Dear Walk Coordinators, Welcome! Thank you for sharing your time and talents with AIM at Melanoma and our walk program. You are a vital part of an army of volunteers who represent AIM across the country. Steps Against Melanoma walks began with a single grassroots event in Texas many years ago. Through the dedication of volunteers like you, walks are now AIM?s signature fundraising event, and there are more than 20 across the country each year. Your walk will raise critical funds to find the cure for melanoma and to improve the lives of those it affects. We hope you find this handbook a helpful reference as you work to organize and execute your event. We are here to assist you, so please feel free to contact us with any questions. Thank you again for all you do. Now , let ?s get st ar t ed!
Cindy LeBlanc National Director of Walks & Events Cindy@AIMatMelanoma.org 415-521-8119
5729 Lebanon Road , Suite 144-305, Frisco, Texas 75034
PLAN YOUR WALK st ep on e BUILD YOUR TEAM Whether you are coordinating a walk for 100 people or 500 people, you need a t eam to help you achieve a successful event. Your team will include a committee and a group of walk day volunteers. Com m it t ee AIM staff will work with you to recruit 4 or 5 committee members to help you with the overall walk planning. A committee means ideas, connections and resources and a lighter workload for everyone. It also means more people can become invested in the success of the event. Walk Day Volu n t eer s The size of your walk will determine the number of volunteers you need and the specific assignments you need them to fill. On average, a walk with 150 participants needs approximately 8 volunteers to help on walk day. The primary areas needing help are: -
Registration? smooth registration sets the tone for a successful event
Setup and clean up? the same volunteers can do both
Activities? fun activities keep the participants engaged
Tips For Wor k in g Wit h Volu n t eer s Talk with each volunteer about their role -
Set regular times to meet or communicate with your volunteer team members Use AIM?s free conference call line as you need it Set up a meeting/call schedule in advance and share it with everyone so they can save the dates
st ep t w o SET YOUR GOALS & PRIORITIES Every walk coordinator ?s over all goal should be to host a fun and successful walk for participants and volunteers alike. But when it comes to fundraising, it?s important to set specific goals based on clear pr ior it ies, and then share your priorities and goals with your team so everyone knows what you are trying to achieve and can work together to succeed. Pr ior it ies It is important to invest in the activities that will bring the most benefit and the greatest results. There are four proven practices on which you should focus your time and allocate your volunteer resources: -
Increasing participant engagement, especially teams: Teams raise 70% of AIM Walk revenue Encouraging peer-to-peer fundraising: Sending two or more emails to peers greatly increases donations Planning the day itself: Well-run events are enjoyable for all Finding sponsors: Allows more funds raised by participants to go to AIM?s mission
Su ggest ed Goals Sponsorships = $5,000 or more Cultivate relationships with local companies and secure monetary and in-kind donations in support of your AIM walk. Try to get at least one $5,000 sponsor! Participants = 150 or more Build participation and increase fundraising by 1) engaging and motivating past participants 2) recruiting new participants 3) maximizing team captain involvement
Teams drive 70% of Walk revenue!
Tips For Su ccessf u l Par t icipan t En gagem en t -
Review past participant list, and personally invite your community?s longest-participating people first Plan a kick-off coffee to re-engage and recruit team captains Welcome new team captains and returning captains to the walk through a phone call, email, or Facebook post Encourage returning team captains to grow their teams and work toward higher fundraising goals Assist participants with setting team and personal fundraising goals Encourage all participants to send multiple emails to their peers Celebrate accomplishments and milestones for participation and fundraising
st ep t h r ee SET THE BASICS The first thing you?ll do is work with AIM staff to decide your basics, starting with location and date. Find a date that works for you and your community. Be sure to consider religious holidays, other walks/fun runs, and highly visible local events.
