrhs’ Tyq l=vd Th” je,a,jdh” nq;a;,” Tlalïmsáh yd me,aj;a; wd§ m%foaYj, wf,ú ksfhdað;hskag fiajd imhk w;r Tjqkaf.a úYajdih Èkd f.k ;sfnkjd’ wms Tyqg iqn m;uq’

Saman Stores in Vilgamuwa, Hettipola


Holcim Voice 3/06

úl=Kqï m%cdj

fyd,aisï fnodyeÍfï yd wf,ú ksfhdað; m%cdj ish mdßfNda.sl fiajh jvd;a ÈhqKq lsÍug .;a mshjr

jvd;a Wiia mdßfNda.sl fiajdjla i|yd .;a mshjr wm iud.u fukau wm iud.fï jHdmdr

ish jHdmdr ia:dkh jvd;a fyd| ia:dkhl

yjq,l a rejka jk fyd,aiï s fnodyeÍfï ksfhdað;

jeä myiqlï iys;j újD; l<d’ fkfgd,amsáh

uy;ajreka yd wf,ú ksfhdað; uy;ajreka

fyd,aisï wf,ú ksfhdað; uy;d ^,laud,s

ish mdßfNda.sl fiajdj wLKavj jeä ÈhqKq

ydâfjhd¾” je,s wdr” fkfgd,a m s á h& kj

lsÍug úúO mshjr .kakjd’ jHdmdrh mq¿,a

jHdmdßl ia:dkhla újD; l<d’ fyÜáfmd,

lsÍu” m%jdyk wxYh mq¿,a lsÍu” jHdmdr

fyd,aiï s wf,ú ksfhdað; uy;d ^iuka iafgda¾ia”

ia:dkh jvd;a iqÿiq ;eklg f.k hdu” jHdmdr

ú,a.uqj” fyÜáfmd,& ish jHdmdr ia:dkfha

ia:dkh kùlrKh lsÍu fï mshjr w;r

myiqlï jeä ÈhqKq lr thg kj uqyqKqjrla

m%uqLia:dkh .kakjd’

,nd ÿkakd’

jHdmdr ia:dk

m%jdyk wxYh

fyd,aiï s wf,ú ksfhdað; úð; tÈßisxy uy;d

fï w;r ta’ tÉ’ tï’ ßidka uy;d ^fmd;=ú,a

^p;=r tkagm%hsiia” kqf.af.dv& miq.sh od ish

fyd,aisï f;d. .nvdfõ ysñlre& kj g%la

jHdmdr ia : dkhg hdnoj kj ms k a ; dre

r:hla ,nd f.k ish m%jdyk wxYh mq¿,a

m%o¾Ykd.drhla újD; l<d’ wm iud.fï


jHdmdr lghq;=j,g ls%hdldÍ f,i odhl jk Tyq fyd,aisï fmof¾re isfuka;s u¨ oyila

úYsIaghs” huq ;j;a bÈßhg

muK udislj wf,ú lrkjd’ ;j o fyd,aisï

Tn ieuf.a jHdmdrj, kj mßÉfþo i|yd

wf,ú ksfhdað; wkqr uy;d ^wkqr ydâfjhd¾”

wms Tng iqn m;uq’ Tfí mdßfNda.sl fiajdj

je,a,jdh& ish jHdmdrh mq¿,a l<d’

wLKavj jeä ÈhqKq lsÍu i|yd Tn ;=< we;s

fyd,aisï wf,ú ksfhdað; c.;a jks.iQßh

lemùu bÈßfha§;a fufia ls%hdjg kxjdú

uy;d ^jks.iQßh wef.%da flñl,aia” we;s,sjej&

hehs wm n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjkjd’

Holcim Warehouse in Pottuvil

New but doing well We welcome two new Holcim Dealers who joined us recently. They are Holcim Dealer Mr K.K. Lasith (Matara Hardware, Kataragama) and Holcim




Senanayake (Mahajana Hardware, Hettipola, Vilgamuwa). We congratulate on them on their

Matara Hardware,

rapid success.


fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


Sales Community

A Holcim Dealer received an Award from India

An award from India Rapid progress continues Holcim Warehouse in Pottuvil, launched in January 2005, registered a rapid progress after it was relocated in Pottuvil town in early 2006. Its secret of success is its proprietor’s dedicated commitment of customer service and its success ride continues.

Holcim Dealer Mr U. Withanage

Gamage (Minister of Vocational

Navitigala (Withanage Navitigala


Enterprises & Hardware, Anamaduwa)

Those who contributed to the success of Holcim

was recently awarded with “Baratha

Mr Navitigala, who had earlier received

Honour Award”, in recognition for his

Deshakeerthi Award, is reputed

immense contribution to social service.

philanthropist and a writer. We are proud

Among the distinguished guests who

to have such a reputed personality as a

graced this ceremony held in New Delhi,

Holcim Dealer. We congratulate him on

India, were Hon Sri Priyaranjan Dasman

his achievement and wish him all the

(Minister of Parliamentary Affairs &

best for his future social service

Broadcasting in India) and Hon Piyasena


ch oo kexjQ Tng

Warehouse in Pottuvil include (from left) Messrs M.

rka yd iudkh ld,h

Vinayagamoorthy (Sales Representative), A.H.M. Rizan

iq j nr fohla Wfoid ta

(Proprietor of Holcim Warehouse in Pottuvil) and

Yla ; s h Tn‘’o@ kj ks u ejq ï

Deshapriya Fernando (Area Sales Officer, Monaragala &

fyd,a i s ï y~hs /õfoka f ka

ñks i dg yeuúgu iq m s ß hg fyg Èkg’’’

Ampara districts)

ld,h ujhs ;d,hlg

iq f mïnr

wLKav iS>% m%.;shla

úia ñ ; luhs fy, orejka

w;s k a lr

ne¨ yeu ;eku jecfUkjd

iq m s ß lr

2006 jir uq,§ fmd;=ú,a fyd,aisï f;d. .nvdj fmd;=ú,a

fyd,a i s ï y~hs ku /ka ÿ fj

.= j ka ;r

k.rfha ia:dms; l< miq iS>% m%.;shla fmkakqï l<d’ tys ysñlre ßidka uy;d mdßfNda.sl fiajdj i|yd ±ä f,i lemùu fï

pdkaokS ùrr;ak

m%.;shg uQ,sl f,i odhl jqkd’

Ô’ ta ’ wdßhj¾Ok iy ifyda o rfhda ” Y% d jia ; s m q r - wkq r dOmq r


Holcim Voice 3/06

úl=Kqï m%cdj

fyd,aiï s wf,ú ksfhdað; uy;aufhl= bkaÈhdfõ oS iïudkhg md;% fjhs

bkaÈhdfjka iïudkhla fyd,aiï s wf,ú ksfhdað; hQ’ ú;dkf.a kdúá.,

iïudk Wf<,g iyNd.s jQ wdrdê;hska w;r

ñka fmr foaY Yla;s iïudkfhka msÿï ,o

uy;d ^ú;dkf.a kdúá., tkag¾m%hsiia wekaâ

.re Y%S m%shrxcka oiauka uy;d ^bka§h

kdúá., uy;d m%lg iudc fiajlfhla fuka

ydâfjhd¾& bka È hdfõ Ndr; f.!rj

.=jkaúÿ,s f;dr;=re yd md¾,sfïka;= lghq;=

u f,aLlfhla’ iudcfha m%uqL pß;hla jk

iïudkfhka ms ÿ ï ,enq j d’ iudc fia j d

ms<sn| wud;H& yd .re mshfiak .uf.a uy;d

Tyq fyd,aisï wf,ú ksfhdað;fhla ùu wmg

lghq;=j,g Tyqf.ka ,enqKq odhl;ajh fï

^Y%S ,xldfõ jD;a;Sh mqyqKq wud;H& lemS

wdvïnrhla’ Tyqf.a fï ch.%yKhg wms iqn

iïudkh i|yd fya;= jqkd’ bkaÈhdfõ mej;s



A happy wedded life

i;=áka msß hq. Èúhlg iqn me;=ï

Holcim Dealer Mr Chamil (Jayalath Hardware, Weeraketiya) married Miss Senani

fyd,aiï s wf,ú ksfhdað; pdñ,a uy;d ^ch,;a ydâfjhd¾” ùrleáh&

on 1 November 2006.

2006 fkdjeïn¾ 1 Èk fiakdks fukúh iu. hq. Èúhg t<Uqkd’

Son of Kochchikade Holcim Dealer (Annet Hardware, Kochchikade) stepped into

fldÉÑlfâ fyd,a i s ï wf,ú ks f hda ð ;f.a ^wekÜ ydâfjhd¾”

married life recently.

fldÉÑlfâ& mq;kqjka miq.shod hq. Èúhg t<Uqkd’

Let’s wish them a journey of happiness in this new chapter of their life.

i;=áka msß újdy Ôú;hla i|yd wms Tjqkag iqn m;uq’

Jayalath Hardware, Weeraketiya

Marriage A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. Mignon McLaughlin Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate. Barnett R. Brickner Annet Hardware, Kochchikade

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


Sales Community

A Holcim Dealer who continues to contribute to social welfare of his area

Holcim Distributor further cements relationship with employees

A good example to us all

Holcim Distributor Mr M.I.M. Mahir (Mahir Hardware, Darga Town) organized a trip for his employees to Leisureworld Park and then hosted a dinner at Hotel Araliya in Aluthgama. This outing further cemented his relationship with employees. Holcim Area Sales Officer Mr D.D. Chandana played a key role in this relationship building exercise.

Continuing his contribution to raise the

Meanwhile, Mr Liyanage maintains a

quality of life of the underprivileged

monthly scholarship scheme for the

communities, Holcim Dealer Mr

underprivileged children in the area.




Enterprises, Matara) spent over Rs

While appreciating his social service,

100,000 to construct a roof and paint the

specially for the benefit of children, let’s

walls of the only special education unit

wish him all the best on his exemplary

in Akmeemana Educational Zone.

work. We are proud to have such a

Located in Vidyarthodaya Maha

business partner.

Vidyalaya in Galle, this unit has two teachers and 15 differently-abled children.

ld¾h uKav,h iu. in|;djh ;j;a ;yjqre lr .kS

tluq;= ù fldams okaie,la mj;ajhs

fyd,aisï fnodyeÍfï ksfhdað; tï’ whs’ tï’ uyS¾ uy;d ^uyS¾

miq.sh jif¾ fmdfidka fmdfydh ksñ;slr f.k l=reKE., fyd,aisï f;d. .nvdj yd

ydâfjhd¾” o¾.d k.rh& ish ld¾h uKav,h i|yd f,I¾j¾,aâ

iSiaflama wdh;kh fldams okaie,la ixúOdkh l<d’ l=reKE.,” jdßhfmd<“ fmd,a.yfj,”

WoHdkfha úfkdao pdßldjla yd w¨;a.u wr,sh fydag,fha fNdack

uykqjr yd lE.,a, jeks m%foaYj, fyd,aisï fnodyeÍfï yd wf,ú ksfhdað; uy;ajreka

ix.%yhla ixúOdkh l<d’ fyd,aisï m%dfoaYSh úl=Kqï ks<OdÍ ã’

fï mqKH lghq;a;g odhl jqKd’ Tjqkaf.a fï msxlu wm ieug wdo¾Yhla’

ã’ pkaok uy;d fï i|yd odhl jqkd’

United in a noble coffee affair Kurunegala Holcim Warehouse and Seascape jointly organized a coffee dansela in June 2006 in commemoration of the Poson Full Moon Poya Day. Holcim Distributors and Dealers from areas such as Kurunegala, Wariyapola, Polgahawela Kandy and Kegalle contributed this noble effort. We appreciate this united effort on a noble cause.


