INNOVATION LAB Creativity is our project’s mainstream. According to that, there are some theories which underlines its importance. It’s easy to say that we need to be creative as a teacher but how do we get this skill? The concept of creativity in schools is still quite empty, and there is a growing need to find more democratic and collective organizational structures facilitating creativity and peer learning. Furthermore, most educational studies on creativity have up until now concentrated on explaining the relation between teaching and creativity and in this context, learning very often remains as a secondary concept (Torrance, 1972; Hannessey & Amabile, 1987; Fasko, 2000-2001). Our goal is to be creative with the pupils, we want to make them aware about the importance of being and working as a group, and to help the others and let the others help you without taking into account who are them. ·
‘To achieve the goal of promoting creativity in education there are two issues that require attention: on the one hand what creativity means to teachers, and on the other hand their actual practices to facilitate creativity in the classroom’ (Cheung, 2012, p. 43). So we are going to work on that. Think about what creativity means to us and how we can practice to make creativity easier in their class. For us creativity is the skill to make things better in a different and innovative way. Therefore, we want to put in practice an activity to facilitate the relationship between the pupils in the classroom in a creative way. But as stated by Bilton (2007, p. 39): ‘Creativity is better understood as a process rather than as an individual trait – something we do, rather than something we have’. But we think that this could be the start of a change regarding the gender separation and concerning the school architecture. On the other hand, we have another type of theories that emphasizes the significance of making a project. Regarding Dr. John L Taylor’s text, every project has to be focused in a clear direction, coherently, with a central objective and be based in a real need. For instance, our project is focused on student`s needs, specifically, in fourteen years old teenagers from a Danish school. First of all, it is advisable to start the project with vague ideas about what are we trying to achieve, asking ourselves about the real needs of the students. In that way, after having done a brainstorming of ideas, we will finally suggest a project which fits best with those needs.
After that, we should begin gathering information from several resources in order to compare it and take the one that fits best with our needs. In our project, we have had interviewed the English teacher of these group, who has explained us the relationship between girls and boys, search information on the internet and visit the school, where we had the choice to observe an ordinary class and met them for the first time. That has given us the background for the final work. In addition, it would be recommendable to link sources in order to take into account all agents takin part as pupils, the teacher, the classroom, etc. Furthermore, as the text says, students really benefit from being given a different structure, giving them the opportunity to choose the way they are going to organize the work, present it. For example, even if we have a wide range of media resources, we finally decided to use a blog, which offers us the possibility to show our project step by step. Finally, we have to say that making a project helps you to develop expression, critical thinking and arguing skills, so we are learning that while doing the project.