Most cities have a park with the amenities we require: -
Parking Restrooms Shelter areas, preferably with picnic tables Accessibility for people with disabilities? parking, curb cuts, restrooms, etc. Electrical outlets Recognizable and convenient start/finish point Walker-friendly route
Secure items that are not available at the location facility, if needed, such as: -
Tents Staging Sound system Portable restrooms Tables Chairs PA system for music and start line ceremony
Logist ics Develop the walk route. It should start and stop at the same location; a continuous loop that is approximately two miles is ideal.
Plan the use of space. You?ll need areas for: -
Registration Refreshments Entertainment Information
Locat ion Diagr am Once you?ve selected your walk site, draw a simple location diagram of the walk and especially the staging area, so you can begin deciding the placement of equipment, supplies, and activities. Fill in details as the event nears. Share this diagram with your team.
Tim elin e Create a rough timeline for your event, beginning with set-up and ending with clean-up. Your timeline will help you see what needs to be done and when. As your event draws closer and you are able to fill in details, assign committee members and day of walk volunteers to tasks on the timeline. Share the timeline with your team.
Plan B Steps Against Melanoma walks are ?rain or shine? events so prepare a contingency plan for wet weather.
st ep f ou r COMPLETE PAPERWORK & ORDER MATERIALS All walks will require a certain amount of paper w or k , m at er ials, and fees. Please find out what is required for your site and work with AIM staff on these items, which might include: -
Parks & Recreation permit Permits needed for closing roads Police parade permit for town or city streets Security fees Rental fees Insurance
Tips f or Paper w or k an d Fees -
All contracts must be signed by an AIM at Melanoma staff member. Please complete all agreements or contracts with local information before submission to AIM staff, Cindy LeBlanc at Cindy@AIMatMelanoma.org for signature
AIM at Melanoma has a blanket insurance policy that covers all walk events. If your venue requests additionally insured status, please contact Cindy LeBlanc at Cindy@AIMatMelanoma.org
Expen ses AIM Walk expenses generally average 10% of gross income, but the lower the better. Expenses may include: -
Facility and permit fees Entertainment Photographer Emcee Event decorations and supplies Water, bananas, energy/protein bars
Bu dget It might be helpful to create a simple budget. Take all the expenses that you?ve noted and create the expense side of your budget. Estimate costs if you don?t have them. Total your tentative expenses. Look at your list and decide which items are potential for in-kind donations, such as photography, entertainment, and food and beverage items. A key goal for any fundraiser is to get as much donated to an event as possible. For facility and permit fees, a donation is unlikely, but consider every other expense as a potential donation! More on donations, below. Reim bu r sem en t an d Paym en t If reimbursement is expected, all purchases and financial commitments above $100 must be pre-approved by Cindy LeBlanc. To request reimbursement for walk expenses, please send reimbursement form and scanned receipts to Risa Salinas at Risa@AIMatMelanoma.org
If a vendor needs to be paid directly for pre-approved walk-related expenses, please send an email to Risa Salinas at Risa@AIMatMelanoma.org and include the invoice. To ensure timely payments, allow three weeks from the date of submitting the invoice for a vendor to receive a check.
M at er ials For consistency and efficiency, AIM orders and sends you almost everything you need for your Steps Against Melanoma walk. By ordering large quantities for all walks at once, we reduce costs, and more money can be directed to our mission. Orders are typically placed in February for spring dates and June for fall dates. Walk materials will include: -
AIM logo balloons, dog bandannas, tablecloths and decorations Children?s area supply including coloring sheets, crayons and novelty items First aid kit, zip ties, rope, packing tape, scissors, pens and sharpies Melanoma and sun safety educational materials Participant and Survivor T-shirts Promotional items from sponsors Recognition sashes for Honorees Registration waivers, envelopes, set up and volunteer instructions Steps Against Melanoma "In Honor " and "In Memory" of participant bibs Steps Against Melanoma banner and mission signage Steps Against Melanoma volunteer buttons Steps Against Melanoma Walk banner/signage
T-sh ir t s AIM Walk t-shirts have a unique design each year and are a fundraising incentive, unless otherwise stated, for our participants. They are a valuable tool to encourage and motivate participants to fundraise. An individual registered walker earns a t-shirt when his/her personal fundraising has reached $50. A team earns a t-shirt for every $50 it raises, not to exceed the number of registered members on the team. As you get closer to the event, you?ll order t-shirts from AIM, and we?ll send you more than enough to cover your needs.