Holcim Voice 3/06

úl=Kqï m%cdj

fyd,aiï s wf,ú ksfhdað; uyf;l= ish iudc fiajd lghq;= È.gu lrf.k hhs

wm ieug wdo¾Yhla

nekaáia rKùr fyd,aisï wf,ú ksfhdað; ufyaJø ,shkf.a

fï w;r ,shkf.a uy;d wvq wdodhï,dNS

uy;d ^,s h kf.a tka g m% h s i ia ” ud;r& wvq

mjq , a j , orejka i|yd udis l Ys I HdOdr

wdodhï,dNS m%cdfõ Ôjk ;;a;ajh k.d isgqùu

jevigykla o mj;ajdf.k hkjd’

i|yd ksrka;rfhka úúO mshjr .kakjd’ miq.shod wlaóuk wOHdmk l,dmfha msysá

rfÜ wkd.;h Ndr .ekSug isák ore mrmqrg

tlu úfYaI wOHdmk tallh i|yd jy<la

wjOdkh fhduq lrñka iudc fiajhg odhl

bÈlÍu yd tys ì;a;s mska;dre lsÍu i|yd

jk ,shkf.a uy;dg iqn m;ñka wm Tyqf.a

Tyq remsh,a ,CIhl uqo,la jeh l<d’ .d,af,a

jevlghq;= bÈßfha § ;j;a id¾:l fõjdhs

úoHd¾f:daoh úÿyf,a msysgd we;s fï tallfha

iqn m;uq’ fujeks jHdmdr yjq,alrejl= iu.

fjkia oCI;dj,ska iukaú; orejka myf<dia

jevlghq;= lsÍu wmg wdvïnrhla’

fofkl= wOHdmkh ,nkjd’

“reyqfKa uydlú” hk úreodj,sfhka y÷kajkq ,enQ nekaáia rKùr 1906-04-13 Èk ud;r Èia;l s% l a fha ylauk kï l=vd .fï Wm; ,eîh’ Tyqf.a foudmshka jQfha .uf.a wkaodhia wmamqydñ iy fodak .sudrd rKùr lel=fKafj, ydñfkah’ foudmsfhda Tyqg isßfiak hk ku ;enQy’ mqxÑ isßfiak ylauk msyás fldx., úÿy, yd fmd,alßs msáfha fuf;daÈia; úÿy, hk úÿy,a folska uQ,sl wOHdmkh ,eîh’ wk;=rej ish uduKaäh jQ lel=fKafj, bkao.=;a; ysñhkaf.a wêm;S;ajfhka mej;s mdkÿf¾ j,afmd, ioaO¾fudaoh msßfjfKa;a” ysiaie,af,a {dfKdaoh ysñhkaf.a wêm;S;ajfhka mej;s n,.,af,a iriaj;S msßfjfKa;a Wiia wOHdmkh ,eîh’

ft;sydisl ud,s.dú,

rKùr lúhd b;d È.=l,la “lúir” kñka ckm%sh lú iÕrd m<


lf<ah’ “lú wudj” “ldkaou” “id<sh wfYdalud,d”” “nqÿ ydduqÿrefjda”

lsf,daógr 15 la muK ÿr

yd “rKìu” Tyqf.a ldjH .%k:a w;r fjhs’ Tyqf.a “rKìu” kï moH

.sh úh ud,s.dú, mqoìug

.%k:a fhka .;a “ud,s;”S meÈfm, jir .Kkdjla w’fmd’i iudkH fm<

we;=¿ úh yel’ fuys we;s

úNd.fha idys;H fm< fmd;g we;=¿j ;sìKs’ ylauk hk .u m%ios ê a hg

úfYaI;ajh jkafka Wi wä

m;a jQfha rKùr lúhd ksidhs’



34 la yd Wrysia w;r m<, wä 10 la o jk ±jeka;

ysájk lú lSfï uy;a oCI;djhla Wreu lrf.k isá rKùr lúhd

ffY,uh nqoaO m%;sud

Okh n,h l=,h wdÈfhka wyxldrj wúysxilhka fm¨ yeug ks¾oh


f,i myr .eiQ tä;r mqoa.,fhl= f,i m%isoaêhg m;aj isáfhah’ nekaáia rKùr lúhd 1972-03-13 Èk ud;r uyd frdayf,a §

foaYm%sh m%kdkaÿ

wNdjm%dma; úh’

fudKrd.,$wïmdr Èia;%sla m%dfoaYSh úl=Kqï ks<Odß

tÉ’ tï’ ufkdaca k,skoa

kj.;af;a.u lsßueáhdfõ ã’î’ iafgda¾ia wêm;s äx.sß nxvd uy;df.a mq;Kqjka’

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06



A key industrial customer of our company

Sanken Lanka (Pvt) Ltd

Sanken Lanka (Pvt) Ltd is a key customer

certification of the Institute of

The company’s roots trace back to 1977

of our company, Holcim (Lanka) Ltd.

Construction Training & Development

when Mitsui Construction Company of

Sanken Lanka possesses the M1 Grade

(ICTAD) and is among the country’s

Japan opened a branch office in

highest ranked construction companies.

Colombo. In May 1984, a company by the

This profile covers the company in

name Mitsui Construction Company

general with a special focus on its

Lanka (Pvt) Ltd was incorporated under

readymix concrete business.

FIAC authorization to undertake civil and

Contact details Name : Sanken Lanka (Pvt) Ltd Head Office: No. 295 Madampitiya Road, Colombo 14. T.P. 2522 939, 2522 941, 2522 944 Fax: 2522 942 E mail: sanken@sankenlnk.lanka.net Website: www.sankenlanka.com Batching Plant: No. 366 Oliyamulla, Peliyagoda. T.P/ Fax: 2934 903, 2934 904, 2934 905 Hotlines: 072 2234 370, 072 2251 892 E mail: consale@sankenlnk.lanka.net


Holcim Voice 3/06

building construction work. This was Sanken Lanka’s service to the construction

extended in December 1985, to include

industry covers a wide range, including

the leasing and hiring of industrial

construction contracts, design & built

equipment. In April 1988, Mitsui

contracts, property development,

Construction Company Lanka (Pvt)



Limited changed its name to Sanken

management, hiring of scaffolding, and


Lanka (Pvt) Limited. In March 1991, Sanken

hiring & leasing of machinery, and of

Lanka’s readymix chapter began as a

course, readymix concrete!

pioneer in the trade.


Thanks to a core staff of about 300, the

The company is well equipped to deliver

The company has provided readymix

company is geared to deliver the best.

a quality service to the customers. Each

concrete for over 100 construction

The team is blessed with right guidance

of the two concrete batching plants has

projects, which include many prominent

and leadership from the Board of

an output capacity of 60m of concrete

ones such as the Sugathadasa Indoor

Directors,, comprising Mr Mahen

per hour. The storage capacity for

Stadium, JAIC Hilton Tower, HNB Tower,

Weerasekara (Chairman) and Managing

cement is 350 tons; for coarse

Majestic City Complex, Merchant

Directors, Messrs Ranjith Gunatileka and

aggregate, 900 cubes; for fine

Tower, Hyde Park Residencies, Japanese

Yosuke Tahare.

aggregate, 900 cubes; and for water,

School, Arpimall in Battaramulla, Toyota

100,000 liters. All testing is carried out

Plaza and House of Fashion.


The company produces readymix

in a fully equipped in-house testing

concrete of both standard mixes (from

laboratory. Moreover, the company’s

Grade 10 to Grade 50) and special mixes

fleet of vehicles include 25 truck mixers,

to meet the customer requirements. It

2 cement carriers, 2 water bowsers and

uses only high quality raw materials

4 mobile pump cars.


with utmost care on quality. For example, only cement conforming to requirements of BS12 is used and cement is obtained only from registered suppliers. Besides, manufacturer’s certificate is checked for each vessel and the quality is tested in an independent laboratory once in 6 months. The cement thus obtained is stored in moistureprotected silos until used for readymix concrete making.

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


bÈlsÍï fCIa;%h

bÈlsÍï fCIa;%h yd ine¢ wfma m%uqL mdßfNda.sl idudðlfhla

ikaflka ,xld ^mqoa.,sl& iud.u

ikaflka ,xld ^mqoa.,sl& iud.u hkq bÈlsÍï

1977 § cmdkfha ñÜiq h s bÈls Í ï iud.u

.kakjd’ ksoiqkla f,i Tjqka isfuka;s ,nd

fCIa ; % h yd ine¢ wfma m% u q L mdßfNda . s l

is h YdLd ld¾hd,hla fld<U § újD;

.kafka ,shdmÈxÑ iemhqïlrejkaf.ka muKhs’

idudðlfhla ’ bÈls Í ï mq y q K q yd ixj¾Ok

ls Í u ola j d fï ika f lka iud.fï b;s y dih

;j o iEu f;d.hla i|yd u ksIamdolhdf.a

wdh;kfha ^blagEâ& tï 1 fY%aKsfha iy;slh

Èj hkjd’ fï iud.u 1988 § ika f lka

iy;slh mÍCId lrk w;r .=Kd;aul ;;a;j a h

ysñ fï iud.u Y%S ,xldfõ m%uqL;u bÈlsÍï

,xld ^mq o a . ,s l & iud.u hk kñka ia : dms ;

;yjqre lsÍu i|yd udi yhlg jrla iajdëk

iud.ï w;ßka tlla f,i ye¢ka ú h yels h s ’


ridhkd.drhl § mÍCIdjg ,la lrkjd’

ikaflka ,xld iud.u .ek m< flfrk fï



mdßfNda.sl m%cdjg Wiia fiajdjla iemhSu

,smsfha § Tjqkaf.a ñY%s; fldkal%SÜ jHdmdrh

lKa v dhug tys wOHCI uKa v ,fhka ukd

i|yd Yla;sh yd iïm;a fï iud.u i;=

.ek jeä wjOdkhla fhduq flfrkjd’

u. fmkaùula ,efnkjd’ fï ukd

fjkjd’ ñY%s; fldkal%SÜ ksIamdokh lrk

ixfhda c kh iud.fï id¾:l;a j fha ryi

jevìï folla” iqrCIs; f,i wuqøjH úYd,

f,i y÷ka j d Èh yels h s ’

f;d. .nvd lsÍug myiqlï” kùk ridhkd.dr

ñY% s ; fldka l % S Ü ” bÈls Í ï fldka ; % d ;a ”



ks¾udKlrK yd bÈlsÍï fldka;%d;a” foam<


myiqlï yd fldkal%SÜ ñY%K g%la 25la fï

ixj¾Okh” jHdmD;s l<uKdlrKh”

ikaflka ,xld iud.u 10 isg 50 fY%aKsh

hkaf;%damlrK iemhSu wd§ bÈlsÍï fCIa;%fha

olajd mrdifha ñY%s; fldkal%SÜ ksIamdokh

w;r fjkjd’

úúO fCIa;% /il fï ikaflka ,xld iud.u

lrkjd’ fï i|yd Tjqka Wiia ;;a;ajfha

fï jkúg ika f lka ,xld iud.u bÈls Í ï

kshqla; ù isákjd’

wuqøjH muKla Ndú;d lsÍug j. n,d

jHdmD;s is h hlg wêl .Kklg ñY% s ;

Holcim Voice 3/06

bÈlsÍï fCIa;%h

Taking new knowledge to the industry The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) celebrated its hundredth anniversary in the year 2006. As part of its centenary celebrations, the IESL organized an international seminar at the BMICH in Colombo on 20 and 21 October 2006. The seminar comprised three sessions: New Trends in Concrete Construction, Application of Modern Technology for Development, and Electricity for Sustainable Development. Our company acted as the strategic partner to the first session. For the first session, Professor Priyan Dias of Moratuwa University delivered the keynote address on “New materials for concrete”. Dr Anura Nanayakkara, Dr Milroy Perera and Eng Daya Mallawarachchi were the resource personnel for this session. A large number of engineers and a top-level delegation of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE UK) were present at the occasion. The event facilitated the dissemination of knowledge on new trends in concrete technology in the construction industry, and further cemented our close relationship with the engineering community. ranil.sugathadasa@holcim.com

fldka l % S Ü imhd ;s f nkjd’ iq . ;odi .Dyia ; lS % v dx.Kh” chs l a ys , a g ka gj¾” tÉ’tka ’ î’

kj ±kqu bÈlsÍï fCIa;h % g f.k hEu

gj¾” uecia á la is á ixlS ¾ Kh” u¾pka Ü

fï jif¾§ Y%S ,xld bxðfkare wdh;kh ish ishjk ixj;airh ieurejd’ fï ieureïj, fldgila f,i ta wdh;kh

gj¾” yhs â mdla fris v ka i S i a ” n;a ; ruq , a f ,a

2006 Tlaf;daïn¾ 20 yd 21 foÈk wka;¾cd;sl iuq¿jla meje;ajQjd’

wdms f uda , a fj<| ixlS ¾ Kh” fgdfhda g d

fï iuq¿j m%Odk ieisjdr ;=klska iukaú; jqKd’ tkï fldkal%SÜ bÈlsÍï ms<sn| kj m%jK;d” kùk ;dCIKh

ma , did yd yjq i a T*a *eIka fï w;r m% u q L

ixj¾Okh i|yd fhdod .ekSu” yd ;sridr ixj¾Okh i|yd úÿ,s n,h kï jqKd’ wm iud.u m<uq ieish i|yd

ks o iq k a fjkjd’

odhl;ajh ,nd ÿkakd’ fldkal%SÜ fCI;%fha kj m%jK;d ms<sn| ±kqu fnod §ug fï jevigyk odhl jqKd’ Bg wu;rj th bxðfkare m%cdj yd wm iud.u w;r we;s in|;djh ;j;a ;yjqre lsÍug odhl ùu jeo.;a’

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06



Two instances of people’s trust on Holcim cement

Trust on Holcim cement Use the right cement for the right application. This is the modern concept we introduced to Sri Lanka, ending the OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement) era, where one cement – namely OPC – is used for all types of construction applications. This concept of using single cement for all applications has been long bygone in most parts of the world, especially in developed countries. Widespread




importance of using the right cement for the right application has fuelled the success and growth of Holcim cement. Out of a multitude of instances on the

Holcim Dealer Mr Dharmaratne Herath

successfully developed their business for

trust on Holcim cement, we highlight

and Mrs Tikiri Kumarihami (Janatha

over 20 years. They produce a wide range

today two instances.


of pre-cast concrete products, including




columns, cylinders, flowerpots and other ornamental items. A key secret of their success is their solid commitment to the quality of their products and customer service. To ensure the quality of their products, they have placed trust on Holcim cement. Meanwhile,






Hardware, Wellawaya) trusted Holcim cement for building his own house.

