Monse digital look book amy wilkinson 15100192 fashion coms

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Monse Spring/Summer 18 theme was backto-school, with collegiate sport references offering a solid, steady lens through filters on the brand’s signatures and hit on retailer bating trends. Chiced-up track pants, riffs on varsity jackets and twisted Oxford shirting abounded.




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Inspiration Idea’s




he main objective of this assignment is to look at a designer who showcased at Fashion Week for Spring/Summer 2018 and to create promotional material for the chosen brand and the ways on how to improve it and also to explain how I was going to do this. Throughout my research looking into various designers S/S18 collection, I decided to choose the designer Monse after carefully considering the options that I can go into. After looking into all the department's at the designers collections and their reasons behind their inspirations into how they got to their collections it really inspired me which made me want to read more about all the brands inspirations. After looking into Monses inspirations behind their Sping/Summer 2018 collection with peppy stars and stripes and the red-white-and-blue colours linking it to the american colour theme. The actual boarder theme was back-to-school, with collegiate sport references offering solid, steady colours, chilled up track pants, riffs on varsity jackets and twisted oxford shirting.

ext step was to create a moodboard concept on the chosen designer in which case mine was Monse and presenting my promotional material ideas. This was for the formative submission to show my tutor my idea’s and concepts on how I was going to improve the brands promotional methods and how I was going to plan do this. During this process I had a clear perspective to how I was going to take inspiration from the brands Spring/Summer 2018 collection and link it with my concept. After narrowing the brands research down I found that they were taking most of their inspirations from american themed colours, peppy stars, stripes and aspects of sport, bold and blocked colours. I then took this research into looking for more primary and secondary sources to link it with my concept.

he assignment briefing is also a digital online submission so as well as taking into consideration a new promotional material for Monse I also had to consider how I wanted to submit and present my work online. During my research process I had gathered idea’s and made mopboards on how I wanted to expand and improve Monses digital promotional material but was still unsure on the layout of presenting it. Once I had had a meeting with my tutor Helen and showcasing my idea’s and preparations that I had, she then helped me consider options on how I can digitally submit my work and to expand further on my idea’s.

aving looked into the brands online traffic strategy’s with only 111k Instagram followers and no Twitter account Monse are a brand who like to keep most logistics and statistics to themselves, this is also showing the brands social media and digital platform very weak compared to other brands. With their online presence being so weak this could be a reason consumers don't know much about them as they lack online promotional material. Therefore, this is why I decided to choose to improve Monse’s online social media by doing a digital look-book campaign thats accessible for online use only. According to, 2017 “Not only can fashion digital marketing improve brand presence and sales, it can increase brand awareness, and is easily trackable so that you can get immediate feedback and determine if a campaign is working.” For example this is another way on how I can improve the brands promotional material, in order to do this I have decided to create a street style campaign based from the brands Spring/Summer 2018 collection featured at Fashion Week 2018.

he goal of this styling campaign is for the brand to pitch a whole new online platform, targeting more consumers, and boosting more social media channels and followers. The brand doesn’t do collaborations with any fashion bloggers, which could be one reason why the brands social media is lacking compared to other designers who are using various bloggers and celebrities to endorse their social media traffic and boost sales. Statistics show 59% of influencers believe Instagram to be the most effective social media platform for engaging their target audience and boosting sales (Influencer Marketing Hub, 2017). This is another example on how influencers are helping boost brands sales and social media traffic. Having previous researched into Monse’s social media I found they only use Instagram as a social media platform. After considering the options I can expand on the the brands promotional platform, I decided a digital campaign for Monse will help the brands online material, social media and traffic boost. Along side of this I wanted to introduce a street style campaign which will be a blogger styled digital campaign which will also help the brand to interact with bloggers on Instagram more which in turn will promote the brands digital online strategy. Another endorsement by doing a digital campaign is helping the brands target audience as mentioned previously the brand doesn't use fashion influencers which isn’t helping the brand promote or boost themselves to the full amount. By doing this campaign it will allow fashion bloggers to participate in doing street style images for Monse’s Instagram and then can lead to further collaborations which will boost the brands sales.

uring my primary and secondary research I started to look at locations on how/where I was going to do my campaign shoot, I decided to look into sports halls and street style locations to link my brand and concept together. After doing this I also took images from my primary and secondary sources to use on my lookbook pages as backgrounds as I couldn't get access to a sports hall for the campaign shoot. However I had already decided where I wanted my street style shoot from after looking at the brands Instagram and already noticing a lot of the brands campaign imagery being shot outside in the city with roadworks and busy streets. I thought this would link well with my campaign by already taking inspiration from the brands Instagram. However, if I was to do this process again I would try and find a sports hall location as the brands Spring/Summer 2018 catwalk show was based in a basketball sports hall. I felt this could of been used to develop my primary and secondary source research further as due to limited time I struggled finding somewhere that would let me use it for a shoot location.

fter taking into consideration the weather and location of my shoot. I then started to piece together my styling concepts that would suit the brands Spring/Summer 2018 collection. During my process of this I found I already had a key eye for styling as this is my current job role and something I love doing. When putting the styling together for the look-book I felt confident and strong on doing this as styling is one of my strengths and I hope that shows in the photos. The main concept for this campaign was to keep the theme similar to Monse’s S/ S18 collection, in order to do this I took the brands story theme with american colour themed pallet with blue, red, white and tones of checks and stripes. When looking into sourcing the outfits I found I already had a wardrobe coloured themed with the same tones and prints so sourcing the clothing for the shoot was easy as I had these close to hand.

o conclude the assignment I believe that this journey and the process of the brief has been a great help and enjoyable to do and has really helped me with my portfolio work for industry. I feel it has really helped me as this is an area I want to go into and I have also learnt area’s that I can improve in for the future and any upcoming assignments with briefs that are similar. If I was to do this assignment again I would consider more time and preparation for the location of my shoot, as I had stronger ideas linking to the brand that would of worked better for my campaign. I would have also sourced models earlier as I originally had an idea with two models but could only manage to source one model. However, with all that in mind it still worked well but I do feel its something I could further expand on for future reference and definitely in industry.


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