Br an din g Your local AIM Walk is one of more than 20 Steps Against Melanoma walks across the United States each year. As a walk coordinator you are a steward of AIM at Melanoma and Steps Against Melanoma walks brand, and it is important that we maintain consistent use of our brand.
Unless partnering with another organization, your walk is an Steps Against Melanoma walk. All official promotion in advertising and marketing materials must read: Steps Against Melanoma walk or AIM walk. If you decide to use Facebook and/or Twitter for your community, please follow AIM?s best practices and guidelines below. -
Walk coordinators are responsible for the content they publish on behalf of AIM at Melanoma and their community on any social media platform Coordinators may not post content that discloses any confidential information about melanoma patients All community social media accounts should be uniform, coordinated, and consistent
st ep f ive
Now that you?ve got the date, location, paperwork, and fees out of the way, it?s time for the f u n stuff. Decide what you think would best suit your community, the day, and the number of people you expect. Photo booth? Live band? Emcee? Kids game table?
En t er t ain m en t an d Act ivit ies Activities and entertainment create a family-friendly, festive experience. Whatever format you use to provide this element of your event, it is essential to have a good sound system at the start/finish area during your walk.
Create a friendly environment for participants of all ages with activities such as hula hoops, sidewalk chalk, and jump ropes. Or put together an activity table with stickers, coloring sheets, and temporary tattoos. Or both!
Finally, work with AIM staff to develop the details of your Start Line Ceremony.
Ph ot ogr aph y Capture the event and recognize volunteers, teams, top fundraisers, and other participants.
Ref r esh m en t s Snacks and beverages are an important part of welcoming participants and looking out for their health and well-being. Keep refreshments simple. We recommend plenty of water, bananas, and protein bars.
M edia Reach out to local media. Please note: It may take some time and commitment to make a connection with a news outlet and share your story, but AIM has several tools to help, such as customized press release templates and the Steps Against Melanoma walks logo. Edu cat ion an d Su ppor t The walk is a great opportunity for the local community to learn information about AIM symposiums, peer support, awareness, and advocacy efforts. Seek opportunities at the walk to distribute and display AIM at Melanoma information. Aw ar ds an d Recogn it ion Fundraising is essential to the success of Steps Against Melanoma walks, so recognizing people is important, both during the planning process and at the event itself. Consider recognizing fundraisers in the weeks leading up to the event and on the actual walk day: -
Top fundraisers Top fundraising teams Best team t-shirt Best team name Largest team Oldest / youngest participants
st ep six GET YOUR SPONSORS Spon sor s are an important part of Steps Against Melanoma walks and reaching your fundraising goal. These gifts are generally substantial? at least $500 in value? and the donor is given special recognition as an event sponsor. A sponsorship can be a financial donation or a gift-in-kind, which is a product or service. Th e Nu m ber On e Ru le in Fu n dr aisin g: ASK! Asking businesses, foundations, and organizations to sponsor your event is critical. If you aren?t comfortable asking, that?s okay. Just make sure you have someone on your committee who is. Work with your committee and AIM staff to brainstorm a list of local businesses that you will ask. Determine if you will ask for an in-kind donation (water; energy bars; photography services) or cash. Decide how much product or cash you will ask for. AIM has templates available for letters to businesses, etc., to make this step as easy as possible for you. Whether it?s you or a committee member who is asking, please know there are many reasons why businesses might provide financial or in-kind support for Steps Against Melanoma walks: -
To support a cause that has a personal connection for themselves or someone they know To increase awareness of their company or product, especially if they have sampling opportunities at the event To promote a product or service that fits within the lifestyle or health needs of a melanoma or dermatology patient or family member To promote a product that relates to general exercise To show that they?re an active and caring part of their community To support you, because you are a frequent customer of theirs
You won?t know if they?re interested unless you ask! Tip: Be sure to reach out to local hospitals, clinics, dermatologists, oncologists, and anyone else that cares for those with melanoma or skin cancer. They are often eager to participate.