Janatha Concrete Works, Buttala


Holcim Voice 3/06

bÈlsÍï fCIa;%h

fyd,aisï isfuka;s flfrys ck;d úYajdih ms<sn| ksoiqka folla

fyd,aisï isfuka;s úYajdihs “ta ta jevg ta ta isfuka;s Ndú;d lrkak ”’

fyd,aisï wf,ú ksfhdað; O¾ur;ak fyar;a

úúO bÈlsÍï i|yd tl isfuka;s j¾.hla

uy;d yd álsß l=udßydñ uy;añh ^ck;d

^tkï idudkH fmdaÜ,kaâ isfuka;s fyj;a ´’

fldkal%SÜ j¾laia” nq;a;,& ±ka oYl folla

mS’ is’ isfuka;s& Ndú;d l< hq.h ksud lrñka

;siafia ish jHdmdrh id¾:l f,i f.dv k.d

wm iud.u isfuka;s ms<n s | fï kùk ixl,amh

f.k ;sfnkjd’ fmr ksñ fldkal%SÜ l=¿Kq”

Y%S ,xldjg y÷kajd ÿkakd’ úúO bÈlsÍï

is,skavr” u,a fmdaÉÑ” îr¿ wd§ úúO fmr

j¾. i|yd tl isfuka;shla Ndú;d lsÍu

ksñ fldkal%SÜ ksIamdok iE§fï Tjqka fh§

f,dj mqrdu ^úfYaIfhka ixj¾ê; rgj,&

isákjd’ ish ksIamdokj, .=Kd;aul ;;a;ajh

h,a mek.sh ixl,amhla’

yd Wiia mdßfNda.sl fiajdjla .ek Tjqka ;=< we;s ±ä lemùu Tjqkfa .a jHdmdr id¾:l;ajfha

“ta ta jevg ta ta is f uka ; s ” Ndú;d ls Í fï


ryi f,i y÷kajkakg mq¿jka’ ta ksid Tjqka

ia:dkh ( wkqrdOmqr mdï .d¾âkaia fydag,h

jeo.;a l u ck;dj wjfnda O lr .ekS u ;a

fyd,aisï isfuka;s flfrys úYajdih ;nd

fõ,dj ( rd;%S 7’ 00 g muK

iu. fyd,a i s ï is f uka ; s wLKa v j¾Okhla


fmka k q ï lrkjd’ fyd,a i s ï is f uka ; s ms < s n |

foaYh S foa we.ehSug ,la jQ iqmß s n,j;d fyd,aisï kug Wmydr’’! ( 2006 Tlaf;daïn¾ ui 10 jk Èk wÕyrejdod


ck;d úYa j dih ms < s ì Uq lrk ks o iq k a /ila

fï w;r fyd,aisï wf,ú ksfhdað; m%;dmisxy

foaYSh foa w.hñka ,la ¥ mq;=kaf.a Y%uh yd W;aidyh u; fkdÈrk

w;= ß ka wm wo ks o iq k a folla bÈßm;a

uy;d ^m%;dmisxy ydâfjhd¾” je,a,jdh& ish

kduhl ux fmf;a isák “fyd,aiï s ” kdufha fuf;la wd §¾> b;sydifha


ksji bÈlsÍu i|yd fyd,aisï isfuka;s flfrys

m%;dmj;a uyd iÊPdhkdj foìä ms<fs j;aj,g ;sridr úi÷u “fyd,aiï s ”

mQ¾K úYajdih ;enqjd’

kdufha wdl¾YKSh u; úi÷u iúia;rd;aulj bÈßm;a lr f,djgu y÷kajd§u’ rdcH wdh;khlg ueÈy;a fkdù m%uqLj uyd “iqkdñh” wNshi§ ±jeka;j bÈßm;a ù iqkdñ .eñ ksjdi myiqlï iys;j bÈlr § NdrlsÍu ioaoka; l=,fha uyd msxluls’ ñksi;a nfõ wre; f;areï .;a fyd,aiï s ld¾hh uKav,fha ±jeka; W;aidyfha m%;M s ,h f,i fyd,aiï s .ïudk bÈúh’ úúO orejkaf.a l=i,;d w.hñka msß keuqkq YsIH;aj yd YsIHdOdro ksrka;rfhka wm yd ne÷kq fyd,aiï s y~ iÕrdjgo uu fufia m%Kduh mqo lrñ’ yrj;a hula ,nkg we;s tlu úi÷u kï fyd,aisï muKs’ pdkaokS ùrr;ak

Ô’ta’ wdßhj¾Ok iy ifydaorfhda House of Holcim Dealer Mr Prathapasinghe (Prathapasinghe Hardware, Wellawaya)

Y%djia;ms rq wkqrdOmqr

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06



Enhanced communication paves the way for remarkable growth of Holcim Pedereru cement

Holcim Pedereru cement creates history Having achieved the biggest ever portfolio share, Holcim Pedereru cement continues its upward trend as a result




communication campaign embracing both internal and external stakeholders. Holcim Pedereru cement is a flier and continues to cement its success story. It created history by registering the biggest portfolio share as the year 2006 ended and is currently enjoying a healthy upward trend. This success story is a result of our integrated communication, embracing both internal and external

quality cement, complying with the Sri


Holcim Pedereru cement helps house

Lanka Standard SLS515:2003 for masonry

builders to build their dream home. This

cement, offers a host of benefits to Holcim Pedereru cement is the country’s

mason-friendly cement also makes

employees have

house builders and masons as well as the

constructed using

only cement specifically manufactured

masons’ life easier.

society in general.

Holcim Pedereru

for wall building and plastering. This high

Houses our



Holcim Voice 3/06


bÈlsÍï fCIa;%h

ukd ikaksfõok jevigykla ksid fyd,aisï fmof¾re isfuka;s jd¾;djla ;nhs

fyd,aisï fmof¾re isfuka;s jd¾;d.; m%.;shla w;alr .kS fyd,aiï s fmof¾re isfuka;s b;d by< m%.;shla

Yla;su;a neïulg fyd,aisï fmof¾re

w;alr .ksñka isákjd’ 2006 jir wjidkfha

fyd| Yla;su;a neïula” ì;a;shla n¢kjdkï wdhs l;d folla kE’ ta fyd,aisï fmof¾re isfuka;sfhkau ;uhs’

§ fyd,a i s ï fmof¾re is f uka ; s fuf;la

■ ng¾ jf.a iq u q ÷ hs ^ñY% ls Í u b;d myiq h s &

jd¾;d.; by<u fyd,aisï fmof¾re m%;sY;h

ta ksid .fvd,a u; fyd| me;sÍ hdula we;’

jd¾;d l<d’

■ jeä me;s Í hEu ks i d is h ¿ l= i a ; = r j,g noduh fyd¢ka ldjÈhs ’ ■ tuks i d jeä nka O k Yla ; s h la ,nd fohs ’

ndysr fukau wNHka;r md¾Yjlrejka wruqKq

■ wk¾> ì;a ; s bÈls Í ula ,nd fohs ’

lr .;a ukd f,i wkql,kh l< ikaksfõok jevigyk fï id¾:l;ajhg uQ,l s fya;j = jqkd’

w.kd lmrdrejlg fyd,aisï fmof¾re lmrdrejg yqKq ´fk;a ke;s” nodufha yqKq we;af;;a ke;s tlu isfuka;sh fyd,aisï fmof¾re’

fyd,aisï fmof¾re isfuka;s hkq ì;a;s bÈlsÍu

■ yq K q j ,g hk úhou;a b;s ß hs ’

yd lmrdrej i|yd u ksIamdÈ; Y%S ,xldfõ

■ mdúÉÑfha § w;mh mef,ka k ;a kE’ ì;a ; s fnd,a fjka f k;a kE’

tlu isfuka;s j¾.hhs’ fuh fmof¾re isfuka;s

■ nodu fyd|g wef,k ks i d kdia ; s h wvq h s ’ ;= k S lmrdrej ks i d jeä ì;a ; s m% u dKhla lmrdre lrka k ;a mq ¿ jka ’

i|yd jk SLS 515: 2003 m%ñ;shg wkql+,j fjkjd’

■ jeä fõ,djla j;= r rojd .ka k d f,i ks m ojd we;s neúka is f uka ; s m% ; s l % s h dj ukdj is ÿ fjhs ’ ■ tu ks i d fõ,S f ï§ yq , x bßhEu wju lr we;’ ■ fyd,a i s ï fmof¾re is f uka ; s wxY= b;du is h q ï ks i d” fyd¢ka is ÿ jk is f uka ; s m% ; s l % s h djka ks i d;a ” fõ,S f uka miq

fyd,aisï fmof¾re isfuka;s ,lajeis ck;djf.a

ì;a;shg j;=r Wrd .ekSu wju neúka ì;a;s fnd,aùu wju fõ’ ^È.=l,a mj;shs&

isysk ksjyk ienE lr .ekSug odhl jkjd”

■ j;= r Wrd .ekS u wju ùu yd ,d meyefhka hq l a ; ùu ks i d ;S k a ; .Efï§ jeä jdis w;a fjhs ’

fmof¾re uy;a j reka f .a jevlghq ; = myiq lrkjd’

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


Future Generation

Achievements of children of our Distributors and Dealers

Bright children Children of our Dealers excel in many areas and today we highlight three bright children. Ralani Edirisinghe, daughter of Holcim Dealer Mr Vijitha Edirisinghe (Chatura Enterprises, Nugegoda), launched a book in Colombo on 11 October 2006. She presented the first copy to Mrs M.P.S.E. Jayathilake, Principal, Anula Vidyalaya. She is a student of Anula Vidyalaya, Nugegoda. Pathima Shazna Isthikar (Peras Complex, Wellawaya) won a Merit Award at all-island Painting contest

Kavisha Wijesuriya, son of Holcim Dealer

Issipathana College, Colombo. He learns

“Silver Paintings 2006”. She studies at St

(Pannila Hardware, Boralasgamuwa), is

music under Mr Amarasiri Pieris.

Mary’s Convent, Matara.

skilled in singing. He performed at Youth Center, Maharagama on 13 October

Happy birthday Kavya

2006. He is 7 years old and studies at


daughter of Holcim Dealer in Dankotuwa (Laksevena Hardware, Dankotuwa)


celebrated her first birthday recently. We wish her a happy birthday. Little Kavya with a dummy pack

iqn Wmka Èkhla fõjd oxfldgqj fyd,aisï wf,ú ksfhdað; uy;df.a ^,lafijK ydâfjhd¾” oxfldgqj& ÈhKsh jk ldjHd ;reIs ÈhKsh miq.sh od m<uq Wmka Èkh ieurejd’ wms wehg iqn m;uq’


Holcim Voice 3/06

Kavisha Wijesuriya

We wish them all well.

wkd.; mrmqr

wfma fnodyeÍfï yd wf,úksfhdað; m%cdfõ ore ±ßhkaf.a oialï

§ma;su;a ore oeßfhda Scholarships for daughters of two employees H.D.T. Evanthika Hapuarachchi (H.D. Rodney of Puttalam plant) and R.A.T. Danusha Ratnayake (R.A. Ratnayake of Aruwakkaru quarry) are this year’s recipients of the scholarships under the Holcim Lanka Executive Officers Association Scholarship Scheme for the university education of employees of our company. Since the year 2005, Holcim Lanka Executive Officers

Pathima Shazna Isthikar

Association annually awards two scholarships to children

wm wf,ú ksfhdað; m%cdfõ ore mrmqr w;r

mq;a lùI úfÊiQßh mq;d .dhkhg wdihs’ ta

úúO oCI;d we;s ore ±ßhka /ila isákjd’

jf.au oCIhs’ Tyq 2006 Tlaf;daïn¾ 13 jk

wm wo tjeks ;sfofkla .ek úia;r bÈßm;a

Èk uyr.u ;reK fiajd iNd Y%jKd.drfha


§ m%ix.hla meje;ajQjd’ fld<U bism;k úÿyf,a bf.kqu ,nk lùI” wurisß mSßia

fyd,aisï wf,ú ksfhdað; úð; tÈßisxy

Èk fld<U § fmd;la t<s ±lajQjd’ wkq,d úÿyf,a úÿy,am;sksh jk tï’ mS’ tia’ B’ ch;s,l uy;añhg weh fuys uq,a msgm; ms<s.ekajQjd’ r,ks wkq,d úÿyf,a wOHdmkh ,nkjd’ md;sud Idiakd bia;l s d¾ ÿj ^fmria lïmaf,lai”a je,a,jdh& “ߧ is;a;ï 2006” keue;s §m jHdma; Ñ;% ;rÕdj,sfha § l=i,;d iïudkhla Èkd .;a;d’ weh ud;r Ydka; fïß lkHdrdufha bf.kqu ,nkjd’ fndr,eia . uq j fyd,a i s ï wf,ú ks f hda ð ; uy;df.a ^mkaks, ydâfjhd¾” fndr,eia.uqj&

Each recipient receives a monthly allowance of Rs 2500, subject to a maximum of ten monthly installments per an academic year. This award is in addition to any other award the student receives, such as Mahapola scholarship. The

uy;d hgf;a ix.S;h yodrkjd’

selection of the recipients is carried out by the board of

wm fï §ma;su;a ore ±ßhkag iqn m;uq’

Scholarship fund based on the criteria set out in the

Trustees of Holcim Executive Officers’ Association

uy;df.a ^p;=r tkagm%hsiia” kqf.af.dv& ÈhKsh jk r,ks tÈßisxy ÿj 2006 Tlaf;daïn¾ 11

of our permanent employees for their university education.


Association’s Scholarship Fund Policy. palitha.jayasinghe@holcim.com

Success consists of going from failure to





enthusiasm. Winston Churchill

wfma fiajl uy;ajreka fofofkl=f.a ÈhKshkag YsIH;aj

Some people dream of success...

fyd,aisï úOdhl ks<OdÍ ix.uh jd¾Isl msßkuk YsIH;aj fol

while others wake up and work hard

fujr tjka;sld ymqwdrÉÑ yd okQId r;akdhl hk ±ßhkag ysñ

at it. Author Unknown

jqkd’ wm iud.fï fiajl uy;au uy;aókaf.a ore ±ßhkaf.a iriú wOHdmkh i|yd fï YsIH;aj msßkukjd’

Success will never be a big step in the

2005 jif¾ isg jd¾Islj msßkuk fï YsIH;ajh hgf;a wOHhk

future, success is a small step taken

jirlg Wmßu jdr 10lg hg;aj re’ 2500l udisl jdßlhla

just now. Jonatan Martensson

YsIH;aj ,dNsfhl=g ,efnkjd’

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


Future Generation

Paintings /is;a;ï



Shihan Chamikara, Punchi Kekulu Children’s Society

Chatuki Divanjana, St Mary’s Girl’s School, Chilaw


(Nilmini Hardware, Anawilundawa)


iuk< hd¿fjda

Ysydka pdñlr

p;=ls Èjdxckd” 3 iS” idka; ußhd nd,sld úÿy,” y,dj;

mqxÑ lel=¿ <ud iudch” jkd;ú,a¨j

^ks,añKs ydâfjhd¾” wkú¨kaodj&

Mother’s love

Our village

Pamodana Wijewantha, Grade 4, Richmond College, Galle

Vishmi Vinodani Wijeratne, St Anthony’s Girl’s School, Katugastota

(Wijewantha Stores, Kahaduwa)

(Vijaya Hardware Stores, Warellagama)

uõ fifkyi

wfma .u

mfudaok úfÊj;a;” 4 fY%aKsh” ßÉukaâ úÿy,” .d,a,

úYañ úfkdaokS úfÊr;ak” Ydka; wkaf;daks nd,sld úoHd,h” lgq.iaf;dg

^úfÊjka; iafgda¾ia” ly¥j&

^úch ydâfjhd¾ iafgda¾ia” je/,a,.u&


Holcim Voice 3/06

wkd.; mrmqr



Stefni Starliyan

Kalindu Misalitha Gamlath, Dharmapala Primary School, Ehaliyagoda

7C, Loyala College

(Lassahena Traders, Ehaliyagoda)

u,a fudai; a rhla


iafgmaks iagd¾,shka”

l,sÿ ñi,s; .ï,;a” O¾umd, m%d:ñl úoHd,h” weye,shf.dv

7iS” f,dfhda,d úÿy,

^,iaifyak fÜ%v¾ia” weye,shf.dv&

Our home

Our village

Pasindu Mihisara, 4 years, Sigma Pre-School, Matugama

Pranidi Kavishka, Vidyananda Vidyalaya, Udugama

(Dharmadasa Stores, Welipenna)

(W.P.G. Hardware & Grocery, Udugama)

wfma f.or

wfma .u

ã’ Ô’ mis÷ ñysir” is.aud fmr mdi,” u;=.u

ví’mS’Ô’ m%ksê lKsYald” 4 jir” .d$úoHdkkao úoHd,h

^O¾uodi iafgda¾ia” je,smekak&

^ví’mS’Ô’ ydâfjhd¾ wekaâ f.%diÍia” Wvq.u” .d,a,&

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


Apple, sun & flower

Collecting water

Thiruni Linara, LKG, International School, Kochchikade

Anne Shehara Fernando, 5C

(Leela Trade Center, Madampe)

(Heshan Hardware, Nainamadama)

wem,a” br iy u,la

j;=r tl;= lrkjd

;sreKs ,skdrd” t,a’fla’Ô cd;Hka;r mdi,” fldÉÑlfâ

wEka fIydrd m%kdkaÿ” tia’à’ã 5 iS

^,S,d fÜ%â fikag¾” kjk.rh” udoïfm&

^fyaIdka ydâfjhd¾” khskuvu&

A procession

My garden

Randil Silva, Primary 2Q, Asian International School

Salika Prasadini, Yudaganawa Primary School

(S.T.A. Silva Hardware, Wattala)

(Gunaratne Hardware, Buttala)


uf.a u,a j;a;

rkaÈ,a is,ajd” wdishdkq cd;Hka;r mdi,

id,sld m%idÈks” 3 fY%aKsh” hqo.kdj lKsgq úÿy,

^tia’à’ta’ is,ajd ydâfjhd¾” j;a;,&

^.=Kr;ak ydâfjhd¾” nq;a;,&


Holcim Voice 3/06

My teacher

Ninja Turtle

Ama Madhuwanthi, Year 2

Mokshitha Widanagamage


(Yashoda Trading & Company, Dehiattakandiya)

uf.a .=re;=ó

rc bífnda

wud uÿjka;s”

fudalaIs; úodk.uf.a” cd;Hka;r mdi,” uykqjr

2 jir” ;x.,a, wdo¾Y úoHd,h

^hfYdaOd fÜ%äka iy iud.u” foysw;a;lKaäh&


Flying a kite

Imal Geesara de Silva, Grade 1

Sandun Sampath, Samanalagama Vidyalaya, Barawakumbuke

(SSA Groceries, Makuluwa, Galle)

(V.P. Hardware, Barawakumbuke)

uqyqÿ fjr<

irex.,a hjkjd

bud,a .Sir o is,ajd” 1 fY%aKsh

ù’mS’ i÷ka iïm;a” iuk,.u úoHd,h” nrjdl=Uql

^tia’tia’ta f.%diÍia” ul=¿j” .d,a,&

^ù’mS’ ydâfjhd¾” nrjdl=Uql&

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


Teddy Bear


Dilini Jayasinghe Year 3B, Swarnamali Girls’ School, Kandy

Sarah Isthikar, Sujatha Balika Vidyalaya, Matara

(Daughter of Manjula Jayasinghe, Industrial Sales)

(Ferrus Complex, Wellawaya)

iqr;,a j,id

keÜgqll a dßfhda

È,sks chisxy” 3 jir î” iaj¾Kud,s nd,sld úÿy,” uykqjr

idrd whs’ bia;sld¾” iqcd;d nd,sld úoHd,h” ud;r

^boslsÍï fCIa;%h yd ine¢ úl=Kqï wxYfha uxcq, chisxy uy;df.a ÈhKsh&

^f*ria lïmf,laia” je,a,jdh&

Our home


Sachini Umayangana Bandara, Bandaranayake

Dinithi Theshani Weerasinghe, Grade 3A

Primary School, Ehatuwewa (Sahan Hardware, Ehatuwewa)

(Sasara Hardware, Makulla)

wfma f.or

uqyqÿ fjr<l o¾Ykhla

iÑks Wuhx.kS nKavdr” nKavdrkdhl m%d:ñl úÿy,” weyegqjej

Èks;s f;aIdKs ùrisxy” 3 fY%aKsh

^iyka ydâfjhd¾” weyegqjej&

^iidr ydâfjhd¾” ul=,a, k.rh&


Holcim Voice 3/06

A bird M.I.M. Ilma, Kurugoda Boys School (M.H.M. Hardware Stores, Werellagama) l=re,af,la

Concrete products Dinesha Sandamali, Grade 6 (Sandamali Hardware, Siyambalanduwa) fldkal%SÜ ksIamdok

tï’whs’tï’ b,aud” l=ref.dv msßñ úÿy,

ÈfkaId i|ud,s” 6 fY%aKsh

^tï’tÉ’tï’ ydâfjhd¾ iafgda¾ia” je/,a,.u&

^i|ud,s ydâfjhd¾” ishU,dKavqj&

Our village

An evening

Sachini Nimesha, Year 3, Sellakataragama Maha Vidyalaya

Anusha Lakmali Kumari,

(Shantha Hardware, Sellakataragama)

Grade 11, Uttalapura Maha Vidyalaya

wfma .u


iÑks ksfïId” 3 jir fi,a,l;r.u uyd úoHd,h

wkQId ,laud,s l=udß

^Ydka; ydâfjhd¾” fi,a,l;r.u&

11 fY%aKsh” W;a;,mqr uyd úoHd,h

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06




Ashirwada Bowatte, Year 2, Railway Town School, Kekirawa

Sewmi Isurangi Amaratunge, Yoshida Pre-school, Sapugaskande

(Bowatte Hardware, Kekirawa)

(Amaratunge Hardware, Malwana)

fidnd oyu


wdYs¾jdod fndaj;a;” 2 jir” ÿïßh k.r mdi,” lelsrdj

fiõñ biqrx.s wur;=x.” fhdISvd fmr mdi,” imq.ialkao

^fndaj;a; ydâfjhd¾” lelsrdj&

^wur;=x. ydâfjhd¾” u,ajdk&

Bathing women


Nathasha Erandi Gunaratne, Prajapathi Gothami Balika Vidyalaya,

Mohammed Azeem, 2A, Dhammissara National School

Ambalangoda (Gunaratne Hardware, Pinkande)

(Azeem Hardware, Nattandiya)

Èh kdk <÷ka

ysre keÕSu

k;dId trkaÈ .=Kr;ak” m%cdm;S f.da;ó nd,sld úoHd,h” wïn,kaf.dv

fudfyduâ wiSï” 2 ta” oïñiair cd;sl mdi,

^.=Kr;ak ydâfjhd¾” mskalkao&

^wiSï ydâfjhd¾” kd;a;kaäh&


Holcim Voice 3/06

Fruit seller

A water fall

M.J.M. Athif, Grade 4, Greenwood International College, Matale

Dinithi Nethmini, Vijayaba National School, Hungama

(National Hardware, Kalpitiya)

(Gamage Electricals, Humgama)

m<;=re fjf<kaÈh

Èh we,a,la

tï’ fÊ’ tï’ w;S*a” 4 fY%aKsh” .%Ska jqâ wka;¾cd;sl úÿy,” ud;f,a

Èks;s fk;añKs” úchnd cd;sl mdi,” yqx.u

^keIk,a ydâfjhd¾” l,amsáh&

^.uf.a bf,laá%l,aia” yqx.u&

Our home


Ranuli Mithara Keppetipola, Year 1, Sacred Heart Convent, Galle

Chatuni Amasha, Pubudu Pre-school, Debokkawa

(Daughter of Area Sales Officer, Ravindra Keppetipola)

(Nishantha Hardware)

wfma f.or


rkq,s ñ;drd lemafmáfmd,” 1 jir

p;=ks wudId” mqnqÿ fmr mdi,” fofndlaldj

^m%dfoaYSh úl=Kqï ks<OdÍ” rùkaø lemafmáfmd< uy;df.a ÈhKsh&

^ksYdka; ydâfjhd¾&

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


Social Responsibility

Livelihood support for ten farmer families in Manaveriya, close to Puttalam plant

Paddy-boiling vessels to ten families around Puttalam plant Jayantha Ratnayake (Administration Manager, Puttalam plant) emphasized on the plant’s continued commitment to raise the levels of living standards of the local communities.

Ten underprivileged families from

Among the participants were Buddhist

raise the levels of living standards of the

Manaveriya, a village near our Puttalam

monk, the school principal, Puttalam

local communities.

plant, received paddy-boiling vessels at

Divisional Secretary, representatives

a simple ceremony held at Manaveriya

from Bank of Ceylon, two members of

Paddy cultivation is the main source of

School on 26 October 2006. In this joint

the local authority and Grama Sevaka

livelihood for many communities in and

effort on livelihood support, our company

(Village head person). Speakers

around Puttalam. Expensive paddy-

Our company

provided funding for these vessels while

appreciated our Puttalam plant’s

boiling vessels play an important role in

funded paddy-

Bank of Ceylon made available these

continued livelihood support for the local

the process of turning paddy into rice.

boiling vessels for

families with loans.

communities. Addressing the gathering,

ten families.