Follow your letter with a call and meet with potential sponsors to discuss opportunities for support. You?ll be surprised at how many people are eager to get involved.
When they say ?YES,? get a commitment! Have the sponsor complete the Sponsorship Agreement Form (online or print copy) and follow the instructions to submit the electronic file of their logo. A vector-based eps file is usually needed if logo recognition is among the benefits they receive.
Tip: We recommend the following items be donated for every AIM walk: -
Sunscreen (we?ll help you get it) Water Energy or protein bars Bananas
st ep seven
Every walk coordinator we talk with wants to increase the number of participants at their event. Whether you have 50 or 500 participants, it is important to continue nurturing relationships with past walk participants and to r ecr u it new participants. Each year will bring some change to your list of faithful walkers ? health concerns, family events, vacations, etc. En gagin g new teams and individual participants will be an important part of creating an event with energy and reaching your fundraising goal. En cou r agin g all walkers? returning and new? is key! Role M odel Be the first to register for your walk and set up your team and personal fundraising webpage. You are the role model! Then ask your committee and volunteers to do the same. Past Walk er s It is always going to be easier to get someone to come back to your Walk than it is to find a new participant. In addition, returning walkers tend to raise more money. Use your committee to contact as many past walkers/teams as you can: -
Thank them for their past participation Recognize their past contributions to the Walk Invite them to participate again this year and make sure they can register online Encourage individuals to raise as much as they can Encourage teams to add new members this year or to challenge another team in fundraising Keep in contact with your top participants through personal emails and recognize milestones in their success through email and on social media
New Walk er s We all want to believe that if we had billboards or commercials on television, people would flock to our event. But the right participants for our walks care about the melanoma community and helping us fund our mission. As we grow our local Steps Against Melanoma walks, we want to engage community members who are close to the cause. Most participants at fundraising events attend because either they or someone they know is affected by the disease and they were asked. Recruit new participants from: -
Dermatology offices Oncology offices Sponsoring businesses Related businesses, such as sporting goods stores, skin care spas, and nearby lunch or snack venues Team captains?offices
Team s A few strong team captains can multiply into dozens of new participants. Spend time building the relationships that already exist and seeking new teams: -
Invite previous team captains to join the walk again this year Encourage your committee and volunteers to each form a team Encourage past individual walkers to upgrade to a team captain and bring their friends, family, and co-workers Encourage sponsors to form a team from their office or business Reach out to the healthcare community? ask every dermatology and oncology office in your area to form or join a team
70% of w al k r ev en u e com es f r om t eam s. Tr eat t h em w el l ! Tips for encouraging teams: -
Organize volunteers to make welcome calls to all team captains as they register Stay in communication with your team captains and share successes both personally and publicly Ask the teams to create their own team t-shirts to let their team pride shine Ask the captain of the top fundraising team to lead the walk
Con t est s Contests are a fun way to encourage fundraising at your AIM walk. You can come up with any contest that fits your community, but an easy example is a Money for Melanoma Kid?s Contest. Ask children 12 and under via pre-walk emails/postings to raise and collect pocket change and bring it to the walk to donate. The kid(s) who donates the most money can win a prize (inexpensive items like candy, stickers, or small stuffed animals are appropriate). Other contest ideas: "Most Creative Team Name? or the ?Largest Team,? both of which promote the team concept, create enthusiasm and appreciation for the team?s involvement, and encourage others to form a team the following years.