Holcim Voice 3/06

Jayantha Ratnayake emphasized on


company’s continued commitment to


iudc j.lSu

mq;; a ,u lïy, wjg udkfõßh .ïudkfha mjq,a oyhlg Ôjfkdamdh iydh

mq;; a ,u lïy, wjg mjq,a 10lg ù ;eïîfï WmlrK msßkefï

fyd,aisï isfuka;s iq.;ka whafha fldfydu o l,lska fkdj Tn ±laflaa ;sßlalf,;a ne| f.k fï fldys hkj o wreuelafla u,a,sfh uf.a woyi kj ksjila bÈlr .kakhs fï hkafka l,a;shdu

2006 Tlaf;daïn¾ 26 Èk udkfõßh úÿyf,a

wm mq;a;,u lïy, u.ska wjg m%cdj i|yd

mej;s pdï W;aijhl § mq;a;,u lïy,

fkdlvjd ls%hd;aul lrk Ôjfkdamdh iydh

wi, udkfõßh .fï f.dú mjq,a oyhlg ù

jevigyka lÓlhskaf.a m%Yxidjg ,la jqKd’

;eïîfï WmlrK fnod fokq ,enqjd’

lïy, wjg m%cdfõ Ôjk ;;a;ajh by<

fyd,aisï kï isys l< hq;a f;a

kexùu i|yd wm iud.fï lemùu chka;

iú Yla;sh l,a meje;au

wm iud.u fï WmlrK i|yd úhou ,nd

r;akdhl uy;d ish l;dfõ § wjOdrKh

úYajdi tys we;af;a

ÿkakd’ fuys § ,xld nexl=j fï mjq,aj,g


Kh wdOdr msßkeuqjd’

isfuka;s ál f.k tkakhs isfuka;s kï whsfha

isfuka;s .ek lshk úgu fï ku ms<s/õ fokafka

mdif,a úÿy,am;s iajdóka jykafia” mq;a;,u

fyd,aisï fmof¾re-iqmsß

m%dfoaYSh f,alï” ,xld nexl=fõ ksfhdað;hska”

tksihs ljqre;a .kafka

m<d;a md,k wdh;kfha uyck ksfhdað;hska yd .%dufiajd ks,OdßKsh we;=¿ msßila fï W;aijhg iyNd.S jqKd’

yqx.u-.=Kmd, fyajd.u

fhduq lsÍu rdcmlaI ã,¾ia-yqx.u

msh fifkyi ‘’’’’ mshdKks kqU uf.a m%dKhhs fkdksfukd Èú uf.a fifkyfia .S;hhs Ôúf;a l;r ueo mSÈ Èh W,am;hs fï>hl ±jfgkd iqisks÷ jQ isyskhhs kqfU uqfjka ke.S tk kqfU isf;a ms§ tk ta ñysß iqn iSk udre;h yo jgd /f|k uq;a ks;s iqfjk ud fofk;a u; ñysß kdohla we;s lrhs wkd.; uqÿ isysk lrkakg ks;s ienE udys¢ñ uÕ n,d kqfU is; ;=gq lrka mshdKks’’’’’ pdñka kfjdaÈ lreKdkkao It was a united effort to raise the living standard of the local community through livelihood support.

10 fY%aKsh uy$ iaj¾Kud,s nd,sld uy úÿy, uykqjr pñkao ydâfjhd¾” uyshx.Kh

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


Social Responsibility

Livelihood support for women from the local communities of our Puttalam plant

Three industries developed, 70 families around Puttalam plant to benefit

Members of the Perakum Women’s Rural Development Society with their reed products.

Seventy families from the community

which will significantly contribute to

families in Attawilluwa, a village

around our Puttalam plant will benefit

enhance the production efficiency. While

opposite our Puttalam plant.

as a result of our livelihood support

contributing to the construction of a

program for women, focusing the

building for this Society, our plant has

Our Puttalam plant provided Kal Adiya

development of three local industries,

also made arrangements for the

Samurdhi Society with funding to

namely, making reed products, cadjan

members to market and sale of their

purchase coir preparation machinery for

weaving and coir manufacturing. It was

products to our employees at the plant

the development of the local coir

part of our Puttalam plant’s continuous


industry. Moreover, the plant has

efforts on the upliftment of living standards of the local communities.


organized a coir manufacturing training Cadjan weaving is important in the local

program for a group of women from the

context not only as a livelihood source

local communities. Twenty families

Our Puttalam plant supported the

but also as a widely used roof covering

from Kal Adiya, a village 3 km away from

development of the local reed industry

material. Realizing its twin importance,

the plant, will benefit from this move.

through the Perakum Women’s Rural

our plant supported the cadjan weaving

Development Society. Thirty-five of its

industry by providing an important


members are engaged in manufacturing

infrastructure facility, namely the


reed products and handicrafts. Our plant

construction of three water tanks out of

will donate a reed-flattening roller,

cement. This initiative will benefit 15

Holcim Voice 3/06

iudc j.lSu

mq;; a ,u lïy, wjg m%cdfõ ldka;d mCIhg Ôjfkdamdh iydh

iq¿ l¾udka; ;=kla ixj¾Okfhka mq;; a ,u lïy, wjg mjq,a 70lg fi; ie,fia mq ; a ; ,u lïy, wjg m% c dfõ Ôjk uÜgu

bÈlsÍu i|yd o wm lïy, wdOdr lrkjd’

ixúOdkh lsÍug o wm ls%hd l<d’ fï u.ska

by< kexùfï mq¿,a jevms<sfj, hgf;a ldka;d

óg wu;rj Tjqkaf.a ksIamdok wm fiajl

lïy,g lsf,daógr ;=kla tmsg l,a wäh

mCIhg Ôjfkda m dh iydh ,nd §fï

uy;a u uy;a ñ ka g wf,ú ls Í u i|yd

.fï mjq,a úiaila m%;s,dN ,nkjd’

jevigykla lïy, ls%hd;aul l<d’ fï hgf;a

jevms<sfj,la o wm ilid ;sfnkjd’

mka l¾udka ; h” fmd,a w;= úùu yd fldyq ,Kq weUÍu hk l¾udka ; i|yd Ôjfkda m dh

fmd,a w;= úùu Ôjfkdamdh ud¾.hla f,i

Housing, roads and electricity for the communities around Puttalam plant

iydh jHdmD;s Èh;a flreKd’ fï u.s k a

muKla fkdj lïy, wjg m%foaYfha ksjdi

lïy, wjg mjq , a 70lg jeä .Kklg

fiú<s lsÍfï øjHhla f,i o jeo.;a fjkjd’

fi; ie,iq K d’

wm lïy, fmd,a w;= fmÕùu i|yd gexls

In our endeavor on raising the living standards of the

;=kla bÈlsÍug iydh fjñka fï l¾udka;hg

communities around our plants, infrastructure development

mka l¾udka;h k.d isgqùu i|yd wm lïy,

w;HjYH há;, myiqlula imhd ÿkakd’ fï

receives high priority. In the recent past, our Puttalam plant

merl=ï ldka;d .%dóh ixj¾Ok iñ;shg WmldÍ

u.ska lïy, bÈßmsg wÜgú,a¨j .fï mjq,a

was actively involved in addressing housing, roads and

jqKd’ fï iñ;sfha idudðldjka ;siamia fofkla

myf<djlg fi; ie<fikjd’

electricity focusing on the local communities.

mka wdY%s;j úúO NdKav yd úis;=re NdKav

Eight new houses the plant built in Maduragama were

iE§fï fh§ is á kjd’ Tjq k a f .a ks I a m dok

fldyq ,Kq weUÍfï hka;%hla ,nd .ekSug

handed over to underprivileged families at a simple

ld¾hCIu;djh j¾Okh lsÍu i|yd wjYH

wm mq;; a ,u l,a wäh iuDoaê iñ;shg wruqo,a

ceremony attended by Holcim officials and government

hka;%hla mß;Hd. lsÍug wm lïy, lghq;=

,nd ÿkakd’ óg wu;rj m%foaYfha ldka;djka

representatives in July 2006. These families earlier lived in

lrkjd’ ;j o Tjqkaf.a iñ;sfha f.dvke.s,a,

i|yd fldyq ,Kq weUÍfï mqyqKq jevigykla

makeshift houses. In order to cut costs and help as many families as possible, the plant reused materials and components of several demolished old structures, falling in line with the sustainable construction principle of resources efficiency. Moreover, the plant has contributed to the road development in Maduragama. Meanwhile, the plant provided funds to Attawilluwa High Land Village Development Society to pay the electricity connection charge of the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB). With this contribution, the “dark era” suffering of 15 families in Attawilluwa village came to an end. Still, however, thousands of families around Puttalam live in makeshift houses without proper access to basic needs such as food, water and electricity. Together with the Community Advisory Panel (CAP), our Puttalam plant is exploring ways and means to uplift their living standards in the future.

Our Puttalam plant organized a training program on coir manufacturing for the women from the local communities.

rathika.desilva@holcim.com jayantha.rathnayake@holcim.com

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


Social Responsibility

Livelihood support for communties around Ruhunu plant

Life back on track for tsunamiaffected families around Ruhunu plant The need for livelihood support for the

it damaged the business place itself, the

Under this program, over fifty families

communities around Ruhunu plant was

equipment or the goods. Or it severely

from several areas around the plant,

a key issue identified since the setting up

affected the customers of businesses,

including Yatagala, Unawatuna, Dewata

of the Community Advisory Panel (CAP)

indirectly pushing people out of business.

and Makuluwa, have received micro

in 2005. Inadequate access to basic needs

As a result, many families around our

financing support to rekindle their lost

such as food and disruption of education

Ruhunu plant lost their sole livelihood.

livelihood. These families representing

of the children were among the key

all communities – Sinhala, Tamil and

problems these communities faced as a

In order to help them to re-establish their

Muslim – have restarted their

result of insufficient access to livelihood.

businesses, our Ruhunu plant launched

businesses, such as boutiques, vegetable

in August 2006 a livelihood support

stalls, food parcel business, cinnamon

These families

A cause to their need for livelihood

program through micro-financing. After

trading tailor shops and garages.

have restarted

support was the tsunami in December

the beneficiary families were selected,

Sarvodaya SEEDS (Sarvodaya Economic

their businesses

2004, which affected small scale, self-



Enterprise Development Services)

ranging from

employment businesses around our

entrepreneurship training on small

administer the program on behalf of our

boutiques to tailor

Ruhunu plant in two ways. In many cases,






rathika.desilva@holcim.com ruwan.gunawardena@holcim.com


Holcim Voice 3/06

iudc j.lSu

iqkdñfhka úm;g m;a reyqKq lïy, wjg ck;djg Ôjfkdamdh iydh

iqkdñfhka úm;g m;a reyqKq lïy, wjg mjq,a h<s Ôjk u.g mq;a;,u lïy, wjg m%cdj i|yd ksjdi” uyd ud¾. yd úÿ,sh wm lïy,a wjg fjfik m%cdfõ Ôjk uÜgu by< kexùfï § há;, myiqlï ixj¾Okh i|yd úfYaI ia:dkhla ysñ fjkjd’ wjg m%cdfõ ksjdi” ud¾. yd úÿ,sh .eg¿ úi£u i|yd wm mq;a;,u lïy, miq.sh od mshjr .;a;d’ lïy, wjg mjq,a wgla i|yd uÿr.u bÈ jQ ksjdi Tjqkag mjrd §u 2006 cQ,s udifha § isÿ jqKd’ jeä ksjdi .Kkla bÈ lsÍu i|yd úhoï wju lsÍfï wruqKska fï bÈlsÍï i|yd lvd bj;a l< merKs f.dvke.s,a,l øjH fhdod .;a;d’ ;j o uÿr.u ud¾. ixj¾Okh i|yd o lïy, odhl jqKd’ 2005 jif¾ m%cd Wmfoia lñgq msysgqùfuka

fï jevigyk u.ska lïy, wjg Ôj;ajk

miq reyqKq lïy, wjg m%cdjg iydh wjYH

mjq,a 50 lg jeä .Kklg fi; ie<fikjd’

jk uQ,sl fCIa;%hla f,i Ôjfkdamdh y÷kd

isxy,” øúv” uqia,sï hk ckj¾. ;=ku


ksfhdackh jk fï mjq,a iq¿ jHdmdßl ia:dk” lEu md¾i,a jHdmdrh” t<j¿ úlsKSu” we÷ï

Tjqka fufia wirK ùug 2004 jif¾ iqkdñ

ueiSu wd§ jHdmdrj, ksr;fjkjd’

jHikh uQ,sl fya;=jla jqkd’ iqkdñ jHikfhka

lïy, bÈßmsg wÜgú,a¨j .ug úÿ,sh ,nd .ekSu i|yd ,xld úÿ,s n, uKav,hg f.úh hq;= uqo, imhd §ug lïy, bÈßm;a jqKd’ fï u.ska tys wirK mjq,a 15lg wdf,dalh ,enqKd’ flfia jqj o uQ,sl wjYH;d imqrd.; fkdyelsj wirK ù isák mjq,a /ila lïy, wjg Ôj;a fjkjd’ Tjqkaf.a Ôjk ;;a;ajh kxjd,Sug wm lïy,g odhlúh yels wkaou .ek m%foaYfha m%cd WmfoaYl lñgq iu. wm fidhd n,ñka isákjd’

wm reyqKq lïy, wjg iq¿ mßudK jHdmdßl

Holcim assistance to temples in Cambodia

m%cdj fohdldrhlska wirK jqkd’ iuyrekaf.a jHdmdßl ia:dkj,g w,dNydks jqkd’ ;j;a whf.a jHdmdrj, .kqfoKq lrejka iqkdñfhka úm;g m;a jQ ksid Tjqkfa .a jHdmdr lghq;j = ,g oeä f,i n,mEjd’ fufia iqkdñfhka wirK jQ fï ck;djg h,s ish Ôjfkdamdh ilid §u i|yd wm reyqKq lïy, 2006 wf.daia;= udifha § Ôjfkdamdh iydh ,nd §fï jevigykla Èh;a l<d’ i¾fjdaoh iSâia wdh;kh iu. tl;= ù flfrk

ldïfndac mkai,a i|yd fyd,aisï wdOdr

Our parent company Holcim Ltd has pledged 90,000 US

ldïfnda c fha mka i ,a ixrCIKh i|yd

Cambodia. Under a Memorandum of Understanding signed

weußldkq fvd,¾ 90”000la msßkeóug

on 3 October 2006 in Phnom Penh, a number of monasteries

wm fyd,aiï s uõ iud.u 2006 Tlaf;daïn¾

will receive funding for repairs and for transformation of

3 jk Èk wod< md¾Yaj iu. wjfndaO;d

Wat Prasat Bakong monastery to the first Buddhist museum

.súiqulg t<UqKd’

in South-East Asia.

dollars to the preservation of ancient Buddhist temples in

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


Environmental performance

Environment Monitoring & Reporting (EMR)

Treated wastewater for gardening The wastewater treatment system at the canteen of our Puttalam plant is now fully operational. The canteen wastewater treatment project, launched in September 2005, put in place a proper wastewater disposal system for the plant canteen and the kitchen. This is an identified program under ISO14001 EMS requirement. This 600,000-rupee project installed at the canteen a biological aerated filter (BAF), which is a recently developed

Close watch on ambient air quality As per the Environmental Protection

laboratory for Holcim (Lanka) Limited.

License (EPL), Environment Monitoring &

Ambient air monitoring is a measure to

Reporting (EMR) comprises the

identify the impact of stack emissions

monitoring and reporting of ambient air

after dispersing naturally. Although the

in the neighborhood of our Puttalam

requirement is only annual, we


voluntarily carry it out on a quarterly basis.


Ambient air monitoring and reporting is carried out by the National Building

This exercise involves the monitoring of

The treatment plant now treats wastewater and we comply

Research Organization (NBRO), a

several air parameters, namely Ozone

government-certified test house, and the

(O 3), sulpher dioxide (SO 2), nitrogen

with the Discharge Water Quality requirements of the Environmental Regulatory bodies. The treated wastewater will save water otherwise required for gardening in the

Although the legal requirement for measuring

future. The fact that the plant is located in a dry area makes

ambient air quality is only once a year, we voluntarily

this saving even more important. And our efforts reflect our

carry it out on a quarterly basis in order to ensure

commitment to environmental performance. chalaka.fernando@holcim.com

continual improvement of our environmental performance. Chalaka Fernando, Environmental Manager, Holcim Lanka

Water Falls in Sri Lanka There are many water falls in Sri Lanka. Most of them are located in the hill country. The highest water fall in Sri Lanka is “Bambarakanda�. And there are same beautiful water falls like, Dunhinda, Rawana, Devon and St. Clair. Many foreign and local tourists come to see them. Our water falls have typical Sri Lankan beauty. Water in all it’s forms, (ice bergs, snow flakes, oceans, lakes and rivers) has fascination of its own. But none can surpass the proud beauty of a water fall. Water falls are not just pretty things. They have a majesty of their own. We must protect are valuable water falls. E.A. Sashini Wickramasekara Year 11, Ampara Bandaranayake Balika M.V Daughter of E.A. Wickramasekara Holcim Ware house, Ampara


Holcim Voice 3/06

Medhananda Vidyalaya in front of our Puttalam plant is among the five locations where several air parameters are closely monitored.

mßir ld¾hidOkh

Waste reused, environment cleaned A solid waste management program is now fully operational at our Puttalam plant and waste segregation is an important dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and

All these air parameters are found to be

around the plant:


dust, at five specified locations in and

■ The playground of Medhananda

Vidyalaya in front of the plant

within the permissible levels of the


■ Palavi Air Force camp in front of the

plant ■ Crusher No 2 at the northwestern

corner of the plant premises ■ Maduragama village near the plant

element in this program. Waste segregation is classifying waste into various categories at the collection stage in order to reuse or reprocess it for some other use. It is an essential requirement for the EMS (Environment Management System). At the plant premises, bins of different colours are provided for the collection of different types of wastes for reuse. For example, degradable wastes such as food and garden waste collected into the green colour bins are used for

■ Guest house of the plant

making compost for gardening in the plant premises.

These locations were identified after


monitoring and studying the wind pattern of the area and considering the human population.

Awareness sessions were conducted for employees on this

This initiative delivers several benefits. First of all, the clean premises have solved the previous safety issues associated with littering and have improved the plant’s aesthetic appearance. Proper collection and disposal of waste has

wmøjH Ndú;hg .kS” mßirh msßisÿ fõ wmøjH j¾.SlrKh mq;a;,u lïyf,a oekg l%shd;aul jk >K wmøjH l<ukdlrK jevigyfka jeo.;a wx.hla fjkjd’ >K wmøjH kej; m%fhdackj;a f,i fhdod .ekSu i|yd j¾.SlrKh lr wmøjH tl;= lsÍu w;HjYH lreKla fjkjd’

prevented it from being burnt in open air, releasing air contaminants, including greenhouse gases. Moreover, avoidance of open dumping has prevented unpleasant odor due to uncontrolled decaying of waste. chalaka.fernando@holcim.com

>K wmøjH j¾.lr tl;= lsÍu i|yd mq;a;,u lïy,a ìfï j¾K ;=klska li, Ndck ;nd ;sfnkjd’ ksoiqkla f,i fld< meye;s n÷kg tl;=fjk bj;,k wdydr” YdL fldgia wdÈh fldïfmdaia iE§u i|yd fhdod .efkkjd’ fï fldïfmdaiaÜ fmdfydr lïyf,a WoHdk,xlrKh i|yd Ndú;d lrkjd’ fï jevigyk jdis lSmhla wmg i,id fokjd’ jvd;a msßisÿ lïy,aìu ksid oeka fmr ;snQ wjodkï ;;a;ajh myj f.dia we;s w;r lïy,a ìu w,xldr ù ;sfnkjd’ kshñ; f,i wmøjH tl;=lsÍu yd neyer lsÍu ksid ;ek ;ek wmøjH ms<siaiSfuka yd f.dv .eiSfuka we;s jQ fi!LH ;¾ck myj f.dia ;sfnkjd’ fï jevigyk iajdNdúl iïm;a ld¾hCIu f,i Ndú;d lsÍug o odhl fjkjd’ fï jevigykg ieu fokdf.kau fyd| odhl;ajhla ,efnkjd’ fï jevigyfka m%.;sfhka ,efnk jdis ksid lïy,a ksjdi ixlS¾Khg o fuh mq¿,a flfrkjd’

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


mßir ld¾hidOkh

Recognition for Ruhunu plant support during Koggala oil spill

mdßißl ksÍCIKh yd jd¾;dlrKh

jdhqf.da,fha .=Kd;aul ;;a;ajh .ek oeä fidaÈisfhka wm mq;; a ,u lïy, wjg jdhqf.da,fha .=Kd;aul

fuys § jdhq mrdñ;s lSmhla wmf.a wjOdkhg

;;a;ajh ksÍCIKh lsÍu yd jd¾;d lsÍu

,la fjkjd’ ´fidaka” i,a*¾ vfhdlaihsâ”

wm mßir ixrCIK n,m;%hg wkql+,j

khsg%cka vfhdlaihsâ” ldnka fudfkdlaihsâ

l%shd;aul lrkjd’

yd ¥ú,s fï w;r fjkjd’ lïy, wjg ;eka myl fï mrdñ;s ksÍCIKhg ,la fjkjd’

rdcH wdh;khla jk cd;sl f.dvke.s,s

lïy, bÈßmsg fïOdkkao úÿy, yd md,ù

m¾fha I K wdh;kh yd wm iud.fï

.=jka yuqod l|jqr” lïyf,a l%I¾ wxl 2”

mÍCIKd.drh tl;=ù fï ksÍCIK lghq;=

lïy, wi, uÿr.u .ïudkh yd lïyf,a

yd j¾;d lsÍï isÿ lrkjd’ rfÜ kS;sÍ;sj,g

;dkdhu fï ia:dk myhs’

Following an accidental oil spill from a Bangladeshi ship,

wkqj wm fuh l< hq;af;a jirlg jrla

Amanath Sha, off the coast of Koggala in September 2006,

jqj;a wm fuh ff;%udislj isÿlrkjd’

the Marine Pollution Prevention Authority (MPPA) with the

fï mrdñ;s iEu tlla u kS;sÍ;sj,ska olajd ;sfnk iSudjka ;=< mj;skjd’

participation of volunteers from environmental groups and armed forces carried out clean up operations continuously for 12 days.

msßisÿ l< wmú;% c,h WoHdk,xlrKhg

Our Ruhunu plant in Galle volunteered to help this operation by

wm mq;a;,u lïy,a fNdackd.drfha wmú;% c,h msßisÿ lsÍfï moaO;sh oeka ls%hd;aul

providing all kinds of assistance wherever they needed and

fjkjd’ 2005 iema;eïn¾ udifha § Èh;a l< fï jHdmD;sh u.ska lïy,a fNdackd.drfhka

secure storage for empty barrels meant for storage of

yd uq¿;eka f.hska msg lrk wmú;% c,h mú;% lsÍfï moaO;shla ia:dms; l<d’ fuh ISO

contaminated oil at the plant premises for MPPA. Moreover, our

14001 mßir l<ukdlrK m%ñ;shgo wjYH jevigykla’ fï moaO;sh u.ska mú;% lrk

plant provided accommodation at the guesthouse for M.A.R.

wmsßisÿ c,h lïyf,a WoHdk,xlrKh i|yd fhdod .; yels fjkjd’

Kularatne, Chairman MPPA, and after the completion of the operation, organized a dinner to appreciate the work done by the staff of MPPA who took part actively in this exercise. In a letter, dated 22 September 2006, addressed to our Managing Director, M.A.R. Kularatne, Chairman MPPA states, “I am not surprised that your company is the market leader. Living proof is persons of the caliber of Udaya. I wish I had Udaya in my organization. In general, public service is not blessed to have such wonderful personalities in the system”. On an invitation of the Ministry of Environment, Udaya Gamage attended a reception held at the Mahaweli Center in Colombo on 23rd November 2006 in recognition of all parties who supported the oil clean up operation. At this reception the Hon Minister highly commended all parties, including Holcim (Lanka) Limited, for the support and the assistance during this disaster. udaya.gamage@holcim.com


Holcim Voice 3/06

Environmental performance

A waste management policy is being developed for Ruhunu cement plant

Ruhunu plant to become cleaner and greener A policy is being draft for proper waste

At the second workshop on 20

team identified the appropriate waste

management at our Ruhunu cement

September, the team discussed ways

disposal methods and equipment.

plant. Under this initiative, four

and means for disposing of waste

Finally, the fourth workshop on 24

workshops on waste management have

generated at the plant.