ORGANIZE YOUR MATERIALS In the days leading up to your walk, or gan ize ever yt h in g you need for the walk. Put the following items into a binder or other easily accessible location: -
Timeline Location diagram Permits Phone numbers Directions to a local hospital
Pr in t ou t t h e f u n dr aisin g/ ch eck -in r epor t that AIM will email to you the day before your walk. Please print several copies and bring with you. You'll use this report to see who is leading the fundraising? both individuals and teams? and create signs for the walk route to celebrate their accomplishments. You'll also use this report to check participants in. Pr in t ou t a t -sh ir t r epor t that AIM will also email you a few days before your walk. You'll use this report to organize shirts for all walkers and teams that qualify. (Reminder: An individual registered walker earns a t-shirt when his/her personal fundraising has reached $50. The team earns a t-shirt for every $50 it raises, not to exceed the number of registered members on the team.) Br in g ext r a sh ir t s in all sizes for those who qualify on the day of the event and bring copies of the t-shirt report. Or gan ize you r su pplies by the area where they will be used and make sure the containers are clearly labeled so volunteers can easily identify the contents. Make sure to print and bring copies of your alphabetical check-in list for use at the check-in table. M ak e su r e you h ave you r Fir st Aid Kit .
st ep t w o
You and your volunteers should ar r ive two hours before registration opens to set u p your walk and review the registration process with volunteers. The key to a smooth set up is having organized supplies and a clear plan. Make sure every team member has a copy of the timeline, layout diagram, and alphabetical check-in report. Have a pair of volunteers place signs and hang banners right away so volunteers still arriving can find the location easily. Pairs/teams should then begin working on other key areas: -
Marking the walk path with signs and directional arrows Setting up registration Setting up the sound system, then playing music and making announcements Blowing up balloons Setting up refreshment and activity areas
Ch eck -In an d Regist r at ion The ease with which walkers can check-in and register sets the tone for the event: Make registration a user-friendly process. -
Set up registration so it is the first place participants encounter as they arrive Clearly mark which table is for pre-registered walkers, and which table is for day-of registrants Have work tables with registration/donation envelopes, pens, and calculators available at the first stop Assign friendly greeters to help answer questions and direct walkers Assign volunteers to work in pairs: One accepts the registration/donation envelope, takes the waiver, and gives the person a t-shirt (if they've raised at least $50); the other checks the person in Set up the t-shirt table behind the registration/check in tables so t-shirts are within reach of the those working check-in
st ep t h r ee
Your walk st ar t s when the first non-volunteer arrives. Participants will look for your signage to guide them to the check-in table or the registration table, where they will complete the appropriate paperwork process. In all cases, be sure the participant has signed the registration form, given name/email, and signed photo/insurance waiver. At check-in, recognize those who brought additional donations by making noise (e.g. bells, whistles, clapping, DJannouncements) to celebrate their accomplishments. M on ey Envelopes should labeled and donations placed inside the envelope by the participant, and the envelope should be sealed by the participant and remain sealed. Once check-in and registration close, put all donation envelopes, registration envelopes, and check-in forms in the FedEx envelope provided by AIM in your registration supply box. T-Sh ir t s -
Individuals: Find the participant?s name on the t-shirt report, check name off the list, and give the shirt. If a participant turns in $50.00 or more on the day of the walk, gladly hand him a shirt. Team Captains: Find the team on the t-shirt report and hand shirts with the attached list to the captain. Team Members: Direct them to their team captain to receive their shirts.
If you run out of a size, write the participant?s name, address, and size on the t-shirt redemption form. Place the t-shirt redemption forms in the FedEx envelope noted above. AIM staff will mail shirts directly to those who earned a shirt but didn?t receive one.