October decided on the procedure to be

been held in September and October

On 10 October at the third workshop, the

adopted for addition of new types of

2006. Since waste management requires input from the entire plant community, 28 managers and workers representing all departments took part in these workshops. Workshops for policy formulation This series of workshops gradually established a foundation for a waste management policy. The first workshop, held on 5 September 2006, defined waste and identified the types of waste generated at the plant as glass, porcelain, oil, grease, paper, iron, clothes, cotton waste, polythene, rubber and timber. It then identified the shortcomings of the existing systems and explored means for improvements. It finally sought ways to influence stakeholders – namely own employees, contractors, customers and visitors – to take the ownership of this whole exercise.

fld.a., msßisÿ lsÍug ÿka iydhg reyqKq lïy, m%Yxidjg ,la fõ 2006 iema;eïn¾ udifha § nx.,sfoaYfha f;,a kejla wk;=rg m;aùu ksid fld.a., yd ta wjg uqyqÿ ;Srh ¥IKhg ,lajqkd’ bkamiq mßir lKavdhï yd ;%súO yuqodj iu. tlaù iuqø ¥IK je<laùfï wêldßh fï mßirh msßisÿ lsÍfï oejeka; jevigykla Èh;a l<d’ fuh fkdlvjd Èk 12 la mej;=kd’ wm reyqKq lïy, fï jevigykg úúO wdldrfhka iydh jqkd’ úúO NdKav lïy,a N+ñfha .nvd lsÍug bv ,nd §u yd fï wêldßfha iNdm;s tï’ ta’ wd¾’ l=,r;ak uy;dg kjd;eka myiqlï ,nd§u yd jevigyk wjidkfha tu wêldßfha ld¾h uKav,fha oeä lemùu w.h lsÍu i|yd rd;%S fNdack ix.%yhla ixúOdkh lsÍu fï w;r m%uqL fjkjd’ 2006 iema;eïn¾ 22 Èk iuqø ¥IK je<elaùfï wêldßfha iNdm;s l= , r;a k uy;d wm l<ukdldr wOHCI mSg¾ iamsß.a uy;dg ,shq ,smshl reyqKq lïy,a l<ukdlre Woh .uf.a uy;df.a odhl;ajh m%Yxidjg ,lalr ;sfnkjd’ fï oejeka; mßir jevigykg odhl jQ ieu fokd w.h lsÍu i|yd mßir wud;HxYh 2006 fkdjeïn¾ 23 Èk fld<U uyje,s flakaøfha § iqyo yuqjla ixúOdkh l<d’ fï i|yd Woh .uf.a uy;dg o wdrdOkd ,enqKd’ fuys § mßir weu;s;=ud wm iud.u we;=¿j ish¿ fokdf.ka fï mßir jevigykg ,enqKq odhl;ajh .ek ;=;s msÿjd’

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


Environmental performance

Environmental awareness among school children Our commitment to a clean environment is extended to the school children around our plants by way of environmental awareness programs. As part of this environmental awareness initiative, our Ruhunu plant donated ten garbage bins to two schools near the plant – Unawatuna Maha Vidyalaya and Bonavista School – in August 2006. While directly helping to keep these school premises clean, these bins will help establish good waste management practices among children. rathika.desilva@holcim.com ruwan.gunawardena@holcim.com

As part of our environmental awareness initiative among school children, we donated ten garbage bins to two schools near the Ruhunu plant.


Holcim Voice 3/06

waste, on dealing with violations and on

example, a cleaning campaign at Dubai

communication to stakeholders when

Yard within the plant premises was held

changes take place.

on 17 October 2006, with the participation of all employees and

Initiatives in parallel with workshops


As the policy is being drafted with the progress of the workshop series, the


Ruhunu plant team is kept involved in the


initiative through various programs. For

mßir ld¾hidOkh

reyqKq lïy, i|yd wmøjH l<ukdlrK m%;sm;a;shla ilia flfrñka mj;skjd

reyqKq lïy, jvd;a msßisÿ yd jvd;a yß; meyehg fhduq fõ A cleaning campaign within the Ruhunu plant premises as a parallel initiative to the workshop series on waste management policy

reyqKq lïyf,a wmøjH l<ukdlrKh úêu;a

fï jevuq ¿ ud,dj oekgu;a wmøjH

mej;s f;jk jevuq¿fõ § wmøjH neyer

lsÍu i|yd m%;sm;a;s m%ldYhla oeka flgqïm;a

l<ukdlrK m%;sm;a;s m%ldYh i|yd ia:djr

lsÍfï l%u yd Bg wjYH WmlrK .ek

flfrñka mj;s k jd’ fï hgf;a 2006

mokula ilid ;sfnkjd’ 2006 iema;eïn¾ 5

idlÉPd l<d’ Tlaf;dan¾ 24 Èk meje;s

iema;eïn¾ yd Tlaf;daïn¾ hk udij,§ jevuq¿

Èk meje;s m<uq jevuq¿fõ § reyqKq lïy,

isõjk jevuq¿fõ § w¨;ska wmøjH j¾.hla

y;rla meje;ajqkd’ wmøjH l<ukdlrKh

;=< ckkh jk wmøjH j¾. y÷kd .;a;d’

neyer lsÍu i|yd .; hq;= l%h s dud¾.” m%;ms ;a;s

úêu;a lsÍu i|yd uq¿ lïy,a m%cdfõu

ùÿre” fmdisf,aka” f;,a” .%Sia” lvodis” hlv”

W,a,x>Kh l<úg l<hq;= foa yd fjkialï



frÈ” fmd,s;Ska” rn¾ yd ,S fï w;r fjkjd’

isÿ l< úg md¾Yjlrejkag ixksfõokh lrk wdldrh .ek idlÉPd l<d’



fomd¾;fïka;j = lau ksfhdackh jk mßÈ fiajl

iema;eïn¾ 20 jk Èk meje;s fojk jevuq¿fõ

uy;au uy;aóka 28 fofkla fï jevuq¿j,g

§ fï wmøjH wdrCIdldÍ f,i neyer lsÍu

iyNd.S jqkd’

.ek idlÉPd l<d’ Tlaf;dan¾ 10 jk Èk


jevuq¿ ud,dj w;r;=r reyqKq lïy,a lKavdhu fï mq¿,a jevigyk yd noaOj mj;ajd .ekSu i|yd iudka;r jevigyka ixúOdkh flreKd’

mqkai÷ iy ;re

ks o iq k a f,i Tla f ;da n ¾ 17 Èk meje;s Y%uodkh oelaúh yelsh’

yeÍñ Èfkl ljq¿

l¿jr /hl

ne¨fjñ foi fk;= fhdud

rd;%S wyi

mdhd nen¨k;a oyila

;re tÈk

w÷re jQfha lsuo wjg


wo h wudjl ke;

mqka i÷

mßir ixrCIKh .ek orejka ±kqj;a lsÍu msßisÿ mßirhla flfrys wfma lemùu mßir ixrCIKh ms<sn|j

th fï fya;=j

w÷rg wú÷

udúh hq;=h f,i f,dj t<sh lrk mkakd

±kqj;a lsÍu yryd wfma lïy, wjg mdi,aj, ore ±ßhka fj;g wm f.k hkjd’

ie÷ rð÷

fï l%shdodufha fldgila f,i wm reyqKq lïy, 2006 wf.daia;=

uyd >k w÷re

udifha § lïy, wjg mdi,a folla i|yd ^tkï WKjgqk uyd úoHd,h yd fndkdúiagd úÿy,& li< n÷ka oyhla mß;Hd. l<d’

wd¾’ mS’ Ô’ pdñKS fiõjkaÈ

mdi,a ìu msßisÿj ;nd .ekSug wu;rj fï mß;Hd.h mdi,a

7 jir” rdcmCI uOH uyd úoHd,h” ùrleáh

oerejka w;r fyd| wmøjH l<ukdlrKh ms<sn| oekqj;a ùula

isßudkak Ndâfjhd¾ fofndlaldj

we;s lrkjd’

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


Our Company

Coal discharging operation took place at Trincomalee port amidst tense situation in the area

Coal on time amidst tense situation Coal is the main fuel used for clinker

Tense situation worsened during the

Tharanga Sandaruwan were actively

manufacturing at our Puttalam plant.

discharge operation. Still the discharge

involved in making the operation a

Coal from Indonesia comes to the plant

operation continued. Despite all these

grand success. Meanwhile, Kalansuriya

via Trincomalee port. Its timely delivery

difficulties and threats, the team

of SR Logistics (Ruhunu discharging

is important in order to ensure smooth

achieved the highest ever discharging

operator) provided mechanical support

functioning of the manufacturing

rate for coal.


process at the plant.




Geeganage, Resident manager of Excellent teamwork

Trincomalee port, provided strong

Achievement despite odds

This valiant achievement was possible

support during the entire period of the

In July 2006, owing to the escalation of

only because of the excellent teamwork


violence in Sampur and in the vicinity of

of the Logistics teams of Puttalam and

the port of Trincomalee, a ship was

Ruhunu plants and the Colombo office

In recognition of contributions

secured for coal transport with much

and all the others involved in the

A delay in the discharge operation of

difficulty. The ship carrying a larger-than-

operation. Logistics and Procurement

coal would have disturbed the cement

usual coal shipment arrived in

team from the Head Office helped with

manufacturing process at our Puttalam

Trincomalee in August 2006.

shipping coordination while Ruhunu

plant while incurring demurrage.

The discharging operation took place day

Logistics team provided two grabs for

In recognition of this achievement, our

and night. The capacity of the Holcim

the operation. Meanwhile, P M Gamage

Logistics team and the Puttalam

coal yard outside the port premises was

and Zoysa, shipping coordinators

Manufacturing team jointly organized a

inadequate to store this shipment, so a

appointed by our company, rose up to the

party on 4 September 2006. A Holcim

temporary yard was acquired from the


team from our Puttalam plant took part

port premises to store the additional

Kardin International Pvt Ltd and its team

in the event, as if to award a big “Thank

stock. Coal was discharged during

led by Dinesh Hensman, in charge of

You” to all who played a role in this

daytime to Holcim yard and, during

discharging and transport of coal, did a


nighttime, to the temporary yard.

brilliant job. His team including Lasantha



Hewavitharana, N Wirasingha and

viraj.gunasekara@holcim.com nalina.dayananda@holcim.com

Saying thanks in gold Continuing its initiative on felicitation of long service employees, our company presented sixty employees who have completed 25 years of employment with gold sovereigns at a ceremony held at Hotel Renuka in Colombo on 12 September 2006. It was saying “Thank you” in gold to each employee who contributed to the In recognition of their achievement, a party was organized in September 2006.


Holcim Voice 3/06

company’s performance for a quarter of a century. wijerathna.banda@holcim.com

wfma iud.u

wk;=reodhl ;;a;ajhla mej;sho ;%sl=Kdu, jrdfha .,a wÕ=re f.dv nEu isÿ flrekd

l,n, ueo jQj;a .,a wÕ=re kshñ; fj,djg mq;a;,u lïyf,a la,skal¾ ksIamdokh i|yd

ñ,§ .ekSfï fomd¾;fïka;=j keõ lghq;=

fhdod .kakd uQ,sl bkaOkhhs” .,a wÕ=re’

iïnkaëlrKfhka iydh jqkd’

È.= ld,Sk fiajhg rkska ;=;s msfohs È.= ld,Skj fiajh lrk fiajl uy;au uy;aókaf.a m%Yxid lsÍfï jevigyk bÈßhgu f.k hñka wm iud.u úismia jirl fiajd ld,h iemsrE fiajl uy;au uy;aóka 60 fofkl=g rka molalï msßkeófï W;aijhla 2006 iema;eïn¾ 12 Èk fld<U f¾Kqld fydag,fha § meje;ajQjd’

bkaÿkSishdfjka wdkhkh lrk .,a wÕ=re furgg ,efnkafka ;%sl=Kdu,h jrdh yrydhs’

Èfka I a fyka i a u ka uy;d m% u q L ldäka

isfuka;s ksIamdokh ksis f,i mj;ajd .ekSug

bkag¾keIk,a iud.fï lKavdhu ^,ika;

kshñ; l,g .,a wÕ=re iemhSu b;d jeo.;a’

pkaÈud,a” rx.k fyajdú;drK” tka’ ùrisxy yd ;rx. i|rejka& fï id¾:l;ajhg fnfyúka

2006 cQ,s udifha § idïmQ¾ m%foaYh yd

odhl jq k d’ ;j o l,ka i Q ß h ^tia ’ wd¾’

;% s l = K du, jrdh wjg mej;s l,n,ldÍ

f,dðiaálaia& yd lu,a .S.kf.a ^;%sl=Kdu,

jd;djrKh ksid wm iud.ug .,a wÕ=re

jrdfha fkajdisl l<ukdlre& hk uy;ajreka

f.k taug kejla fidhd .ekSu;a bkamiq .,a

o óg odhl jqkd’

wÕ=re jrdfha f.dvnEu;a wiSre jqkd’ .,a wÕ=re f.dvnEfï fufyhqu Èjd rd;%S wLKavj

.,a wÕ=re f.dvnEfï§ m%udohla isÿ jQjd kï

meje;ajqKd’ f.dv nEfï lghq;= isÿ flfrk

isfuka;s ksIamdok l%shdj,sh wvmK ùug bv

w;r;=re l,n,ldÍ jd;djrKh ;j;a oeä

;snqKd’ jrdhg ov uqo,a f.ùugo isÿ fjkjd’

jqjo .,a wÕ=re f.dv nEfï fufyhqu È.gu

fï ld¾hhg odhl jQ ieu m%Yxidjg ,la

isÿ flreKd’ fï ish¿ ndOl ueo f.dvnEfï

lsÍu i|yd wm iud.fï NdKav yd fiajd

lKavdhu .,a wÕ=re f.dvnEu i|yd wm

iemhqï fomd¾;fïka;=j yd mq;a;,u lïyf,a

jd¾;dlr we;s jeäu w.h jd¾;d lsÍug

ksIamdok lKavdhu tl;= ù 2006 iema;eïn¾

iu;a jqkd’

4 Èk idohla ixúOdkh l<d’

úOdhl ks,OdÍkaf.a uy iNd /iaùu yd iqyo yuqj 2006 iema;eïn¾ 9 yd 10 foÈk fyd,aisï ,xld úOdhl ks,OdÍ ix.ufha 39 jk jd¾Isl uyd iNd /iaùu wyqx.,af,a fyßgkaia fydag,fha § meje;ajqKd’ fuys § 2006$2007 jir i|yd kj ks,OdÍ uKav,hla m;a flreKd’ ;j o iqyo yuqjla o meje;ajqKd’

mq;a;,u yd reyqKq lïy,aj, yd fld<U ld¾hd,fha NdKav yd fiajd iemhqï fomd¾;fïka;= yd fï fufyhqug iïnkaO ieu fokdu fyd¢ka lKavdhula f,i jev lsÍu fï id¾:l;ajhg fya;=jqkd’ fld<U ld¾hd,fha NdKav yd fiajd

Executive Officers AGM and get together The 39th Annual General Meeting of the Holcim Executive Officers Association (EOA) took place at Hotel Heritance, Ahungalla, on 9 and 10 September 2006. Office bearers for the year 2006-2007 were appointed during this meeting, which was followed by a family get-together. palitha.jayasinghe@holcim.com

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


Our Company

Holcim People Manager program covered the third phase, on coaching

Holcim People Manager program’s third phase, on “Coaching”

Four batches of our managers took part in the third phase of Holcim People Manager program under the theme “coaching” in June and July 2006. Coaching plays an important role in the performance



employees. Usually, employees’ own self-imposed barriers adversely affect their performance. Coaching is capable of self-motivating them to overcome such barriers. So all line managers should be conversant with coaching in order to help their subordinates to successfully deal with these barriers. That the line managers know how to give constructive feedback is also very important for coaching success.

Two dramas go on stage at Puttalam plant Our Puttalam plant’s employees and their families could enjoy two dramas of the well-known dramatist Parakrama Niriella recently. The dramas “Seethambara Salu” and “Andara Mal” went on stage at Officers Club on 12 July 2006.

A team from our company participated

observer and the roles were swapped so

in a Regional Human Resources Training

that each could experience all three roles.

program in Vietnam in June 2006. At this

Finally, a discussion covered several

program conducted by Daya Dimensi

important areas.

Indonesia (DDI), they realized the availability of useful coaching tools that








enhancement of employees. They decided to share them with line managers of our company. The program’s initial emphasis was on the supervisor’s impact on subordinate’s performance. Then it covered what coaching is, how coaching is done, tools for coaching, case studies and role-play. The participants took part in the role-play enthusiastically although it was difficult. In this exercise, a team of three participants acted as coach, coachee and

Eight common ills of leadership 1. Failure to listen 2. Failure to practise what they preach 3. Practice of favoritism 4. Intimidation of others 5. Demoralization of others 6. Failure to create direction 7. Failure to develop their people 8. Being complacent

How to ensure performance from employees A high level of performance is assured if the employee:

mq;; a ,u lïyf,a § kdgH folla rÕ ±lafõ mrdl%u ksßwe,a, uy;df.a kdgH folla jk “iS;ïnr i¿” yd

■ Must want to do the job (motivation) ■ Is able to do the job (ability) ■ Has the materials and equipment needed to do the job (environment)

“wkaor u,a” hk kdgH keröug mq;a;,u lïyf,a fiajl uy;au

A deficiency in any one of these areas will hurt performance. So a manager should

uy;aókag yd Tjqkaf.a mjq,aj, whg wjia:dj ,enqKd’

strive to ensure that all these conditions are available


Holcim Voice 3/06

wfma iud.u

fyd,aisï udkj l<ukdlrejd jevigyk f;jk wÈhr iïmQ¾K lrhs

fyd,aisï “udkj l<ukdlrejd” jevigyfka f;jk wÈhr 2006 cq k s yd cQ , s udij, §A “u. fmka ù u”

fï wÈhr i|yd ndysr iïm;a odhlhska

hk f;audj hgf;a fyd,aisï udkj

iyNd.S fkdjQ w;r pkaok úchkdu” fikr;a

l<ukdlrejd jevigyk is h f;jk wÈhr

chisxy yd frdIdka m%kdkaÿ hk uy;ajreka

iïmQ ¾ K l<d’

iïm;a odhl;ajh iemhqjd’ fuys § foaYk fukau lKavdhï ls%hdldrlï o meje;ajqkd’

LDP third batch moves forward Twenty two trainees of the third batch of the Leadership Development Program (LDP) covered the second module, comprising Supply Chain Management and Finance, at the workshop held in September 2006. Conducted by t+b Solutions Ltd, the LDP is a complete leadership development program that adopts an assessment-centered approach of day-to-day work. The

At Holcim Leaders workshop Holcim Lanka Leaders from all sites rallied at the second Holcim Leaders Workshop for the year 2006 held at Amaya Lake Hotel, Dambulla on 27, 28 October 2006. Its theme was “Change initiative, organizational

participants learn and are assessed on-the-job rather than by the traditional “classroom and exam” approach to learning. They can apply the learnings to their discipline whether it is HR, production, marketing or finance. Moreover, the program links the business goals of the learners’ organization and learners’ job and personal development. Employees from Holcim Group companies in Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia and Holcim Services (Asia) Ltd (HSEA), are currently undergoing this training. palitha.jayasinghe@holcim.com

efficiency”. The program, while

fyd,aisï kdhl yuqfõ§





2006 jir i|yd mej;s fojk fyd,aisï kdhl jevuq¿j 2006

company’s position and

Tlaf;daïn¾ 27 yd 28 foÈk oUq,a, wudhd f,ala fydag,fha §

direction, strengthened

meje;ajqKd’ fï i|yd iEu fyd,aisï jev ìulskau fyd,aisï ,xld

further the bond among

kdhlhska iyNd.s jqKd’


iud.fï j¾;udk ;;a;ajh yd .uka u. .ek kdhlhska ±kqj;a


lsÍu fuka u kdhlhska w;r mj;sk lKavdhï yeÕSu ;j ÿrg;a j¾Okh lsÍu o fï u.ska isÿ flreKd’

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


Our Company

Outward Bound professional development training

A weekend of challenges Forty-one from all Holcim Lanka sites took the weekend challenge of the Outward



development training at Sigiriya Village Hotel, Dambulla, from 29 September to 1 October 2006. This three-day program was conducted by Sri Lanka Business Development Centre, in collaboration with Outward Bound Trust Sri Lanka, an affiliate of Outward Bound International USA. The innovative program, conducted by a panel of competent resource persons, adopts an experimental learning methodology that penetrates deep down to the inner core of the trainees and creates a pronounced effect in their attitudes, skills and competencies and

program develops a positive attitude

solving games. After taking part in

the ways they work. Unleashing the

among the trainees towards society, life


trainees’ hidden potentials, the program

and work.

experience, review their achievements

broadens their perception on the scope





and failures and relate them to their

of their duties and responsibilities. It



work environment and relevant






development training, the trainees

management principles. On the final day,

knowledge and skills to perform their

thoroughly enjoy it because of its

they present their experience, learning

duties effectively, and develops and

enjoyable contents, such as trust

points and their application to personal,

strengthens team spirit, leadership

building games, team building games,

social and professional life.

qualities, planning and communication

rock climbing and abseiling, raft building

skills, and public relations skills.

and rafting, leadership games,

Encouraging innovative thinking, the

management games and team problem

Holcim Voice 3/06




wfma iud.u

jD;a;Sh ixj¾Ok jevigykla

wNsfhda. msß i;s wka;hla Cement for a stronger Holcim Lanka team Two more programs of the Holcim Cement Course were held at Puttalam plant on 21 and 22 September and then 28, 29 September 2006. Forty-two employees took part in these programs. Launched in May 2006, this two-day residential workshop at our Puttalam plant covers all aspects of cement, including its chemistry, production, applications, sustainability

Y%S ,xld jHdmdr ixj¾Ok flakaøh u.ska

ld¾hCIuj isÿ lsÍu i|yd wjYH

aspects and the Global Holcim strategy. It contains both

oUq,a, iS.sßh úf,aÊ fydag,fha § 2006

úYajikSh;ajh” ±kqu yd oCI;d Tmakexùu

theory and practice and includes a plant visit, too. While

iema;eïn¾ 29 isg Tlaf;daïn¾ 1 Èk olajd

fï jevigyk u.ska isÿ flfrkjd’ fuys §

enhancing the cement awareness of our employees, the

meje;a jQ jD;a;Sh ixj¾Ok jevuq¿jg wm

mqyqKqjkakkaf.a lKavdhï yeÕSu” kdhl;aj

program uses the binder cement to strengthen the bond

iud.fï fiajl uy;ajreka y;<sia tla fofkla

.=Kdx.” ie<iqï yd ixksfõok oCI;d wdÈh

among the members of the Holcim Lanka team.

iyNd.s jqKd’

ixj¾Okh flfrkjd’ ks¾udKd;aul Ñka;kh Èßu;a lrk fï jevigyk iudch” Ôú;h

fï ks¾udKd;aul jevigyk u.ska

yd rdcldÍ lghq;= ms<sn| mqyqKqjkakkaf.a

mqyqKqjkakkaf.a wdl,am yd olaI;d ixj¾Okh

Okd;aul wdl,am ixj¾Okh lrkjd’


flfrkjd’ is h rdcldÍ lghq ; = jvd;a

Program on employee counseling Twenty HR managers and line managers from Colombo Office, Puttalam plant and Ruhunu plant took part in a program on employee counseling at the Football Federation on 15 and 16 September 2006. The resource persons were Professor Swarna Wijethunga and Dr Manjula Vidanapathirana from the University of Colombo. palitha.jayasinghe@holcim.com

isfuka;s yryd jvd;a iúu;a lKavdhula fyd,aisï ,xld isfuka;s mdGud,dfõ ;j;a jevuq¿ folla mq;a;,u lïyf,a § meje;ajqKd’ 2006 iema;eïn¾ 21 yd 22 foÈk yd bkamiq 28 yd 29 foÈk meje;s fï jevigykaj,g wm fiajl

WmfoaYk fiajd jevigykla

uy;au uy;aóka 42la iyNd.S jqKd’ 2006 uehs udifha § Èh;a jQ fï jevigyk isfuka;s ms<sn| iEu

fld<U úYaj úoHd,fha uydpd¾h iaj¾Kd úfÊ;=x. yd wdpd¾h uxcq,d úodkm;srK iïm;a

wxYhlau mdfya wdjrKh lrkjd’ isoaOdka; yd m%dfhda.sl hk

odhl;ajh iemhQ WmfoaYk fiajd jevigykla 2006 iema;eïn¾ 15 yd 16 foÈk

wxY folskau iukaú; fï jevigyk i|yd lïy,a ixpdrhla o

meje;ajK q d’ fï i|yd iEu fyd,aiï s jevìulau ksfhdackh lrñka udkj iïm;a l<ukdlrejka

wvx.= fjkjd’ isfuka;s ms<sn| wm fiajl uy;au uy;aóka ±kqj;a

yd f¾Çh l<ukdlrejka úisfofkla iyNd.s jqKd’

lsÍu yryd fï jevigyk wm w;r ne£u ;j;a iúu;a lrkjd’

fyd,aisï y~ 3$06


,smk s h(

fyd,aisï ,xld ,sñgâ ;=kajk uy,” fyaudia f.dvke.s,a, 75” fí%nDDla fmfoi fld<U 2

ÿrl:k( 011 2310 910 melaia( 011 2300 524 B fï,a( sales.lka@holcim.com fjí wvúh www.holcim.lk


Holcim (Lanka) Ltd Level 3, Hemas House 75, Braybrooke Place Colombo 2

Telephone: 011 2310 910 Fax: 011 2300 524 Email: sales.lka@holcim.com Website: www.holcim.lk

fyd,aisï ,xld f;d. .nvd fyd,aisï ,xld f;d. .nvdj kd.ßl ixj¾Ok wêldßfha f;d. .nvd ixlS¾Kh kj kqf.a mdr mE,shf.dv

ÿrl:k( 011 5369 654/8

fyd,aisï ,xld f;d. .nvdj hlalmsáh” oUq,a, mdr” l=reKE.,

ÿrl:k( 037 222 0829 037 222 0892

fyd,aisï ,xld f;d. .nvdj ù wf,ú uKav, .nvd ixlS¾Kh wkqrdOmqr

ÿrl:k( 025 567 1424

Holcim Lanka Warehouses Holcim Lanka Warehouse UDA Warehouse Complex Nava Nuge Road, Peliyagoda.

Telephone: 011 5369 654/8

Holcim Lanka Warehouse Yakkapitiya, Dambulla Road, Kurunegala.

Telephone: 037 222 0829 037 222 0892

Holcim Lanka Warehouse Telephone: 025 567 1424 Paddy Marketing warehouse complex Anuradhapura.

Printed by, Karunaratne & Sons

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