Alw ays give a par t icipan t a sh ir t if t h e per son believes h e/ sh e ear n ed it
St ar t Lin e Cer em on y The start of an AIM Walk is one time when hundreds of people are assembled to hear our message. We need to make the most of this opportunity and put forth a strong, compelling, consistent message. -
Use the script provided by AIM at Melanoma to help keep the start line ceremony short, meaningful, and focused on important information A great addition to this script is to have an honoree tell her personal story Adding a 3-5-minute warm up stretch is fun just prior to walking (think one song) The ceremony should be no more than 12 minutes from start to finish Recognize top fundraisers and teams at the start line ceremony
Fin ish Lin e Crossing the finish line should be a joyous occasion. Each walker should feel a sense of accomplishment when they cross it. Have people cheer and celebrate as walkers cross the line. Recogn it ion an d Aw ar ds Make it fun! Thank everyone and focus on fundraising. Remind everyone that their hard work has raised important funds for AIM?s mission to fund research to find the cure of melanoma and improve the lives of those it affects. M edical Em er gen cies an d Issu es If you have an emergency at your walk, call 911 and handle the immediate needs. For non-emergencies, use your First Aid kit and local hospital information as needed. Clean Up Please leave your site as you found it.
st ep on e
TAKE A DEEP BREATH! Tak e a deep br eat h an d pat you r self on t h e back . Th in k abou t w h at an am azin g accom plish m en t you h ave ach ieved an d h ow you ?ve h elped f u n d ou r m ission t o f igh t m elan om a.
Th an k you .
st ep t w o
Use the FedEx envelope we supply to sen d u s f u n ds an d paper w or k . Put all of the following into the FedEx envelope: -
All checks, credit card information and cash Walk donation envelopes Registration forms Check-in forms T-shirt redemption forms
Please do n ot mail us coins; instead, convert coins to a cashier ?s check and send the check to AIM with your other walk day money. Attach the shipping label (supplied by AIM), and drop off the pre-addressed, postage paid FedEx envelope to the AIM at Melanoma Foundation at any FedEx location or drop box within two days of the walk. We want to get donations entered and credited to your walk quickly, so sending your FedEx envelope immediately after the event is critical.
st ep t h r ee SEND OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION A few days after the walk, once you have time to go through paperwork, please sen d us the following: -
Reimbursement forms and receipts for expenses The information for all those who made in-kind donations The information for all those who were sponsors Any other notes or other information you think we should have
Tip: It is important that you provide us with the most complete information possible about donations and their donors so that we can credit your walk, thank donors for their gifts, and record their information in our accounting system.
Th an k you .
st ep f ou r
Th an k ever yon e who helped the walk succeed, including: -
Sponsors Team captains Lead fundraisers Committee members Volunteers
Whether you send a personal letter, make a phone call, send an email, or post on social media, we urge you to thank everyone who contributed time, money, or effort to your walk. For many people, whether and how they are thanked will determine their participation in the following year ?s event. Th an k YOU. We ar e t h r illed t o h ave you as a Walk Coor din at or . Please let u s k n ow h ow w e can h elp you pu t on t h e best even t possible.
Th an k you .
P.S. Th e Legal St u f f Con f iden t ialit y Volunteers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all proprietary or privileged information to which they are exposed while serving as a volunteer, whether this information involves staff, volunteers, vendors, or any other person or entity. Con f lict of In t er est No volunteer for AIM at Melanoma shall derive any personal profit or gain, directly or indirectly, by reason of his or her volunteer activities with the organization. Copyr igh t / Ow n er sh ip Material produced by volunteers for AIM at Melanoma, including graphics materials, webpage designs, newsletter designs, special event logos and themes, etc. becomes the property of AIM at Melanoma upon submission. Dat abase AIM at Melanoma maintains a confidential and proprietary database of constituents, whereby information is disseminated, contributions are solicited, advocacy is generated, and overall support is enhanced. The database may not be used for any other purpose. Repr esen t in g t h e AIM at M elan om a Fou n dat ion Prior to any action or statement which might significantly affect or obligate AIM, volunteers should seek prior consultation and approval from an AIM staff member. Only AIM at Melanoma staff are authorized to sign contracts.